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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 15 words or less- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday For Sale WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR, medium size, works good $45.00. Late model Westinghouse portable TV, 21", $45.00. Heavy duty coil spring roll-away, full size, good mattress, $35.00. 100 gal. oil drum with good metal stand, $10.00. 426-2347. dl/28 FOR SALE lovely nylon rug and pad 12x]7. Not used very long, $200• Gas range good condition $50 426-8822. $1/28-2/4 LOFTY PILE, free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent e4ectric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store. 1/28 II I Peal Table Complete 5119.95 For Sale OAT, HAY for sale. No rain. 35 bales for $28.00. Phone 426-6091. R12/10tfn GIRLS 24" Sears bike in good condition. $20. Phone 426-6988. A1/28 For Sale 500 GALLON, 3/16" steel tank, like new. Two axles, wheels, tires. Three electric motors. 426-1894. C1/2t See our selection of new Pool Tables. A complete selection available. The most desirable models in stock for immediate delivery. Free delivery. FREE ONE chicken basket to J. A. Tobler, 220 Island Lake Dr. at Minor's A. & W. Drive-In on Mt. FOR SALE View. 1/28 American Coins & Bottles FOR SALE or trade -- 8' x 36', (FANCY BOTTLES) tWO bedroom home will trade for Beams, Brooks pickup with camper or pickup Japan, Italy & France and smaller trailer. 426-1885 Z 1/21-28 Phone 426- ] ] 71 ] 2/3tfn RUMMAGE SALE! Everything ONE ONLY, 26" riding must go! Route 2, Box 857, lawnmower. Was $292.50, now Agate Grange Road. Watch for $199.95. Call Norm at Sears signs. Friday, Saturday, 29th , 426-8202. i/7-28 30th. H 1/21-28 01sen Furniture 4th & Cota 426-4702 9/lOtfn MOBILE HOME Furniture --We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome. 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tfn CHAIN LINK fencing, 36" high, installed as low as $1.21 per foot. For free estimate just call Sears desk for Norm. 426-8202. 1/7-28 PORTABLE CAMPER toilet, never used, retails $89.00, automatic flush, chemical action, no odor. Best offer. 426-4034 before noon, or after 5 p.m. H]/21 FREE ONE gallon of Root Beer to Ben Deibert, 223 West D from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 1/28 TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn ONE HORSE sleigh, deluxe model $15. 5 h.p. Homelite chain saw 2] " bar, new chain, $80. 426-3649. BI/28 For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE- MIX * SAND * GRAVEL Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Septic Tanks litu4y Mix Fireplace Supplies and Building Materials at 7th & Park 426-3344 7/2tfn SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn FOR FREE estimate on a new furnace just call Sears, phone 426-8202 and ask for Norm. 1/7-28 CA RPET SAMPLES shown in your home. For free estimates, call Sears 426-8202 and ask for Norm. 1/7-28 WOOD FOR sale -- Fir or Alder, cord $20 delivered or $16. you haul. 426-6555. K1/7-28 SUNDAY, FEB. 7th-2:00 P.M. DAYTON COMMUNITY HALL 7 MILES WEST OF SHELTON ON RAILROAD AVE. 6 chair dinette sets, maple dining room set with 6 captains chairs & glass enclosed hutch, hardwood bedroom sets in several styles including early American & Contemporary. Several box spring & mattress sets, hardwood maple bunkbed sets complete with mattresses. Front room sets in several styles, several late model appliances, refrigerators, ranges, washers & dryers. Zig-Zag sewing machines, large assortment of table & hanging lamps. Several occasional chairs, reclining chairs, Boston Rockers & etc. Several full & twin size beds complete with mattresses. Some baby furniture, small kitchen appliances, coffee perks, deep fat fryers, steam irons, electric skillets, teflon cookware & many more kitchen appliances. Hand & power tools, electric saws, drills, bench grinders, open & box end wrench sets, drop cords, tap & dye sets & many more tools. Lots of misc. items. These & many more items will be sold at auction, Sunday afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m. 1/21-28-2/4 Crawlers: Terratrac w/blade, $500.00; John Deere MC w/blade & drum $1950.00; Ferguson Crawler Loader, $6,300.00. Skidders: John Deere 440A, Excellent, $11,900.00; Late Model Garrett 15, $5850.00; Mountain Logger, 2 years old $9250.00. Backhoe: John Deere 440 Tractor-Loader, $4500.00. Truck mounted Insley log loader, $3500.00; International Pickup, our own service truck, $450.00. Tractors : I nternational 340 Industrial Loader, $2750.00; AC WD45 w/plow, $950.00; International 300 w/loader, $1200.00; International Model A, $300.00; Ferguson 30, $850.00; International 424 Diesel, Excellent, $2450.00; Ford 8N, $750.00. P.O. Box 710 - 423 So. Fleet Montesano, Washington 98563 249-3851 ,!/28-It DEMONSTRATOR LOWREY organ, new price $895, now $695. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota, 426-4302. 12/17tfn FREE KODAK Film, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zeigler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/26tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn WALL -- TO -- Wall Carpets or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn CO R D WOOD for sale. Cold weather coming, call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. E10/ltfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER needs some repair, six chair dinette set, both $6Q.00. 426-2132. H12/3tfn ~:" i~ ~: :f~ ~ "~ ~..%%%%%%%%%% Used Cars 2 DODGE 4-wheel drive military trucks. Both have winches, spare parts. $600 for both. Evenings 943-5527. D 1/28-2/4 1970 MAVERICK, automatic transmission, accent group, radio,. Real good shape, only 13,000 mi. $1950. 426-4545. R1/28tfn 1969 GMC pick-up Vz ton. Posi-traction, 6 cylinder. 426-6711. sl/28-2/18 1968 BUICK Electra, factory air, one owner, excellent condition, all power. Call 426-1260 after 5 p.m. $2995. G 1/7-28 GET A '71 DODGE DEMON FOR UNDER $3000.00 Radio & Automatic CHECK A DEMON! 1969 DODGE SWINGER 2/Dr. Htp. 6 cyl., stick shift, 25,000 miles. $1695 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 4/Dr. P. St., P. Brakes, auto- matic, runs good. $795 1964 DODGE POLARA 4/dr. - like new. $745 1969 CHEV. ½ TON PICKUP P. steering, automatic Like new, 12,000 miles. $2595 Front & Railroad Phone 426-8183 Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1971 Sporting Goods 1966 HONDA CL 160 Scrambler, good condition, $285.00. Phone 426-4504. H 1/28 SNOWMOBILE EVINRUDE Bobcat, 25 hp. $856. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2252. H 10/29tfn SALES and SERVICE New and Used Machines 5847 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA 491-8477 12/17 tfn ~-..%%%~..%%~v%%%%%%%" Lost & Found FOUND -- YOUNG male dog. appears nine to ten months old. Mixed collie, shepherd. Two white marks down m~ddle ot dark muzzle. Short tan fur. White paws, white chest, very friendly, needs home. 426-4201. w/1/28 ~" -~ " -~. ~--~v~.. ~.. ~. ~~-_ Used Cars FOR SALE -- 55 Buick, good work car. $100 cash, 426-4002. K1/7/tfn 1964 CHEVROLET, Fleetside four speed, heavy duty rig. Call 426-1894. CI/21 FOR SALE 1951 Chev. 314 ton truck. Phone 426-4015 N1/21tfn 1955 G.M.C. ~12 ton pickup. V-8, 4--speed, radio. Call 426-1225. SI121 '66 TOYOTA Land Cruiser 426-8715 M1/14 tfn. INTEkNATIONAI TRUCKS Gas and Diesel Heavy - Medium and Special Duty Scout -- Travelall Pickup -- Campers NEW and USED JACK KIMBEL Shelton, Wash. Phone 426-8! 24 Representing INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Portland, Oregon 12/8tfn 66 Volks. Camper 66 Wagoneer 4x4 64 Chev. 64 Valiant 69 T-Bird 67 T-Bird 66 Plymouth 66 Valiant Conv. 65 Mustang 62 T-Bird 62 Impala 69 Plymouth Sad. 67 Volvo 67 Rambler 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. 65 Falcon 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr. 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. 69 Ford zA Ton 67 Chev. 3/4 Ton 66 Dodge Sportsman 65 Ford 3/4 Ton Yellow 65 Ford ~/4 Ton White 52 Ford Dump 50 Int. 1 Ton JIM Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Watters - Bob Wolden Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-823] Wanted INDEPENDENT LOGGER wants large or small tracts of timber to thin or clear-cut. Contact Dick Andrews 426-1096. A1/29-2/25 Personal I WELCOME letters on E.S.P. especially from women 30---70. Joe Cameron Rt 2 Box 182-A Shelton. C 1/7-28 RELIABLE FAMILY would like to rent a waterfront cabin or home, July or August. Prefer Hood Canal. References furnished if desired. Write details to 3621 South McCormick Olympia, or call 943-1618. s1/28-2/18 NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 943-9949. D2/26tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and Referral center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Real Estate Wanted SPECIAL INVESTOR has cash for good buy, prefers acreage or income investments. Call Vi, Maple Valley Land and Homes, Shelton 426-1203 1/14-2/4 625 So. 1st 426-2411 Work Wanted HOUSECLEANING -- AVAILABLE several hours a week. References, experienced, own transportation Phone 426-1430. D1/28 EXPERIENCED TEENAGE babysitters 927 Franklin st. W1/28 CHILD CARE Wanted -- Licensed, experienced, reliable. Day or night. Fenced yard. Other playmates phone 426-2540. A1/21-2/11 WANT PLAYMATES -- have two children of my own, reasonable rates, license and references included, 426-3246. W1/14-2/4 Help Wanted GOOD LABORER witn supervisory experience, small construction business, steady employmept Phone 426-:~300. ~29.., , , ..... ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES and mothers -- work from your home 2 hours a day. Stanley home products. Call 426-6802 ask for Jeanette. G 1/14-2/4 WANTED -- HOUSEKEEPER to live in and care for elderly man. Write or inquire 610 Dearborn. K1/21-2/11 BOY FOR morning paper route. Mt. View area. Call 426-6527 before 7 pm or 426-63 1 1 anytime. R 1/14tfn WANTED ACREAGE -- Timbered, creeks. Call or write Tallman Real Estate LE 1-8999, Tacoma. P.O. Box 2245, Parkland, Wa. T12/17tfn EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Real t or-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn Real Estate G I LOAN TERMS EXTENDED Loan Guarantee entitlements of WWll & Korean Conflict have • been extended without limit. Let us help you secure a brand-new 3 bedroom home without down payment (closing costs only) at the new 7.5% Veterans interest rate. See us today. WE NEED AN OFFER On this large older home located just off Arcadia Road. It has 3-5 bedrooms, huge living room with fireplace and formal dining room. Recently remodeled, this house has new heating system and roof. Got a house to trade in? That's O.K. too. Call today and make your offer! Real Estate Square 2V2 Acre Tracts 330' x 330' wooded, mostly flat. Five miles from Shelton, $3,400. Easy terms. Call Ed "Ski" Lizakowski 426-6572 REID REALTY 857-2161 Purdy DUPLEX - LIVE IN ONE-RENT THE OTHER You can trade the equity of your home into this quality income property. Both units have 2 bedrooms, fully carpeted, ranges, refrigerators, carports and separate utility room with washer and dryer. Both units are now renting for $125 per month. Call for details. 3 BEDROOMS - EUCLID STREET Rambler with fireplace, carpeting, range, 1]/z baths, attached garage and what's more, if you have served in the military 90 days or more, your total cash investment will be only $200. Better look into this one today. 2 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME: Close to stores and other There is a very good garden spot, conveniences. Large fenced lot patio, fruit and nut trees, w!th good gardening area. $5,250 flowering shrubs, for the home which includes furnishings. gardener and well maintaineo home with hardwood floors, electric heat, carpets, drapes and $200 CASH OUTLAY appliances included for the Is all YOu require if you qualify homemaker. Only $14,500 on under the 235 interest subsidy conventional financing, program tor one of the brand new 3 or 4 bedroom homes. You may ACREAGE FOR MOBILE HOME: 7 acres partly cleared, partly Wooded; power and septic tank hookup in for that mobile home makes this an excellent buy at $7,000 terms or less for cash. FIXER UPPER: Handyman special, lots of room on 90' x 100' lot with single garage attached. Only $6500 full price. COUNTRy SPECIAL: 3 bedroom house, garage, barn, playhouse. Lovely WOoded site with tots of privacy nh • O-,7 4 miles from town. Reduced to $14,500. Sorry no FHA. Wnehave new homes going up now the Country. 3 BR, FP's, Garage and much more besides lotS of Privacy. Closing costs down. Call 426-1641 Bey Thomason 426-8615 AGENCY R~AL ESTATE . INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. ch oose . YOur location, Mt. View, /~ngleside or South Hill. If you have 2 or more children and earn $6,500 or less your payments will be around' $85 per month including tax and insurance. Let's discuss it. BAY EAST Want a permanent mobile home or building site? With water & power plus the use of 450' of beautiful waterfront, a deep water dock and a boat launch ramp -- then you will be wild about our tracts at BAY EAST. They are level, beautifully wooded and only $300 down and $30 per month. Better Call. ACREAGE - 15 Acres located in the Agate area, has approximately 500' road frontage, about 4 acres cleared, rest in cedar, alder and some young fir. $800 per acre. Terms. 37 Acres -- Price reduced to $750 per acre. Cole Road area. An investmenL opPortunity with investor terms. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWlN 426-3503 Personal Real Estate CONFIDENTIAL CARE for u nwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton HOme. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn Real Estate FOUR BEDROOMS, two baths, large rec. room, two fireplaces, two kitchens, double garage. Large Mt. View lot. Just a few features of this fine home. Offered at FHA price, terms, $28,500.00. By owner. 426-3560 after 5 p.m.W1/21tfn EXCELLENT LOT -- 70x200 water, electricity, septic tank, semi-landscaped. Good place for children, $3500 cash. 877-5832. R 1/14-2/4 3 BEDROOM house on Fenced back yard, garage, low intere 426-2126. L1/21tfn PASTURE -- 3 acres fenced, close in. Maple Valley Land 426-1203. M1/28 HOOD CANAL 2 t cottaqe, fireplace, creek, Substantial down Ma Land & Homes HILLCREST, $9800 bedroom, living room, built-in oven and rat Center st. Phone Lima Will carry contract. V1/: FOR SALE 3 912 Cascade. 426-6517. A1/7tfn SECLUDED BUT closei for sale. 426-4870 evenill MAYBE HIMLIE REAL E.. /ATE CAN HELP. OWNER WILL ONE ACRE ** CARRY CONTRACT . . • INSIDE THE CITY On this Mountain View 3 That's what you'll see v bedroom rambler with show you this very fireplace, carport, covered bedroom home on patio area,and nice fenced Land mostly cle~ yard. Really an excellent park-like setting and "starter" home for the young on two main family. Easily maintained for Home has new fire the older family. Takes about as new forced-air" $1500 down and monthly heating system. A payments set at $115. See it carport and ~/4 today for only $14,500. handy shop and utili Many more features including view over $8950 with terms. RUNNING STREAM •.. Owner will entertain reasonable offer on this near 9 acre piece with year-round stream. Has older 3 bedroom home with full basement and many small outbuildings for pets, etc. Check on this one -- you might be suprised on the good value and the low price. LOST LAKE .. • Next to the boat launching area on the East side of the lake. Nearly completed 1 bedroom cabin with fireplace. Private dock with the best in "no bank" frontage of approximately 60'. Very level land with many trees for shade and privacy and over 150' of depth. $16,000 on good terms. INVESTORS - ATTE NTION ! ! ! How about a good interest buy in close to town? Here's about 38 acres of good level land with some trees for privacy and located with frontage on 2 paved county roads. An ideal investment for future development. Priced to sell at $40,000 with $10,000 down and payments set at $200/month. WATER FRONT... We have many excellent buys on Hammersley Inlet with a low, low price of $75 on the front foot in many cases. Well worth looking at for this price. Very good terms available and acreage backlands available as well as frontage on county road. ATTENTION HOMEBUILDERS Here's a tract of lane inside the city potential for many in a newer and gro~ Over 4 acres of frontage on two mai $8500 with available. Check one won't last long! TOTTEN SHORES We have a most bedroom home with frontage on salt masterful view of area. Also has for horses. Sounds it - give us a call T details. $27,750. INVESTORS ** LOOK AT THIS !I! To settle an estate,. Harstine Island sand waterfront property tidelands, for only Total price of $14,750 down set at $400/month, A REAL PACKAGE DEAL We have 5 seoa located on An~ View, Capitol downtown Shelton amazing asking $32,500 for all investment give you future income. Give for details on terms. 1 I0 RAILROAD AVENUE -- Evenings Call -- Jim Roush 426-8522 or Don Brown 426-6388