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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¢ In wake of 20/20 story: Crisis Clinic a .h.ealth sa00.Fs new telephone number all volunteers Mason Counties can be reached hours calls for Child Protective trained to refer calls to The hepatitis B vaccine pro- dence that chronic illnesses are outweigh the small risks," she as- in adults, and with potentially by those in any kind of emergency Services in Mason County, and service providers. tects children and adults from appearing at higher rates in peo- serts. National and world health severe consequences." by dialing 586-2800. A toll-flee 164 of those calls were logged for New director Duane serious illness, and it's a safe vac- ple vaccinated against hepatitis organizations agree there is no Hepatitis B is a serious disease number is available to those for the quarter, with a year-end total taking the reins of the cine that parents can trust, says B,  the state health officer says. reason to change the vaccine rec- caused by a virus that is present whom Olympia numbers require of 848. The number was slightly tion. He'll be honored, along' Acting Health Officer Dr. Maxine "Any adverse side effect reported ommendations, she adds. in the blood and body fluids of an long-distance calls; that number down from 1997's final quarter, Mitchell, who leaves the Hayes of the Washington State following hepatitis B vaccination The National Advisory Corn- infected individual and which can is 1-800-627-2211. when 178 CPS calls came in. post aier six years, at Department of Health. is highly uncommon and must be mittee on Immunization Practices be passed through sexual contact, The teen line is accessible at Although Mason County's from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at In recent weeks, Dr. Hayes balanced with the 4,000 to 5,000 recommends hepatitis B vaccine unsterilized needles or from an 586-2777. numbers were up from the previ- Olympian Ballroom at the notes, stories in national media hepatitis B-related deaths that for everyone 18 years of age and infected mother. Additionally, out year's, the overall total of Onion Restaurant at 116 have drawn attention to "the so- would occur without immuniza- younger as well as adults who are Hayes notes, 30 percent of those CRISIS CLINIC has issued 5,348 calls during the quarter Wayin Olympia. called link between this vaccine - tion." at risk for infection. Since 1991, infected have no known risk fac- its fourth-quarter report for 1998, was down from 6,185 calls logged Folks who think they'd as well as other childhood vac- No vaccine is perfect, Hayes the vaccine has been recommend- tort for infection, indicating that those manning in 1997, according to outgoing volunteer with Crisis Clinic cines- and chronic illnesses.  She concedes. But public health offi- ed as routine for infants, and "Fortunately," the health spe- the phones 24 hours a day at the Crisis Clinic Executive Director contact Bob Longhorn at alluded specifically to a presenta- cials and health-care providers since 1995, it has been recom- cialist says, "it's a disease health two-county agency took 419 Ma- Marji Mitchell. 2888 or send a self- tion on ABC Television's news "come to work every day with the mended as a routine vaccination officials and providers do prevent son County calls during the final VOLUNTEERS answering stamped envelope to Crisis magazine 20/20 of a segment on intent of improving the health of for adolescents, through routine immunization, three months of the year. The fi- Crisis Clinic calls cope with situa- Volunteer, P.O. Box 2463, hepatitis B alleging that the vac- children. So when even one child THE DISEASE poses the most Hepatitis B vaccine is safe, it's nal three months of 1997 brought tions involving suicidal callers, pia, 98507. cine "may not be safe for every- suffers a rare reaction to a child- risk to infants and small children, cost-effective and, to date, (it's) 247 such calls, depression- and alcohol-related one." hood vaccine.., we're deeply trou- Dr. Hayes says, explaining, the best way to protect children The 419-call figure, according situations, and callers with mate- bled. "chronic infection develops far from getting the disease later in to a spokesperson for the agency, rial needs including food, cloth- Hayes challenges that allega- "Yet, we still come back to our more in infants and children than life." includes Crisis Clinic's 800 line. ins, shelter and financial aid. A tion. basic premise: the benefits of "THERE IS NO scientific evi- childhood immunization clearly WOMEN'S Class Wednesday: Rela00.z for Life seeks sponsors c.N00c for cancer society fund--]falser OB/GYN NURSE PRACTITIONER Sea Grant lates "' S Corporate and individual spon- tion, research and treatment, said shirt printing, corporate ban- Those interested in being spon- MARY HART, CNM, ARtlP a now offering SlOB on septic sors are needed by Saturday for relay publicist Pat Edmondson. ner, mention in three newsletters, sors for the event can contact My- set the Relay for Life fund-raiser for Teams of eight to 12 people a free team entry and post-event ers at 426-9637 or Tracey Harri- YEARLFEXAM$, the American Cancer Society. will walk or run around the recognition, Edmondson said. son at 275-2656. Organizers hope SCHOOL & SPORTS EXAMS, . Mason County will hold its school's track for the entire 24 Silver sponsorships at $500 are to hear from a number of spon- MENOPAUSE, BREAST PROBLEM system operations first 24-hour Relay for Life run- hours. Each team collects its $100 available, with gold and platinum sors by deadline time this Satur- PIERCING, OIETING. ning from Friday, June 18, entry fee and contributions before levels at $I,000 and $1,500, each day. 426-Mg5 o320 W. through Saturday, June 19, at the participating in shifts to keep a including more advertising and North Mason High School track walker or runner on the track for team opportunities. The way water flows through sponge. "Imagine a sponge that complex, the entire ev, mt. Selena Myers, co-chairperson soil is a key to the success or fail- has been wet and then allowed to The event is art of a national Team members will receive for the event, says sponsors are  bIL1r CA ¢NIrR ure of on-site septic systems, say drain but not dry out," he tug- effort to raise money for the orga- and wear T-shirts with thq spon- needed from Shelton, Belfair, Al- the water-quality experts at gested. "When the water has nization and ralse community sort' names on them. Bronze lyn, Harstine Island, Matlock, Washington State Universit ,-Ma- drained out and the sponge m still consciousness of cancer preven- sponsorships at $250 include T- Hoodsport and elsewhere. son County Coo )erative Exten- very moist, it is a mixture of the stun Office. sponge material the water cling- Washington Sea Grant special- ing to the sponge and air that is NO Virginia ists will offer a free class on septic drawn m as the water drains out. i that distant' system operations next week at 'WVhen thq sponge is still moist Vi = the library in Shelton. and a small quantity of water is The free class, jointly spon- added to the top edge, the water ..... ....... .... thunderi g gored by Sea Grant and the Puget will gradually, slowly work its ......  n Sound Water Quality Action way down through the sponge, al- Team, is scheduled to run from 6 ways in contact with the sponge isn' t ,thunder to 9 p:m. Wednesday, February 3, material's surface. This is unsatu- Compassionate Friends will at the William G. Reed Library at rated flow," he said. No, that's not thunder or guer- Seventh and Alder streets down- But pour a lot of water on the meet this Monday at MGH ilia warfare you're hearing if town. sponge, he said, and some will you're anywhere northwest of IMMEDIATE MEDICAL "Decades of water sampling run through quickly, seeping The Mason County Chapter of Compassionate Friends will Shelton. and thousands of water samples through the sponge holes as fast meet at 7 p.m. Monday, February i, at Mason General Hospital The Washington Corrections For The Entire Family have shown that sewage-related as the spaces allow. "This,  Leaf on the lower level. The topic for the meeting will be "From My Center, according to a press re- " bacteria increase in our surface explains, "is saturated flow." Heart To Yours" honoring people who have supported members lease faxed to TheJournalTues- 426"971 7 waters during wet months and af- The sponge, Leaf said, is like through the grief process, day, is conducting weapons-qual- ter heavy rains," notes Don Leaf, the soil beneath a septic-system Compassionate Friends is a national, self-help support or- ification testing from 6 a.m. to 2 8ih a Railroad * $helton a Washington Sea Grant special- drainfield. If low levels of effluent ganization which offers friendship and understanding to faro- p.m. today. ist at the local extension office, travel through unsaturated soil, ilies who are grieving the death of a child of any age from any "Bacteria from septic systems microbes in the effluent come into cause. There are no membership fees or dues and all bereaved are a part of this problem," Leaf close contact with natural soil mi- family members are welcome. Confidentiality is respected. said. crobes that remove bacteria and Those with questions can call Tracy Ford at 426-1710, Deloris HE LIKENED the soil-water viruses from the flow. When a Taylor at 877-9753 or Nancy Leister at 426-7317. drainfield is saturated by heavy relationship to that of water in a rainfall or excess sewage effluent, a saturated flow results, and ef- ProvidenCe slates sessions MEDICINE SkCPPE fective removal of bacteria de- pi c,e.00e, to train hot ce volunteers "THE MORE you know about Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice will hold free , your own septic system and your hospice volunteer training in early February. The home-care own property's soil and drainage agency offers volunteers "a chance to enhance terminally ill Heads up... Jim characteristics, the easier it is to patients' quality of life while enriching their own," says Linda Smith 'keep your system from contribut- O'Connor, volunteer services coordinator. =The hospice pro- ins to water-quality problems," gram helps terminally ill patients maintain independence Type II Diabetes: Are you at risk? The Medicine Leaf said. and quality of life by allowing them to remain at home as long Shopp e® Residents can learn more as possible." Pharmacy about their on-site systems by Training for Thurston, Mason and Lewis county volunteers F R E E bringing system records and will be held at Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice at Thursday, February I 1, 1999, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., MGH Ellinor Room questions to the class February 3. 3706 Griffin Lane SE in Olympia on February 11, 12, 19 and 26. Presented by American Diabetes Association speaker, David Kelley, M.D., internal medicine. Local Health on "The Net" Additional information is avail- The sessions will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. diabetes health care professionals will also join Dr. Kelley to address diabetes in Mason County. The Internet contains a phenom- able from Leaf or Teri King at Registration is necessary. To apply or to receive more infer- Sixteen million Americans have diabetes.., but l out of 3 don't know it! enal amount of health information. 427-9670, Extension 396. The mation, interested people can call O'Connor at 493-4689 or 1- Type 1I diabetes.., or sometimes referred to as age on-set diabetes.., is the most common There are Web sites devoted to same telephone number can be 800-869-7062. form of diabetes today.., and it kills more than ! 82,000 Americans each year. Diabetes is a nearly every disease, as well as used to register for the class. chronic disease that has no cure.., but if detected early (before symptoms appear).., the homepages set up by medical orga- complications (kidney failure, blindless, amputations, heart disease, and stroke) can possibly nizations, universities and hospitals. , be avoided. I Using the Internet may help you to David Kelley, M.D., is a speaker for the American Diabetes Association and will discuss risk learn more and ask better questions factors, also the issue that "borderline diabetes" doesn't exist, and what you and your physician about your medical condition or new can do to control the disease and prevent complications. treatment options, However, not all Who should attend this informational forum: of the information that you find on • People who have been told they are "borderline" diabetic. the tnternet is reliable, Beware of * People who are overweight. :he source of the information and • People with a family history of diabetes. how often it is updated. If the site is [ ° People who are 45 and older. promoting a particular product, its I • People who have high blood pressure (at or above 140/90). )erspective may be biased. Here Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p,m, * women who have had a baby weighing more than nine are some examples of useful Web pounds at birth. sites maintained by reliable sources: (20+ Years Experience) In addition, risks increase if you are a member of one of the , National Institutes of Health ethnic groups; African American, Hispanic, and American Indian. S DENTURES Plan toattendthisinformativeCommunityForum. Formore • American Heart Association information on the Diabetes Community Form or diabetes, call Sue Barwick, a registered nurse and certified diabetic educator, • American Cancer Society  $950 [ at MGH' 426-! 6Q 1" 1i-{°Jr'" •' TU (www, • Mayo Health Organzation * ( 1 If you have any questions about lJJ[ e town, the reliability of information that you a set J receive, consult with your doctor or a qualified health professional. 'lk ' "Extracti°ns " Cr°wns "Bridg es ° Full Dentures " Relines ° Repairs _ / North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfair is aliated with MGH. c--. Front Door Parking Available eAucation ttotline Number- 427-3650 1-800-640-5§03 Medical Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Be.l/air residents may call the MGH switchboard at 275-8614 !07 Professional Way 426-4272 and be asked to be connected with the "Education Hot/inc." (Across from the hospital) David Herbst, DDS s,..,o licensed #DNO0(O)O, S. Peters, DPD ' ' _ ...... I i i i iiii HI Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 ¢ In wake of 20/20 story: Crisis Clinic a .h.ealth sa00.Fs new telephone number all volunteers Mason Counties can be reached hours calls for Child Protective trained to refer calls to The hepatitis B vaccine pro- dence that chronic illnesses are outweigh the small risks," she as- in adults, and with potentially by those in any kind of emergency Services in Mason County, and service providers. tects children and adults from appearing at higher rates in peo- serts. National and world health severe consequences." by dialing 586-2800. A toll-flee 164 of those calls were logged for New director Duane serious illness, and it's a safe vac- ple vaccinated against hepatitis organizations agree there is no Hepatitis B is a serious disease number is available to those for the quarter, with a year-end total taking the reins of the cine that parents can trust, says B,  the state health officer says. reason to change the vaccine rec- caused by a virus that is present whom Olympia numbers require of 848. The number was slightly tion. He'll be honored, along' Acting Health Officer Dr. Maxine "Any adverse side effect reported ommendations, she adds. in the blood and body fluids of an long-distance calls; that number down from 1997's final quarter, Mitchell, who leaves the Hayes of the Washington State following hepatitis B vaccination The National Advisory Corn- infected individual and which can is 1-800-627-2211. when 178 CPS calls came in. post aier six years, at Department of Health. is highly uncommon and must be mittee on Immunization Practices be passed through sexual contact, The teen line is accessible at Although Mason County's from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at In recent weeks, Dr. Hayes balanced with the 4,000 to 5,000 recommends hepatitis B vaccine unsterilized needles or from an 586-2777. numbers were up from the previ- Olympian Ballroom at the notes, stories in national media hepatitis B-related deaths that for everyone 18 years of age and infected mother. Additionally, out year's, the overall total of Onion Restaurant at 116 have drawn attention to "the so- would occur without immuniza- younger as well as adults who are Hayes notes, 30 percent of those CRISIS CLINIC has issued 5,348 calls during the quarter Wayin Olympia. called link between this vaccine - tion." at risk for infection. Since 1991, infected have no known risk fac- its fourth-quarter report for 1998, was down from 6,185 calls logged Folks who think they'd as well as other childhood vac- No vaccine is perfect, Hayes the vaccine has been recommend- tort for infection, indicating that those manning in 1997, according to outgoing volunteer with Crisis Clinic cines- and chronic illnesses.  She concedes. But public health offi- ed as routine for infants, and "Fortunately," the health spe- the phones 24 hours a day at the Crisis Clinic Executive Director contact Bob Longhorn at alluded specifically to a presenta- cials and health-care providers since 1995, it has been recom- cialist says, "it's a disease health two-county agency took 419 Ma- Marji Mitchell. 2888 or send a self- tion on ABC Television's news "come to work every day with the mended as a routine vaccination officials and providers do prevent son County calls during the final VOLUNTEERS answering stamped envelope to Crisis magazine 20/20 of a segment on intent of improving the health of for adolescents, through routine immunization, three months of the year. The fi- Crisis Clinic calls cope with situa- Volunteer, P.O. Box 2463, hepatitis B alleging that the vac- children. So when even one child THE DISEASE poses the most Hepatitis B vaccine is safe, it's nal three months of 1997 brought tions involving suicidal callers, pia, 98507. cine "may not be safe for every- suffers a rare reaction to a child- risk to infants and small children, cost-effective and, to date, (it's) 247 such calls, depression- and alcohol-related one." hood vaccine.., we're deeply trou- Dr. Hayes says, explaining, the best way to protect children The 419-call figure, according situations, and callers with mate- bled. "chronic infection develops far from getting the disease later in to a spokesperson for the agency, rial needs including food, cloth- Hayes challenges that allega- "Yet, we still come back to our more in infants and children than life." includes Crisis Clinic's 800 line. ins, shelter and financial aid. A tion. basic premise: the benefits of "THERE IS NO scientific evi- childhood immunization clearly WOMEN'S Class Wednesday: Rela00.z for Life seeks sponsors c.N00c for cancer society fund--]falser OB/GYN NURSE PRACTITIONER Sea Grant lates "' S Corporate and individual spon- tion, research and treatment, said shirt printing, corporate ban- Those interested in being spon- MARY HART, CNM, ARtlP a now offering SlOB on septic sors are needed by Saturday for relay publicist Pat Edmondson. ner, mention in three newsletters, sors for the event can contact My- set the Relay for Life fund-raiser for Teams of eight to 12 people a free team entry and post-event ers at 426-9637 or Tracey Harri- YEARLFEXAM$, the American Cancer Society. will walk or run around the recognition, Edmondson said. son at 275-2656. Organizers hope SCHOOL & SPORTS EXAMS, . Mason County will hold its school's track for the entire 24 Silver sponsorships at $500 are to hear from a number of spon- MENOPAUSE, BREAST PROBLEM system operations first 24-hour Relay for Life run- hours. Each team collects its $100 available, with gold and platinum sors by deadline time this Satur- PIERCING, OIETING. ning from Friday, June 18, entry fee and contributions before levels at $I,000 and $1,500, each day. 426-Mg5 o320 W. through Saturday, June 19, at the participating in shifts to keep a including more advertising and North Mason High School track walker or runner on the track for team opportunities. The way water flows through sponge. "Imagine a sponge that complex, the entire ev, mt. Selena Myers, co-chairperson soil is a key to the success or fail- has been wet and then allowed to The event is art of a national Team members will receive for the event, says sponsors are  bIL1r CA ¢NIrR ure of on-site septic systems, say drain but not dry out," he tug- effort to raise money for the orga- and wear T-shirts with thq spon- needed from Shelton, Belfair, Al- the water-quality experts at gested. "When the water has nization and ralse community sort' names on them. Bronze lyn, Harstine Island, Matlock, Washington State Universit ,-Ma- drained out and the sponge m still consciousness of cancer preven- sponsorships at $250 include T- Hoodsport and elsewhere. son County Coo )erative Exten- very moist, it is a mixture of the stun Office. sponge material the water cling- Washington Sea Grant special- ing to the sponge and air that is NO Virginia ists will offer a free class on septic drawn m as the water drains out. i that distant' system operations next week at 'WVhen thq sponge is still moist Vi = the library in Shelton. and a small quantity of water is The free class, jointly spon- added to the top edge, the water ..... ....... .... thunderi g gored by Sea Grant and the Puget will gradually, slowly work its ......  n Sound Water Quality Action way down through the sponge, al- Team, is scheduled to run from 6 ways in contact with the sponge isn' t ,thunder to 9 p:m. Wednesday, February 3, material's surface. This is unsatu- Compassionate Friends will at the William G. Reed Library at rated flow," he said. No, that's not thunder or guer- Seventh and Alder streets down- But pour a lot of water on the meet this Monday at MGH ilia warfare you're hearing if town. sponge, he said, and some will you're anywhere northwest of IMMEDIATE MEDICAL "Decades of water sampling run through quickly, seeping The Mason County Chapter of Compassionate Friends will Shelton. and thousands of water samples through the sponge holes as fast meet at 7 p.m. Monday, February i, at Mason General Hospital The Washington Corrections For The Entire Family have shown that sewage-related as the spaces allow. "This,  Leaf on the lower level. The topic for the meeting will be "From My Center, according to a press re- " bacteria increase in our surface explains, "is saturated flow." Heart To Yours" honoring people who have supported members lease faxed to TheJournalTues- 426"971 7 waters during wet months and af- The sponge, Leaf said, is like through the grief process, day, is conducting weapons-qual- ter heavy rains," notes Don Leaf, the soil beneath a septic-system Compassionate Friends is a national, self-help support or- ification testing from 6 a.m. to 2 8ih a Railroad * $helton a Washington Sea Grant special- drainfield. If low levels of effluent ganization which offers friendship and understanding to faro- p.m. today. ist at the local extension office, travel through unsaturated soil, ilies who are grieving the death of a child of any age from any "Bacteria from septic systems microbes in the effluent come into cause. There are no membership fees or dues and all bereaved are a part of this problem," Leaf close contact with natural soil mi- family members are welcome. Confidentiality is respected. said. crobes that remove bacteria and Those with questions can call Tracy Ford at 426-1710, Deloris HE LIKENED the soil-water viruses from the flow. When a Taylor at 877-9753 or Nancy Leister at 426-7317. drainfield is saturated by heavy relationship to that of water in a rainfall or excess sewage effluent, a saturated flow results, and ef- ProvidenCe slates sessions MEDICINE SkCPPE fective removal of bacteria de- pi c,e.00e, to train hot ce volunteers "THE MORE you know about Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice will hold free , your own septic system and your hospice volunteer training in early February. The home-care own property's soil and drainage agency offers volunteers "a chance to enhance terminally ill Heads up... Jim characteristics, the easier it is to patients' quality of life while enriching their own," says Linda Smith 'keep your system from contribut- O'Connor, volunteer services coordinator. =The hospice pro- ins to water-quality problems," gram helps terminally ill patients maintain independence Type II Diabetes: Are you at risk? The Medicine Leaf said. and quality of life by allowing them to remain at home as long Shopp e® Residents can learn more as possible." Pharmacy about their on-site systems by Training for Thurston, Mason and Lewis county volunteers F R E E bringing system records and will be held at Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice at Thursday, February I 1, 1999, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., MGH Ellinor Room questions to the class February 3. 3706 Griffin Lane SE in Olympia on February 11, 12, 19 and 26. Presented by American Diabetes Association speaker, David Kelley, M.D., internal medicine. Local Health on "The Net" Additional information is avail- The sessions will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. diabetes health care professionals will also join Dr. Kelley to address diabetes in Mason County. The Internet contains a phenom- able from Leaf or Teri King at Registration is necessary. To apply or to receive more infer- Sixteen million Americans have diabetes.., but l out of 3 don't know it! enal amount of health information. 427-9670, Extension 396. The mation, interested people can call O'Connor at 493-4689 or 1- Type 1I diabetes.., or sometimes referred to as age on-set diabetes.., is the most common There are Web sites devoted to same telephone number can be 800-869-7062. form of diabetes today.., and it kills more than ! 82,000 Americans each year. Diabetes is a nearly every disease, as well as used to register for the class. chronic disease that has no cure.., but if detected early (before symptoms appear).., the homepages set up by medical orga- complications (kidney failure, blindless, amputations, heart disease, and stroke) can possibly nizations, universities and hospitals. , be avoided. I Using the Internet may help you to David Kelley, M.D., is a speaker for the American Diabetes Association and will discuss risk learn more and ask better questions factors, also the issue that "borderline diabetes" doesn't exist, and what you and your physician about your medical condition or new can do to control the disease and prevent complications. treatment options, However, not all Who should attend this informational forum: of the information that you find on • People who have been told they are "borderline" diabetic. the tnternet is reliable, Beware of * People who are overweight. :he source of the information and • People with a family history of diabetes. how often it is updated. If the site is [ ° People who are 45 and older. promoting a particular product, its I • People who have high blood pressure (at or above 140/90). )erspective may be biased. Here Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p,m, * women who have had a baby weighing more than nine are some examples of useful Web pounds at birth. sites maintained by reliable sources: (20+ Years Experience) In addition, risks increase if you are a member of one of the , National Institutes of Health ethnic groups; African American, Hispanic, and American Indian. S DENTURES Plan toattendthisinformativeCommunityForum. Formore • American Heart Association information on the Diabetes Community Form or diabetes, call Sue Barwick, a registered nurse and certified diabetic educator, • American Cancer Society  $950 [ at MGH' 426-! 6Q 1" 1i-{°Jr'" •' TU (www, • Mayo Health Organzation * ( 1 If you have any questions about lJJ[ e town, the reliability of information that you a set J receive, consult with your doctor or a qualified health professional. 'lk ' "Extracti°ns " Cr°wns "Bridg es ° Full Dentures " Relines ° Repairs _ / North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfair is aliated with MGH. c--. Front Door Parking Available eAucation ttotline Number- 427-3650 1-800-640-5§03 Medical Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Be.l/air residents may call the MGH switchboard at 275-8614 !07 Professional Way 426-4272 and be asked to be connected with the "Education Hot/inc." (Across from the hospital) David Herbst, DDS s,..,o licensed #DNO0(O)O, S. Peters, DPD ' ' _ ...... I i i i iiii HI Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999