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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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but Siloui " yo Ill tax limit in the 90nstitutional amend- , Improved and liberal- 0“ 0f Referendum No. 5, t fall. . Posed tax limit amend- ,‘ Introduced in the House ‘ Monday by Represen- c'll_tg01nery and Cher- Iz'lerce County. for her i ‘ty Officials, as well as to go rcl'rige ' era, is a major change hingr exhi which should overcome years curl ' IOils to past tax limit- coils. BI! . : her frigl/ . S I , Inltiition in this state, ‘9 of bonds for the pur- 31‘3 0111‘ {and and the construc- mad the I Furnishing of new build- Iminicipal corporations J 0018, counties and cities 0 ed. At the same time approve such bonds, Vote for the payment of Earl visitors ADVERT ,, _and interest by an- million ““ in excess of the 40- ed lion 13 , loes not C ,, . Change as ointed out Wflilt She 5‘ 'fi'gl’ford, chairlman of the A, d 3.2: Limit Committee, I Ln}? 03 i‘ allocation of the mill- 1 11C“ W: ‘ ~Yarious taxing bodies 3 thcugh 13 may be done by a y . Vote of both legislative by the vote of the peo- 3,, the initative method. this would avbid allocations in the FIND A 1 LL LiMiT AS AMENDMENT «CONSTITUTION INTRODUCED fcular interest to the: ulfalncial concerns, city: (lav. Janury 30, 19/1]. U CAN’T SELL U-Nfil. you U‘YERI JOSEWANTHADS omic changes. The new bill also provides that taxing districts can refund any of its gen ral obligation bonds is— .sued for capital purposes prior to passage of the amendment merely by a vote of the governing bo— dies. Thus, county commissioners ,and city councils may take ad- vantage of improvements in the interest market. “The committee has liberalized the referendum Without sacrific- ing the principle of tax limitation which is so popular in this state,” Syford declared, “As it now stands , Ithe bill should be more satisfac- uf‘rst time in the history, tory than ever. We are hoping our legislators will see fit to refer this amendment for the people’s approval at the next general elec» tion in 1942.” S'outhsid-e Entertains Deckerville 4-H Club Starting what is hoped will be a regular event, the Souths-ide 4-H Garden Club entertained the Deckerville 4-H Sewing,club at the Southside hall last Saturday evening. About 50 members, non- members and parents were pres— ent. The evening was enjoyed with group songs, relay contests, and dancing. Refreshments of sandwiches the club. Journal Want-Ads—Phone 100 al‘li'wll ere l lOtll '4‘ Call 1124. 96, sweeping .across eXas plains from Cor- Sti to Brownsville, tetimed a road of con- opening meant pen- last of- the storied minim"- of the great ,Cattle barons. motorists can now e first time the fabu- Ranc‘h country, known ~“t the world in legend thaste, but barricaded “ ‘ public for 8:5 years. Jross the biggest ranch 1d, bigger than the " i’ hode Island, covering 1 cres, valued any- 20 to 40 million "to: ‘D. KING, retired t captain, had other .acquired a bigger land in 1852. it was red with wire grass fSilk. But there were came birds in abun- King decided where ‘ live, so could cattle. he settled, and there his descendants have Kennedy county and ' Vien- other counties. “Ont gate to the ranch ‘0 Speak, was a mere .1: generations that 9‘ ranch made it as e as Tibet onbe was. firkal‘bed» wire fences ‘- s allowed, except the \ t ; . 12$=i==-_ pAYs ARE GONE FOR W? COCKTAIL, sooe, sum 06 SOLE law 961er moo comer with 60096- tn highway now spans the sage and gullies where King lilo have been herded for 88 years. hundreds of ranch hands and ex- pected guests. a t BETWEEN the southern tip of this kingdom and the River Rio Grande was what was once all desert.’ Hardy pioneers irri- gated it and made it a valley blooming with fruit trees of the citrus variety. Today 350,000 people live in this desert become winter gar- den. They did not take it lightly when their road to Corpus Christi was forced to detour 100 miles because the road builders could not .cut straight through the King ranch. i There was much public agita- tibn, so finally the ranfih owners yielded. They agreed to permit a road through, provided the r d builders erected barbed ire fences along the 22-mile cut. The kingdom has been crossed. but that barbed wire still keeps it a mystery. And, incidentally, keeps the cattle off the highway; KENNEDY COUNTY iSheTtdn Valley 1 ' h da‘ of cake, and cocoa was served by‘mg at EChO Farm T urs y |tors in Renton Saturday, the for- lter Carol of Kent, visited Thurs- ; Melvin O’Brien. {in—law, Mr. and Mrs. John Knee— idren and Dorothy Daniels were callers Sunday afternoon at the. J. F. Bennett. Her ,Lfather had ...c_._..~.__._....__.___ l I l No. 3033. SUMMONS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. lll'ilA .‘il. i‘lliiKINS, I’loisiliil'. HilliAhi) l PERKINS. Ilnl‘ciid . STATE H” {\‘ASIIIL‘UI'I‘UN Io mgr aid 1.. l’l'lUllS, lliil'clluziul: You arc llci'cby siminioiud to ups pczli- \\‘illliil -"1y (00) days zli'lw‘l r of llic ii. I pulillculioli of llllt' s lllllll‘i, lo \vll within sixty days :lilt‘l' the 30111 day of .11‘ 1:141, and deftlld llll‘ above filllll action 1r. the court :ii'oi'isuiil ' answer lll’ i‘.iilllll'l' Lulu l‘il. ‘ you: \‘3. complaint of lllt’ l’t‘l'kll‘iti, zilul :.»-i'\'c i'. Copy :ll]S\\'I‘l' upoil lizc umlvi. nd zit- lOI'lll y for 1)]!iililli'l‘ :il ills ollil: (Ul’ (lrcss bilow Matt-d, and iii CFLSU oi your failuiw~ 5-.) to do, judgment will bc l'ul'ldl’l't‘d against you according to [he dolliiiiirl of liic compliliiii which has bl'l’ll liicd \iiili tile Clerk 01' said (:oul'l. The object of this action on the port of the plaintiff is to securti a diyox‘cc from the llcfcildanl. J. \V. GRAHAM, AllOI‘llcy for Plaintiff. Office Address. Suits (:(n'i-y Bldg” Shelton, Wash. l AUTOMOBILE M‘ASON COUNTY RDA-.13 DIST. 1'71). 2 N()'i‘l('7lli lS llEiiEllY (ily’l lliui t‘l‘2lll‘ll hitlfi will l)-- we by lilo hard of County liomlu. sloili-i's :il thwii' ol'l'ilzl- lll til: coliii‘ llousc iii Sill-lion, \‘i‘tis‘riillglon, 011‘ Monday, lllc iTlli (lily oi l‘-’i)i‘llil.l',\. 1011 at (‘ll‘V'I‘ll o'clock :i. 111. il‘l‘ iiil furnishing,r of tlic l’ollmviilu vquiir {iii-lit: (mi- 1011 l<'\"ll, (‘ili’yt'olwl m‘ l’ v- ilioiiil >" f‘i‘.<l-‘lll l‘.ll l ' and ‘ ‘ . il \-.lll b.- oi'd Sedan. rd of (‘cillliy Coillmisslon— Hrs: I‘ib‘f‘l'Vl‘ the right lo l‘cjcct any or all bills. DATED ‘I‘I’llS Ze’lh day of January 1911. HARRY liEYETTlJ. Clci‘k of Illt‘ Board of County Corilniissioncrs, Mason County, Wash. i4)». z-u—zli i l l I CALI- ,FOE BIDS TOR POLICE PATROL CAR NOTICE lS HEREB GIVEN.‘ that the (lily of Shelton has it $900.00 appropriation for, a City Police Truck, anti the City of Sill‘l- —-——‘ m ~ w ton hereby calls for and will, on FOR SALE; small house, 5-acres, Thursday. lhc (ilh day of February. 1941, :it the hour of S O‘clock P. M. ’ at the Council Rooms in the City .l-lall in Shelton, Washington, opcll bids for onc Polio-i; l‘alrol Wagon, 1—30. 2—0-13-20—27. 3-6-18—71. [approximately the sumo sizu diluen- News Brevities Reported Today By Una. 'Winsor Shelton Valley, Jan. 29 The members of the Home Sewing Club will hold their regular meet— next week, February 6. Mrs, Estella Holman spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VVivell, in the Isa- bella Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baker and daughter Jean were business visi- mer going over, to drive back the new bus the directors of our school district recently bought. Mrs. Dewey Bennett visited Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Cooke. Mrs, Russell Calvert and daugh- day at the home of.,,her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Frank Gordorf and daugh- ter Helen Robinson, cf Shelton, and Margaret Huntley of Sultan, were visitors at the home of Mrs. H. A. Winsor Thursday evening. Mrs. Dewey Bennett spent, Thursday afternoon at the hornet of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smith. Mrs. Signe Kneeland was the« guest of her son and daughter- land. at their home in Shelton: Sunday. Mrs. Melvin O‘Brien and chil- Charle'y Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Phillips of Shelton spent Saturday evening 9. Echo Farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer, with their daughters, Mrs. R. E, Gren- berg and Mrs. Bob Ramin, of Shelton, visited Sunday at Pee Ell with Mr. and: Mrs. Albert Shafer. Mr. Shafer, proprietor of the Pee, Ell bakery, presented his parents with a beautiful decortcd cake in honor of their 38th wedding on- niversary which occurred recently. Mrs, Charley Baker and daugh-I ter Jean, visited in Shelton Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. been quite sick with a severe cold. Miss Ida Smith was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett Thursday evening and afterwards enjoyed! dancing and: supper with them at the Grange meeting. 1 Mrs, Vearie Bennett gave a lit tle party Monday“ afternoon in honor of her son Bill’s birthday. Mrs. O’Brien and Master Glenn enjoyed the afternoon With them. Mrs. H. A. Winsor visited Mon-l day afternoon with Mrs. Signe‘ Kneeland. I Mrs. Charley Baker and daugh- ly li‘e rill," I‘ ‘ twcnly-ninc acres of i‘li'lll‘lfd, sun louni rid bottom Wand. V’sllll good ' iulmlng ter Jean spent Monday evening at the Melvin O’Brien home, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer were} busmess visitors in Tacoma on Monday. As one of \he new members was unable to be at the Grange' meeting Thursday night, the schc-i dulcd initiation was postponed! i as.” pemouu, guiouep pu’c aoddngi closing of the meeting. ‘Mrs. Vearl Bennett and chil- dren Earlyne and Bill, Mrs, Mel- vin O’Brien and son Glenn and Mrs. J. A. Shafer were visitors at the home of Mrs. H. A. Winter Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Derey Bennett spent Tuesday evening in Shel- ton with Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Ben-I no t. advertise—place a Want-Ad in the Journal! -____._._._____-__._r\_._~.—__ EVER some LOBSTER slum sneer coco, WAS, ICE CREAM M0 WELDYTE‘ Q0 SSE-T \ .—————-». 51011,} pow'cr, spl-cd, and etc... «‘LH are ll‘l‘flllll‘Ofl in Patrol \l'agons uscd by tho State of “'asilinglon. Tlic Council I'Osei'ycs llll‘. right, to l‘l‘JCCl any and all bids. Dated this 2151 day of January, 1941. GLENN \A’. LANDERS, City Clerk. 1—31-23—28-30. 2-»l-——.'it. No. 1 34 28 In Bankruptcy. NOTICE or FIRST MEETING 1 I i i I or CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States tor the Western District of W'asllington—Southern Division In the Maticl' of JOSEPH LOI'IS PARSONS, a married man, l’iiulk- rupt. To the Creditors of lhc above named Joseph Louis Parsdns, a married man, of Shelton, in thi~ County 01' Mason, District aforesaid, innit~ rupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 2511i day of January. 104], the said Joseph Louis Par-i sells. 9. marril-d man, was duly ad—I judicutcd a bankrupt, and that llil: first meeting of his creditors will be held ill. the Bankruptcy Court— room, No. 1114 \Nashington Build— lug, Tacoma, \Vas ington, on the 12111 din of February, 1041. at two o'clock in the :il‘lcrnoon at which limc the said creditors may atlnnlt,. prove their claims, appoint a trus-E tee, examine lhc bankrupt and trails— act such ollitr and further busi— ness as may properly come below said meeting: Imtcd at 'I‘nc-omzi, “flushinglou this 28th day of January, 1041. 0. ill. l’l'l‘ZEl', SALE: 3-rborn with FOR skim: or. Itcfci‘cc in Bankruptcy. 1-30—ll,. NOTICE 01" SALE 01" COUNTY REAL PROPERTY r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of Lilac-on County, mudi- and entered on the 101i] day of December, 1040. there will be olfcrcrl for sale by lll‘: Sheriff of said county, at pub- lic auction at the front door of. Lllc (“ourt house in Slii'llim, to lilit lligli-l «us‘. biddcr, on Saturday, March 1: i,' 1041 ill. 1ch o’clock .\. r.l., the" fun lowing gli~soribl~d rcal propr’l'lyz I Norlilwt-sl r:u:irl,ci' (if lili: South— Wcst quarto." (NI‘Jl/t (if sun/1) of Scolion two (2), 'I‘o'ivllsllip Nlllkil‘ -l (15)) North, Rang» four (4) W st, W. AL, with appurt- (lilanccs. ’I‘liiIs l'oi'ly 2U'I'I'S, knownjus “Couin illi'ougrli, providing E’llllll'li‘lll will I‘ for irrigation. ilils a good "I‘OOZH house with bath. a Jorge born :ilzd- ilumcrous out—buildings. Ilocalcd three miles fr il Silrllon on pzivcd. road anti elc ic powcr lino Suit-l able for dairylng, truck, iriirdcliillgl or chickens. > Appraiscd \‘Ellllc, 500.00. “311 soil for $I.00ll.0li cash and bztluncc! in five yczirly payments at six p21" cont interest. ,l"or additional information con- .-: '11.: 1) 1' x Au li.‘ I‘ Am , .t‘ut oi \ir 1 ill d or o 1 ‘Our puces are a, low or IOWer son County. Dated this 28th day of Januarg, 1041. HARRY DEYLTTII. Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. 1-30. 2-6-13——v31. NOTICE or WATER. RIG-HT APPLICATION NO. 5335 State of washington Office of Sn. pervisor‘mf Hydraulics Olympia. TU WHOM IT ll’IAY CONCERN: ’ Notice is hereby given lhul Edith K. Drab-am of Olympia, State of VVushingion, under date of January 22, 1041, filed Willi the Slate Su— porvisor of Hydraulics, Olympia,- VVashington, an application for a permit to divert the public waters of .Ix'nceland Crock tributary of Hood Canal, in the amount of 0.l5 second [001, subjccl. to cxisling rigilisfil‘l'oni April 15 to 0cmer 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation and continuously for domestic supply for cabin camp and restaurant: that thc approximate pmnl of diversion is within llo‘. 3 of Section 36, Township 22 N., Range 3 \N'.\\’.Zy1., in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diver- sion and the place of the proposed use is on file in tho ol'licu of the State Supcrvisor of Hydraulics, Olympia. Washington“ togclilcr with such other information its is re- qulrcll by law. . Any person. firm or (‘Tll'p’ll‘illlon whose right will b;- iiijurlously af- fgcted by said applicalioil Hilly ['iIc‘ with the State Sunni-visor of Hyd- raulics, at Olympia, \\'asliiugion,i such objections or :‘vpi‘cwinialions,’l in writing. v.1; ill: Illuy (loin. A” make, within thirty (go) (law, an”. date of last publication, which (law is February 6, 1941. VVilnuss my hand and official seal, this 25th day of January, A. I). it)“. CHAS. .i. liAltTl—lOLIg’p Slate Supervisor of «Hydraulics. (SEAL) I.\ 1-30. 23-0—21. GHETTONfl/ASON COUNTY JOURNAI} ., . . vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwm Real Estate ———————_———.— NT ADS RNAL --M-”--.._.- i vaw mwvvvm Classified Service i For Rent “AAAAAAAAAA‘AA‘“AAAW I "’“"°“"“’°"m”’- i AM‘Amwmm‘A‘MA“ FOR SALE: two lots, five room house, finished attic, automatic oil furnace. Corner Second and Birch. Phone 258. I)~~r1-21v23-28-30A—4t bath and full basement, ’71; acre ground. Ten minutes walk from' mills. Reasonable. G. Hokanson, RFD. No. 1, Box 88, Mariette, V/ashington 1-21-2—20~~1M .,L__ _.___- : TRADE: small ranch overlooking bay, 6 room modern house, good buildings, some fruit, all under cultivation.1 [Close to Outside work. Write Box F, c-o Journal. i Ffil-28-30u2-41-3t. l Cheap for cash. Also Jersey—‘I Guernsey cow, second calf in April, $60. K. V. Collins, Mill Creek Road- 1-23-28-30-—2-4——4t Fort" SALE 4.-room modern home in excellent condition. Close in. Terms $1700. 5-room modern home with hard-i wood floors and furnace. Nice‘ large yard, large rooms. In ex- cellent condition. $3650.00 with $650 down, $35 per month, in- terest 6%. This will make an excellent home. :1: :i: 10 acres of land with 300 feet of waterfront located on Pickering Pass. This is a good buy, $875. ::= * s; 5-room modern home close in, large yard with fruit trees. Will! Double Load COl'dS) $8.50 PHONE 38-J also sell the furniture with it. Home is $2,000 with $500 cash, balance at $20.00 and 6% inter~l est. Furniture $600.00. ' :1; :i,: a: The price of property will increase. 1 Why notbuy your permanent home today and STOP paying rent. . 9.: >l= #1 ' SEE HERBERT G.‘ ANGLE W WHY TAKE II. CHANCE —— when $.25 per day will protect you; while you are traveling? See Herb Angle, Agent. M BUY Nursery; stock direct from! grower. Largest nursery in southwest Washington. Cammel- iias, Daphnes, Rhododendronsi and all the best varieties ofl shrubs ‘and trees. ‘ ALBERT NURSERY l u; i 5 Miles from Olympia, ‘at South Boy 1—28-—2~257~9t. LARGE SlZE Di. plicatin g SALES Books '51: Each or 55¢ per dizen We also take orderr for all kinds of speciala PRINTED SAI ES BOOKS than outside salesmen can quote you. THE JOURNAL ________________ CALI: FOR BIDS 1‘03. DIESEL TRACTOR. MASON courts“;r ROAD W V DIST. N0. 3 IVO'I [CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at their .oi‘i‘icc iii the court house‘i at bllclton, VVushington, on Monday the 17th day, of February, 1941 {it two o_‘clock p. m. for the furnish— ingdil‘, tlil- following' described road equipment: , one-Full Dicsci Tractor or not ‘ less. than :55 Drawbur H. I'., cguippcd as follows: , lVon osci lilting lypi- tracks. N'ot‘li‘ss than 00” gaiigc. l\ot lcss"tll?.ll 13" licul trcnlcd tracks cquippcd with flat shoes and 'df-tacllzlble grousei's. Auxiliary vial-ling system con- slstlng of either clcctl'ic or gas— ollnc motor. . I l’ilowl~r typo fan. .liour counter. l Not 1085 than five Spccds ahead. From 1‘lli’l mounted liigll lift. Excavator equipped with 4%, yard detachable bucket with not less than six bucket tooth. Dumping (-lciirailcc of bucket not less than 7‘0". l)et.a_chabic bulldozer blade of reinloi-ccd structural stocl not less {him 78" Wide and 34" lilfi'h. cqilippcd with reversible cutting edge. \Veig'lit of CODlpl<=to unit to be not i The ward rcscrvcs the right to ri-jcct any or all bids. DATED THIS Zzb'tli (lay of Jan- ual‘y, 1041. . HARRY l')EYlii'l‘TE, Clcrk of the Board of County Commissioners, Mason’ County, \Nash. 1-30. 2~6-—2t.' ' .— _..__....._,_...._. ._..._ .- .. .______..___..._ .__ cos-r was we met, VOUTOLO me #00 uncover? To REDUCE - . NOTICE After this ( e, Saturdn any 25, 1941, I will .. sibl-o for any tracted by m y, Janii-' rcspon- ' coll— wifc, Anne Eaton. Signed: L 1718 EATON. 1—28«30-—2—4~~3t. CLOSE OUTS Westinghouse Console reg. Evauoil (large size) I—uNcw Ironer, 1~—New Heater 1*Ncw heater 1——New Eva noil (medium) , ................................. ._ $39.50 I, -—-—-—~—- 6 tube Radio, reg. l—Demonstratorfl tube , radio .................................... __ $3500; Dee Apts, Phone 485—J. 10-1—tf. Shelton Electric Co. B. W. SOPER 106 4th St. Shelton, Wn. Floor sanding Machine For Rent! Handscraping to remove old varnish is a relic of the past. Rent our Hilco “Handy San— dy”--—rit"s dustless, quiet, inex— pensive. and easy to operate. Hardware Dept. Lumbermen’s Mercantile Company MILL WOOD (Never been salt water} 50% body wood and mill run 10-8~ti SAVE NOW Special Prices on SEWING MACHINES- SINGER SHOP 125 80. 4th, Shelton , Mason County Maps LARGE Mason Count $1 00 y Townshipl .. Also maps of Olympic Peninsula, Puget Soundl .Country and State 50c to $1.00. The Journal TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $3 per; month models—Underwood and ,Remington typewriters. months rental applies on Of machine). RNAL OFFICE ————-———-—_.., i CALI. FOR BIDS FOR DIESEL MOTOR GRADE-R MASON CO'UN ROAD DIST. N0. TY HEREBY maps Standard JO NOTICE lliitt sealed bids will bc Board County I crs at their oil” Slicllri-n, «day, the 17th day of Fcbruarv, 1911 o'clock Moll» . l'nrcc, illsiiiilg Iroad equipment: fur- l'ollowing (lL'SCl'lbL (1 One full Diesel motor grader. tandcm drive, equippcd with oil steel enclosed cab with shatter- H'gluss all Sc‘fll'lllt‘r with l‘eleCl‘l‘lll‘ \\‘idc front ach proof around. V-lype lit points, and loaning front whccls, electric lights, vilhf‘l‘ gas or electric starter, muffii-r, hyd- raulic jack and full $01. of tools. Weight of grader lo bu not lcss pounds, price complclcly ,liiS‘S than 14,500 rent model, the grade r If.o.b. 1035 VVcllr cur- bn of cquipped tradci n whci-lcd Shclton dual drivc. Also, the Board of Commission- crs' I'L‘qllll‘c H bid stating the ad— ditional cliargc required for the furnishing s c rv ice men month any Ira iiied (.‘itltil looking: and man pul'pos: llccossai‘y on i ls _ adjustments inslruc‘t the opl-i‘alors in tho 0])- eratioil and maintenance of the motor gradcr, and lo loinish all parts and labor necessary to keep thc motor grader in operation for a period date 02‘ dcliyi-ry, c culling furl pcrl‘ormanc‘c value one from filing: tll‘t'm tic l'lfit'l‘ _. to ‘i'urnish , full CUVUI‘ above ._\'1-él.l' edges. :l lid bol’ld grader" to performance. Obligation. Board and Tli e 81: ('V I: an y Commissioilci's right to accept bids, rcch i‘urtllcr serve lilo right to acct-pt :1 bid the gradcr as sct out in paragraph the ser- in para- and scverahlo it bid as per. iot dependent upoui Thurs an acceptance of u. bid as pol- para-i Feb 6 graph DATED this 23111 day of January. 1941. and and and to a bid vices and material set out graph 2, than 14,000 lbs. reject that paragraphs in this call for bids are and an acceptance paragraph lIARJIY lliilYlil'll'l‘lJ. Clerk of tho Board of County Comiliissioncrs, Mason County, 26-6—4”. Vv'aiail. 1-30. i I IFURNISHED APARTMENTS fori rent (2 and3rooms). Good lo-‘ cation. Very reasonable. Golds-I borough Apts, Second and Knee-31 land Streets, Shelton. 5—7-tf.| Journal Want-Ads are showing Itheir value in every issue of the lpaper! ;FOR RENT: modern 2—rcom fur— Spccial $74.50; nished apartment. oil heat, re- frigerator, electric range. Kay $69.50 Dee Apts., phone 485—.1. P—G-ll-tf. ‘FOR RENT: 3—room modern un- $54.95. Special __________________ .. 5530,00l furnished apartment, oil heat, « refrigerator, electric range. Kay PFOR RENT: furnished three room apartments. Mill Street Apar‘ melits. Phone 259—M. C-1-13—c. FOR RENT: nice, warm ‘sleeping room, suitable for girl. Available E. Cedar, Phone 372-J. , 1-28~30--2ti i . _.._ . 11. Iron RENT: 5 i-oommhoiisc-aftcr G—1-30——1t WV? V Vvvvv v'vvvvvmvm Wanted 1 lWANTED: large pieces clean cot-i tori rags with all buttons and‘ snaps removed. No curtains or outing flannel or knit wear. Journal Office. 1—16— tf. Page Seven RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, 5c 3 line each subse- Mini m u in q ent insertion. c arge 30¢. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will he made when billing’is necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request. 'V'V‘ vvvvvvvvv'vvv ' 'v ' ' For Sale AMAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI r I FOR SALE: 17 rabbits or trade for Plymouth Rock Victor A. Johnson, Route 3, Box 1—21—2-6——6t chickens. Feb. 1. Mrs. W. A. Brodt, 121i iFOR' SALE: pure bred Durham bull 13 months old. Dewey Ben- nett, Shelton Valley. , Bv—I-21rtf. February 2nd. Inquire 806 Cota. we w m ~ ~ 'BARGAIN: 1040 Chevrolet sedan. See Geo. Hamilton 2 miles out on Bayshore Rd. Evenings. HV1—21-30u4t. “’~““““‘““““““‘ FOR SALE: 1936 Buick Century sedan, A-l condition, new tires. Good buy for cash. Mrs. Moffett, Box 13, Lilliwaup. 1-21—23-28-30--4t. S. R. WANT TO RENT: 4 or 5 room house or apartment. Preferably furnished. Inquire Journal. F»~1—28—30——2t. _,__/.._.._.L- -WANTED: girl or woman to do housework. No children in fam— ily. Phone 246. P—1-28-30—2t. WANTED: girl or .woman for Journal. F~—1—28-30--2t. l lWANTED: used incinerator. In- quire Journal. B.W.-c '7' vvv' V'V'V'VV v "mvvv Lost and Found tificati'on card. Reward for re- turn. Mail to Harry A. Davis, Naval Torpedo Station, Keyport, Wash. 1-28-30-—2-4-6—4t. |LOST: 10 year 4-H club pin. A 4-leaf clover with pearl, center on black background. Reward. Return to Journal. A—1-28-—It. .a _ w. ..-. (First 2: o CARD OF THANKS Pu“Ch3-Sei We wish to thank our friends for their inlany kindnesses and beautiful flowers, especially Mrs. George Canaan and Miss Marquer-l ett Miller for the music and Rev. IBovee for his comforting words in ,our bereavement over the loss of GIVE. " our baby. rccrivcd by Commission— III the court hour-‘1,- .iigton, Mr. and Mrs. Farnum Loitz Mrs. Christena Savage Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loitz Tides of the Week I Computed for Oakland Bay (llood'szal tidt-s are (inc llour & 55 minutes earlier) . Low 2:43 am. 1.2 ft Friday High 9:28 a.m. 14.9 ft Jan 31 Low 3:40 pm. 4.2 ft High 9:05 pm. 12.0 ft Low 3:22 am. 2.2 ft Sat High 9:58 am. 14.6 ft Feb .1 Low 4:25 pm. 3.8 ft High 10:00 p.m. 11.6 ft l i Low 4:02 am. 3.4 ft‘i 'Sunday High 10:31 am. 14.3 ft Feb 2 Low 5:15 pm. 3.4 ft High 11:10 pm. 11.3 ft i Low 4:48 am. 4.6 ft ‘Mon- High 11:07 am. 13.9 ft IFeb 3 Low 6:09 p.m. 3.0 ft i High :33 am. 11.1 ft : Tues Low 5:43 11.111. 5.7 ft IFeb 4 High 11316 am. 13.5 ft i Low 7:07 am. 2.5 it.l High 2:11 a.m. 114 ft: i-muww Low 6:51: am. 6.6 rtl Feb 5 High 12:31 pm. 13.2 t Low 8:04 pm. 1.9 ft High 3:36 am. 12.0 it Low“ 8:12 am. 7.2 ft High 1:21 p.m. 13.0 ft Low 8:56 pm. 1.2 ft ; Journal Want-Ads—Phdn‘e 100 . I Is Your Child ..___.._.__.______,_ .__._....-. .__-_..- _.. - ENGLISH SHEPARD PUPS FOR sale. Natural heelers. Tom Mus- Cheadle Ranch, Prairie, Elma, Washington. 1-28-30—2t. grove: Buck’s I. [FOR SALE: thoroughbred Irish Setter, 1% years old. Call 393. W—1-28-30—2t. GLISH GLUCK ROLLERS—~ $3.00 while they last, also fe- males. Mrs. L. K. Munson, Rt. 1, Shelton. Kamilche. 1-28-30—-2—4-6——4t. housework. Full time. InquireiEN equity 1937 Buick 4- Perfect condition, good rubber, radio, heater, etc. Inquire Journal. {FOR SALE: door beds 11. VV—1~30~‘1t. LOST: Navy enlisted man’s iden- FOR SALE: pair six year old mares and harness or trade for cattle. Ted Richert, Middle Sko- komish Valley. 1-30--2-4-6--3t rvvvvvvv‘rvvvvvvvvv- mv‘ PROFESSIONAL CARDS AAAAAA“MA‘AM MA Ad ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton ‘——.~ INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRIN G Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITS. ERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - - Shelton. Wash. ~— MT. MORIAH LODGE 11 F.&.A.M. Next Regular Communication FEBRUARY 8 M. H. NEEDHAM Worshipful Master J. L. CATTO, Secretary. No. Want Ads are used by of your neighbors with Complete lJOURNAL. scores and friends great success. information a b o u t what you have to sell aIWays helps. __.._.. .._,__. -. Behnd in Typing Rent a typewriter—— $3.00 a' month The JOURNAL