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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 28, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 28, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.,Ik Page B-12 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016 JAY BUq LES' TREE SERVICES ,Topping ,Licensed ,Chipping .Bonded • Stump .Insured ding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 CALL SUBSCRIBE 426-4412 E'S ASCEND ROOFING COMPANY LLC Residential & Commercial Roofing Specialists LIC #ASCENRC896MA Vern Gonzales - Cell: 360-51 5-6065 Dennis James - Cell: 360-515-8733 Office: 360-868-2730536 W. Railroad Ave. Fax: 360-868-2625 QUALITY CARPET CLEANING Serving Mason 6. Thurston Counties Since 1993 Carpets • Upholstery • Tile • Grout Commercial 6 Residential Free Estimates Owned 6" operated by original owner Rob Bertolani 6. son Sean Call 427-0858 for Donations Pick-Up information 826 W. Railroad in Downtown Shelton Mon- Fri 10-6 / Sat 10-5 Closed Sunday Donations Accepted Daily 10- 5 4 2 7= O 8 5 8 Mason County Senior Activities Association TURNBOW LAND SURVEYING, LLCI JAMES D. TURNBOW, PLS #42679 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (360) 432-2753 FREE ESTIMATES www. turnbowIandsurveying, com Boundary surveys, platting, boundary Une adjustments, subdivisions, FEMA elevation certificates WATEt FRONT WIM: OW Roofs Gutters Windows Misty Herrera (360) 229-8300 Offering all kinds of ] Alterations, Hemming, Repair, including Heirloom repair, ] ) \ Custom Sewing nnd Sewing Lessons [ | 321 S lstStreet [ | • Toes-Fr - Consignment Ionit ILLI$ AUTO CENTER Your One-Stop Shop! (360) 426-5585 Hwy 101 * 2nd Shelton exit Your New Roof for as low as $50 per month O,A.C. "We Make House Calls (=60) 4271861 ! 1131 W, Kamdche Lane. Just off Highway 101 ~ /: l, ~ I~ ZJ LANDSCAPING oparated JOEl'S LAND,9:d3APING full wooding, blackberry clear- stone patios, rock block re- and Mafintenance ing, all general cleaning, bank taining walls, sod, sprinklers, I | Residential and Commercial clearing,by owner,chainsawmOWing,work,edging,bark fences,yard maintenance,installation, brushPaverclear-flag" 11 General Clean-up O__~~ ~r~~ spreading and hauling, profes- ing. Yearlround services. JO- sional housecleaning, (360) ELSL938N7 (360)432-1900. lli • Hauling • Mowing • Trimming 440-1094, affordable prices, Free estimates. (J 1/14-3/03) i =• Edging•Bark" Pruning ,, free estimates. (Z 1/7-1128, --.•Gravel and Much More Lindsey .m_ mRudnick Esthetician FREE ESTIMATES / Hard Workers --.Master : " " " " 360.490.7089 Licensed&Insured HELP WANTED HELP WAHTED HELP WAHTED HELP WANTED PETS REAL ESTATE THE SKOKOMISH Indian Tribe is seeking to hire Surveillance Observer. To protect company assets. Provides surveillance cov- erage of all areas of the casino. Enforces all regu- latory, departmental, and company procedures in an ethical manner. Maintains surveillance on designated areas and activities, to in- clude but not be limited to Table Games, Slots, and Food & Beverage. Ensures compliance with all Tribal, Federal, State, and compa- ny policies. Ensures all de- partment logs and reports are filed whenever needed, and ensure all are done in a complete and accurate manner. Must be 21 years of age. High School Diplo- ma or GED required. Mini- mum of two years of Casino Gaming or Law Enforce- ment experience. $13.00 hourly closes 02/01/2016 for a full job description and required application visit our web site at www. or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at 360-426-4232 x2009 (S 1/28) F/r: GROWING Commu- nications Co. is seeking an intelligent, fast learn- ing, multi-tasked individual. General duties to include: Permit applications, main- taining outside plant maps and records, coordinating with sub-contractors and customers, inventory man- agement and working both inside the office and out- doors. Great benefits pack- age. Salary DOQ. Send resume to: Plant Manager, Hood Canal Communica- tions, PO Box 249, Union, WA 98592 or email to Please, no walk-ins or phone calls. Hood Canal Communica- tions is a drug free, equal oppo[tunity employer. (H 1/28) PLANNER I, II OR III for Mason County Commu- nity Services Department. $3,815-4,678/month. For complete job announce- ment and application in- structions, please visit www. or Mason County Human Resources, 411 North 5th Street, Shel- ton, WA 98584. Job closes 2/5/16. (M 1/21-1/28) PART/FULL time staff, re- quires knowledge in retail, wholesale, product brand- ing experience with sales, computer accounting, busi- ness practices, events, host events. Own transportation, weekends. Hoodsport Win- ery, application at winery, (360) 877-9894. (H 1/14- 2/4) MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN Daycare/Preschool has a part-time lead teacher po- sition available, up to 20 hours/week, hours vary. Must love working with chil- dren, planning creative ac- tivities, and be actively in- volved in a Christian church. All state requirements must be met. Minimum age 18. Bring resume to 206 E. Wy- andotte and complete an application. No phone calls. (M 1/14-2/4) OFFICE SPACE available, on Olympic Hwy. No., great location. 2,000 sq. ft., call for more information (360) 426-8060. (S 1/14-3/3) CROSSROADS HOUSING (formerly Mason County Family Homeless Shelter) is looking for a volunteer to donate hours on a part time basis as a "Landlord Liai- son"." That is a person who meets with property man- agers and private landlords on our behalf to establish a relationship and to explain our programs to house low income families. The vol- unteer preferably would have some knowledge of the community and real estate or sales background with an outgoing personal- ity to get our mission out to the community. For more information contact Rich- ard McEachin at (360)427- 6919 or email rmceachin@ (C TFN) HIRING EXPERIENCED roofers and metal roof fab- ricators full-time. 791-1201. (B 5/28 TFN) MORTGAGES CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or contract loans. Lo- cal, private, fast (360) 870- 2539. (J TFN nc) MUSIC LIVE CELLO solos make your event special. From Bach to the Beatles. Rea- sonable rates, call Dave (360) 490-4695. (D 4/1 TFN) KITTEN RESCUE of Ma- son County. Cats and kit- tens available to indoor only homes. Website kittenresq. net, contact 360-584-0594 or 360-426-2455. (K 5/23 TFN) REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL WATER- FRONT living! over 9 acres with tidelands.S350,000. Property next door for sale too! $75,000. MLS# 871781 Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Jodie 360- 589-9694 (S 1/21-2/18) WATERFRONT LOT in Shorecrest! With all the amenities! Lovely view of Hammersley Inlet. $43,000. MLS# 859814 Shelton land & Homes LLC 360-426- 5555 or Pat 360-490-2507 (S 1/21-2/18) FRESHLY REMODELED! 3 bedroom 2 bath with 2 car garage corner lot on Hillcrest. Reduced to $174,900. MLS# 863904 Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or John 360- 490-6654 (S 1/21-2/t 8) STARTER HOME! With converted 1 car detached garage. Near Bordeaux school. $99,000. MLS# 852759 Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Steve 360-789-0590 (S 1/21-2/18) JUST LISTED! Quality Champion home 1,782 sq ft. 3 bedroom / 2 bath with extra lot. $120,000. MLS# 878603 Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Michelle 360r701-4221 (S 1/21-2/18) PRICE REDUCED! Almost 3 1/2 acres with 20-30-year old trees in Grapeview. $35,900. MLS# 859913 Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 or Michelle 360-701-4221 (S 1/21-2/18) FOR SALE? Let the pro- fessionals at Shelton Land & Homes assist you in the sale of your property. We work for free until it's Sold! Call Shelton Land & Homes LLC 360-426-5555 (S 1/21- 2/18) PLACE AN AD in the Journal Classified section to buy or sell. Call 426-4412.