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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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“Page Three 9—..— ‘ Praise Be Spiders 30- :IzIfIinIiIfI'jffzIm...of} llairy Products 1 SHELTONtMASQ COUNTY JOURNAL é‘Wm‘, Armament Hun Says UI SI IIEI,§.II..:.II.II:.EII.I.Ifigmfi i. ii... II_5H_si.T0N—M,Asoiicouri'ri jOURNAL ‘ 33V. durum,eg TNI 1011. ._-,, -._. «wee—~- —- ~~~~~~—~-~——' ” _. ,,fi___I, _ ,fiflv _,. I ,.ci.-i:mr‘.\':i '- > " . .. - H- r . . Aft t P . - n lSmnmk: “Nov 1,1,1? .111” h' “a” Consolidated With The Shelton IHdependent I I ‘ _, A, .i.fim_v__ Scmaung’ (i 1““ “‘f‘lol “Will (fun 5“ ‘* l‘llitoi'nil as :wcmiil-(‘liiss lllzllli'l‘ ill the linisliil'i'icc zit Sliclimi. Washington ‘ 0V + r ‘1 ' l .___—————\ ,— iiiiifu ‘9 Ulmilil‘iim of an . , i i - - i (1] f i i‘ -' Undoi- the regulations of a new; iitic coil ’ Elm? because “0 Olhcr re- . Putz? Of. Ea”), pmduct: (in? . SUbscrlptlon Rates' ‘ 1, ‘ ‘ ordinance recently Passed by tlici :. .v . a so man, . , ing IS Win er are expec e O I I , I . .I . I (V, r, IIIIIImIUIII II“ VG,” hugs fluid] 1 y pulmb' It )1 ‘x ' a. n .- . BY MAIL: in Mason County (Ulllsldv m Shelton City mail carrier districts, h, , CI Inform“) . _-.iI\/ or ii .i., .I. (I «I. we . I ir Theré reason that the term ‘pro- . ‘Wmagt mghel than m thy “mtg #2 PM” war; 6 months $1.23: 3 months. 73'“. Forvis‘n $350 1M" 3W”- POSM‘. Dcvclnp‘dmt” m the E l and brought into Bi'cmcr— . . ziy in me, 0d 15 aptly applied to THEATRE Shelton, Wash. ‘05 1959'401 says R- IVL Turner-7 cx‘ regulations forbid rcsidcnts of Slivllul) sci'Vcd by city mail carrier from War and the United States nit-l . . . .. v ton liv furrow for mat mortcni .tcnsioii economist at the State receiving their Journal by mail. twin armament program are pio- . L“ ‘ 1‘ icctioii l“l..l. llLlVC the head. l l l l l :7 l 1'». l i i l and ‘1 College of Washington BY JOURNAL CARRIER: in Shi‘iton. 25!? IM‘ month (001100th by 0“”1“) lfoundly affecting the trend of farm 1 , i n i . pm i r\ "‘ ' . or £2.50 )or your in udvzinco. I .I . _ . ,, __, livaI lung id hiiincyi, tittdc it. thd i l" \u._.___. [he economlst poultg out fflat ‘ ] [pl'OiillCt pflces 1n Vva‘-'hlngtoni “(1 ‘. 'x r. .. ..< v -‘- it "11‘? 5" -u- . . .- . bl lied every Tuesdav and Thursday afternoon ,_I . , t A,“ , I] Caale aw; to this one .. m LllLll na um I IV ycars I willie total milk production 15‘ I :LIIIIIIII:IIIIIwow,I“if..IIII::::::::;:Tif,. coiding 0 i iui . I z, , IIIHHChlmmisI mm M found to b,“ ind tales . about 5 per cent larger than a i VGLE sxstant extensron economist at the III II V It} I IIIIIHOII Ivm W I III A A . . _‘ i i ‘. ,. i. . IT C. ANGLE J. EBER Al . ., CA“ , f \51 “km ,t,m , .i. i. n. L. iIv col ii ii i .,I. I. that thfi IDS-w L430 tOtal PTOdUCLlon Ofl . . \I. . q. lSL‘lte . 850 0 la” 1, g \- a? stamped with the official inspect— 1“ I screamery butter, cheese, condensed “ “11“” _ _ Amt“ ' Gag” pomts out that Wm” Lb”! “iz‘fiip (insinuating the ll’lTXltl . u r 3' l evaporated milk in Septmnber Miimbcr of \Vasliing'ton Newspaper Publishers .\§:S0(1iu1ioll Ii‘ccent Violence: of the Iwzir all}; fIIII hung/II” (I IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiUIII .I v, ited on 10 Per cent higher than a. and Xzilional Emmi-mi Assomallim. ___I_3IlI,:f.-L‘lgI up supplies and toodIImaIthinI. It1\Ip,I,IFIS_ I, SFA RAIDER” II I I.C ycar canlmx Pnces of butterfat I vials in Europe at u. rapid ldi.L.'_ IIIIIIIE II IIIIIIIII (IIII'WIIICIII 1-- n i.’ (1101 . v, _- i - I ., g I I ,~ , n l xxntI I . . ii . , I .0 fclrmer’s 1n \Vaqshynrrldon 011 001-1 . . )‘r‘ T I I _I In Llie lilillOOlC lOl I(bd\l iona C l I I II .{I \r, . I II ,.I VI I ‘o‘oer 15 1940 if, a tr-l I ABL“ lmarkets has been somewhat off-I I‘F‘lhh "“ 0““ i} Han “ll-LOX)“ ’ averabgd 31 C"n“’l - . i i n c H n .1 i . iilili‘ through coni— ; t. I I f per pound compared With 28 cents; —"—‘-— G79“ ‘31" we] gpnqumt 13* 01a.” ’i lll'v‘l‘ll‘» lh~i l‘lll‘C“l'liV meats had“ ' .onis‘is. . . . . ,, , on October 15, 19.39. ’ . I 0 i .n » PM, ' rm i Selgiiun an: i‘rancc. ng' am has, . I‘II' ‘4 ,jII: “ I 'I- II 1 . ,_ . - i The old age pensmn plan oi $40 3. .i.., liasmufly of food for the immediate. no.2. .Iilil (inlet. i.» in laconic, r ‘ The ordinance . in ’lu‘otcct not ()lll'li Saturday to TUGSdaV’ February 1 to 4 Turner declares thz‘ there is - c I I “I. m 13 I I I ,I II . at pi‘CSCnt a widespregtj tcndency 1)CLSS’CC1 fllBlZ hurdle ll’l securing 8.13pl JV oil Oi theiiuture, the economist states; buti i n a ' am . q .' . 1"4; . . 3 ;. w ,. ~ .~'- ‘Iwili probably need added supplies-I 3:151:11;.Igf0:133:n‘écoigstoazndcrngI: ledeial booial SQLUllLy board of its n.oic impouantheIme many months have IIIIIIIPSCIIII Ithat ample supplies of dairy features for federal allotment, and the increased Tuming to the national arm—i I , :its m“ Bi'i—‘iucrliin but l mist) the iiiiini‘ "#2 who are (*zirciii‘i‘ i; :nc‘t to well unhealthy meats raised? i an. i ,. . . . - r i ,, ' . x: t row-am, Ca le declares that . I_ , , > I iffiiplg $3319“ng W1“ api‘omote payments are promised for Mai-Ch fliS'C- lymvhile piiié’ prografl will porno“: l l‘“ “m” “"‘m ' l mi ( ing‘ an I consC-i '/ ~ ‘ ‘- 1. arm i). '. " ‘ ’-; ‘ ‘3'le -.'l: lo I" o ‘i‘ 'i ' v " l v n C‘ CiB‘llS “Hill the lCSOLlTCL~ -, icsul in d. 1130 in busmcg- conch iI al (l l ..i.\ .. c.1np..i,y n.5, (1“5‘15 high ltiel 0f procuction. ' one Of the HIOOt p01 t0 “on; heavy war building p-ianl Lliecn thf lg‘l‘Jik“! :1 the Cfficiiil j . “With cow numbers continuing Of applicants for that may be ll'ltO over a number-Of years may Iowan i to increase and the prices 0f bee: ' I ' ’. i In the amount Of GllSlOIl l the American standard of liviiio'.l .gcnually gOOdv many dairymen congldel anon m deternllnl g . v ' p a tiHe points out. however, that witch‘ are properly considering the de- to persons over 65, and another questions tie iesor IQICOOIOOO unempmyed men in the! _ islsughlcrlioiiso for Di‘cmcrtoii and ‘ .lji'. John A, Baker, ‘ilCLli inspect-g v .I 301; lusprgtions will be made iitl ' at I. ‘ l i V l I ltnc sliiuenlcrliousc on Mondays, 5 ‘m' s Sirabmty 0f consmnt alan Of '/ '. cl EG'C'UCV l nation, the increased ex cndituresi ,. and li‘i-idzivs all day. } 53nday 1herds to maintain efficient 0milk to the Cgurts 1n appeals as setung up C1qu Lb " ifor national defense pregany will| . ’l‘uc:::loys and Thurs-l 13.. ‘pmmucusn’yj the economiSt said in for penSIOn‘q' liner-ease consumer buying power' Dr. Baker will examine I . commen'ing on the present out-. - . I I _ I . I d . t m stren then the rice] .nmm muweu Ci .ht and eleven I I I. II I I I ilcok for the Washington dairy-' Now coinesI the second and nine impaiiintlgg gym 2) IIOducts fwd ding 101;, CIIII IIIIIUIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII “Lem IIIIIIIII CIIIII “ ednegiag Oniy t OI imam. i‘nurdle in the raising of funds to carry on the stattisimi of living Standards: II I s . I III I II II I I II In“, AWN. I e . l e “F -' l w 'i ' " ' ' n v r- ' .I urveying ie various comm}: ecretary 0 , a e u on Us . . A.“ Night I ,~ . . .. JOURNAL Want Ads are used by obligation to go fifty fifty and Wllate'IvIel Ind} I SIdmm mmketed by me Wammg_, support IO the admIIIIIIIIIIIIOIII MARRIAGE LICENSE “DANCING ON ‘5 ' “- ~ scores of your friends anallegISlatOFS turn Vv'lll fll'l'd new COlllpllCElthl’lS c111 lion fal‘lilCI‘,tCag‘le gys thHIt gCII-g aid Britain bill by warning at 1 MIR HI,“ I” Retqu and Fmin A “‘0‘” 1 " n‘ o . ‘ ' ' . . v ‘v " ‘ rma cu a‘ion o enmart, 0-. I I .i ,. ‘ it. . st, , I lgfilblibSlS with great successinlOle (lIVISlOIlS among the people WllO pay the billb. hang (IZIICnd Pthe Jersey and GIICIIWI fiHouse committee hoping; that IlEmIIIIIIIII mI Port Orchard, at IIIIIIIIIIIIIa Dan m RObert Page S A B (’Omplrte “formatmn abOUt .. . t 7111 . . , I .V . I . Geimany could easxly mos the , II III; 'an what you have to sell always To add_ m01e t0 t1 6 “’Ie'cent ax Vl‘ _1 ljsuy 1?]:qu '4 CI‘I‘tétl‘Mg‘Rf‘deI’Ff flifiini Atlantic” if Britain falls y a pretty stiff tax to motorists, to raise the price ofl“ “‘89 P101“ ‘0“ 0 ‘1 y m“ .___-.,__.-._..- s iports leaving open a pozsible ficlzl‘ " .liouor will fatten the bootlegger who is alreadygi-‘or AiInOLL'icarIi proIGucl<I3r5. Hedpojiit-r :* J . . . - - - y. i e i { o uction: l flourishing, to raise the sales tax Will hit many aslggi c213 hgslbemmhigh Pt‘his yeah, well as drive out needed new industry, and to aSl’.litrongei‘bcopsup‘nfr demaInd hIaLiI 'h' .' 1 .. ‘. YT}? L't‘ the people to vote a poll tax Will meet in failui e. digit“ u at a 1° “We ‘5 Other sources Will fall short of meeting the need. PIrifIcStofI beef cattlezdar? Ire! I > I I . I _ ,I ' ‘por e 0 lave romaine air y‘i . ' "' ' ‘ . . ‘ fOi new money, estimated at $36,000,000 at least. high over the spring but increasedI .marketings and the low level oi“- hog prices are expected to cause. "mm A-RE so . GET some decrease in this line. rte-E mun wmsro ductions of wool imports and de-g ssnvs APPLES’ —‘~‘———- mand for this product in the na-l “I ,I _/(I‘I$‘, One gets an idea, and something of a shock,.333$;aggmimntthgmgffe120$; from the recent publication of lists of thousands of Icommodity at the present level: ' 1 ~- ' ' ~ ' 'On 'nlwhich is- about 30 per cent high» hignei ups in the Public Works Administrati if er than the GOIIIeSpondIng per?“ the four Northwest states, who receive upwaids Odlof 1939. . , ' - 1 . I The hay and feed grain cro in $2 000 a year to the chief who draws $6,000,IIaiiI , the United States thIs yeaIII IIIpIICI wonders how any money could be left to diibb Blported developing favorably with r w ' ' some decline in prices noted in I IdOV‘Vl’l t0 the Ina-n on the Shovel' . I recent months, A smaller 1940 r. I: It apparently takes about as many engineeis,1Ithick hatch ,5 (MI factor 100de inspectors, assistants and clerks to handle the over—:10? to boost egg prices during the; coming fall and winter months. ‘ -» t " “ Gra efi'uit med. size _. 14 for 29% head Of the pI‘OJeCtS carried 01'1 SO far, almost The extension economist points DI II as it does workers, which is proof of the needfor an ‘ gututhaé It)“ War 11ng htad a gen- "1 - k I Sunkist Oranges small 4 doz. 53c , , ' , 1'3 y I9 Yosmng I9 CC on truit I Al aI's 011131“ for eating, Crisp anc II "V- J“—: overhaul of the system which has been bmlt up dur- ; prices in the United States, be- figfiylwififgxtya flavor, Simlnsu Oranges lgc. 2‘doz. 53¢ c. Fieldsa ANK cials for Friday, Saturd *‘ him. up .m— ay, Mon. lion” E “An LARGE )VVER j . I ~ , lRNELL GRAN? TO EAT i=0}; YOUNG Alli? 010‘ OLD-FASHlONED COINS! TOME"! 3', v ‘ r.i"‘~1‘~‘13‘2-"§“*&' -‘« it“ :i :i 1}- .ig, 4-, I troduccd stringent war-time con- Of the people S money_ trol over the imports of our ' I Y - .. r. fruit. These restrictions are not ' App-aiently, too, the WPA is on the way out asi likely to be removed for so me a large concern and a more determined effort will , time‘ after the end of the con- h flict. ing the several years past and the huge dissipation ‘ have 1’" IlflI-lbs.__..49¢ Bux,...$i.79 Hot House Rhubarb... 2-lbs. 19¢ Fresh Broccoli .......... __ 2-lbs. 15¢ Utah Celery ______________ _. large 10¢ Fresh Calif. Carrots bu. 5c New Tender Cabbage .... __ lb. 4¢ 1A9 I Imperial Lettuce ........ __ 2 for 15¢ ~ Oregon. Boil Onions 10-lbs. 19¢ t "“"‘“‘“ g; No.1 Potatoes __________ __ 15-1135. 25¢ R 1 Potatoes __________ ,_ 50-lbs. 69¢ , OME Starting next Monday, the sur- Unmatched for their cooking qii:1i- N0. 1 Fey. Bakers v 1 , lus food stamp office in the wel- ties. Buy a big 13323 WELCOML NEW INDUSTRY l? i. . . . n i . . ; signals; io-ibs.....i5¢ —- Box....sii.69 No» 1 Fci- Bakers ---- »- 134m 19¢ . . . . 1:30 t : . That the newly organized Olympic Veneer l nesdayo 3,30Fi?§2y¥°nday' wed ‘ Company has broken ground for the construction ofi. .During the “"0 mom“ “‘0 Of‘ ' 4 a new industry for Shelton, will be good news in that'flee has been Open up t° now A COmPal our Prlces . I'inest vacuum packed lhas been open daily except Sat- blend coffee DIIP O . '1 1‘ N FLAKES . . . . .' . H CRYSTAL Bowl; be made to get the employables on the new armyi For eating or cooking, Winesaps can‘t be ,‘ocat. 10—¢ —I Bux...s it. w‘. ' M3190“ post and building programs while they last, and toI _- I _~ .. ,mimui— some'”ofviithe7*riile‘s‘Which keep them off thel Food Stamps Sold l higher paid trade jobs; but at any rate, the country cannot long stand the WPA waste and war spending ' pyramid at the same time. Only 3 Days Each Week £13m After ‘ 9. ‘ V a. :1: fi‘ .it will add a live payroll to those which now support if: fxgdgfisiggssthgaimg I II I refiuIiIiIir. I 2I I lthls community, and a new process for turning raw-by ‘th‘e Office can be handled 0,, Nilmaue Mayonnaise .......... __ pt. 2Ilc; qt. - t-n Abitm VALE ilOQ‘S into finished product for shipment to mi'tside'th.e I"educed schedule. explained Dutchess Dressmg‘ .............. ._ pt. 10¢; qt. 23¢. . PEAS, Inarkets MISS Cora Barber, welfare supcr- Peanut Rafter 1b 2_1bSI Visor. v ---------------- -- o BEA ' ' ' ' I G vii «- Side Peas 17-01 tins____ 1.2 for 83¢- ~ It . While Shelton welcomed the new shingle mill . a. e... , . ., I . . FRESH CABBAGE OFF N . -. r. . as 3 . i when it was built some dozen years ago, and regret— SURPLUS FOOD LIST I Town House G1 apeiiuit Juice 18-oz.__ 4II/2.;¢ ' ' ' ' ' 1- ted the conditions which kept it idle much of thel Slil‘léllustfogds Ilwhicth kWill bi: Castle Crest PBaCheS ................. .L. 29-Oz. 13¢ 11:25; ‘3‘}, h fsiggkss'mnu- ' ‘ . . . , a1 a lies a in ar _ ‘ ' ' Etlme and a poor investment both for the owners and if the $031, :ng pm "in pthe Sugai Belle Peas .................. .. 20-’0_z. tin 11¢ 104m 254b,, * lthe community, it is pleased to Welcome the new Washiiiggn ariaFdiIiIring e8 Feb- Libby Whole Beans ______________ __ 19-0% tm 13¢ ¢ 1 ‘ ‘ . . uary rou e ruary er- . i . _ I , I A' Eveneer concern and to extend the hope that it isliod, were annogunced today by 6’0..- Sleepy HollowISyiup 26 oz. 29¢, '/2 gal. 65¢ I . :due for a longer and more prosperous life. laid A. Fareed.‘AreaI LxrectorI ror Fisher’s Blenzi Flour ________________ __ 49-lbs. 1.59 l-—- ‘ lthe Surplus Marketing Adminis- - , . 7” l ' l / ltration. These are the surplus Kltchen Clafl“ (nu ------------------ -- 49' S' 'v I . * : foods which may be obtained in MaXImuln Pan-{fake Flour ________ __ 40¢ I. “BREAK” I f d Tasty Pound fresh i v 1 OLDST i9:333;ffgcafiluioiggp‘us °° Softasilk Cafe Flour 21/2410. box 23¢ azimfimggigmeci .0 I Do o o i ' _ . Fresh cabbage, which was among Canterbury Black Tea..__ 1 -lb, 25¢“ lb. 49C , ~ I; ' House Bill 54, introduced by Mason County dLS"lti:e suz'lppis bfoodsI avatiiapie Mayday Salad Oil /2th 29¢; ,galI 55¢ 2 Ibs . “"w" 5‘ V -' ’ a S am ar iCi an s m ‘ ------- -- - ~ - I —"" V ltl laid representatlves’ Savat%e7 Hensfoélfl and $01 d) l areaspduriziirig Itth Jarfiuary 1 thi'u II . . 3 W011 X6 l3 )eI'SODS OVBI' e 21 e 0 0 cars 'l'OlTl‘January 31 period, has been rc- I r-‘i - . m I 1' 6 mp I g y V moved from the list for February. . , .the necessity of obtaining annual fishing and hunt- With this exception thefiatmpn SIIIIIIy Dawn _ III IIIII I 'Iing licenses, which ' gives the 01d sports another ally designated surplushfogIcIisbavziIl-, géodness of fresh runIIIpI I. . l“break” along with age pens10ns. The idea has been! ibiiirlcilugiil gfiepefiorduarli . “led “mam” ‘ C ' . proposed at several past sessions but failed of enough thi Isal'gle its. tiltiloseII Whig; 13:: l . 26_OZI fin 46_OZI ' . bama e or e_ anu '_ i “ . I -.»I v linterest to become law, and as few of the old-timers gammy 31 period The. cbmplete IIEUIIEIIIEWI.. ¢ I ,. “ get their money’s worth in game sport they are (311— 11%; of blliiieststampPIfgrodgrgfstagg;I .v I ___,, I.. . . ' ' . ' . ' in am ” . - , ititled to some concesswn to keep up then inter est in gefmar; include; Fresh g,,,pe_ mini; I I_ I , . I 3 game and fish preservation. I iiiinsun‘piusmiiiitz fruit, oranges, apples, and pears, SURPLUS onions (except green onions), FOODS Mutton. Roast lb. 13c Irish potatoes, butter, raisins, rice, FOR FEBRUARY Young, Tender Mutton I EGGS l Med. Grade “A” fresh eggs. (Subject to mar— ket change.) 2 do. 49¢ iii). 5mm :allofruit doz. 29c ANAs 4-1bs.é5¢ a . I ork lard, all po‘rk (except that -. .. l 1Idooked or packed in metal or i glass containers), cpIrn incalI, shrcIIII I .e 3, dried runes, ominy cor 5 This state ranks seventh among all the states in 5%,, dry Edible bemI wheat , its per capita tax ratio. It stood last year at $37.07 I ileum and whole Wheat (Graham); _ . . - l flour, . - for each person in the state. Which, it Will be ad- ._——— I _ I I . _. mitted, is more than a comfortable load. Oregon isI I My Sholulsl 1:23;“ mm I 32%;” Ib- 22 l ,fa‘r down the list—26th—but there is not so much v;,§;;g:‘g°g,§:§:,§ Weed em, ,6 '1 My“: Hormel‘s Del-I-Cuthalf or Whole I . ' ~ - .- ' ' ' i . GI ,~I. » s _ c difference in per capita. Oregon 8 figure is Just. un- end, would extend from New York I Péars I . 5 lbs‘ ' der $30. In any event six other states are worse off ‘0 Chicaga g onions . 1 lbs l}. " Ethan this—but the legislature is in sess10n at Olym- Questions on Page 4. E gist: Potatoes . Loin and Rolled Rib v. II Ipia and faced with the need of raising more money I" ' i”, I". , . ., . It. ’ ‘than ever for state needs—Aberdeen World. ANSWERS To 2:?“ lb. I) I ‘ggén‘thu ' l , I. Q. ‘I Pork‘ Lard . Center cuts 25¢ ' ’ :I_ I = ,» , ' I II - l f- , I l ‘1 ' FIre’sh Pork l PEN and swovemndked CéLIFORNIflS THE N 1. (a) Linen is made from 69f” Meal OYSTERS ____________________ __ pint 21¢ 3,6,, h, ghe rain tables have been turned on galifornia 3: E2; $2351???"'Zi‘é‘cliffé'a l 32:35:91.5... LINKS .............................. .. lb. 23¢ . I vw 1c is ending a six weeks experience 0 more or about 5,000,000 aliens in the United . H .1 Gm ' i onefwm . “W, can . . 10¢ llessI steady rains, and doubling of its normal record, S’jtej-b) P9 . ue is kind of ‘ 03313:... s MUTTON """ " a? Saw Beans,on:f,‘;‘,‘n°,,,nof sawgiom‘nréad‘ gwhile in Washington the rainfall has been below nor- bag... “0’ Wheat Flour » """""""""""""""""" " ' :30 I an iizzitMailroSIGW/Fmp II _ imal', with only one real rainy day in which 3.91 inches 5. (c) The Four IHo‘rsemen— I. Whole Wheat FIOU" WIENERS -= -------------------- -- lb- 18¢ gi.:§IyOuich “6°: Cam-'5?“ fell in 24' hours. Just now Shelton is enjoying sunny :flfidefiagfiff ‘ BACON SQUARES ____ lb. 11¢ I,IGIee oice ofScolors...BLir- o I l ‘ “’mnszlackfirey- days and growing weather, even if the sun lacks played at Notre Dame under .its summer warmth. “We Rockne , an” o