January 28, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 28, 1971 |
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Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate For Rent Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Pubfl
..Or. oaT ,
Cabin -- 2 ac -- 4 950 Union• 1/28-2/4 ~qnH~('Vq ~...t / Cole STATE OF WASHINGTON s a! (Wk) of the ~ r T H ~" ~ -r A~
2bdrm--db 0t'--8400 ~-- ~-'~,~.~,;~'{~,~'~'~ D~,~,;;'~ ~•.~'~ ' DEPARTMENT OF NATURAt' Northeast Quarter (NEI/4) of ~,,[cu;.;,L.~-,-,.~' L-~)'R~
-- " "~ ~' ~ ~- the Nor , ,,,-.,o,,,,.~.,,..,~,, ....-
' EK ............................ RE theast uarter N
3 Bdrm near Thrlftway -- 8 900 HOUS EEPING ROOM for I~tt~TICI~ ~q ~CD~=M P-~WCM SOURCES, Bert L• Cole Q ( E/4) e('llll\lTV I1%1 I:~l~rll~
2 Bdrm. -- Mt. V ew area -- 9 500 rent. Everyth ng ,urn shed Phone Th'~+'-"'T~-,~'~'i'-~.~'~.'-'..~; Commissioner of Pub c Lands ' of Section Seventeen (17) ..v.~;.; '~u~" '~;~,~
• , • ........ .,,~,~oy ~.,¢ ~.~.u uay u. " Townshi N netee , ,,~ ., ,L ,v,~..~-,-
3 Bdrm. Angles=de -- 16 500 426-8115. Adults only. LI/28 tfn c=h ....... ~o?~ '~ ...... ;~.., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN p n (19) North, ~TUTC ~c p~.(ii~
Unfinished Home -- 4 ac -- 15 500 ~~ ;~'~,~,:i~'~;'"+~"~'";~'~"~ ~; that on Tuesday, the 23rd day of . Ran,ge Six (6), West W•M r--i'~A~',~,,i~'_~'r~o~='~;&~
-L_ Newer 2 Bdrm. 11 Ac• 18,500' 3 BEDROOM, partly furnished ~'~'~ ~,~,"~"~÷";h~"~'~'~[~"~"',~ February 1971, commencing at l.eviea on in the hereinabove "~'~t;~-',~"~'~l~
where [ne fireplace, patio, garage. Available ~'~, ~"~- "~,~'"~+.'~'~"~h~,~'~'~ ten o'clock in the forenoon of descriDed cause to satisfy a th=+''~'h"'~,,~..~.'~'ne~.~I
......... Feb. 15th. $140. Call 426-2206 ,,~., ,,, ,,,~ ,~,~,~ v.q~,.~,.u,~/ said day, at the Port Orchard judgment of foreclosure of a ='~,',,~,'~ ~",-~'~"-~1~
Maple valley Land & Homes after6pm H1/28-2/4 ,~.y~','t-~"" ,.,~v,., .~.y,~ y. District Headquarters located at mortgage amount ng to P~'"~' ~-"..~-~t'l~
m _n t'Ir _ • " wasnmg on, Dy tne LOun~y p,r÷ ~h.~,~ r..,~,,' ^~ ~;- (:3 1 11 31 tonether ,^,i÷h ........ ~" .......... :a
• ,,v. • ~.---v --~ • . ,.. v.,.,,..u, ,~v,~,,.y u, r\iisap, -v , " ' = "'''" R
Open Weekends-426-1203 TWO BEDROOM apartment 650 Audi.tor of_ sa2d" county, .the State of Washington by the attorney's fees in the amount of Est.a to.. o f_ C AR~
~OHuw~rlLJ Ue~LHU~U /HU class ~loe • " ' 500 00 U " L, UIVIMII~IL'Ib, oeCeln~s~i
\ men." 1/28 Dea~b°~,ataV?'lgbleba%be°UiLcFleclbel: l~pdSc;vemtOgtethe~uate~,,thheretohne" DDlSs~;:c~, Adem'n~tmr~)ttrr of s~t~d tSxab~ ctstss i~nt~eStoranodf perso;Staa~ngheClra
\ Range/refrigerator ,urn shed if ill "- -old at -ubli . . , following described state land w P • -- - ,'.
• w Be ~ p C auction ~o • - DATED this 4th da of serve [ne same, eu y
/ desired Fenced yard near store ................... be sold at public auction to the , Y ................ lha
-~ / ....... -~ .~...,-. ", ..... '. • l.llUlllgllUbk UlUUel mereror ~.i..h...÷~..~,~,.r ÷.- ~ January 1971 John D ~,,= u,,u~,~,9.~u u, ,,.-~
..... =~..--.--v-.--------; ~--.-----_-._-- )~u p us ~lb.UU damage and f,~ ,Mi~ , ii ~ ~;31. uluu~; Lu WlL: ..... ; - -- " nr r~t-nr~l :if ÷h~ -d l
I'__ !___ clean deposit. 426-4506 after .v-...: ~z~M cc~l ~MTV Application No. 33781 ~ool,nson, _bnerirr or Mason ~'~=÷:,~4"~',,~,~ '~'.,'~,'~ :;nl
II ~r~K~l 4:00 p m sl/28 ^..'~l'~"~'~'i'~'EZ'~'.~,~ T g e r C r ee k ocated Loun~y.wa.~mng~on ~""'~'' "'Y-" "; ;"'~ "oU~ i
II " • ,~ ~ ~,, ,~v ~'+'*ou ....... :---*^,.. - ., - - u~' ~nn Hose L.lerK OT [Be Said CUU'I
.................. ..~ .... " dpplUXllll~Lt/ly ~- mlleS Dy road ]
.... II .................. ~- ............. The tdeands of the second --r'hwe-t of ........ ChefCvilDe,.ut,, with proof ofsuchseFI
~nRrr KUUM parIiall nu L ~ oUHalr ine sale is ~, x.
• Y class owned by the State of • " four (4) months after
I#"1~1~ i II CHAIN SAW sharpening speedy ,urn,shed house on Hammersley .....L' ................. composed of all tmber bounded 1/7-14-21-28-4t ......... .,rl
..... VVd~flIH~JLUH ~ILUdL~ n [roar or r i rs[ pub ca[ on OT t
IIL_r__u II accurate• Precis on grinding Now Inlet, 4 m es trom town $6b.UU ~di~c~nf tn nr ~hHffi ....... ÷h" by clea c.ut boundary tags and ~-- ÷h ........ ;" ~,,
" IIII. III at Saeger Motor Shop Hillcrest month 426-6877 M1/28'2/18 ' T, TL-Z-~;:'~-;' ";" ";~.. ..... ~ ~w'-y -,,~, proper~y fines on part SWV, SWV4 .... ~'". ...... ."%"-:--.I!
,i p....... ~.~c ~ct,.~ , .... ; " ' • " vvu~L '~a~ Tee~ OT ~,overnmen~ LOt of Section 17 ~=~+ ~lw]/, Nw[/. ,~e ~,,.,.,.,,..~ .,... ,..,. ....... uate OT rirs¢
ll ,,u~,= .,~o-.,vu.-. ~l~3~rn ~---- i Section 23 Tn,^,n{hi,~ ~)(~ ..... ' i~ ................. l~IUlll~r. IU I..I'~I=.UIIUI~ JaniJarv ::),I~ lq71 ::|
Once in your lifehme II --~ SIX ROOM house in Agate area N'orth Range '3 '~/est°'"~/V I~v bec~).on z u, all in Township 23 No. 4176 - -);}'oT.~,'~',-.•i'•~liVlt~
II BATHR.OOM AND kitchen $100•00 per month. Cali included n ~ tract describeci a's i~lorm.,. I-(ange 1 West, W:M., IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ~ersonaT'l~enre~en~
• Canal Front home II re model,ng._,,Ro.o!ing,, patios/ 426~_8300 ,af!er 5!30 p.m. or follows: Beginning at the meander c°~rlrlin?n~b acres'..?°re°r..les, s~ THEST.ATE OF WASH INGTON GtennE. Correa'-
ll L'~IpUll.5. ~r~,~Hur JOOS also. LaH ,+~-3u~a. Y~IZ~-Zllt~ corner on the west line of said .~_^ ~r:~ .'_,~ .. F'IJ .-. ,~LUly FOR IVlIAbUN COUNTY IN Attornev for F~tate ~
"under'L°ts of]hroom0 ~"| .................... _ .................. t,'-roo m~ :re"rmsiiiiiiii Osborne's 426-6241 • 10/15tfn __~CO R oCect ;" n,o ~o,~ ~.u ................ . ,u3rlM[[I9 L,I~,,~.~ hrough~°VA UUUa weliDa'sltuatedr~ OT wlthlnU°UglaS3Lot~._Tir, PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF ,~=°H ............. I' ~'1]1~1:~at- -G EOR-G E F'~e m ber 8, ~11 D..;i'.~ ;... ----~°n~l"i]:~|
• • - .............. GATEWAY APARTMENTS alon the meander ine ~87 Den 80,000 bd: ft. of cedar, 70000 THE ESTATE OF LESLIE 1o, ¢...÷h ~u,h ..... ÷
All Electric heat Want your roperty • ' g -- =• uu i[ r ............ o~ .... ~:,
,. . | ..... P . . I| BAr'KHr~E C, ERVICEC, wl,h ,,÷o ,urn shed modern downtown 30' F__ 366 ,b teet and mence IN . . o .narowo.oos a.nd,40 0Ou ALFRED TURNER Deceased • '~
• • . " "-" ........... ' ' • , bd ft .... Shelton, Washington
pe ing ~ " • II model 15 ft backhoe 15 years Water and heat furnished. Adults. 64 Deg E 111 43 feet thence or "~ ÷;~÷~, ^~ ~=~ ,~n,~ ~..~ ,. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1/~
~,ar t sore Let US rind of nemlocK ana wm£e TIr
• New Garaoe and Short | the Duyers! III experience. Also sewage systems 426-4895 or 426-4481, 218 leaving said meander line'S 0 Deg. ~,~,~,.~,-- -~.,u,uv~,u_uj.,~. that the. undersigned has been ~ i
;;~ r IVIIIIIIIIUlIIdccep[aDle DId ntea an
• P-^^,~ , .~ll | Call IIITop workmanship• Earl T• Marr: North First. G 1/28tfn 01' 11" E 101.30 feet, thence N ml0 ~8~ nn : appoi . d has qualified as the ........... ,~li
• .,v,,u--=,, I ..... II 426-3053 6/11tfn ~ 58 Deg 13' W 28 86 feet and "~ ~-,:~L":v'•. ...... persona, representative of the '~uL~.~.=_ur ..~.~,."al
• Fruit trees | zmumate ffty• i III - ONE AND two bedroom thence N 83 Beg. W 432.30 feet or ~in~ta~lrWr~~ p?aS°b~s°n~imC~3sn Estate of Leslie Alfred Turner, APPLWlC~/~l~)l~lll~l~1
,-, ......... 1) 877-5576 ~ II ....... __~-- unfurnished duplexes fu to the point of beginning ....... .... _ deceased; that all persons having ......... ~1
• ~ooo UUlKneaa cement • YOUR SINGER Re resen[a~we , . . ,,u~[ De removed prior to uc[ooer laims a amst b/~/P__ Ul- w/~
) .... II P " basement No pets Contact Ken conta n ng an area of 0 25 acre, 31 1972 .c _ g said deceased are
• 58' Excellent canal front II w.ill be in Shelton on Tuesday and Rose 1024 Ellinor• St 426-6548 more or less• Excepting -- • ......... nereDy required to serve the same DEPARTMENT
uH or Delore february zJ UL¥1VIr'I/-~
_ ~, . • III/nursoay. TOr bale and_. Service.or 75'3-5030 1/21 tfn " therefrom the tidelands of the .............. , duly verified, on the undersigne(J ....... .;.,..._ ~
" ~.~OOO view Contact locally Y~ay's uraperies __ " second class conveyed for the ,~,, a[ ~u:uu a:m.. eacn blooer or her attorney of record at the ~p,r P~uiiu-: .o
, r ii COw: e !iii:i 5@Zi .iii,i
: T;sPt:rO:&d tcil::fs :: f::;edr;;lon to roof ~ee he°
" " 426-2455 wl/21-28 ' , g d issued o enin bid at the a " ( ) . r ;
-,-, II ----~ -- ........ October 20, 1897 under p !g ..... ppra,sed after the date of first pub cat on the public waters ~;!]
ine owners cannot take care of such a arge home I| P R V AT E S NOW plow -- LARGE FURNISHED exclusive Application No 2633' and to price• upon award or m~s, sa~.e, t.ne of this notice or the same will be .~rlbutary of Harn m_ers~
" respectwe deposits snail be barred me amoun~ ot U O/cu
dr ve wa s reasonab e rates f r Jonas Er ckson throu h deed
any Ion er and are w I n to reduce th r" " - Y , . a artment o cou le or sin le " 'g • • " "
sell it n~-e, g e p ,ce to II Phone 426-2143 after 6 pm. pPerson Utilities furPn~ished Lgts issued April 12 1898 under returned ,to the unsuccessful Date of first publication: second, subject to e~x!]
~'" II P1/14-2/4 ________.____ of storage fireplace and garage Application No. 2702. ~c~'aser~'mu'Jt~ ~ay ~'l~e~u,, ~r~u January. 28, 197]..... ~rom /APr]~=~,ln;~eu~
JIM SHUMATE -- BROKER II Tree topping, and falling phone pNh°onPeatfSter r~f~)~)e%ce~ wreq~rneds Appr~;~edant t$200n00t'h side of ~e?lw~edn theeb~i~u~Cl~P~3't(~nbi~it'hoi Gle/s/E~ucarrMear'e Larder ~riigna~ion; thda~vetrhie~-~l
nlr~r =~n .............. II 426-3532• Mc8/8tfn " 426-3560 W1/21tfn Hammers ey s Inlet about 4 miles . P ~ . ._ • , Attorney tor estate ~" ~:, ,11
...,~,--~_~,.~ll..Ull -- M/AIN/~LiI=,R II ~ ------------ ...... ---- east of Shelton in southeastern Ssao'ee ~ec(~; o~ ?haY,tlT~noefPsU~qnaser Be Building within NEV4SW%NE~II
-- . Mason Count ' e, pay 4th tr 29, Township 20N.,
WARREN RUSSELL SALESMAN INTERIOR PAINTING Specal TRAILER SPACES for rent on Y• an add tona amount to " 121S S eet " ]n'~.
• - r r , br ng • W M , n Mason Coun
SAM HUMES -- SALESMAN II Wmter pnces, allareas. References. Mt. View at the Pines. Near .. P~chase. mus[ also pay a the tota amount of the deno~t Shelton. wasnmqton An,, ,~h;o~,~
II Ca I Olympia 491-0752 or She tonstores. 426-3273 O1/14tfn ~3:uu s[azu[ory Tee• exclusive of fees to enual I~'~i 1/28-2/4-I I-3t ..... -L_~:.~J~..~' "~"-il
.,.~.~c ~r,~ r,, ...... • IO De SO d at Shelto-- "--"--"" , ,~ ,~,0 u. ___~ o~u,,,p=,,,=u uy o
. II ,~o-~.-,~Ju. rlz/31 ~Tn .... ~. ............. ,a,,, ~vu~Ly the full bid price based on the ---- ($2 00) recording f6~
3~¢1L U|I lU~Udy
reoruary zJ
II ALDERBROOK FOR lease on 1"7" ........ " , cruise estimate, provided that .......... witl3 the DepartmentI
I Golf course, three bedrooms two ~ ^~, at ~u o clock a.m. . such deDosit shall not he les~ fh~n SUMMUI~I:~ BY PUBLICATION wifhin fhirf~, I'~
Ir II .......... D~Y • .~I~IWI_~ baths rec. room with firep'lace, ff~nYr sam, rWnich ..... has been $2 000 00 This balance may be No. 10618 J'an'u'ar'y 28 ....... 1971.~-'
I • • ~_l~l~$~Jl~ III CUSTnM Purchase option available. Rental . ', ........ paid by personal check• Purchaser N THE CJIDIC'D /'~D Pt~I/DT Witness' my hand~
o e ed and o which no b~ds are
• • I i • II~IIm~'~ -- -- II llrlnl ~200 "er month "-II ''-'-- received snail no[ De re-oTrereQ must also furni-~ • ..~._ ~.._ • ...... ,,,v,, ,~..,~.,.. ......... .. .~; ~!
.~ Ia . I....~ urIIU[I . . . ~II WlLfllrl ~U days T H sea, [nls J.z.. uox
I LI' " __..-.., II ROTOVATING 898-2795. L1/14-2/4 unt,l.,t has been readvert,sed:.lf of date of sa e a surety bond of 2,[c~4,Mp_E~2T~A~-I-£^~O,.,F 1971
" 111 II MI'A! I II Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 ............ aL,^sa,es^canno[ De o ereaw, mn $1,000.00 to guarantee ¢."rl'~l~N'T~," ........... ~u.~ G'lenH. Fiedler
IIl " . I.III= :~pl~t.. IIIGu L lllt~ UII LIII:I com I ance " """ '
!i ~l,,r~ • • II machines no job too large or WILL SUBLET furmshed one ..~ ........................ P with all terms of the RIIRTnN / T~^ll~i~r% ~n~-I Department ofEceI
auw,u~u u~, u~ ~,~ u ~.dH bill of ..... '- ...,-,_,_. ,,..u
~m~~ Day or Night Office Ph. 877-5576 II small. 426-8750 4/9tfn bedr~omnea4P~-r~;t. ~nt'/e~sUn? ~°~wtieneUe t~: htohuers fo~ll~eWiogcloda~ orders, Sea~ec'. Aal~e CheoCk~'e %n~Ye En~lZwAifBeETHinS~iTfWEvEDl~h~baL?d --.~
If NO Answer Call 8"77-5575 II ,, children. Vl/7tfn a.m and four o'clock p.m. PuY~blttodthe Commissioner of STREET, a di;orced man; NOTICE TO CREd
II ' ~-~-2-'-~ ..~--Z.~--..- ..--~~-__-- Sa d ands will be sold for not ArrCcc ~ ............... MERLE N STREET a divorced No ~172'I
rul-~ I-(1-~/: /railer space ClOSe le ~-~.LaO r~u/-~u RE.VULVII~IL~ n ' . 1
ss than the appraised value FUND. 4 . woma ; PHILIP R. BOLING and IN THE SUPE
Box 125 HOODSPORT, WASHINGTON II blNE HOUSE MOVING to downtown• Call 426-4426• above stated and unon the terms - • " $ 0.00 to be paid on day JANE DOE BOLING husband ......... ~!f~J
10 9tfn . e, OT sale . , ~uun. ur /n~-~
JI Houses Raised, Foundations 10/............ andNc?nld,stsiC~SafOllowing- .... Accessibility: via Department andMwJfe~AL CELESTLN~E. and OF WASHINGTC)'~I~
• , . one-tenm or me of Na ~,~L uur- ~r Lr" 3/llNr-~ FOR M C
i and Leveling FURNISHED 8 x 35' mobile ...................... tural Resources access .......... ASON :~
........ lau~-,,~ laHLU mUSt De paid at me Com-- ete con*---" __~ nusoana anQ WlTe ueTendan~s IN PROBA]I
nome l-bedroom LOS[ LaKe time ~f --'- "~ ...... h .... ;~ ,^ ~, ~,~ ~.u " T U E c :~ ^ -~ ~- ;-, ~- . .i
................. ................... Phone4268147 area $55 per month ideal for be not~"~tlen~o~ne~'~o'f' "t;~e specifications may be examined at WA-~;NLG_~.~ ~ ...~ u .r. In the matter or!I
........... : ......................... 1/27tfn bacl~elor or retire'd couple• improvements must forthwith Port Orchard District M._.?_E...L~LU~._~O tne said D O NA L D V.
lastr t n Girds Of 11xin~s 426-6852 11/19tfn ha" to the off'i ..... Headquarters County Auditor's ~KL~,~ b/~/: ....... Deceased. ~
• -~-" ....... ~'i~ full amoun(~er~n~'K'ng me .sale office and' off ce of the .., ,.].~..u.._ ~-~ R ~ n ~ r~ =,,m ~ Not ce s herebYl
................... ne appraised "om~-- ........ bUMMU,'~t-U [O appear wimin the un.~er-~---ed ~1~
......... ~-----~'----------'-~ "-'--~--~ ....~---------------------~ ......... FURNISHED STUDIO apartment value of the im"rov .... *~ ~- ~" i~luner ol HUOllC Lands ely÷,, ~n~ ,~=,,¢ =~+o. ÷~ .~+..~ . ,u ~'~J" ~' ~11
~r ~GINNER'S TAP I-0 a.m. Hood The kindness and symp~l.hV ~,, BOB ~DEN available at Lawton Apts. 723 above stated On%-tenth~'of~'tl~e Olymp!a. ' ~'h^e" ~,r~'t "~u'b~i'caion" of~'~h~'s a ppo n.~eo .and has~,
...... ~aJt ~ auditor~, Carl of nek;iPd~ot~ imd frle~S~":~,~: :~~, :' ~neSt~2~:~.t~n ,,,,r~h=~o L~',~ ...... .~ ....... /O oe SOlO at Port Orc~nard ....... ~_ ....... ~QmlnlsTraTrlx OT u.,~
" •. ' . m.:.~... . -- ,:"*. .~ . ~: ,...~:;.~=~:.,.~,..~.~,. v,- ,-,,,,~ P~"'-'~ 'L" . ,~ ~=,u' Str ...... ou,m,,un~, ¢o-Wl[; wl[nln SlXly Dona d ' OW
8.77-57]3 for information, recent sorrow w awavs rem-ln -'Tncft~[Tm~Ji~'~Fv~ ....... i; ................. .,, .~t~.~-~4~.t. ......... ]3 .... ct Headquarters, on ,~ ....................... V. ~ I
'-"/ ...... wl[n .us as a precious memory.' ......... " I~m~mii =.~= on all deferred payments at the lr~'~T[,,~'~-,~--" ....... ' "" January, 1971, and defend the ~n~,.n~'-'~=i~-'~'~hd~JI
uur sincere thanks and gratitude ~_~rn~*in~.. =....,.o mVV¢ IN rate of 7V2 per centum per "~2"_~.'."~"_~'- .... ~ ..... above-entitled act on n the ~',',]~-'~-/~'--~ ~heI
• - • for all those comfortino a~k v...~,...,,,~ -- ~vH~ii~.,~ -- ~nn~rn D~.,,;.4.,,4 T~.-.+ .~... /-~ly ~d~e Wn cn nas Deen ~. ...... .:.,^.~ .. .... . __., _ _ .~,~u,,=u ~u ~,w . "~II
=--=----- = ,~ ,, ., ~ -- .. - - "'~ ..... ~A"~ ~ I.. ......... : r,vv,,~u, ,,,o~ a,,y offerer~ ~n,~ f,~ ,..~;~h ~... k'.~ auvv=-=,,uu~u ~uu,~ ~,,U ~nswur verified nn the
It,lUlIII I,II~IUUl Mrs. James D. Swindall Ceramic and Linoleum /UI,1AT purchaser maY make tull payment receive~l =s'~a;l"'no't"'l~'e"reo'f~Sraerc~ the Complaint of tile plaintiffs, . administr~ltri"x'or herI
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Swlndall .... of principal, interest and until it has been re ...... and serve a copy of your answer the address below s;{i~I
j une ano two Dedr aaver~seo iT
................ ane E. Denoyer oom statutory fees at any time and .............. L upon the undersigned attorney • c
i%luw F~V/"&IL/%I~L~_ J " Licensed Bon . . ~,, ~d,es canno~ de oTtereo wlmin .... the same with the
........... udy Swlndall , ded apartments, with carnet obtain deed The purchaser of th .............. for plaintiffs at h=s office below cnurt fn~fh~r with~
Ins[ruc[ions n rnytnm lead and ~.,~o _ t- , land -o "-in'i-- "' " ._ ,.~ ~la~L, ~u rime on the - ............... = ...........
..... ..... . . ,/~o ~- In ..... "~ dra~,,,~ ~ .... ,:_ _ c n~a ng [imoer or diner advertved -~-'^ -'- ..... Sidled-and in case oTyourraHure servce wifhn fnur~
od~ gUilds. 13eglnnln g ~ ~ ~u,~u i~ ~ ~lJpl__ lances val,,~.,~-.~+~ri~,.;._~=,, .~l~'~..'J. ~1 ~. 3 U(:IL~;t, UlU sale snail ~u÷" ,-I',-. .-.., ",,.~...~.. ¢ .,, ~. ...... ~-
• . ' " ~ H~(]~ (~ • ~ t.;ruiHul(eu uy on i uu ~v, J~uu,,,~n~ Wl. ue h " t
intermediate and advanced We wish to thankt .......... Jefferson ~-+~ ,~.~ ................... c t nue on the following day ~,~,~.~,~,~,~ ~^~;..~¢ ......... .4:.._,.. t e date of the flrs P.~E
. j ..... 111~ |lL)~)lJII.dl - /'~ IJ L~, ~.~.}f ~ I¢IW //UIII LULLIIILJ Ur removing any hpfwp~n ~.h~ I~i~lllf4~ ~F .1~ I i. /(;llU=/~u ¢;l~jalU:~ yuu ¢ILLU/UIIly 1,U thi(~ notic~ ~r ,he >~!
s[uoen~s Learn profess onal rsonnel and our man fri n ................ ,,.~ v. L~H O C OC~ ..................
• - . pe y e ds -- Jefferson St M such timber or materials without , the demand of the Complaint, 4.
electronic effects with fender and and nei-hh,~r¢ tot ~" ........ Phone 426 3155 . ., gr. Apt. 11 or ..................... a.m and four o clock p.m. ,.,h ...................... barred• . ~
• ~ [~v .~ ~,, ~l~ ~gIU.~, / 1::)1, UUL~IIIIH~J Lu[isen[ OT me • • - . VVlll~ll IIg~ U~;II /lieU W LII LII~ t "r [
ampex stud,o equipment. Lowest gifts and kindnesses received 3/6,n phone 426-8663. Comm ssioner of Public Lands ._ Saldft~rmberon Sa_ld land will be Clerk of said Court JanuDaavle4ofnfi s ~l
• o~©~ ~-©, whil i " , . , ~u,u v ,,u~ ,~ man tne - Y • , ~='~
- • our son was n the hospital until the full amount of the ........ - ........... T h e o b j e c t o f t h e BETTY R 7AMZ~
• u " e ha d~J~J/dl3~U Va,U~ d~ appralseo Dy V ..........
Only_~2$ ........... 00 per ~e~ion due to Honda accident ~" .... uu p rchase pr~c s been naid and ..... • " ' abo e enhtled action ~s for a quiet of
-- • " T . Scott K,,tta & Fam'il-- ml. Vll=.~ dee" " ~ ,- [ne ~umm~ssloner of Public Lands .... - ..... Admjnistratrix I~
I-or a olntm ~ y u IssueQ I ~ e juagmen[ ~o real proper~y E
PP " ent pnone Studio " in the manner provided by law a T R E N A B :
....... 1/28 ROTO-VATING ELWOOD MANOR All sales of state lands are made ........................ ' described in said complaint WORTHINGTON '~
4/b'l/I I -- ~_-- "--. ,. .-- --- ^~.~ ........ subject to the reservations of oils, t, heULof~i,ceVV, o~- ~;,UXuOn Tile In Gerald L. Whitcomb " A tt-ornevs :forE-state, ~
hcfocflon r~rP~l'~/nnr.l~ll/:~ gases coal ores minerals and ,~ ........ tv --,~ ul[cr+.o~ Attorney for Pla nt ffs Office and Po office
Richard Anderson . / 2 II~rJllllQmllllidl fossds .of every ,_ .~e, kind and Administrator of said district Gerald LLWh,tcomb 205 Thurston Savi~
....... t.~llt-lrt'lnlrl~_~('ll IlllWlll~Vvm description, ann ~u 1,11~t aadidonal O~OT i cOLE " ~-'~ 3. ,+In :~reet Bldn Olvmnia Washir41
~'~J~ " ~ " ion " L.~L--,~ 6. ~, • ~ =" ~ r" ,
Monday ....... mru ~a~urda =-----~ ...... _-v-._-_-._- - -- _ -- .... I Ilkllll Illlll~U~ll~ terms and cond~t s prescribed c,~mm~qoner ......... of Pu~,~;~, ,~ L-~,,~' ~"'~" Shelton, Washington 1[/~
Y" ,,.~o M.l.ll. U.... 426.2857 Evenings ~=~rta~l~n==~ in section 3 of chapter 256 of the "~ ~ 1/28-2/4'11 18 4t 1/28-2/4-] 1-18-25-3/4-6t ~,
1/¢=O• Illlk~ll~ num~ 4/23tfn ., .......... Laws of 1907 .... ~'-" "-~"'~'" " ---------------- ~
~_-~-------_-_-_-_-_-._-~-._-. {~zt6sigaet~{oX~t~iI ,hm~_°b~le drhO~mme: PA|N11.G .d DRY Will[ NOT,
u.IL:I. U ..... " i y . . RESIDENT and easements for rights- -way and STATE OF WASHINGTON N Till= ~ DIeD n oW/?~
I~m~ n~m~ 426 6041 dl 28 2 4 ~mber R COURT DEPARTMENT OF
~,i ~v, ............. 3/19tfn " eral~ ~nd nfher oroaucts nw" r~, v.~.,^ • O F T H E S T A T E O F OLYMPIAE~Jl~
" " / " / Pf~I~.~IuII='I:)PI&/ 426-3100 the carrying of t , stone DEPARTMENT OF ECOLO(3Y. ' .............. :::
rain ............. ~ ..... ~LIIVlrl ~. W R '
/ "9 ÷h ............... ASH I NGTON FO THE TAKE NOTICE: .'J
/ j ....... ,u //'~1~1- NU/ICE' C UNTY F
J. E. HARRIS mission " O OF MASON. That GEORGE
. Bert L. Cole, Com er of That HARRY H. OLSON e-att-ie,-W-asl~l~
p . • , IN THE MATTER OF THE of Seattle, WaS
You Know Bonded and Insured "------------------------------------ ubhc Lands~.28 2/4 11 18 4t /NeC" of .Seattle, Wa~n~ton..on ESTATE OF FRANK A. WHITE Dec
J I __ , mn 1=, -. / .... a ce.mDer I b, ~ ..T"ed SR Deceased ' application for-pern1~
/ 95% of the new one-family homes bein- sold in / (all 426-8773 u~a ruoiKonons .._~-L_-~-~.. wiPtP~l~cat'°n.,:~°rroPue~lm~a,t° "'lNotice is'hereby given that the public waters of~:~
• ] ~ 7/4tfn ................... PiUIICF TO CI-(P_UHvM~ t aw puu,~L u . . "='~ the undersigned has been in the amount of 0.U
/the $ , O0 price bracket are mobile homes. / ................... NO.417 ........ ' .... 'appointed and has qualified as per s~, u°b'fje0ctu]
/ l/ ~T't'E OF ¢"~^'~ IN THE SUPERIOR ~_.o.~ the ~lat.ot.bp.encer L*,en a Executrix of the estate of rightS.uCrpCOntinuouslyti' un ousVl~l
II ............. T E ,up,at OT Iracts I mrougn . ot ~)x~'m'aI'- _~_I
~l'~,"~i'~"~.~" ~'JL~.." I APPLICATION No 22742 .............. v of Section 32 Townshio 21N ; P "g that th';
EtECIR01UX SALES OF WASHINGTON Deceased that all ersons hav,n ma
FOR pencer Lake Waterfront Tracts
v " E F " ,,,~u,~ ~.uu,~--- R ' . ~ ", claims aga net sa d deceased are diversion is located W
/ • • Iri,,/I It,/1~'/ • • //Y. / Sales -- Serwce -- SuoPhes STAT O WASHINGTON ............... nf anae P W W M in Mas .. . . ion is located W,!
I e I -- n~oUnTMENT ~ ~rr~v . ,n me Matter or [ne ,-~o~= ..- C""--"-- - ";." ........ • --~ "~°2 hereoy required to serve tne same Block 1 of the Plat/I
..... 6~.*v~..v~.~., VUll[y In tne amoun[ u/ aou r
/ / CALL 426-3544 n~'YMP A TAKE'I~nT~CI= LO S F. DAUGHERTY Deceased "all---- "- .......... hio~ ÷,, duly verified on said PATR CIA Lake Ad~l'ition ~lO;,~l
"- " ..... : The undersl ned' ,s the = v,,~ per m,,,u~=, ~j~-- .v '
g ex MEDEIROS or her attorneys of Sechon 14, Tow
J We have the Answer / For free deliver~, -- Jack Manley . That .REX D.U.MPHENOUR appointed an" ---~ f ed nersonal isting rights continuously, each ..... .~ ~÷ .... ,~,~ ............ h~n 1,4,, Tow,~
1 / .... ot ~nel1:on Wasnina~on on ..... u ,~uo,, , ._~. ._,_ year f,.~ ÷h~ ..,,~nose of .~v.u ~ ,,,~ .... ~o~ u~,uw R~nge ~w. w.lv~"1
/ NEW pRILIlUlIT MtglMI=¢ | __ ~/zutrn December 14, 197~ filed ~up_rese.n~a.nve .of sa,d. es~L~ commune,', domestic~suD~[;v stated, and file the same with the County. '~
................ / application for permit to divert .~rsons nav,ng cla,ms.agalns~ ~ Any ~oblecti,~.,~ ~'must be Clerk of said Court, together with Arly objectio~I
/ (20 & 24 feet wide -- 36 to 68 f~_~t Innn I / HAND ~AW~ the public waters of Mill Creek ~=asea are requlreQ, t,o servc:~-= accompanied' bv a"two dollars proof of such service within 4 accoml~anied" by a~
/ ...... ~'~ / .... _-''"-- tributary of Hammersle,, Inlet in ~,,e.,In dupncate, dUly. verH,~u, ($2 00~ ..... ,~;'..- * .... ,~ fil=,~ months after the ante of first ($2 00) recording ~,.~.
/ 1 & TABLE SAWS the amount of 0 05 cubi~c foot ~er u,~_ ~ne undersigned or [~,~ witl~ tl~e'n~=~o'~;=,,~='L-~nlo~v publication of this notice, or the witl~ il~e "l~e"parime~
! - / IUllmllmlll~ second, subject ;co'existin- rinh'tS ~j~mey .OT record at. tne aou,=~ within t~r~'~"~'~" ~'~,~'-'fr~rn same will be barred, within -thir{-y-(30);,-I
/ $7,950 3 bedrooms -- includes aooliances and [ IIIIB~IIKIP'II~Iil from April 15 throuah ~)ct~be.r ~a~ea .,Delow and hie...mesame February 4"•1"~71~''' .... Date of first publication January 28, 1971. ~I
-- 31 each ear f r = w,~. me L;lerK or [nls court, Wit" "~ " January, 1971 W~tness m han~
/ drapes with carpets in livinn, dininn, J 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) . y o the purpose of together wi÷h ....~¢ ,-f such " ness' my h'and and offic a .... ._ . i{nessmy hana~
/ ....... = = / ......... irrigation that the annroxmate ........... "'" ~" .... V." _ .... seal this ~ld ,~ .... ~ /~n.arv P'atricia Meaetros seal this 4th day ,~
/ nail and master bedroom / J~. 4Zb-lb(~l 6/11tfn point of diversion "i~ located~a'_V,~e w/[nln, tour monms a,~, 1971. " ..... ~ ........ "' Executrix of said Estate. 1971. " I'
| e, ,~ -~,~^ o ~ ......... I within Tract 3 Block 4 of the ..,i',',uary zi, 1.9/1, .or the same Glen H Fiedl~,r Star Route 2, Box 216, Glen H. Fiedler..L~'
1 ,~l z,/uu .~ ueurooms witn den inCludes m pl~÷ ^, ....... - ......... , ._ ~ ,, ue Torever Darred r~ .... • ." ~'- , Belfair Wash 98528 ne-~a~t"men-t-o:f 6t~
• . • ~IL U/ Mill ll~[i~K /[,'IC[S, WIThin " ,-'=l~r~ment OT I-COl . ' " ~"~" .......... ;
| apphances and drapes with carpets in / SWIMMING POOLS Section 29, Township 20 N., 1LE~61S.H~.D~AUG~H~ERTY 1~gY.2/4.2t Sh!ers, Kruse & Roper ............ "i~
living, dinina, hall and master i _~mnflt'T:lnb Range 3 W. W. M., in Mason SheI~2JY'L~L',=_=J ..... -'-- " ~orneys~or~sta~e, ~1
r ,'~ II -..~- .... .,,r. t.ounty Robert .v,,, vw~,,,,,u~u. ~o~o.* uox lzb, /zu P'rospect ~treet,
bedroom ],368 sn ft / k,,Ih4,~-.;... ~....LL_ An~, oblections mu~t be ^-- L,.Snyder NOTI , Port Orchard, Washington 98366 _
-'" " / .......... 9, ua~.~rtoe " • -J - - ~I .. ~[orney ror Estate ,.C.E OIl IF_SHERIFF S Pho"~o T~ ~-4455 elPl~tlPJ~
accompanied Dy a two dollar ~ ~u- OF REAL ...........
$6,830 12x60 2 bedrooms, front dining / and dump truck service ($2.00) recording fee and filed~25tt~N-hth.. PROPERTY 1/21-28-2/4-3t I ll91:1~
room, living room tiD out carDet, m Surge water conditioners with the.Department of Ecology u., wasnlng~on 98584 ..... No. 10350 ~ ~ ]
.... - - j " wi[nin mirw (30) days trom .~ 1/21-28-2/4-3t ... b.U. PERIOR COURT OF ~ " I
I"urnlsned. / tr~lll~lU IA~I January28, 1971. ' ., -~-----------~ W/-~,.b,M/.NGTON FOR MASON / IJ~Jl4~l~ Ir
/ ~iill r~Kl~ Witness my hand and official ~uTICE OF HEARING (~uuiN/y NOTICE OF APPLICATION I ~.'~-~..~.~ "
~,,,,7~u¢~ n~ ......... / 426-6539 .... seal this 12th day of January, FINAL ACCOUNT GUTHRIE INVESTMENTS, FOR LETTERSOF J I-{~1~
i m"nwasner -- gar Dage clispOsal -- many I .~e/ton, 1971. No. 4144 INC-, Plaintiff, vs ROY A ADMINISTRATION ~ ~'~-: ~)~ =IB
j any extras -- see at Taylor Towne / , ~, Glen H.. Fiedler ..... THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THORNTON and ETPtEL IRENI£ No. 4179 ~ rll:::l..r... | iC
uepar~men~ of I=colog vV~HINGTON FOR /i-lUl-~l~l/UN, Defendants
• I I ~'a'F~ 0 1/1~1"28"2tCOUNTy By. ".rtue_ of an order of sa e O F T H E S T A T E O F
] USED / Ec ~. N ~ ....~.IN TI:IE MATTER OF THE is suea__OULot the Superior Court WASHINGTON FOR MASON I ,r!~,~..~ ..._
x N " ED r-~/~FE OF SUSIE HLIBOKI, or iw~un ~ounty. Washington, on COUNTY IN PROBATE t~OP~... ~1
I 2 e cellent buys priced from $4250 to $6250 / s ~~_~ D NOTICE OF HEARING Deceased. Januaor~. 4, 1971, by the C erk N THE MATTER "OF THE X HOP~.../ ve
I " / DE I~|l~n'~tl.._J The k;ity., of .Shelt°n Planning. .- NOTICE s =niven that the mere., n .the case of Guthrie ESTATE OF RACHAEL E.
J .~ / IIJ~I~~ Commission will hold a pubhc ~l.n.al..Account and Petition for Investments, Inc, Plaintiff G~D,ruc n~_r.d.nf /~,1~/~'~-~
I ~i~.~.~__ / ~~ near,n~ .Tuesday, Febru.ary 9, [J~tnpUtion has been filed with a.galn~ ~oy_A' Thornton an~ V'A'"DeUtion-~has"been filed in ~..~'~. '~- ,
J I1~11~1~:_.'~-~ / ~h~e~llo/!~uaPl~D;ic~ltY Hall on ~e ~;ersK of the above Court and ~ef~en~lent'sene. Thornton, this Co~urt asking that Letters of "TH~/~t~I~
I ........... / ,-, ... wing I.sl.s uons: _ttl_ onal Representative seeks .'YJ .... ,_ oelng cause NO. Administration be issued to ~r~,,,-~,
, ~ -u,~ar~, ~, z~_.z~i ,'uo/4,'~-¢~ I ulkheads, Fills _ (1) tor .a zone change of STstri .ment of the account, 1U.~u, a.nQ to. me: as sheriff, REITA CULLUM in this estate It ~r V'INIP'~,
I ~,~i~i~'~ / ~arce/. 14& lb.uavtd_Shelton 1st U,sch*_u~lon of the estate and dlrec,~eoanao.etiverea: w be heard on February 11
I -- ~'~" / Excavating, sand and gravel ~oa.~tlon rrorn_~-I ~o R-3. ~een s;~e*' which matters have ._ .mu ,~,,~ L~ HEREBY GIVEN 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. in the
I ---- . -- __ / delivered, dozer, loader and 4 ten .~_ Izl .for a zo~ng, variance for ~a" of~1,J-OLr nearing on the 19th ma[,.J ~,.,, yroceed to sell at Courtroom of the Superior Court
me soum / ~ee~ u, ,o~ I and the u ~ -eoruar 1971 at • pUOIIL ,~uZ[Ion to the "
yd dump trucks to serve you ' 'cloc Y , 9 30 h~ghest of the State of Washington for
north 40 feet of lot 2, block 14 o k, a m in t b dder for cash, with
I Shelton Home nter /Hourly or contract " " Addr ' "he Mas " " he courtroom" of " . " in the hours Mason County "
Mobile Home Sale, and Service / ..11'. I~lll'l~l" O!!m:lin~c:~w ~.~Lt~n'nce with ;he~C~i~ng!YnC.OurthOuse in !~n~ts~r~tl~t~it~Yt~CeW fO[ocSkh~lfMf s' L~dEgl~KFlelds
I At Taylor Towne i rr.l¢ rAal.llV .... ".._ T-,',._. _ Per .... L BOKI .... Y .February 1971, Glenn E. Correa
-28-2t /28-1t ? ton 1/28-1t
" - y, nuary 28, 1971