January 30, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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imry, . moor. D. o.
‘ {2.317 s. 5. earn
) oertnno. OREGON
_ I , Twice a Week
I(frapevlicw, It Scents—:Has I "Home Partie’ Fight ParalySiS
,Free Band Concert Due
was CI
5, with
king Ve
iresses. L
5. Al K
)ntest *I
lith MT . -.
, Had Its genders!
Iflere Sunday Afternoon,
apprec. . 1‘ I
. w , l I .
to all ‘. (J O M M U N I T Y ' When sucklel‘s for “WHY Commencing
what Will be a. ser- '
3C 50 S {I like Walt Eckert, GrapeVlew’s leg of Sunday afternoon free
pub- I i
lay bY. ~ ,7, C A L E N D A veteran weather observer, are ar- llic
concerts if the response war-
*1 supel in e . ound reporters breath prayers rants it, the Shelton school
bands I , , ,
CC“ -——~ ,————.__.________ ,of appreciation for such amblgu-
under the direction of Ben Hall— I I
ask sts For Ques‘ioll ' . ..,- FO§IGHT:¥HCOd canal Sports"
30115 Words a: may‘ perha’ps' alleg‘ grimson Will make its‘
firSt PUb' 1Grisdale Construction Co Gets
th .I. 6 Many You; Mnall‘et l.l..l- nun Assn January meetlng, 8 ed,
probably and the likes. “C appearance of the current sea“ I contract T6
Prepare Gmth .
l To Train sofiefii .mn Trev“: HOOdSPO” SChOOl' 5" We're
glad W? said “may be" SOD next Sunday in the junior, Maybe it’s
the “southern ex- ‘ Movo 50 000mm; or
BECK Better Thin; 0‘ 10HT~C1W league basket- in that yarn a week ago
Tuesday high auditorium at three O’clock osure" or ma be Lake Cush_
2 Dirt ,For Planlt
r trogll“ o5 9:30 p. m., Lincoln gym. about the copious rainfall at l by
presenting the following muse? Enanhas had "10);? “spring” than 5
name .,~" 3' response to the annouu n TONICESIFeS' '
Grapevww and Other Spats m Ma" 1 cal program: ' the rest of Mason
County, but i The Olympic Veneer Company,
Emailing that 11 Uncle school is bowlincr Egofimgfiiin 1:353}: 305114
$322“ f1” I:Eferl;11-r1% E011”): JUNIOR BAND: Mamhv “Mc‘ whatever
*the‘ Cause, a white lwhich was incorporated last week
for this area llldicates- ‘ TONIGfi'TDfionié Guarg
,.e_';§,._‘ ' 1 0 mm w w e a Gehee” by RIChardSi Chorale:
narcissus at the home of Mrs. by Carl Macke, Harold Alskog and
d Grapeview during a 24-hour per—l
ma e
iod in that storm of January 9
Bordeaux school basement. and 10 we said “the Grapeviewl
"‘Rejoice, 0 My Soul” R. Schu‘ Birtley A. Ball at the lake up
C. E. Runacres, in temporary or—
mann; and a march, Port Con- in the Olympic Mountain foot- ganization, has
begun its initial
interest in such a “ ' ' .
. , . pro ect., gamzulon meetmo’ 7: I
, g by Inqull‘lOS for ghe b 30 p m,
thur Biehl of the senior band will 'and the big Carry-all are engaged
’ “WW vh' - ' Wa "b J. J. Richards. -” i h t t. n v b t
t- a. -th m Geo
led ch .7. , 10h ale avall~,FRIDAY—S. W. conf y in 5 IS gettlng a ead 5
ar 0 lwork y con rac inD W1 e .
medici 1 26363191?- Ifeed high SCh001,* basketball, 7 p- m., 14:1:ng
gigorgeiyinbethghiagei‘iigaof 6:1: SENIOR BAND: March, “Foot-i others
of its species for it hals , M. Grisdale Construction Com-
ld dru 3 OlfiCCS. and The Elma vs. Shelton, first' .’ n v 7 lifter”
by Filmore; “A Modernl produced a beautiful bloom a- ,pany for the
grading of an ex-
:lucationi 1‘. ' 0nd team games. dud sec $3333?
ill‘vlferggl‘ildtg-t :Eafhle Rhapsody” by Carelton 001W: 3‘ ready,
Mre- Ba" reported to, the ,tensive area in preparation for
aducatic tJilethfirst public air-,FRIDAY—City league bowling formation
on that stogy and our march, “Bombasto” by Farrar; a Journal Wednesday.
ibuilding m; neg, mm plant Grad-
' " e 1' o w ' . . “ e Se (1 ” ' _ ' ues a in
movin more
.1 . lingo dill: headboard... childless hit-immisci—
claim“;irons? lithium of
SI I 1 int . . c' A e- I r" I , lgure wa r cor , spea mg I H I l
i , l .
m~ l by "r;
C ‘ grim}? 0f l‘educuts for tEe— tobll‘iumealgitigstegf
olfahSllziel‘t’gn Pan— if“ itd glasnpt’ tnOEN by S9me_ g.
IndiVidualS to Play ‘ Sthalaie thimelgglie: lvgi-gtizs. u g‘flCheS to
add more than an acre
Ve already been received.{SATURDAY—Superior count, 10 gcgit‘?
effélrntss Woe hzaiglegglrgg In the individual selections, Ar- Mrs Ba”
said her narcissus of level grounds. Two bull—dozers
in . . . .
the JmOLmt of lntercsti a. m.. courthouse.
own t a , . , . fio'ures on rain totals at Gra e- . , .. n is QPOWing
against the south - -.
'tl aCt -; V1mn5wۤed glg'itegldgf (i:- i
b}?é€g$ant§Y——Clty Lleagille bas- viz“, from the past which prfve
Starting the “home parties” plan to fight infantile paralysis with one
{’71:}? V273)“ Caosncffrt‘cnlgringg 3;}? side of the concrete tile
house. l mTtgle dnt mov;ng fizb'pmehased
C A . , l p- m.. inCO ll °’ m, f h h White House Mr . ranklin D.
Roosevelt called , . but th fact th ' h i 6 new comp “y 5‘ ' ,
m I State 01 federal aid in three ghlnes. by that Grapev‘ew has gone on
some 0 er own at t e ’ S F While tWO quartets and two “‘03 devatifn
at LakitCutszinaEIge: .the entire site of the shingle mill,
tall rainfall sprees in the past. on 1105163595 811 OVGI‘ the COUnll‘y
to give paralysis benefits. Younges.’
g the school into actual- SUNDAY—Free band concert by Will Complete the
Program 35 1501" erauy means two or three de_ anluding the power
plant, and
They were supplied by Lawrence gueét at the first lady’s party was
Delores Frances, 9-year-old Wash-
, e committee .,. - . . . v ’ '
1. B Oints OUt- bacmng [mi 3533:?“nighloihnziidiugitghufi‘ 0'
FiSher' senior meteormogist at ington, D. C., infantile paralysis
Victim. llovjxs.horn quartet composed of ggees comer temperatures than
igfipaggmahrde 3mm
WIork Shop Planned MONDAY—County commission! the U- S- Department of
Com— Margaret Mallows, Virginia Look. t-°s° °f Shem" makes the
"a" mill building will include the kiln
pan merce weather bureau at Seattle, CISSUS bloom the more remark—
. is to construct a ers 10 a m courthouse ‘_ l " ' Ruth Rowe and
Sally Yarr will . . d h 1:, '1d' which will
, . . . i I , I able es c M an ware ouse 111 mg I I
I (:51 taciuf‘orrxnn ofhaiwork shop NIBONDAY—Women's lo a g u e
dtTLgé' 53:12:: 26,211,112?le fun 0C L. D. play ktxhe
‘Plllgrlneg Chorus from freeéingpé tlzmgeg'ttgeghe be extended to
make the main mill
1 ' ac l: 2ry and owlino, 8:15 p. m. bowlin al~ . ' . , 3”“
auser agneri l60x350 feet and cover the entire
0 o E! c. , . . have been e d h - _
nd In aim the "we Popular‘ leis. Zirreisztgé‘stiefazksagflimh IN
BUSINESS WORLD TOMORROW .A. trombone mo composed of Wm... e“ “"5
machinery and me
i 1 young men of this TUESDAymxiwaniS club lunch_ y i , . H0 William
Stevenson Jr., Ainley Sing operations The power plant
‘ nity with mechanical ap- eon, noon, Shelton Hotel.
.g‘iglclgitiggats‘fvas recordea’ Mr.
Rempé‘lDiiIEkGTIoéofiengfiyldWig: is ample for the new purposes,
.BUIL who a, . . '
e interested - ’I‘ — ' - 1 ' ' '
themselves throughmstgilty gigsfiiiligyefiiigmg: gs‘ 0; But that was
onlyI a “s‘hower"| giggle Eyes,” an old English air,.MANGAN E
and “Oh Dem Golden S1ippers”l steam piping disposed of, while the
ome trained in S ecialized m Me . . _ icompared to the 48-hour record!
Tomorrow L. D. Hack, tWice
p I Commarfighhalarfiimlglgft 135;? eStabliShed on the consecuuve mayor
0f Shelton! once a State an arrangement by Newell H. dock Wm be abandoned
as not
' Long’ D needed in the new operation which
will ship its product entirely by
I proposed school would train dents nightSI days of December 11 and 12.
1921,, legislator from this district, waits.
,lsts, electricians, black- MONDAY—City league basket_ When an even four
inches fell onion his last customer and rings t In
rail over the presen ml spur
track of the N, P.
According to Carl Mackc, who
I: IWelderg, and all popular ban, 9 p m Lincoln gym two ithe first date and
4.06 inchesi up his last sale as a businessman
has worked out the mill project
Trumpet Quartet Plays 1
A trumpet quartet composed of
Robert Pearson, Jack Allison, Mil-
lton Clothier and Wiley Hoyle will
play the overture “Streamline” ‘by
In which sufficient inter- games. lmore flooded Grapeview on the and store
shown to warrant instmc ITUESDAY s . |next for a total of 8.06 inches T ~
l ‘ — eelal . ' l , omorrow he closes, in an ac~
Chapter meetgng' 8 p533” 02:12:? in 48 hours. Pretty wet for a‘
tive way at legst, 54 years of
mg engineers and mocha“- house. lPlace that annually runs 15 '90
Waitincr on customers and sellino Willem s Johnson 'New Electric
Flotation Process . . . . . .
t helton's industries, as well ‘ i20 inches less than Shelton,
don’tl merchandise over the counter, f0? Alflute'trio eoméosed of
Betty Reportedly To Be Used and is matnggltng dithaéls‘,,e;teé:
- MW“! of the industrial , Lou Macke, Gail Robinson, and In Reducing Ore
“0t exp“ e 0 e
plant completed and in operation
Ground has been broken at Hill before June" At .the opts“ ope
Colby, Creek, near Hoodsport, for the large veneer machine Will be in}-1
The senior band of 54 pieces.°0ns_truction of a manganese re- Stalled to
handle largfi 10gS, tot
is composed of the following mem-lduction plant, on grounds leased the
PTOSPeCt Of a S‘madIeF macl me
by hm" fem“ t" the 01”“ $35233
L ’ ‘ PIC mes. ncorporated.
11am Booth. Jean Briggs Kehneth have been holding mineral claims and
finishing equipment to Whic
kaing’ . Jean 1 Chanson” Milton in the region of the Skokomish “16
Cm- IOf the second machréle calf:
'c1othier’ Robert Cole) Ivy] Daniels North Fork for some years and be
CuIt 1n When It IS neede At
Mildred Daniels Donald Dickinson’ have secured other, claims in the
machmery will be ofIthe latee
Robert Ead5, Wane,» EddyI Rich: district, where. large areas of low and
most effluent desrgn.
you think? Iafter tomorrow the Hack Jewel-
Besides these three totals justi ry and Music Store on Railroad
mentioned there were 13 other! Avenue becomes the property of
occasions when the 24-hour preci-l Fred Beckwith, late of Tacoma,
pitation at Grapeview reached ori under terms of a sale recently
in for the young men of ' ’
Inmunity as. a means of ’ . passed three incheS, Mr.
to alleviate the shorta e 5reports, going back as far as 1908. It was awa
back in 1880‘ that
g y
: 'ned young men in “lei . ' These dates are listed by Mr Leon
Hack, then a stripling lad
e trades, , , Fisher as follows:
in his early teens, was the suc-
gv Ogram of Study would be] March 13, 1908—363 inches cessful one of 22
boys who ap-
Nov, 29, 1909—344 inches
i; cm- ,3 “to .m ,, , , plied for, a job in wholesale:-
5 "Z 33% 'Wflmonr.—6asho.;IW-‘Janarls, 191M004nolws music»;
store in‘Evansville, Indi-
_:rpl,ants and at. the same Ge'ml‘ffl Receipts Better, De-.. . '
Oct. 3, 1910—335 inches lana, in answer to a sign on the
P, OVide opportunity for llNluenoles Lower Nov. 20, 1910—340 inches idoor
“Boy Wanted.” That was his
Ella Marie Robertson, will play
“Three Blind Mice” by Carelton
291%, have promised full
I ion in every way possi- .
establish such a. training-
me“ interested 1 ~ . - ' Jan. 4, 1914—322 inches introduction to
the business F‘ ' grade manganese ore has been 10' The capacuy 0f
the plant Wm
mselves to study lhlfipmv‘l Praft‘Fauy everythmg about the Jan. 22,
1919—352 inches world and the job of waiting on ard Shiite-m.,,“ in
Group 'Cated which promise an unlimited be around 50,000 feet, or one
I rades or any trades phar- annua leport of the county treIaS-l Dec. 11,
1921—400 lnches Customers and ringing up sales, . 1 James Hickson George
Franz Suppl}? load a day of finished veneer,
Igrieterested in ey : Biggjmggfgcgvgrthiwo shows lm' Dec. 12,
1921—406 inches lHe has been at it ever since with I L. D. HACK lWiley
Hoyle Gon’ion Hopland All e1 Ictt is fiiepotrted that the gov; working
one shift of approXimate-
' reViou - - ,- w l ' . ’ e rlc ion roc -
per.‘ds On Response a comparison of mg two £333:va Feb. 11, 1924—325
inches ,the exception of Six years spent Good bye to Busmess Canes lan
Johnson, Rosemary Kidwell, a P 635 W 10 1y 50 men, the second shift de
Feb 18, 1931—330 inches Ion an Iowa farm to which his ‘ Robert K- bel
eanne Lenders has been developed in, recentipending on the business which
Donald 1.3319 , garbara Lincoln, year? and W1" make poss‘ble
the‘later be developed by the new in-
profitable treatment of low grade dustryI MrI Maeke stresses that
. . Vir 'inia Look Douglas Larson . . .
an appearance at the Hack home g. l ores, Will be installed at the Hill h 1
t of local hel for
or store to see if all those things EELer LOOP' Betty Lou Macke'
Creek plant, and its possibilitieslgoige t1}; pbeiililging and the plat“
he’d said were really true. Many Maggaret.Man°ws- 1 D in these days when
the govern- Operation of the plant with many
of them eventually moved here '33 1‘41“an Alta Ne sonh bale ment is
anxious to develop its do- of the employees of the 01d Shin.
permanently as a result. Palmer! P131119 Pfilmer' Dc; ert mestic ore
resources to insure gle mm Still living in Shelton
I I I NOW that the cares of business Pearson, Russell Pickens, o‘eres
needed supply for war purposes . f tead Work and
store Job in Humboldt, Iowa, in 1. I I plerce’ Loulse Rector, Amley and
replace that which must now anXlous or s y I , I
e I ecesmty of mung court fines 1889 I After a few months he Ilfe Will not
burden him longer, RempelI Donald Rose, Ruth Rowe, be imported In
connection with that newcomers looking for Jobs
mquestionnaires by a” O - . . went into a drug store, where he L D. (as.
he likes to be known Ella Marie Robertson, Clarence this plant there will
be need for m the veneer plant should be dis-
, rteln Interested or evenly mpg: 0:123:38 bfilgthht spots of the worked
until 1897, gomg through to hls friends) Will have even Robinson Gan
Robinson Richard Opening a mine_to market road couraged, at least for the
Iy interested, , Oug e igures are Highland Park College in Des more time to
devote to his “cru-- Sharer w 16 1 wee Bett . '
o Is Pointed on?“ 5"“ a Sign?” “act?” °f the W”!
EX-Commanders .Moinei atlhesame timeand to the Populationliean
simmitpiusi'c‘igWeels. Pay- tithingéi‘éi? itidpieifefifecglifi-
- -
guesuonnwes merely ask , are the figures on sale ofl ing- his I registered
pharmacist” of-the Northwest, (If you’ve not- tricia Wilcox Jane
lwmiams’ komish river to the Divide Where
me diploma in 1895. ed the census figures for 1940 Samuel Wilson’ and.
Sally Yam
. county r0 ert h' h h -
, address, marital eta,— p p y' w {c 5 0‘" ap ' . the best
ore has been located.
esent occupation, if he is'i'JY‘OXImately a 200% Increase over
'~TueSday In 1897 he purchased an inter- as compared Wlth 1930
You'll Seei The junior band of 64 pieces is It is also reported that
the RBd Cross T0
sponsoring the indicated today
SecuI . Nov, 2, 1933—310 inches Iparents moved shortly afterward.
asfilstance in Else Séa-te- or! time 1940 summary' completed Dec. 17,
1933—362 inches Owns Business in 1897
90,100, “gigs; gléfanwelelk by gloomy Treasurer Dec. 20, 1933—337
inches ‘ Before going to the farm he
equipped the collect. ason’ .4 ows better tax' Jan. 22, 1935—5.87
inches iworked in a general merchandise
Would be superviced mm lfOflSé a higher cash balance} Dec. 28, 1937—360
inches. store at Eagle Grove, Iowa, then
school board 5nd. e u“ s recelved from State So you can see‘why
reporters after the farm session he obtain—
the . lsources, less delinquent taxes, and a reciate such word 'ed
another eneral “merchandise
WWW schoollheavy Increases m the Sale of pgfhaps, probably, ct: as may
be'! g
mmlttee explains. county property and in justice
when some Iowan didn’t put in
ted in self‘ he Previous year In 1940 coun ‘ ' h ’ ll '
, -1mprovement,ex_ t est in a drug firm known as Con--, es don? Pretty W?
)3 r composed of: hi hes, rade of man anese has
emitHSI education, subjects 2Z2Ifgolxgitly @3195 tom-I11” 59¢ IPast
Commanders Night, the big nor and Hack, with which he re- Seconde 14- D- m
ms 1,0“? 0f! Wallace Anderson, Betty Lou begen ftougnd near Lakeg
s~_ In school, least liked theysummgdm the prewous Year night of the year
in American Le- mained connected until 1926, the Northwest and deVOUOH t0
Arbogast, Mae Ashbaugh, Harry and this will also he worked to .
to but $3,248.50. gion posts, arrives for Fred B. Wi- when he heeded Horace
Greeley’s his business has been Mrs. Hack,
13‘ 80h001, spare time
Austin, Laur Baker, Eloise te , il he low _
es, If he ‘Would care to at- The Auction Series Help veu post next
Tuesday evening sage advice and came west. who has worked side-by-side with
BoiseI Georaéejeagoeth, Robert grid: 132:2: féigtarmhmeor: abum Chairman
Myron Luna has can-
f o . series of by t- . . . I Bruce, Beverly Burrell, Betty But- dant will
be used as the main ed a special meeting of the Mason
I Id He was built in Shel- tax title land pu m auc 10“ tendence of the
livmg 21 part com- gamed 0“? Of Its StrongeSt b095t' Second Venture
Here ler, Floy Clay, Dale Cleveland, supply. Both these ore bodies County
Red- Cross chapter for
icimeiusct Q Which subJects he would the bond f sales conducged. by manders
0f Fred B. Wivell post ersv {for smce the day he set 10ml ‘The jewelry
and gift store he Duane Cleveland, John Coats, have lain dormant since
World next Tuesday evening in the court-
“comer? I mterested in if the op- Ers. The ? county 09mmlsmon‘ are beng
made by Walter Nash, in mm commumty 1" D- Hac“ has is leaving after
tomorrow is Mr, John Cole, Duane Cracola, Doro— War days, when high
prices made house at eight o'clock, he an- I
owed“ , to away was Provided. spring at ‘21.“ :vafl mgtlgated last
Chairman of the program commit- neVer ceased bemg a one-man Hack’s second
business 'venture thy Daniels, Donald Daniels, Alo- their operation in
a small way nounced today.
:sbewo’. eledtrical. pipe-fitting, missioner e “uggesuon 0f Com‘ tee.
“Chamber Of commerce” “1 ex‘ since coming to Shelton. He first ha
Dunbar, Warren Earl. , profitable, and it is recalled that plans for the
coming year will
Robert Trenckmann and tolling the advantages as he saw purchased the Rexau
d ru g storei Junior Band Large , ore was shipped out of Crescent be
outlined by the new chairman,
them of Shelton, Hood Canal, the . , . , d t Boston I I t m be
- at Second and Railroad from Win Chet Evans, Florence Fentlman, to Port
Anegles an. o I commlttee appomtmen s w
Olymlfilc NP 8:333:15? Pugeth Slmmd Stewart, operating it until July Elsie
Fitzgerald, Lloyd George, for reduction at proflt, While the made, a
preliminary budget
an%‘t?’n000m;u,:8t .anoge' 1, 1935, when he sold to Frank Barbara
Groshong, Dorothy Gruv. low grade ore from the North drawn, a secretary
elected, and
NOn argugt it would ybe odiofgzult Gordon and purchased the jewel— er,
Frank Gray, Thelma. Harri- Fork was packed out on fhor'seIi the boardI
of directors completed
ry business founded and operated son, William Hilligoss, Harold baCk to
Lake Cushman, errie A11 chairmen of committees of
nctive and let, blacksmith internal w At th
l , as atte I . . I e same time, the past
lonsuanofl .I on machines, welding, au- usedpsuccrelsgtfjulllf;elina
3:21;?! £1313 commanders Win have Charge 0f
Itl‘ades school, if he would to the tripléd volume is credited Efforts
to have 100 per cent at-» That was the moment Shelton her husband for the
last 40 years.
anics. tinsmith, carpenter, boz- county
the initiation of six neW' members
. \ of th
on the taxation side of the pic_ John (impélssghreports Commander
ure, 1940 saw a. total of $230,- on the same evening, the post
627.04 in taxes c .
Ollected (a 30/ ‘- . to uncover a Single indiVidual , . . . and h 1 to
Hoods on and
rebate reducing the actual casg auxiliary Will observe its annual who
ersonany and without re_ by I, N, wood 1mm the hitters Johnson, Lester
Joslln, Marjorie 3‘1 ed P the past year are asked to attend
er T
to $225,905.32) out of a total of past PreSidentS’ night 30th Pm’ ward
1for himself caused as many death. Keysers, Thomas Kidwell, Harold
the" Shipped to the Tacpma Smel' and all persons who took' out
J r ' ' ter. But this Was short-lived un- b hi S in the 1.0“ can
e $317,168.87 listed on the rolls At grams .open at elght OCIOCR m
mid-westerners to visit this sec- This is the store which, great-
Lambert' Charmtte Lynni RObert t-l h ded. and demand and mem em 9 . . .
the start of the year there were Memorial Hall. “on as L D Hack. Every
letter 1y enlarged and improved in the Lessard, Thomas Maloney, Helen 1 t 9
War en last fall are eligible to participate
V ' ' - . . ' - rice dro ed, but it is hoped that d
Pralrle $94,586.58 in delinquent taxes on “back home" or to
frlends. wher- 5% years ensuing, now becomes McBhide, John MiloseVich. P PP
1n the proceedings and are urge
' a new era. of demand and good .
the rolls while at the end of the BABY DAUGHTER ever situated contained
praise of the property of Fred Beckwith, Juamta Morkertv Manon Mm“ ‘0
9° 50 by Chal’ma" L‘md‘
' th '11
, . dock, Tony Nelson Richard Pick- pm“! and 8 new Process' W."
A baby daughter was born to- the new Hack home community, veteran of 35
years in the watch ens, Robert Pickené’ Je ne Plem_ make a permanent
manganese m-
>IV. J
‘- year the fi ure
Neely, 55, former Mason to “5,6200% had been reduced
Soho , , .‘according to Deputy doy at the Shelton General Hos- or
literature showing its advan- making and jewelry business. He . dustr
seible‘ in Mason county,
a 01 teachel”, dled at thengsons annual report; Intel to Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Woolsey tagcs, or both. started in the “game” as a youth (in?
£31711?“ Rgmlsey’ Rary Relgpfil' and flag; a new era. of
grade school m f the $222,512.44 listed as tax- of Potlatch Route. . And
the month seldom passed of 13 and hasn’t sidetracked since, 3‘ mes, 6
en R°bmsoni 0 n
.spending eleven years in Pore Robinson, Robert Rose, William ment-
land from 1905 to 1916, then in Short» Gordon Smith, Ll°yd Smith,
Tacoma frOm 1916 to the present Eggrggngteyg‘gaeglorgoivgneifi N
' Identity of a logger killed in the
Where he has been! es assessed on the 1 118 i
r the past dozen years, i $198,496.80 was colleetggo dggmg’l
, re n T the . .
ttack 0°“ yeSterday Of a sideggar' 0" 892%. which is con-
an exce tionau d col- time finst with Mahncke and . . .
as Well known 1 p 3' g°° . McKeown Logging camp near
- around here 60121011. or th _ l Cleave, Russell Vlger, William I
ligating association with locked 1940 i§x§§m§i$ii§23§°°is Egg,
$150333?“ years “nth Bur Whaley, Harold Wilson. Willard I
Dgxetfgegofgédacfgrfig‘eg 3315;
visits t: :nid .th'°“gh m7,- “ delinquent While an . . i‘ The
two Beckwlth sons, Jack. Batty Jean WOOdard' Dale H'llcrest Group
gffice shortly after noon, was not
who is the atwes 0f ms State $92937 was cancellea' seattle_wasmngt°ns
new Gov-i “Mary “min by the operators 14, and Guy, 12, are now
attend‘ ’The’ concert Will be 0 ened to 1 known as The Journal went
daughtereofffimer dHfizgl Funds rec mittanoss Mount armor], the.
Honorable Arthur B. c. H. Krelnenbaum, of Shelton, mg Shelton junior high
where the public with a ,silverpoffermg , I press this afternoon.
R an 1‘ - elved from the state 3118' 18, W111 make his first pub-
West Coast Lumbermens AssOCl- they have athletic aspirationsI Formation of
a permanent H111- Deputy Fred Hickson and Pro}
I. .asked of the audience. The re-
al 3
' t Improvement Chm Will be ecutor Frank Houston went to the
sponse given this first Sunda cres . . .
MY. BeckWith 19 a member 0f afternoon concert will determin: attempted
under the ausplces 0f acc1dent scene to investigate but
e of. Shelton. Climbed from $253,951.47 in 1939
emlceS are to be con- F0 $274,748.52 this past year, While
o’clock Saturday Justice court fines virtually dou-
“0 address since his inauguration ation vice-president will be toast- - -
. . ' th d n mus1c, too.
in Ispeaking at the dinner sessron master of the banquet program. I |Bo are
Stu yl g
Friday of the West Coast Lum- Photographic exhibits have been
' l ' Water Committee at t d t stime
.. . ,rom the Newell and bled from $1,135.80 t bermen’s Associatio 's
An a1 h ‘11ustrat e for- the Masonic Lodge. whether more Will be held,
school the H‘licres‘: I tel, lhad not re urne a pres I I.
e flakes" ‘ {situary in Centralia. Adding the sale of
ccbusnltir'lgiggllmeeting at Tacoma, 2n “The,nlIln-’
ngpgggu‘gfsmnow beinge otlilserved He said yeStel‘day that he W111
authorities said yesterday. is?"figgesgeé’ergggg:€:egf in“;
32:13; algmrglte gall”; the victims
(1 Kagltem, Dorothy, Mar- erty returns, the total from thelterest of
Washington in Perima- by operators representing 75 per choose the name 0f
hls new Store —-—-——————-— crest or Angleside are invited
to , . I
leen and two sons, three main sources of income out- Dent Forest
Industries,” the as- cent of West Coast production, to Fred Beckwithv
WatChmoker , .
Steve s Radio In
n and Fr side of t ' ' ' - ~ d "a el join' ' o ‘
eel enklln, as well as axes increased from $258,- §°Clatl0n has
announced. Appear- the various types of reforestation 3“ J W er- h 1m
rovement club would
Qurvwe 335.77 to, $286,153.44, according lng With Governor Langlie at the!
ranging from sawtimber down to ‘ ‘ I ha'geeas :ne of its objectives
the Important TOPICS ,,t
\ to Masons report, I dinner meeting, Reno Odlin, pres-i- seedlings on
recent cutover, types F P o l attendance of one or more repre- Sportsmen
Slate 0.111 e
gardn , ,Lumplng total genera; receipts dent of the Puget Sound National of
forest fires, and typical pro- und .For enlnsu a sentatives of the club at
each I ,
r121 P or S Father \glth taxes, the treasurers office Bank, Tacoma. will
speak on “The tection equipment which ill visu- Flsh Hatchery Asked
council meeting, state WI F_ Mc_ _ Such important actions as pas:-
'- t‘ asses In Portland~ andled $609,244.70 during the Challenge of
National Defense to- alize an important par of the ‘ Cam, chairman, who
sends in this mg ,upon proposed legislation .3
in \_ year,I IndustryIn ! $1,300,000 spent annually by West Olympia, Jan,
28, ,— The Senate annal’mcement: fecting Isportsmen and choosmg
- Baumgardne l l b The balance on hand.. at the Governor Langlie's
address willICoast forest owners and operators and House Appropriations
com- ’ Steve's Radio Shop, formerly “we have been‘ informed that
anew president and secretary Will
u; I ,, ceived wom thin Oca. ar; start of the year was $128,230.74, serve
as a climax for the after- on forest conservation. mittees, meeting in a
joint ses- located next to the Shelton Recre- the present council intends
to put highlight the January meeting of
n. ,I ath of him fls morning 0. while at the close of the year it n00nI
session discussion 'under the The morning session, of the An- sion,
yesterday, were urged by ation parlors on First St., is now the Hinerest
district on a meter the Hood Canal SportsmensIAssn
“duel”. atvstather’ W‘ H' had m°unted to $147,723.90. Di8~
headmg of “How Will the Indus- nual Meeting will be reserved to State
Game Protector B. T. Mc- well located on Third St. next basis as a solution
to the water Whmh “"11 be held tomght. m “‘9
’ll’ . 0’11 aillnent (3' Helena! ore- bursements for the year
were try Take Care of Its Forests?" Association stockholders, while
Cauley to recommend new game to the Graham Theatre, according situation We
hope we have been HOOdSPOrt 5911091 bu‘ld’ng at
an. I. years. The I‘lie to his :ge $589,751.54, the report said, George
L. Drake, of Shelton, chair- the first half of the open after- fish
hatcheries for Lewis and Kit- to proprietor Steve Gallant. misinfonhed’
as that certainly was eight oveloekI . .
io.I poor health feceafied 3: I man of the‘ joint committtee on noon
session will be devoted to titas counties and the Olympic . Mr. Gallant,
who has been in'not the understanding the voters As usual, eats for the
I ndIhis sen h or the pas NLLEIVLNG TREATMENT Forest Conservation of the
West lumber trade promotion: with O. peninsula. The department al- the
radio business here in Shelton of Shelton had when they voted will be
poovlded followmg the
VlSitorI as been a fre- Stanley Armstrong was admit- Coast Lumbermen’s
and Pacific R. Miller, presiding. Talks by L. ready has sites picked for
the for the past six years, announCes the $50 ooo_oo bond issue There
buSiDeSS 3959109 ,
,4" \ ted Wednesday to Shelton Hos- NPrthWeot Loggers Associations, J.
Markwardt of the U. 8. Forest Lewis and Kittitas hatcheries, he that he now
has a very large and was no ’pmvision in the ordinance
»: F pital for‘ treatment, Will preSlde over this part of the Products
Laboratory, Madison, said, but is undecided on where complete line of
Sparton an M0- for meters and we hope the coun- HOSPITAL.PATIENT i
. S Ion, TREATMENT I I annual meeting. Assocration mem- .Wisconsin, and the
noted author, to locate the Olympic plant. Mc- torola radios to offer to
the ‘pub- ci1wi11 proceed with the improve-
armg Was admin d t Ad -t N Hos‘ ‘TAL: .x b?” Wm be inVited to
exChange Sféwart H~ HOIbrOOk: are SChedU1~ Camel? aSkEd an increased
capital “0- ment as outlined so they Will be of James Grimes of
Shelton-is re-
~s Ospitfll today fore treat? edn‘gédifd to Shelton Hospital on Views.
on fire control, timber ed. A new motion picture, “Trees outlay for -the
department for the Pau1 Marshall has also moved some use this “mm-en
There are ceivmg treatmeht at the Shelton
. treatmenty was Gene HolIman for cropping, public conservation pro- and
Homes," will be presented in next biennium,Iprlncipally because his
office in with Gallant and may several other matters that will be hospital
where he was admitted
, , l . posals and legislation versus vol- the afternoon. of the
hatcherles. be contacted at the shop.
discussed at our meetings.” Wednesday.