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“Page Three
‘ Praise Be Spiders
30- :IzIfIinIiIfI'jffzIm...of} llairy Products 1 SHELTONtMASQ COUNTY
JOURNAL é‘Wm‘, Armament Hun Says UI SI
IIEI,§.II..:.II.II:.EII.I.Ifigmfi i. ii...
II_5H_si.T0N—M,Asoiicouri'ri jOURNAL
‘ 33V. durum,eg TNI 1011. ._-,,-_.-v_..s.fi -._. «wee—~- —-
~~~~~~—~-~——' ”
_. ,,fi___I, _ ,fiflv _,.
I ,.ci.-i:mr‘.\':i '- > "
. .. - H- r . . Aft t P . -
n lSmnmk: “Nov 1,1,1? .111” h' “a” Consolidated With The
Shelton IHdependent I I ‘ _, A, .i.fim_v__
Scmaung’ (i 1““ “‘f‘lol “Will (fun 5“ ‘*
l‘llitoi'nil as :wcmiil-(‘liiss lllzllli'l‘ ill the
linisliil'i'icc zit Sliclimi. Washington ‘ 0V + r ‘1 ' l
.___—————\ ,—
iiiiifu ‘9 Ulmilil‘iim of an . , i i - - i (1] f i i‘ -'
Undoi- the regulations of a new;
iitic coil ’ Elm? because “0 Olhcr re- . Putz? Of. Ea”), pmduct: (in?
. SUbscrlptlon Rates' ‘ 1, ‘ ‘ ordinance recently Passed by tlici
.v . a so man, . , ing IS Win er are expec e O I I , I . .I . I (V, r,
fluid] 1 y pulmb' It )1 ‘x ' a. n .- . BY MAIL: in Mason County
(Ulllsldv m Shelton City mail carrier districts, h, , CI Inform“) .
_-.iI\/ or ii .i., .I. (I «I. we . I
ir Theré reason that the term ‘pro- . ‘Wmagt mghel than m thy “mtg
#2 PM” war; 6 months $1.23: 3 months. 73'“. Forvis‘n $350
1M" 3W”- POSM‘. Dcvclnp‘dmt” m the E l and in.ch brought into
. .
ziy in me, 0d 15 aptly applied to
Shelton, Wash.
‘05 1959'401 says R- IVL Turner-7 cx‘ regulations forbid rcsidcnts
of Slivllul) sci'Vcd by city mail carrier from War and the United
States nit-l
. . . .. v ton liv furrow for mat mortcni
.tcnsioii economist at the State receiving their Journal by mail. twin
armament program are pio- . L“ ‘ 1‘
icctioii l“l..l. llLlVC the head.
l :7
l 1'».
and ‘1 College of Washington BY JOURNAL CARRIER: in Shi‘iton. 25!?
IM‘ month (001100th by 0“”1“) lfoundly affecting the trend of farm
1 , i n i . pm
i r\ "‘ ' . or £2.50 )or your in udvzinco. I .I . _ . ,, __,
livaI lung id hiiincyi, tittdc it.
thd i l" \u._.___. [he economlst poultg out fflat ‘ ]
[pl'OiillCt pflces 1n Vva‘-'hlngtoni “(1 ‘. 'x r. ..
..< v -‘- it "11‘?
5" -u- . . .- . bl lied every Tuesdav and Thursday afternoon ,_I . , t
A,“ , I] Caale aw; to this one .. m LllLll na um I
IV ycars I willie total milk production 15‘ I
:LIIIIIIII:IIIIIwow,I“if..IIII::::::::;:Tif,. coiding 0 i iui . I z, ,
IIIHHChlmmisI mm M found to b,“
ind tales . about 5 per cent larger than a i VGLE sxstant extensron
economist at the III II V It} I IIIIIHOII Ivm W I III A A . .
_‘ i i ‘. ,. i. . IT C. ANGLE J. EBER Al . ., CA“ , f \51 “km
,t,m , .i. i. n. L. iIv col ii ii i .,I.
I. that thfi IDS-w L430 tOtal PTOdUCLlon Ofl . . \I. . q. lSL‘lte . 850
0 la” 1, g \- a? stamped with the official inspect— 1“
I screamery butter, cheese, condensed “ “11“” _ _ Amt“ '
Gag” pomts out that Wm” Lb”! “iz‘fiip (insinuating the
ll’lTXltl . u r
3' l evaporated milk in Septmnber Miimbcr of \Vasliing'ton
Newspaper Publishers .\§:S0(1iu1ioll Ii‘ccent Violence: of the Iwzir
ited on 10 Per cent higher than a. and Xzilional Emmi-mi Assomallim.
___I_3IlI,:f.-L‘lgI up supplies and toodIImaIthinI. It1\Ip,I,IFIS_ I, SFA
II I I.C ycar canlmx Pnces of butterfat I vials in Europe at u. rapid
i.’ (1101 . v, _- i - I ., g I I ,~ , n l xxntI I . . ii . ,
I .0 fclrmer’s 1n \Vaqshynrrldon 011 001-1 . . )‘r‘ T I I _I In Llie
lilillOOlC lOl I(bd\l iona C l I I II .{I \r, . I II ,.I VI I
‘o‘oer 15 1940 if, a tr-l I ABL“ lmarkets has been somewhat off-I
I‘F‘lhh "“ 0““ i} Han “ll-LOX)“
’ averabgd 31 C"n“’l - . i i n c H n .1 i . iilili‘ through
coni— ; t.
I I f per pound compared With 28 cents; —"—‘-— G79“
‘31" we] gpnqumt 13* 01a.” ’i lll'v‘l‘ll‘» lh~i
l‘lll‘C“l'liV meats had“ '
.onis‘is. . . . . ,, , on October 15, 19.39. ’ . I 0 i .n » PM, '
rm i Selgiiun an: i‘rancc. ng' am has, . I‘II' ‘4 ,jII: “
I 'I- II 1
. ,_ . - i The old age pensmn plan oi $40 3. .i..,.ni.li liasmufly of food
for the immediate. no.2. .Iilil (inlet. i.» in laconic,
‘ The ordinance .
in ’lu‘otcct not ()lll'li Saturday to TUGSdaV’
February 1 to 4
Turner declares thz‘ there is - c I I “I. m 13 I I I ,I II .
at pi‘CSCnt a widespregtj tcndency 1)CLSS’CC1 fllBlZ hurdle ll’l
securing 8.13pl JV oil Oi theiiuture, the economist states; buti
i n a ' am . q .' . 1"4; . . 3 ;. w ,. ~ .~'- ‘Iwili
probably need added supplies-I
3:151:11;.Igf0:133:n‘écoigstoazndcrngI: ledeial booial SQLUllLy board of
its n.oic impouantheIme many months have IIIIIIIPSCIIII
Ithat ample supplies of dairy features for federal allotment, and the
increased Tuming to the national arm—i
I , :its m“ Bi'i—‘iucrliin but l
mist) the iiiiini‘ "#2 who are (*zirciii‘i‘ i;
:nc‘t to well unhealthy meats raised?
i an. i ,. . . . - r i ,, ' . x: t row-am, Ca le declares that . I_ ,
, > I
iffiiplg $3319“ng W1“ api‘omote payments are promised for Mai-Ch
fliS'C- lymvhile piiié’ prografl will porno“: l l‘“ “m”
“"‘m ' l
mi ( ing‘ an I consC-i '/ ~ ‘ ‘- 1. arm i). '. " ‘
’-; ‘ ‘3'le -.'l: lo I" o ‘i‘ 'i ' v "
v n C‘ CiB‘llS “Hill the lCSOLlTCL~ -, icsul in d. 1130 in busmcg-
conch iI al (l l ..i.\ .. c.1np..i,y n.5,
(1“5‘15 high ltiel 0f procuction. ' one Of the HIOOt p01 t0 “on;
heavy war building p-ianl Lliecn thf lg‘l‘Jik“! :1 the Cfficiiil j .
“With cow numbers continuing Of applicants for that may be ll'ltO
over a number-Of years may Iowan
to increase and the prices 0f bee: ' I ' ’. i In the amount Of
GllSlOIl l the American standard of liviiio'.l
.gcnually gOOdv many dairymen congldel anon m deternllnl g . v ' p a
tiHe points out. however, that witch‘
are properly considering the de- to persons over 65, and another questions
tie iesor IQICOOIOOO unempmyed men in the!
_ islsughlcrlioiiso for Di‘cmcrtoii and
‘ .lji'. John A, Baker, ‘ilCLli inspect-g v .I
301; lusprgtions will be made iitl '
at I. ‘ l i V l
I ltnc sliiuenlcrliousc on Mondays,
5 ‘m' s Sirabmty 0f consmnt alan Of '/ '. cl EG'C'UCV
l nation, the increased ex cndituresi ,. and li‘i-idzivs all day. }
53nday 1herds to maintain efficient 0milk to the Cgurts 1n appeals as
setung up C1qu Lb " ifor national defense pregany will| .
’l‘uc:::loys and Thurs-l 13..
‘pmmucusn’yj the economiSt said in for penSIOn‘q' liner-ease
consumer buying power' Dr. Baker will examine I
. commen'ing on the present out-. - . I I _ I . I d . t m stren then
the rice] .nmm muweu Ci .ht and eleven I I I. II I I
I ilcok for the Washington dairy-' Now coinesI the second and nine
impaiiintlgg gym 2) IIOducts fwd ding 101;, CIIII IIIIIUIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
“Lem IIIIIIIII CIIIII “ ednegiag Oniy
t OI imam. i‘nurdle in the raising of funds to carry on the stattisimi of
living Standards: II I s . I III I II II I I II In“, AWN. I e .
l e “F -' l w 'i ' " ' ' n v r- ' .I
urveying ie various comm}: ecretary 0 , a e u on Us . . A.“
Night I ,~ . . .. JOURNAL Want Ads are used by obligation to go fifty fifty
and Wllate'IvIel Ind} I SIdmm mmketed by me Wammg_, support IO the
‘5 ' “- ~ scores of your friends anallegISlatOFS turn Vv'lll
fll'l'd new COlllpllCElthl’lS c111 lion fal‘lilCI‘,tCag‘le
gys thHIt gCII-g aid Britain bill by warning at 1 MIR HI,“ I” Retqu and
Fmin A
“‘0‘” 1 " n‘ o . ‘ ' ' . . v ‘v " ‘ rma
cu a‘ion o enmart, 0-. I I .i ,. ‘ it. . st, , I
lgfilblibSlS with great successinlOle (lIVISlOIlS among the people WllO
pay the billb. hang (IZIICnd Pthe Jersey and GIICIIWI fiHouse committee
hoping; that IlEmIIIIIIIII mI Port Orchard, at IIIIIIIIIIIIIa Dan m RObert
S A B (’Omplrte “formatmn abOUt .. . t 7111 . . , I .V . I . Geimany
could easxly mos the , II
III; 'an what you have to sell always To add_ m01e t0 t1 6
“’Ie'cent ax Vl‘ _1 ljsuy 1?]:qu '4
CI‘I‘tétl‘Mg‘Rf‘deI’Ff flifiini Atlantic” if Britain falls
y a pretty stiff tax to motorists, to raise the price ofl“ “‘89
P101“ ‘0“ 0 ‘1 y m“ .___-.,__.-._..- s
iports leaving open a pozsible ficlzl‘
" .liouor will fatten the bootlegger who is alreadygi-‘or
AiInOLL'icarIi proIGucl<I3r5. Hedpojiit-r
:* J . . . - - - y. i e i { o uction:
l flourishing, to raise the sales tax Will hit many aslggi c213
hgslbemmhigh Pt‘his yeah,
well as drive out needed new industry, and to
aSl’.litrongei‘bcopsup‘nfr demaInd hIaLiI
'h' .' 1 .. ‘. YT}? L't‘
the people to vote a poll tax Will meet in failui e. digit“ u at a 1°
“We ‘5
Other sources Will fall short of meeting the need. PIrifIcStofI beef
cattlezdar? Ire! I > I I . I
_ ,I ' ‘por e 0 lave romaine air y‘i . ' "' '
‘ . . ‘
fOi new money, estimated at $36,000,000 at least. high over the spring but
.marketings and the low level oi“-
hog prices are expected to cause. "mm A-RE so
GET some decrease in this line. rte-E mun wmsro
ductions of wool imports and de-g ssnvs APPLES’
—‘~‘———- mand for this product in the na-l “I ,I
One gets an idea, and something of a shock,.333$;aggmimntthgmgffe120$;
from the recent publication of lists of thousands of Icommodity at the
present level:
' 1 ~- ' ' ~ ' 'On 'nlwhich is- about 30 per cent
hignei ups in the Public Works Administrati if er than the GOIIIeSpondIng
the four Northwest states, who receive upwaids Odlof 1939. .
, ' - 1 . I The hay and feed grain cro in
$2 000 a year to the chief who draws $6,000,IIaiiI , the United States thIs
wonders how any money could be left to diibb Blported developing favorably
with r
w ' ' some decline in prices noted in
I IdOV‘Vl’l t0 the Ina-n on the Shovel' . I recent months, A
smaller 1940
r. I: It apparently takes about as many engineeis,1Ithick hatch ,5 (MI
factor 100de
inspectors, assistants and clerks to handle the over—:10? to boost egg
prices during the;
coming fall and winter months. ‘
-» t " “ Gra efi'uit med. size _. 14 for 29%
head Of the pI‘OJeCtS carried 01'1 SO far, almost The extension
economist points DI II
as it does workers, which is proof of the needfor an ‘ gututhaé It)“
War 11ng htad a gen- "1 - k I Sunkist Oranges small 4 doz. 53c
, , ' , 1'3 y I9 Yosmng I9 CC on truit I Al aI's 011131“ for
eating, Crisp anc II "V- J“—:
overhaul of the system which has been bmlt up dur- ; prices in the United
States, be- figfiylwififgxtya flavor, Simlnsu Oranges lgc. 2‘doz.
c. Fieldsa
ANK cials for Friday, Saturd
*‘ him. up .m—
ay, Mon.
lion” E “An LARGE
)VVER j . I ~ ,
GRAN? TO EAT i=0}; YOUNG Alli? 010‘
3', v ‘ r.i"‘~1‘~‘13‘2-"§“*&' -‘«
it“ :i :i 1}-
.ig, 4-,
I troduccd stringent war-time con-
Of the people S money_ trol over the imports of our '
I Y - .. r. fruit. These restrictions are not
' App-aiently, too, the WPA is on the way out asi likely to be removed
for so me
a large concern and a more determined effort will , time‘ after the end
of the con- h
ing the several years past and the huge dissipation ‘ have 1’"
IlflI-lbs.__..49¢ Bux,...$i.79 Hot House Rhubarb... 2-lbs. 19¢
Fresh Broccoli .......... __ 2-lbs. 15¢
Utah Celery ______________ _. large 10¢
Fresh Calif. Carrots bu. 5c
New Tender Cabbage .... __ lb. 4¢
1A9 I Imperial Lettuce ........ __ 2 for 15¢
~ Oregon. Boil Onions 10-lbs. 19¢
t "“"‘“‘“ g; No.1 Potatoes __________ __ 15-1135.
R 1 Potatoes __________ ,_ 50-lbs. 69¢
Starting next Monday, the sur- Unmatched for their cooking qii:1i- N0. 1
Fey. Bakers
v 1 , lus food stamp office in the wel- ties. Buy a big 13323
WELCOML NEW INDUSTRY l? i. . . . n i . .
; signals; io-ibs.....i5¢ —- Box....sii.69 No» 1 Fci- Bakers ---- »-
134m 19¢
. . . . 1:30 t : .
That the newly organized Olympic Veneer l nesdayo 3,30Fi?§2y¥°nday'
wed ‘
Company has broken ground for the construction ofi. .During the “"0
mom“ “‘0 Of‘ ' 4
a new industry for Shelton, will be good news in that'flee has been
Open up t° now A COmPal our Prlces . I'inest vacuum packed
lhas been open daily except Sat- blend coffee DIIP O
. '1 1‘
N FLAKES . . . . .' .
be made to get the employables on the new armyi
For eating or cooking, Winesaps can‘t
be ,‘ocat.
10—ibs._..so¢ —I Bux...s
it. w‘. ' M3190“
post and building programs while they last, and toI _- I _~
.. ,mimui— some'”ofviithe7*riile‘s‘Which keep them off thel
Food Stamps Sold
higher paid trade jobs; but at any rate, the country
cannot long stand the WPA waste and war spending
' pyramid at the same time.
Only 3 Days Each
Week £13m After
‘ 9.
‘ V a. :1: fi‘
.it will add a live payroll to those which now support if:
fxgdgfisiggssthgaimg I II I refiuIiIiIir. I 2I I
lthls community, and a new process for turning raw-by ‘th‘e Office can
be handled 0,, Nilmaue Mayonnaise .......... __ pt. 2Ilc; qt. - t-n Abitm
VALE ilOQ‘S into finished product for shipment to mi'tside'th.e
I"educed schedule. explained Dutchess Dressmg‘ .............. ._ pt.
10¢; qt. 23¢. .
PEAS, Inarkets MISS Cora Barber, welfare supcr- Peanut Rafter 1b 2_1bSI
Visor. v ---------------- -- o
BEA ' ' ' ' I G vii «- Side Peas 17-01 tins____ 1.2 for
~ It . While Shelton welcomed the new shingle mill . a. e... , . ., I
. as 3 . i when it was built some dozen years ago, and regret— SURPLUS
FOOD LIST I Town House G1 apeiiuit Juice 18-oz.__ 4II/2.;¢
' ' ' ' ' 1- ted the conditions which kept it idle much
of thel Slil‘léllustfogds Ilwhicth kWill bi: Castle Crest PBaCheS
................. .L. 29-Oz. 13¢ 11:25; ‘3‘}, h fsiggkss'mnu-
‘ . . . , a1 a lies a in ar _ ‘ ' '
Etlme and a poor investment both for the owners and if the $031, :ng pm
"in pthe Sugai Belle Peas .................. .. 20-’0_z. tin 11¢
104m 254b,,
* lthe community, it is pleased to Welcome the new Washiiiggn
ariaFdiIiIring e8 Feb- Libby Whole Beans ______________ __ 19-0% tm 13¢ ¢
‘ ‘ . . uary rou e ruary er- . i . _ I , I
A' Eveneer concern and to extend the hope that it isliod, were
annogunced today by 6’0..- Sleepy HollowISyiup 26 oz. 29¢, '/2 gal.
65¢ I
. :due for a longer and more prosperous life. laid A. Fareed.‘AreaI
LxrectorI ror Fisher’s Blenzi Flour ________________ __ 49-lbs. 1.59
‘ lthe Surplus Marketing Adminis- - , .
7” l ' l / ltration. These are the surplus Kltchen Clafl“ (nu
------------------ -- 49' S' 'v
I . * : foods which may be obtained in MaXImuln Pan-{fake Flour ________ __
40¢ I.
“BREAK” I f d Tasty Pound fresh i
v 1 OLDST i9:333;ffgcafiluioiggp‘us °° Softasilk Cafe Flour 21/2410.
box 23¢ azimfimggigmeci .0 I
Do o o i ' _ . Fresh cabbage, which was among Canterbury Black Tea..__
1 -lb, 25¢“ lb. 49C ,
~ I; ' House Bill 54, introduced by Mason County dLS"lti:e
suz'lppis bfoodsI avatiiapie Mayday Salad Oil /2th 29¢; ,galI 55¢ 2
Ibs .
“"w" 5‘ V -' ’ a S am ar iCi an s m ‘ ------- -- - ~
- I
—"" V ltl laid representatlves’ Savat%e7 Hensfoélfl
and $01 d) l areaspduriziirig Itth Jarfiuary 1 thi'u II . .
3 W011 X6 l3 )eI'SODS OVBI' e 21 e 0 0 cars
'l'OlTl‘January 31 period, has been rc- I r-‘i - . m
I 1' 6 mp I g y V moved from the list for February. . ,
.the necessity of obtaining annual fishing and hunt- With this exception
thefiatmpn SIIIIIIy Dawn _ III IIIII I
'Iing licenses, which ' gives the 01d sports another ally
designated surplushfogIcIisbavziIl-, géodness of fresh runIIIpI I. .
l“break” along with age pens10ns. The idea has been! ibiiirlcilugiil
gfiepefiorduarli . “led “mam” ‘ C '
. proposed at several past sessions but failed of enough thi Isal'gle
its. tiltiloseII Whig; 13:: l . 26_OZI fin 46_OZI
' . bama e or e_ anu '_ i “ . I -.»I v
linterest to become law, and as few of the old-timers gammy 31 period The.
cbmplete IIEUIIEIIIEWI.. ¢ I ,.
“ get their money’s worth in game sport they are (311— 11%; of
blliiieststampPIfgrodgrgfstagg;I .v I ___,, I.. . .
' ' . ' . ' in am ” . - ,
ititled to some concesswn to keep up then inter est in gefmar; include;
Fresh g,,,pe_ mini; I I_ I , . I
3 game and fish preservation. I
fruit, oranges, apples, and pears,
onions (except green onions),
FOODS Mutton. Roast lb. 13c
Irish potatoes, butter, raisins, rice,
FOR FEBRUARY Young, Tender Mutton
Med. Grade “A” fresh
eggs. (Subject to mar—
ket change.)
2 do. 49¢
iii). 5mm
:allofruit doz. 29c
ANAs 4-1bs.é5¢
I ork lard, all po‘rk (except that -. ..
l 1Idooked or packed in metal or
i glass containers), cpIrn incalI, shrcIIII
I .e 3, dried runes, ominy cor
5 This state ranks seventh among all the states in 5%,, dry Edible bemI
, its per capita tax ratio. It stood last year at $37.07 I ileum and whole
Wheat (Graham);
_ . . - l flour, . -
for each person in the state. Which, it Will be ad- ._——— I _ I
I . _. mitted, is more than a comfortable load. Oregon isI I My Sholulsl
1:23;“ mm I 32%;” Ib-
22 l ,fa‘r down the list—26th—but there is not so much
v;,§;;g:‘g°g,§:§:,§ Weed em, ,6 '1 My“: Hormel‘s
Del-I-Cuthalf or Whole
I . ' ~ - .- ' ' ' i .
GI ,~I. » s _ c difference in per capita. Oregon 8 figure is Just. un-
end, would extend from New York I Péars I
. 5 lbs‘ ' der $30. In any event six other states are worse off ‘0
Chicaga g onions . 1 lbs
l}. " Ethan this—but the legislature is in sess10n at Olym-
Questions on Page 4. E gist: Potatoes . Loin and Rolled Rib
v. II Ipia and faced with the need of raising more money I" '
i”, I". , . ., .
It. ’ ‘than ever for state needs—Aberdeen World. ANSWERS To 2:?“
I) I ‘ggén‘thu ' l , I. Q. ‘I Pork‘ Lard . Center cuts
25¢ '
’ :I_ I = ,» , ' I II - l f- , I l ‘1 ' FIre’sh Pork l
PEN and swovemndked CéLIFORNIflS THE N 1. (a) Linen is made from 69f”
Meal OYSTERS ____________________ __ pint 21¢
3,6,, h, ghe rain tables have been turned on galifornia 3: E2;
$2351???"'Zi‘é‘cliffé'a l 32:35:91.5... LINKS
.............................. .. lb. 23¢
. I vw 1c is ending a six weeks experience 0 more or about 5,000,000 aliens
in the United . H .1 Gm ' i
onefwm . “W, can . . 10¢ llessI steady rains, and doubling of its normal
record, S’jtej-b) P9 . ue is kind of ‘ 03313:... s MUTTON
""" " a?
Saw Beans,on:f,‘;‘,‘n°,,,nof sawgiom‘nréad‘ gwhile in
Washington the rainfall has been below nor- bag... “0’ Wheat Flour »
" '
:30 I an iizzitMailroSIGW/Fmp II _ imal', with only one real rainy day
in which 3.91 inches 5. (c) The Four IHo‘rsemen— I. Whole Wheat
FIOU" WIENERS -= -------------------- -- lb- 18¢
gi.:§IyOuich “6°: Cam-'5?“ fell in 24' hours. Just now
Shelton is enjoying sunny :flfidefiagfiff ‘ BACON SQUARES ____ lb.
I,IGIee oice ofScolors...BLir- o I l ‘
“’mnszlackfirey- days and growing weather, even if the sun lacks
played at Notre Dame under
.its summer warmth. “We Rockne ,