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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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School district offers classes l00taster 00:m&apos;dener will teach N,ne classes w,ll be offered in" , , ' ary 2 to March 25, Shelton Mid- 6 to adu t under the dzrectzon of" " Thursday, March 23 and 25, SHS' v egetabl 00-growing session February and March through the dle School. $35. Shelton Fire Department person- Room 202. $35. Shelton School District Communi- ty Education Department. • For the Computer Illiter- ate: A Hands-on Approach to Basic Know.How, for ages 13 to adult. Instructor Sherm Conrow will teach everything from turn- ing the machine on and manipu- lating a mouse to saving docu- ments and speaking computer .jargon. Some typing ability is pre- ferable. Runs 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tues- day and Thursday, February 9 and 11, in SHS Room 202. $35. • American Sign Language, for ages 10 to adult. In this five- week class, Brenda Gallington will help learners master basic signs and alphabet for communi- Those who want to register for the classes can do so by calling the department at 426-1687. Courses include: • Beginning Spanish for ages 12 to adult. Introduction to Spanish language with emphasis on present, past and future tens- es, reading and writing vocabu- lary and team dialogue. Celia De- terman's class is for absolute be- ginners and those who have some Spanish but aren't ready for in- termediate level. Runs 6 to 7:20 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, nel, will include two-year certifi- cation. Early registration is ad- vised because class size is limited; runs 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 and 25, Angle Education Center. $25 pre- payment required. • Windows '95 Basics, Be- ginning Level, for ages 13 to adult. Bob Drake and Sherm Con- row offer help for those just start- ing to work with Windows who have some computer experience. Runs 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, March 2 and 4, in SHE Room 202. $35. * Papier-MIchd Easter Ban. kets, ages 14 to adult. Carole Huelsberg will teach how to use a bowl, dish or pot as mold to serve as a charming container for such treasures as Ukranian Easter eggs (see below). Runs 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, March 3 and 10, at a site to be announced, $26. • Making Ukranian Easter Eggs, fo'r all ages. With "Pysanky," the ancient Ukranian art, participants can draw bees- wax designs on eggs, then dip them in dyes progressing from Master Gardener Steve Ed- mondson will share vegetable- gardening expertise in a session on growing fresh and delicious veggies from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fe- bruary 4 in the meeting room at the Reed Library in Shelton. He'll suggest where, when, and how to grow delicious and nutri- tious vegetables, what grows best under various conditions, and ideas for new hybrids and estab- lished strains to try. A $5 fee will be assessed at the door for the session. Registration can be prearranged by calling 427-9670, Extension 396, or 275- 4467, Extension 396. Tips from Master Gardeners Adelheid Krohne and Debi Cote for designing the foul-weather landscape are on tap from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight in the library, and it's probably not too late preregister, using the numM listed above. f Pruning fruit trees, garde . or bees and butterflies, us herb plantings creatively in landscape: its all part of.. Country Living series contini through February and March.! brochure on the entire list ofd ferings is available by calling t} telephone numbers above. 'Getting there' class slated The Washington Traffic Safety the one-day, eight-hour class will fee is charged for materials. 1 air L req des end gtol Re 1,36 des z/. unt a is  € ,7"-- -- --, ......... ntertainment and Dining uide i I CIM[HA$ Island Passage Super Bowl Special "THE MARK OF EXCITEMENT!" i,,/ 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 January 31 -]]ME MAGAZINE FRI. JAN 29 - FEB 4 11: I , Pre-Game Steamed Clams with - " DALLY 1:45, 7:00, 9:30 ChampagneBrunch l Garlic Bread I n ., m. : u.m o.,,,, .; -'"-2Z'u " I Served during the game i: .... TU' $y:¢ ........ " JULIA ROBERTS ($ .... lrt ncn .my/ [ 221 Iro¢ 4  " • SUSAN SARANDON ...BIG SCREEN TV! =---- =====-  ==  i ED HARRIS , .A :("--"'-.. ]L NOW SERVING COCKTAILS/ ?%':= ----- 'rRi ,v   ' '  =   r':()''J  1/4 mile off Hwy 3 at corner of  [  3'AR " ' - Pickering & Spencer Lake roads q;'YOOTANODE$1GNCOLOMBIATRIST/HOk4EV*DtO ALLRGHISRESERVED ':ITRISTARPICTURES,NC ALLRIGHISRESERVED WE BAKE rra YOU BAKE - DALLY 2:00, 9:30 . SPORTsISLAND PASSAGE,,,, 0043z-s s 7z OLYMPIC VIDEO GREAT PIZZA --ROBIN WILLIAMS --, ,r 2104 Ol,,m-ic Hw,, N *a2 I¢Q, v ,. .  .-.o. 2121 Olympic H/. N. PATCH AD00IS ..... ----ql g.lPaiV. In,Barkley Square  E;cYa?:ailnYd  " SU''r ='m'#| 7#"€ ::!1 427-5366 DALLY 4:10 " g':.t#l, t! ' :";- T :,.'::-' -" Serbowlup Party? You're Covered/ MICHAEL KEATON KELLY PRESTON | " 1 "' • , 1 *  :; "  " ' "'- :J|'il,::!  ..r.....--'- 9 l Casual Family Atmosphere    -"-'= ] Smoke Free Dinir, ] a A [] I trim mmnn mm I A F,garo'sltal*anKltchen I ll/lllllilll [ Serving your favorite n PI LA -''°'""" , 11 IAINI & t: ; DAILY 4:20, 7:00 | Breakfast • Lunch. Dinner ' ' i Breakfast served all day !" PEPPERONI ,,riLa,g..t valkilmerrasorvno Iopen 7 Oays . Dine Inor To Go I I  I H . Zesty pepperoni and __1i. imat lrlrsll: IC,m,,',e,,,ndyou, o,de, w"'Uwa"mg' I 100% real cheese. T--$i I---- // sight | 432-8356 [ I No@ooV serves .p a II [* HAWAIIAN  r V wo. < ll  "&: [t927 Olympic Hwy N" Shelton I Canadian bacon and pineapple. .__ ----.==.mmm @' cmss from Olympic Moto: i" MAMA'S FAVORITE ,"; W. Franklin St., Shelton  I oi ves ,reen nen'ors Fotoakedpcza, ad$1 perpzza • Food stamps welcome on"You-Bake" Items.  CARRYOUT SPECIAL ! I II  LARGE 2 TOPPING I I 00/J00m00Nli I I With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with .. P, nl ma North 1st other offers. Shelton Domino zza o y. . • A Super Treat ,..,oo I i Cash value 1120¢ Expires 2/7/99. S;elton f0r the Sup erb°wl! 2 MEDIUM i [:i!  i Or anytime, for  3 TOPPING PIZZAS i i d_.' that matter, i I ii [ ". Stop by and pick I x,,  up your favorite w,m t,, f • coupon. Double portions and I   l from our freezer eep dish sl,ghtly extra. Not valid with rni n 134 North I st Cash value 1120¢. Expires 217199. Shelton I Jl al case, or have us other offers. SleltonDo nogPizzao I!/, ' 427-8700 .  =..L, f e.' ,,,,1 andCreamyourCake"team."f°r you R "ADD=ON" I L ';;_ °;'  ..  ' i'r -"-'-"--=:-"---  ']P" ov.,,,..=u-e''o"' ,' "--,.=una"" ,am ! ..pc. Buffalo Wings : _ -'.5 . lm IMP Bm ) , , -I r.:.. ....... .. & 2-Uter Soda I. Isreamasz, Illl-- li. ', ; u- purcnase over ,- ]   January 31 $ 99 '. Get One [ ::• ,, urr tr//* *l.l ........ n., ,I.-, ..... ; ..... ..t PII,: T.a," . Offer good =t S .tO Denny'so ly. Nol-,idwt a y L," Offer gool at Shslton Denny's only. Not valiO with any i[ll WItH till*) LUI.tJUfI, UUUUII JUlUUllx OIIU ......... l olhercouponsooffeoLCashvaluel/20¢, r ' " ";:" ill i olherouposoroffers, gash value l/20¢, ii'.. deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with == Offer expires 2/28/99. 0ne ooupon per person per v'$tt. L. __ J; • Offer mxpires 2/28/99. 0ne coupon per person por visit, tii other offers, Shelton Dominos Pizza only. 134 North 1st.  i i i Ill Illll I I ill I Ills I I I1 I I lii il I I I lii Ill i I I I I Ill III I I Cash value I/20¢ Exptres 2/7/99 Shelton  -- --='-=--'-- == ='='='--= -'-- =----"-------- =--'- =--'- "--'--'--" ..... 0 0ti vv Treat Mu. ,e' t® " -" "" ,,, 7.._ Dhi-, ' " 4Z7 8700 Denny s is committed to providing the best possible service to all customers regardless of race. creed, color 301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. (° Shelton 426-7277 221 North 1st Street, Shelton i llt i , i i i i Page 24- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 0wt zt t] February 2 through March 25, eating with the hearing-impaired * Internet Smarts and E- yellow to black, creating a multi- Education Association has sched- be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Se- registration is required, ask Shelton Middle School. $35. and others Runs 6"30 to 8 n m on Mail Starts, ages 13 to adult, layered, multi-colored design on uled a "Seniors Getting There nior citizens who complete the To register for the course,#J € at. • Intermediate Spanish for fiw ......... qh,dav.,_, ,w'.,,,,,';-°u',,, *" Drake and Conrow help newcom- clean, white, crack-free blown-out Safely" refresher driving course course ....... may be eligible for a reduc- tact Carol Norman, program¢J .,Aal age!s 12 to adult..Communication, March 23, at Shelton Middle ers to the Net learn navigation eggs, says instructor Huelsberg. Saturday, February 20, at ely.m- tmn m thmr automobile insurance dmator for Mason County C0 t as writing, pronuncmtion with Celia School $25 basics. The course, described as Runs 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednes- p]c College Shelton on Alpine premmms, Apple stud. mumty DUI and Traffic Safety/ z ach Determan from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. " - " hands-on and low-stress, runs day, March 24 at a site to be an- Way. The course is designed for se- 427-9670, Extension 396, or I t ecil i ait isis School district offers classes l00taster 00:m'dener will teach N,ne classes w,ll be offered in" , , ' ary 2 to March 25, Shelton Mid- 6 to adu t under the dzrectzon of" " Thursday, March 23 and 25, SHS' v egetabl 00-growing session February and March through the dle School. $35. Shelton Fire Department person- Room 202. $35. Shelton School District Communi- ty Education Department. • For the Computer Illiter- ate: A Hands-on Approach to Basic Know.How, for ages 13 to adult. Instructor Sherm Conrow will teach everything from turn- ing the machine on and manipu- lating a mouse to saving docu- ments and speaking computer .jargon. Some typing ability is pre- ferable. Runs 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tues- day and Thursday, February 9 and 11, in SHS Room 202. $35. • American Sign Language, for ages 10 to adult. In this five- week class, Brenda Gallington will help learners master basic signs and alphabet for communi- Those who want to register for the classes can do so by calling the department at 426-1687. Courses include: • Beginning Spanish for ages 12 to adult. Introduction to Spanish language with emphasis on present, past and future tens- es, reading and writing vocabu- lary and team dialogue. Celia De- terman's class is for absolute be- ginners and those who have some Spanish but aren't ready for in- termediate level. Runs 6 to 7:20 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, nel, will include two-year certifi- cation. Early registration is ad- vised because class size is limited; runs 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 and 25, Angle Education Center. $25 pre- payment required. • Windows '95 Basics, Be- ginning Level, for ages 13 to adult. Bob Drake and Sherm Con- row offer help for those just start- ing to work with Windows who have some computer experience. Runs 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, March 2 and 4, in SHE Room 202. $35. * Papier-MIchd Easter Ban. kets, ages 14 to adult. Carole Huelsberg will teach how to use a bowl, dish or pot as mold to serve as a charming container for such treasures as Ukranian Easter eggs (see below). Runs 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, March 3 and 10, at a site to be announced, $26. • Making Ukranian Easter Eggs, fo'r all ages. With "Pysanky," the ancient Ukranian art, participants can draw bees- wax designs on eggs, then dip them in dyes progressing from Master Gardener Steve Ed- mondson will share vegetable- gardening expertise in a session on growing fresh and delicious veggies from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fe- bruary 4 in the meeting room at the Reed Library in Shelton. He'll suggest where, when, and how to grow delicious and nutri- tious vegetables, what grows best under various conditions, and ideas for new hybrids and estab- lished strains to try. A $5 fee will be assessed at the door for the session. Registration can be prearranged by calling 427-9670, Extension 396, or 275- 4467, Extension 396. Tips from Master Gardeners Adelheid Krohne and Debi Cote for designing the foul-weather landscape are on tap from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tonight in the library, and it's probably not too late preregister, using the numM listed above. f Pruning fruit trees, garde . or bees and butterflies, us herb plantings creatively in landscape: its all part of.. Country Living series contini through February and March.! brochure on the entire list ofd ferings is available by calling t} telephone numbers above. 'Getting there' class slated The Washington Traffic Safety the one-day, eight-hour class will fee is charged for materials. 1 air L req des end gtol Re 1,36 des z/. unt a is  € ,7"-- -- --, ......... ntertainment and Dining uide i I CIM[HA$ Island Passage Super Bowl Special "THE MARK OF EXCITEMENT!" i,,/ 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 January 31 -]]ME MAGAZINE FRI. JAN 29 - FEB 4 11: I , Pre-Game Steamed Clams with - " DALLY 1:45, 7:00, 9:30 ChampagneBrunch l Garlic Bread I n ., m. : u.m o.,,,, .; -'"-2Z'u " I Served during the game i: .... TU' $y:¢ ........ " JULIA ROBERTS ($ .... lrt ncn .my/ [ 221 Iro¢ 4  " • SUSAN SARANDON ...BIG SCREEN TV! =---- =====-  ==  i ED HARRIS , .A :("--"'-.. ]L NOW SERVING COCKTAILS/ ?%':= ----- 'rRi ,v   ' '  =   r':()''J  1/4 mile off Hwy 3 at corner of  [  3'AR " ' - Pickering & Spencer Lake roads q;'YOOTANODE$1GNCOLOMBIATRIST/HOk4EV*DtO ALLRGHISRESERVED ':ITRISTARPICTURES,NC ALLRIGHISRESERVED WE BAKE rra YOU BAKE - DALLY 2:00, 9:30 . SPORTsISLAND PASSAGE,,,, 0043z-s s 7z OLYMPIC VIDEO GREAT PIZZA --ROBIN WILLIAMS --, ,r 2104 Ol,,m-ic Hw,, N *a2 I¢Q, v ,. .  .-.o. 2121 Olympic H/. N. PATCH AD00IS ..... ----ql g.lPaiV. In,Barkley Square  E;cYa?:ailnYd  " SU''r ='m'#| 7#"€ ::!1 427-5366 DALLY 4:10 " g':.t#l, t! ' :";- T :,.'::-' -" Serbowlup Party? You're Covered/ MICHAEL KEATON KELLY PRESTON | " 1 "' • , 1 *  :; "  " ' "'- :J|'il,::!  ..r.....--'- 9 l Casual Family Atmosphere    -"-'= ] Smoke Free Dinir, ] a A [] I trim mmnn mm I A F,garo'sltal*anKltchen I ll/lllllilll [ Serving your favorite n PI LA -''°'""" , 11 IAINI & t: ; DAILY 4:20, 7:00 | Breakfast • Lunch. Dinner ' ' i Breakfast served all day !" PEPPERONI ,,riLa,g..t valkilmerrasorvno Iopen 7 Oays . Dine Inor To Go I I  I H . Zesty pepperoni and __1i. imat lrlrsll: IC,m,,',e,,,ndyou, o,de, w"'Uwa"mg' I 100% real cheese. T--$i I---- // sight | 432-8356 [ I No@ooV serves .p a II [* HAWAIIAN  r V wo. < ll  "&: [t927 Olympic Hwy N" Shelton I Canadian bacon and pineapple. .__ ----.==.mmm @' cmss from Olympic Moto: i" MAMA'S FAVORITE ,"; W. Franklin St., Shelton  I oi ves ,reen nen'ors Fotoakedpcza, ad$1 perpzza • Food stamps welcome on"You-Bake" Items.  CARRYOUT SPECIAL ! I II  LARGE 2 TOPPING I I 00/J00m00Nli I I With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with .. P, nl ma North 1st other offers. Shelton Domino zza o y. . • A Super Treat ,..,oo I i Cash value 1120¢ Expires 2/7/99. S;elton f0r the Sup erb°wl! 2 MEDIUM i [:i!  i Or anytime, for  3 TOPPING PIZZAS i i d_.' that matter, i I ii [ ". Stop by and pick I x,,  up your favorite w,m t,, f • coupon. Double portions and I   l from our freezer eep dish sl,ghtly extra. Not valid with rni n 134 North I st Cash value 1120¢. Expires 217199. Shelton I Jl al case, or have us other offers. SleltonDo nogPizzao I!/, ' 427-8700 .  =..L, f e.' ,,,,1 andCreamyourCake"team."f°r you R "ADD=ON" I L ';;_ °;'  ..  ' i'r -"-'-"--=:-"---  ']P" ov.,,,..=u-e''o"' ,' "--,.=una"" ,am ! ..pc. Buffalo Wings : _ -'.5 . lm IMP Bm ) , , -I r.:.. ....... .. & 2-Uter Soda I. Isreamasz, Illl-- li. ', ; u- purcnase over ,- ]   January 31 $ 99 '. Get One [ ::• ,, urr tr//* *l.l ........ n., ,I.-, ..... ; ..... ..t PII,: T.a," . Offer good =t S .tO Denny'so ly. Nol-,idwt a y L," Offer gool at Shslton Denny's only. Not valiO with any i[ll WItH till*) LUI.tJUfI, UUUUII JUlUUllx OIIU ......... l olhercouponsooffeoLCashvaluel/20¢, r ' " ";:" ill i olherouposoroffers, gash value l/20¢, ii'.. deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with == Offer expires 2/28/99. 0ne ooupon per person per v'$tt. L. __ J; • Offer mxpires 2/28/99. 0ne coupon per person por visit, tii other offers, Shelton Dominos Pizza only. 134 North 1st.  i i i Ill Illll I I ill I Ills I I I1 I I lii il I I I lii Ill i I I I I Ill III I I Cash value I/20¢ Exptres 2/7/99 Shelton  -- --='-=--'-- == ='='='--= -'-- =----"-------- =--'- =--'- "--'--'--" ..... 0 0ti vv Treat Mu. ,e' t® " -" "" ,,, 7.._ Dhi-, ' " 4Z7 8700 Denny s is committed to providing the best possible service to all customers regardless of race. creed, color 301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. (° Shelton 426-7277 221 North 1st Street, Shelton i llt i , i i i i Page 24- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 0wt zt t] February 2 through March 25, eating with the hearing-impaired * Internet Smarts and E- yellow to black, creating a multi- Education Association has sched- be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Se- registration is required, ask Shelton Middle School. $35. and others Runs 6"30 to 8 n m on Mail Starts, ages 13 to adult, layered, multi-colored design on uled a "Seniors Getting There nior citizens who complete the To register for the course,#J € at. • Intermediate Spanish for fiw ......... qh,dav.,_, ,w'.,,,,,';-°u',,, *" Drake and Conrow help newcom- clean, white, crack-free blown-out Safely" refresher driving course course ....... may be eligible for a reduc- tact Carol Norman, program¢J .,Aal age!s 12 to adult..Communication, March 23, at Shelton Middle ers to the Net learn navigation eggs, says instructor Huelsberg. Saturday, February 20, at ely.m- tmn m thmr automobile insurance dmator for Mason County C0 t as writing, pronuncmtion with Celia School $25 basics. The course, described as Runs 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednes- p]c College Shelton on Alpine premmms, Apple stud. mumty DUI and Traffic Safety/ z ach Determan from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. " - " hands-on and low-stress, runs day, March 24 at a site to be an- Way. The course is designed for se- 427-9670, Extension 396, or I t ecil i ait isis