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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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',ast For "Mrs. Shelton High School's major theatrical production of the year will be "Mrs. Lincoln" by Thomas Cullinan. The play deals with Mrs. Lincoln's life in Bellvue Asylum after her husband's assassination. Set in 1875, the production is realistic and moving. "Mrs. Lincoln" was performed on Broadway in 1969. A particularly enthralling aspect of "Mrs. Lincoln" is the unusual special effects An eight minute motion picture sequence will be shown before the play music this part of the production becomes a fascinating illusion to behold. "Mrs. Lincoln" will play March 12 and 13 in the Reed Auditorium in Shelton. The cast includes Wendy Erhart and Debby Shawver as Mrs. Lincoln; Linda Cochran and Holly Manke as Sally; Jenny Jensen and Nancy Maranville as Lizzie Keckley; Vicki Buckley and Nancy Ewart as Emilie Todd ttelm; Mike Connolly as Robert Lincoln; Joe McClanahan and Len O The annual Shelton Jaycees Boss' night banquet has been scheduled for Tuesday at the Jaycee Hall at Sanderson Field. There will be a social hour at 6:30 p.m. with the dinner at 7:30 p.m. to be followed by the program. Speaker for the program will be ltoward Hall, radio and TV commentator for KING-TV in Seattle. He will speak on entertainment in the community. ltall is the host of the begins. The movie depicts various Morris as Billy Herndon; Dennis morning Telescope program. Civil War scenes, portraits of (;raves as Dr. Patterson; Guy Lincoln, and others. The fihn was ttodge as a veteran. ,~;:?~,~, Highway Hearing made by the students on a Dejur The technical crew includes ~~ > animation process camera by special effects by the Drama .......... Scheduled Feb. 9 taking 10,800 separate pictures. Department; Melissa Bergeson, Junior Scott Miltenberger, properties chairman; Dave The latest plans for the technical director, shot the Anderson, Tom Evander, Jan Evergreen College Parkway majority of the pictures. Most of Goodpaster and Merrilee Stewart, includes ingress and egress from the West on the freeway, State properties helper; Randy Wiltman, lighting director; Rahn Redman, assistant lighting director; Scott Miltenberger, sound director ; William Steinbacher, art director; Larry Nelson, stage director; Diane Williamson, student director; Lorraine Johnson, assistant director, and Dean Tarrach, director. the pictures were taken from books dealing with the Civil War period. The movie will not only be shown on one screen but will be shadowed across the entire stage on six screens. This special effect is produced by projecting the film on a series of net screens. It gives the viewer a dreamlike echoed effect on the stage. When put to New hool Financing Plan Approval ..... Rip. Paul Conner said this week. The ttighway Department has set 9 a.m. Feb. 4 at the Tyee Motel for a hearing on the project, Conner said. The original plans for the parkway did not include ingress or egress to the parkway from the freeway for traffic coming from the West, Conner said. tte stated that this was brought to his attention by Mrs. Lois Eikhoff of Shelton after preliminary plans were released last spring. Conner said after receiving her letter, he attended the preliminary route hearing last May and protested to the Highway Department and tlighway Commission. School authorities in the The Advisory Committee's districts involved in financing the linance sub-committee voted to new Shelton itigh School were try to raise an additional $750 to advised this week that the State spend in the effort to promote Board of Education had approved the non-high bond issues. The The problem was corrected in the division of financial committee has about $450 leftDONALD DEPOE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Oepoe, has the latest plans, Conner said. responsibility which was from the Shelton campaign which In the Original plan, it would submitted by the County will also be designated for the been selected as Rotary Vocational Student of the Month. Heis have been necessary for traffic Committee on School District non-high district effort, a member of the carpentry class and is described by his from the west, which would Organization. T h c public relations instructor as ambitious, capable and reliable, with real include those going to Shelton This means that the non-high sub-committee recommended that leadership abilities in construction. Born in Shelton on April from the new college, to have districts involved Pioneer, the Shelton School Board be 11, 1953, Donald is one of a family of eight children. He is taken the Mud Bay turnoff and Southside. tfood Canal, asked to meet with a committee employed on week-ends at L_en's 76 Union station, and he follow old Highway 101 togetto (;rapeview and Kamilche now of representatives from each of enjoys working on cars as a hobby, the new college. have about 60 days in which to the non-high districts to discuss ~,41 m elecl ,n h ,il,l j~sucs to the proposed building plans. Home Burris iaisc, .{rshai~ , lh , ,,> '1 t,,. public relations The State Board approved thesubcomm,ttee also asked that a Water Causes Some The William D. Long proposal at its Jan "~ meeting positive statement on the cost of -1',i,' Shelton 77 ,, : l >r . I , , . ~. S:4@ ~, rx bond issue in each In City residenceElma, inthe Matlockarea, burnedat Rt. 1, Box 149, (dram,tree, at its meeting of the non-high districts to an Problems The to the ground Monday night. Monday, discussed plans for itsaverage taxpayer be provided for effort to help get a favorable vote reformation and that statements The heavy rains this week Fire Chief Allan Nevitt The Mason County Sheriff's Office received a call about the in the non-high districts on the curriculum and plans for have storm and sanitary sewers in reported that Simpson Timber fire shortly after midnight. the building be obtained also.the city somewhat flooded, Street Co. was donating a pool table for The family escaped without Superintendent Bob Temple told the fire hall in an effort to aid in injury, but, lost most of their • the city commission at its meeting the project of recruiting volunteer possessions in the fire. I .-lICE Slates Pubhc. ,-, ,, Tuesday night, firemen Temple said the creek behind George Doak, county civil • gOn r - kiq Meehn ronosal the school complex in the defense director, appeared at the uor Char e.a S downtown area was running full meeting to ask if the city would and near flooding in some places be interested in selling a generator Marie Kubik, 64, 205 E. Pine "'Why do we need protection "What effect will proposed and could cause a problem if the it has. The commission told him St., Shelton, was arrested Sunday of Washington's shorelines'?" legislation have on private homes, heavy rains continued they would check into it and give on a charge of illegal sale of high-rise building, shoreline • • •~ | developments?" These questions Police Chief Frank Rains told him an answer later, intoxicating liquor. ~gl~ason~ ~I~IKe and many others are being asked the commission the joint Doak also told the The arrest was made at ll:15 " "." ....... by citizens about Initiative 43 and city-county radio frequency had commission he was setting up a a.m. by representatives of the Plans Fr r ot. , legislation being proposed, been approved. A hearing on meeting between county and cityWashington State Liquor Control "" LANCE is inviting the public federal funds for the project was officials and firms which have Commission. scheduled for Feb. 9 in Seattle.heavy equipment to work out a She was booked into the .,,u ,¢'u'Jen's to hear about provisions in the Initiative and other shoreline An application for a zoning plan whereby the equipment Mason County Jail and was Plans for the annual Mr. Moriah Lodge No. 11 F and AM award program for the top ten juniors in Shelton ttigh School were started at a committee meeting in the Masonic Temple Friday evening. The Union City Lodge is joining the Mt. Moriah Lodge in presenting the program this year. Members of the committee are Martin Musser, chairman: Alex Smith, A.L. Cheney, Charles Morrison, Thomas Savage. Loren Armagost, Ed Auseth from Mt. Moriah and John Kikendall and C. Nolan Mason from the Union City Lodge. The banquet and awards program is planned for April 16 at the Masonic Temple and is open to the public. NOW... FROM- with new fast-dry alkyd base Only coat for better adhesion. proposals at the open meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. Dorothy Morrill will speak and answer questions concerning the initiative. She is a member of the Salt Water Beaches Committee of the Washington Environmental Council, sponsor of Initiative 43. A representative from the governor's office is expected to speak on legislative proposals by Gov. Dan Evans. Kiwanis Speaker Hiroko Yokiyama, AFS student from Japan, will be the speaker at the Shelton Kiwanis Club meeting Tuesday noon at the Timbers Resturant. She will speak and show slides. / SEE THESE PRODUCTS Recto Wood Stain and Fleao Varathane 426-4522 variance to change the plot plan and reduce parking requirements was received from Conifer Co. and referred to the City Planning Commission. would be available during an emergency. Nevitt and Temple were asked by the commission to attend the meeting on behalf of the city. released on personal recognizance by Judge Glenn Correa of Mason County District Justice Court, where the charges against her were filed. Hurry/ at.! SAVE ......... FAMILY SIZE ONLY WITH THIS COUPON Reg. $1.09 Good Only at Evergreen Drug Offer Expires Sat., Jan. 30, 1971 Limit 1 CouDon Per Purchase 1-Only Camera Reg. $59.95 NOW 99 SHINE STAND 1 Only Colonial, Reg. $13.95 NOW Can be used as serving stand. ~- - - ~_- -_- - --- ---,--- _ - - ------- -- -----_- - -- 4-Oz. Jar Reg. $1.25 NOW Alliance Men's & Women's Values to $1.29 YouR CHOICE Evergreen Square 426-3456 Open 8 - 5:30 Monday thru Saturda Mike Byrne, Owner 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. rinsinl • Flexible capacity 1 piece to 18 pounds--without attach- ments. Jet Circle Spray S stem rinses better, gets clY;thes under water ~as.teri_ Jet Action washing. ~-vv., tion Speed Selector. Permanent Press Care. Automatic Soak cycle. Detergent, bleach, dye released underwater. Ii • i Mara / - re. (Only 2 feet Jenso, LII:. l, nslall It where the Wash iS-- WJ~ ~iCCnen bath, nurser .. you can get ade~Y . • anywhere mg and venting ~Uate Wrong, Plumb. ~ LAD~S • • Was"er ~ ~+~; r~ NUSES O•ell entry. ~ or in- ~NLY~ j family washer mus, =- he flexibility a M0ael tcr.2 ADI ES • • , RTS Wl ______~..~~ NLY -- I • " " e " " e SUIT, / Frigidaire Built-in Range lIT ' ..... - NLY -- I sautomatically, - I .TRIMM, ItN .... " '- e[ea.s conveniently" iitR DR• .... 27" " ~~ler shield remove~ e --- " IIL.T -- let you select p re~i.~. c~ = ,, ~. ~. ~t needed. ~- ........... ~tic applian~ I~N~ " ' " ~I ~ "~ .~i~i~ -