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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920 ............. THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN % I [ i &lt;/ q il il ' t t FROCK CARRIES ON There is an appeal to" this frock with its waistless drape and full pleated tunic which promises to stay over into other seasons and other materials. For late winter orA.arly spring wear this serge of navy is very popular, the full bell-sleeve and flared yoke being features much desired. Y, W, C, A, PLANS WORLD PROGRAM Mrs. John D. Rookefeler, Jr., Heads Association's 1920 World Service Program. $3,000,000 NEEDED FOR W0flK. Leader Calls Aasociatlon a ,,Stab=kg influence" In Outlining Poet-War Program for Women--Federal Coun- cil of Churches to Announce "Y. W. C. A. SundAy." MI1. 3ohn D. Rockefel4er, r¢ ctmdr- man of the National Educatl(md Cam- :patgn Committee of the 1950 Woeld Irviee Program ef the Young Wom- a's Christian Association, as made the following statement: "Since the war we are mre than ever aware of the .om4c, Indtmtrlal, educational, social and reUgous dlfll- tzed to meet the manlfol-cl"problems of peace. "Because of its fifty odd years of e.-c- l)eriell('e in ]nee!ing fun(huuenial prob- lems affe('ting girls, the Young Wom- en's Ch|''lJan Assoc}atioll is an Ol'gllul- zstion l)arth.ultlrly filt((I to exerl a <:aliJiizhig illlhit,il('( IlllOll lit(, II'oulded !iil'lt,s |hl'(,llKh II qqllis11lll 1w,,)Fj,lllll (if er''l(_,e f()F [il'l:  :lhd 'A'Olll(ql, "Alll(rCll| 'J'i)lHt,zi tllh' N-I,:!H hlr)\\;v lhc'y llll/y .wl.lli'(+ ill lhi' v,'ii'hl's I'lcnli - s{ruclh,n. They .,fill lie b,o lly (,iilisl!l ili9 ,UDTlllrl tit" Ill,il' ClllllllUlillh-,4 l'(ll' lhls .V(trht ul'vb,i, l'l'(17rliln, vciJh.h will insure Io lhe worh] a he/il{hit'r lind twl:- let wonlanll(md. "This ('ltilll:liKn (if the Y. W. C. A. to tell the peolile of the Uiiiled Sl:l!es cheat ,lls work and to raise $3J)ii0,0t)(I wtth which to carry Oil Y, IV. C. A. work during 1920 in the United Slates, Europe, China, Japan, India, South America, Egypt, Siberia and Mexico will close the week of February 22 to 29, which will be known as Y. W. C. A. Week. "The Federal Council of Churches will probably set one Sunday as a thne for ministers throughout the country to address lhetr congregations on general conditions affecting women and the Young Women's Chrtsthm Association as an lnslrulnent of service. "The hnniedlatc lllsk Is lo bring to the people of the United Stales a knowloxlge of conditions affecting lhe lives of wolnen in all lmris of the world. We can no longer Ignore the (,.harscter, irh( I nlanner of life and the hleals of oilier peoples, whetimr we want to or not. A spechd eall is now coming to the Association from Chhm, Japan, india and Sotlih Amerlc:t, where work was lmld back during the war because of the necessliy for sDe- clal activity in France and the United States. "The World Service Prornm ells for $4,500,000. Of this amount $1,500,- 000 has alre.'ldy been s[cured. '' The educational campaign commit- tee Includes among Its members Mrs. Robert E. Spoor, prejsldent of the Na- tional Board of the Y. W. C. A. ; Mrs. Henry P. Davlson, Mrs. William Van V. Hayes, Mrs. Robert L. Dickinson, Mrs. William Adams Brown, Mrs. Van Sanford MerlSinlth, Mrs. Lewis H. Lapham, Miss Ellen Hale Stevenson, Mrs. Frederic B. Pratt and Mrs. Her- bert Lee Pratt. SMAt.L Y. W. C. A. +S COMMUNITY CENTER Recroatlon for GIHs Is Important Fea. ture of Work. FlOyd:we young women tn the Unit- ed States are. known as Y. W. C. A. "town secretaries." All of whleh means "that the fifty-two are organizing recreation work for girls and far the community at large in towns of less than :10,000 inhabitants. The Y. W. C. A. may be in one rent- ed room or more. It may be a whole building, but at any rate there is a rec- reation room and if possible a kllehen, readlng and writing rooms. If {:he Y. W. C. K. has a building of its own It becomes a community center , where all women's organizations may meet. The annual poultry exhibit of tha Washington State Poultry association was held at Wenatehee with about 400 entries from all over the state. Awards were made to S. A. Nixon, J. C. Her- ton, A, Greener of Spokane; H. F. Caldwslt, Samuel Shirley of Seatfle, W. K. Whittaker of Palouse, A. L. Lewis of Washington State college at Pullman, besides a number of local exhibitors. H. H. Collier of Tacoma was Judge of the poultry show. Govsrnor Hart in a letter from Sec- retary DantelS,L is urged to use his in- fluence with the representatives and senators from this state to see that the bill for the suppression of venereal diseases is passed by this session bf congress and that funds are provided for carrying on th$ fight against this MRS. JOHN D. ROCKEFKLLER, JR. evil, as in 1918-19. The secretary Chairman of ths Educational Cam. points out that the state has received paign Committee of the Young We- $49,27S.90 from tile federal govern- men's Christian Ammciatlen. in the last two years for the sullies which beset the lives of girls suppression of these diseases. and women everywhere. In meeting the post-war needs ot women the Y0nng Women's Christian Association stgnds as an instrument of service, tested and proven by w0r, and organ- The Cohimhia Products company has bought the station of the Ellensburg roducts cenipany and taken ever tbe busltl(,ss, lh'oducts will now be ship- ped to Vancouver instead of Seattle. No agl'()elllellt has boon reacll(,d by buihlhil5 lrades l|nions all(l eonlractors ILl, Sl)O];;lll(L Ulltons have aslted for wage lllel't a('s (If ,I;1 a it:iT ;llid i:ave re- fused to work on now (onit'al!ls until till' dt!nian(t is hi,it. The slrt>alns Of '.V0,slltngton are to be stocked with It fresh supply of east- era trout during the conihl, year, Fish- cries Inspector \\;V. E. Chulcy lieijig en- gaged in transporting 7,500,000 'l.rout eggs from tile hatcheries of Massachu- setts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania to the hatcheries of this state. The shipment is in the nature of a trade, this state agreeing io deliver a similar number of silver trout eggs to be lib- erated in the eastern streams. No. 518: NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY No. 552. N( II(L TI) CREDITORS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and :for the County of Ma.on. ]n Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ANDERS SWANSON, Deceased. To the Creditors of the Above En- titled Estate, and to Whom It May Concern : Pllt'b:tltvIt tO orders entered in the al/ove entitled nultter, noti(.e is here- I :by given that the undersigned has I b*m appointed and htis qualitied as I Executor of the Estate of Andersl Swanson, deceased: And that all persons having claims against the said deceased or against the estate of the said deceased are hereby required to prepare thena in the form required by statute and to serve the same on the undersigned or his attorney of record, and file them with the Cerk of the above entitled Court with proof of such service within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: Within six months from the 30th day of January, 1920. The place for the transaction of the business of said estate and the office of the attorney for the under- signed, where claims against said es- tate may be sel-ed, in the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Shelton, Mason County, State of Washington. Anti you are further notified that if any claim is not filed within the time aforesaid it shall be barred. P. O. SWANSON, I Executor of the Estate of Anders I Swanson, Deceased. kLDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Executor, Shelton, Wash. 1-30-2-20-4t State of \\;Vashhigton OI,FICE OF HYDRAUI,IC ENGINEER OLYMPIA NOT1CI,] O1 i' ATI,]R I.IGHT APPLI- CATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City of Tacoma, a municipal corporation of the first class, County of Pierce, State of Washington, under date of Deecm- i ber iI, 1919, filed with the State Hy- ! draulic Engineer, Olympia, Washlng- ton, an. application for a permi¢, to di- vert tile public waters of the North Fork of the Skokomish River. in an amount of 1000 second feet, subject to existing rights, o)ntinuously, for the purpose of generating electric curi'ent for domestic light, cooking and heat and for street lighting, in the City of Tacoma; that the approximate point of diversion is located in Section 5, Township 22 N, tlange 4 W. W. M. A nap showing the location and dime no signs of said canal, and the place of the proposed diversion and use is on tile in the office of the State Hydraulic Engineer, Olympia, Washington, to- gether with such other information as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously affect- ed by the said application may fils with the Stat Hydraulic Engineer, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writing, as he may desire to make, witilin thirty (30) days after date of publication. Witness my hand and official seal this 19th day of December, A. D., 1919. MARVIN CHASE, State Hydraulic Engineer. (SEAL) 1-16-30-3t No ..... In the Superior Court of the State of WaShington, Mason 'County. In re the Estate of CALVIN P. SAE- GER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Frank W. Tuell has been appointed and has qualified as executor of the above en- titled estate, and that all persons hav- ing claims against said deceased or his estate, are required to serve the same n the undersigned executor personally. r at his place of business, 201 South Howard Street, Spokane, Wash., or upon his attorneys, Messrs. Troy & In the Superior Court of the SLate Sturdevant at tlielr offices in the of Washington for Mason County. Olympia National Bank building, at Olympia, Washington, and file the In Probate . " , _lsame with the clerk of the court prop- In the Matter of the Estate oI']erly sworn to, together with proof of DANIEL WALICH, Deceased. ]such service, within six (6) months NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ]after the date of first publication of tills notie( el else the same ill be ;hat in pursuance of an order o£[ • ! ', _"  '' ' ' ' " tl € Superior Court of th, State of / forever barren. FIANI= W TUlI I Washington in and for said County, i .... ++ ; it. +. .' ' made on the 24th day of Januar:v,/Executor o[ um estac of t;aivm -. 1(.)20, in the matter of the estate of saegcr, Deceased. Daniel Walich, deceased, the under- Date of first 1)ublication, 5anuary 9, signed ad::gnistrator of said etate, 1920. 1-9-1-30 4t v.i]l in obedien, e to said ol'd,':r, nh er No ..... after the 16th clay of February, 1920, lloxc o CiaDXTOIlS TO XI,. at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Cv.AXS. in Shelton, Washington, the place In lhe Stipcrlor Court of the Slate of vVashlrlg'lon for ILtson Cotinty. (,in where offers or bids on the property Probate.) to be sold will be received, expose In the AIaLter of Lh(! lstatn of ANNA for sale at private sale alt the inter- s. JOHNSON. ]be(eased. est of the said Daniel Walich, de- N(.)T1C]d lS HIH.Ii]BY GIVEN, That ceased, in and to the following de- Letters teslamenary on the Esiate of . Annl:l. S, Johnson, deceased, were grant- scribed real estate, to-wit: ed to tlc tindersigned, on the 20th day Lot Eight (8) and Lot Nine (9) of lie(ember, 1919, by the said Superior of Block One (1) of the Amendea court. • . l,. All persons having claims against !and Corrected Plat of the Town of said estate, are required to serve them Shelton, Mason County, Washington. with the necessary vouchers, upon me Said property shall be sold for the at th elites of County Clerk, Shelton, \\;Vashington, within six months after BOND best offer for cash according to law, the date of the first publication of [[, subject to confirmation, of the said this notice, to-wit, within six months Superior Court. after the 9th day of January, 1920, and file the same with the clerk of th4s Will $ell o,+o+ at She]ton, Washington, this Court together with proof of such ser- 30th day of January, 1920. vice, pr they shall be forever barred. W. A. TUCKER, Dated at Belfair, Wash., this 9th I  U I'Or[-OJ$[ Administrator of said Estate. day of January, 1920. EMIL L. JOHNSON. CHAS. R. LEWIS, OSCAR S. ,JOHNSON, Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., Executors of said Estate. Shelton, Washington. THOS. M. VANCE, JULIA E. WALDRIP, ...... Attorney for said Administrator. Attorneys for said Estate. 1-30-2-13-3t Olympl=+ Washiniton. 1-9-30-4t ___.... .................................. . ._..::--- ............ ...;.... State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ,, I.ucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hc is senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co,, dohig business in the City of Toledo, County and Slate aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDll.ED 1-)OIJ.ARS for each llll(1 (,ver.v ('IISO of C:l!FIrr}l t}ll| P;lnno[ be ('tlr(,d hy the use of llAIA,'S CATAI'RH 1Ml,]IiICINE. FI.ANK: J. CHENI:]Y. Sworn to before me and slll, scrlbed tn Iny Drosc, nee, this 6th day of l)ecemher, A. D. 1SS6. A. VL GI+EASON, (S(!: ]) No|cry Puhltc. lht11's Catarrh lIedh.lne ts taken in- t(,rnally rind acts I}/roni.h t]l,, ]3100d on thp 5illCellS Slll'ftll'ls Of lh(' Systt'ln. Send for testlmonlals, fro0. F. J. CItENFY & CCI., Toledo. O, Sold t,y rill drugsts. 75,'. ttall's Fandly Pills for e,mstlpatlon. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 3rd day of February, 1920, be- tween the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock tn the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, in front of the ma.ln entrance door to the County Court HoLms in tbe City of Shelton. County of Mason, State of Washington, eitber by the County Auditor of said county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of tbe State of Washington, the fo]lowhig described slate lands, together with the improvo- ments situated thereon, will be sold at publtc auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: I Thrift THE GATEWAY TO YOUR F[T'IURE HAPPINESS STATE BANK OF SHELTQN illl4" {O lhe gOVt!l'l,l'llont stlrv'y thorcof, II IG)raist'd a{ $11!I)0.00. 1 I1] l)rovenlonts al)Drslsed tit $1.110.00. Sahl lands will be sold for not less lhall ihe al)I)raised v,%lue above stated and upon the terlns and conditions Yol- ]owlnK: Tems and Conditions of le.--Not less than one-tenth Of the purchase price must be paid at the time of sale to the officer maklng the sale. Th( purchaser, If he he not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the aDpralsed wtlue of the improvements, as above stated. One- tenth of the purchase prlce .must be aid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per annum, together with accrued interest on any balance at the same rate: Z,ovided, That any purchaser may maks full payment ot principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed or state pate.,t. Ths purchaser of land contain- ing timber er other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of th Commissioner of Public Lands or tha board, until the full amount f the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands axe mode subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in the act of the leg- islature approved March 20, 1907, heing section 3 of chalter 28 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will' l sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservatlos of ebapter 109 of ths Seslion Laws of 1911. relating to' eassments for rigbts- of-way and ths carrying of timber stone, mineral and other products crew the same. The above described lands ars offered for sale in pursuance of an order of the Board of State Land Commission- ers, and an order of sale duly issued and certified by the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washing- ton now on file in the office of ths county auditor of said county. CLARK V. SAVIDGE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 12.26-1-30-6t HOTEL SHELTON BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CI,EAN SPORT Confcctionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinka EDWARD H, FAUBERT, Mgr. II NEW SOLES AND HEELS will give you a new pair of shoeg and save you the expense. We invite attention to the fact that in otr modern shoe re- pairing we use only the best grade of leather. That means longer wear and a greater sav- ing, things not to be ignored in thee days of soaring shoe CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR H. M. Roseholt, Horn Bldg. W. W. BARRETT THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 0ils, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and material for one year, Notice Is hereby " given, that on day, the Srd day of February, 1920, be- between tbe hours of ten o'clock in ths forenoon and four o'olock in the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock in the forsnoon of said day, in £ront ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||H||i|||||||||||n|||i|||||||||a-``. of ths main sntrance door to the J_ County Court [ouse In ths city of[ Shelton, County of Mason, State of IL" t Shelton Shoe Factory auditor of said coUnty or by a mamber I-- of ths Board of Stats Land Commll-I signers of the State of Washialtoa, l= A D QUIC SHOP i ths following described state lands, i - togsthsr with the improvements situ-I N K I ated thereon, will bs sold at public] auction te the htghMt bidder therefor, [----" ZZ" to-wit: I'---" Manufacturers of heavy wor shoes. We also All tide lands of ths second class, as ; have a line of serviceable, h -topped logger defined by section 1 of chapter $6 of ; Session Laws of 1911. owned boots. All kinds of shoe repamng neatly done. the State of Washington, situate Jn E .m, front of, adjacent tO or abutti.g upon = HANSEN BROS.  ffi tliat part of lot 4, section 18, township -- _---- 21 north, range 1 west W. M., mess-  ,= ured along the meander line as follows: =. Beginning at the point of intersection ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| III of the meander line with the north line of lot ,q of said section 18, produced west and running thence S. 14." W. 3.20 chains, more or less, to an angle point in said meander line; thence S. 13' E. 3.54 chains and S. 0 ° 45  E. 8.26 ;chains to the true point.of beginning of this description; thence running S. 0'45' E. 1.45 chains, S.6" E. 6.63 chains, and S. 28 ° E. 2.92 chains, to the terminal point of this description with a frontage of 10,00 lineal chains mees- ured along the meander llne according to a certified copy of the government field notes of the survey thereof on file in the office of the Commissioner of public Lands at Olympia, Washington, appraised at $6.00 per lineal ohaiu, or $6O.OO. Said lands will bs sold for not' less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: • wns and Oon4ttonm of Bale.--Not less than one-tenth of tbe purchase price must bs paid at the time of sale to the officer making the sale. Tle purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvelnents, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of tbe appraised value of the improvements, as above stated, Ono- tmth of the purchase price must be )aid annually thereaftei vlt interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per annum, together with accrued interest on any balance at the same rate: pl'vided, llat any )urchaser may make full payment of :)rincll)al, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed or state :mtent. The purchaser of land contain- ing timber or other valuable materials is prohlbitel by law from cutting or removing any such timber or niaterials iwithout tlrst ohtainJng consent of the Cowmlssloner of Public Lands or the board, until the furl amount of the Durchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal. ores, nlhlerals and fossils of every, kind and deseriptinn, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in the act of the legislature approved March 20, 1907, being section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold" suhJ'q: to he terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of 1911, relating to easements for rights.- of-way and the carrying of timber, stqne, mineral and other products over th same. The above described lands are offer- ed for sale in pursuance of an order of the Board of State Land Commis- sioners, and an order of sale duly issued and certified by the Commis- sioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington now on file n the oince of the county auditor of said county, CLARK V. SAVIDGE, Commissioner of Public I.nds. 12-96-1-$0-6t .. , | , ,,m ..... STR. $. G. SI MPS ON i i THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.61. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip eonnects with tle 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock, Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. i , SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY HARR Y FORD I III III I Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock, Yards at Shelton. l "Protection That Protects" Life, Accident, Health---3 in 1. NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO, The Home Company of Seattle G. E. Kellogg, District Agent. Blacksmithing--Horseshoeing C. H. HILLMAN has leased the Phil Horn black- smith shop, and is now doing blacksmithing, he r s e shoeing and gener M repair worL _ Application lq'o. 10B07. NE of N\\;VG of secti,,n ]6, town- lll|||llll||||Iilll|l||I||||||||]||||;|||||||l|i|i||L ship 20 north, range 2 west ,V. [., con- laintnl • 40 earl's, more or less, ace'ord-