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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1971
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% ii I State Senator Sam Guess, the White Knight of the Inland Empire, has again descended on Olympia, ready to do battle against a new foe. Senator Guess, you will remember, bent his lance during the 1969 session of the legislature in an unsuccessful struggle against undraped buttocks, bosoms and other private property in poetry, prose and picture. His bill defining what appeals to prurient interest was so specific it appealed to prurient interest, and became a collector s item for small boys who had run out of naughty words to look up in the dictionary. The crusader's target this year is the hussy who undergoes an abortion in the State of Washington. He wants her name engraved for all time in the big book at the courthouse. A bill sponsored by Guess and three fellow knights - Sir William Gissberg, Sir James Keefe and Sir William Day - requires a certificate of every legal pregnancy termination to be filed with the local registrar stating the woman's name, age and marital status. This quartet of Old Testament avengers, unable to visit a plague of boils, flies, frogs, hail or locusts on the offending abortionee, has settled for a mortal statute guaranteed to plague her for a lifetime. If passed, the bill will also provide useful work for the back-alley abortionists who were put out of business by legalization of abortion at the polls last November and bring back the time-honored coat hanger and other home remedies which are a part of our heritage. Since there is no requirement in the bill for listing the name of the father of the aborted fetus, it can be assumed that the sponsors are leaving his punishment to Jehovah, a bit of delayed retribution which has always been favored by knights and other hairy-chested potential sires. One problem the bill doesn't solve is how a citizen can tell the difference between an abortionee and a non-abortionee without a trip to the courthouse. That's a lot of work just to discover a simple fact about your neighbor. An amendment to the bill is needed. It would require that each abortionee wear a large scarlet "A" on the breast of her outergarment. It's a new idea, but it just might work. Washingtonians who were worried that a sagging economy and other problems in the state might cause major changes in the activities at Olympia's marble zoo can relax. Things are frightfully normal in the legislative chambers, as witness the following: BELT-TIGHTENING - Conservative legislators from the Spokane area will ask their colleagues for $7.5 million for a state pavilion at Expo 74, the world exposition planned in that city three yeats hence. It's po le they may be successful - if they promise to staff the pavilion with: employees from Nothern State Hospital. LOBBYING - House Majority Leader Stewart Bledsoe is the latest legislator to point out that receiving money from lobbyists does not influence lawmakers. A pinball industry lobbyist delivered a $100 contribution to Bledsoe's Ellensburg ranch in 1966. Asked about the effect of such money on scores of legislators, Bledsoe said: "For $100 you're not going to buy a legislator." The hassle over the influence of money on officeholders is a recurring problem. A lot of future sweat could be saved if the legislature would appropriate funds for a commission to study the matter and determine, once and for all, how much money it DOES take to buy a legislator. Once that is determined, all those receiving more than the magic figure would be suspect and all those taking less would be clean as hound's teeth. MOTHERHOOD AND THE FLAG - Representative Paul Conner, an expert on motherhood-and-the-flag legislation, has introduced his 1971 bill in that category. House Bill 246 would provide free tuition at any state institution of higher education for children of law enforcement officers killed or totally disabled in line of duty. This is the type of bill that makes conscientious legislators squirm if it gets out of committee. How do you vote against a bad bill whose emotional appeal outweighs reason? What law enforcement officers need - and never get - are wages commensurate with the job they do and the risks they take, plus decent health and death benefits. Given those, they can take care of their children's education. It's amazing how the current crackdown on games of chance in Mason County has spooked the occasional gambler. We were nursing a shrinking pile of dimes in a neighborhood poker game when Saturday night's high winds blew the door open and the lights went out. Before you could say "high-low-split-the-pot," three cardplayersdove through windows, one hid behind his wife, one disappeared into the bathroom and the two who were ahead for the night phoned their lawyers. Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa. Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County, in advance --Outside Mason County $6.00 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ...................... Henry G. Gay "The new Nixon is apparently the old Norman Thomas." By ROBERT C. CUMMINGS Just two years ago the highway builders regarded the environmentalists as nothing much more serious than a small puppy barking at their heels. A year later, however, the environmentalists developed political muscle which they flexed effectively in the 1970 special session. This year, they are being taken seriously. The Washington Environmental Council is supporting twin resolutions, introduced in both houses, which would repeal the constitutional provision restricting gasoline tax revenue to "highway purposes." Tax Cut Proposed Two other environmental groups, the Committee Against the R.H. Thompson Expressway and the Committee Against Freeways, would go a step further. They are reportedly proposing legislation to reduce the gasoline tax 2 or 3 cents a gallon, as an effective means of curtailing highway construction. The Committee Against R.H. Thompson (CART) already has enjoyed success in helping kill the Thompson Expressway, but is retaining its original name. It is unlikely that any of these measures will go very far in this session. But they are more than conversation pieces. They could keep the highway builders busy enough so that some other environmental measures may pass, such as one requiring consideration of the environment in all freeway and primary highway construction. Tax Dilemma Solved? The puzzle of how to lower the assessment rate established by the constitution without creating a problem with Initiative 44, the 20-mill limit measure, may be solved, however belatedly. The Senate had puzzled for two days over a proposal to lower the assessment base from 25 per cent without risking a 50 per cent cut in tax revenue, in the event the voters should approve both the 25 per cent amendment and the 20-mill limit in the same election. The assessment amendment finally was changed to call for assessment at 1 per cent of true i ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Absolute knowledge I have none, But my aunt's washwoman's sister's son Heard a policeman on the beat Say to a laborer on the street That he had a letter just this week Written in the finest Greek From a Chinese coolie in Timbuctu Who said that all theNegroes in Cuba knew Of a colored man in a Texas town Who had it straight from a circus clown That a man in the Klondike Had the news From a gang of South American Jews Of a man in Borneo who knew A man who claimed to know Of a swell society female fake Whose mother-in-law would undertake To prove her seventh husband's sister's niece Had stated in a published piece That she had a son who had a friend Who knew when the war was going to end. ~~~~u~~~~~~~~B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ value, which is the same as 40 mills on 50 per cent valuation, which senators hoped would serve as a solution. After the measure was passed and sent to the House, Sen. Nat Washington, D., Ephrata, introduced a new proposal, leave the assessment base at 50 per cent, but lower the tax limit from 40 to 20 mills. This would install in the constitution the same provision as called for with Initiative 44, and still accomplish the same results as 40 mills at 25 per cent, or 1 per cent tax on full value. Fair Game Gov. Dan Evans' proposal for increases in liquor and cigarette taxes has left the affected industries reeling, but there isn't much they can do about it, except maybe try to lower the amount of the proposed increase. Liquor and cigarettes always are fair game when a need for more revenue comes up. Besides, they are in a poor position to complain. Cigarettes are especially vulnerable ever since the start of the cancer scare. The proposed additional tax of 5 cents per pack could encourage more people to quit smoking. That would please the Health Department, but it wouldn't do much for revenue. The tax on liquor as proposed would boost the price 26 cents per fifth. If it doesn't kill the goose that lays the golden egg, it at least could result in greater sales for the cheaper whiskies, and curtail purchases of Scotch and other imports. ,,r box: Editor, The Journal: I believe a lot of credit is due to the firefighters of Fire Protection District 5. During the recent week of snow, the fire engines and aid car were chained and ready to go, and go they did. Monday, Jan. 11 at 3:10p.m. _ Fire call south end of Allyn, overheated stove, no damage. Jan. 11 at 5:25 p.m. Aid call from Station 1 Allyn, child swallowed turpentine. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 5 p.m., Aid call in Allyn. Thursday, Jan. 14, 4:23 plm. smoke call, no fire located. Friday, Jan. 15, 3:15 p.m., fire call, Benson Lake, explosion Though workmen's compensation benefits for injuries in industrial accidents haven't been increased since 1965, it looks like they will remain at current levels for another two years. Industry, with the Governor's backing, is holding firm for a "three-way option" plan, as opposed to the present state monopoly on industrial insurance. "Three-way option" could give the employer the choice of self-insurance, insurance with a private underwriter, or insurance under the state plan. Joe Davis, president of the Washington State Labor Council, has said labor is prepared to go another two years without a bill - if necessary - rather than accept the "three-way option." This is pretty good assurance that there won't be a bill. The Legislative Budget Committee is out to strip some power from local district community college boards. One bill sponsored by the COmmittee would prohibit establishment of satellites or branch community college campuses without legislative approval. This affects the State Board for Community College Education as4 well as the local district boards. It was prompted by state board approval which resulted in establishment by Centralia College of a vocational-technical branch in Olympia. The other measure would require local districts to obtain approval of the state board for construction of dormitory facilities at any of the colleges. of camp stove, no damage. A bad week and a busy one. All the above were answered and adequately handled. Unfortunately, I missed all ' but one of these. Since they were during the day, and being a volunteer, I was away at work, as were many others. Therefore, the Credit goes to Assistant Chief Gay Valley, Captain Ran Burke, Captain Bob Wells, Lieutenant Mike White, Lieutenant Frank Soveriegn and the Firefighters who worked with them. Richard A. Knight, Chief Fire Protection District 5 Allyn Letter box: Editor, The Journal: I would like to publicly thank the Shelton Police officer who directed traffic for the funeral cortege for my grandfather, Walter Eckert. When we were approaching the Irene S. Reed High School building preparing for our turn on to the main highway toward the cemetery, the officer turned to face us, stood erect, removed his hat and placed it over his heart emanating an act of such solemn deference I was deeply moved by the experience. Of far greater importance to me was the fact that my dear mother, while undergoing one of the most desoairing moments of her life, Editor, The Journal: Like the lapping waves on a rocky shore, the argument concerning the S.S.T. is surging daily into our lives. With each surge I get increasingly concerned over the integrity of the arguments proclaiming its need. I am not convinced that we need such speed in an aircraft. The affluent restless population, plus those not so affluent but possessing the ever present sheaves of credit cards, are streaming to and fro. Gone are the day~ when people looked upon each other as warm human beings, as they patiently waited in bus, railroad, and airport stations for transportation. Today, with the constant addition of more speed, humanity has been degraded into faceless blood and flesh cogs of the wheels of travel, thus adding to the inhumanity mankind has created with his brilliance in the field of Technology. There is yet another factor to consider. Our planet, which we have raped of it's life giving resources, and are still raping in our greed for power and materialism, is beginning to fray around the edges. And as Mother Earth gasps in the man made pollution, too many of our elected leaders are not listening to the cries of alarm, plaintive warnings for the ultimate survival .... Qtrite.: to.: thor' corrtrary, these leaders are busily authorizing the rape of Mother Earth, to provide the resources to send man scurrying back to the moon. Here he will have to leave millions of dollars worth of tax money in highly technological equipment. The price for this trip and this equipment is much too great. Precious resources have been consumed in the process, and more waste has been dumped upon the already gasping earth. Yes, I am aware that mankind is curious about the origin of the universe. I am also aware that it takes brave men to carry out the ultimate task of exploration. But I am also increasingly disturbed that this same technology, dedication, and price tag, is not considered important enough to same teclanology, deOlcatlon, and price tag, is not considered Editor, The Journal: Mainly because I received such a gratifying response from readers who feel as I do in regard to Initiative 43, I felt I must comment on the letter written by Mr. Plews. Absolutely incredible his statement and ridiculous his inference! He stated "93% of Washington's usable, adjacent shorelands is now owned by less than 5% of the people." By such logic then, shoreline dwellers should be able to go inland and claim use of farms, city yards, mountain ski lodges, etc. Or else cry discrimination, which is a no, no! While realizing that we live in a welfare state where most everything is supposed to be a giveaway, I feel that a goodly number of citizens still believe in such old-fashioned virtues as ambition, work, and foresight. And the American dream. One Editor, The Journal: Here are a few hints for the use and care of the flag, as I find it rather surprising how few adults and grown children are either careless or neglectful. I know of business people who have let the flag fly all night. Many fly a soiled flag, not knowing that most dry cleaners noticed this overt respect and commented tim e s o n the value appreciation of such Where an act such as never manifest itself headlines around the brings to mind the Jordan's 1956 message to her fellow Reed classmates: If would light just one what a bright world be. Thank you implanting a ray of mother's memory recollects that day in the come. Ken Eacrett important enough save mankind and the he will ever have. And now the la are becoming roiled and The proponents of the facing soul searching And so we have a new The S.S.T. could Supersonic solution!! Yes, instruments of destruction, more Mother Earth, more more burdens for aching back of the tax more agony for the burdened conscience American who does not the killing of his fellow And let us not for costly price we have - the youth of living, maimed, and have provided the rolling war machine in and who have been American victims of making technological As a result, precious l have been lost, disillusionment of our youth, the life blood of America. The earth inheriting is the earth raping, polluting, and Our leaders have been lax in hearing their cries and distress. And so turned to self form of *~lrugs violence. Aiad we so willingly iml~tison~i affected youth, that responsible for situation. Lastly, let thought to those embittered jailed Americans as we lift our l alcoholic spirits to our imbibe in ADULT MARl It is obvious to all Americans that our country is critically ill. hasten to her bedS concentrate on necessary to her health. Our leaders power to heal her power to insist upon it. Are we great approach America's humble honesty and all mankind? We must survival depends upon it. has only to pick up the i turn to the classified find waterfront sale. Admittedly obtained by giv¢i inheritance, but by planning. The Perhaps there planning in the early land was up for more shoreline should set aside for public sometimes I wonder the public use. Watch to the side of Hood not to enjoy its dump their beer cans ground.) But useless. Mr. Plews does Initiative 43 isn't score I'll agree Meanwhile, continue your elected representatives unfair bill. God bless America! will clean a flag at no between June I and Some of us are verY ! placing the flag s envelopes. The flag sould displayed with the save as a signal of on land or sea. Mrs. Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1971