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Page B-4 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016
Climbers now preparing for stete
toumement end post seeson
help drive him down to
By ALEXANDRIAVALDEZ the mat. He was able to
alexandria@masoncoun pin Morales with a turk,
corn which is when a wrestler
Shelton High School slips his leg around his
senior Fred Home's opponent's leg, elevates
wrestling career began him up and flips him on
last year when he walked his shoulders for the pin.
into the practice room. "It's great to see him
He had never wrestled hit things with just
before the first day of confidence and speed,"
practice. Shelton coach Chris
Last week, Home fin- Lacy said. "He's in great
ished his final dual home shape. He has really, re-
match in 19 seconds as ally gone through the
he pinned Capital High forge here and he's look-
School's Felipe Morales. ing great."
All five of Shelton's
"I was a little nervous,
like I didn't want to go boys seniors who corn-
out there and lose since peted won their matches.
it was my senior night," Senior Christian Jewett,
Home said. "Then I a first-year wrestler, re-
calmed down aider ceived a forfeit from Cap-
watching our first match ital for his 160-pound
and how Alec (Manke) match. The Highclimb-
ers girls team did not
went out there. It gave
me the strength to think, compete because Capital
'I've worked this hard; doesn't have a girls team.
I can't just give up and But it wasn't just the
get nervous and scared. I seniors who had success.
have to be confident and Shelton's four freshmen
give it my all.' " who wrestled were victo-
The Shelton High- rious on the mat.
climbers had their final One of the most excit-
home match of the sea- ing matches of the night
son Jan. 21 and beat the came again from Shelton
Capital Cougars 73-3. sophomore Wade Smoth-
Shelton's victoryerman, who had his
against Capital was thematch go into overtime
Highclimbers' sixth dual for the second time this
victory of the year; the season. At North Mason
squad posted a perfect High School, Smother-
6-0 record. The High- man's match went into
climbers won all of their overtime against North
home dual meets this Mason wrestler Juan
Miguel. Smotherman
Friday night was acame out victorious as he
showcase for Highclimb- won the match with the
er fans past and future, first takedown.
The young wrestler
For Home, who wres-
tled in the 132-pound didn't have the same luck
class, his match against against Capital's Chance
Morales was his first Brogan. In the first pe-
home dual match of riod, Brogan earned five
the season. He said he quick points with a near
couldn't wrestle in the fall and a takedown.
other home matches Smotherman, who was
because his opponents behind at the start of his
didn't make weight or match in North Mason as
didn't have anyone at well, made his move in the
that class, second period. For the sec-
At the start of Home's ond period the two wres-
match, he got two points tlers started in the natu-
for a takedown after he ral position, and Smother-
head-snapped Morales to man controlled the mat as
Journal photos by Alexandria Valdez
Shelton senior Colton Paller, top, grabs Capital's Jacob Rivera's arm during their 195-pound match
Jan. 21 in the Mini-Dome. Paller pinned Rivera in the first period in 1:08.
Shelton senior Alec Manke, top, tries to roll
Capital's Ryan Ferrel onto his back during their
Jan. 21 match in the Mini-Dome. Manke won the
152-pound match with a pin in 5:27.
Servinq Moson, Thurston, Lewis ond
Greys Harbor Counties
he earned five points. "He was aggressive," In order for a wrestler to year's senior class passed
No one scored in Lacy said. "When he hit compete at state, wres- along.
the third period, so the techniques he hit themtiers have to fight their "The senior class
match went into over- with force and confi- way through sub-region- meant a lot to me be-
time. Brogan shot for dence. He was feeling als and regionals. Thecause they were the
Smotherman's legs and things out and wres- top four wrestlers in each ones who pushed me to
earned the takedown to fling a match against weight class from the 3A strive for varsity and to
win the match, a very good wrestler, Regionals meet competedo better in the sport of
Lacy, who has coached that is a skilled kid. But at state Feb. 19-20 at the wrestling," Clark said.
Smotherman for several I'm thrilled with that2016 Mat Classic XXVIII "(Senior) Alec Manke,
years, said that was the match." in the Tacoma Dome. he showed me a couple
best match Smotherman Now, the Climbers lookAs the team prepares moves and then me and
has wrestled, toward the postseason,for state, underclassmen him worked together. He
like sophomore Raymondshowed me how to fix my
Clark will remember stance and all that other
the knowledge that this stuff."
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