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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing In the Commission Chambers at Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, February 2; 1999 at 10:00 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider testi- mony regarding Ordinance No. 131-98, which is an extension of Ordinance No. 68-96 an Or- dinance enacting an extension and amendment to Ordinance No. 23-98 which enacted an ex- tension to Resolution No. 113-97, Bulldlng Moratorium in Skokomish River Valley and amending, on an intedm basis, Ordinance No. 77-93, Mason County Intedm Re)urcas Ordi- nance. The effect of the amendments Is to al- low new construction in some areas of the Skokomish Valley in which this was prohibited. Ordinance No. 131-96 sets conditions on this new construction. These intedm amendments shall expire on December 16, 1999. If there are questions, please contact the Mason County Department of Community De- velopment, (360) 427-9670, Ext 294. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office at 427-9670. Ext 419. DATED this 17th day of December 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers LEGAL NOTICE The license of John C. Hays (Licence No. 647) to engage in the limited practice of law was revoked by the Supreme Court, on Janumy 15,1999. 1/'28 It NOTICE OF PUBUC TIMBER SALE Department of Natural Resources will auc- tion timber to the highest bidder. Contract terms and bidding Information is available by calling South Puget Sound Region at 1-800- 527-3305 or by visiting the Region Office at Enumclaw or Forest Resoumes Division, Olympia. Bidding information may also be ob. talned at The County Auditor's office. Bidding begins at 10 A.M. at the South Puget Region Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on February 24, 1999. NORTH SLOPE, App. No. 070378, approx. Imately 10 miles by road northwest of Hoods- port on part(s) of Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27 all in Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M, compdslng approximately 5,313 Mbf of Tim- ber. Minimum acceptable bid will be $1,534,000. This sale Is Export Restricted. 1/28.2/4.11 31 ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, RCW 46.55.130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- TRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board GIVEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 1/21.282t South 1st St., SHELTON, WASHINGTON REQUEST FOR BIDS STAND BY GENERATOR MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT is requesting bids for the purchase and In- staUation of a 200-300 KW stand-by generator. This project once completed will allow the school district to operate with supplemental power when needed as a result of general pulp lic power outages. Sealed bids for this project will be accepted by the Board of Directors of the Mary M. Knight School Dist. #311 Lcltil 2.'00 PM of February 19th, 1999. Bids will be opened publicly at 2:00 PM on that date at the office of the SuperlntsndanL The Board of Directors will meet at 7:30 PM to re- view and decide upon their course of action at the February 22nd regulady scheduled meet- ing. Bidders are encouraged to obtain more In- formation and specifications at the office of Fred Yancey, Superintendent at the above ad- dress or by requesting such by phone. The Board of Directors of the MMK School district reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, and to make such award as it shall deem to be In the district's best interests. By Order of: Fred Yancay, Supt. 1/28-2/4-10 3t 98584, WILL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON Feb. 5th, 1999, AT 1:30 P.M. SELL FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED VEHICLES: 1979 Cadillac DeviUe, LIC #902AKY Trailer, LIC #no plates 1976 Chevy Monza, UC #KRY654 VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE REG. #5006 1/28 It ABANDONED VEHICLE AUCTION In compliance with Chapter 42, RCW 46.55.130, Law of 1969, First Extraordinary Session, as amended by Chapter 281, notice is hereby given that TOW KING, E343 MEYER LAKE DRIVE, SHELTON, WA 98584, will at Public Auction on FEBRUARY 5, 1999, AT 11:30 AM, sell for cash to the highest bidder, the following dascdbed vehicles: 1967 CHEVY SPECTRUM, LIC #246FLD t978 MERCURY ZEPHYR, LIC #087FAA 1978 OLDS CUTLASS, LIC #030FYY 1975 CADILLAC SEVILLE, LIC #806AWK 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA, LIC #KIY6,53 1985 DODGE CARAVAN, LIC LDW054 1969 DODGE P/U, VIN #D24BEIU343217 Vehicles available at 8:30 AM for Inspec- tion. TOW KING Reg. #5707 1,/28 It NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR OF SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, February 2,1999 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Special Elacttons will be held on Tuesday, February 2, 1999. in Mason County, Washington, in the precincts and polling places listed separately for the purpose Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 Bond=, Pioneer School District No. 402 Bond=, North Mason Soo Distdct No. 403 LoW, and Hood C, anal 8dx)l Distd No. 404 Levy. Mary M Knight School DIstrict No. 311 Pmpoallk)n No. 1 School  Bonds - $8,440,000 To construct a new elementary echool and community resource center, construct new eddl. tions and modemize Mary M Knight High School, and construct a new auxiliary gym building, shall Mary M Knight School District No. 311 Issue $8,440,000 of general obligation bonds, me- luring within a maximum term of 20 yearl, and levy annual excau property taxes to pay and re tire such bonds, as provided in resolution No. 99-01? Bonda, Yes Bonds, No Pioneer School DIstrict No. 402 Proposition NO. I General Ob School Bond= - $16,130,000 Shall Plonaer School District No. 402 IImJe $16,130,000 of general obllgetion bonds metudng within twenty years to pay costs of constructing and equipping additional classrooms at the Pdmary School, additions to and modemizatlon of the Intsrmedlate/Mlddle ,School and a new high school of the District, and carrying out other capital purposes and levy annual excess prop- erty taxes to pay and retire the borK, as provided In Resolution NO. 7-96? Bonds, Yssu Bonds NO__ North Mason School Distdct No. 403 Proposrdon NO. I Four Year Malntsnanoe and Operation Levy Shall the following excess property taxes for operatton/rneintsnanca purpcees be levied for the North Mason School DIstrict General Fund on all taxable property within the district, for ap- proximately $2.40 per thousand assemmd valuation (beNd on true and fair value unlm epectfl- cally otherwise provided by law) to provide $2,300,000 for collection In calendar years 2000, 2001. 2002, snd 2003, all as specified In School boar¢l Rssolutn No. 8-G-96? Levy, Yes __ L.y, NO Hood Cartal School Distdct No 404 Preston No., Two-Year School Malntsrwtca and Operation Lew To meet the educational need= of students in the Hood CanJ School Distdct No. 404, shall the Hood Canal School Dlstdct No. 404 levy the following excess taxes for the purpose of re- placing an expiring levy for the maintenance and operatlons expenses on all taxable property within the District? Collection ApproxJmets Low  Law Year per $1,000 A=amod Value Amount 2OOO $O.79 $380,OOO 2001 $0.79 S35O,000 All as specified in District Resolution NO. 1, 96-96, I.ovy, Yss  I.ovy, NO Precinct ................................. Polling Allyn/LakelandNIctor ........... LakeLand WI. Crtrn. Club, 470 E CounW Club Dr., Ailyn Beffalr 115 .............................. Mary E. Thelar Center, 22871 NE Hwy 3, Balfalr Balfalr 2/314/6 ........................ F.D. #2 Rrahall. 460 NE Cd Balfalr Hwy, Balfalr Capitol Hill ............................ Vote By Mall CtoquaJlum ........................... Mall Ballot Precinct Cushman .............................. F.D. # 18 Rrehall, Lake Standd Dr,, Hoedeport Dayton ................................... Mail Ballot Pradnot Dewatto ................................. Pod of Dewatto Building, 2501 NE Dewatto Rd., Tahuya Eelis ...................................... Middle Skokomlsh Grange Hall, 2202 W Skokomleh V=¢ey Rd., She,on Harsttns ................................ e Community Club, (Junction of N Island Dr. & Harstlne lalarld N) Hoodsport .............................. F.D. #1 RmheU, 331 N Rnch Ck Rd., Hoodxt Lake ........................................ Vote By Mail Lilltwaup ................................ F.D. #17 Rmhall, 34571 N Hwy. 101, LIIliwaup Matiock/Satsop ..................... Mall Ballot P Mitler/l'lmbedake ................ Agate Grie Hall 1831 E  Loop, talton Northslde/Bayalore ............. Lk Umedck CounW Club, 790 E 81 Andrew= Dr., Shalton Oaldand ................................. Pioneer Salted, 110 E Spencer Lk Rd. Picketing ............................... Fire Station #7, 1741 E Picketing Rd., Sbelton Potiatch/Skokomish ............. Hood  Comm, Club, 22021 N Hwy 101 Tahuya .................................. F.D. #8 Rrahall, 14880 NE North  Rd., Tahuya Union ..................................... F.D. #6 Flmhall, 50 E Seattle Bt, Union Said election will be held Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at the above potling places in 1 pre- cincts. The polls will be open from 7:00 a,m. unlil 8:00 p.m. on Jd Election Day, and all qualified electors who shall be inside of the polling place at 8:00 p.m.,  be allowed to cut their bIots. For those precincts in Ule Mary M. Knight School DIeffict No. 311 that are  as Mall Bal- lot Precincts replacement ballots may be obtained at the  County Auditors Office in Shal- ton st 411 North 5th. Ballots may also be drolKI off at Ulll location on nomlal business deys pe- tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m, and on FJectlon daY February 2, 1999 between 7 am, and 8 p.m. Man T. Brotcbe M=on County Auator 1/28 It ...... L .......... JJ .....  ' Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Joumal - Thursday, January 28, 1999 MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Francisco Francisco Gasper, 3170 State Route 300, Belfair, $1,075, 365 days, 360 suspended; William A. West, Belfair, $1,500, 365 days; Kurt John Bay- er, 847 Retsil Road East, Port Orchard, and driving with li- cense suspended, $1,725, 455 days, 335 suspended; John Moore, West 230 Dry Bed Creek Road, Matlock, $925, and no valid driver's license, $50, 455 days, 448 suspended; Pauline L. Etheridge, 2535 70th Avenue SW, Olympia, $325, 365 days, 320 sus- pended; Michael Todd Davis, 1408 West Avenue, Port Orchard, $685, 365 days, 364 suspended. Reckless driving: Domingo Gonzalez Encarnacion, 311 West E Street, Shelton, $350, 365 days, 358 suspended, and no in- surance, $250. Negligent driving: David M. Kalac, 2131 Evergreen Avenue, Port Orchard, $200. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: James E. Tindall, Elms, third degree, $150, 90 suspended; Michael A. Gold, 1102 SE Fauna Lane, Port Orchard, $150; Carl Jesse Bet- cellos Jr., North 90 Wigeon Place, Hoodsport, California li- cense, $150, 90 days suspended; Robert James McGiveron, 105 Clemens Road, Montesano, third degree, $300, 90 days suspended; Francisco Francisco Gaspar, 3170 State Route 300, Belfair, $250; Milks D. Choote, 900 Olympic Avenue, Shelton, first degree, 365 days; Jeff A. Brown, 105 South Exchange, Aberdeen, third degree, $350, 90 days, 70 suspended; Amy R. Oster, 1604 Puget Street, She]ton, $150, 90 days suspended, and no in- surance, $480; Jose Mendoza-Lo- per, 168 Cedar Lan¢ Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days sus- pended; Gessy L. Ryan, 900 Olympic Highway, Shelton, third degree, $250; Lowella P. Gamber, North 10 Skokomish Flats Road, Shelton, first degree, $200, 90 days, 80 suspended; John M. Moore, 253 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, third degree, $150, 90 days, 87 suspended; and no insurance, $480; Ronald H. Moore Jr., 27051 North Highway 101, Hoodsport, third degree, $250, 90 days suspended, and no insurance, $480. No valid drivers license: Luis A. Chavez, 381 East Murray Road North, Grapeview, $200; Debrah Lynn Burke, 820 East Old Lyme Road, Shelton, $150, 90 days suspended; Amy Lynn Laughlin, East 91 Dogwood, Shelton, $250, 90 days, 80 sus- pended. Other traffic offenses: Alan M. Kirk, 340 West Dayton Trails Drive, Shelton, 1,100 pounds over legal weight on axles, $257. Unlawful recreational fish-. i ng: Kris D. Felix, 160 North Bourgault Road, Shelton, second degree, $95; Dennis Patrick Ke]- ley, 6952 North Vandecap SE, Port Orchard, fishing without a license, $95. Transportation and posses- don of forest product without a permit: Enrique Alonzo Andres, 628 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton, $200, 365 days suspended; Anton- ion Sebastian Antonio, 22993 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 004arriage £icenses IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllfllllllUllllllllilllliliillllillliillilliiillilllllllllli Applying for marriage licenses during the week, according to the Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Kevin Shelton Margason, 35, of Shelton and Paige Elizabeth Wo- daege, 28, of Shelton. Hauke Hansen, 21, of Shelton and Julie Ann Florek, 26, of Shel- ton. Eric James Smileuske, 28, of Shelton and Jessica Lynn Langer, 31, of Shelton. David Wade Sushak, 43, of Shelton and Audra Jean Hennig, 29, of Shelton. Gregory Roy Jenney, 46, of Shelton and Monette Shefler, 40, of Shelton. State Route 3, Belfair, and theft third degree, $270, 365 days sus- pended. Other offenses: C.H. Murphy, 5565 North Dolphin Street, Port- land, Oregon, violating of law governing transportation of haz- ardous materials, $475, 90 days suspended; Christopher B. Manchester, 111 East Shoreline Lane, Shelton, assault fourth de- gree, $450, 365 days suspended; David Ray Grindle, 783 SE Binns-Swiger Road, Shelton, unlawful discharge of a firearm, $100, and minor consuming in- toxicants, $50. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: No valid drivers license: Jus- tins Cabrera-Moreno, Humptu- lips, $480. Driving with Hcense mmpend- ed: Ernesto Salazar, 600 Park Street, Shelton, third degree, $350, 90 days, 89 suspended, one day community service. Not mffficient funds: Judith Ann Miller, 1251 East Pickering Road, Shelton, four counts, $150, 365 days, 364 suspended, one day community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divarces Granted Paige Elizabeth Wodaege and Joseph John Wodaege. Denise L. Faris and Mitchell S. Faris. Dale Terrel and Judy Terre]. Strider S.R. Klusman and Kathryn J. Klusman. Janette R. Bunce and Michael R. Bunce. Patricia Ann Kuntz-Rickards and Ronald Russell Rickards. New Cases George M. Dupuis against Ste- yen D. Tipton, tax warrant. McDonald Land Company against North Star Lumber, commercial. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Michael Scott Miner, tax war- rant. Cynthia K. Johnson against Gene and Jane Doe Becker, per- sonal injury. Green Tree Financial Corpo- ration of Minnesota against Terra K. and John Doe Norris, Russell and Jane Doe Norris, John and Jane Doe, commercial. Peter F. and Darlene C. Pen- neck and Ruth E. Wise against Thomas Rau and all other ille- gal occupants, unlawful detain- er. Aloha Lumber Corporation against North Star Lumber, In- corporated, Mike and Jane Doe Bryan, foreclosure. Amededo Nappi against Michael Erickson, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against A&A Pest Con- trol, Incorporated, tax warrant. COUNTY BUILDING New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Mission Creek Youth Camp, 3420 NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair, addition and modernization, $160,000; Robert Hall, 12621 NE North Shore Road, Belfair, well- house and garage, $6,130; David Walterick, 650 East Hiawatha Boulevard, Shelton, residence and garage, $156,317; Gordon Anderson, 300 East Lakeshore Drive, Allyn, residence and ga- rage, $115,596; Steve Johnson, 81 NE Lennie's Loop, Belfair, $87,240, residence and garage; Michael Beste, 70 West Ayliffe Lane, Elma, $100,186, residence. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: George Carlson, 41 East Rac- coon Court, Shelton, mobile home; Joseph Simaitt, 1765 East Burgundy Road, Shelton, preins- pection for remodel. IlliilliililillllllllllllillllllillllllilillliliiiMllllillllllllllllllilll ,New /Irrivals lillmllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllullllllllllllllilllllllllll Mariua Sue Doyle was born on January I at Taco- ma General Hospital to Jennifer Wolf and Mark Doyle of Shelton. Grandparents are Jim and Sue Wolf, and Ray mad Sue Doyle, all of Shelton. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Robert Smith, 865 Fairmount Street, $11,088, garage. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT January 19:4:21 p.m., 215 West Railroad Avenue, smoke investigation. January 23:4:12 p.m.,700 block of West Alder Street, ille- gal burn. January 25, 2:39 p.m., injury, East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, January 19 A suicidal female hostile to law enforcement was said to be stirring up trouble at the bus stop near Safeway. A caller reported a 9-year-old struggling with a stroller near Fred Meyer. A caller told dispatchers nine girls and boys were vandalizing the fence at PUD park, and another reported ten juveniles starting a fight on the 400 block of Dearborn Avenue. Wednesday, January 20 A caller said a 7-year-old boy had been left alone while his mother played bingo. A burglary was reported on the 2300 block of Jefferson Street. A basketball hoop was report- edly creating a traffic hazard on Jefferson Street. Thursday, January 21 A caller from East Pine Street reported that her daughter had been in a traffic accident. A burglary on the 700 block of West Alder Street was reported. A woman reportedly assaulted her 4-year-old son outside the Shelton Police Department. Friday, January 22 A caller said a suspicious- looking person with orange hair was bicycling on South First Street in the downtown area. Suspcious bones were report- edly seen in a field behind Sound Home Care in the Gateway Cen- ter. Saturday, January 23 A burglary was reported at a home on the 700 block of West Pine Court. A woman said she'd been fol- lowed by a suspicious looking stalker on the 600 block of West Franklin Street. A caller from the 300 block of West Railroad Avenue asked for police help in dealing with people having sex in the bathroom. Sunday, January 24 Medic One responded to a dis- turbance on the 400 block of North Filth Street. An Hispanic male was report- edly being harassed by some other guys on the 200 block of Olympic Highway North. A juvenile fell and hit his head on the 400 block of North Fifth Street. A burglary involving compact disks and guns was reported at a residence on the 700 block of Ar- cadia Avenue. Monday, January 25 A 16-year-old girl who had been fighting with her sister asked to be put into a foster home. A female caller asked for an escort home because her boy- friend had torn the house apart. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 78, Thursday 78, Friday 71, Saturday 79, Sunday 76, Monday 80, Tuesday 78. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, January 19 A disturbance was reported in an area set aside for recreational vehicles on SE Craig Road. Log trucks were reportedly causing problems by speeding through water covering parts of West Skokomish Valley Road. Three men in a van were said to be stealing brush from property near North Lake Cushman Road. Burglaries were reported on West Beeville Road in Matlock and near milepoint 3.1 of NE State Route 300. Wednesday, January 20 Fire District 4 and Mason County Medic One responded to the report of a structure fire a mile out SE Binns Swiger Loop. A caller said that people were trying to shoot him and blow him up. A home three miles out of West Little Egypt Road was reportedly burglarized. A car was reported stolen as well. Dispatchers were told by a caller from NE Admiral Drive in Belfair that the caller's 17- year-old daughter had her jaw broken in an assault. Thursday, January 21 Fire District 11 responded to the report of an illegal burn on East Blevins Road North. A caller from SE Canna Place complained of being harassed on the citizens band radio. Children were said to be throwing flares off the C Street overpass. A caller reported the theft of forest products in Matlock. A burglary was reported at a cabin on West Star Lake Drive; A package was reportedly sto- len from a mailbox on East Pointes Drive East. Officials at Mary M. Knight School reported a bomb threat. A caller from NE Toonerville Drive in Belfair said a neighbor had trash in the yard that was at- tracting rodents. Deputies were asked to provide protective custody for two chil- dren who were allegedly being neglected in the Shelton area. A caller said loud from the Spencer Lake was making dogs bark. Friday, January 22 Five carloads of were said to be drinking making a lot of noise on Lane. A burglary was reported summer home 15 miles out State Route 106 near Belfair. A caller said someone throwing eggs and batteries house on East Rauschert Grapeview. A boat was reportedly from a boat ramp near mile NE North Shore Road in huya. A cougar was seen by the l ball field at North Mason School, dispatchers were told. Saturday, January 23 Fire District 11 responded the report of a chimney fire East Rock Way in Shelton. Fire District 12 and One responded to the report injury on West Shafer Road in Matlock. Burglaries were reported home near milepoint 11 on State Route 106 in Union; a on NE Capstan Rock home on North Duckabush near Hoodsport; and a three miles out NE State 300 in Belfair. Transients were said to be ing in a condemned house East Budd Drive, where portedly had a fire going. Tires and wheels were edly dumped on East Lane in Belfair. Sunday, January 24 A burglary was said to be progress near mile 3 of State Route 108. were reported at a home on Evergreen Drive; a residence miles out Highway 101; a mer home on East Road in Grapeview from CD player was taken; a on East Snowcap Drive in fair from which a chopsaw taken; and a home approx: ly four miles out NE North Road. Explosions were reported a vehicle caught on fire came fully engulfed on Gallagher Road. Monday, January 25 A caller reported seeing eight bottles marked the side of East Mason Drive South. A caller said another pulled out a handgun while ing on Old Olympic HighwaY' A rape allegedly occurred the Skokomish Indian tion. Fifteen students were edly having a fight at and Highland Park roads. Burglaries were re East Olympic Drive in view; near the 1.8-mile West Ford Loop Road; on Treasure Island Drive in and a mile out East Spencer Road. Febuary 1-5, 1999 Hood Canal Shelton MONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, ._ February . 1-5 toast. Lunch: Chili dog with cheese, Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad Monday'Hot dog, potato 1 French fries, fresh fruit, carrot sticks salad,_chips, orange, milk. I1 with dip, milk. Tuesday: Ravioli, peas, L[J TUESDAY: Breakfast: Soft pretzel. bread sticks, green salad, Lunch: Hamburger gravy over mashed fruit roll-up, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, fries, lettuce, apple, milk. Thursday: Beef nuggets, pret- zels with pizza sauce, grapes, carrot sticks, milk. Friday: Pizza, green beans, banana, juice, milk. Anyone living or working in the Pioneer School District is eligible to join Simpson Community Federal Credit Union. 526 W. Cedar 426-9701 I potatoes, green beans, buttered roll, peaches, green salad, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sausage. Lunch: Macaroni and cheese with ham, maple bar, but- tered peas, fruit roll-up, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Maple bars. Lunch: Burrito with sauce, buttered corn, chocolate pudding, mixed fruit, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Toast, sausage. Lunch: Ham and pineapple pizza, broc- coli and cauliflower, fruit Jello, peanut butter cookie, milk. Sponsored by 1 WEST COAST BANK m',,', Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport • N. 24341 Hwy. I01 877-5272 dog on a bun, animal crackers, TUESDAY: Breakfast: Pancake sausage on a stick. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Chicken burg er, sugar cQokie, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: pizza. Lunch: Five Star Smart Bar. Pizza sticks, sunshine bar, THURSDAY: Breakfast: with egg patties. Lunch: Five Smart (salad) Bar. Turkey toes, mon rolls, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Super d Lunch: Five Star Smart Cheeseburger, cookie, milk. Shelton • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 426-5581 & LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing In the Commission Chambers at Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, February 2; 1999 at 10:00 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider testi- mony regarding Ordinance No. 131-98, which is an extension of Ordinance No. 68-96 an Or- dinance enacting an extension and amendment to Ordinance No. 23-98 which enacted an ex- tension to Resolution No. 113-97, Bulldlng Moratorium in Skokomish River Valley and amending, on an intedm basis, Ordinance No. 77-93, Mason County Intedm Re)urcas Ordi- nance. The effect of the amendments Is to al- low new construction in some areas of the Skokomish Valley in which this was prohibited. Ordinance No. 131-96 sets conditions on this new construction. These intedm amendments shall expire on December 16, 1999. If there are questions, please contact the Mason County Department of Community De- velopment, (360) 427-9670, Ext 294. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office at 427-9670. Ext 419. DATED this 17th day of December 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers LEGAL NOTICE The license of John C. Hays (Licence No. 647) to engage in the limited practice of law was revoked by the Supreme Court, on Janumy 15,1999. 1/'28 It NOTICE OF PUBUC TIMBER SALE Department of Natural Resources will auc- tion timber to the highest bidder. Contract terms and bidding Information is available by calling South Puget Sound Region at 1-800- 527-3305 or by visiting the Region Office at Enumclaw or Forest Resoumes Division, Olympia. Bidding information may also be ob. talned at The County Auditor's office. Bidding begins at 10 A.M. at the South Puget Region Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on February 24, 1999. NORTH SLOPE, App. No. 070378, approx. Imately 10 miles by road northwest of Hoods- port on part(s) of Sections 22, 23, 26 and 27 all in Township 23 North, Range 4 West, W.M, compdslng approximately 5,313 Mbf of Tim- ber. Minimum acceptable bid will be $1,534,000. This sale Is Export Restricted. 1/28.2/4.11 31 ABANDONED VEHICLE SALE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 42, RCW 46.55.130, LAW OF 1969, FIRST EX- TRAORDINARY SESSION, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 281, NOTICE IS HEREBY Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board GIVEN THAT JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE, 809 1/21.282t South 1st St., SHELTON, WASHINGTON REQUEST FOR BIDS STAND BY GENERATOR MARY M. KNIGHT SCHOOL DISTRICT is requesting bids for the purchase and In- staUation of a 200-300 KW stand-by generator. This project once completed will allow the school district to operate with supplemental power when needed as a result of general pulp lic power outages. Sealed bids for this project will be accepted by the Board of Directors of the Mary M. Knight School Dist. #311 Lcltil 2.'00 PM of February 19th, 1999. Bids will be opened publicly at 2:00 PM on that date at the office of the SuperlntsndanL The Board of Directors will meet at 7:30 PM to re- view and decide upon their course of action at the February 22nd regulady scheduled meet- ing. Bidders are encouraged to obtain more In- formation and specifications at the office of Fred Yancey, Superintendent at the above ad- dress or by requesting such by phone. The Board of Directors of the MMK School district reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, and to make such award as it shall deem to be In the district's best interests. By Order of: Fred Yancay, Supt. 1/28-2/4-10 3t 98584, WILL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON Feb. 5th, 1999, AT 1:30 P.M. SELL FOR CASH TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED VEHICLES: 1979 Cadillac DeviUe, LIC #902AKY Trailer, LIC #no plates 1976 Chevy Monza, UC #KRY654 VEHICLES AVAILABLE AT 10:30 A.M. FOR INSPECTION. JIM'S AUTOMOTIVE REG. #5006 1/28 It ABANDONED VEHICLE AUCTION In compliance with Chapter 42, RCW 46.55.130, Law of 1969, First Extraordinary Session, as amended by Chapter 281, notice is hereby given that TOW KING, E343 MEYER LAKE DRIVE, SHELTON, WA 98584, will at Public Auction on FEBRUARY 5, 1999, AT 11:30 AM, sell for cash to the highest bidder, the following dascdbed vehicles: 1967 CHEVY SPECTRUM, LIC #246FLD t978 MERCURY ZEPHYR, LIC #087FAA 1978 OLDS CUTLASS, LIC #030FYY 1975 CADILLAC SEVILLE, LIC #806AWK 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA, LIC #KIY6,53 1985 DODGE CARAVAN, LIC LDW054 1969 DODGE P/U, VIN #D24BEIU343217 Vehicles available at 8:30 AM for Inspec- tion. TOW KING Reg. #5707 1,/28 It NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR OF SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, February 2,1999 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Special Elacttons will be held on Tuesday, February 2, 1999. in Mason County, Washington, in the precincts and polling places listed separately for the purpose Mary M. Knight School District No. 311 Bond=, Pioneer School District No. 402 Bond=, North Mason Soo Distdct No. 403 LoW, and Hood C, anal 8dx)l Distd No. 404 Levy. Mary M Knight School DIstrict No. 311 Pmpoallk)n No. 1 School  Bonds - $8,440,000 To construct a new elementary echool and community resource center, construct new eddl. tions and modemize Mary M Knight High School, and construct a new auxiliary gym building, shall Mary M Knight School District No. 311 Issue $8,440,000 of general obligation bonds, me- luring within a maximum term of 20 yearl, and levy annual excau property taxes to pay and re tire such bonds, as provided in resolution No. 99-01? Bonda, Yes Bonds, No Pioneer School DIstrict No. 402 Proposition NO. I General Ob School Bond= - $16,130,000 Shall Plonaer School District No. 402 IImJe $16,130,000 of general obllgetion bonds metudng within twenty years to pay costs of constructing and equipping additional classrooms at the Pdmary School, additions to and modemizatlon of the Intsrmedlate/Mlddle ,School and a new high school of the District, and carrying out other capital purposes and levy annual excess prop- erty taxes to pay and retire the borK, as provided In Resolution NO. 7-96? Bonds, Yssu Bonds NO__ North Mason School Distdct No. 403 Proposrdon NO. I Four Year Malntsnanoe and Operation Levy Shall the following excess property taxes for operatton/rneintsnanca purpcees be levied for the North Mason School DIstrict General Fund on all taxable property within the district, for ap- proximately $2.40 per thousand assemmd valuation (beNd on true and fair value unlm epectfl- cally otherwise provided by law) to provide $2,300,000 for collection In calendar years 2000, 2001. 2002, snd 2003, all as specified In School boar¢l Rssolutn No. 8-G-96? Levy, Yes __ L.y, NO Hood Cartal School Distdct No 404 Preston No., Two-Year School Malntsrwtca and Operation Lew To meet the educational need= of students in the Hood CanJ School Distdct No. 404, shall the Hood Canal School Dlstdct No. 404 levy the following excess taxes for the purpose of re- placing an expiring levy for the maintenance and operatlons expenses on all taxable property within the District? Collection ApproxJmets Low  Law Year per $1,000 A=amod Value Amount 2OOO $O.79 $380,OOO 2001 $0.79 S35O,000 All as specified in District Resolution NO. 1, 96-96, I.ovy, Yss  I.ovy, NO Precinct ................................. Polling Allyn/LakelandNIctor ........... LakeLand WI. Crtrn. Club, 470 E CounW Club Dr., Ailyn Beffalr 115 .............................. Mary E. Thelar Center, 22871 NE Hwy 3, Balfalr Balfalr 2/314/6 ........................ F.D. #2 Rrahall. 460 NE Cd Balfalr Hwy, Balfalr Capitol Hill ............................ Vote By Mall CtoquaJlum ........................... Mall Ballot Precinct Cushman .............................. F.D. # 18 Rrehall, Lake Standd Dr,, Hoedeport Dayton ................................... Mail Ballot Pradnot Dewatto ................................. Pod of Dewatto Building, 2501 NE Dewatto Rd., Tahuya Eelis ...................................... Middle Skokomlsh Grange Hall, 2202 W Skokomleh V=¢ey Rd., She,on Harsttns ................................ e Community Club, (Junction of N Island Dr. & Harstlne lalarld N) Hoodsport .............................. F.D. #1 RmheU, 331 N Rnch Ck Rd., Hoodxt Lake ........................................ Vote By Mail Lilltwaup ................................ F.D. #17 Rmhall, 34571 N Hwy. 101, LIIliwaup Matiock/Satsop ..................... Mall Ballot P Mitler/l'lmbedake ................ Agate Grie Hall 1831 E  Loop, talton Northslde/Bayalore ............. Lk Umedck CounW Club, 790 E 81 Andrew= Dr., Shalton Oaldand ................................. Pioneer Salted, 110 E Spencer Lk Rd. Picketing ............................... Fire Station #7, 1741 E Picketing Rd., Sbelton Potiatch/Skokomish ............. Hood  Comm, Club, 22021 N Hwy 101 Tahuya .................................. F.D. #8 Rrahall, 14880 NE North  Rd., Tahuya Union ..................................... F.D. #6 Flmhall, 50 E Seattle Bt, Union Said election will be held Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at the above potling places in 1 pre- cincts. The polls will be open from 7:00 a,m. unlil 8:00 p.m. on Jd Election Day, and all qualified electors who shall be inside of the polling place at 8:00 p.m.,  be allowed to cut their bIots. For those precincts in Ule Mary M. Knight School DIeffict No. 311 that are  as Mall Bal- lot Precincts replacement ballots may be obtained at the  County Auditors Office in Shal- ton st 411 North 5th. Ballots may also be drolKI off at Ulll location on nomlal business deys pe- tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m, and on FJectlon daY February 2, 1999 between 7 am, and 8 p.m. Man T. Brotcbe M=on County Auator 1/28 It ...... L .......... JJ .....  ' Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Joumal- Thursday, January 28, 1999 MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Francisco Francisco Gasper, 3170 State Route 300, Belfair, $1,075, 365 days, 360 suspended; William A. West, Belfair, $1,500, 365 days; Kurt John Bay- er, 847 Retsil Road East, Port Orchard, and driving with li- cense suspended, $1,725, 455 days, 335 suspended; John Moore, West 230 Dry Bed Creek Road, Matlock, $925, and no valid driver's license, $50, 455 days, 448 suspended; Pauline L. Etheridge, 2535 70th Avenue SW, Olympia, $325, 365 days, 320 sus- pended; Michael Todd Davis, 1408 West Avenue, Port Orchard, $685, 365 days, 364 suspended. Reckless driving: Domingo Gonzalez Encarnacion, 311 West E Street, Shelton, $350, 365 days, 358 suspended, and no in- surance, $250. Negligent driving: David M. Kalac, 2131 Evergreen Avenue, Port Orchard, $200. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: James E. Tindall, Elms, third degree, $150, 90 suspended; Michael A. Gold, 1102 SE Fauna Lane, Port Orchard, $150; Carl Jesse Bet- cellos Jr., North 90 Wigeon Place, Hoodsport, California li- cense, $150, 90 days suspended; Robert James McGiveron, 105 Clemens Road, Montesano, third degree, $300, 90 days suspended; Francisco Francisco Gaspar, 3170 State Route 300, Belfair, $250; Milks D. Choote, 900 Olympic Avenue, Shelton, first degree, 365 days; Jeff A. Brown, 105 South Exchange, Aberdeen, third degree, $350, 90 days, 70 suspended; Amy R. Oster, 1604 Puget Street, She]ton, $150, 90 days suspended, and no in- surance, $480; Jose Mendoza-Lo- per, 168 Cedar Lan¢ Shelton, third degree, $200, 90 days sus- pended; Gessy L. Ryan, 900 Olympic Highway, Shelton, third degree, $250; Lowella P. Gamber, North 10 Skokomish Flats Road, Shelton, first degree, $200, 90 days, 80 suspended; John M. Moore, 253 Island Lake Drive, Shelton, third degree, $150, 90 days, 87 suspended; and no insurance, $480; Ronald H. Moore Jr., 27051 North Highway 101, Hoodsport, third degree, $250, 90 days suspended, and no insurance, $480. No valid drivers license: Luis A. Chavez, 381 East Murray Road North, Grapeview, $200; Debrah Lynn Burke, 820 East Old Lyme Road, Shelton, $150, 90 days suspended; Amy Lynn Laughlin, East 91 Dogwood, Shelton, $250, 90 days, 80 sus- pended. Other traffic offenses: Alan M. Kirk, 340 West Dayton Trails Drive, Shelton, 1,100 pounds over legal weight on axles, $257. Unlawful recreational fish-. i ng: Kris D. Felix, 160 North Bourgault Road, Shelton, second degree, $95; Dennis Patrick Ke]- ley, 6952 North Vandecap SE, Port Orchard, fishing without a license, $95. Transportation and posses- don of forest product without a permit: Enrique Alonzo Andres, 628 Ellinor Avenue, Shelton, $200, 365 days suspended; Anton- ion Sebastian Antonio, 22993 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 004arriage £icenses IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllfllllllUllllllllilllliliillllillliillilliiillilllllllllli Applying for marriage licenses during the week, according to the Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Kevin Shelton Margason, 35, of Shelton and Paige Elizabeth Wo- daege, 28, of Shelton. Hauke Hansen, 21, of Shelton and Julie Ann Florek, 26, of Shel- ton. Eric James Smileuske, 28, of Shelton and Jessica Lynn Langer, 31, of Shelton. David Wade Sushak, 43, of Shelton and Audra Jean Hennig, 29, of Shelton. Gregory Roy Jenney, 46, of Shelton and Monette Shefler, 40, of Shelton. State Route 3, Belfair, and theft third degree, $270, 365 days sus- pended. Other offenses: C.H. Murphy, 5565 North Dolphin Street, Port- land, Oregon, violating of law governing transportation of haz- ardous materials, $475, 90 days suspended; Christopher B. Manchester, 111 East Shoreline Lane, Shelton, assault fourth de- gree, $450, 365 days suspended; David Ray Grindle, 783 SE Binns-Swiger Road, Shelton, unlawful discharge of a firearm, $100, and minor consuming in- toxicants, $50. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic- ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: No valid drivers license: Jus- tins Cabrera-Moreno, Humptu- lips, $480. Driving with Hcense mmpend- ed: Ernesto Salazar, 600 Park Street, Shelton, third degree, $350, 90 days, 89 suspended, one day community service. Not mffficient funds: Judith Ann Miller, 1251 East Pickering Road, Shelton, four counts, $150, 365 days, 364 suspended, one day community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divarces Granted Paige Elizabeth Wodaege and Joseph John Wodaege. Denise L. Faris and Mitchell S. Faris. Dale Terrel and Judy Terre]. Strider S.R. Klusman and Kathryn J. Klusman. Janette R. Bunce and Michael R. Bunce. Patricia Ann Kuntz-Rickards and Ronald Russell Rickards. New Cases George M. Dupuis against Ste- yen D. Tipton, tax warrant. McDonald Land Company against North Star Lumber, commercial. Washington Department of Labor and Industries against Michael Scott Miner, tax war- rant. Cynthia K. Johnson against Gene and Jane Doe Becker, per- sonal injury. Green Tree Financial Corpo- ration of Minnesota against Terra K. and John Doe Norris, Russell and Jane Doe Norris, John and Jane Doe, commercial. Peter F. and Darlene C. Pen- neck and Ruth E. Wise against Thomas Rau and all other ille- gal occupants, unlawful detain- er. Aloha Lumber Corporation against North Star Lumber, In- corporated, Mike and Jane Doe Bryan, foreclosure. Amededo Nappi against Michael Erickson, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against A&A Pest Con- trol, Incorporated, tax warrant. COUNTY BUILDING New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Mission Creek Youth Camp, 3420 NE Sand Hill Road, Belfair, addition and modernization, $160,000; Robert Hall, 12621 NE North Shore Road, Belfair, well- house and garage, $6,130; David Walterick, 650 East Hiawatha Boulevard, Shelton, residence and garage, $156,317; Gordon Anderson, 300 East Lakeshore Drive, Allyn, residence and ga- rage, $115,596; Steve Johnson, 81 NE Lennie's Loop, Belfair, $87,240, residence and garage; Michael Beste, 70 West Ayliffe Lane, Elma, $100,186, residence. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: George Carlson, 41 East Rac- coon Court, Shelton, mobile home; Joseph Simaitt, 1765 East Burgundy Road, Shelton, preins. pection for remodel. IlliilliililillllllllllllillllllillllllilillliliiiMllllillllllllllllllilll ,New /Irrivals lillmllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllullllllllllllllilllllllllll Mariua Sue Doyle was born on January I at Taco- ma General Hospital to Jennifer Wolf and Mark Doyle of Shelton. Grandparents are Jim and Sue Wolf, and Ray mad Sue Doyle, all of Shelton. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Robert Smith, 865 Fairmount Street, $11,088, garage. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT January 19:4:21 p.m., 215 West Railroad Avenue, smoke investigation. January 23:4:12 p.m.,700 block of West Alder Street, ille- gal burn. January 25, 2:39 p.m., injury, East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, January 19 A suicidal female hostile to law enforcement was said to be stirring up trouble at the bus stop near Safeway. A caller reported a 9-year-old struggling with a stroller near Fred Meyer. A caller told dispatchers nine girls and boys were vandalizing the fence at PUD park, and another reported ten juveniles starting a fight on the 400 block of Dearborn Avenue. Wednesday, January 20 A caller said a 7-year-old boy had been left alone while his mother played bingo. A burglary was reported on the 2300 block of Jefferson Street. A basketball hoop was report- edly creating a traffic hazard on Jefferson Street. Thursday, January 21 A caller from East Pine Street reported that her daughter had been in a traffic accident. A burglary on the 700 block of West Alder Street was reported. A woman reportedly assaulted her 4-year-old son outside the Shelton Police Department. Friday, January 22 A caller said a suspicious- looking person with orange hair was bicycling on South First Street in the downtown area. Suspcious bones were report- edly seen in a field behind Sound Home Care in the Gateway Cen- ter. Saturday, January 23 A burglary was reported at a home on the 700 block of West Pine Court. A woman said she'd been fol- lowed by a suspicious looking stalker on the 600 block of West Franklin Street. A caller from the 300 block of West Railroad Avenue asked for police help in dealing with people having sex in the bathroom. Sunday, January 24 Medic One responded to a dis- turbance on the 400 block of North Filth Street. An Hispanic male was report- edly being harassed by some other guys on the 200 block of Olympic Highway North. A juvenile fell and hit his head on the 400 block of North Fifth Street. A burglary involving compact disks and guns was reported at a residence on the 700 block of Ar- cadia Avenue. Monday, January 25 A 16-year-old girl who had been fighting with her sister asked to be put into a foster home. A female caller asked for an escort home because her boy- friend had torn the house apart. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 78, Thursday 78, Friday 71, Saturday 79, Sunday 76, Monday 80, Tuesday 78. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, January 19 A disturbance was reported in an area set aside for recreational vehicles on SE Craig Road. Log trucks were reportedly causing problems by speeding through water covering parts of West Skokomish Valley Road. Three men in a van were said to be stealing brush from property near North Lake Cushman Road. Burglaries were reported on West Beeville Road in Matlock and near milepoint 3.1 of NE State Route 300. Wednesday, January 20 Fire District 4 and Mason County Medic One responded to the report of a structure fire a mile out SE Binns Swiger Loop. A caller said that people were trying to shoot him and blow him up. A home three miles out of West Little Egypt Road was reportedly burglarized. A car was reported stolen as well. Dispatchers were told by a caller from NE Admiral Drive in Belfair that the caller's 17- year-old daughter had her jaw broken in an assault. Thursday, January 21 Fire District 11 responded to the report of an illegal burn on East Blevins Road North. A caller from SE Canna Place complained of being harassed on the citizens band radio. Children were said to be throwing flares off the C Street overpass. A caller reported the theft of forest products in Matlock. A burglary was reported at a cabin on West Star Lake Drive; A package was reportedly sto- len from a mailbox on East Pointes Drive East. Officials at Mary M. Knight School reported a bomb threat. A caller from NE Toonerville Drive in Belfair said a neighbor had trash in the yard that was at- tracting rodents. Deputies were asked to provide protective custody for two chil- dren who were allegedly being neglected in the Shelton area. A caller said loud from the Spencer Lake was making dogs bark. Friday, January 22 Five carloads of were said to be drinking making a lot of noise on Lane. A burglary was reported summer home 15 miles out State Route 106 near Belfair. A caller said someone throwing eggs and batteries house on East Rauschert Grapeview. A boat was reportedly from a boat ramp near mile NE North Shore Road in huya. A cougar was seen by the l ball field at North Mason School, dispatchers were told. Saturday, January 23 Fire District 11 responded the report of a chimney fire East Rock Way in Shelton. Fire District 12 and One responded to the report injury on West Shafer Road in Matlock. Burglaries were reported home near milepoint 11 on State Route 106 in Union; a on NE Capstan Rock home on North Duckabush near Hoodsport; and a three miles out NE State 300 in Belfair. Transients were said to be ing in a condemned house East Budd Drive, where portedly had a fire going. Tires and wheels were edly dumped on East Lane in Belfair. Sunday, January 24 A burglary was said to be progress near mile 3 of State Route 108. were reported at a home on Evergreen Drive; a residence miles out Highway 101; a mer home on East Road in Grapeview from CD player was taken; a on East Snowcap Drive in fair from which a chopsaw taken; and a home approx: ly four miles out NE North Road. Explosions were reported a vehicle caught on fire came fully engulfed on Gallagher Road. Monday, January 25 A caller reported seeing eight bottles marked the side of East Mason Drive South. A caller said another pulled out a handgun while ing on Old Olympic HighwaY' A rape allegedly occurred the Skokomish Indian tion. Fifteen students were edly having a fight at and Highland Park roads. Burglaries were re East Olympic Drive in view; near the 1.8-mile West Ford Loop Road; on Treasure Island Drive in and a mile out East Spencer Road. Febuary 1-5, 1999 Hood Canal Shelton MONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, MONDAY: Breakfast: Cereal, ._ February . 1-5 toast. Lunch: Chili dog with cheese, Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad Monday'Hot dog, potato 1 French fries, fresh fruit, carrot sticks salad,_chips, orange, milk. I1 with dip, milk. Tuesday: Ravioli, peas, L[J TUESDAY: Breakfast: Soft pretzel. bread sticks, green salad, Lunch: Hamburger gravy over mashed fruit roll-up, milk. Wednesday: Cheeseburger, fries, lettuce, apple, milk. Thursday: Beef nuggets, pret- zels with pizza sauce, grapes, carrot sticks, milk. Friday: Pizza, green beans, banana, juice, milk. Anyone living or working in the Pioneer School District is eligible to join Simpson Community Federal Credit Union. 526 W. Cedar 426-9701 I potatoes, green beans, buttered roll, peaches, green salad, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sausage. Lunch: Macaroni and cheese with ham, maple bar, but- tered peas, fruit roll-up, chocolate milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Maple bars. Lunch: Burrito with sauce, buttered corn, chocolate pudding, mixed fruit, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Toast, sausage. Lunch: Ham and pineapple pizza, broc- coli and cauliflower, fruit Jello, peanut butter cookie, milk. Sponsored by 1 WEST COAST BANK m',,', Formerly Centennial Bank Hoodsport • N. 24341 Hwy. I01 877-5272 dog on a bun, animal crackers, TUESDAY: Breakfast: Pancake sausage on a stick. Lunch: Five Star Smart (salad) Bar. Chicken burg er, sugar cQokie, chocolate milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: pizza. Lunch: Five Star Smart Bar. Pizza sticks, sunshine bar, THURSDAY: Breakfast: with egg patties. Lunch: Five Smart (salad) Bar. Turkey toes, mon rolls, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Super d Lunch: Five Star Smart Cheeseburger, cookie, milk. Shelton • 2307 Olympic Hwy. N 426-5581 &