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3anuary 196 ¸
LTON--MAfl0N JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Ltions Legal Publicatio.,-' --- .... Legal Publications cations i i Dairy Princess To Be
Has¢ . . Gu t At PCA Meeting
NO. 3o46 NO'FICF OF %VA'I'I':I~ ]IIGIIT NItI,;I,~ON ('EMI,;TI':ItY ('ALl, FOR ]III)N , :NOTICE , EB~'~[
'EARING ON ]qNAI Ai'I'I ICATION ~/O 188,2 A/~OCIATION Mason County Highway l)epartment ' NOTICI~ IS I-IEI~.EI]Y GIVEN tlmt .,
i i , . nishin - th( M' s m o n W- *' o ....... I?,) 'd of D r,e's f S ut Is de S(hool ~ L
, Del,a,'t,nent with one (1) new ,,,• ncw I p'smet No. 4., Mas,,n c,,unty, Wasl!- ~|ll r_
• de nqt' In' 11 eY l)•t( .,. ~ ~ , ulgton fn" deity ry *s sorn as posm- ~'~ ~ ~ ~ Dairy Princess will be an honored
,,If,(:(, 'of lho. lqas(n'l "Coullly 'C,;n~n;is- Ibl .... )1 ,me 1,'lily-live passenger con- .
' ' • s on. 's n tim Com'tll(us~, Shcllon ventional type SCllool bus to be At a nleetlng of the Southwest Gruenfeld said his company gtlest and will appeal" on the pro-
i ~V'lu]l ngton tlnlil 11 '90 A M ~iOlltiay' cqu PI: d Is f)ll)ws Wasl,~..~,,,, o~,,,,~,-,, ,.,e 4, ~ lnaintains a "neutral" position on gl'anl at
the 31st Anntlal Stock-
i ¢ ' ( ~ ~ . ' '' , J ' • ~ * (,) ' ~ lll/~ t, Ull ~'II¢llJt~£ (IL tile ,oOll-
• . February 8. 1.I6o. Spcclf cations and Szx Cshnder - 2J~. Cu. In. - Engule . ' , '#
' " i P' )p )s t F) • s ~ ire avqilable. ,'it tile. I .1~ 000 g ¥ W R{lt ng ety.of Anlerman Foresters. . held the. export msue,, and tllat it ex- holder's Meeting of the Southwest
Mason C,,unty Engmem"Ss Offi:e. I .1'@!!0 !b.. u ,, . *.R"Ur ~:x'n'mgs .... ill Aberdemt. .... last Friday.., 150, mere- POtl li~ ~l/~)i~:/~t °ln2Y- ~I~oS;':U~tetiha~ Washington Production Cl'edtt A.
The Co/rely .r.. erves tile mght to re- I 7 ()(Ill lb Front Axh, bers and guests heard a panel ..... ~4 ~ L' ~ .. . , , . ,.
~(;:ity at~'Y an~d;alldb'l~d'n(lmt~, ;'~fllt ] a.b00 lb. Front Springs discussion on the. controvcrsial about exporting :five pe,' cent ot socmhon, Saturda.3, Jan. 30. Iho
l E 'F ~ '''" ~' t~g Oils It) tilt COUllly ] , ..... subJcctof 10~ ex ort:s and lhe our total log output (in western mceting will he held at the Che-
i¢ of the'~tbCo've ~entltled and bcauiifh,a{i,,n; tirol {'h'e'ai)l,l'ox- " ....... i728" l.t ....... A te,'nat)' )f n ,t less th/~ 60 an)- . • ,.
~'~ ' ~ • ,,e,'es. . . • P . Oregon and \Vashington) when halls W. F. West High School.
tal ret)ort nnd ~)~:{lttdn imate point of diversion is located .............. I)ATED tins 25til day of January, J Six 8.25-20 /10PR Tubed Tires & BattelleRepmt in paltlcular. Tile }rOll look at tile sit/lation as a Eugene E Taylor President ,~¢
0~116,n::¢:~_ N DV EW--- bea~n asl~ n ~ t/'~e- et~ u i.'{ "-t~ N o~private ele.] [/ Devereux"/withn price North.a S0 N'ni $6,80o. $s,500 CALL on (This S':t' Bank ot US works ternls NW;i iF°Ut of and YOU I|j||1 ance FHAwANT and appraised and location, equipment. N o'r I C 1.1 ACTION price. ComeThese see! Why kind not proceed Range "5' 19('SADO;tOTAL "'•" TED toW:W:M: ~-- -- sell his 25th day of Janualy at public: auct'$ 400.0019 '" | N m-t h -a o~" ~'e~{on7 - || ]Douglas Fir/,/.~ ~ ~ ~m and 11,000 I)~ ~ ' ~ ":'- ~|d ~111] ~~ ~aornmgWors p ~|ae~a! ~~ ru~lli}~tLlons ....
-'. Disc Wheels Stlldy whiell prod~ ced the ]'eport
aPl)rove sa']d finai re~ort Oove,'nment Lots 1 and 2 of Secih)n (ll," l~Iason Collnty Co)muissioners I 12 Volt l~attm'y, not less than 70 W'/s made bv I)r V/ IIadler Fisher whole lKowever it does have an tile ;Cso- --" ~ " "" - ?• .... "J"
a for distribution to "'(its- 20, Township 2a N., Range 3 W.W.M., (IVIL REIIVICI,: I,:XAMINATION ]-.'Y: C. N(ILAN MASON mnperos ~' .. " .... effect" on" local economies' ' such as in- aN.]wil, t;l~lLIOnst"-" rS~ll(l.... [nat tlle;.nlee[-
. Prop(rty to the' nersons m Mason County. Appl (alton;: f r I )s l n of llatrol- (?lerk of the 13cardo ,) , I ltydraulic Brakes or ule Br}ttclle~ • h~stm~t% at" ' •- the ....... g t . art x~ 1in regmtratmn at
,tied and to discl'lat~ge'tlle An.',' ob.jections must l)e aeeornpan-man with ill,, Pcdice Department. of , 1/.8 ./4 2t 30 (]-albm Ftlcl q-'tnk ,'eqllest o1[ State Lalld ~onllnis-GI'I:Yr2s I'1~)~'bl~llgS • t:t~, sold that 11.:00 a.nl., hlnch at 11oon, ~'ith eII-
atnx and Administratrix led by a two dollar l$2.00) recording tim City of Slmlhm will Im recmv~d ............ ~--- The bus must conform to Washinlv- si(fner Bert Cole ," . • s c( ~ p~Tny.s poucy tertainment provided by the Blaz-
annexed, fee and filed with the State Supervisor until 5:00 p.m. Friday, February ,), I ton State School Bus llegulatlons and .... to export its own tinlDer ano Cl Trio of Centlalia "'~ "'~--.~ .-"
IS FURTI-IE~ o_rxr~a that of Walor I~.es,mrces within thirty (30) 1965• 14xsminalion will be gwen at NO 8818 I Specifications effective January 1 ]V~enlbel's of tile panel inchlded " ' ~' • ." (~Ol|eg~. t~
,RI MMONS BY I I•i¢,IICATION1965 ' ' • - " supplmncnt it with public tinlbcr. 1 '00 p m followed by "~ busincs~
el)oft and n-'(i~i'~';, ~"~,,'~. ,ii,- days from F,q)ruary 4, 1965. Ill(! City Hall nt 7:00 p.m. Monday, , ~ ' ' " ' [ '' . Don Lee Fraser Departnlent of
Illbe llea~.d'~,~'~'~:~l(ia~y,~il'C Witness my hand and official seal Fonbrt~a!'y 8, 1965. • .... o' e .... IN TI/E SUIERIOR COURT OF TIIE Sealed bids will be receive) at the -- - - ~ ' -~- 7 ~ .-- • lIE "TIIREW VtrATIf, R'' on the meelAng. The meeting will adjourn
~,~ebruary 1965 at the hour tlfis lgth d iy ' Janul'y. 1965 ~-osmon requires mgn sCrUB ~ ~,~, STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR ]South~ide Scho~l office lUl to 8 p.m. ~aturat ~esourees. ~tate ol wash- old belief that Japan buys our al 'P00 )m One Director will
• ' . .... t .... be
"~l~nt~m foreltoon at tile M G WALKER ealion or equivawnt, .,~pp.~.I.... s MASON COUNTY ion February' 8th, 1965,'at'wtlich time ington, R. W. Middleton of An- logs and sells the hunber back to elected to fill the expiring term
ashi -~ Court Itouse ill State" Supervisor of Water avaihlble at Sheltml Police Department.
a nghm. 11esourc(;s. T4~ReGE}~ %iv~iE1~, ItS. Virtually all of Japans' hun- of "Cub" Bahnelli, a Chehalls
~s llth day of January 1/28 2./4 2t S~:vi(:~, Comndsslou ' 2t ber production is for its own use, dairyman. Hold-over Directors of
~tAof~l WAGENER ........ ~'---- 1/28 2/4' he said, and only a very small the Associai:ion include Eugene E.
lngtonlson County, Real Real Estate amount is exportcd to the U.S. Taylor of Shelton, E. 8. Bhulkin-
in the form of piano sounding ship of Ran(tle, Walter A. Jones
a Houston, Attorney for ~ ~L ~=~ ~=~ m= 8,. boards, toys, and guitars. Canada, of Ridgefield, and Albert Erickson
~, Angle Bldg., Sheldon, ~ ~ Am" . • on the other hand, does export of Oakville.
~' 1/14-21-28 3t [" "~ "~ ~ "~ ~ ~ "~ .1=- -~ lumber to the U.S., competing for ~------------------~
J / BI$SONIEREI . .... Japan is paynlg sucn nign prices if
0 A. ROY DOHN ® our eastern markois .....
Gruenfeld concluded by saying such a surplus does in fact exist.
that in nis personal opinion, more G&SKINS STA' e
.... . .... ~ED flatly that
i RealEs te [ 0DgWNMoNTH '1 eno tinlber could be harvested from he was ,,disaD~ointed,, in the re.
t'**~,,~** ta ~3000 federal lands, port. He said that it mixed scrib-
N[iddleton and Gaskins pulled ner and internation.~l lo~ ~
|||1~ nFlll q~lta [ FARM RIGHT IN TOWN [ Its a doll house. You l j y no punches., in attacking~ . the. find- m'ixed• "small". and' "integz~='ated ....
~11~112 ~1~],~!_|][* [ This farln won t last as the [ the comfy living room, 2 nice bed- ings of the report. M~ddleton said plants, Ignored plywood, and ig-
---- [ last one was listed on Wednes- [ rooms. ~:he kitchen has just had that his company would go int0 nored where the real "naarginal"
the expmtmg business ff ~t had m~
|U'" ~ [ day, sold on Friday• This is [ new formica counters installed and . " - 'lls were (the mills ill the inter-
i v..ER WANTED!! [ ] only ~./~ mile out of town. Has I it has been repalnted Inside and to, but his main concern was the ior of British Cohlmbia) In ad-
O0klng for someone bo | | 4 bedrooms, living room, sepa- I out. Better have a look. saving of, jobs. He said his corn- dition, he said that "Dr. Fisher
a.gtage of a good buy [ ] rate dining room, master bed- I pany can t meet Japanese prices, noted that there is two years' al-
'ail.er 3 bedroom home. I I room is extra large with slid- I WANT AN EXCLUSIVE and that it is consequml~ly get-llowable cut }ruder contract but
~ hsting is'located just | | ing glass d0oi's tO patio with an | ADDRESS? .ling the poorer logs• He ~onde.redi what he didn t .say is that 'there
from town on 3 lots. ] ] excellent view of your very own | Here's a home within your !f Japan would, keep on paymg lhas to be two years ,trader con-
,~ With double carport, I I 5 acres. Yes 5 acres, Every | budget and located among the nice nign prices tor logs once all the tract to et one ears c t
mills were out of business. ' When He further mentioned that in
"and concrete founda- [ [ room has been remodeled, ex- [ ones on Angleside. The Mrs. will • , g Y u .
~.~ a little nterior re- | | ceIlent location, Priced for $13,- | ore the convenlent spac BUS kitch- Japan drops the price and we are [ August, the Battelle Inst-itnlm
g is all that's needed. I | 500. Call Sue Daniels. I en with attached uOllty and half not here. to cut the logs., what are,, [.signed a contlact" with the Port
5~~ excellent buy for | I I bath. There will be plenty of room you going to do with the ~gs? , lof Olympia, the biggest log-ex-
l~ Cash preferred or | J ANOTHER NEW LISTING - I for dad too, in the extra large ne asked. 'The ~attelle r~eportlPort port in the No~"cl~west and
- Be arranged. ] ] LISTED ON MONDAY ] work-shop in the double garage or didn't mention the loss to the] asked if this was a "conflict of
! I Located on 2 Acres, excel- I while toasting hls feet before the state if the mills all go down. [interests".
• " / • Gaskms sazd that
kUE I lent view of Olympics, Bay, lots | raised heartfi fireplace. The 3 bed- If my grandfath6r had listened to In conclusion. ~ " "
. , ~ p eerves vet 1 .....
~0ur'~ ...... | of room to roam, paneled living | rooms will also give the kids some "Dr Fisher", we wouldn't the re oft d " " V tttl~
%. pportunny to .~et I room & kitchen both have view, | olentv of room Let's go have a have any mills here.' He said he [ consideration" in the determlna-
v OU " -- "
IS ~- y r nome .~.Uylng [ 2 bedrooms, tiled bath, full | look at this one before it gets had no objection to the exporting~ tion of forest management objec-
of sulplus logs, but x~ondeled wh~ hves on ubhc an,
Ith~r ~me,~it, ...... growlngWi!l provlaeana actlve!'°ts JJ agebasementin basement,With halfclosebath,to town,Gar" JJ away.. " . ~ ' •' '| ~' ~ p~ i ~ privato lands.
I ar~-~ " "e'°'r°°m" s: 'nv" I Attic has r°°m f°r 2 m°re bed" | TIME TO TRADE UP? I
llfui ~;n-' prett'y" '~Iz'cne'n | r°°ms all this f°r $I0'000" Can't | Mr" Dunn sez he'll take y°ur ]~
A ,_,.,u pracucal raml- I beat it Contact Sue Danie!s. I nronertv in trade for his lovely
a..d ,/2 too, ,?,u: I ....... I down~o~vn colonial home and make
dth i-.an~. garage. JUSt I FOR THE JUST MARRIED | a very good deal at that. The price
rr~s uw oown payment. I OR RETIRED COUPLE J here is $22,500 and it features I P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota llfllJll~%~k~-t~qk I
' I This is truly a dream home, |everything you could want. 3 spac- I SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1965 ~'¢~..~1~.~ # |
| large living room has beautiful | ious carpeted bedrooms, one has
s,~c,=,,,, I island fireplace separate din- I bath and very pretty dressing i 9:15 A.M.---Coffee Time ~ |/Y I
I ...... ='°''
act ......... [ ling room, compact and effmient ] room. There is also another full I 9:30 A.M.---Guest Speaker Bob Andrews ~~~/ [
I this~o~erie,are° ;aen° I I kitchen, large bedroom, recre- | bath plus another half bath. I I ,,u. of w. Campus Crusade" -- " ;'~_~'~,. |
Ible * ~ - out .ery ] I ation room with fireplace, large [ know you'll like the spacious liv- [ I0:00 A.M.---Topic--- ~.r~ i
~e ÷~. ~.eo.room..su?ur- ] [ lot 90', $13,200. FHA, $600 dn in room with its e e catchin
" '~[ Is iocatea ClOSe g Y g
re.ad'i'a .^.. "rh ...... I includes closing cos=. Ifireplace, the large dining room I POWER" --I
rult t ..... , ......]I Iand the excellent kitchen. There s
.... ~'=° ...... L T L T A " " "
beef or ~ ........ ~ .... II HI LCRES 0 FOR S LE I even a family room with fireplace |
~'anted i'nsi=d~e;vou"w~~ I I 6o x 100' Corner lot, excellent I and a full basement for storage, T
,,ry o: .... - _. , , view of Olymp,os $8OO 'etc Your oou,ty cou,d we,, make FIRS. BAPTIST GHUROH
.. uz iivlng-ammg I [*~o" nt Of course fl
~Y to w~.~ ;. ul+~.. I ,.,,,. down payme . , -
Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Oota
JUS'°r~% "'~:t $6a 950large ......... ..~ UtlUtyT::'~:" I MT" VIEW NEW & MODERN | nancing is als° available if Y°U, 3 lal'ge bedrooms, all p]aste~'-| don't want to trade. Be sure to ] ~ Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education ,
, WITh some [ [ ed, the dream :cliches will sell [ see it, SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1965 ~ N[ornlng Worship l i
I I this home, built ill appliances, I ,,tu ' "' ' ' " ' I Broadcast over II
• .- ~ I 1]/., baths, dining room, living ] WATERFRONT BEAUTY Shelton Washingtm~ ]trict, unless said award is delayed for ' " "
=.riD!! I room with fireplace, family I A matchless home ,on,y 2 miles .... 1/o8 2/4-11 9t |a period exceeding thh'ty (30) days. I _ u 9:30 A.M.--Sunday Schoo, i lano II
aey, too. This well-kept [ roomorden, double garage, ex- | from town. It's located on over ....... '2...... |JEFFERSON|F'ItINNONSCHOOLlY[STRICTNO'46]COUNTY.I [{~ and 7 _~mplete with We are Pleased !o announce lid Care Se Ice Available at 11:00 Servic6
"Ore ,.. u rage. Call to- ; , '~ ' :
~.." '"fOrmation. .= ~=... • ~ )p
,,e aun,.on o, THE., OH,R(},
oot a"s THODiST
;. ted in a at.r, kii g new DAO UAOUCV RockC°imn°nExcavauonEXCavati°n 4,500 ' 00 c.y.c'Y' |1/:- ............ _2_' ______ ' ..........
~"e ^~ uourban set OUO IrlMn|r-/ Gravel base 500 c.Y, |l No~, 4th and Pine StrJete
[¢1 an~eh:s,just been as a new salesman on rstaff ~!~'~:!!~S~a~:kliot~bdeI You Are Oordially 8:30andll:00a.m. WorshipServiees
~¢dIP~O'gm~";l~ bY?~ also tlons, for Road andl ltridge Con;true- || "~ • " 9:,5 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:~0 p,m. Youth Fellowsihp
tion as adopted )y Mason County II ~~ ! • /
Wth b ' beautlfu BE'IT Fua n R R SOb zD : li ill~l~ltH invltell
=,oso, u,,t.,, range. , t.ot " FIRS"/ '
f,ro: to Hear
=e Sldewal~ua_ ardwood who has been recuperating from a nearly fatal auto accident, foUows: " /I ~ ~ 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash.
"" eXtr a are In and " ~nglan~ringruction $ /I Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Chur~l 11 a.m.
~16,300 a large carport IS BACK ON THE JOB. Wednesday evening testimony meeting~ 8 p,m.
" ;~:~;:~l~'~'~o~;" /N£ DRnR ! O/QKI Reading room located in church. Readingroom hourS= tO
iLIE o publ,e ;,ocess,t. a.,I .le co,retell , p.m. =on. & Frt. Wed evening6:a.5 to 7:45.
AND AUTI:IORIZED {,:; report and |/
ALTY " ' .,,,,d En~,n,,e~ t~ *,~R~'~" OR*,E~EO"
proce.ed thareon as by law provided. |/ II wza ~ mm = ~ ,,
Dh ' nd I,~ 1965 [I mrs.r,orence v. mynerry, peaKer 130EasS LTON' ASSEMBLtoUF GODMsn [r¢
" ""~'~ 1~1 .''-"...o.d o~ o,.o~ oou.**. ,, ~uo~.,,o,oo o,...o, ~o~. ................................. ,,,..
MARTIN AUSETH' i: Conference Room, P.U.D. Budding Morn ng Worsh p . ,,.nn .'."
evenings: 426-6501 HARRY ELMLTYND Chnirman • •
• ............................................... vV ~'~* IV| I
426-6592 JOttN BARIEKMAN // Chrlst's Ambassadors ...................................................... 6:00 P.M,
Attest ' Eve o
c No{.. aso. /! Tuesday ning, Feb. - 8 p.m. Evangelistic Service ............................................................. 7:00 P M
~ierk of the'Board q * Wedne~d, ay - Family Night ................... 7'00 P'M"
1/28 lt/ ,, ,,