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Court ruling on burglary, theft: Superior court roundup:
Eaton gets six-year sentence Two women charged in burglary
A former Shelton man who had months in prison for residential On the burglary charge he was
moved to Florida will have a
Washington address for the next
six years as the result of a Mason
County Superior Court sentence
for theR.
Raymond Carlo Eaton, 27,
whose most recent known address
is 1901 Reef Club Drive, Kissim-
mee, Florida, was sentenced by
Judge James Sawywer to 78
burglary and 22 months for theft.
The sentences will be served con-
currently, the judge said at Ea-
ton's sentencing last Thursday.
He was charged last winter
with stealing guns from a Shelton
residence. He was also charged
with stealing a blanket and other
items from the home of Charles
Wright and with taking a motor
vehicle without permission.
ordered to pay $285.32 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
compensation fund and $350 in
attorney-fee recoupment. On the
theft charge, he was ordered to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the victims compensation fund
and $350 in attorneys fees.
Restitution hearings on both
matters were scheduled for
March 4.
Superior court judge
sentences nine to jail
Judge James Sawyer imposed
the following sentences last
Thursday in Mason County Supe-
rior Court: .
Paul Eugene Morgan, 22,
whose address was listed as East
5734 State Route 3, Shelton, was
sentenced to six months in jail for
residential burglary. Thirty days
were converted to 240 hours of
community service.
Sawyer ordered Morgan to pay
$276.35 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
ward his attorney's fees. He will
be under Washington Depart-
ment of Corrections (DOC) super-
vision for a year after his release.
A restitution hearing was
scheduled for March 4.
Curtis Morgan Sword, 20,
whose most recent known address
is 1024 Prospect NE, Olympia,
was sentenced to three months in
jail for forgery. He will serve the
time at Monroe Island after he
completes a 35-month sentence
for trafficking in stolen property.
him to pay $140 in court costs,
$500 to the victims compensation
fund and $350 in attorneys fees.
He will be under supervision for
12 months following his release.
A restitution hearing was sched-
uled for February 25.
The judge gave him credit for
time served and suspended 305
days of the sentence. The incident
involved Bergeson's presence,
against court orders, in a Catfish
Lake area residence where his
wife was living. Sawyer ordered
Bergeson to pay $258.15 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
fund and $350 in attorney-fee re-
Richard Rey Gilbride, 27,
of 525 North First Street in Shel-
ton, was sentenced to 365 days in
jail for trespassing in the first de-
gree. Judge Sawyer suspended
335 days.
HE WILL BE on a year's com-
munity supervision following his
release. Sawyer ordered him to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the crime victims' compensation
fund and $350 toward the costs to
the county of his attorney.
Samuel Louis.Jetty Cold-
well, 20, whose address was list-
ed as 1516 Rainier Avenue in
Bremerton, was sentenced to 60
days in jail, with 30 of those days
converted to 240 hours of commu-
nity service. He will be under the
supervision of the Department of
Corrections for a year after his re-
Caldwell was convicted of tak-
ing a motor vehicle without per-
Dennis Michael Ber#eson mission. Judge Sawyer also or-
26, whose most recent,:kn0n ad dered him lp. $199.20 court
dress wa 2661 State ,Route I08. costs, $50fLAotl:te victims .’omr
Shelton, was sentenced to 365
days in jail for criminal trespass
in the first degree and violation of
no-contact order.
Arndt put
on home
An Olympia man will spend
time on electronic home monitor-
ing for violating conditions of an
earlier sentence imposed in Ma-
son County Superior Court.
Emil Godfrey Arndt, 30, of
5211 Japa Street, Olympia was
found last Thursday to have vio-
lated the conditions of his release
by talking to his daughter, drink-
ing alcohol and going to a place
where children congregate.
Mason County Superior Court
Judge James Sawyer found that
the violations were willful. De-
fense attorney Ron Sergi asked
that Arndt be given an alterna-
tive to confinement. Sawyer or-
dered that he spend 30 days on
electronic home monitoring.
Judge Sawyer also issued war-
rants Thursday for a number of
people who violated court orders
by failing to appear for hearings
scheduled in superior court. They
Jacqueline Joan Oss-
mann. She failed to appear at a
hearing on a financial order and
allegations that she violated the
conditions of her 1989 theft sen-
tence. Sawyer set bail at $628.45.
Carol A. Lewis, 35, whose
most recent address was 3224
South Gunnison, Tacoma.
She failed to appear at a hear-
ing on allegations that she violat-
ed conditions of her release. She
was arrested last October on alle-
gations of burglary in the second
degree and theft in the second de-
gree. Sawyer set bail at $336.90.
Christopher Natianiel
Ready, 24, whose most recent ad-
dress of record is 434 Walnut
Street, Shelton.
He failed to appear at a hear-
ing to review payments. Sawyer
set bail at $4,036.82.
pensation fund and $350 toward
his attorney fees.
"I have a job and I work full
time and I babysit my sister and I
haven't been in trouble in a year
and a half," Caldwell told the
court. The victims are claiming
damages of $6,070. Sawyer sched-
uled a restitution hearing for to-
Thomas Wains Thompson,
35, whose most recent known ad-
dress is 31 East Mason Lake
Drive, Shelton, was sentenced to
60 days in jail for forgery. Twenty
days were converted to 160 hours
of community service.
HE WAS ordered to pay
$188.10 in court costs, $500 to the
victims compensation fund and
$350 toward his attorney's fees.
He will be under supervision for a
year following his release. A resti-
tution hearing was scheduled for
March 4.
Ryan James Moran, 19,
whose most recent known address
is 1122 Pioneer Way in Shelton
was sentenced to 60 days in jail
for taking a motor vehicle without
Sawyer gave him credit for
time served and ordered him to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the victims' compensation fund
and $350 in attorney-fee recoup-
ment. He will be under super-
vision for a year following his re-
lease. A restitution hearing was
scheduled for March 18.
Thomas Lamar "Trey"
Brackin, 18, of 13432 Castle
Highland in Houston, Texas, was
sentenced to 60 days in jail for
theft in the second degree. Twelve
days were converted to 96 hours
of community service.
HE WILL BE on community
supervision for a year following
his release. He was ordered to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the crime victims' compensation
fund and $350 in attdrney-fee re-
coupment: A restitution hearing
was scheduled fdF March 25.
Kevin Allen Roberson, 19,
of 2870 NE Haven Way, Tahuya
was sentenced to 50 days in jail
for theft in the second degree.
Thirty days of his sentence were
converted to 240 hours of commu-
nity service.
He will be under DOC super-
vision for a year following his re-
lease. Sawyer ordered him to pay
$110 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
ward the cost of his court-ap-
pointed counsel.
A healthy heart works
in perfect harmony.
Two Olympia women charged
with residential burglary were ar-
raigned before Judge James Saw-
yer in Mason County Superior
Court last Thursday.
Destiny Marie Bush, 18, of
1739 Timberlake Court, Lacey,
was released on personal recogni-
zance to the custody of her grand-
mother. Also free pending further
proceedings is Elizabeth Anne
Lewis, 21, of 6124 Oyster Bay
Road, Olympia.
Both entered not-guilty pleas
at their arraignments.
They were arrested January 12
and charged with breaking into a
summer home at 110 West Olym-
pic View Drive. Taken from the
single wide mobile home were a
microwave oven and a lot of food,
including canned goods and soda
THE TWO WOMEN, accord-
ing to the arresting officer's re-
port, were found in another house
nearby in the company of two ju-
venile males. One of the boys, ac-
cording to the report, said they
had broken into his grandparents'
house without permission.
"Both adult females admitted
to carrying stolen items from the
crime scene to their residence di-
rectly behind," Deputy Gary
Ohlde wrote in a document in the
Doty will
go back
to prison
A Sequim man who got out of
prison only to face a 1991 bur-
glary charge was sent back to the
state corrections system when he
was sentenced.
Michael Charles Doty, 26, was
sentenced by Judge James Saw-
yer last week to 75 months in
He was arraigned last Novem-
ber on charges of burglary and
theft in the first degree that
stemmed from a residential bur-
glary more than seven years ago.
He pied guilty to the burglary
charge on December 3. The theft
charge was dismissed in a plea-
bargain agreement.
Doty was ordered to pay
$194.65 in court costs and $350
toward the cost of his court-ap-
pointed counsel. He got a break in
his mandatory crime victims'
fund contribution, however. The
1991 rate was $100, and Judge
Sawyer imposed that figure rath-
er than the currently-mandated
$500 contribution.
Judge Sawyer scheduled a res-
titution hearing for March 25.
And around here. heart care
together, to
Cardiac patients in Southwest Washington benefit from a team approach to heai bre.
The board-certified emergency physicians and nurses at Mason General Hospital
handle all of your urgent care needs.Your local family practice doctor or internist
diagnose and manage your care. And if you need heart surgery, the cardiac ialists at
Providence St. Peter Hospital are consulted and continue treatment. We
to make sure you and your heart get the best care available.
Page i 6 ' 'She-lt0n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999
court file.
The boys were interviewed by
deputies, case files indicated.
Both Bush and Lewis are due
for omnibus hearings February 25
and pretrial hearings March 24.
They are to go to trial in the April
jury term.
IN OTHER proceedings before
Judge Sawyer last Thursday:
James Ray Speas, 23,
whose most recent known address
is 541 East Capital Prairie Road,
pleaded not guilty to possessing
stolen property in the second de-
gree. He was found in possession
of a stolen saw and arrested on
January 12.
Sawyer set bail at $1,500 and
set an omnibus hearing on Febru-
ary 4, pretrial hearing for Febru-
ary 24 and trial during the jury
term that begins March 8.
Judge Sawyer ordered a war-
rant Thursday for the arrest of
Tracey Lee Bosse, 28, of Idaho,
who at the time of his initial ar-
rest last June lived at 919 Fair-
mount in Shelton. He failed to ap-
pear for his arraignment on
charges of theft in the first de-
Sawyer ordered additional bail
in the amount of $5,000.
DURING THE past week, the
court also dealt with other cases:
Ronald Eugene Gunder-
son, Jr. was identified and ar-
raigned Tuesday, pleading not
guilty to drug charges filed last
The hearing followed his arrest
on a warrant issued after he
failed to appear for an arraign-
ment on November 5. Sawyer ap-
pointed Charles Lane to be his at-
torney and set his case for omni-
bus proceedings the following
schedule for his case: omnibus
hearng on February 18; pretrial
hearing on February 24; and trial
during the March 8 jury term.
Gilbert Michael Harris,
50, of 365 SE Arcadia Road, Shel-
ton faces charges that he manu-
factured methamphetamine, an
illegal drug. He was identified
Tuesday before Judge Sawyer.
THE JUDGE found probable
cause for his arrest on the drug
charges but not o related allega-
tions that he mistreated two chil-
dren in his care. Sawyer said he
could afford his own lawyer and
then asked Deputy Prosecutor
Amber Finlay to recommend a
bail amount. She suggested
"I can't come up with that and
hire a lawyer also," Harris said.
Sawyer set bail at $15,000 and
scheduled arraignment for Febru-
ary 4.
AN ASSAULT charge may
be pending against Raymond
James Bullard, 50, of 300 East
Pickering Drive, Shelton. He was
identified Monday after a week-
end arrest on a second-degree as-
sault allegation.
The potential charge concerns
a run-in with Michael Baxter,
who according to the sheriffs of-
fice repossesed a 1996 Ford Es-
cort purchased by Bullard's wife,
Patricia. Bullard allegedly
flashed a knife at Baxter during
an altercation over possession of
the car.
Sawyer appointed Sergi to be
Bullard's attorney and set bail at
$2,500. Arraignment was sched-
uled for February 4.
Allen Lee Mosier, 25, of
692 Kamilche Point Road, Shel-
ton, faces charges of hit-and-run
and assault in the second degree.
He was identified Monday.
events in and around the Golden
Pheasant Tavern. Mosier tried to
pick a fight in the bar with Ste-
yen G. Delamarter, according to
court papers. As he was leaving
he drove his Jeep Wrangler into
the side of Delamarter's truck
and tried to run over another
man, Patrick Bonnema, according
to court papers.
Sawyer set bail at $7,500 and
scheduled Mosier's arraignment
for February 4.
Vicki Rae Ecklund, 30, of
120 West Kneeland Street, Shel-
ton faces 10 counts of forgery. She
was identified Monday.
"I just want to plead guilty and
get sentenced and move on," she
wait her turn. He appointed Ron
Sergi to be her attorney and se
bail at $15,000. Her arraignme
is scheduled for February 4.
Grineo Montalvo-Grine0,|
22, of 634 Dearborn Street, shet" i
ton faces possible forgery chargeS.[
He was identified Monday. SaV'}
yer released him on his own re|
cognizance and did not schedule[
another hearing in the case. d[
* James David Keith, 36, |
350 NE Snowcap Drive, TahUYJ|
faces charges of burglary in the|
second degree. He was arresttO.|
Sunday and is also the subject d|
a district court warrant. SaWYa[
appointed Charles Lane to be l|
attorney and set bail at $5,5 I
His arraignment was schedule|
for February 4. |
Nathan Walter Herm.
20, of 2040 West Highland Roansct'|
Shelton, faces charges of reside|
tial burglary and theft in the f[,
degree following his arrest l|
JUDGE SAWYER found pr&|
able cause for his arrest in #|
identification hearing held 1|
day. He appointed Ron Sergi|
represent Hermann and set b.|
at $5,000. Hermann was sch|
uled to be arraigned today.
Chris Allen Weddle, 38,
2402 Cole Road, Shelton, fs c
charges of possessing drugs
drug paraphernalia following ,
arrest last Thursday. He all
faces a related charge of drivi
with licenses suspended in t
third degree. ,|
Judge Sawyer appoint|
Charles Lane as his attorney, ,:j|
bail at $5,000 and schedUlP|
Weddle s arraignment for todaY' |
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Court ruling on burglary, theft: Superior court roundup:
Eaton gets six-year sentence Two women charged in burglary
A former Shelton man who had months in prison for residential On the burglary charge he was
moved to Florida will have a
Washington address for the next
six years as the result of a Mason
County Superior Court sentence
for theR.
Raymond Carlo Eaton, 27,
whose most recent known address
is 1901 Reef Club Drive, Kissim-
mee, Florida, was sentenced by
Judge James Sawywer to 78
burglary and 22 months for theft.
The sentences will be served con-
currently, the judge said at Ea-
ton's sentencing last Thursday.
He was charged last winter
with stealing guns from a Shelton
residence. He was also charged
with stealing a blanket and other
items from the home of Charles
Wright and with taking a motor
vehicle without permission.
ordered to pay $285.32 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
compensation fund and $350 in
attorney-fee recoupment. On the
theft charge, he was ordered to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the victims compensation fund
and $350 in attorneys fees.
Restitution hearings on both
matters were scheduled for
March 4.
Superior court judge
sentences nine to jail
Judge James Sawyer imposed
the following sentences last
Thursday in Mason County Supe-
rior Court: .
Paul Eugene Morgan, 22,
whose address was listed as East
5734 State Route 3, Shelton, was
sentenced to six months in jail for
residential burglary. Thirty days
were converted to 240 hours of
community service.
Sawyer ordered Morgan to pay
$276.35 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
ward his attorney's fees. He will
be under Washington Depart-
ment of Corrections (DOC) super-
vision for a year after his release.
A restitution hearing was
scheduled for March 4.
Curtis Morgan Sword, 20,
whose most recent known address
is 1024 Prospect NE, Olympia,
was sentenced to three months in
jail for forgery. He will serve the
time at Monroe Island after he
completes a 35-month sentence
for trafficking in stolen property.
him to pay $140 in court costs,
$500 to the victims compensation
fund and $350 in attorneys fees.
He will be under supervision for
12 months following his release.
A restitution hearing was sched-
uled for February 25.
The judge gave him credit for
time served and suspended 305
days of the sentence. The incident
involved Bergeson's presence,
against court orders, in a Catfish
Lake area residence where his
wife was living. Sawyer ordered
Bergeson to pay $258.15 in court
costs, $500 to the crime victims'
fund and $350 in attorney-fee re-
Richard Rey Gilbride, 27,
of 525 North First Street in Shel-
ton, was sentenced to 365 days in
jail for trespassing in the first de-
gree. Judge Sawyer suspended
335 days.
HE WILL BE on a year's com-
munity supervision following his
release. Sawyer ordered him to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the crime victims' compensation
fund and $350 toward the costs to
the county of his attorney.
Samuel Louis.Jetty Cold-
well, 20, whose address was list-
ed as 1516 Rainier Avenue in
Bremerton, was sentenced to 60
days in jail, with 30 of those days
converted to 240 hours of commu-
nity service. He will be under the
supervision of the Department of
Corrections for a year after his re-
Caldwell was convicted of tak-
ing a motor vehicle without per-
Dennis Michael Ber#eson mission. Judge Sawyer also or-
26, whose most recent,:kn0n ad dered him lp. $199.20 court
dress wa 2661 State ,Route I08. costs, $50fLAotl:te victims .’omr
Shelton, was sentenced to 365
days in jail for criminal trespass
in the first degree and violation of
no-contact order.
Arndt put
on home
An Olympia man will spend
time on electronic home monitor-
ing for violating conditions of an
earlier sentence imposed in Ma-
son County Superior Court.
Emil Godfrey Arndt, 30, of
5211 Japa Street, Olympia was
found last Thursday to have vio-
lated the conditions of his release
by talking to his daughter, drink-
ing alcohol and going to a place
where children congregate.
Mason County Superior Court
Judge James Sawyer found that
the violations were willful. De-
fense attorney Ron Sergi asked
that Arndt be given an alterna-
tive to confinement. Sawyer or-
dered that he spend 30 days on
electronic home monitoring.
Judge Sawyer also issued war-
rants Thursday for a number of
people who violated court orders
by failing to appear for hearings
scheduled in superior court. They
Jacqueline Joan Oss-
mann. She failed to appear at a
hearing on a financial order and
allegations that she violated the
conditions of her 1989 theft sen-
tence. Sawyer set bail at $628.45.
Carol A. Lewis, 35, whose
most recent address was 3224
South Gunnison, Tacoma.
She failed to appear at a hear-
ing on allegations that she violat-
ed conditions of her release. She
was arrested last October on alle-
gations of burglary in the second
degree and theft in the second de-
gree. Sawyer set bail at $336.90.
Christopher Natianiel
Ready, 24, whose most recent ad-
dress of record is 434 Walnut
Street, Shelton.
He failed to appear at a hear-
ing to review payments. Sawyer
set bail at $4,036.82.
pensation fund and $350 toward
his attorney fees.
"I have a job and I work full
time and I babysit my sister and I
haven't been in trouble in a year
and a half," Caldwell told the
court. The victims are claiming
damages of $6,070. Sawyer sched-
uled a restitution hearing for to-
Thomas Wains Thompson,
35, whose most recent known ad-
dress is 31 East Mason Lake
Drive, Shelton, was sentenced to
60 days in jail for forgery. Twenty
days were converted to 160 hours
of community service.
HE WAS ordered to pay
$188.10 in court costs, $500 to the
victims compensation fund and
$350 toward his attorney's fees.
He will be under supervision for a
year following his release. A resti-
tution hearing was scheduled for
March 4.
Ryan James Moran, 19,
whose most recent known address
is 1122 Pioneer Way in Shelton
was sentenced to 60 days in jail
for taking a motor vehicle without
Sawyer gave him credit for
time served and ordered him to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the victims' compensation fund
and $350 in attorney-fee recoup-
ment. He will be under super-
vision for a year following his re-
lease. A restitution hearing was
scheduled for March 18.
Thomas Lamar "Trey"
Brackin, 18, of 13432 Castle
Highland in Houston, Texas, was
sentenced to 60 days in jail for
theft in the second degree. Twelve
days were converted to 96 hours
of community service.
HE WILL BE on community
supervision for a year following
his release. He was ordered to
pay $110 in court costs, $500 to
the crime victims' compensation
fund and $350 in attdrney-fee re-
coupment: A restitution hearing
was scheduled fdF March 25.
Kevin Allen Roberson, 19,
of 2870 NE Haven Way, Tahuya
was sentenced to 50 days in jail
for theft in the second degree.
Thirty days of his sentence were
converted to 240 hours of commu-
nity service.
He will be under DOC super-
vision for a year following his re-
lease. Sawyer ordered him to pay
$110 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
ward the cost of his court-ap-
pointed counsel.
A healthy heart works
in perfect harmony.
Two Olympia women charged
with residential burglary were ar-
raigned before Judge James Saw-
yer in Mason County Superior
Court last Thursday.
Destiny Marie Bush, 18, of
1739 Timberlake Court, Lacey,
was released on personal recogni-
zance to the custody of her grand-
mother. Also free pending further
proceedings is Elizabeth Anne
Lewis, 21, of 6124 Oyster Bay
Road, Olympia.
Both entered not-guilty pleas
at their arraignments.
They were arrested January 12
and charged with breaking into a
summer home at 110 West Olym-
pic View Drive. Taken from the
single wide mobile home were a
microwave oven and a lot of food,
including canned goods and soda
THE TWO WOMEN, accord-
ing to the arresting officer's re-
port, were found in another house
nearby in the company of two ju-
venile males. One of the boys, ac-
cording to the report, said they
had broken into his grandparents'
house without permission.
"Both adult females admitted
to carrying stolen items from the
crime scene to their residence di-
rectly behind," Deputy Gary
Ohlde wrote in a document in the
Doty will
go back
to prison
A Sequim man who got out of
prison only to face a 1991 bur-
glary charge was sent back to the
state corrections system when he
was sentenced.
Michael Charles Doty, 26, was
sentenced by Judge James Saw-
yer last week to 75 months in
He was arraigned last Novem-
ber on charges of burglary and
theft in the first degree that
stemmed from a residential bur-
glary more than seven years ago.
He pied guilty to the burglary
charge on December 3. The theft
charge was dismissed in a plea-
bargain agreement.
Doty was ordered to pay
$194.65 in court costs and $350
toward the cost of his court-ap-
pointed counsel. He got a break in
his mandatory crime victims'
fund contribution, however. The
1991 rate was $100, and Judge
Sawyer imposed that figure rath-
er than the currently-mandated
$500 contribution.
Judge Sawyer scheduled a res-
titution hearing for March 25.
And around here. heart care
together, to
Cardiac patients in Southwest Washington benefit from a team approach to heai bre.
The board-certified emergency physicians and nurses at Mason General Hospital
handle all of your urgent care needs.Your local family practice doctor or internist
diagnose and manage your care. And if you need heart surgery, the cardiac ialists at
Providence St. Peter Hospital are consulted and continue treatment. We
to make sure you and your heart get the best care available.
Page i 6 ' 'She-lt0n-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999
court file.
The boys were interviewed by
deputies, case files indicated.
Both Bush and Lewis are due
for omnibus hearings February 25
and pretrial hearings March 24.
They are to go to trial in the April
jury term.
IN OTHER proceedings before
Judge Sawyer last Thursday:
James Ray Speas, 23,
whose most recent known address
is 541 East Capital Prairie Road,
pleaded not guilty to possessing
stolen property in the second de-
gree. He was found in possession
of a stolen saw and arrested on
January 12.
Sawyer set bail at $1,500 and
set an omnibus hearing on Febru-
ary 4, pretrial hearing for Febru-
ary 24 and trial during the jury
term that begins March 8.
Judge Sawyer ordered a war-
rant Thursday for the arrest of
Tracey Lee Bosse, 28, of Idaho,
who at the time of his initial ar-
rest last June lived at 919 Fair-
mount in Shelton. He failed to ap-
pear for his arraignment on
charges of theft in the first de-
Sawyer ordered additional bail
in the amount of $5,000.
DURING THE past week, the
court also dealt with other cases:
Ronald Eugene Gunder-
son, Jr. was identified and ar-
raigned Tuesday, pleading not
guilty to drug charges filed last
The hearing followed his arrest
on a warrant issued after he
failed to appear for an arraign-
ment on November 5. Sawyer ap-
pointed Charles Lane to be his at-
torney and set his case for omni-
bus proceedings the following
schedule for his case: omnibus
hearng on February 18; pretrial
hearing on February 24; and trial
during the March 8 jury term.
Gilbert Michael Harris,
50, of 365 SE Arcadia Road, Shel-
ton faces charges that he manu-
factured methamphetamine, an
illegal drug. He was identified
Tuesday before Judge Sawyer.
THE JUDGE found probable
cause for his arrest on the drug
charges but not o related allega-
tions that he mistreated two chil-
dren in his care. Sawyer said he
could afford his own lawyer and
then asked Deputy Prosecutor
Amber Finlay to recommend a
bail amount. She suggested
"I can't come up with that and
hire a lawyer also," Harris said.
Sawyer set bail at $15,000 and
scheduled arraignment for Febru-
ary 4.
AN ASSAULT charge may
be pending against Raymond
James Bullard, 50, of 300 East
Pickering Drive, Shelton. He was
identified Monday after a week-
end arrest on a second-degree as-
sault allegation.
The potential charge concerns
a run-in with Michael Baxter,
who according to the sheriffs of-
fice repossesed a 1996 Ford Es-
cort purchased by Bullard's wife,
Patricia. Bullard allegedly
flashed a knife at Baxter during
an altercation over possession of
the car.
Sawyer appointed Sergi to be
Bullard's attorney and set bail at
$2,500. Arraignment was sched-
uled for February 4.
Allen Lee Mosier, 25, of
692 Kamilche Point Road, Shel-
ton, faces charges of hit-and-run
and assault in the second degree.
He was identified Monday.
events in and around the Golden
Pheasant Tavern. Mosier tried to
pick a fight in the bar with Ste-
yen G. Delamarter, according to
court papers. As he was leaving
he drove his Jeep Wrangler into
the side of Delamarter's truck
and tried to run over another
man, Patrick Bonnema, according
to court papers.
Sawyer set bail at $7,500 and
scheduled Mosier's arraignment
for February 4.
Vicki Rae Ecklund, 30, of
120 West Kneeland Street, Shel-
ton faces 10 counts of forgery. She
was identified Monday.
"I just want to plead guilty and
get sentenced and move on," she
wait her turn. He appointed Ron
Sergi to be her attorney and se
bail at $15,000. Her arraignme
is scheduled for February 4.
Grineo Montalvo-Grine0,|
22, of 634 Dearborn Street, shet" i
ton faces possible forgery chargeS.[
He was identified Monday. SaV'}
yer released him on his own re|
cognizance and did not schedule[
another hearing in the case. d[
* James David Keith, 36, |
350 NE Snowcap Drive, TahUYJ|
faces charges of burglary in the|
second degree. He was arresttO.|
Sunday and is also the subject d|
a district court warrant. SaWYa[
appointed Charles Lane to be l|
attorney and set bail at $5,5 I
His arraignment was schedule|
for February 4. |
Nathan Walter Herm.
20, of 2040 West Highland Roansct'|
Shelton, faces charges of reside|
tial burglary and theft in the f[,
degree following his arrest l|
JUDGE SAWYER found pr&|
able cause for his arrest in #|
identification hearing held 1|
day. He appointed Ron Sergi|
represent Hermann and set b.|
at $5,000. Hermann was sch|
uled to be arraigned today.
Chris Allen Weddle, 38,
2402 Cole Road, Shelton, fs c
charges of possessing drugs
drug paraphernalia following ,
arrest last Thursday. He all
faces a related charge of drivi
with licenses suspended in t
third degree. ,|
Judge Sawyer appoint|
Charles Lane as his attorney, ,:j|
bail at $5,000 and schedUlP|
Weddle s arraignment for todaY' |
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