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Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 - Mason County Journal - Page B-3
ne of the beautiful
things about sports
is their diversity and
ability to bring people
together from across
the United States
and even the world.
In sports we meet
athletes of different
genders, sexual ori-
entation and ethnic
backgrounds. Diver-
sity is how we can
find that one player
or coach who we can
say is just like us.
Carolina Panthers coach
Ron Rivera is a recent ex-
ample of this. When Rivera
and the Panthers head out
to California for Super Bowl
50, he will only be the second
NFL head coach of Hispanic
descent to reach the Super
Bowl. In 1984, Rivera made
history when he was the first
player of Puerto Rican and
Mexican descent to be drained
by the Chicago Bears.
The only other Latino to
reach the Super Bowl was
Tom Flores. Flores, along with
Mike Ditka, are the
only two people in
the NFL history to
win a championship
as a player, assis-
tant coach and head
coach. He was the
also the first Hispan-
• ic starting quarter-
back when he start-
ed for the Oakland
Raiders in 1960. He
was the first Latino
to win a Super Bowl when he
won Super Bowl XV with the
Oakland Raiders and Super
Bowl XVIII with the Los An-
geles Raiders.
It's important to point out
this out because the most
popular sport in the United
States is severely lacking di-
Professors from George-
town, George Washington,
Emory and Iowa State uni-
versities recently published to interview minority candi- 10-year period.
a study that looked at the ca- dates for head coaching andThe Washington State
reers of more than 1,200 NFL senior football operations jobs. Employment Security Depart-
coaches from 1985 to 2012. It There is also the Bill Walsh ment wrote that the Hispanic
found that black coaches con- NFL Minority Coaching Fel- or Latino population in 2014
sistently moved more slowly lowship, which is an annualwas 8.9 percent. According to
up the ranks than their white program that allows teams Mason Matters, from 2005-
counterparts despite similar to hire minority coaches for 09, 47 percent of foreign-born
performances and skill sets. training camp and all pre- residents were born in Latin
According to the research, season games. America.
white coaches are more than All of this matters becauseSo we should care about
twice as likely as black coach- Mason County is becoming diversity in sports because
es to be promoted to the coor- a melting pot of ethnicities, diversity is in our backyard.
dinator level. According to demographics If kids don't see coaches and
During the recent fir- compiled by Mason Matters players that look like them,
ing and hiring period, seven from 2000-10, the county saw who will they look up to?
coaches were fired. All but growth in numbers and diver- Jackie Robinson inspired
one coach who replaced the sity. In 2010, the Skokomish black baseball players, Bil-
fired coaches was white. Hue Reservation population was lie King proved women could
Jackson, who was hired by the 714 while Squaxin Island Res- compete with men and Ron
Cleveland Browns, was the ervation and Trust Land's was Rivera could inspire the next
only black head coach hired 1,023. generation of Latino coaches.
as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers People who identified as Who knows, the next NFL La-
fired Lovie Smith. Hispanic grew as well. In tino coach could be in Mason
But there are programs 2000, there were 2,361 His-County.
and rules in place to help pro- panics in the county. That
mote diversity in the league, number grew in 2010 to • Reporter Alexandria Valdez
The Rooney Rule, established 4, 844. It was the biggest in- can be reached at alexandria@
in 2003, requires NFL teams crease out of all groups in a masoncounty.com
Shelton varsity wrestling at Lincoln,
7 p.m.
Shelton boys Narrows League Diving
Championship, 4:30 p.m.
Shelton boys varsity basketball vs.
Lincoln, 7 p.m.
Shelton girls varsity basketball at
Lincoln, 7 p.m. SATURDAY vs. Kingston, 7 p.m.
North Mason boys basketball at Mary M. Knight boys varsity Mary M. Knight girls varsity
Bremerton, 7 p.m. basketball at Oakville, 5:45 p.m. basketball at Lake Quinault, 6 p.m.
North Mason girls varsity basketball Mary M. Knight girls varsity
vs. Bremerton, 7 p.m. basketball at Oakville, 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY
Mary M. Knight boys varsity Shelton girls varsity basketball vs.
basketball vs. Naselle, 5:45 p.m. TUESDAY North Thurston, 7 p.m.
Mary M. Knight girls varsity North Mason boys varsity basketball Shelton boys varsity basketball at
basketball vs Naselle, 7 p.m. at Kingston, 7 p.m. North Thurston, 7 p.m.
North Mason girls varsity basketball
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