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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1965
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January 28, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Publlshed in ctCTlr , tma tm m U.,q.A.', helton, Washin - con PAGE 13 i i ii u i,ml Jl ~ ,i ,.i m Jl I ,,=,. , ] ..... -,, t I I L Feb. 1; Grange Members Phn Activities ~. Ray Krateha i name unknown) and Linda Shin- baugh, Margaret Wilhu'dson, Opal )l] -- Southside PTO [ shack were visitors at the meeting Asehe and Margaret Asche at- 1 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. I4-H members discussed the party tending tile meeting. The club will Will be the guest speaker they had. meet Feb. 3 at ¥i Hushm's and tall on school savings. I New members of the Mill Creek will have a Valentine anlt hau(1- Lde Grange is having its]What Nots arc Kathy Biattcn, lccrchief exchange. dinner Jim. 31 at 4 p.m. Ben Williams, Gel~ald Williams Mr. and ]~lrs. Mike Kriefels and potluck and it is hoped and Shirley Williams, Mr. and family returned home Saturday be a large turnout. All Mrs. Kimbel are the two new lea-from Scott Air l~'orce Base, Ill., anning to attend contactders helpers and will help on where Mike has been stationed oz' Pauline Emslcy horses, wood-working and elec- witil the Air Force. Mike is the ad potluck, tricity. Mrs. Kimbel will help the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Krie- Grangers are ask- club with horses and Mr. Kimbel fels. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kriefels Feh. 3 aL Ihe lmme of Julia ]3are. The last meutinK was heht at Martha \,Vt)(>(!s last \VcdJlesday with Get|rude l~ains acting' as co- hos! ess. Busy Bells ,l.-tI club memhers taffy pull fro' 3an. 23 nt Dixie L't- t~'oll(l','~ ~Vt/S posll)oned. Tlmnd(,rbirds ,I-lt club memhers met at lhe h(mw of Cliff Rich- ards Wedncsdny evenin:~. 4-ll'evs Christmas pm'ty was ('ancelled on accoun| of SllO\V so tile Titllllder- /hc t);ml~ out of which they will purclmse their c.abin. Cliff Rick- ards gave a demonstration on a simple reeler. Club membels will have a ln'actice dell'lens| i'ation meeting Jan. 27 at Mrs. Sllydcr's at 7 p.m. (hwsls el' My, and Mrs. Tony h:riefcls Shell i and Cheryl ln}] Mr, and M~s. Mike Kricfels and f mily Smv~ kv were Mr. and Mrs. Lewi,,~ Kriefels and family of Bi'e- lllorloP,, ]V[r, nnd Mrs. Ted Ellis and family cf Puyaliup, Mr. and Mrs. .lira Tuck(~r and family of t~av:lloqd, John McGraw of Seattle Mikkelsen. :Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun, St(we and Kim spent the weekend at Siletz, Ore., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael and Shelley and also visited relatives. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krat- cha and Janice Sun(i~:LV were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimhah. Brownie Troop 109 met last Tuesday and the Brownie's nlade Crayc;n rubbings. The Broumics ha(1 zt spelling bee with botll sides tying. The girls a~e making large crayoll rul)bin~'s sit llonle, Sharoll Johnson brougl~t treais and Ks- the dance at Agate SouthSide Grangers are to help helton due to the damage f" caving in the roof and rages. permits Southside first and Second Degree travel Feb. 6 to Me- meet at the home Jr., Feb. 2. What Net's 4-II met last Wednesday for a reg~dar meet- Simpson, Victoria (last will help with woodworking and clcct~ |city. Mrs. Ben Drake, leader of the Mill Creek What Nots and Mrs. Simpson are working on Home Economics. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hardie's granddaughter Terry Hardie was in Mary Bridges Hospital in Ta- coma last week. Terry is the daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Lowell Hardie. Arcadia club met at Margaret i Asche's on Cole road last Wednes- i day with Vi Hasten, Wilma De- Long, Jenne Welander, friary A1- Baunsgard underground power line to the -- The biggest well, for just such an emergency, this week was it too was useless, because the home of Mr. and Mrs. burned to the 5 ,.m. Monday eve- to the north, Rassindale, opened "Mabel's and is on fire!" was, far beyond con- rst thought was that were visiting a what about their Cola ? they had taken her is a very frighten- Lg experience a home burn, and not a thing to stop it, that made it bear- mt withih~ minu{es of help, our neighbors there was no|h- was a great corn- them there. Mabel are now living in the guest house. They this opportunity to gratitude to all the have been so very e have discovered that fine place to be liv- are in need Of help. TWO things we this fire which we Pass on to any coun- First, you must have turn-off-value well Your house. By the the fire, the heat ense it was impossible the water. So our 500 tank soon last all although we led a separate • S©ienfist Sunday nature of love an a can reshape human brought out in Chris- churches this Sunday. "Love," and the I John (4:7,8) "Beloved, let r: for love in • He that loveth not God; for God in love." from "Sci- With Key to the Mary Baker Eddy men learn to love asking that we may never nmke us love longing to be better expressed In daily anti in striving to re of the divine char- and fashion us awake in His like- main switch out at the road kick- ed off. It was explained to us that this happened because the lead wires to the house were of the old fashioned heavy copper wire, rather than the safer new alumi- num iead-in wire, which flashes apart instead of burning when there is a short. Right here, We would like to express our gratitude to the PUD for the speed with which they repaired our line. Their Island rep- resentative, George Waite, came right over from the ferry and Cut the lines which were short- ing the telephone, called the PUD and they were here in less than an hour. Mrs. Gunnar Johnson reports that her mother, Mrs. Aina Ander- son, is recouperating nicely, and is staying with MPS. Marie Crouch. MR. AND MRS. T~D NESS came to the Island last weekend to inspect the marina. Also, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Doolittle visited their property at the north end. The I-Iarstine Island Ladies club will meet at 11 a•m. Feb. 4 at the home of Mrs. Jim McAuliffe. The meeting is scheduled for the earlier hour because Mrs. Jane Windsor will arrive on the 10:30 a.m. ferry. She will give a dem- onstration of oyster cookery, which we will sample for lunch- eon. Thursday evening a group of ~eighbors surprised M:rs. Raymond McCulloch with a birthday cake. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pridham, Mr. and Mrs, Nels Baunsgard, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goetsch, and Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Baunsgard. Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons Sunday afternoon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalande of Aberdeen. MR. AND MRS. J. BRIGNONE gave a party Saturday evening to celebrate his birthday• To help :him enjoy the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks, Mr. and Mrs. George Waite, Jr. and i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Seward. and family on their way home birds will have a Malentine's par- stopped and visited Mr, and Mrs. ty with the Southside Eagles. 4-H Tony Kriefels Jr., of Costa Mes'L members (li~'~eu:~cd the purchase of Calif. their cnhin at camp. The treas- FRIEND,~IIIP CLUB will meet urcr reports they have $40.94 in an,.t Mr. nnd Mrs, Ibm Freeman thy Mercer w[ls absent. and family of Lost Lake, ..................................... VISITING MB. AND ~IBS. Ray Stop siKns all say the same thing Krateha and Janice S;~tm'dn.~ af .... "STOP"--whelher another vc- ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Max hicle is coming or not. U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice , Leg of Lamb Ib U.S. Choice Lamb SHOULDER ROAST ............ lb. ~,~¢ U.S. Choice Lamb Blade Cut I~ SHOULDER STEAKS ..... ,::.~ Ib. U.S. Choice Lamb 85¢ RIB CHOPS ............................ Ib, U.S, Choice Lamb LOIN CHOPS ........................ lb. ~O¢ U.S, Choice F,or Braising or 19¢ Stewing - Breast of Lamb .... lb. Spare Ribs F r.h Small Size ........................ lb.49* Sliced Bacon sw,,,,s Premium or Tradewell .: ...................... lb. 65¢ Per Chops H,grade F,es, a Smoked .................................. lb. Beef or Vea S|eaks C,anc,'s + oz pkg of ,o ............ 89¢ Breaded Veal Steaks Clancy's 15 oz. pkg ......... ~li llMUlg~lU~il~% 15 oz. pkg ..................... 59¢ • ., Finest Mdd Ghee::e Oua,,ty ............................ pkg. 59+¢ FULL OUT i I I I I LOW ¢05T NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING ~ Ill mn Ib U.S, Choice BONELESS Sirloin Tip or Bottom Round Ib U.S.D.A. Choice Bone-in Cut Ib Doz. Ctn. Nalley's 3 LUMBERJACK SYRUP ................................ 21 oz. Btls. for ! During the recent high tides, Van Camp's the roads approaching the ferry PORK & BEANS -- Serve with Wieners ........ 21/2 Tin 4 for i landing on the mainland were Kellogg's 3 covered wiLh a foot of salt water.FRUIT LOOPS ................................................ 7 oz. pkg. for We have been told that the coun-Kellogg's ty .is to impz~ve ~the Piclcering SUGAR STARS .................................................... 8 oz. pkg.~ for Passage z~td in the near future, and we hope the Engineer real|z- Kellogg's es our problem, and will raise SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES ........................ 10 oz, pkg. for the roadway at the ferry landing Kellogg's by at least two feet. SUGAR SMACKS ...................... : ..................... 9 oz. pkg. ~I foe Due to yet another power out- age this weekend, we are writing this by candlelight, so please ex- cuse any shortcomings. Bradley Frozen FRUIT & BERRY PIES -- 4 Varieties ........ 24 ,oz. Size 2 for ~NOBOY Frozen 5 FRENCH FRIES --- Reg. or Crinkle Cut .... 9 oz. pkg. for SNOBOY Frozen CAULIFLOWER ............................................ 10 oz. pkg. 4 for ~NOBOY FROZEN BROCCOLI SPEARS .................................... 10 oz. pkg. 4 ,o~ & W 3 Sieve SWEg'I" PEAS ....................................................... 303 Tin 4 for Standby's Finest TOMATO CATSUP ............................................ 14 oz. Btl. 5 for White Star Chunk Style TUNA FISH ..................... No. I/'2 Tin 3 for Darlgold EVAPORATED, MILK .......... , .......................... No. Y2 Tin 6 for LibbYql VIENNA ~AUSAGE ........................................ 4 oz. Size 4 for i~lbby's RUlT COCKTAIL ................................................ 303 Tin 4 for Frlskles DOG FOOD -- Reg. or Liver Flavor ........ 15y2 oz. pkg. q~ for Prices effective thru this Saturday it t t | ¢ 10 rolls County Fair GRADE "AA" BLUE BONNET CRISCO (8¢ off label) - Tradewell 3-lb. Tin 59¢ lb. Tin Reg. 9S¢ I[ X AHTAClO 12 oz. Reg. $1.49 '1,04 TUMS 3 Rolls Reg. 30¢ ¢ Reg. $1.49 SQUIBB VIGRAN 30 Free with bottle of 100 Reg. 98¢ PHABMACY 426-3327 | BANQUET - Choice of Varieties 11 oz. Size OZEN DIHltERS Fresh-n-Crisp Solid Head • ":~ E TUCE+....+.e~. Large Size Green Peppers..,. ea. lOc Long Green Slicing Ououmbers,. ea. IOc C 15 Prices effective thru Sat., Jan. 30, 1965. No sale to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer, Red Ripe Cherry Te a oos., ea, 29c !]1