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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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."y 30, 19 .hip of you .an H. .u . LLO’S Y MA * (SERIES H MEA lUiTs I' FOODS A T PRICES :DSPORT ns tha Car as Mo 1‘ president. .4 1' same home with her to spend Sun- . av. Friday, January 30, 1942. i 4., A quONSTRUCTlVE BREEDER’ * AWARD To WIVELL HERD { . il cll, ; Jersey 1 Nelson. News Brevities; Shelton Valley By ITn‘ZWW'insor Shelton Valley, Jan. 27 fir InOntth meeting of the ' from Shelton. . Worthy Master Oliver Constable . ed 17 or so of the Shelton Valley, 1“M’lge members to Kamilclie last ThuI‘Sday night where they pro-l dented the traveling gavel to the“l Ogress Grange. Substitute offi-: GETS had to be used at the lost} “White. as some of the members! were absent on account of illness.1 The visitors were entertained with i r a Program of readings, songs and; musical numbers, followed by re-l reshments. '.MI'S. Signc Kneelnnd spent Sat-E Emily evening in Shelton {it thel ‘ (“he of Mr. and Mrs. c. v. no. ROSiEI", her nephew. Don DcRosit 1'5 ShMr. and Mrs. :1. Phillips oil 1 elton, Viola Strike. of Cloquz‘il—i $31 and W’illord Adams of Sent-l he, were visitors at the \Vinsorj omc Saturday evening. The local grunge we: well rep—3 nun—u..- m... «M. .M._. --.- :. ,ard winners, ThelKeller, Redmond, upon being el- Home 1 SeWing Club will be held at Echo: arm next week, Thursday. Feb-l, ruary 5th. 5 Harold Adams is now employcdl also fifthe navy yard at Bl‘emt‘rtoi'l-[\K’asliington Jersey Cattle Club. ~ 0 makes the trip dail,v by bus; ' in,“ Jersey herds, the W'ivell herd Vancouver, Wash—H. M. Wiv- Shelton (leftl Mason Countyl breeder and W. Frank ‘Nalla Walla (center), both American Jersey Cattle’ Club “Constructive Breeder” aw— congratulate Ralph ccted to the presidency of the Washington Dairy Association at the annual meeting held at Van- couver recently. Mr. Keller was re-elccted president of the Four breeders have outstand— ‘naving averaged 431.5 pounds of butterfat for a nine—year period. The program committee report submitted by Mr. Wivell was ad- opted by the state Jersey club. it included increased member- ships in state and national Jer- sey associations, increased duction of dairy l i l i l i more efficient management, , pecially production testing, offi— .' ':' cial classification for type. the; ', use of the best registered bulls I improved milk I Cooperation _. obtainable. and marketing facilities. with Future Farmers and 4—H Club members, and greater breed; .. <-lub activities and service to new; lt ‘ . , breeders was also stressed. was pointed out that while in—; creased dairy products are re— quired immediately, more important demand that the, lquality of the breeding stock as well as the producing herds in pro- products thrui Z 95- l , 2’ there is a' Book Drive OIN in the nation- wide drive to col- lect ten million books for our boys in th 9 service of Uncle Sam. LEAVE THEM AT SAFEVVAY v- lUO’? Purl- Pork Fancy Loin or Rib *Pork Sausage .......... .. lb. 25¢ A». " HAMS *SlicedBacon . . . . . . . . _ . . . ea. Tcncrlzed Whole or 12—“). Cello. Hormcl's Half *Picnic Hams _______________ .. lb. 27¢ iii-sten's *Salt Pork __________________ __ lb. 21¢ lb' """ " Lean SLreuked . *forkm Steak ................ .. lb. 31¢ can: eaty , ‘5 T * r l Egfi}‘cghops -------------- -- lb° 39¢ Whole or Half Beef Steak .................. _. lb.37¢ Piece ____ ,_ or SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL‘ illormel Ham . . lb. 38c Eastern Sugar Cured *Slioed Bacon . . lb. 38c Hormcls Extra Lean BEEF BOIL ....... lb. 17¢ Thick Meaty Cuts LEG O’ MUTTON . . lb. 19¢ Tender , Juicy Page Three I“merited Sundav at Mutlock when; general be kept at such a level {"he mecting of, the, P03110119. was: that they V1111 be able to With' 0’ Lilnlb - - ]rixrl‘0'N {Em in the Lincoln Grange hallgstand the increased efficiency re— u. derl: Tasty F , l ' ' o, . ere. A11 report rm intnj-(‘eligigd quirements that are necessary for (1.6? d B f , F, . Jconomica “1min .- . ‘l n... -, . . . d x in 98 ______________ _‘ 1b. 2H),: ._, . g and f, dame .. (3mm), SliCu.CSu qu'lllh a pom um ociio . _, _‘ m“. "“"“ Mr. and Mm. J_ A, ,_ (‘1'\pr'ciTil'Oedlng dairy cattle is 5 long; .' rum 1 (I 3' ‘ V. ‘ i ’ A b l— l ' u " q (1/7/17/ " ,_ “Slness visitors in Tawny. Tues- ' time program and plans must JUHCI} N16211: ________________ ._ lb, . k ' b “M, I ,’ ’ fr [now be laid. l I Afiwnlwl - r > . Pork, Lean Tender And Steaks 1m;m,lr:d\:;"?i:‘ L. 09 Kneeland drove to Port Or-i - ”" Pot R0 Center Cuts ' ~"lll‘l' I ch. . .- . ., ,. umnsnv EXHIBITION r as .................... .. lb. 27' , N r w . “m, , . “hard Saturday night to .. meet- “FED CUPS 4,], I“ M_ V: made Cum ¢ I I lb. we Ill!l.l_\ . "Lgcofilthe Junior Odd Fellow“ C'i Cups won by the \Vashington H Lamb R0391? v; Hump or Cross Rib é ’1 0 ' , . . >, i . . ’ i. i. k _ _ . l h I I l b _ _ h H ‘> ‘ . .y Sheltering acmmpanmd him from; State Jersey Herd, of which the Juioy. Tender ' . ’\ ‘ no: iomical, E, lsportation p l e n t y" thy Exerc' ainedl! HAND . 9 ~ ’yfi‘mg Homemakers Club met With Oer- and Mrs.“Howard Robinsozr M Cémp 3. and Bob Bennett and v-lgiivm Morkert of Shelton. were ' 01‘s at Echo Palm Sunday of- e"noon. O Blokering Asks l More Volunteers For Air W arning' P. By Virtue llanlon l leering', Jan. 16~~The Pick- rs- Lily Cameron Thursday af- fl, WOl‘ld‘ iemoon with three visitors and l" in Our Shop ai mimembel‘s present. The club will Fit? next time with Mrs. L. A. he 3 On February 5. Delicious re-, shments were served. l hOMrS. Josephine Hushels is now heth .after a month’s visit with Children in Tacoma. l FPM’Y'S- Maldor Lundquist and Mrs. 3 lasink Wylie were out two days Week getting recruits for the amWhine observation post. They e In need of more observers to hhorten the hours of those who: 1 turned over to Mark Pickens, ad—1‘ ,displayed for a short time WDiked so faithfully since the 1’ VViVell jersey herd supplied six of the 18 head, at the Pacific, International Livestock Show at‘ Portland last summer have been. vertising manager of the L. M.. for exhibit in one of the L. M.‘ display windows. The cups were, this ; week and will be again next week. the exhibit. This exhibit is be—? One of the Wivell jerseys wasi awarded one of those cups, for being the best jersey in the ex—l lwibit. The 18 head of jerseys in; the state herd were owned by 13‘ different breeders. As a herd the Wivell jerseys were entered in four fairs last summer, taking first money int the Southwest WashingtOn fair at Chehalis and the Northwest W'ash- I ington fair at Lynden, and second: money at the Oregon State fair! at Salem and the Western Wash-I ington fair at Puyallup. Ribbons won at these fairs by the Wivell herd are also part of the exhibit which will be in the L. M. window. This exhibit is be-l ing sent around the state by M.‘ A. Arnold, retired chairman of the1 board of directors of the Seattle- l . l What, No Syrup? There‘s a disappointment for the man of the house. Be sure you have plenty of syrup. Buy two cans today. Sleepy Hollow 26-02. 26¢ Sleepy Hollow 5-lbs. 59¢ Log Cabin. . lge. tin 33¢ Lumber Jack 24-0zs 25¢ Su—Purb SOAP S White King ' I SOAP' Klek OAP * FOOD‘ STAMP ITEM by Uncle Sam. 80 aces-Dressings Heinz Sauce 23¢ Zesty heelsteak sauce. 8-02. BOT. Heinz Mustard Popular Chili Sauce brown mustard ..... .. 6-0Z l Buy Defense Stamps & Bonds EVERY TIME you buy food, buy Defense Savings Stamps. Every Safeway Store has them. That’s the way to make a steady, con- sistent contribution to’ the Victory Drive and regular additions to your savings. Safeway employees are buying Defense Bonds regu- larly. Through a voluntary plan, each employee decides how much he wants to set aside. The Company cooperates by regularly deduct— ing this “Salary allotment” from wages and with the accumulated savings buys bonds which are delivered directly to each employee Prices Friday thru ThursdayflJ an. 3 - Feb. 5 Canned Vegetables Fancy Peas 10¢ Iloscdnle 4-sieve 16—01. 1 I Sweet Peas 13¢ (Harden Side, standard pens. Del Monte Peas AIRWAY The aristocrat of thrifty Coffees. 3-lbs. 55¢ NOB HILL The coffee that fits your taste and your purse. Edwards 2-lbs. 53¢ 15¢ Ppl'es wildmas organized. Volunteers 5 First National Bank. The display; Early Garden variety peas. 16-02. Finest regular or drip coffee. . , e greatly appreciated. lin the L. M. window is the first Pure granulated Soap Pure Soap Powder Regular size b Tomato (‘llili sauce... 12-01.. 3 P 2 and Mrs. \V. A. Gray andi of this series. 24-023. 9-02. package Laundry Snag” . . l y S at f ter Mabely of Selah, \‘1SitedJ l Tender, 4—sieve sweet peas. 17—02. MoJoB. 1'11). ......3%0¢ Popular regular or drip e 3 ' l Mrs. home of their daughtdil Heinz Chili sauce ....... ..‘. ....... .. 1mm Bob Cameron, from Tuesday: '1‘ MR hursday. .daughtand Mrs. Don Matl'iews andl Calif Its/[r Dorajean, of Burbank. i ' n 1‘ . ‘.. . .tl‘l '. 1/er , . H" S Mathewq mo 91 q ' Schedule of competitive skiing ¢ 12-OZ. Country. Home 10¢ Whole! Corn ' 12¢ Del Monte golden huntam .... .. 12—02. | 20¢ 9c __ 3... 10¢ Tomato Catsup Red llill fey. pure catsup.. 14-02. Mis Wolden, of Shelton and, _ ' jerss Margaret Woldcn were call- , 54mg; tquqsgggi‘gfsivgyd;i ¢ . c e‘v f“ the Rempel 1101196 Fl'lday“‘g ‘1 Rio} . fl Pure- tum‘lti ketchup... 14-0Z U . filing. fllsaseg early F215 twefeKt} bzh {ioy ’ C t ----- u ' Highway cream banlum ...... .. 10-01. r- and Mrs. Charles Droscherl eac erv preSI 8“ 0 19 U ‘3 '0“ ' ‘l - a ,. , y. _. . l , . flag. My, of in. and; gyetgggmpggmg 1 Egglngnzmglgg 1191112 Ketchup i2¢ Cream tom 3/ Federal Milk 3 for 14¢ 0th}; V‘f’ils’ngléigteognigészvgzié, an Open champio‘nship mget 0,1; PM" “Wm” “WM” ---------- ~- 3‘01' ’Pondrr Swr‘vt cream style. 16-02- 0: Cherub Evnp. Milk. 1-3 oz. Sum ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ March 7 and s at Mt. Rainier. Tomato Catsup 11¢ p Wiggly of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, Downhill and slalom races for 10¢ Del Monte Corn Carnation Milk 3/272 . said. The club is still sponsoring Extra fancy wrapped ' , Mr. - , men. women and juniors with com- p: [-13 C] I t t LGE' H_0z. Cream Style lmntam corn. 174m. 3 Eggderfiwyyfsm330%,,Eflfiga‘zf petitors from the Shelton, Lewis H l” mu: Hominy 2 for ‘ 0" ""4995 and VP" """" " “VP” .OHask t, h" d M. S L .5 County, Olympia, Grays IHarbor, , . _ . . Chitty Ofe Olyrispia agverelsdimitrl Castle Rock and= Lonngew ski lb. Tender, large kernels ........... ._ 29-02. , “" ' guests Tuesda at’ the Claude clubs W111 feature the February 1 . 1 Nu Madc- suar. fresh FULL QUART , ; 0r Cherub Fvap milk ' 141/.-.” .. E Hfinlon‘ home y and 22 dates. The junior races are “8’12? .‘Xl’apngfg and g , ‘ ---- n h I .. R V #___ {for entrants under 18 years old. pp] g °" ' d Tend r k” ‘1 30 ' it. . ‘* INFANT n; HOSPIT AL , The Shelton Ski club’s next 568- , , m) s """ m; """ " .M' ' ms MAhn Macs Scott 1 daughter of! 51021 is scheduled for next Tues- 4 Damon“ pure smead"""" “NT ¢ 9 . 1'. and Mfg fiobért’gcott Route‘ * day evening at the courthouse at. ‘ , v V . . . . 1, helm“, entered Shelto'n h0s_‘ 7:30 o’clock, Presxdent Peacher‘ I d Lmerald Bay, well—cleaned. 18-01. V ’ QUART . x’ 4 'l ,4 I 1 1'1 r, I Menthol, Glycerin! 3’, n giggle? splendid ingredl his. I a , 0 ANADIOL Mixture is different ge can .l ........ __ F 57m “31 .w ednesday for treatment. lixpeciorant ' for 60%” ot’s a “Holley” Untied from rare Canadian Pine Iri‘b Moss Buck- . am ‘a boffieeffectiveifaster in action. Get itqie today—take a teaspoonful, \let 3“} on Your tongue a moment then l0w . an“? Slowly—feel llS powerful cf— Mbronchial tubes, coughing spasm ‘ 91' right away it starts to loos— Sged bronchial tubes. Now you‘ll ‘31“? over 10 million bottles of fiction spread thi'u throat. head ~_ 9 thick choking phlegm and open 5 have been sold in cold, win- r hada. "‘Drug Store, McConkey Pharm— ta'nd your own druggist has this Canadian discovery. its weekly Thursday night skat- ing parties at Olympia from 7:45 to 10:45 p. m. Admission is 31c. I 16 Freezing Temps In 22 Nights So Far Five more freezing temperatures were added to January’s total dur- ing the week of the 16th through the 22nd (the latter being the last date on which weather data can be published because of min. ‘ tary restrictions), according to the Rayonier weather-bureau records. 3 On consecutive nights from the 17th through the 22nd the mercury dropped to 29, 28, 30, 28 and 29 degrees. That brought the month’s total freezing temperatures to 16 readings in the 22-day period. On- . 1y one day of rain, totalling 0.05 inches, was recorded during that same week, making the month’s total up to 1.76 inches. RY f'wlrlls‘KEY. , no», PEOn'lA.» lllll packed apples. LARGE FIRM Broccoli Delicious, easily prepared ii... 19¢ Celery Crisp Chula Vis-» ta celery 1b. ______ _. 81¢ Spinach. Small, tender green leaves I is. -250 \ AV Oranges ll-lb- 49c suNKlsT'NAvELs Lettuce. . . lb. 7:: GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Sunkist svileet seedless. Shopping bag 101i... ............ .. 39¢ POTATOES U. S. No. 1 quality jerseys 131i... ............ .. 43¢ PARSNIPS Oregon white parsnips 1b. ______________ ............ .. 5¢ SWEET SPUDS U. S. No. 1 quality jerseys 4 1b.. ............ .. 23¢ CABBAGE" New California. Tender, tasty 1b. __________________________ .. 5¢ LEMONS Sunkist large, juicy lemons lb ____________________________ _. 9‘]: Delicious pure spread Salad Dressing Duchess—finest, fresh ...... .. QUART Salad Dressing Cascade—u money saver I’IN’I‘ Stiff} 27¢ Assorted Juices Tomato Juice 15¢ 8¢ 18¢ Sunny Dawn 15-01. Carrot Juice Diamond “A” currott juice. 12-02. Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn fey. Juice ........ .. 46-01. Tomato Juice ¢ Libby's fey., pure juice ..... .. 47-02. Prune Juice 20¢ Sunsweet delicious juice ..... .. 46-01. Town House Fey. Grapefruit juice..... 46—01. tins Canned Fruits Halves Pears Harper House Bartletts......_.. Halves Pears 20¢ Harper House Bartletts ...... .. 29-02. Pear Compote Anlita brand pieces‘of pears 29—oz. Fancy Spinach l9¢ Emerald Bay, vi'ell-clenned. 15-01. Pepared Foods Libby’s Chili {AZ/23¢ Zesty chili con came ...... .. Van Camp Chili 2/ Van Camp’s chili con carne. 10'/z-OZ- Libby’s Hash 2/ ilnjipggom’ea has]: lo‘A-oz. .5: 1 S r as y 16-01. Libby’s liver sand. spread 2%.”. Libby’s Spread 2" ¢ Libby’s mtg spread ......... .. B‘A-oz. Pink 1 almon 2 ¢ I Ilium/35 Alaska red Sockeye salmon..... l-lb. Grape Juice Church’s undiluted QUART BOT. ¢ G J PINT ra e uice ¢ “'elcll‘sgeeps you slender QUART Corned beef hash ................... .. Liver Spread 10¢ (looktailfxam spread. 31/2-oz. tin , ,3. Dev11ed Meat Mcgovern’s pink salmon........ Libby’s Salmon Fruit Juices 29¢ Grape Juice Welch’s radio adv. juice .... .. Gra e. Juice '¢ Eckert'spWash. made ....... .. QUART Brillo ’with soa'p pads. Steel Wool Supreme brand steel wool. l-oz. pkg 4¢ Snap Pads 9* Brillo Ted package. .......... .. 5 PADS Breakfast Cereals Corn Flakes 5¢ Kellogg’s fresh flakes .giifiape Nhuts _2/ Wheat Meal 2 for 10¢ Dairy Products 3.139%? .......................... ._ 25¢ . 42¢ slim ............ ._ .. 43¢ EGGS 43¢ Grade “A”, Large .................. .. DOZ. Grade “A” Medium BOZ. . MAZDA GLOBES 40-50-60 13c WATT