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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page B-IO - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 Ads "Too Late To Classify" are located in the A Section In multi 31e insertion ads, The Journal will be res )onsible for errors in the first insertion only. "- - ;'u;Er; ........ Attach your I Mai i i arm so you'll never miss an classified ad | issue of the news. Information and advertised savings that to this form | matter to you most. Start or renew your subscription today and mail or | and save $10 OFF the news stand price and remember to buy bring it in to I a subscription for your favorite friend or relative. our office in I GET STARTED RIGHTAWAY by calling (360) 426-4412 with downtown Shelton. I your credit card or visit us online at to use I your card via PayPaFM. I FREE classified ad of 30 words or fewer with your paid subscription.* Additional words at regular price. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Mason County - $42 • In State - $56 Out of State - $66 New Subscripton Renewal Name: Address: Phone: Send Renewal Card to: Date to Start Subscription: t YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES t I In Mason County - $42- In State - $56 I I Out of State - $66 I Discover I New Subscripton I i Name: Ii Address: | Phone: I I Send Renewal Card to: Date to Start Subscription: Credit Card Info: Visa MC I Credit Card Info: Visa I Card Number: I Card Number: You can also I j(~~ITU~L 227 W. Cota Street Shelton, WA 98584I I complete I P.O. Box 430 Shelton, WA 98584I Expiration Date: 3 Digit Security #__ I Expiration Date: the process I I I atbY426-4412.calling us | = 426-4412 I Signature: I Signature: IL i i i i I I i I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I immiwm mli I I I I I I Renewal MC Discover 3 Digit Security # __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I d Goldsborough Creek Apartments is accepting wait list applications for seniors ages 62 and better. HUD subsidized, controlled access, garden setting, minutes from downtown shopping. N0n-Sm0king Pr0pe y. 23 1-Br. and one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., (306) 42 3903 CARS&TRUCKS FOR RENT FOR SALE 1943 WILLY'S Jeep 432- includes utilities. (360) 490- UNIQUE GIFTS, beading 0601. (F 1/28-2/18) 9099 - pets negotiable. (L supplies, antiques, collect- 2003 CHEVY Malibu, 1/21-2/11) ibles, furniture, patio de- $2,000 or best offer. (360) DUPLEX (2) 2 bedroom, 1car, birdhouses, glassware, 490-9256. (H 1/28) bath units available Febru- strawberries, and more. ary 1. Quiet country living Elaine's Country Store CH|L~ CARE 5 milesWest of Shelton. 15 706 Cascade Ave., Shel- acres- stream- pond- ton (360) 451-4467, open astures - barn - garage. Wednesday - Saturday, 10- 1,200 / month (360) 490- 5:30 (E 1/7-1/28) MT OLIVE Lutheran has childcare openings! Pre- school included. 2 1/2 years - 12 years. Licensed, rea- sonable prices. DSHS ac- cepted. Call now! 427-3165. (D 4/1 TFN) FOR RENT UNIQUE BARN studio apartment. Country living 5 miles West of Shelton, 15 acres - stream - pond - pastures - barn. Available February 1st, $850/month s38,558 to s46,184 Full Time, Benefit Package To apply:www.oesd 360.478.6870 EOE & ADA 360-275-2868 800-773-3227 Fir Tree Park Apartments 360-426-5666 / 614 N 4th St Sho n WA 98584 **62+ Senior Community** Accepting wait list applications for residency. Rental osr~slance may be 0v0ilable. Professionally managed by PPM, LLC Water, sewer, end garhoge is included in monthly rent. In the community, we offer o big screen 1Y with cable access, monthly bJllhdoy potluck lunches, pork-like se ng, garden areas, 2 onsito laundry rooms to our residents. We are located within walking distance from shopping, library, and downtown Shelton. About the 2 types of Classifieds Classified Reader Ads -- OR -- Classified Display Ads FIRST TWO words are No word limit, display ads capitalized. For 20 words or are sold by the column inch. less, $10.35 per week. 15’ per Minimum size 2 column word over 20. If the ad runs (3.23" wide) x 2" tall is $40:00 unchanged for 3 weeks, the per week. Many larger sizes 4th week is free. No frames, are available. Logos, art & art or Iogos in reader ads. photos welcome. Deadline 5:00 PM Monday (360) 426-4412 Open 8-5 Mon:-Fri. 9099 pets negotiable. (L 1/21-2/11) LARGE STUDIO apartment on beautiful Hood Canal waterfront. Free broad- band Internet; free Dish TV, full-size kitchen, laundry included. Furnished or un- furnished, $875. On uncon- gested Hwy. 101 in Mason County; easy commute to Shelton, Olympia, else- where. Clams, oysters, and HBO -- could you ask for anything more? For photos check out hoodcanalshan- Call (360) 877- 5501 (M TFN) TWO BEDROOM duplex on Capitol Hill. One car ga- rage, quiet area, nonsmok- ing unit. Rent $725/mo., deposit $725.791-1838. (M TFN) FOR SALE SINGLE-AXLE trailer, 8'x16', $175; single-person pontoon boat, $140; 4'x8' half-inch exterior plywood silhouettes - large horses & others, $125 & up. 426- 8767 (F 1/7-1/28) LADY OF the Lake invites you to celebrate our "Win- ter clearance sale!!" Now through the end of January all apparel, shoes/boots, accessories, furniture, lighting, mirrors and wall art etc. will be clearance priced. Email group:check your messages for spe- cial discounts. Remember hours have changed: win- ter hours: Friday and Sat- urday (only), 10am - 4pm. Layaway available; accepts VisaJMC 426-8632 1085 E. Pickering Rd., Shelton (L 1/7-28) GARAGE SALES KARl'S COLLECTABLES has a wonderful selection MOVING SALE, 31 E. of antiques and collect- Mystic Ct., Union, Friday & ables such as jewelry, Na- Saturday 9am to 4pm. Fur- tive American artwork, old niture, table & chairs, refrig- coins, nautical and seaside erator & freezer, big freezer, items, glassware, clothing all kinds of misc. tools, and books. Great, low pric- much more. (T 1/28) es! Take the scenic drive MOVING SALE, Everything out to Kari's Collectables, must go! 180 SE Old Arca- 4941 E. State Route 106 dia Rd., Shelton Friday & in Union (360) 898-0277 (K Saturday 9am to 4pm (W 1/28-2-18) 1/28) REAL ESTATE toni T0 fllIMISB ill, lie °nl TU mnw011s fm, B This 31xl 2be home is at Mason Lake in Pare 5.15 Acres at end of paved rood. Potential dise Shore Estates w/community perk, ~dna, Olympic Mtn view by cutting o few h'eas. An spo~ court and more. A clean home for IMng acre(+) of nearly level land for homesite. Hood or use as o lake cabin. Norman Clark Canal access near RV roods. Norman Clark 360-2//-5109/593014 360-277-5109 #785325 imlgUmllWlm SmlILVlBIWB Beautiful, d~, level, deep, shared well w/nd# Filtered canal view too Mngical woodlond sot- cent lot also for sole by seller. Hot buy! Call for ling w/water and power in the SlTent! Close to delails today! Robin Bitldend Belfoir & town amenities Robin Birklend 3(G0014214 I~8"/it47 360-801-9214 #807409 urn StTs ee mNum uum $4s, m Allyn acrenge on paved read. 3.4 Acres in Your opporlunity to own 4.SO wooded acres in the Allyn UGA zoned high density residential, a private soiling away from the hustle but just Mostly Jevel with porliol view of North Boy. 20 minutes from Beffeir. Underground power Only a block to Allyn! Kani Hobmann at the road. Barbara Huson 31tO-2TFS107/545.~1/ 360-2/7-5120. m mmm~ GARAGE SALES HELP WANTED DO-GOODERS: we want your salable donations! Tax deductible, benefits local seniors. Nifty Thrifty 826 W. Railroad, 427-0858. (N 1/28) KI-FFEN RESCUE of Ma- son County placed 450 cats and kittens in 2015. Your donations for our garage sales played a large part in these rescues. We need ga- rage sale donations for our March 12th garage sale. Help us control unwanted cats in our county, please. Donate to our garage sales soon! 360-426-2455 (K 1/28-2/18) HELP WANTED! Long time Shelton business is hiring a full-time Maintenance As- sistant. Job duties will con- sist of assisting in a variety of ways to maintain rental properties. Must be physi- cally willing and able to go on, in and under struc- tures. Applicant must have a valid driver's license and be able to speak and write in English. Starting pay is $12/Hour. Please contact Robin@ 360-280-8634 (G 1/28-2/4) PLACE AN AD in the Journal Classified section to buy or sell. Call 426-4412. Job Title: PORT MANAGER Closing Date~ 1/31/2016 Salary: DOE Location: DEWATTO, WA Port of Dewatto is looking for a person to fill the position of PORT MANAGER. This person will conduct business for the port, work with local and general public, will maintain office and port website, maintain campground duties, and maintain financial affairs. Must be able to work with local and state government, be trustworthy, and pass a Washington State Patrol background check. Prefer someone in or near Dewatto, Wa. The minimum qualifications required are as follows: • Must be able to pass a Washington State Patrol background check • Must have a Washington State driver's license • Modern office practices, methods and procedures such as word processing, managing files and records, and other office procedures and terminology • Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar • Must be able to hire and direct contracted services. • Must be able to work with prison inmates when they do maintenance. • Ability to establish and maintain harmonious work relationships with commissioners and the local and general public • Ability to apply common sense understanding to carry out detailed but uninvolved written or oral instruction • Ability to solve problems and exercise sound iudgment when initiating processes, actions, and alternatives within established procedures, policy, and local practice • Ability to use Microsoft Office and other applications to accurately enter text, insert pictures, format, edit, printing, save and retrieve word processing documents, make spreadsheets, etc • Ability to use a computer application to manage large amounts of information, including creating and editing simple databases, inputting data, retrieving specific records, and creating reports to communicate the information • Ability to navigate the internet to find information, including the ability to open and configure standard browsers and use searches • Ability to operate a variety of office equipment including adding machines, printers, phone systems and copy machines • Communicate information effectively to internal and external customers face-to-face, on the telephone, by electronic mail, and through written correspondence • Maintain confidentiality of restricted information • Knowledge of Public Records Act or ability to learn, and meet deadlines • Knowledge of Dewatto, Washington and nearby areas • Ability to read maps and convey information to individuals inquiring • Must be a self-starter and be able to work alone • Must be able to communicate with and manage employees • Must be physically able to do grounds maintenance at building and campground • Must be experienced and skilled in economic research and be able to make sound decisions concerning financial affairs Send resumes to: Port of Dewatto PO BOX 1483 Belfair, Wa. 98528