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mi... deefi‘lit l
Hoodsport Keep
Active Calendar
By Betty McKiel ,
Hoodsport, January 28 AW The‘l
Hood Canal Junior Womens Club
held their regular meeting on
Wednesday of last week in the
club room of the Hoodspart gym“
where they had planned to make
their fibre stools. The materials
did not arrive on time, and so a
special meeting for W'ednesrmy
evening, January 29th, was set.
to meet in the club room and’
make them. Beginning at our,
next regular meeting it was de-l
cided that we alternate with one!
social and one business meetingl
The next will be a sccial meetingl
on Tuesday evening, February 4,
at the home of Mrs. Ross Williams
when she and Mrs. Maurice Kaare
will be joint hostesse .
Mrs. Lund and Mrs. I‘ICII‘Sl‘L
both of the Shelton-Mason County
Red Cross gave a talk on “Red
Cross," and offered our club. and
anyone else interested, a course
in First Aid. It is hoped thati
about 20 students will attend the:
classes which start on Tuesday
evening, January 28th and con-
tinue each Tuesday and Thursday;
for five weeks, when the course
will be completed. The Tuesday-.1
night meeting was held at the F.j
G. Briggs home near Potlatch.~ j
Those interested will play bas-
ketball in the gymnasium on Wed-
nesday evenings. The Penny?
Chance was won by Bettv Good-
paster and sold for 380. The meet-
ing was adjourned to see an edu-,
cational motion picture, “Canals!
of England,” shown by Bill Good-1
pester, with Hoodsport schools;
new motion picture machine, Al
delicious luncheon was then served;
in the school dining room by Mrs.‘
Fred Compton and Lorraine Pa—l
Captain J. H. Nance celebrated,
his 80th birthday on Saturday,l
January 25th at his home in
Hoodsport. With him were his;
sister and brother-in-law, Mn:
and Mrs. John Cushing of Colona,i
B. C., Elva Price of Skokomishl
Valley and Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Seigel and children of Potlatch.
NEW 99mm 11591.11 Dims
Housewives of the nation \'.'i”.
be made apple-conscious through
the coming week as thousands of
chain and independent food stores
from coast to coast launch a new:
rsales drive on Washington apples,
The drive, opening January 30th,.
will run through February 5, i
Both producers and retailers“
look with optimism on the effect}
of this sales effort on WashingJ
ton's apple surplus. The drive
sponsored jointly by the National;
Association of Food Chains and:
the Independent Food Distribu-l
tors Council in response to a re—
quest from the Apple Institute.
friends Friday evening with ar
party in honor of Lois Simmon‘z
who is moving with her parents
to Coulee Dam, Games were plav~f
ed, followed by refreshments-w
other guests were Jean and May,
Ashbaugh, of Shelton, Dale ve-L
land of Shelton. Andrew .
wold cf Hoodsport and Bud L.. ‘
scott and Jack Sceva of Inilzel
Cushman. During the evening Lois:
was presented with a huge photo-;
graph album from those present;
Mrs. Hamilton and her (laugh—.1
Nadine, left Tuesday morn‘;
Ling for California to be near her-
'son. Oliver, who is working there. .
Leo Johnson attended a.
of the Olympic Peninsu—
lla Resort and Hotel Association,
at the Mark Hotel in Aberdeen
2on Friday, aJnuary 24. She went
with Mr. and Mrs. Loring Stet-
Bud Johnson spent Saturdayl
and Sunday in Hoodsport with:
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo:
Johnson. '
Denny Rathbun, Rex and Ray1
Howry, Jack Hembury and Dale:
Cleveland of Shelton, hiked to}
Flapjack Lakes on Saturdayl
morning and spent Saturday and],
Sunday there skiing and camping;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Severance'
and daughter, Donna Elaine, of
Shelton, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Terry Pagel of Pot-l
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl of
Camp 5 were in Hoodsport for
; drive.
For Washington retailers,
will be the second apple
mobilization in a month, both
chains and independent:- having
joined hnnds in the recent apple
drive promoted by the \Vashing-
ton State Apple Commission at
the suggestion of the U. S. Sur-
plus Marketing Administration.
According to Don R, ‘vValt-Ii of
the Seattle office of the Surplus
Marketing Administration. the
“new drive is particularly timely
and should cap a popular demand
that was being made for apples
as a result or considerable sales
;prozriotional elforts.”
v i 1,
, vat.)
Stores in this state, 21‘
those throughout the ii:
feature apples in store
and advertising. Chain
will follow the procedure develop—
ed in their ‘Producer-Consumer"
drives to relieve farm surpluses.
according to E. B. Springsteen,
secretary‘rnanager of the \Vash-
.ington Chair Stores Asrociation.
Washington. according to Uni-
ted States agricultural statistics,
ranks first in the production of
the nation’s apple crop, supplying
about 25 per cent of the apples
grown. In normal times Washing-
ton ships about 28,000 cars of ap-
ples. The loss of the large Euro-
pean market, of which Washing-
ton vvas the major source, is esti-
mated at 5,000,000 boxes. There
are more than 6,000 growers in
Vv'ashington who will be watching
the outcome of the new sales
DeMolay Practices,
Committee Reports
At Meeting Mon-day
Committee meetings and obli-
gation practices will be held by
DeMolay members next Monday
evening in a special meeting at
“Dad” Hack's home at Second
and Cedar streets, Master Coun-
cilor Jim Forrest announced to-
committee members and
chairmen are especially request-
\i M \QHM (‘l’ll’lN'l‘V .IOT
Smartest, Thriftiest
Of The New
,\ Are Her
the delightful
rating purpose.
Plain, Yd.
Print, Yd.
Begins Feb. Est and Ends Feb. 28th
Make It The Starting Date For Your
5W? Fabrics
You save when you sew your own clothes and
your savings begin with the fabrics you buy!
new patterns,
colors, in textures for every apparel and home deco—
January 30,
. 3‘
30am Re
lélntry must be accompanied by sales slip show nil-volume
ing purchase of materials, trimmings, and I“ill 2 Mm.
tern. slied F.
Wardrobe. All
2 . y men 0—12
0 Materials must cost 39¢ a yard or over. (physican
ems) hav
“son Coun
3. Only womcns’ dresses will qualify.
Professional Dressmakers are not allowed to' lo“
4'. ter.
Prizes on Display in the Dry Goods Departmenl, 0
. c lson, (
| llffoy-d B
Pa, Ald
. .a' ‘ Willie
yv Arthu
Sec Entries must be in by Friday noon, February
and important new to be judged.
39° y}!-
r I ey‘ Le.
Floral prints that bring exclamations from William“;
49C yd,
. . l
. the weekend vinmn their a,._ ed to be on hand With their re-I . Smooth .
. . all rayon crepe of Crown Tested rayon. , e
itinisrfégilsr 16%.00‘21123: giisgoag‘ents, Mr. and Mars gage,” Ag?
[ports while one of the main ac- A beautiful Crown Tested rayon fabric that
is Will no, q“ makin it ms to sew G“ rant‘ed one‘ PelfeCt.f°r the.
new two'tone (1.1485385; |, no NEI
where they will make t’heir home’i A regular meétmg of the tions of
the session will be a crush-proof, sag—proof, run-proof. Irons wet or L
l" g y ‘ - a 9 A B C Fabric that IS tub and sun fast. .161. isthl
M1. and Mrs Win Lum gpent'lHOOdspOI-t Townsend dub will be practice by
the initiation team, dry. Guaranteed color fast. 39 inches wide. colors. 39
inches wide. wide. Mas C th
Sunday visiting‘ Mr. and W.lheld in the 01111) 100m“ at the Form“
said' ‘ ' inméh?
R. Ellis in o1ympia~ school house Saturday, February All members of the
DeMolay ' secOnd a1
Jackie, Rex and Ray Howry en- 1: at 8 .0 Clock: The Public IS "1‘ l
Chaplafial‘e "mm to am“?- Tne PATTERNS of high fashion clothes;
Butterick and Sun-. NOTIONS for every home sewmg purpose low priced. “
tertamed a group of their yam,r Vited. Bingo Wlll be played after meeting
opens at seven oclock. . ._ . men wh
the business meeting, lhe said. phClty Patterns . . . made easy t0 fOllOlV.
tons . . . lepel‘s , . . tapes . _ _ Threads, , this are:
- O V “ U ' On Man
l ' I gnlteers,
. 0C ,‘
, call.
effective Friday and Saturtl ‘1 Coum,
.1311»: or
v rourrl
12$ . Derlod 1
............. _._ lb. '_, Eh 8, aec
, , , 9? rece
3 1 LEG 0 933m
, . .» ._ r ........................ .. - .53;
Prices EffectiVe"$anuary 31—— ‘ i i; amt of t
February 1 and We Gladly Redeem Orange and V be
. Blue Surplus s .- l «summon
Food Reliance I . '0“ percen
Stamps. . Statior
Pork and Beans l o, P k / 12:21am
if on C
or , I l l . gngma
’ Tuary
Model SVS-6 . . . has
Meter-Miser and other fa-
mous Frigidaire features.
; Terms to suityou. Only
Also See Another Great Bargain l
Lowest prices cu. ft Frigidaire ever legend
A Special factory shipment of new 1940 models
QUICK ACTION is necessary on your part for you
may never again be able to buy. a brand new genu—
ine FRIGIDAIRE at these low prices!
Check this list of fillings
and features that only
FRIGIDAIRE offers you!
V Every ice tray 21 Quick—
ube Tray with Automatic
Tray Release
V Instant Cube Release
in every iray...no twist-
ing, hacking, or melting
to remove 1C6
V Double-width dessert
tray with 2 Instant Cube
Release grids
V Sliding, glass-topped
V One-piece, all-steel
V Newest 1940 styling
V Meter-Miser — sim-
plest cold-making mech-
anism ever built—quiet,
and never has to be oiled
V 10-pointColdControl
V Automatic {Reset Dc-
V Frigidaire Fast-Action
V Large Frozen Storage
V New Chromium life
out shelf
General Motors
NEW 1941
Brilliantly New . . . inside and out!
lulubermen’s Mercantile 00.
Your Complete Department Store
V F-114 Exclusive, Safe
Low-Pressure Refriger-
V Built and backed by
Ega’Fleischmann’s ’:
3 cakes ...................... _. 10¢
Drink it with
7-oz. cans ...... .. for 29¢
15-oz. cans ..... 6 for 47¢
Ask.for the new yeast book.
Corn Flakes, Albers ............. ....................... ._ 4 pkgs.
Milk, Federal .......................................... -. 6 tall ca‘ns
Lard, Wild Rose, in new 3-lb. tin ............................ .. 31¢
Ripe Olives, Jumbo size .................................. __ 2 cans 27¢
Crystal White Laundry Soap ...................... __ 10 bars 31¢
Egg NOOdIeS, l-lb.‘ cello bag __________________________ _. 2-lbs. 23¢
Butter Beans, Palmdale ............ ________________ __ 3 cans 35¢
Chocolate Candy_ Mixed. __________________________________ 1-lb. 17¢
Crackers, Bisco Bits .................................... pkg. 10¢
Marshmallows, 1-lb. cello ; ....... _.. ___________________ 2 for 23¢
Honey, strained, local ...................................... _- pints 19¢
Sugar, fine gi‘anulated—lo-lbs. 56¢; __________ 25-lbs. 1.39
Tomatoes, Silverd‘ale Puree ______________________ __ 3 cans 29¢
Vita Food Dog Food ...................................... __ 6 cans 27¢
Let Us Help Solve the
Lunch Box Question!
W. Paper 2 lge. rolls 33¢
Reliance Chicken
Spread ...... _. 3 cans 29¢
Reliance.‘.’% size
Tuna Fish 3 cans 49¢
Mor ____________ _. 2 tins’45¢
The all hame meat for every
occasion. 12-oz. tins.
Candy Bars 3 for 10¢
Popular brands.
Veal Loaf 2 for 29¢
Libby's 7 oz. tins.
~ Deviled Ham 2 tins 19¢
Libby's Genuine.
Chili C. Game 5 for 41¢
Libby’s No. 1 cans.
View the Alber’s premiums in
our store Saturday. Also receive
a 5 starter coupon Free. Coupons
now good in Washington.
Demonstration Saturday
Brown Bread 0 I H 253.,”
o are ens . 19,9.
4 . . . . Young, tender—3V2 to 4—lbs. average. 'd192
Try them together!
Beef Stew 2-lbs.
Sliced Bacon
I I lb.
Morrell’s de-rined. l
I I . I Igngéles.
Picnic llams . . lb. 2
Diced Carrots
A nilr’,nl ', , »‘
M" l ' Pe'
inimmi Morrellrs Tenderized. equavaflab
. \-
25: and a ZEE
or cOMFORT Tissue
4 roll Package Top
Heavy Bacon . . lb. 25
Morrell’s, pieces as cut. r
\ ~
Fresh Oysters pl. 191%,;
lied Salmon . . lb. 23
i3}! audi
Sliced or whole. t° hea
I Gas 0
Hum Meal 2-lbs 2392...:
I “mured
Oh'l' ll I 28
ll ols . . ea. ,,
:1 MIL:
. Q Saul y.
, askéldtion:
A Full Line of Salt and Cured Fish! "age, :2,
mm no 1‘
l Emu“: 41mm 25¢
L. M. Black Tea
New Cello-Pack—excellent
Carsten‘s 39
fire ah
Formay . '. 3-lbs. 459%
y lie for
. trib °r°w
a n
Bis-kit I may:
Mix “9 25;“
. (
1 Large , FRUITS & VEGETABLES malty; E
Mixing Bow Rhubarb .......... .- 2-lbs. 19¢ 253;:
Lettuce ............ -- head 8¢ i clguest
Both . . . .. . . .. 39¢ legged
Dry Onions .... .. 5-lbs. 17¢
Sweet Potatoes 5-lbs. 27¢ pea?”
Carrots ............ 4.-lbs. 11¢ 51:38? P
Bulk. s, .&
Bunch Carrots bu.
. TREES EIEESEED ngatzoegsaaé. .... _. 50-Ibs. 43¢ graph
3 do‘z' ‘ ' ' ' Bananas ______________ __ lb. 6¢
1/2 Case. 1.49 lfihgiiiig‘
Case . . .. 2.93 él‘l’gst‘ll
_ in: