January 30, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i’au’e Six
Baptist Young People
Slate Meetings
Two meetings are slated for the
Baptist Young Peoples Union this
week and Sunday. Thursday eve-
ning they will have their regular
weekly prayer hour at 7:30 p. m.
in the basement of the church. On
Sunday evening at 6:15 p. m.
they will gather .or an hour of
prayer and singing and Bible
study. You are cordially invited
to attend theze meetings.
Say It
They B'ring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
l’ravis Floral Shop
Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
Fl 2.:
.- ifr.
Brand—~303 Tin
n l
i.l.J.B. Jr‘.
Elm Melba. i.
Garden Catsup .. .. iiZ-= 'Z.
3 in
Centennial Pancake Flour énlbs. 25¢
Vv‘llisky Sour, Lemon Sour. Ginger Ale. etc—plus deposit.
Happy Home Napkins pkg. 951
Eden 2-:
H. Home Tom. Juice . . 46-02. tin 21¢
SHORTENIHG 3"-ibs.45‘e
4cm}: 07W-
Large Juicy Oranges . . . . Z-doz.
Lge. Grapefruit. . shopping bag 29¢~
Sunkist Lemons doz. 19¢
Begas, Carrots, Turnips.. 3-lbs.
lilomebuildcrs Hold
lieguiar Meeting .
The Homebuilders Club of the
Baptist Church held their reguv
lar meeting Tuesday night, Jan-
uary 28 at the Art Bennett home
with Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Char~
lie Chase hostess. “Science and
lthe Bible” was the topic studied
tduring the evening, followed by
the serving-0f refreshments. The
next meeting will be held at the
IFloyd Hackett home Tuesday eve-
ining, February 3, at 7.30 p. m.
gwith Mrs. Otha Moore and Mrs:
Howard Yule hostesses. The
study topic will be “Prophecy ill
[the End Time."
Royal Neighbors ‘
Change Meeting Place
Announcement was made this
week of the change of meeting
places for the meetings of he
Royal Neighbors of Woodcraft
which are held every first
:third Thursday.
at the Odd Fellows Hall
1 thering
lag heretofore, the group wi
at the Memorial Hall.
qt. ' 109
Ill. 2‘lc
In. 190
am? flwciace
r l
’ lcrs present, V
i son joined the club and Mrs. Eliza-
'beth Saeger won the penny drill.
a n d E E
Instead of ga- l or were flower girls.
ll meet { m
by. pen
Of Honor
Holds Installation
The. Odd Fellows Hall was at-
tractively decorated
c;.elllc:lies of the Degree of Hon-
0:. Mrs. Peal-1 Uoblctt was install-
ing officer; Phyllis Noblett, in.-tail-
ing llzher: Alma White. installing
past president; Douglas Lazson, in-
lllllg pianist. Members of the
oz't staff were Mar-y Flint,
Evelyn Ting“-
, An
and Betty Wiiiteaker. while
inestl‘ne Young and Nedra Down-
The newly installedaofficcre and
air escorts for the ceremony
were Bessie Barrett, past presi—
dent, escorted by Kathleen O’-
Neill; ary Cormier,
vice-president, escorted
Eloise Boyce; Heleu Key-
second viCe-president, e:cort—
ed by Marjorie Keysers; Esther
Morgan, financial secretary and
juvenile director escorted by Viv-
ian Elson; Maude Mell. treasurer
escorted by Lois Mcll; Freida
Smitl usher escorted by Bonnie
usher escorted by Shirley Ger-
hardt; Inez Shorter, inner watch
escorted by Georgena Booth; Ari
V. Dundas, outer watch escorted
by Peggy Whittingham; Marga-
ret Boll, right assistant to vice-
prcsident escorted by Annab‘clle
Cole; Nancy Smith, left assistant
to the vice-president escorted by
June Jordan; Bea Larson. pianist
escorted by Peggy June Barclay,
kind Eatllel Mitchell, adviser to
the president escorted by Gloria
Noblett. An outstanding feature
of this installation was the fact
that there were five mothers and
their daughters taking part.
Following the installation of the.
officers gifts were presented to
the installing officers and flower
girls by Mrs. Esther Morgan, while
leach officer presented her escort
; with
_.- Ipreé-cntcd Mrs.
with her past presidents pin and a
;,. gift from the associated officers.
'1': Mrs. Mary Flint presented gifts
i I. to the members of her escort staff,
Royal Tissue .. . . . .‘ . . . . . 6 rolls 25¢
, posed of
Mrs. Eathel Mitchell
Bessie Barrett
who in turn presented one to her.
Also on the program for the
evening were songs by a trio com-
Edlth Wright, Eileen
'Iough and Carol Swedburg, ac-
companied by Douglas Larson. So~
los and yodeling numbers were
alzo presented by Jeannie Mitchell
accompanied by her sister Doro-
thy Mitchell.
Delicious refreshments were
served at the close of the pro-
gram with the tables for the oc-
cation being decorated with greens
and replicas of mountains and
other outdoor scenery. Members
of the supper committee were
Mrs. Grace Stephens, chairman,
and Harry Young, Martin Smith,
Clair Hammond, C. C. Smith, Char-
les Mitchell, Vivian Morgan, Bill.
Noblett, Julius LaBissoniere, John
.Cormier and Loui Larson.
Arcadia Economics Club
Meets At Club, House
The Arcadia. Economics Club
met at the Southside Club House
on Thurs ay, January 23, with
thirteen members and four visit-
Mrs. Alonzo Robin-
The next meeting will-be Feb-
ruary 14 at the club house. Each
person is requested to bring a
valentine for exchange. There will
also be a fish pond and games.
Mrs. Huntington and Mrs. Asche
are to be the hostesses for this
Will Visit Children
Mrs. M. S. Hodge will leave this
week for Seattle where she will
spend about a month visiting with
her children.
ever heard of such a thing?” asks Hug/9
{'Woo-woo’] Herbert— but Anne Nagel proves
"You ca
ww WAX
' you MAKE IT -—
and if: was delicious.
made if, weak and that was great
coflee (00. Now I’m justas woo-
u'oo orer- RI. J. B. as you arr.
ANNE: O.K., Ifugll, Iforg'irc you.
Let’s have another cup of cqtfee!
n'l make a Imth cup
' ,‘of Mull" _.
ANNE: Sure I’m mad at you! You
can’t tell me don’t know what
’m talking about.
HUGH: But Anne, apologizeal’m
really sorry. Ijust didn’t believe
that Ill. J. B. could be good (my
way you made it, but you proved
‘ was wrong—,—
you made it strong
Then you.
35m CUP or‘ M. J. B.
...Make your coffee with the same
care and in the same way you have
in the past. Two exclusive M. J. B.
features— aricher roast wand-double
blending—will give you the finest
cup of coffee you ever tasted.
GUARANTEE. Buy apound today.
Try it for a week. If it’s not the
best you ever tasted, return the lid
to the M. J. B. Co. ,365 Third Street,
San Francisco, and we’ll ref-ad
DRIP GRIND. .Jov drug; or glass
coffee makers
REGULAR GRIND...lor percolalor
or coffee pot
in greenery Brownie Troop
uesdav evening for the im- at a, birthday party'Wednesflay
.rcssrve and beautiful installation afte-DOCD. January 39. When Mrs.
1; Marie Gerhardt, assistant
. Ella McCulloch.
Sll I'll .’l‘(.) NHMA 80 N COU N’l‘
V JOURNAL l‘i'j' fill
’l‘lllll‘L-tllziy. »l.’ll".ll:
N cert {if 1' C0
5 Belfair Mother’s i 0
1 Club Are Seated ‘
i i
By Mrs. Gladys Irving
v ».
. Juan-luau... . mm.
but, a“;
l "
Lace Puts Spring in Winter Dresses
cw Off
ld Curl
Cold Shou
Belfair, January 29~—~Thc
Ilfair Mothers Auxiliary of Boy.
1 Scouts installed the newly elected.
[officers for the coming your Mon-i
iday, January 20th. The meeting
,was held at the Roy Culbertson
home. Returning officers present
Iwcre Mrs, Laura Culbertson, pres-3
lident; Mrs. Viola Ncwkirk, secreU
fBordeaux Brownies
Enj'rv Birthday Party
Nineteen members of Beldeauzt
No. 6' were guests
Max Marl- entertained in honor 0-;
~ the seventh birthday of her daugh— ‘ . . y. . i '
tcr Beverly. .A very enjoyable as} lain-tgfisurelg new}, Officers-id
ternoon was spent playlng var-i ii rs’ ‘19 eacoc preSI en
ers. Lois Michael, vice president
iand Mrs. Evalyn Beck, secretary-
jtrcasurer. After the meeting ad-
Ejourncd the hubsands of the la-.
dies came and 500 was played,
Mr. and Mrs. Beck won high
prize and Mrs, Heacock and Wil-
liam R. Dave won the consolation.
prizes. Those attending were Mr.ji
and Mrs. Burton Michael, Mix}
and Mrs. Parlmer Johnson, Mr..
and Mrs. Marion Ncwkirk.
icuo gamer, followed by the serv-
ing of beautiful and delicious!
birthday on :e and refreshments,
Among those present for the
a ternoon were Mrs. W'. M. El-
liott and Mrs. A. E. Klass'cll, mem-
bers of the Girl Scout Council,!
who Stopped in unexpectedly on an\
inopecticzrtrip of tho Brownie
Troops; the follovrirfigr members Ofl
lthe Brownie troop, Terry Lynn
New lace, without the lavender,
adds a fresh note to dark
dresses worn in late winter or
early spring. Narrow Valen-
cinnes lace, usually reserved for
the baby trade, edges the em-
cular int
Hair conditioned for her 2 y Officials
queen of Chicago rol'rige »' era, is a
Mr. '
Skelse , Lorraine Andrews, An— . u ,r
'namaey Jost, Ethel Libby, Janet' Eagosegfit (igfimlrbg 231%; Egg
,allm FMI‘S- C. C. Eddy. Mmr. andDM‘rs., and air conditioning exhl
“$113011 3‘1
.Swanson, Patricia Henderson, Jean, “little girl” mood try wearing
“glas. geckwllvll. and 1341:. fiscal“. Audrey Cgflcy wows Curl ._ one
Briggs, Mary \Vllson, Joyce Still'- the lace_trimmed’ collar with:
922“? 0x1, - 1. 311d_ MEL, Clulldel resemble frosted cells. 1.3? fir
0y, JoLoycc Hunter, Beverly Wes—l scalloped edges abovel Its
I‘lllvgqlzitié “arm smile belies her frlgl‘. 5 st ,tlm‘
,afiwfoifigzméfiggxm$1.221{322; clever design gives a double , Mrs.
Alice Pope, Mls. Events? 0e of hen
loondony Betty Buchanan, Jeanie collar efieC-t.» jBaldwin, William R_
Dave, Tiger! Keclian, who is an old‘ {land and
Simmons, Joan Hadsell and the, —_.-L__ _,k,_ ,_ __..7,AW_, ,_~~__A__
=Lee. Tommy McCarty. Cilarlczlffieml. Allis returns/J the 1 .llrnisihing
honor guest Beverly Man. other . satterwalte, Billy and David Bald- i the
week. -mllnicipai
Mill Creek Club , [Valentine Party \vm, Burton Michael, Jr, Howard‘ Mr.
and Mrs. Earl 0018,6011
guests in attendance were Doro-g , V
thy Auseth’ Andy Studebaker andl Plans Bingo Party [Satin-day, rebruary 1
Donna Mac Marr, and the Ber-i The Mill Greek Community Club} The
JuYemleE'LOf the Degree 0f
ldeaux Brownie Troop leader, Mrs. met with Mrs. Emma Robbins on! Honor W111
mee'v 0“ saturday at
'O. Genter and the hostess, Mrs. . Tuesday afternoon for a businessi
the Odd FEHPWS Hall at 1 O’clock
Mam ' for a Valentine party. There Will
meetin and tea.
g l be an exchange of valentines fol-
Final plans were made for al . .
Bingo party, for members of the: lowed by the servmg of refresh-
.Club and their invited friends, to' mcnta
be held at the home of Mrs. Julia!
Jackson next Tuesday evening,
February 4. beginning at 7:30 p;
m. Assisting hostesses for the‘i
[ton Women's Chorus Concert. Ben party win he Mrs, Myrtle Sweat--1 will
IHallgrimsou was very fortunate; ingen, Mrs.‘ Inga Knecland, Mrs! Tuesday
CW3nt at the M
'in PTGCUI‘ing the Tacoma Philhar‘ Bernice Jansson and Mrs. Lura.
Hall beginning at 8 p. m.
0 ed. At
Vote for
_ and i
.111 excl
Heacock, Myrtl‘c and Roland Cul-iwere Bremerton visitors
bertten and host and hostess, lIr. urday.
and Mrs. Roy Culbertson. A lovely'
lunch was served and all had a,
grand time.
Mrs. Chas. living. Austin uni
Walter Sebring attended the dem—
ocratic meeting at the courthouse
gin Shelton Sunday afternoon.
Quite a few from here attend~
ed the Sequim-South Kitzap ban
ketball game at South Kitsnp high
school gym on Saturday CVC‘lllIlg
in which South Kitsap won 41 to
A codi‘ldi lays a million 6
Vr'llilc the old red hen la .
But the codiish does not 7’
To inform you what shc’5'\ '-7
iTacoma Quartet
To Appear Here ,
Upon learning the Grays Harbor
{String Quartet would be unable to
meet the new date of February 7,
'which has been set for the Shel-
And .93 we scorn the codf>
And the helpful hell we
Which indicates to thcughtf
minded- '
It pays to advertise.
American Legion Auxiliary
To Hold Regular Meeting .
The American Legion Auxiliary
a regular meeting next
emorial ,
moni? Quartet .for that evening: Hurst. 1W1“ also be Pa.“ preSidentS
and! Quite a few l‘ig‘h school “"lld- I, V-
This professwnal' quartet IS The penny arm prim was won. past
commanders. night The S”. , ents are entnrtaitnnw em; weighs .» he
composed of such artists as Georgel by Mrs, Hurst The Class in basket: ving
of refreshments will round . this week “b ' ‘ “ ‘V F -» g
,Johnson, first violin. The public making will meet with Mariel out the
evening’s activiuee. i '
. ; Mrs, Glen Harris and Mls.
inll remember Mr. Johnson in hisi Storey on Wednesday; February 5! ,___ ,
lappearance “1 thC,SP1‘ing ConCEFt. at 1 p. m. The next regular meet-
iof. last year. Maxme- Johnson, hls_ mg of the club Wm be atuthe. Hold
Saturday Food Sale
;W1f0. Plays second Ylolm- HaTOId home of Myrtle Swearingen oni , Members
of the w.c,T,U_ are
Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
‘Whelan, who plays the viola. 13| February 12. gholaing a food sale all
day Satur—I
from Bremerton and Mr. and Ml s. .
lmusm director at the Auburn high: lday' February 1, at the Lumber II
Earl Johnson VlSlted With the
'school, and IS a noted solo1st in; special Notice 3
. .- . 'Robert Amgels Sunday. I
Tacoma and Seattle. Victor Kestle,l For Chorus Members
22;";erglegfnfigifueggénpigy‘ 113,2 ‘ David Crosswhite took off
.cello player, is a prominent 5019— A11 members of the Shelton wo'_i
their foods at the Store early lday‘ for navy duty in San Diego, ;
ist and teacher in Tacoma. He 13: men's Chorus are urged to keep;
ECallf” where he Wlll Jillll a navy l
dil‘eCtOI‘IOf music in the Masonlin mind that there will be a dressl
Rainbow Girls lumt- , , ‘
junior1 hlghuschogl .otf 1Tacoma. He‘ fiehearsal‘ for the concert, at
the: Meeting Tuesday ’hsfilll‘sveilgrré: vicinitt
was 2150 cc 0 so 015 as: summer uni 1“ i 5 ' ‘ . , 1 . . z 5
lat Interlochen, Michigan with thej'rueggla;1 gegenffgmflggggy’: :2;
A Yet-3mm meeting 0f the Ram"
gfamous Maddy orchestra. The 7:30 p. m. ‘
bow Girls will be held on Tue..-
complete program for the concert, day evening, February 4, at the
will appear in Tuesday’s paper. I
‘Charles Irving visited. Earl
Johnson . Monday.
W.C.T. U. Members To
Delivered allynvllere
South 10th
Call 1124.
to Tacoma Sh “on
'with Marie
-ih‘_ r .34 4x" a ,
Masonic Temple beginning at 7 :30
2 1 Your New Calendar ll
Compliments of Nature’s Remedy
and ' I
30¢» are?
Calendar Thermon‘lctcrs While the Supply L15.
.. DR WE
Attend Installation
Of Bremerton Court '
Several members of Laurel!
iCourt, Order of the Amaranth mo-l . ' m' ‘
tored to Bremerton on Mond.ayllhuve1 Mty BeStO‘VS
evening to attend the installation Degree On ParentS‘
ceremonies of the new royal ma-j
tron of Bremerton Court. Thoscl seattle. Jan- 27—Mr- and Mrs-H
Seattle were!
Mr. And Mrs, Claude Strobe
Honored Tuesday Evening
.Mr. and 1 Mrs. Claude Strobe
were pleasantly surprised Tuesday
evening when a'group of friends
dropped in at their new home at
811 Gate. for a housewarming. The
friends presented them with a.
walnut occasional table for the
, new home. The evening was spent
in playing games with Mrs. Mor-
rissey, Ken Blanchard and Dr.
Browning winning the prizes. The
deliciou: refreshments which the
friends also brought were enjoyed
l by Dr. and Mrs, George LeCCmpte,
making the trip were Mr. and Mrs.t 30ml H- Reid Of
A. L. Ferwerda. Mrs. Bernhardi aWarded the honorary degree dPal“
Winiecki, Mrs. Mae Lusk, Mrs] ents extraordinary” by the Uni-l
Mathes, Mrs. Ella McCulloch, Mrs. l Versity 0f .WaShingtOn at especial! ‘
Ida Kirkland and Mrs. Leigh Duf— l ceremony arranged by their ch11~ .
field. Mrs. Ferwerda, accompaniedi dren at the Reid home yeSteI‘dBY-ii
by Mrs. Winiecki sang during the It was the third time since 1889:
Ceremonies. lthat the university has bestowed}
such honor. They were given the .
O.E..S. Sooial Club laward for sending nine sons and; v
Meeting Tuesday daughters through the university.
Members of the Order of East-l
and Mrs. James Morrissey, Mr. Mr. eid. ubI-sh ref the Un-_
and Mrs. James Needham. Ml‘.i ern Star Social Club will meet at
ve,s.,ffle;:,§ 3.11., ea' bromine;
and Mrs- Kenneth Blanchard, Mr. i the Masonic Temple on Tuesday,
and Mrs. Fred Doherty, Mr. and February 4, for a 1 o’clock lunch-
2521252113: the waShmgton Press
Mrs. Lloyd Loughnan, Mr. and , eon and afternoon of cards. '
Mrs. Fred Snelgrove, Mr. and ~~» .
Mrs. Harlan Jordan. Mrs. Clyde
Wilcox, and the honored guests,
Mr, and Mrs. Strobe.
. F Fl EE:
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Browning, Dr.
Shelton Won'lan?s Club
To Meet. February ,3 .
The Shelton Woman‘s Club will‘
hold their next meeting Februaryl
3 at 1:30 p. m. at the home. of]
Mrs. Purl Jemison. Mrs. Homer
Taylor will be in charge of the
program on Old Masters.
Amaranth Secial Club,
Holds Quizz Party , .
There were about 18 members
and a guest, Mrs. Harriet Lough-
nan present at the meeting of the
Amaranth Social Club (Sn Tues-
day evening at the home of Mrs :
C. M. Danielson, for which Mrs.l
Ida Loughnan and Miss Clare En-
gelsen were hostesses.
The party was in the formjof
a. quizz party with honors for the;
evening being Won by Mrs. Flor-
ence Frisken and Mrs. Edna Bat-
stone. Cut, prize was won by Mrs.
Dainty refresh—
ments. were served at the close of I
the evening.
1113 Money Y0" Stale l94| Kelvinator '-
ls Only Hall StorA w
«A flick of the finger—and the exclu-
sive, new Magic Shelf makes room for.
extra-tall bottles. Another easy change
-— and there’s room for a 12‘-pound
turkey—five finger-tip adjustments
give you five shelf arrangements.
Mill—g“ “
Public Card Party
Slated For Friday , I
l The public card party being givo
on this Friday, January 31, at the,
Colonial House by the Order of;
Eastern Star is slated to begin at'
18 p. m. Games to be played dur—l
{ing .the evening include contract,
lpinochlc and Chinese checkers,
{With a number of cttra‘ctive ’prizes
'being offered the winners of the
. evenings play. I
Reservations may be placed by;
Icalling either 116-.1 or 268.-W. I
Ecch one attending is requested to 1
[bring his own table service.
That big Vegetable Bin at the
bottom of the ’41 Kelvinator
holds over a bushel of potatoes,
onions, turriips—saves you
countless steps every days-b
6% cubic feet of sheer convenience—
that’s what you get with this . . . Com-
pIetely Equipped Model S-6 . . . Only
I"Pl-ices drown are for deliv ry in your kilchen wilh
5-Year Prolecfion Plan. Stale and Ioculfaxes extra
* Complete equipment! Big Vegetable Bin—30‘ per cent
bigger Crisper—Meat Chest—Polar Light—Room for frozen
foods—Stainless Steel Cold-Ban—Magic Shelf—record econ-
omy! Only Kelvinator gives you this value, because 2 only
Kelvinator has this kind of program of large-volume produc-
tion and low-cost selling. Savings on other models range up to
$30. Come see the new Kelvinators on our display floor today!
Prices start at for an equipped 63/: cubic foot model.
$5 Down s Per Month
iDegl-ee Of Honor
lExecutlve Committee
gDeglee of Honor will meet on
Tuesday, February 4, at the home:
lof Mrs. Mary Cormier, 225 Har-
gvard Street for a 1 o’clock des-
r :ert luncheon. All officers are re- ‘
iquestod to be present for this
{Arcadia Club '10
'Give Card Party
i The Arcadia Economic: Club is
! giving a card party and pie social
‘on Thursday, February 6 at 7:30
i at the Southside Club house. Pine.
| chle, 500 and Chinese checkers
will be played. Each lady is ask—
ed to bring a pie_
lReturns From California
Mrs, James Quinn accompanied ‘ 1:
her mother, Mrs. A. Schneider and ' L
brother, Leonard Schneider on a I
ten-day motor trip to Santa Fe A ' -
to visit their brother Joe, from S u e ‘
which they returned this week. i I
They reported the weather as not
very good. , , v