January 28, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 28, 1971 |
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Today, Thursday, Jan. 28
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Golden Age Club, 6 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Shelton Rock and Mineral
Society, 7:30 p.m., PUD
Friday, Jan. 29
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7 : 30 a.m., Timbers
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. 5 p.m., court house
District No. 5 past presidents
VFW and Auxiliary, dinner, 7
p.m•, Legion Hall in Elma.
Saturday, Jan. 30
Game Night, 8 p.m., Eagles
Airport Hall.
Salty Sashayers, Council
Dance in Centralia.
Hood Canal Improvement
Club, 7:30 p.m., Union Fire Hall.
Pioneer PTO, 7:30 p.m., at
the school.
LANCE public meeting,
shoreline legislation, 8 p.m., PUD
Wednesday, Feb. 3
Drivers license examiner, I0
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
Dermic J. O'Neill Orthopedic
Guild, 8 p.m., home of Joan
Shelton Adult Art Club, 7:30
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Thursday, Feb. 4
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.;
business meeting, 8 p.m., at the
• • • •
Mt. View Foq
Dean Clabaugh and Fred Series was developed by the program under the generalgap and an examination of love Alliance Church Church
Goldberg, co-chairmen of the Woodrow Wilson National heading TIME OUT FOR MAN and the American family. He will Washington & "J" Sts. 910East
National Humanities Series, Eellowship Foundation with concerns itself with some part of be joined by actress Jayne Smith, Sunday School ....9:45 a.m.
announced the first presentationfunding from the National that vast range of activity known actress-singer Sylvia Lanka and Morning Worship .. ll:OOa.m. SundaySchoo| ..... '
A.Y.F ............6:00p.m. Morning Worship ..
to visit the Olympia area will be Endowment for the Humanities as the humanities• actor-singer Richard Mogavero. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. C.Y.'s & Cadets ...
FACE TO FACE, an exploration and is designed to take public Miss Sharon Thomas, Mrs. Professor Mueller is Prayer Hour (Wed.) .7:30p.m• Evening Service ... '
of the American family and the programs in the Humanities to Jack Arbuckle and Mrs. Samuel recognized as an authority on EARL EVERS, Pastor Bible Study (Wed)..,
problems of the generation gap. general audiences throughout the Milham have handled the religion in contemporary
A team of four national United States. The first scheduling of the local literature and is presently the
performers will be in the Olympia Humanities Series has been organizations, service clubs and chairman of the English
area to present programs presented in the 1970 season to high schools where the FACE TO Department at Goucher College in United Methodist Church
throughout the community on nearly 125,000 people in forty FACE team will appear for theBaltimore. In recent years, he has
February 1 and 2. These visits will communities• two day period, begun to operate as a "free lance G and King Streets
culminate with a public Teams of professors and The FACE TO FACE program professor,'' teaching Services:9:OOa.m.&ll:OOa.m.
performance dealing with the performers spent several days in grew out of Dr. William Mueller's simultaneously at Goucher. the Church School begins at 9:30 a.m.
American family at St. Martin's each community meeting both interest in the fields of literature University of Pennsylvania and U.M.Y. at 6:30 p.m.
Abbey Theater at 7:30 p.m. on formally and informally with high and the field of ethics. The Princeton Theological Seminary,
February 2. school assemblies, service clubs, program will use writings from while devoting more and more of
Admission is free and the retirement homes, reformatories the Bible toTennesseeWilliamsin his tinie to lectu,ing outside First Church of Christ,
public isinvitedtoattend, and othergroups.Each Seriesan exploration of the generation universities.
The National Humanities With FACE TO FACE, Jayne 302AIderSt.,Shelton,Wash.
Smith returns to the professional Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m.
stage after an interimduring Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m
i Reading room located in church. Readin9 room
• • which her threedaughters were 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m• Mon. & Fri.
per ences o completing high school. Her
previous experiences includes
leads in plays ranging from
Perhaps because she is a letter comn]ented "somehow we behind. MACBETH to MARY, MARY, rlnr"sLe ' "u't.lo
veteran of previous such all made it through three days in"Here in Santos the most hosting of a daily radio program rmen s
occasions, Peggy Calvert Rio despite the murderous taxiimportant harbor in South in North Carolina and frequent P.U.D. AUDITORIUM- 3rd & Cota
Kneeland, Union resident on antrips and the unbearable heat.America and the leading coffeeappearances on television
clubhouse, around-the-world trip, was chosen Even at night it was in the port in the world, it is raining this commercials. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday
Ralph Davison Benefit Dance, N-v" ~'--P-.--~ r'l 'b 7'3n to reign as Queen of the colorful mid-90s. Sunday's trip far up the morning but the temperature is Richard Mogavero attended SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1971
9"30 p m, Moose Lodge at ..... ~,,,~."..'~'~ ........ " ceremonies which take place mountains on a jungle road was87 degrees with high humidity. Colgate University and hasalmost
i " " v,-, ruL. cumerence room. Bible Study: LELAND WILKINSON,
Airport. Multi-service Center board aboard ships crossing the equator magnificent. On the top was !he I'm staying on the ship as I did completed his Ph.D. in Oral Minister
Sunday, Jan 31 meeting 7:30 p.m. at the Center. when the giant cargo freighterawesome. Concocovado Chr!st, ye sterday. Somehow these Interpretation at Northwestern Speaker: R!CHARD THOMPSON
......... VW~/I Barrack's & Auxiliar" Oriental Rio entered the southern wmcn can De seen Ior many muesdaytime temperatures of over 100 University• In 1965 and 1966, he Engineer, P•U.D. --
~neiton churches tnv~te you Y' ' " al d" -"
to attend the church of your noon potluck, Memorial Hall. hemisphere early last week. in L~ lrectmns,, and far,out at are not conducive to tour bussing was an instructor in Speech and
.~...;.... u.,. u..~.~., r-. ..... c .. m Mason county friends received sea. lne tralnc jam on me way and certainly not to the mad taxis Drama at the State University of ~ "
.... "~'~" t. ounty" ..... otl'u;~'-'na~u3~'~'')-~'-~'-'eet~in''~p.m. further word of her experiences back to the ship was, as usual, in this part of the world. New York. He has acted in stock, r'__ ,1_-
/ ,/
mason Pomona v ~'-~' . on ra=rn Lurneran ..nu
....... on her globe-circling cruise in blamed the SA(.Y or "Here is a recipe for roastrepertory and university and
Grange at Fair Harbor Grange in(,rapeview Fire ttall. , ............. ),.hER .....
,-~ ,., . ......... rotters and car(as maqe(a Irom Rio bALY-I t;K • ~. /his [s an pork: 2/3 cup strong coffee, 113 children's theatres.
• Jravev]ew tire Hall, I 1 a.m .... , . 7th and Franklin
..... de Janiero and Santos, Brazil.imaginary being created In an old cup butter. 2 tsp worchester, 1]/2Sylvia Lank& though only a
monday, reo. I & A .... I AJ~--. Although she was modest in herlegend of southern Brazil dating tsp dry mustard, 1 tbsp lemon sophomore at Goucher College,
WORSHIP: 8:30and 11:00 a.m.
PUD No. 3 commission ~VlUU~ LO~_~ mention of her role as Equatorback to the 19th century. He is a juice, Tobasco to taste. Combine has already demonstrated CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conferenceI~ f., ~ .v Queen, she promised later little one-legged black boy and his until butter melts and brush on considerable skill and remarkable
room. ~en eT|~ t~nce pictures of the occasion, enchanted red-pointed cap is roast. Delicious. potential in theatre and music. Christian Worship, Fellowship,Education,Service
~' Z' " " "
County commission meeting, -.. A = She commented that during supposed to lend him a devilish The Bra lhans overcook She is a singer whose repertory Kenneth Robinson,Pastor Phone
lOa.m.,courthouse. ('-~n bOtllrt'~t'lv 15 days at sea the passengers had agility and great astuteness,their vegetables and prefer rice to ranges from classical to
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 "~: " v=,~4,~,4j been so fully occupied with Always smoking a pipe, he hops other starches. Often they contemporary, a musician equally
p.m., PUD auditorium. ~Aoose Lod~,e No 1684 has activities that she had been unable about the woods playing pranks combine fish, chicken and steak at home with guitar or piano and
Goodwill truck in town. - '' " ~" a benefit" dance forto take time for letter writing "I and practical jokes . •knotting on one plate . . . most an actress who has appeared in
• . scneouleo " " , "
Phone 426-4847 |or plckups, a.~n.-m Saturda~ in the Moose must say again that Ive never horses tails, putting out unappetizing to the eye but university and professional SHELTON CHURCHt fe NAZAREI
It's About Time Tops, 7:30 ~--,~.v- ihc Shelton air,,ort known a ship crew which tries campfires, burning the food, surprisingly pleasing to the palate, productions, most recently as the
p.m., County ttealth Office. " h2'event is to be he~d for the harder to make the passengerschasing cattle and frightening Now I shall go out on deck tolead in the musical LITTLE
SRA card party, 7:30 p.m., assistance of Ralnh Davison and happy. We knew when we bookedsolitary travelers• His presence is supervise the longshoremen asMARY SUNSHINE Located in M~morial Hall, 2nO and Franklin
Memorial itall, famib, Davison underwent openthat this is primarily a cargo ship announced by a mysterious wierd they load tires for Capetown inF o r f u t u r'c p r og r a m Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426
Ski Club, 7:30 p.m., Mt. View heart~'~nrperv last Mav and hasand not to expect the luxuries of whistling which no human beingthe forward hold. Next stop, informationin the Series and Sunday School ........................... 9:4!
School "in 7-'~'--" w i ce m o r e a cruise ship But l've never had it can determine its source. Like all " " Morning Worship .............. 11:01
s ce been t • . Buenos Aires, where we arrive scheduling of local clubs or Evening Service ................. 11111111.7:01
S~ ~hs ~I'TO :~ : ) .... ~;,,,~,,a ~,, h~, been and is so good " enchanted beings he never crosses Sunday." institutions dial 753-2580.
• ' ' ,,.",~ ................... • , Prayer Meeting, Thursday .................. 7:3~
_o .we eFr. nloneweor, weve
Tuesday. Feb. 2 I, ,cheon will be served for a
.... be " ° '
r. .... t *iblunchc ......... sn, ah,,onat,on, and lickets wIll /,,,,--n,l--
Timbers Restaurant. soldr at the door for $1.50 per,,JU V I~'1 ,,,~ . ,~.,o I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY .~
City commission meeting, 2 person, all receipts above ,~t'~ ~ I e'~ /
pro, city hall expenses to be given to the O~f' ~..ases In uecemDer I Connection & 12th Sis. Phone426-2805
~,..IAmericanH.|l Legion 8 p m Oavison family ' I r .uU, t0 ~" I I Priesthood Meeting ............................. :
• ' " "' " The Mason County Juvenile shoplifting and two for resisting I £....I ¢....;o..o ;. M..... t'....l.. B | I Sunday SchOOIMeeting ........................... ......................... i 1
Me'j'ob'Ts" "Daughters 7 30pm The public is invited to Probation Office handled 39 cases arrest. .our
M omcTemnle.' :' :2 " "' attend, in December, Probation Officer The dependency cases included L~/#w~ ,~t~a ~. i~.uau. ~.uu.~7 .......... ........ .~.,a
meeti., 6 30'' " i' Gary Wood reported this week. four for injurous living, two as. .... ,,, ', ', ,, ,,,,,, I Sacrament
": " : , ~ Th se included 20 delinquency unable to adjust, one as II MT.• OLIVE LUTHEIOkN CHO'fRC
m airport clubhouse ' ....................... ' ....... ' -- r
..... - Pomona To Meet cases and 19 dependency cases ungovernable, six as runaways, Auto Glass .... Gunsmith " '' ,.
Nimrod Club 8 p m at the ...... "" " " ' I I I --Repairing Modern and I
' " "' .... lne (aennquency cases incluuea one tot marriage waiver, two for I I I AntiQues 1
clubhouse Masona t.ounty Pomona
'" . one for suspected auto theft changes of court orders and two I Expert Installat,on [ I Mounting I I MISSOURI SYNOD
Eagles Auxiliary card party 1 Grange will meet at 11 a.m. three for bur la two fo "- ' " V .... " --Precision Scope & Sight
p.m~ 5Mthltl-i:::C:rC:;ter;rogram, S:td~aY;at;h:eFwa~iH:~l[ Grangetheft, two fog ~srYe of liqu;r°t22r t°?h:ad°;So°lti;7:r~ncluded 14II JIM PAULEY, INC. Ill Ill--Shooting--Sh°tgun Choke AlterationS,all gaugessuPplies. I'1 11206 E. Wyandotte Sunday, January EDWIN31, 1971C" ZSCHOCt
• , " for careless acts, one for curfew informal adjustments, one Mt View R A R
VFW and auxiliary Nuel Curtis Dmner will be servea at noon ............. I Kneela'ndCenter Oh 426-82311I.o t7AR- EN .GI ARD I I Divine Service at lO:30
. ........ vlolanon mreelorvanuaiism, one dismissed oy the court two I " I I u ~,uo×79s Pnone4 ,-2so |
Post No 5372, Lower Elementary by fair riaroor L, range memoers for -" " " n ...... '
• 7 ~'0 ' msorneny co uuct ;our ]or relerred to adult court,one • .... ' I Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15
School, Belfmr, :~ p.m.. traffic violations,two for referred to another court three I Prof. Milton Riemer of P.L.U. will
• on informal supervision, two on
official probation, three made Auto Repairing 1 Home Shopping Service'--"-1 I Conduct services during the month of January
,,-------------------..---_-_------..------ "-~----------'--------------~ =~-----------.---------- wards of the court, two I - Major Overhauls I I FREE BONUS CREDITS! I
I-----1, i1~ .. • I . ILle--_=-e = I . ll" .. committed to the Department of I -Brakes & Ignition I I Valuable Premium Gifts, I St. David's Church
rlmKmlelt$ I. jal rUDII~$ I.~11 I'UIIKIITI@IIS Institutions, one sent to a private I -- We d ng & Tune-ups I I Buy and Save on Food & I
Household Products
I - Special Winterizing I I /
---'~-~------~-~- --'~----~----- "~--------------------------- -~--------------------------- agency, one dismissed, threeI I I FREE sHOPPING GUIDE FOR I Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington
not le s h 0 of m~ss~oners wdl proceed to orders vacatedfour referred
........ ir~c the amount S t an 5 Yo C0m " " . , to I ED'S SERVICE I I SHELTON & McCLEARY I
. ..~.~- run . uT~ ., . the amount bid, with a corporate canvass the bids. and.may ~et_.th, e the county of residence and one 1219 So. 1st 426-1212 1 I 426-3465 1
.. rwotlce ~s. n ereoy, given tnat surety licensed to do business in contract to tne lowest respon.slmu r@f .... a ,.. ,~ ....... ~ ...;~ ..... 8:00 A.M.- Holy Communion
tne t~oaro or Lommtssloners or this State and no bid will be bidder uPOn the specifications. -~ .~..~..v .,~ ~ta~ u~c~tuc.~ 10:00 A.M.-- Family Service
Public Utility District No. 3 of considered'unlessaccomoaned byThe Commissioners reserve the anc~ one who was unable to be The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. I~
Mason County, Washington, does such a bid bond. At the~time and unoual f ed right in their sole and located.
hereby invite sealed proposals for t e "
• . p ac. named such bids will beabso ute discretion to reJect any Beauty' I Masonry I
supplying one Derrtck Man L~ft o e
• -- p ned and read and the and all bids to let the bid by I -- Complete Hair Care I I I
and one Man Lift Aer al Dev ce in om ss Her " r c " t ' "
......... C m~ ~o s wdt p o fed to )tem, and o accept the bid, or ~_zl _l e~l 1 I --W US-Wiglets-Switches I I --_F~.rep!a,Cesnd I
accoraance w)m bpeoTiCaTton NO I
• " " ~ ""h "canvass the bids and may let the composite bid, which in their sole rO[IUCK rlannea - Merle Norman Cosmetics I I --/All ~rlcK a m
E2 71 obta nable from t e
..."., . contract to the lowest respons ble and absolute judgment, will, World War I Veterans -- Free Demonstrations | | --Block Work m NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH
uistrlct upon request. ....i bidder upon specifications. The underall circumstances best serve Madrona Barracks No 1462 and
i-.roposals ro.r Turn,sn!ng. rn)s Commissioners reserve the the interests of the DistriCt. | ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON I I MASONS MASONRY I , :,:o,,,,,,
equipment must De seared and unqualified right in their sole and PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT auxiliary will meet in the 4
filed atthe .District's.off!c.e, P.O. absolute discretion to reject anyNo. 3 of Mason County Memorial Hall Thursday for a 16th & Laurel 426- 5821 [ Phone 426-2278 I 123W.C. St. atO y picHwy. Rev. PaulButterfll
Bible Study ..................................
~ox. ~,~Ju .~net.Ton, wasnt.ng~o~ and all bids, to let the bid by E.W. Taylor. Pr.esidem noon potluck followed by a Worship ............................... 11 a.m. &
~J~b~4, on Marcn l, t~/~ at ~:uu item and to accept the bid, or J.A. Cole, secretary .
p.m Pacific Daylight Time. coml~osite bid which in their sole Harold W. Parker, meenng. Midweek Service ........................... Tues.~
E a c h b i d s h a I t b eand absolute judgment, will, Commissioner District I V WWlwillmeet inCable TV I Rental Service I
accompanied by a bid bond, in theunderinterestsall circumstanCeSof the District.best serve ___ ~1/28"1t _Retsel on _Sunday. I | I Almost Anything Anywhere | ,
, ' PUBLIC UTILITY I For Service Call I I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps I I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
DISTRICT No. 3 NOTICE OF GROUND "School f T I __ I I Folding Banquet Tables II Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
~~: te v -
the amgunt b,d, w,tha corpora February 4, 1971. ' ...... L7th & Park 426,:3344,I p268~72 426.4134 1 1110
.... surety licensed to do business in Witness my hand and officialW~nNESDAY -- fri,,,~ t'hiPkan
............. this State, and no bid shall beseal this15th day of January, ""~"~"-rav ....."" ":""?""
UUU w/-~tr_Hb, sales co...i.~.~,..~,.., ........ ,.....;^..=~,,, lO71 wltn g y, ~teameo rice
. H=' u~/~u UHl~:l:l ~.~V, IIIJalII~U I~y ,tJ . h,,÷f=red neas candwlrh fr~if' ~1~
representative for Jim Pauley, such a bid bond. At the time and Glen H. Fiedler m~l~~ ................ • ,
Inc., says "1 have a 1965 Chev. place named, such bids will be Department of Ecology " Drugs-- Tropical Fish--
r cou with a 283 o De ned and read and the 1/28 2/4 2t SDAY Io
Biscayne 2-D. pe " " " THUR -S ppy Joe on I --CosmeticsRUbinstein I I Fancy ~UPDies r-lowninCluding:
V8 eng)ne, automatic ! ,~.~.,l~4m..~.~.~.'~D~~~~. buttered bun, potato Chl.pS
Bahti'u'll=;h is the limit in the succession o!
vegetable tray jell° (fruit) I II "retras e I
transmission, radio heater andI . I , , --Prescriptions , tc Me smngers sent by God since the I~qlifl¢
more. I'm cutting the price just to ~ ~ YOU Should Know... milk. --HyPo-Allergic Cosmetics MARION S A(~UARIUS
move it this weekend. We did ! If FRIDAY -- .,--eat loaf. parsmy- ' I 2FE~L'S PHARMACY I I 1221 W• Birch Shelton I main I exiltenm. He is the Promil~l Ollll
have $995.00 on it. but I'll sell it | eHMv wmmmnmm ~ potatoes Harvard beets 15th anklin Ph 426-3327 1 l 426-6148 I of all religions. His =ruing ushers in thl
................. I ...... IIII11 ## Ili~l~i~ • cookie fti" m Ik ' Fulfillment mentioned in all the W~I~I4
InlS weeKenQ for JUST ~/UU.UU. .,. . , U t, .
Bob said he has about 40 other I .... t ------'---'-'--------'-- :leer Covering of the past. Bah[l'u'llih brings God'I PIin
......... Life Insurance is something that . Sunnlement your chlld'a for world pete, world justice and world tll
usea cars ana trucks to se,, ana a o od" "" 1 ~
invites you to see him at Jim ) r~USgm=~:;p?eb:~te afford, but ~ dl. with PI.namin, from
Pauley on Mt View at Kneeland • 1 ] I g2NISBT~CE ] INFORMATION:
• I t ) s Rex=ll --Linoleum --Carpeting
Center, or phone 426-8231. Bob• a PP ~Tlle' --Formica
drives a 1971 Ford Galaxie 500t 1717 Olympic Highway North l 133 Railroad Ave
2-dr. hardtop for his t N/WNATIoNAL I Phone426-41bl~ REX FLOOR COVERING I I How About Yo,, I P.O.Box884, Shelton,
demonstrator. • /..
t View
,, , (,P,d. Adv.) "-'" Mt. Ph.,~-~,~l I.....-.----...LL...J
i,~ Ph. 426-8 ! 39 In,,ur~nce for ~ t
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County ,Journal - Thursday, ,January 28, 197I