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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. B1/28-2/18 10 INCH Craftsman band saw, $100. Mark I drilling machine, 8 spindle speed, stands 5 ft, $150. Black office chair, $25, 426-0847. J1/28 RAINBOW SE with power nozzle and attachments, seldom used, 2 years old. Paid $1,450, asking $900 OBO. 426-3418. Al/28-2/4 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Children's and young adults' clothing, t/2 price. Baskets, t/2 price. Hours 11 a.m.-4 p.m.,Tuesday. Saturday. $1/28 LARGE SECTIONAL, Lazyboy recliner at each end, tapestry, mauve, green, taupe $375. Futon $75. Large dining room table, 6 chairs $150. Basketball hoop $50. Many yards of ultra suede fabric, make offer. Outdoor furniture oval table, 4 chairs, hunter green $50. 898-3340. L1/28-2/18 VtTAMASTER AIR Maximum exemise with electronics. As new $60. 2 large size airline approved dog crates. Used once. Half price $60 each. Afifi Temple stadium blanket, $35. No checks, 427- 0826. M1/28 FULL-SIZE COUCH in good condition. Light tan, $75. 427-6440 or 432-8663. W1/28 NIAGARA RECLINER, everything works, $250. 426-1050. B1/21-28 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, $50. Mi- crowave, $25. Brown leather recliner, $50. PU toolbox, $40. Electric snow- blower, $50. 426-9294. $1/21-28 HELP WANTED OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 btu, 3 years old, 110 electric model 0495, $750, Jim 427-8701, Terry 426-5220. H1/14-2/4 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/11tin GARAGE, YARD SALES SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell 40x60x14 was $17,430, now $10,671. 50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865. 60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350. 100x175x20 was $98,650, now $78,650. t-800-406-5126. Ml/28 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere ii i i i iii LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 ,. LAND203S, 4 .a BUYING COINS! Paying 4 times face value for common date U.S. dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1964 or be- fore! Paying 1.5 to 2 times face for Ca- nadian dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1966 or before. Paying $7 each (and up) for common U.S.silver dollars dated 1878 through 1935 in undamaged (V.G.) condition. Larger premiums paid for dollars with "CC" mint mark or any mint dated 1893, 1894, or 18951 Pay 2.50 each for common Canada silver dollars dated 1967 or before! $100 (& up} for Canadian Dollar dated 1948. Im- mediate cash paid for U.S. 112 cents, large cents, Indian head cents, rare Lincoln cents and all wheat back cents, 2 cent pieces, 3 cent pieces, half dimes, twenty cent pieces, bust dol- lars, seated dollarsl U.S. and foreign Gold coins! We need 1921 dated U.S. dimes and half dollars nowl Buying all U.S. currency series 1928 or earlier at multiples of face valuel One piece or estate accumulation! Sell it to Dacha at the Coin Shop, 106 So. 4th St., Shel- ton! 9 to 5:30 Tuesday through Satur- day or call 426-0304 for more informa- lionl S 1/14-2/4 MULTI-FAMILY indoor sale. Clothes, men's, women's, children's, excellent condition. Cow collectibles, stereo and speakers, flotation bed frame, 2 piece couch, cake decorating pans and sup- plies. Fishing gear and much more. Sat. Jan. 30th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.E. 761 Island Lake Dr. No early sales. Wl/28 MOVING SALE Saturday Jan. 23 & Jan. 30, 927 Grant Ave. 1979 Thunder- bird, boat, bikes, and more. E1/21-28 SATURDAY, FEB. 6th. Huge 27 family garage sale. SHS dance team booster club sale. PUD Auditorium, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothes of all sizes, toys, exer- cise equipment, western saddle, housewares and much morel B1/28-2/4 SATURDAY, JAN 30th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. island Lake Manor follow signs. J1/28 HUGE GARAGE sale. Friday, Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 300 E Geist Pt. Dr. 2.3 miles on Pickering Rd. Furniture, tools, fishing gear, clothing, 16' boat, scuba gear, too much to list. C1/28 ESTATE SALE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., no eady sales. Furniture, ap- pliances, dishes, 3-wheel bike, electric cart, many tools. Shopsmith. Cash only. Turn at 2650 N. 13th St., Christ- mas Village. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G1/28-2/4 I III III I I WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426-2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'xe' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' Shop and Storage  20'X24'xe' .J JlL''/dnif 161,x7°" ,ClrllG.jr;gD% r RJeN lr:,'--e'rNL "'" Reputation for Quality • Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of satisfied customers, • One of the leading peat-frame builders in Muon County, • We can custom design at compltive prices, any width, length or height required with no penalty in price. • Choose from e wide range of buildings..., Airplane hangars • Carports • Garages • Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • Machine storage and shops i .. Q .f, dql' Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK i j ............. .......... --reX-- 1 Fir! & Mill. Shetton m IJlJO Monday-Saturday 7:30-7 1 e 426-4373 or 426.2411 Sundiy g-8 | g L..26-4373 or 426.2411  : _  -- Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 I "MEET ME at the Auction." Grapeview Fire Hall, February 6, 1-5:30 p.m. Free refreshments. Tools, golf clubs, furni- ture, dishes, etc., etc. Grapeview Community Club benefit. Gl/28-2/4 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for non- profit. Req. skills: high level computer knowledge, organization, problem solv- ing, reception, filing. Office 95, Q'Books, and MS Publisher exp. pref. Ed. req.: AA & 1 yr office mgt/clerical support or 3 yrs work. Prof. ap- pearance & attitude, be comfortable in- teracting w/people w/disabilities, main- tain confidentiality, & pass background check. Salary & good benefits. For i.d., call (360) 427-1164. Send letter and re- sume to: Endeavor Resoumes, 221 W. Railroad Ave, Ste E, Shelton, 98584. E1/28 CHILDCARE NEEDED Fawn Lake area, 427-9429. B1/28 LOPI OR country fireplace insert de- sired. Leave message, 877-9234. $1/21-28 WANTED - "LITTLE Giant" power ham- mer and drum-type floor sander. 432- 9791. B11/19tin TELEMARKETER PART-TIME. No ex- perience necessary. Well paid position in the KMAS special events depart- ment. Work from your home. Call for appointment, 426-1030. KMAS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. K1/28-2/4 SMALL PRODUCTION woodshop seek- ing highly motivated persons to pro- duce quality items. Employees must be dedicated, enjoy doing your best, be reliable and able to learn. Send applica- tions to PO Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. Looking for immediate hire. Pl/28-2/4 MASON-THURSTON Head Start/ ECEAP Custodians at Shelton and Yelm Head Start Centers. Previous cleaning/maintenance exp desired. Must be 18 or older. $6.25 - 6.51 per hr, 3 hrs/day, 144 days/year. For best consideration apply before 2/3/99. Public Schools Personnel Cooperative (360) 753-2855 EOE Pl/28 PROBATION OFFICER for Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation Ser- vices. Full time, salary $2,685 to $3,265/month. Supervises and moni- tors offenders to assure compliance with court ordered terms of probation. Monitors cases as a Guardian ad Li- tern. Man. qualifications: Bachelor's de- gree in psychology, social sciences, police science, or closely related field and two years of responsible probation or related counseling experience. Ex- perience in drug/alcohol treatment de- sirable but not required. Closes 2/4199 at 5 p.m. Application & questionnaire required, available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360) 427- 7265. M1/21 GARRETT HEYNS Education Center, located at Washington State Correc- tions Center in Shelton is recruiting for the following tenure track positions: Basic Skills Instructor - ABE, writing, math, GED. Drafting/Computer Basics Instructor. To receive complete appli- cation information regarding qualifica- tions and procedures, call (360) 753- 3433 ext. 431. (TDD Access (360) 807- 6227). Screening is scheduled to begin 3/01/99. EOE. Cl/28 COACHES: ASSISTANT Girl's Fast- pitch - two positions for Shelton High School. Current first aid and CPR card is required. Complete job description, qualifications and application available from the Shelton School District, (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street, Shelton WA 98584. EOE. $1/28 LOOKING FOR motivated persons that have small woodshop willing to do piece work. Must have air compressor, chop saw, table saw and router table. Possi- ;ble to earn $100 per day. Send appllca, tions to PO Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. P1/28-2/4 TELLER 1 or 2. Location: West Coast Bank-Shelton (formerly Centennial Bank). Job number: 9901-008. Hours: Part-time: Mon/Fri, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. T/W/TH, 11 a,m.-2 p.m. Job skills: High school diploma, GED or equivalent ex- perience. Previous teller experience desired (required to be considered for higher grade). Cash handling experi- ence and highly developed customer service skills required. Must have solid verbal and written communication skills, a professional demeanor and ability to multi-task. Ability to work in a team environment and to meet bonding requirements for employment purpos- es. To receive an application, please apply at the office nearest you, or call the Human Resources Department at (503) 315-2836. Please return your completed application(s) to this same address. For more career opportuni- ties, call (800) 393-6129. Pre-employ- ment drug test required. Equal Oppor- tunity Employer MIFNID, and commit- ted to a diverse workfome. W1/28 NURSING ASSISTANTS and caregiv- era. Our friendly staff and residents are waiting to meet you. Please apply at: Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 W. Alpine Way. 426-2600. EOE. A1/21-28 COUNTER PERSON with auto parts ex- perience wanted. Apply at NAPA-Bel- fair, 360-275-4433. N1/21-28 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair- cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or part-time, 206-232-8008. T1/21-2/11 MANAGING DIRECTOR. The Port of Shelton has an opening for an experi- enced hands on Port Director and Property Manager. The Port has an ap- proximate $1,000,000 budget to work from for maintenance, improvements, management of airport and wood prod- ucts industrial park. Experience in lease management, marketing, public works, construction, comprehensive planning and leadership skills are re- quired. Salary range is from $45,000 to $55,000 - (DOQ). Excellent public ben- efit package included. Deadline: Until position is filled. Please send resume and references to - P.O. Box 1658, Shelton, WA 98584. P12/3tfn i ii ii CITY OF SHELTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ENTRY LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER EXAM Job Title: Entry Level Communications Officer Salary: $2,043.11 per month plus full benefits Date of Closing: February 12, 1999 The Shelton Civil Service Commission is calling for an exam to establish an Eligibility Register for the position of Entry Level Communications Officer for the Shelton Police Department, A complete job description and fact sheet are available as a part of the application packet. This position is within a bargaining unit agreement. Qualification Requirements: To perform this job successfully, the person in this position must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable indi- viduals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Physical Demands: Communications Officers must be able to sit at a confined communications console for extended periods of time under stress- ful conditions. They must be able to work variable work shift hours which includes weekends and holidays. Required Knowledge, Certificates end Licenses: High School Gradu- ate or have a GED; at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States who can read and write the English language; a valid Washington State Mo- tor Vehicle Operator's License prior to hire with an acceptable driving record; have the ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing: have a full range of hearing; ability to use a computer keyboard with a skill level of at least 30 words per minute; and free of misdemeanor or felony convictions. Examination Procedure: Examinations for the establishment of the Eligi- bility List will consist of one or more of the following: 1. Application Evaluation, 2. Background and Driving Record Examination, 3. Physical Agility (Keyboard skills), 4. Written and Spelling Exam, 5. Oral Board Interview Procedure for Submitting: Request a City of Shelton Civil Service Com- munications Officer application packet from City Hall, 310 W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p,m. No applications will be sent or received by fax. All applications must be received at City Hall by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 1999 and must Include • $15.00 nonre- fundsble application fee (Cash or money order only, made out to the City of Shelton). Questions may be directed to Jeanette Valley, Civil Service Secretary/Examiner at (360) 426.4491 during normal working hours. EOE. i i i ,llltl CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake. COPES certified. Call 427-9146. B1/21-28 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is look- ing for an individual to sell new and used vehicles in our dynamic one price selling environment. We offer factory training 5 day work weeks, benefits. Some retail sales experience is de- sired, not necessarily automotive. We have 5 product lines: Ford, Mercury, Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth. Call Todd at 426-5585. E.O.E. H1/14-28 DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply in per- son, Hoodsport Marina and Cafe, Hoodsport. Hl/21-28 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn SENIOR RANGER/Field Operations. Private Non Profit Campground. Look- ing for experienced ranger to direct/perform duties related to main- tenance of the park. Basic mechanical ability, skill in the use of hand tools and heavy equipment. Located near Shel- ton, WA. Send resumes by February 1st, 1999 to P.O. Box B, Shelton, WA 98584. L1/21-28 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Specialist III for Mason County. Full-time/Tem- porary through 12/31/99. $16.73 to 17.61/hr. Responsible for enforcing residential and commercial sewage regulations and other environmental health regulations. Requires Bachelor's degree in major science field preferably with emphasis on environmental and/or public health and four yrs exp. in septic design, permits, and inspections. Must possess valid WSDL with good driving record. Closes 2/1/99 at 5 p.m. Appli- cations available at: Mason Co Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton, WA 98584 or call (360) 427-7265. M1/21-28 TIMBERLAND REGIONAL Library - Substitute Level II - Community Librar- ian Assistant 2 -Hoodsport WA. This Substitute Level 2 positions works as a Community Library Assistant 2 on an "On-call, as needed basis". Position Code HP3027-03-$2, $9.63/hr. Open until filled. Application review begins February 8, 1999. HS diploma or GED; responsible front line public service and clerical work providing assistance in using library collection and reader's advisory services; knowledge of library circulation processes and procedures; skill in use of computer; ability to use keyboard and light wand for data entry; ability to use or quickly learn Dynix system; some knowledge of business arithmetic and English composition; ability to communicate well. Obtain ap- plication materials at the Service Cen- ter 415 Airdustrial Way SW, Olympia, WA 98501 or your local Timberland Re- gional Library, or call message line 360- 754-4564. EOE, M/F/D/V, T1/28 MYSTERY SHOPPERS Would you like to be paid for occasional shopping as- signments at local stores and restaurants, especially if you live within a 25-mile radius of Shelton? To request an application, send a cover letter, including name, address and phone number to: Shop'n Chek, Attn: FPD # 4142, P.O. Box 740045, Atlanta, GA 30374- 0045, (Send the Ad). Or visit our web site at shopnchek. corn and send us an email in- cluding your name, address, phone number and FPD code t'o 1128 It Answers to Super Crossword IoIUtSlHBCIEIOIAIRBJ"I'AIOIEIDHTIAIFITI IAIRI!IABAIMI,IOIOBAINItlslEBYISlEIRI IIAIRWBRIOIMIEIOBClOINITIEBLIOIoIEJ IslLIelmlTIITIEISlSlIKINIEIEIITIEIRISI| s AIT S smet: smo E,MU R Ill IBIRIABHIUIOIAIVIIIOINBMiILEEiISEI ILlS S S O NBBIRIEININIAINBGILIoIvlE sl IAIOIIILIEBOIIIMILIYBTIIINBEIMItlTISl INIAIOIABSlilRIEITBBSlAITIYIRiRIEITIEI IClLIEIVIEILIAINIOBClOILBMIAIDlilslOINI MIIIRISBBHIO ORs P I  ] IKIEININIEIDIYBMIEIWBJIOIHINIAIOIAIMISl IAILIAIIBEIOISltlNBBJIOIN AIsBA WO C IBIUIRIslAKFIAINIIPlEINIAILUEITIAINIAI IOIOlOlIITIYUCIOINIIIFIEIR/BCILI^IRIEITI IelSlSiLIAIMiRIEIEIFISiTIxlvUElVlSl OIAIMIElelIIIRIEIISltlOIEIS ICIHIAIRIBBBSlAIRIOBRIYIAINBslTIAtFJF I IL1AIMIEII$1AIRIAIHIISlAINITIEURIIIAIL IE1LIIIEBAIBIAITISBOILIOISlRIIilNIilAI IFIOIRIOIIPlIINISlOBNIEIEIDI$11PIOILIKI .00URNRL U00NT nca oE-I.] ESULT8 EVERY TIMEIJ CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion ! • 10 cents for each additional word over 151 ads, The Journal will I • Four insertions for the price of three be responsible for [ • Classified deadline - 2 p.m. Tuesday errors in the first I • Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday insertion only. I Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad DEPENDABLE LOVING caregiver. Light housekeeping, meals, errands, etc. Excellent references. Belfair and surrounding areas. Call Linda or Anna, 360-275-4814. Dl128 PERSONAL CARE aide available for home care. References and creden- tials. Compassionate and discrete. 877-9610. P 1/28-2/4 MAN WITH disability needs work. Graphic arts, sign making assembly, telephones, people skills. Can work at home or your place of business, if ac- cessible. Have own transportation. Very reliable. (360) 426-0925. M1/14- 2/4 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $1/14-2/4 LOST HUSKY shepherd, Allyn Jan. 11, 99. Partially shaved rear. answers to Lucky. (360) M1/28 AAPBA REGISTERED Pitbull months old. Current on shots, trained, good with children, cats. ous inquiries, $250. 432-9176, message. L1/28 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmq thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 Albino available. Prices $75 to Rats also available, small to large. 4174. O 1/28-2/18 SHIH-TSU PUPPIES, shots, adorable bundles, $350. Two one female. 427-7505. M1/7-28 BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Established Allyn one chair shop needs stylist to take over large friendly clientele. Call 360-456-5438, leave name and num- ber. E1/28-2/18 TODDLE IN Daycare has 2 openings. All ages. Meals provided. Fun and learning games. Mt. View School dis- trict. Deanna, 427-6314. Kl/21-2/11 JOHNS CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View School District. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn NEW IN-HOME childcare center at Lake Limerick. Full-time openings. Ex- perienced, clean and loving environ- ment. Information, call 427-6454, Sta- cie. G1/7-28 GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. G 1/28-2/18 IMAGES GALLERY & Gifts. Sign up now for classes. Painting with water- colors, Robert Chamberlain. Painting with oils, Lori Zimmerman. Basic draw- ing, Jora Lee. Classes begin in Febru- ary. Hoodsport, 360-877-0991. 11121- 2/11 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn BRIGHT, VERY attractive and accom- plished woman, late 50s, seeking a special man for lively conversation and shared interests. Initial contact by mail. PO Box 2464, Shelton WA 98584. $1/28-2/4 EXCITING GUIDE teaches you how to make good money from your home. Send a SASE to O'Neill P.O. Box 8185 Port Orchard, WA 98366. O1/14-2/4 1999 RESOLUTION earn extra money while losing weight and help others do the same. Call 1-888-291-5065 ext. 8175. C1/7-28 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072. or 1-800-925-1520. G12/24-3/11 4 YEAR OLD Tennessee Walker terhorse, needs experienced children. Owner has no Black/white Pinto, $2,000. $1/28 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale Semi load available. Will deliver. nings 426-3633. G11/9tin EXCELLENT falfa hay, $7 per bale. P 10/22tin RAZORBACK FENCE Com cializing in livestock fence hole drilling, post driving. mates. 427-6201. License FC0660Z. R12/14ffn QUALITY GRASS hay. No haul, $3 bale. Twin River Rancft, 1023. R1/7-2/25 NORTHRIDGE CONSTRUCTIO N' pantry, concrete work, sheds, carports, exposed aggregate finished flatwork. Also speciali mobile home runners and Quality guaranteed, 36(; #NORTHC*010B5. R 1/28-2/18 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior carpentry, finish work, custom sure washing, remodeling, m tured home repairs, solar stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. #DAVIDWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 JACK FROST Construction 257N1. Thirty-five years quality craftsmanship, remodeling, construction, decks, garage ports, cabins, additions or new Dependable service anytime, 0953. F8/3tfn HOUSE CLEANING one time ing by month. Licensed, refe available, 5 years serving Shelton. For free estimate, call 432-0235 or voice-mail 401- Dl/21-2/11 Jenn's Service (360) 432-8578 • Quarterly Taxes • • Bookkeeping • Income • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing Quality work at affordable Afternoon and Evening Appo Hydroseeding... It Makes Beautiful A Thicker, Healthier, More Uniform Lawn • Seeding at a fraction of the • Enjoy your new lawn in 3 weeks • Erosion control • Free estimates Dale and Laurie Hudson Owner Operated, #HUOSODI121PG 426-8812 TOP.L .ACSj.O.URI JOUKNALI _CLASSlFIE00I '00'00ALL TOO0000l 426-441 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. I 227 West Cots i i i oN.imm FOR OR I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. B1/28-2/18 10 INCH Craftsman band saw, $100. Mark I drilling machine, 8 spindle speed, stands 5 ft, $150. Black office chair, $25, 426-0847. J1/28 RAINBOW SE with power nozzle and attachments, seldom used, 2 years old. Paid $1,450, asking $900 OBO. 426-3418. Al/28-2/4 NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Children's and young adults' clothing, t/2 price. Baskets, t/2 price. Hours 11 a.m.-4 p.m.,Tuesday. Saturday. $1/28 LARGE SECTIONAL, Lazyboy recliner at each end, tapestry, mauve, green, taupe $375. Futon $75. Large dining room table, 6 chairs $150. Basketball hoop $50. Many yards of ultra suede fabric, make offer. Outdoor furniture oval table, 4 chairs, hunter green $50. 898-3340. L1/28-2/18 VtTAMASTER AIR Maximum exemise with electronics. As new $60. 2 large size airline approved dog crates. Used once. Half price $60 each. Afifi Temple stadium blanket, $35. No checks, 427- 0826. M1/28 FULL-SIZE COUCH in good condition. Light tan, $75. 427-6440 or 432-8663. W1/28 NIAGARA RECLINER, everything works, $250. 426-1050. B1/21-28 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, $50. Mi- crowave, $25. Brown leather recliner, $50. PU toolbox, $40. Electric snow- blower, $50. 426-9294. $1/21-28 HELP WANTED OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 btu, 3 years old, 110 electric model 0495, $750, Jim 427-8701, Terry 426-5220. H1/14-2/4 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/11tin GARAGE, YARD SALES SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell 40x60x14 was $17,430, now $10,671. 50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865. 60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350. 100x175x20 was $98,650, now $78,650. t-800-406-5126. Ml/28 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere ii i i i iii LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 ,. LAND203S, 4 .a BUYING COINS! Paying 4 times face value for common date U.S. dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1964 or be- fore! Paying 1.5 to 2 times face for Ca- nadian dimes, quarters, half dollars dated 1966 or before. Paying $7 each (and up) for common U.S.silver dollars dated 1878 through 1935 in undamaged (V.G.) condition. Larger premiums paid for dollars with "CC" mint mark or any mint dated 1893, 1894, or 18951 Pay 2.50 each for common Canada silver dollars dated 1967 or before! $100 (& up} for Canadian Dollar dated 1948. Im- mediate cash paid for U.S. 112 cents, large cents, Indian head cents, rare Lincoln cents and all wheat back cents, 2 cent pieces, 3 cent pieces, half dimes, twenty cent pieces, bust dol- lars, seated dollarsl U.S. and foreign Gold coins! We need 1921 dated U.S. dimes and half dollars nowl Buying all U.S. currency series 1928 or earlier at multiples of face valuel One piece or estate accumulation! Sell it to Dacha at the Coin Shop, 106 So. 4th St., Shel- ton! 9 to 5:30 Tuesday through Satur- day or call 426-0304 for more informa- lionl S 1/14-2/4 MULTI-FAMILY indoor sale. Clothes, men's, women's, children's, excellent condition. Cow collectibles, stereo and speakers, flotation bed frame, 2 piece couch, cake decorating pans and sup- plies. Fishing gear and much more. Sat. Jan. 30th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.E. 761 Island Lake Dr. No early sales. Wl/28 MOVING SALE Saturday Jan. 23 & Jan. 30, 927 Grant Ave. 1979 Thunder- bird, boat, bikes, and more. E1/21-28 SATURDAY, FEB. 6th. Huge 27 family garage sale. SHS dance team booster club sale. PUD Auditorium, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clothes of all sizes, toys, exer- cise equipment, western saddle, housewares and much morel B1/28-2/4 SATURDAY, JAN 30th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. island Lake Manor follow signs. J1/28 HUGE GARAGE sale. Friday, Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 300 E Geist Pt. Dr. 2.3 miles on Pickering Rd. Furniture, tools, fishing gear, clothing, 16' boat, scuba gear, too much to list. C1/28 ESTATE SALE Feb 6 & 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., no eady sales. Furniture, ap- pliances, dishes, 3-wheel bike, electric cart, many tools. Shopsmith. Cash only. Turn at 2650 N. 13th St., Christ- mas Village. House at No. 20 Christmas Tree Lane, 360-426-5172. G1/28-2/4 I III III I I WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426-2411 32'x24'x10' Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'xe' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' Shop and Storage  20'X24'xe' .J JlL''/dnif 161,x7°" ,ClrllG.jr;gD% r RJeN lr:,'--e'rNL "'" Reputation for Quality • Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of satisfied customers, • One of the leading peat-frame builders in Muon County, • We can custom design at compltive prices, any width, length or height required with no penalty in price. • Choose from e wide range of buildings..., Airplane hangars • Carports • Garages • Mobile home covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables • Machine storage and shops i .. Q .f, dql' Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK i j ............. .......... --reX-- 1 Fir! & Mill. Shetton m IJlJO Monday-Saturday 7:30-7 1 e 426-4373 or 426.2411 Sundiy g-8 | g L..26-4373 or 426.2411  : _  -- Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 I "MEET ME at the Auction." Grapeview Fire Hall, February 6, 1-5:30 p.m. Free refreshments. Tools, golf clubs, furni- ture, dishes, etc., etc. Grapeview Community Club benefit. Gl/28-2/4 BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for non- profit. Req. skills: high level computer knowledge, organization, problem solv- ing, reception, filing. Office 95, Q'Books, and MS Publisher exp. pref. Ed. req.: AA & 1 yr office mgt/clerical support or 3 yrs work. Prof. ap- pearance & attitude, be comfortable in- teracting w/people w/disabilities, main- tain confidentiality, & pass background check. Salary & good benefits. For i.d., call (360) 427-1164. Send letter and re- sume to: Endeavor Resoumes, 221 W. Railroad Ave, Ste E, Shelton, 98584. E1/28 CHILDCARE NEEDED Fawn Lake area, 427-9429. B1/28 LOPI OR country fireplace insert de- sired. Leave message, 877-9234. $1/21-28 WANTED - "LITTLE Giant" power ham- mer and drum-type floor sander. 432- 9791. B11/19tin TELEMARKETER PART-TIME. No ex- perience necessary. Well paid position in the KMAS special events depart- ment. Work from your home. Call for appointment, 426-1030. KMAS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. K1/28-2/4 SMALL PRODUCTION woodshop seek- ing highly motivated persons to pro- duce quality items. Employees must be dedicated, enjoy doing your best, be reliable and able to learn. Send applica- tions to PO Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. Looking for immediate hire. Pl/28-2/4 MASON-THURSTON Head Start/ ECEAP Custodians at Shelton and Yelm Head Start Centers. Previous cleaning/maintenance exp desired. Must be 18 or older. $6.25 - 6.51 per hr, 3 hrs/day, 144 days/year. For best consideration apply before 2/3/99. Public Schools Personnel Cooperative (360) 753-2855 EOE Pl/28 PROBATION OFFICER for Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation Ser- vices. Full time, salary $2,685 to $3,265/month. Supervises and moni- tors offenders to assure compliance with court ordered terms of probation. Monitors cases as a Guardian ad Li- tern. Man. qualifications: Bachelor's de- gree in psychology, social sciences, police science, or closely related field and two years of responsible probation or related counseling experience. Ex- perience in drug/alcohol treatment de- sirable but not required. Closes 2/4199 at 5 p.m. Application & questionnaire required, available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360) 427- 7265. M1/21 GARRETT HEYNS Education Center, located at Washington State Correc- tions Center in Shelton is recruiting for the following tenure track positions: Basic Skills Instructor - ABE, writing, math, GED. Drafting/Computer Basics Instructor. To receive complete appli- cation information regarding qualifica- tions and procedures, call (360) 753- 3433 ext. 431. (TDD Access (360) 807- 6227). Screening is scheduled to begin 3/01/99. EOE. Cl/28 COACHES: ASSISTANT Girl's Fast- pitch - two positions for Shelton High School. Current first aid and CPR card is required. Complete job description, qualifications and application available from the Shelton School District, (360) 426-1687, 207 N. 9th Street, Shelton WA 98584. EOE. $1/28 LOOKING FOR motivated persons that have small woodshop willing to do piece work. Must have air compressor, chop saw, table saw and router table. Possi- ;ble to earn $100 per day. Send appllca, tions to PO Box 608, Shelton WA 98584. P1/28-2/4 TELLER 1 or 2. Location: West Coast Bank-Shelton (formerly Centennial Bank). Job number: 9901-008. Hours: Part-time: Mon/Fri, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. T/W/TH, 11 a,m.-2 p.m. Job skills: High school diploma, GED or equivalent ex- perience. Previous teller experience desired (required to be considered for higher grade). Cash handling experi- ence and highly developed customer service skills required. Must have solid verbal and written communication skills, a professional demeanor and ability to multi-task. Ability to work in a team environment and to meet bonding requirements for employment purpos- es. To receive an application, please apply at the office nearest you, or call the Human Resources Department at (503) 315-2836. Please return your completed application(s) to this same address. For more career opportuni- ties, call (800) 393-6129. Pre-employ- ment drug test required. Equal Oppor- tunity Employer MIFNID, and commit- ted to a diverse workfome. W1/28 NURSING ASSISTANTS and caregiv- era. Our friendly staff and residents are waiting to meet you. Please apply at: Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 W. Alpine Way. 426-2600. EOE. A1/21-28 COUNTER PERSON with auto parts ex- perience wanted. Apply at NAPA-Bel- fair, 360-275-4433. N1/21-28 HAIRSTYLISTS FOR busy TGF Hair- cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, medical/dental, 401K, vacation. Full or part-time, 206-232-8008. T1/21-2/11 MANAGING DIRECTOR. The Port of Shelton has an opening for an experi- enced hands on Port Director and Property Manager. The Port has an ap- proximate $1,000,000 budget to work from for maintenance, improvements, management of airport and wood prod- ucts industrial park. Experience in lease management, marketing, public works, construction, comprehensive planning and leadership skills are re- quired. Salary range is from $45,000 to $55,000 - (DOQ). Excellent public ben- efit package included. Deadline: Until position is filled. Please send resume and references to - P.O. Box 1658, Shelton, WA 98584. P12/3tfn i ii ii CITY OF SHELTON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ENTRY LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER EXAM Job Title: Entry Level Communications Officer Salary: $2,043.11 per month plus full benefits Date of Closing: February 12, 1999 The Shelton Civil Service Commission is calling for an exam to establish an Eligibility Register for the position of Entry Level Communications Officer for the Shelton Police Department, A complete job description and fact sheet are available as a part of the application packet. This position is within a bargaining unit agreement. Qualification Requirements: To perform this job successfully, the person in this position must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable indi- viduals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Physical Demands: Communications Officers must be able to sit at a confined communications console for extended periods of time under stress- ful conditions. They must be able to work variable work shift hours which includes weekends and holidays. Required Knowledge, Certificates end Licenses: High School Gradu- ate or have a GED; at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States who can read and write the English language; a valid Washington State Mo- tor Vehicle Operator's License prior to hire with an acceptable driving record; have the ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing: have a full range of hearing; ability to use a computer keyboard with a skill level of at least 30 words per minute; and free of misdemeanor or felony convictions. Examination Procedure: Examinations for the establishment of the Eligi- bility List will consist of one or more of the following: 1. Application Evaluation, 2. Background and Driving Record Examination, 3. Physical Agility (Keyboard skills), 4. Written and Spelling Exam, 5. Oral Board Interview Procedure for Submitting: Request a City of Shelton Civil Service Com- munications Officer application packet from City Hall, 310 W. Cots Street, Shelton, WA. Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p,m. No applications will be sent or received by fax. All applications must be received at City Hall by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 1999 and must Include • $15.00 nonre- fundsble application fee (Cash or money order only, made out to the City of Shelton). Questions may be directed to Jeanette Valley, Civil Service Secretary/Examiner at (360) 426.4491 during normal working hours. EOE. i i i ,llltl CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake. COPES certified. Call 427-9146. B1/21-28 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center is look- ing for an individual to sell new and used vehicles in our dynamic one price selling environment. We offer factory training 5 day work weeks, benefits. Some retail sales experience is de- sired, not necessarily automotive. We have 5 product lines: Ford, Mercury, Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth. Call Todd at 426-5585. E.O.E. H1/14-28 DISHWASHER NEEDED. Apply in per- son, Hoodsport Marina and Cafe, Hoodsport. Hl/21-28 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn SENIOR RANGER/Field Operations. Private Non Profit Campground. Look- ing for experienced ranger to direct/perform duties related to main- tenance of the park. Basic mechanical ability, skill in the use of hand tools and heavy equipment. Located near Shel- ton, WA. Send resumes by February 1st, 1999 to P.O. Box B, Shelton, WA 98584. L1/21-28 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Specialist III for Mason County. Full-time/Tem- porary through 12/31/99. $16.73 to 17.61/hr. Responsible for enforcing residential and commercial sewage regulations and other environmental health regulations. Requires Bachelor's degree in major science field preferably with emphasis on environmental and/or public health and four yrs exp. in septic design, permits, and inspections. Must possess valid WSDL with good driving record. Closes 2/1/99 at 5 p.m. Appli- cations available at: Mason Co Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton, WA 98584 or call (360) 427-7265. M1/21-28 TIMBERLAND REGIONAL Library - Substitute Level II - Community Librar- ian Assistant 2 -Hoodsport WA. This Substitute Level 2 positions works as a Community Library Assistant 2 on an "On-call, as needed basis". Position Code HP3027-03-$2, $9.63/hr. Open until filled. Application review begins February 8, 1999. HS diploma or GED; responsible front line public service and clerical work providing assistance in using library collection and reader's advisory services; knowledge of library circulation processes and procedures; skill in use of computer; ability to use keyboard and light wand for data entry; ability to use or quickly learn Dynix system; some knowledge of business arithmetic and English composition; ability to communicate well. Obtain ap- plication materials at the Service Cen- ter 415 Airdustrial Way SW, Olympia, WA 98501 or your local Timberland Re- gional Library, or call message line 360- 754-4564. EOE, M/F/D/V, T1/28 MYSTERY SHOPPERS Would you like to be paid for occasional shopping as- signments at local stores and restaurants, especially if you live within a 25-mile radius of Shelton? To request an application, send a cover letter, including name, address and phone number to: Shop'n Chek, Attn: FPD # 4142, P.O. Box 740045, Atlanta, GA 30374- 0045, (Send the Ad). Or visit our web site at shopnchek. corn and send us an email in- cluding your name, address, phone number and FPD code t'o 1128 It Answers to Super Crossword IoIUtSlHBCIEIOIAIRBJ"I'AIOIEIDHTIAIFITI IAIRI!IABAIMI,IOIOBAINItlslEBYISlEIRI IIAIRWBRIOIMIEIOBClOINITIEBLIOIoIEJ IslLIelmlTIITIEISlSlIKINIEIEIITIEIRISI| s AIT S smet: smo E,MU R Ill IBIRIABHIUIOIAIVIIIOINBMiILEEiISEI ILlS S S O NBBIRIEININIAINBGILIoIvlE sl IAIOIIILIEBOIIIMILIYBTIIINBEIMItlTISl INIAIOIABSlilRIEITBBSlAITIYIRiRIEITIEI IClLIEIVIEILIAINIOBClOILBMIAIDlilslOINI MIIIRISBBHIO ORs P I  ] IKIEININIEIDIYBMIEIWBJIOIHINIAIOIAIMISl IAILIAIIBEIOISltlNBBJIOIN AIsBA WO C IBIUIRIslAKFIAINIIPlEINIAILUEITIAINIAI IOIOlOlIITIYUCIOINIIIFIEIR/BCILI^IRIEITI IelSlSiLIAIMiRIEIEIFISiTIxlvUElVlSl OIAIMIElelIIIRIEIISltlOIEIS ICIHIAIRIBBBSlAIRIOBRIYIAINBslTIAtFJF I IL1AIMIEII$1AIRIAIHIISlAINITIEURIIIAIL IE1LIIIEBAIBIAITISBOILIOISlRIIilNIilAI IFIOIRIOIIPlIINISlOBNIEIEIDI$11PIOILIKI .00URNRL U00NT nca oE-I.] ESULT8 EVERY TIMEIJ CLASSIFIED RATES • 15 words or less - $5.00 I In multiple insertion ! • 10 cents for each additional word over 151 ads, The Journal will I • Four insertions for the price of three be responsible for [ • Classified deadline - 2 p.m. Tuesday errors in the first I • Classified display- 5 p.m. Monday insertion only. I Phone 426-4412 to Place Ad DEPENDABLE LOVING caregiver. Light housekeeping, meals, errands, etc. Excellent references. Belfair and surrounding areas. Call Linda or Anna, 360-275-4814. Dl128 PERSONAL CARE aide available for home care. References and creden- tials. Compassionate and discrete. 877-9610. P 1/28-2/4 MAN WITH disability needs work. Graphic arts, sign making assembly, telephones, people skills. Can work at home or your place of business, if ac- cessible. Have own transportation. Very reliable. (360) 426-0925. M1/14- 2/4 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $1/14-2/4 LOST HUSKY shepherd, Allyn Jan. 11, 99. Partially shaved rear. answers to Lucky. (360) M1/28 AAPBA REGISTERED Pitbull months old. Current on shots, trained, good with children, cats. ous inquiries, $250. 432-9176, message. L1/28 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmq thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 Albino available. Prices $75 to Rats also available, small to large. 4174. O 1/28-2/18 SHIH-TSU PUPPIES, shots, adorable bundles, $350. Two one female. 427-7505. M1/7-28 BEAUTY SHOP for sale. Established Allyn one chair shop needs stylist to take over large friendly clientele. Call 360-456-5438, leave name and num- ber. E1/28-2/18 TODDLE IN Daycare has 2 openings. All ages. Meals provided. Fun and learning games. Mt. View School dis- trict. Deanna, 427-6314. Kl/21-2/11 JOHNS CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View School District. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn NEW IN-HOME childcare center at Lake Limerick. Full-time openings. Ex- perienced, clean and loving environ- ment. Information, call 427-6454, Sta- cie. G1/7-28 GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. G 1/28-2/18 IMAGES GALLERY & Gifts. Sign up now for classes. Painting with water- colors, Robert Chamberlain. Painting with oils, Lori Zimmerman. Basic draw- ing, Jora Lee. Classes begin in Febru- ary. Hoodsport, 360-877-0991. 11121- 2/11 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn BRIGHT, VERY attractive and accom- plished woman, late 50s, seeking a special man for lively conversation and shared interests. Initial contact by mail. PO Box 2464, Shelton WA 98584. $1/28-2/4 EXCITING GUIDE teaches you how to make good money from your home. Send a SASE to O'Neill P.O. Box 8185 Port Orchard, WA 98366. O1/14-2/4 1999 RESOLUTION earn extra money while losing weight and help others do the same. Call 1-888-291-5065 ext. 8175. C1/7-28 TENANT PROBLEMS? Attorney evic- tions. Fast, efficient. $205, collection recovery, small claims. G.P.S.F. Bond- ed. 253-472-1072. or 1-800-925-1520. G12/24-3/11 4 YEAR OLD Tennessee Walker terhorse, needs experienced children. Owner has no Black/white Pinto, $2,000. $1/28 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale Semi load available. Will deliver. nings 426-3633. G11/9tin EXCELLENT falfa hay, $7 per bale. P 10/22tin RAZORBACK FENCE Com cializing in livestock fence hole drilling, post driving. mates. 427-6201. License FC0660Z. R12/14ffn QUALITY GRASS hay. No haul, $3 bale. Twin River Rancft, 1023. R1/7-2/25 NORTHRIDGE CONSTRUCTIO N' pantry, concrete work, sheds, carports, exposed aggregate finished flatwork. Also speciali mobile home runners and Quality guaranteed, 36(; #NORTHC*010B5. R 1/28-2/18 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior carpentry, finish work, custom sure washing, remodeling, m tured home repairs, solar stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. #DAVIDWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 JACK FROST Construction 257N1. Thirty-five years quality craftsmanship, remodeling, construction, decks, garage ports, cabins, additions or new Dependable service anytime, 0953. F8/3tfn HOUSE CLEANING one time ing by month. Licensed, refe available, 5 years serving Shelton. For free estimate, call 432-0235 or voice-mail 401- Dl/21-2/11 Jenn's Service (360) 432-8578 • Quarterly Taxes • • Bookkeeping • Income • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing Quality work at affordable Afternoon and Evening Appo Hydroseeding... It Makes Beautiful A Thicker, Healthier, More Uniform Lawn • Seeding at a fraction of the • Enjoy your new lawn in 3 weeks • Erosion control • Free estimates Dale and Laurie Hudson Owner Operated, #HUOSODI121PG 426-8812 TOP.L .ACSj.O.URI JOUKNALI _CLASSlFIE00I '00'00ALL TOO0000l 426-441 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. I 227 West Cots i i i oN.imm FOR OR