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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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METROPOLITAN TORPEDO 9 dealers throughout the .si ziiii'iiiizti.“ dome isl‘; ( are ShOWing anew sedan, corner; on no either ll‘i'liiit gigaD. U. Bathrick, gen- opens. adjustable right. and left n Tornager. It 1“ the Mc~ sun vr-ors, dual tail lights and .3 Pedo sedan, a 4~door- dual horns. iyan trey... model on the DcLuxc The advertised delivered price at hulls. ,is $921 ~thc same as the six win- ,loan is , etmpoman Torpedo SW dow sedan, and. in other 1941 American he lowest priced sedan of i’thltltiC initials, it offers the tor; (b) Pontiac ha», ever bum choice <11” an eight cylinder en- 1) artist. , thrick. It is completcll: 57in” [‘33 "“ii/ ‘5‘" “llh'fl'iw t alien he _10West priced 11‘.) inch States 51101 hm? 0f Torpedo lTln’it‘l" non-citi allother 1941 Pout». ' about (a)... Will either six 0:: er c) 5,000, ‘t‘ngmes . tore, thii- 4~dor>r, 4 vxin~ [e is the .,‘ hllafl been offered only f (“Wig / g or priced i 2 inczi (d) ms 2 Custom Torpedo 1i (3 our Hers nc Fisher boiv c: :in-, BY ART BRONSON . now maki i played at of the top L (c) Notrlilvailable in th'i ?' nge. fl ', £t$polltan Torpedo. onion : l additi. w jOVERED c. All Otllgl‘l Lil}: $'25.per the 4—door, 6-windcw sle- rate 15 “ being continued U 'f that rear compartment {if the 4-window sedan,‘ I 1 e seats and the smartly rear deck which provides \tlally large luggage com-_ d,The Metropolitan Tor, n also offers a lot ofl standard equipment eelnclosed. safety running ectric Cigar lighters, ash Center of instrument pan- . rt 4 rloor at . low. , . IIAS’I‘ September you couldn‘t have sold the Cleveland ln- diaris to their most rabid router for much more than a canceled two—cent stamp. And little wonder. After ap- parently clinching the town's first pennant in 20 years, the ln- dians flopped miserably in the stretch. IBut time wipes clean even the dirtiest slate, and with baseball still weeks away. the Cleveland rumble is starting anew. Two factors account for the Indian tans’ premature pennant flush: First Oscar Vitt, who weath— ered an abortive player putsch in June, has been fired. Roger Peckinpaugh has returned as ; manager. The fans figure that means harmony and peace on L, the Indian bench. 1 Second, Gerald Walker was I obtained from Washington in a three-way deal this winter which also brought Jim Bagby from Boston. That, the Cleveland fan tells you, insures needed outfield , power for Cleveland. I I! It WALKER, a clown by reputa— tion, joins his fourth major league club in nine years, which should give rise to considerable conjecture. When a player drifts as Walker has, there is usually a goodreason for it. Gerald’s longest stretch was at Detroit from 1932 to 1937. In 1934 and 1935 Detroit won the pennant, but Walker was not a 701‘s Oll as fingerprint. . ar Three 5 6 KM" stronger than regular. In 1937 he enjoyed his SAT. .1 s _3 hough advance— blggest year . . . drove in 113 :45 P. erin pre-natal care of gag]: hits for a splendid ' e. s are tending to dim- the latter group. Only Physician can assay physical condition and you on the care of Then came an amazing move. Walker was traded to Chicago- Despite his hefty batting average, DetrOit gave him the gate. Tiger fans were furious at Mickey 'iew . health. Cochrane, but the great loss Was purely imaginary. it ill t I [iMMY DYKES was overjoyed when he landed Walker, but after watching his general indif- ferent attitude for two years, he r-iwned him off to Washington for outfielder Taft Wright. Cleveland’s excitables may i l v But Will Walker Fill Bill value. this selling event. LIBERAL TERM’S Olsen E'umit Beautiful and rare veneers used on +his large 48" chest to malte this an outstanding ...__. ,A_________.‘ ._, \._ v¥ _ W.F.A. To Sponsor Tea On February 25 Officers of the Women’s Field Army Against Cancer, meeting at the home of Mrs. C, E. Runacres yesterday, laid initial plans to sponsor a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. B, N. (.Jollier on liainnie.:,ley inlet on Fellini-Ly no .113 event W1. Further details of ‘20 announced litter. A Vacant {2211.16 )i'l P T‘Hvuc Armaniqu :r' Journal \Vant—Ads—Phonc 100 . lndians’ Hopes Run High, 9 Gerald Walker . . . Cleveland fans believe he’ll supply needed power in the outfield. find that Gerald’s fielding looks a lot different in 154 games than it does in only a few. He has trouble backing up for fly balls. He likes to turn over the more difficult chances to his teammate in center field, especially if the latter can cover ground. He is not a hustler . has never been noted for his bursting en- ergy. All of this—combined with the fact that the Cleveland clubhouse lawyers have won a striking vic- tory in ousting Vitt and will be riding high-may combine to make Peckinpaugh and Walker a couple of unhappy Indian ven- tures in 1941. A8 ADVERTISE Ill Buy now and get the best value. and the loveliest of all love gifts—A Valentine that says more than "I love You." All Lane Chests specially priced for We Company I l l l l l l I l l l l l I l l l l l ROGER Director, National Farm Youth Foundation FARMERS MUST GET TOGETHER 1; With the coming of the New Year. men and women of the farm and village are facing prob— lems that will require unified and co-ordinated action. Otherwise. the interests of l rural communi~ ties will become subjugated to those of big cit— ies which are or— ganized to bring pressure to bear with regard to national policies. This city action is too often det— ' i rimental to rural K395 areas. Now that the winter evenings are with us. we folks in rural communities have more time to sit in our rocking chairs and think. National policies give us a l l i l I i great deal to think about. How—l3 ever. thought will not take usi far unless we add action. And action isn‘t worth much unlessI it is the combined action of a number of people with the same objectives in mind. Our rural communities have the farm as their foundation. '1‘th success or failure of the farm operation determines the successl or failure of the community which rests upon it. , Successful farming can become‘ relatively easy to attain through-I out the United States if the bur- dens placed upon farmers can be removed. Agriculture has been penalized too long. It is timei that rural America expressed it- self with authority and determi-i nation. We folks in rural commu— l nities must get together. EveryI day national poliCies are being chided upon which affect agricul- ture directly or indirectly. Un- fortunately. agriculture is not ren— dering opinions which are suffi- ciently strong to demand consider- -ation before these decisions are made. i When less than 50 per cent of , farm real estate is really owned 1 by farmers and that only about half this amount is in the richest agricultural states, it is easy to see that the farmers are receiving and will continue to receive a decreas- ing proportion of the agricultural l income. Farm purchasing power is thus reduced and the income re- ceived by creditors is increased. Under the economy of the fam- ily farm, which predominated in our early agriculture, expendi- tures for outside conveniences were held to a minimum. Today I canned goods and “boughten” bread are symbolic of cash ex— penditure made for the sake of convenience. Trouble started when convenience caused farm peoplej to lay out money for things that- could be produced on the farm with a minimum cash expenditure. . When farmers bought land, build- } ings and equipment, before they could reasonably afford them, I debts began to create interest loads. Today, as a result of being i so anxious for commodities to make farming more convenient, I the farmers of many communities , have been willing to discount fu- ; ture income 25 per cent to have i What they wanted when they wanted it. This has amounted to maintaining a standard of living by using up property. The result has been less of land i ownership and an unbearable 1 mortgage debt. This drifting into a morass of further debt can con- I tinue or be curbed. The choice is I up to every farmer faced with this i situation. 1 Some will say the causes differ I from those just described. For ex-. , ample, land speculation is consid- ; ered a cause of farm difficulties. 1 Of course, there are many such . things that put farmers in debt. ' However, there is only one basic ' thing: too many farmers failed to maintain a proper balance be- tween cash income and cash out- lay. 0 Those who turn to family sized ; farms and operate them on a family basis; with buildings and equipment designed to do the work I required on family forms, can re- turn, the ranks. of the iarm ownch without morlv I gages. The effort will pay HELTON-MASO COUNTY IOUR Ilatter being Boy Scouts. NAI: Bus Overturned at the bottom of a 12-foot embankment is the wreckage of a Los Angeles—bound bus that left the highway on a curve near Wickenburg, Ariz. Thirteen of the 17 occupants were injured. Edith—ORGANIZATIOle oiling? PACK SLATED MONDAY EVENINGl Final steps in the organization of the Lincoln Cub Pack will be taken next Monday evening at a meeting of all parents of children in the Pack which will be held at 7:30 o’clock in the Lincoln school building. Between now and the meeting Monday all dens within the Pack will hold meetings to choose den mother., fathers and chiefs, the Some dens haVe already done so. Mon-. day’s meeting will select a Cub- master and other leaders for the Lincoln Pack, which is being spon- lscred by the Lincoln P.T.A. Parents of boys who will be members of the Cub Pack have now completed a special training course of three classes in which the fundamentals of Cub Pack organization, aims and guidance were taught by Allan Adams, Tumwater Council executive, and Dr. Eugene Browning, Tumwater Council commissioner. The Cub Packs are handled through the Boy Scout organization, in fact are in fact junior Boy Scout groups composed of boys from 9 to 12. years of age, just under the minimum Boy Scout age of 12 years: As outlined in the Cub Pack manual, the general purposes of he Cub Pack is roughly as fol- lows: “In every neighborhood can be found a “gang” of nine, ten, and oleven-year—old boys. There may be from two to fourteen or fif- teen boys composing this gang. They form a natural neighbor- hood play group and most of their leisure time will be spent playing together. They have no adult. leadership and most of the plans they originate for their leisure time activities are mean- ingless. This is the group that Activians Over Much Territory Through the medium of motion pictures, Activians last night went beating in Hood Canal, fishing in the Pacific Ocean off Astoria, Or‘e- I gon. took a. trip east via. airplane; and return through the southern states in a new car, visited log—. gmg camps in Mason County andl claw scenery of the unmatchedl l l Pictures Whisk i Olympia Mountains and Hood Canal. The “magic carpet" trip wasl provided by Roy Kimbel, Shelton‘ logging company proprietor, con—I tractor, and Richfield Oil distribu- tor, with his motion picture cam-I era. Several reels of pictures were shown on the several different ac-l tivities mentioned above, provid-. ing some two hours of entertain. merit for the clubmcn. Little business was attemptedl at the weekly club session other] than hearing reports of the Dis- trict One mid-winter convention at Pacific Beach from Arnie Grib-. rielson and Paul Marshall, thei club's two delegates i Plunges Over Bind; 13 Injured Pontiac’s New I_._o_w_- l l I heels the Cuh‘oing program tel give them direction in their ac-j tivitie’s, and this gang constitutes: who. is known in Cubbing as thcl "Den." 3 “In every community there willl be found several of these neigli-I borhood gangs, or Dons. When1 the Dens from different neighnl borhoods are introduced to Cub-I hing, they join a federation of Dens to form the Cub Pcck. The Pack is composed of several Densl “The Dens meet formally oncel a. week at homes or “Dons” ini their regular Den Meetings, un-f der the guidance of a Boy: Scout who is called the “Deni Chief." He is aided by a. “Den? Mother" and a “Den Dad," a fa-i her who represents the Den on! the Pack Committtee. The Deng Chief is trained and helped by thel Cubmaster. The Dens may meet‘ informally many times a week in, their regular play periods at thel Den or play place. I “Once every month the Dens‘ are brought together into a large; meeting of all the Dens, calléd‘ the Pack meeting. Here they are under the direction of the Cub- master and his Assistants. Herc, parents, of the Cubs participate in the program. Naturally, parents, are interested in what their sons’ have been doing during the month in their regular Den meetings. Re- cognition is made of the Cubs who i have made outstanding achieve-I merits during the month.” Stained Glass Stained glass of the Middle ages is irregular in thickness and bevl cause of this the light rays are! bent passing through it. The old; stained glass is usually from one- i sixteenth to a quarter of an inch ' thick. , treatmc'ht mus}: of Washington, swatch. l Cattle Reduced By Treating Nowf Expenditure of a. few cents per animal, a little enezgy and a ..l atively small amount of time during the next few months will, help dairy and beef cattle own-l 'crs of Washington materially re- duce losses due to infestations of cattle grubs or ex warblcs. The, be started soon. it is to be most of- howevcr, if fective. Cattle grubs, which are actual ly the larvae of the heel fly. evince damaget- beyond general realiza- tion, says L. G. Smith, extension entomologist at the State Colleg: and time spent in control in well woth while. Smith points out that the grubs and flies cause decided drop" in; milk production, damage beef rc—f sulting in grading down, injurel hides when sold for leather anal sometimes cause death of ani—i malt}. I The heel fly (‘3pos..‘s egg" hair of the boots or belly of thcl animals during the summer. Thesc eggs hatch and the g'ubs work their way into and through {licl body of the host animal, f1n-‘ili'l migrating to the back during; the." winter. The grubn cut a, "mall hole through the skin and remain there for about 45 days before1 they cmergc and drop to the’ ground to transform into flies. Trials hrve shown that the bes‘ method of contiollingr the pest i=1 to kill the grubs by forcing a? rotenone bearingr “‘2.f“l through} the breathing holes, Smith dc—I claret He also urges that all‘ the farmers in any infested areal treat their animals in order to rc-: duee the number of flies whichl Oil ‘ will attack the cattle during the coming summer. I Treatment should be startedl about threeweek'v after the war- bles are first noticed in the backr. of the animal"; using a wash com-I posed of 12 ounces of Cube or} Dorris root containing five pei l cent rotenonc, two ounces of a' neutral soap and one gallon oil _ One quart of thiv mixture. I Will treat from three to 801' more' whether I water. animals depending on dairy or beef. l The rotenonc mixture should be; backs of the ani.l sprinkled on the Deuxe Metropolitan "Torpedo" Six Four-Door Seddn, $92118 (white sidewall tires extra) Priced Metro fLos Angelcs Ablcy io- l l i I politan “Torpedo” Sedan 41/101097?” the 4-wind0W lowest-priced 4-door, NOW TO THE MOST popular line of cars it has ever offered, Pontiac adds a new and striking model—the low-priced Metro olitan “Tor- pedo” Sedan with body by Fis er, patterned flier a higher-priced and smsationally success- Pontiac body type. . This new Metropolitan is a four-door, four- window sedan with a smart, enclosed rear quarter. With two windows on each side, it takes on lines and contours impossible to achieve with the conventional six-window design. In addition. it combines unusual rear- compartment spaciousness with the privacy which many (ind desirable. 317 S. First . . , sedan in Pontiac history. Here is another true Pontiac, endowed with all of Pontiac’s sturdiness, handling ease and economy— plus the unrivalled comfort of Pontiac’s "Triple-Cushioned Ride." Yet it sell: a price just above the lowest. See it today! PONTIAC PRICES BEGIN AT ‘828 FOR THE DE LUXE "TORPEDO" SIX BUSINESS COUPE *Delivered at Pontiac, Michigan. State tax, optional equipment and accessories —- extra. Prices subject to change wit/nut notice. SHELTON MOTOR CO. R. B. DICKEY Page Five Ashes Of J. E. Grout Going To Les Angcles Ashe? of J. Edwin Gv'cut, C5, veteran Simpnin Loggng company employe who dropped (lizl’l while ictuiiiing from ka in the woods last Thursday, will be taken to final dis. posal by Mrs. Grout. The body was cremated Min- day following funeral seivices 1 at Saturday from \‘Vi‘tsicra Chapel, mals and thoroughly wotkcd into the skin with a brush. . :it should cover the area fr . pin bones up to the shoulders about one-third of the way drnu'n the .siides of the animal. if {mi- malo are housed at night lI’CJllx merit should be made in the (ve- ning, otherwise application 7' [id be made in time to permit drying before night. Lil anl TAKE PRECAUTIONS When you have been out late, at night eating and drinking, take a ‘spoonful of Bisma~R~3x in a glass of water before going to bed. Eis- ma-ch acts four ways to com- bat acid-indigestion. Try it and see how wonderful it is. Buv Bis— ma-Rex, only 50c, at the Rexall Drug Store w Gordon's Shelton Pharmacy. HOME LOANS 0 Convenient Terms O Reasonable Rates 0 N0 DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. A GENERAL MOTORS MASTERPIECE AVAILABLE AS A S__I)_§—-OR AS AN EIGHT FOR ONLY $25 DIFFERENCE ice TIIE m “R WITII TIIE m PINE Phone 188