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Canal Sams slate meeting
Hood Canal Good Sams Recreational Vehicle Club will get
together at noon Thursday, February 4, at the Roadside Restau-
rant, 7431 West Shelton-Matlock Road in Dayton. Plans for fu-
ture campouts will be discussed.
Jensen to address Rotary
Mark Jensen, Shelton High School boys' basketball coach,
will be the speaker at the 7 o'clock breakfast meeting of the
Skookum Rotary Club on Wednesday, February 3. The group
meets at Jim Manning's Doo Wop Diner on State Route 3 just
south of Shelton.
Jade is topic for rock group
Tom Provine will present a program on jade at the next
meeting of the Shelton Rock and Mineral Society set for 7 p.m.
tonight, January 28, at the PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and Cota
streets downtown.
Pioneer sons to meet at Elks
Sons of Mason County Pioneers will gather at noon
Wednesday, February 3, at the Shelton Elks Lodge. The group
will see a video on the history of Olympia.
Horsewomen set installation
New officers will take the reins at the next meeting of
questrienne of Mason County beginning at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
ebruary 2, at Burgermaster restaurant on Mountain View.
nose servin this year include Sue Albee, president, Linda
Nelson, vicepres]dent, Linda Mayby, treasurer, and Jean
.Kroum, secretary. The Happy Trails poker ride will be held
ay 8 and Equestrienne members should note the date since
they assist with the ride.
Sams to dine February 12
t Tramper Sams Recreational Vehicle Club will get together
r dinner at 5 p.m. on Friday, February 12, at JR s at Taylor
OWae, Highway 101 and Lynch Road.
At the January 8 meeting the members were surprised by a
visit from the Trenckmanns who spend the winter in Yuma,
reports secretary Betty Nation. She adds the group's first camp-
.out will be March 9, 10 and 11 at Rest-a-While RV Park. More
In_formation on the travel club is available from Nation at 426-
Retired teachers to convene
The business meeting of the Mason County Retired Teachers
SSOciation will commence at 10:30 a.m. Friday, February 5,
at the Orl t urant on Mountain Vmw Followm
l "ent Express res a " " . " g
nch, a program will be offered by the Knowledge Bowl stu-
dents, from Shelton High School. Rehred" teachers who have not
JOined the organization are invited.
AARP sets potluck lunch
The American Association of Retired Persons will meet for
POtluck lunch at noon Monday, February 1, at the Shelton
Ose Lodge on Hulbert Road near the Shelton-Matlock inter-
ange with Highway 101. Those attending should bring place
S "J' u
elngs and salad, entre or dessert in addition to something
or the food bank.
The host committee includes Ruth Van DeReit, Lee and
I)Onna Reynolds, Dot Sorrels, AC and Mac Shouder, and Ray
and Merle Dingfield.
Homemakers plan meeting
wIillcrest Homemakers will get together at 10:30 a.m.
l',enesday, February 3, at the home of Veda Hollopeter, 432
mnor Avenue, Shelton. The hostess will provide beverage
and dessert and members should bring sack lunches.
00ommunity ealendar
Special Events
Friday, January 29
7:30 p.m., You're A Good Man
Charlie Brown, Shelton High School
Musical Theatre Department, SHS
Saturday, January 30
7:30 p.m., You're A Good Man
Charlie Brown, Shelton High School
Musical Theatre Department, SHS
Thursday, January 28
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and
Athletic Excellence, McDonald's
meeting room.
7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
Friday, January 29
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
11:30 a.m., Republican Women of
Mason County, Orient Express res-
taurant. 426-6678.
Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Ruby Rebekah Lodge,
IOOF Hall.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, January 30
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for Newcomers, 210 South Street.
Sunday, January 31
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
210 South Second.
Monday, February 1
Noon, American Association of Re-
tired Persons, Moose Lodge, Hulbert
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city halL
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and
Training Council, 110 West K Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital E1-
linor Room.
7 p.m., Little Skookum Improve-
ment Club meeting in Skookum Hall,
3480 Lynch Read, Shelton.
7 p.m., Mason County Fair Advi-
sory Board meeting, fairgrounds in
Building 13. Public welcome. Call
427-7789 for information.
7 p.m., Mason County Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7 p.m., Equestrienne of Mason
County, regular meeting, Burgermas-
ter. For info call 426-1509.
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Zonta, Holiday Park Re-
tirement Residence.
Tuesday, February 2
9 a.m., Mason County Commis-
sion, Mason County Building 1.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
6 p.m., Shelton Football Associa-
tion Youth Football meeting, Public
Safety Building, Municipal Court
Room. Call 426-0513 for questions.
6 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad
Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines,
PUD 3 Auditorium.
7 p.m., Shelton Lions Club dinner
meeting, social hour at 6:30, Orient
7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commis-
sion, Dayton Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and aux-
iliary, Memorial Hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room at Mason General
Hospital. For more info, call 427-
7 p.m., Fibromyalgia Support
Group meeting, Burgermaster. For
more info, call 432-0124.
7:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improve-
ment Club, Union Fire Hall.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicren, home
of member, 426-3156.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
Wednesday, February 3
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of
'45 (and spouses) breakfast, Burger-
Noon, Interagency Council brown
bag lunch, Department of Social and
Health Services, Olympic Highway
and K Street.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Shelton Arts Commission,
city hall.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:15 p.m., AI-Anon meeting (help
and hope for families of alcoholics),
Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room
17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427-
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks
7:30 p.m., Port of Shelton Commis-
sion, workshop, port office.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second, 426-7230.
Thursday, February 4
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and
Athletic Excellence, McDonald's
meeting room.
10 a.m., Mason County Board of
Health, commissioners' chambers.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
5 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in Shelton at the Angle Educa-
tion Center, 9th and Franklin. Public
is welcome.
6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner
at 7, prom at 8.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Humane Society of Mason
County, McDonald's.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers
Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North
Third Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Genealogi-
cal Society, Mount Olive Lutheran
Church downstairs meeting room.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
Morning Lions to raffle doll
Holly Clary, seated, holds a 28-inch, handcrafted
porcelain doll she created for Morning Star Lion
Club's raffle. Lion Dorene Rae, standing, says the
club will use proceeds from the raffle to award a
scholarship to a Shelton High School senior. Last
year, the new Lions club raised $400 and the group
hopes to exceed that amount in its second year.
The hand-painted doll has gray eyes and blonde
hair and wears a red cotton jumper with a print
turtleneck. She will be on display at the informa-
tion desk in Simpson Community Federal Credit
Union. Jess Neely of Quality Appliance donated
the raffle tickets which cost $1 and are available
at the credit union, from any Morning Star Lion
or by calling Rae after 5:30 p.m. at 427.9137. The
drawing will be May 15.
Workshop on special kids
"Building a Foundation of
Hope for Children with Disabili-
ties" is the theme for a March
workshop sponsored by Parent
The free sessions are sched-
uled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon-
days and Tuesdays, March 1 and
2, 8 and 9 and 15 and 16, in Suite
15 at 428 West Birch in Shelton.
The six-day workshop will of-
fer practical information and
skills for family members, pro-
fessionals and anyone else in-
tested in learning about children
with special needs, according to
Barb Ellis with Parent Support.
Topics to be covered include dis-
abilities and unique children,
school advocacy, grief and
stress, parents helping parents
and supporting others, anger
management, laws and rights,
community resource guides, ac-
tive listening and communica-
tion, problem solving and posi-
tive individualized education
For more information or to
register, contact Ellis at 426-1005
or Jean Chapman at 426-5430.
Space is limited. Those who need
childcare should contact Ellis as
soon as possible.
,m • @
Grange ir l andshlp
night is tl00is Friday
firt"noh Grange will host the
Qr- Irlendship meeting" of the
uge s " •
Wit new year begmmng
a Potluck suvper at 7 p m on
Qro- y' January 29, at the Agate
IpageRoad.Hall located on Agate
The public is invited as are
neighbors in the area. More in-
formation is available from
Donna Reynolds at 427-9128.
Those in the Belfair area can
contact Arden Holbrook at 275-
his-',leY Pollock will celebrate
d th birthday with a potluck
party hosted b his famfl
"ea,. . Y "Y.
llay ualr begins at 4 p.m. Sat-
qr- ' oanuary 30, at the Agate
arige Hall on Agate Loop
Pollock to celebrate
80 years of living
Signs will be posted along the
route from State Route 3 on Agate
Road to the grange hall. Interest-
ed friends can get more infor-
mation by calling 432-9205.
FEB. 7
4 p.m.
]. Dearborn, 426-3305
Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Mason
County Senior Activities Center
at 826 West Railroad Avenue.
The senior center hours are from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele-
phone desk (426-7374) is closed
for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m.
Adult lap swimming is set for
11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on
Saturday at the Shelton High
School Pool.
Friday, January 29
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., crafts and intermediate
line dancing.
10 a.m., beginning line danc-
Noon, potluck lunch.
Monday, February 1
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., intermediate line danc-
... You am 8 YoCve Hml It All The 11me
105 West Railroad Ave.
I0 a.m., beginning line danc-
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., pinochle.
Tuesday, February 2
9 a.m., work on projects and
beginning line dancing.
10 a.m., intermediate line
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., board meeting.
Wednesday, February 3
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton
Moose Lodge.
Thursday, February 4
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
and woodcarving.
10 a.m., intermediate line
11 a.m., blood-pressure checks.
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., bingo.
Shelton's Premiere
Wedding and
Reception Place
0 Private banquet room
Seating for up to 80
Recently remodeled
0 Catering available
Private parties,
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Help Her Forget
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something she'll remember with pleasure
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Order two packages and each
receives a FREE additional
half hour of massage.
Shelton Springs Rd., St¢. G
' Thursday, January 28, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
Canal Sams slate meeting
Hood Canal Good Sams Recreational Vehicle Club will get
together at noon Thursday, February 4, at the Roadside Restau-
rant, 7431 West Shelton-Matlock Road in Dayton. Plans for fu-
ture campouts will be discussed.
Jensen to address Rotary
Mark Jensen, Shelton High School boys' basketball coach,
will be the speaker at the 7 o'clock breakfast meeting of the
Skookum Rotary Club on Wednesday, February 3. The group
meets at Jim Manning's Doo Wop Diner on State Route 3 just
south of Shelton.
Jade is topic for rock group
Tom Provine will present a program on jade at the next
meeting of the Shelton Rock and Mineral Society set for 7 p.m.
tonight, January 28, at the PUD 3 Auditorium, Third and Cota
streets downtown.
Pioneer sons to meet at Elks
Sons of Mason County Pioneers will gather at noon
Wednesday, February 3, at the Shelton Elks Lodge. The group
will see a video on the history of Olympia.
Horsewomen set installation
New officers will take the reins at the next meeting of
questrienne of Mason County beginning at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
ebruary 2, at Burgermaster restaurant on Mountain View.
nose servin this year include Sue Albee, president, Linda
Nelson, vicepres]dent, Linda Mayby, treasurer, and Jean
.Kroum, secretary. The Happy Trails poker ride will be held
ay 8 and Equestrienne members should note the date since
they assist with the ride.
Sams to dine February 12
t Tramper Sams Recreational Vehicle Club will get together
r dinner at 5 p.m. on Friday, February 12, at JR s at Taylor
OWae, Highway 101 and Lynch Road.
At the January 8 meeting the members were surprised by a
visit from the Trenckmanns who spend the winter in Yuma,
reports secretary Betty Nation. She adds the group's first camp-
.out will be March 9, 10 and 11 at Rest-a-While RV Park. More
In_formation on the travel club is available from Nation at 426-
Retired teachers to convene
The business meeting of the Mason County Retired Teachers
SSOciation will commence at 10:30 a.m. Friday, February 5,
at the Orl t urant on Mountain Vmw Followm
l "ent Express resa " " . " g
nch, a program will be offered by the Knowledge Bowl stu-
dents, from Shelton High School. Rehred" teachers who have not
JOined the organization are invited.
AARP sets potluck lunch
The American Association of Retired Persons will meet for
POtluck lunch at noon Monday, February 1, at the Shelton
Ose Lodge on Hulbert Road near the Shelton-Matlock inter-
ange with Highway 101. Those attending should bring place
S "J' u
elngs and salad, entre or dessert in addition to something
or the food bank.
The host committee includes Ruth Van DeReit, Lee and
I)Onna Reynolds, Dot Sorrels, AC and Mac Shouder, and Ray
and Merle Dingfield.
Homemakers plan meeting
wIillcrest Homemakers will get together at 10:30 a.m.
l',enesday, February 3, at the home of Veda Hollopeter, 432
mnor Avenue, Shelton. The hostess will provide beverage
and dessert and members should bring sack lunches.
00ommunity ealendar
Special Events
Friday, January 29
7:30 p.m., You're A Good Man
Charlie Brown, Shelton High School
Musical Theatre Department, SHS
Saturday, January 30
7:30 p.m., You're A Good Man
Charlie Brown, Shelton High School
Musical Theatre Department, SHS
Thursday, January 28
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and
Athletic Excellence, McDonald's
meeting room.
7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star
Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks
Lodge, Craig Road.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411
First Street.
Friday, January 29
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
11:30 a.m., Republican Women of
Mason County, Orient Express res-
taurant. 426-6678.
Noon, A1-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Ruby Rebekah Lodge,
IOOF Hall.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, January 30
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for Newcomers, 210 South Street.
Sunday, January 31
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
210 South Second.
Monday, February 1
Noon, American Association of Re-
tired Persons, Moose Lodge, Hulbert
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city halL
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and
Training Council, 110 West K Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Breast Cancer Support
Group, Mason General Hospital E1-
linor Room.
7 p.m., Little Skookum Improve-
ment Club meeting in Skookum Hall,
3480 Lynch Read, Shelton.
7 p.m., Mason County Fair Advi-
sory Board meeting, fairgrounds in
Building 13. Public welcome. Call
427-7789 for information.
7 p.m., Mason County Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7 p.m., Equestrienne of Mason
County, regular meeting, Burgermas-
ter. For info call 426-1509.
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
7:30 p.m., Zonta, Holiday Park Re-
tirement Residence.
Tuesday, February 2
9 a.m., Mason County Commis-
sion, Mason County Building 1.
10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
6 p.m., Shelton Football Associa-
tion Youth Football meeting, Public
Safety Building, Municipal Court
Room. Call 426-0513 for questions.
6 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad
Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines,
PUD 3 Auditorium.
7 p.m., Shelton Lions Club dinner
meeting, social hour at 6:30, Orient
7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commis-
sion, Dayton Fire Hall.
7 p.m., American Legion and aux-
iliary, Memorial Hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room at Mason General
Hospital. For more info, call 427-
7 p.m., Fibromyalgia Support
Group meeting, Burgermaster. For
more info, call 432-0124.
7:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improve-
ment Club, Union Fire Hall.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicren, home
of member, 426-3156.
8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
Wednesday, February 3
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant.
9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of
'45 (and spouses) breakfast, Burger-
Noon, Interagency Council brown
bag lunch, Department of Social and
Health Services, Olympic Highway
and K Street.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Shelton Arts Commission,
city hall.
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:15 p.m., AI-Anon meeting (help
and hope for families of alcoholics),
Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room
17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427-
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks
7:30 p.m., Port of Shelton Commis-
sion, workshop, port office.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second, 426-7230.
Thursday, February 4
6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters,
Timbers Restaurant.
7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and
Athletic Excellence, McDonald's
meeting room.
10 a.m., Mason County Board of
Health, commissioners' chambers.
10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist
Church. Call 426-3727 for informa-
Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming
Tree Cafe.
5 p.m., Mason County Network
meets in Shelton at the Angle Educa-
tion Center, 9th and Franklin. Public
is welcome.
6 p.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner
at 7, prom at 8.
6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents,
Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail-
road Avenue.
7 p.m., Humane Society of Mason
County, McDonald's.
7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union
Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers
Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North
Third Street.
7 p.m., Mason County Genealogi-
cal Society, Mount Olive Lutheran
Church downstairs meeting room.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
Morning Lions to raffle doll
Holly Clary, seated, holds a 28-inch, handcrafted
porcelain doll she created for Morning Star Lion
Club's raffle. Lion Dorene Rae, standing, says the
club will use proceeds from the raffle to award a
scholarship to a Shelton High School senior. Last
year, the new Lions club raised $400 and the group
hopes to exceed that amount in its second year.
The hand-painted doll has gray eyes and blonde
hair and wears a red cotton jumper with a print
turtleneck. She will be on display at the informa-
tion desk in Simpson Community Federal Credit
Union. Jess Neely of Quality Appliance donated
the raffle tickets which cost $1 and are available
at the credit union, from any Morning Star Lion
or by calling Rae after 5:30 p.m. at 427.9137. The
drawing will be May 15.
Workshop on special kids
"Building a Foundation of
Hope for Children with Disabili-
ties" is the theme for a March
workshop sponsored by Parent
The free sessions are sched-
uled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon-
days and Tuesdays, March 1 and
2, 8 and 9 and 15 and 16, in Suite
15 at 428 West Birch in Shelton.
The six-day workshop will of-
fer practical information and
skills for family members, pro-
fessionals and anyone else in-
tested in learning about children
with special needs, according to
Barb Ellis with Parent Support.
Topics to be covered include dis-
abilities and unique children,
school advocacy, grief and
stress, parents helping parents
and supporting others, anger
management, laws and rights,
community resource guides, ac-
tive listening and communica-
tion, problem solving and posi-
tive individualized education
For more information or to
register, contact Ellis at 426-1005
or Jean Chapman at 426-5430.
Space is limited. Those who need
childcare should contact Ellis as
soon as possible.
,m • @
Grange ir l andshlp
night is tl00is Friday
firt"noh Grange will host the
Qr- Irlendship meeting" of the
uge s " •
Wit new year begmmng
a Potluck suvper at 7 p m on
Qro- y' January 29, at the Agate
IpageRoad.Hall located on Agate
The public is invited as are
neighbors in the area. More in-
formation is available from
Donna Reynolds at 427-9128.
Those in the Belfair area can
contact Arden Holbrook at 275-
his-',leY Pollock will celebrate
d th birthday with a potluck
party hosted b his famfl
"ea,. . Y "Y.
llay ualr begins at 4 p.m. Sat-
qr- ' oanuary 30, at the Agate
arige Hall on Agate Loop
Pollock to celebrate
80 years of living
Signs will be posted along the
route from State Route 3 on Agate
Road to the grange hall. Interest-
ed friends can get more infor-
mation by calling 432-9205.
FEB. 7
4 p.m.
]. Dearborn, 426-3305
Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Mason
County Senior Activities Center
at 826 West Railroad Avenue.
The senior center hours are from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele-
phone desk (426-7374) is closed
for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m.
Adult lap swimming is set for
11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on
Saturday at the Shelton High
School Pool.
Friday, January 29
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., crafts and intermediate
line dancing.
10 a.m., beginning line danc-
Noon, potluck lunch.
Monday, February 1
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., intermediate line danc-
... You am 8 YoCve Hml It All The 11me
105 West Railroad Ave.
I0 a.m., beginning line danc-
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., pinochle.
Tuesday, February 2
9 a.m., work on projects and
beginning line dancing.
10 a.m., intermediate line
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., board meeting.
Wednesday, February 3
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton
Moose Lodge.
Thursday, February 4
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
and woodcarving.
10 a.m., intermediate line
11 a.m., blood-pressure checks.
Noon, lunch.
I p.m., bingo.
Shelton's Premiere
Wedding and
Reception Place
0 Private banquet room
Seating for up to 80
Recently remodeled
0 Catering available
Private parties,
dinners and luncheons
by reservation
Help Her Forget
About The Snow
Blower You Gave Her
For Christmas
For Valentine's Day give her
something she'll remember with pleasure
long after the holiday is past.
• Massage
• Hair cut and style
• Pedicure * Facial * Lunch
Order two packages and each
receives a FREE additional
half hour of massage.
Shelton Springs Rd., St¢. G
' Thursday, January 28, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7