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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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inuary l.’ . “a..- V. i; l AL F00 [EODOR LANCE: SING urnal UlaS here’s one element of the Na- “ DBfense War Program that rePeatedly been stressed by rnment bureaus and author- bllt to which many Ameri- t.hPUSewives haven't yet given 7,1c1ent attention," said Mr. a, “my Real, specialty salesman the Lumbermen’s Mercantile ‘ Pany, at subject,” he said, “might called ‘The Vital Values in l :II at my F2 crthwest of . :he 8 it o k c 1 Fdiscussing the new 1942 Frig— . "*8 electric ran M B l a”? ges, r. ea 81“ JAXF d that he was prepared to de— VIJ , , strate to any housewife how fill A. challenge of these leaders t: be met . . . by saving these ‘ I: , ,1 Values.” :egms at 1 ald Secretary of the Navy. : k Knox . . . “And most im- , nt of all, they can maintain Grade natlonal health during the , A feeding their families bal- ill‘y CO‘W- 9&1 meals which meet the ards of good nutrition. The llIOI'IlSOy, W. Stands ready in our ocean I ‘ers; I know we can count lean herd. f i, ‘3 housewives of America to lo fresh and" i he home front-" 0‘“ Surgeon General, Thomas . “Malnutrition and dietary 0181', Pall 13::le diseases constitute one ,‘ ». erica’s great health prob— sFiMc'ilggES :Which we are now attacking ‘ tdgaallonal sclalef. éh. 4O pecll~ .. epeopeo eUnie ties aren’t getting an adequate UTIONEERS n's Ehey lack especially "Vita- ‘ 8‘15 helm, , d i B, C and CalCIum. AA «ief from Dr. Louise Stanley, ‘ “1 um i 0f the Bureau of Home Ec- of the U. S. Department I th culture . . . “We lose some H .9 Vitamins in cooking, de- mg on how we cook. For in- “. both Vitamins B and C w 5 deaslly dissolved out of food. » bevltamin C especially tends . ' delsltroyed by too long cook— 'TEOI‘tunately, in most cases, . tasty way of cooking con- files the vitamins best . if of H”)? cook green leafy vegetables ‘ c won... {the least possible water, and hostel've the juices with them, 0111 V‘ " Automo y conserve the \ltamlna '5 Mile haVe a much tastier dish.” 1t: Beal said the inherent— nc m‘characteristics of effi- he building 7 Bed win such rapid nationwide . 01a . . . . . Louis Weinel which is situated be- da’ble gé‘sn afgr thgrlggfgreimegiigrfil low the VVeinel home. The ground paper . . . ay than ever b’eforpp And is being cleared preparatory to newer prog/ Ugh their use housewiges can bill-hung a home. The Biles’ fam-l r nd to the en’leraency demand; lly have spent many summers here . . save vital value 1; food. i at the different resorts. For sev- lotlve 1nd some of the demonstratable' eral seasons of late they have . : aging of the 1942 Frigidaire Erased a cottage at Olympus Man- es Which preserve the impor- nt . . . Vltamlns and minerals in i ,, fiiisséder. Beal are: exclusivei ~ 11 e units designed for‘ 'PROI‘E _:11‘tihfm, high-speed, economical ING *6 (megs. Frigidaire’s High—Speed lies of devele_'1~h needs of m h‘illi b will come ' algbe . ,. at _. y serung c y en agile U ,ougble Game Charge J N “at t e w 310 fin M. 0 Ga ‘ "f Y. I easant meat out Of season. Thé Abstract Man of Mason County A. L. BELL Abstracts, Real Estate Loans and Insurance ‘3 BE L BUILDING . "ELTON: '- WASH. RT V HOME seriously! mmediate L A N S y for the worth of rollapsible , Convenient Terms oducts 111 ~ i ‘ industry Reasonable Rates bei Manu- 1- NO DELAY reduction i. l the Till « lbhc. The . “Sun County Savings l ‘& LOan Association .1 fl Ti"I: Insurance Bldg. alp ,. .. y, January 30, 1942. D VALUES STRESSED Y NATION‘S WAR LEADERS ARE SAVE_I_)_I_N CAREFUL PREPARING.l an. U. s. Public Health Serv-l 3’ and reliability that have‘ Which saves vitamins, and el‘mizer Deep-VVell cooker in oth vitamins and minerals protected from dissolving or from oxidization in l Union Saddened By TWO Deaths . , During_Past Week Union, Jan. 28—This communityl twice was saddened the past week. First came the news that Jim Morris had died suddenly in Na-‘ ches of heart trouble. Jim, the sec- , and oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.I Henry Morris, is the first of ten: children to go. He was well knownl here, having visited here oftenl with his many relatives. Besides: his parents, he has two sisters living here, Mrs. Herbert Allen and Mrs. Addison Gatewood; two brothers, Frank and Vernon and a neice, Mrs. Lyle Bittle. Mrs. Jim Morris is an aunt of Mrs. Harley Neldon, Mrs. Lillie Van Horn, James and Francis Wright. :Her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Seed, is a sister-in—law of Clar- ence Seed. Another sister of Mr. Morris is Mrs. George McHenry Of LilliWaup. Most of these rela- tives attended the funeral which was held in Sclah Saturday at 2 P. M. where it was snowing. The , Neldons and Wrights came homei that night when the snow and icy Snoqualmie Pass made travelling! hazardous. The others returned onl Sunday by daylight when it was not so bad. The second shock came Friday with the message that Harvey Strandwold had been accidentally killed on the piledriver at Tacoma where he had worked for several years. He was also well known here. His Wife Maxine Main trandwold is the daughter of Clara Main, and. is with her mo-. thcr now, recuperating from an operation. She was in the Shelton hospital when the news came. The funeral will be held Friday in Ta- coma where the Strandwolds havel lived for the past five years. Mrs. Enoch Nelson who was in the Shelton hospital for a few days last week with the flu, is home again and. regaining her strength slowly. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Biles of Montesano have purchased a piece of water front property from l l l l I i I . I I I The Junior Sunday school class met last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones to make plans for a Valentine party to be held February 13th. There were about a. dozen there who were treated to popcorn. Supplementing last week’s items, he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John,,Robinson in. , Portland, is named Sharon Lee. ’ l I WELTQN-MA SON COUNTY JOURNAL ——————_—-—n——— p_-_______.___...__..—_--.--.—__._.— .____._ “L...— NOTICE (“IFDPSAIAl-‘lmor STATE l NO. 1427 'J O R N A 1 . i .' NOTI ‘E or HEARINC'OF FINAL l ] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thotl C ' REPORT, PETITION FOR DISTRI- of March, BUTION, AND DISCHARGE 0F 091001: In ADMINISTRATRIX in front IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE on Tuesday. the 3rd day 1942, commencing at ten the forenoon of said day, not: an. Estrada: it “‘i has ROFUNWASHINGTON FOR . . m». «o vvvvvvwwwmmmm, . my 0 , Shelton, county of Mason. State of, In the Matter of the Estate of R f d S F S 1 Washington- by‘ the Counts Auditorl James . Mifflin, Deceased. ea ‘1 e aSSl 1e elVlce or a e I RATES androgenic fascists. wish We E. IS 13mg; ,GIVEN, tie Wm M.l“Mum-..”--..-...-. the1 1gnoprolvements. situatcdr thereon, : 953... (if 32mg: "D‘fniiii-E’iiii‘?‘ oe‘éeased‘? FOR SALE: modern 5-room ROOM AND BOARD, 225 Northi 100“ C3551de Aglertfi'emfg‘tst g} h ‘z it’dd at DUbl‘" auctltllllo the. has filed with the Clerk of above house, garage, 1-3 acre ground,‘ 9th. Phone 1,08-J. l Nash Brothers . Cell 5 a me (. WOT, S) rs N15,»?_1\;Od§;etgizgifir'cig?£xé'of the l court hRI‘ filial report and petition one mile west. Terms. W. MCK—1_23_30>_72t. . Insertion, attractively low rates United states. we successes in“ mean. Po. Box 163 or inquire USED on subsequent Mm- decllared their 1:ntekntlon toI become§1942'.at ten Ovclock a.m., has been at Creamery N lmum charge.40c. . . .. , . - . i0, arm eI-eon , ea er n l c “mlAfilfirI‘ first: finds lflxed as to date of he ‘ glth . 1_23_30__2_6_12__4t. SHRUBBERY PRU ING and re { R d OtC S 30 per word . . A ' A ’- 05~3 at which time the Court is asked planting. Oscar Plovxc, 726 80-. —40 ' ‘ All tlde lands of the second class,,t0 snub, such rpport distribute the . I R d C minimum. _ owned by the State of. Washington‘ p,.,,,',é,ty',,, the 1,61,50,53 entitled thew FOR SALE; 45 acres creek bob Flrst St- 1-1--2-1~IM-I angesuwoo Clasmfied advertisements ac- fltfgfttfiwmu $011510“ {figaggghwt 01; to, and discharge said administratrl'x. tom with 4 room house barn, ,1 Quick Meal .... .. ............$39.50 cepted over the telephone from Lot 3, "section 32ft§8vliiship 22miiiirt.ii,E W‘Q’gfémffidgfihzr (Elmira considerable Alder. Cheap. Mrs. ‘1 Admiral ---- -- 34'50 Phone Subscribers' caSh Shomd range 1 west,~ W. M; with it frontage; court 'and the seal» “f Said court Mary Scott Smith, Box 65, Rte_ FURNITUPW 1 Monarch 49.50 accompany all other orders. or Simplified‘fiiaiié‘lg‘m‘ "We "" 1955+ affixed this 22nd day or January. Elma 1—22-—-2—5—*3t "‘1 l1 Malest‘c ' 19'50 payment made before the first ) l‘ . v). I ‘ II, c n I Al PLILATION M). “15.50 CLARE ENGELSEN, ' 1~—Monarch range .............. ..$24.b0 lgtontzg t """ " 0; 31S- monih togavehexPenig 1}“ “do lands ,Of the 50mm}. “Ia-“Si (SEAL) Clerk Of said Superior Court FOR SALE CHEAP: equity 1n 5- 1__Majestic range ______________ u 19.501 - 85 em 0 1 _mg‘ H ex 3 c 3-13.? owned by the State '01“ VVashlngton" Julia Vvaldrip Km», room house on Hillcrest’ Art‘ 1 Mont ran 19 I.01 lVIOnt. Ward 39.50 100 Wlll be made when blllmg Slant}, in iront of, adjacent .to 01_, 203 Capitol Park Bldg” G . h 397 . ..e '_ ab. g” "g ,1 Crown Empress ________________ ,_ 39,50 iS necessary. Card of thanks dlutrmg “1’0” the nmlh, 125 fleet ‘3}, Olympia, Washington, rlggsi P 9’16 01' ‘nquu l—wood Circulator . 34.4),1 M t 39 50 50c Sglllfffiltllcfl'glln’r‘gvl Sill/Cit)?“ ix? ’ Attorney for Admmftggtgéx'z 1'; 4t Texaco serce' 1'23'30"2'6_3t' 2*Circmat0r5 19'50 l 1 Cam adg -------- u 2.50 Classified Display Rates on . .s ., .g- 3s. .. '—,.'- ---—.~-. _ .—| scae. .3. M., with a frontage of 1.97 lineal »—_*—— . , , . 1—“W‘70d heater ' 7'00 1 L R, t chains, more or leggy appraised at, Y ‘ 3 10t5 111 Clty IIthSy 1———Ma 7taU‘ washer ______________ __ ang """"""""""""""""""""" eques ' $49.25. , I“ H 1‘0- !450 , ‘ excellent view, on Hillcrest. 2 1._bre:kf‘aqt get table 5 1 Lang --------------------------- ~- 42-501 PM)“ 109 Said lands will be sold for not less| NOTILP. OF HEARING- lleAL lotq Cleared read for build_ . ‘ ‘ ‘ , 1 Lang _ . 29.50 ' than the appraised value above stated REPORT AND PETITIOI‘ FOR . C ' l Chan‘s """"""""""""""""" " 1200 Z 1 CI‘O 29 5O {will up“ the terms and °°ndmonsl THF SllgljglgglggllgT on THE mg‘ $60 each‘ Inqmre R‘Chfleld‘ 1 Gt viii} "t "" " 'l 49'50 O owing: l IN A C ‘ ’ ' ' s . h 288. ' . es em 01 .............. .. . W Not less than one»tonth of the pur-l STATE OF WASHINGTON. FOR Statlon on 123—60-rig—4t Olsen Furl/llture 00' 1 Combination, gas and r 2‘ . chase price must be paid at the timel MASON COUNTY ' '. d 4 O of sale. The purchaser, if he be not. IN PROBATE T"—"-" l W00 """"""""""""""""""" " 9'5 v Ellctfilwitifir of the lglpl‘OVF'EmelltS, lxi’lustl' I?! the Mutatch of tlclle Estate 0f FOR SALE: 50 acres Mlddle SkO-l I I I“-“--_ .3.‘ or Wl pay 0 lo 0 icer macingl I‘ll ur Onsru , cecaSC . ' 1-. . NI TPEES Shrubber _- I ' ' ' " thesale the full amount of the all-l ’NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that KOmTh land‘ 5’8 Tires “1:?”ng PPU 1N9 A]: l r I h dyi, Heaters WOOd OLD GROWTH WOOD for me, praised value of the improvements. as. Edvin Tlngelstad. Administrator of the tlvatlon- B95 501, goo roa 5) garcenmg- (00 gene a an 3’ I1 Olymplc ______________________________ __ 35_00 ' 350W SWCG- Ogle-Finn] of the 1711111“. Estate of’ Hildur Onsrud.f t1131eceabsed, good school. Inquire Journal man. Phone .548. F. M. Foster,‘1 Pacific 3500 $750 9;” cord plus m' R‘ w' 0 use price hills )9. pai( annll‘I y lows filed with the, Clerk 0 e a ove _ _ __ _ _ -- , t ,7. - . " """" " ' ' ou . 586- . thereafter Wlth interest on all dC-l “Timed Court, his final Report and Boxjj' R011 0 3,, “73,36 1t 1 Monta‘g """""""""""""""""" "3950' K I g ’- phonf1_27 €2.30__1M ferred payments at the rate of s1x,Petitiim for Distribution asking the 1 R f I l - ' ' 3.?1r‘ltcp31tu’1‘rlllggf “mum: l’I‘lgwdft‘rili Court dto sgttle allproye falghre' HOME WASHING and IRONING l e rlgeratOrR-e ectmc '— f {1591‘ may "VI 0 u t. ls“‘i lie 0 ornier 0 ose . . , . ‘ ' ' ' - payment or principal, interest and; iiiémio eiititled, and ‘to ‘diseiinge saidl You want to,bny a home or i Reasonable prices, 120.; Railroadl’} gflginator ------------------------ -- 99-50 PIGS FOR SALE: Davis store, statutory fccs‘ at any time andcb-i Administrator. Farm see Shick and George. Ave. or phone 62-J. Jeel-SO-ltl‘ O ey 69-50 Lilliwaup, Wash. tam deed. :lhe purchaser of land; NOTICE Is FURTHER GIVEN, that i 1 Grunow 89.50 1-23.30.-2-6--3t Sgélttélrlll‘lll’égiStlrgxl)f‘fi"b&lédoglyer11‘311}?2l§‘ gaid Final Repfirt bandh Pedtltlon tfgr -— “vm‘vvv 7v- vvvvvvvvvv'V h 1 t . ' c. _. l2 . s 'i _l ' (I 1",“; 'b 1' i e Car In C '- _— cutting: or reliioylng any such timber. the Court House in You wanfi to buy Insurance 1 M as ers e ec rlc , ' ggn mggcglralfmwgmugiqfigbroggagifigsi Shelton, Washifr‘lgtIfln. at the hosurt of see and Insurance man 1 Mayfiag ------------------------- ggfigiF‘glidSéI-gi 31;“ wood Sawyer? '. 53 ~ ” ~53 -« "10 o‘clock in t e orcnoon, on at ur- ...- - I a' a ..... .. .. .5 u ace on 001- e o 1‘“ Lanqs' .‘mt‘l “‘0 “‘11 “mount 0f ' (lav the 7th day of February. 1942 IF '_ f1 Spcyed €9ueen 29 50I 5 miles outhohn Thomassen flamiéiiiiz‘f “‘09 “as been pa“ and! gated this 3rd day of January! You want to get married, see LOST: leather zipper key con- 1 Hagg - 19'5ol 1‘ 930—4 t sufililccfalai‘ 91:0 Sli‘é’hlaa’glfnsal‘gf m”.le ; m4 CLARE ENGELSEN, a lUStiCe- . tainer with seven keys and? 1 Norge _ ‘_ 39:50 _..__.,...__.. L ,, rip“ < ms,‘ SE. A ‘ ' < (a i? it- ‘ 1 gases, Coal, ores, minerals and {cs-i, 81/551911. LEWIS‘ coumy cerk grlver: lgfinbci<-§é:721d 1.8138 1;; :1 Apex. """"""""" " ' 39'50 FOR SALE: 1 span. gentle mules. 511s of every name, kind and (lo-i “tomey for Administrator, . um 0 a LES“ >ya 4- ,r 1 American Beauty . 49.50i W - ht b t 1100 d w-l_ scrlptmni ,nihd to the addmcnal terms Suite 1 Lumimmenvs Bldg, I Elinor or Journal. 1-30~1t.!1 V035 _______________ __ 19 5O; 915 a 011 Poun 8- 1 and canditmus prescribed In section Shelton" Mas/0,,1 County, FOR SALE ,_____,._,__ L._,-_.A__...-___.77_L-f1 Mom; Ward "" " ‘ 29'50‘ liam A. Robertson, Route 3, 3 aper 2.76 of the Laws of 1307. E Washington. 1-, f t .t , t , " ' """"" “ ' Box 120 Shelton Wash. 01' said land Will be sold subject to I TraCt 0 land. more than W0 Cl y mvvmvvvvvvwvvvv . 1 Maytag, gas ...................... .. 49.50 ’ ' ’ tlfie 1tlel'r‘ltls. gpéidiEigifis grid resefivationil lots well located on Railroad . Robertson NursmgsI-Iome. at. O 0 zip or 0 e ession aws o i ’ W t d 1 ' 1n -30——2-6——- tracings £2" .‘T‘gtW mm: or Emilia or FINAL: 32.1333;Pliiiai°ifuéffd§lie 3“ e i 5 Mlsceuaneous — . rr lm er, . . ' ' stone. hminerals and other products‘ Rum)!" Dalilfilfi’gfigllm FOR gain at $450 cash_ “““‘ ii 3:133:21??? ------------ ~- 1250 FOR SALE: studio couch,_washing 0V“ l 9 Same- JACK TAYLOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE WANTED: girl or woman for:1 Bee Vacuun‘: cf’eznir' 1332 "139111"?! sew‘Pg machmev a1.” Commissioner Of Public Lands. §%§T§,Q§O§VAC%P3§§§0N IN AND _ROOM modern home, hardwood housework. Phone 490. 1 American B Radio 19-“) equlty m refrrgenator-kllnquxre By FRANR YATES, In W, Matter of the Estate of floors, fireplace, full basement Cal-2244f. ---------- -~ -~ C. W. Gunn, 911 Fran in st. K——.1-30——1t. FOR SALE: two year old Rhode Island roasters $2.00 each. Ed- ith Matthes, Route 2, Agate. Assistant Commissioner. 1—30--2—6-13—20—27--5t. Nash Brothers Used Department 115 Cota Free Delivery Fred Johnson. DeceaSed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ,Frank S. Smith. administrator of the NI Estate Of Fred Johnson, deceased. has Ifiled in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final Report and and furnace. Also large unfin- ished upstairs. This home is located on oiled street and has nice yard. Entire property in WANTED: post cutters. In— quire at Lake Newatzel Service, Station. Roland Ayers. NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER 0 STATE FOREST BOARD LAND Nti.eish,‘ '. ,s— .. . . . ,o , day? (£119 grillelggygwg? tfiZECg: Tlléiz p Petltlon for Distributlon,” asking the excellent condition, and. priced A»—1—23-.>0--2-6--3t. I my." mNm,m Phone 6-F-14. 1-30--2-6-13--2t commencnm at t9“ wclopk in the fore_ SOUII to setrttlet sag? 1%};oltsnglstlfllggttg below present value. W111 con- —- ;a- is proper v O ie _. F R . - noon of s 1d day, In front of the entitled and to discharge said ad_ Slder terms—$4375.00. WANTED: woman for part tune I FOR SALE. electric comb. cook stove, good condition, 4 window frames, door frames, 4 dou- ble deck steel beds. H. F. Haupt- ley, Union, Wash. 1-30—1t FOR SALE: 18 nice New Hamp- shire pullets $1.00 each, Weights 4 to 41/2 pounds. L. C. McCowan, main entrance door to the county court house in the City of Shelton. County offl Ngxsoni Stilts of Washington, by t e ouny u itor of said county. - - at the court room of the Probate Do- the tlmbcr on the followmg described nartmem of said Court at which state land will be sold at public auc- . tion to the highest bidder therefor,lEfillgafiydpgggfg Paeggggggtggesifi‘; -vvvvvvvvvvvv*vvvwwvvv~ to'wlt: APPLICATION F_390 I objections thereto and contest the Used Cars Timber 011 LOt 4 and SEl/t 0f SW14? Dated this 2.1th day of January, I 'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvm ministrator and that said report and petition will be heard on the 28th day of February. 1942. at 10:00 a.m., housework. Lillian Simmons, 333 Cookson Street. 1-23-—1t WANT TO BUY HOME with gar- den spot around $2,000. Can make substantial down pay- ..AAA AAAAAAA ma“ FOR RENT: room furifished cabin. Light and water paid, $10 month. Inquire John Terho, 2nd and VVyandotte, Southside. 1-9--tf. Herbert G. Angle Angle Bldg. Phone 304 \6 l l l ment. Write Box S, c-o Journal.‘ of section 18, township 24 north, range 194.. . . 3 t. w. M., t..‘ ' r 63. 6 .C' .‘ " S~1~2"-°Ow2t. , . ROUte 2. 30k 320. Shelton. .imiigsm loss. acfgrndiiigni‘i‘ tiieogol~é.?§-l (SEAL) CLAéfgk $611333,” FOR SALE: 1935 International _-° ° FOR RENT- two Sleeping rooms. 1-30--2-6~42t. ‘ sgurvey thereof, appraised at, .1_30__2_.6_.13-20“4t Truck, 11/2 ton. 1404 Olympic N .t‘ furance heat. 4S04 f‘alrmont Ave. DE d2“ h I , . . . t - . i _ - _ _ _ ‘ o; are approximately 1,045,000 feet sap-i No “3., W1 “3 -p y 7 V * y. q w ling fir and 100,000 feet hemlock. 1 NOTICE OF HE} 0N FINAL FOR SALE: 1941 Special DeLuxe Charge 0f Bremerton home- Eve' HOUSE FOR RENT- Feb. lst 7- JOhn thOkl: LOSt Lake Rout“. nings and Sundays off. S35.oo,l Elma. .. board andrroom'. Steady. Inquire Journal or 712 Naval Avenue, The purchaser of the above describ- cd timber will be required to comply strictly with laws governing slash dis- posal as found in Title 36. Chapter 1. Remington's Compiled Statutes and u ACCOUNT, REPORT.AND PETITION. OF EXECUTRIX FOR SETTLEMENT" DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND room on HillCTest. Phone F. G. 1'30"2'6"2t' Bedell 345-M. 31—1-23-3Ou2t. GREEN AND DRY WOOD FOR SALE. Phone Shelton 288. Plymouth sedan. A-1 shape. Good tires. Reasonable. 810’E1'i- nor St., Shelton. 1-22-29—2t. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Grout of Valsetz, Oregon, spent» the week Bremerton. N—1-30--1t. «- R—1-30-—2-6-13—3t. laws amendatory thereto. The purchasers of state timber are! FOR RENT: room Cab-“1’ furn" FOR SALE: trailer house 8’x16’. FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE y. end at their borne here which theyl recently purchased of Willard, Lawrence. Their son, Curtis and} I is cut on adjacent state—owned prop- ertv. 'nst Arcadia Man} C. Zintheo meted ' A , es on each of two game aing’kfvlation charges brought 1 '5 Chesley Pringle, Route 3, “16 Protector Paul Hughey cl'larges were for trapping a license and possession SIP Oil FEI‘GT 'BY non ' wife of Bremerton, joined them here. The Galloways are building a large garage by their home. school about two weeks with a serious attack of the flu. She is improving and hopes to be back to school next week. Mrs. Lidren of Shamrock is an- other who is having a. hard seige of flu and Lud Andersen also is recuperating. Mrs. Earl Kent and Mrs. Alvin Martin picked up some other mem- bers enroute Tuesday and attend- ed the Elinor Social Club at E1- don where Mrs. Allie Ahl was hostess. After a delicious lunch- eon, cards were enjoyed. Another cat story—the Lud An- dersens about three weeks ago. lost their beautiful cat, which is about half grOWn and a great pet. The neighbors helped them search but no trace until a few days ago when it was reported seen about two miles West of their home. The Andersens went searching one af- ternoon and finally the woods back of Mrs. Main’s. He was very glad to see them but getting him on the highway and into the car was a task that took brute strength. When put in the car, he was frantic, Jumping from one window to another. They got him home finally with no dam- age to him, the car or themselves. As soon as he was home, he Was l l ed as if he had never been away. He won’t tell his owners whether he was stolen and went so Wild he was turned loose. Public Invited To Townsend Club Party Chinese checkers and pinochle will feature a party to which the public is invited at Memorial Hall next Monday night following a at eight o’clock. .. . FAST FREIGHT SERVICE 8 Tattle Freight should be rout 0318. Freight via Str. Sko No. Time Schedule as follows: daily, execépt Silnda'y, at 5 p.m. for , , Olympiaand Sheltbn ArrIVes Shelton daily. except Sunday CLARENCE cAnLANDER, erosidenr 7 Leaves CYr and Tacoma‘ lagement ' I ;. vs» «.wv .211: '- WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON ed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, okum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, 2‘. FREIGHT 1 Lois Nosworthy has been out of. found it up in' immediately calm and as content-I he wandered and got lost or ifI short business session of the| Townsend Club. The program starts . left last Wednesday . busineSs trip to their home at Los Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised va ue. l as appraised by the Commis-v ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that above estate, has filed herein her final account, report and petition {or‘ l Ruble M. Sanderson, Executrix of the' Inquire 901 Cascade St. FOR SALE: 1940 Chevrolet spe- cial DeLuxe coupe. Good rubber, WILL PAY CASH for used type- be reasonable. Inquire Journal. K~—1-30—w1t. LEAVING about February 10 forl ished, just redecorated. Lights, required to run out the'lines and are,l In the Matter of the Estate of responSIble for trespass in case tlmber LewiR E‘. Sanderson. Deceased. 1-30———2-6——2t. Writer in good condition. Must! water, WOOd; garage- Reason“ Fortthe messages of love and able Winter rates. Maple Beach, Lake Isabella. 1-16-30—3t. CARD 0F THANKS sympathy and for- the beautiful floral.,offerings which came to us during our recent bereavement, we l . . . - til . t l'.t ‘b.l.' . 1' th 95- . . . ‘SIoner of Public Lands in the man— E :2“, erggnma:ddreé:;sle$ loghgreine the 10w, mlleage’ heater! defroster» I , FOR RENT: large Sleeping room, _w15h to express our smccre I191. DI‘OVldCd by law. .a statement of, Court is asked to approve said ac_ Tadloi etc- PerfECt mmhamcanY- owa“ ‘Vant’ passenger to Sna‘re' good clean bed Close in 528 thanks Whmh 15. now on.flle In the Office Ofl count and report, and make distribu- Dearborn. expense. Kenneth Catterson, R Ceda}. Street ' ' A M D the Auditor Of said county. I a , . . l t. Mrs. . . un In T . , . ,tlon or the estate, and discharge the C—1-30--2-6——2t. 1, Box 182-A Shelton 01‘ ln- . erms of sale are. Cash to be paid Executrix' A uire Journal’ 1_30_1t W and farmly. “Tillie SSS/iih‘ifse‘l’ral‘h timber on one;“$11,335,355,FygggngoggyEg 22?; FOR SALE: 1937 Ford 85 sedan. -3..____~_-__'______.--. .- ‘ FOR .RENT:' lunch counter. See laws W1.” raga? g0” which code made And entered on the Tom $395. Radio and heater. Car in WANTED: housekeeper for full Smith’s Cafe. s*1-30--1t. LARGE SIZE .1“ mm?“ 5?“ . ‘m 9‘; “fl GRIT“ day of January. 1942. a hearing will good condition. James Dailey, time. Phone 152. A»—1-30—~tf. Duplicating , l egde hsecurmg ex 931510.115 0 ‘me be had before the Court on said final Skokomish Vane H u“ er t Statutes iKCIEnITgA'YLOR acgmtvhmfm 5'“ in???“ 0“ 30 2 6 13' 3t CARD 0F THANKS l - “ ' SALES BOOKS .. . . 'iurav,to.t ayo cruary. -"'.-—. r v' ‘ _ ‘ coémglssmsfiel 01“. P11121303 Lafi‘dsi at 10 o'clock. A.M.. on said day in »- 1 May we extend in this way our for 4 for 1 30 2 6?”; rta 0 ores oar ' ,ihe Court Room of said Co_urt ~in the FOR SALE: 1933 Studebaker sincere appreciation for the kind- V 65¢ e1” 1103821 ' " 3' '0 ' l ColeIrt siege aiofihclgon, Waflilngton- truck suitable for wood or gen_ nesoes gymnathieg and beautiful Computed. for Oakland Bay p . , e 1' e a o r, l . A i . . , N0 1480 l 1942:.l e 5 V anua eral hauling. reasonable- Phone floral ' pieces Offered _us during (H03; ggngiggee: “eggshwr 2:633:56?“ka “dc” for an kmds NOTICE TO CREDITORS To FILE ' . 479~ 120 East Plne Street our bereavement over the death ' ,, CLAIMS . '6“ e t“ ~"°" N—1-30--2-6-13——3t. of our beloved Guy Jemison PRINTED SALES BOOKS A IN THF SUP"RIOR COURT or THEl (SEAL) Court ‘0‘”. M330“ COW“ __.._..._...__.._..__—_. ‘~ ” ' H' h 6-38 14 3 f I ' 10w gTATp‘OF “{VASHINGTON “I AND‘ ty. Washington Mrs. Guy Jemlson , 1g ‘a-m' 11- our Pl'lces are 35' 0!" lower ‘FOR SHE COUNTY OF M AASON ALDEN C. BAYLEY, CARD 0F THANKS and family Fri. : Low 11:58 mm. 6.9 ft. than outside salesmen cm quote 1 IN PROBATE fiafiflnfiiuif’quaxgfiidiiis We wish to extend to our many Purl Jamisoh'and family, Jan. 30 High 4:40 p.m. 13.0 ft. you. l JaIcIr‘ib “Se fiiéggrmmnlgimgimm OflSh01t‘)n' Waghmgt‘m 1'16‘23‘30"2'5"4F- grleln‘lils taile niftihbors arid 95' Mrs. Bernice Stewart Low 11:50 1”“: ’0-'5 ft- ' '~' ' 3 ‘ NOTICE Is” HEREBY/GIVEN. that . eela)’ e 0011 01186 emP Oyees. and Jack . _\ ILetters Of Administration on the Esv‘ N0. 1391 our Sincere thanksfor the flowers Mrs, Victor Roberts High 7:07 gum, 14.7 ft _- . . . . 1, tan. or Jacnb s. Jacobgnn, dcheaseE. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL and sympathies given us during and family, Sat. Lowrlzzsel p.m. 6.5 ft. "W. 3. -. oi‘g ' (somel‘mfs know“ “is J‘ sol‘h‘b arms" ACCOUNT. REPORT AND PETITION our bereavement over the death of —_————-—-——_——_ Jan. 31 High 5:22 p.m. 13.1 ft. 3312655351131 sgiin zltxiliiII/(iiic (1qu 91,11” EXEQAUT 012i. fifi‘HfiSSEAgfigi our beloved wife and mother ~————-r ' l ~ iv at r ..i\.. ‘OR 1. - - , I~ I- WWW“) we” ‘u’i‘ant‘ld to th" “nae,” TRIRUTION AND DISCHARGE . Robert Allen and family NOTICE TO (Fig’gfiflfgns TO FILE Low 12.23 a.m. -0.6 ft. V flagged on the 24th day of Janua‘yv l IN Tigré‘sugrfiigglggggg 0%; Egg -———————————- CLAIMS Sun. High 723213.31. 14.9 ft. > ' .- .v . . - STA 0 ~ I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE F . 1 Low : . r. o - a: l \U sailil $331123? ‘Jiiii.i‘.‘3.‘i‘“‘“toag:e‘?5é FOR THElgoiigiiiiAglE MASON’ 1 NOTICE cryiirlriifmc FINAL STATE OF IN AND eb High 1:2 1 thomi Wit". the. nfgffi'jmi" Vfgglgi In the Matter of the Combined Es- REPORT AND PETITION FOR FOR THE,§O..R.,BME MASON' . ‘ . ,, ATTORNEV AT LAW 'u'pon ihixliindtrcs‘giie 1a tTitle Insur-l “lies of Alfred Ernest “a” and Kfllth' DISTRIBUTWN In the Matter or the Estate of Low 12:58am. -0.6'ft. ‘ v v “(3“ "B .ldfm ‘qhallé py‘ W shing‘ton arll’lC Sanford Hart. both Deceased. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Samuel Derbyshirev Dpcpaspd M H. -h 7'58 p 151_ft -_ z Elm“ b3.“ ‘51? ~10 (ma . awed my NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that STATE OF WASHINGTON, FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN. that 011- 13 _¢ a-m . i luau-nee Building l 312‘ Maggi“? 0? ‘gfif, bggfi‘esq '0, the peattlle—girskt gNational “BankE a itia- MASON cpleleOBA“ Letters of Admin-,Smmm, 0,, the Feb. 2 Low 1:44 p.m. 5.5 ft; opposite first National Bank .7 . . iona an in assoma on. xocu or . I . ., _ . .“State~ “mm. Six months after? ttlhigl Of the Last Will and Testament and In the Matter of the Estate of Sgfisvgjfgaffi,‘{§§.°3fii"3§§,d.,§"J§,’§ua‘$ H‘gh 6-46 P'm' 13-3 ft- Phone 23 - Shelton d3“? “r th‘? first PUb1}9?t“m tom afi‘ the Estate of Alfred Ernest Hart,_ Jacob Holmen, Onsrud. Deceased. 194g b3”, mp said Superior Court _‘ nonco- mfmt' W‘thm “3 m”1%42‘ 9nd deceased. and Administrator of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that NbTrCE 1g FURTHER GIVEN 'that Low 1233 a.m. 41.4 ft. tier” th-n’ 30511 day -Of Januarv' v i" this. Esmte 0f Katharine sanmrd Hart- de' Edvm Tingelsmd' Executor 0f 11"" LaSt all prisons having claims against said ? Tues High 8'25 am 15 30ft file the Sdme Yum,- the clerk (f) "hp," ceased. W.IV.A., has filed herein its Will and Testament and Estate of, eqtate’ 'aro’rpquired to servo” theéé‘mg i F ‘3 L ' 4' ' “Kit?” lgggg‘fcroba;rea1 filial account. é'cpgrtt atndt petition fgr! .fléllcgb Regime?1 Oxarug, Dfecefised,bllas “hm the «n lmrv vnuuhmg um”; th?‘ eb. p.m. 13.3 . a ’ ‘. ' Settlement an is rim ion (I t 8 ie wit t e er 0 t e a ove ,r ’r‘. j l : .m. . . llgg’lted this 30th day Of Janumy' csmt . Of saidt decelasadt personslgnttittled Courtb histtlnal Report alrlld ‘ We; tibial} “1225‘; __ p INSURANCE i , wh .n the Cour is aste O approve e i ion for istri u ion, asking t e i ' it, ’ ’_ ‘ g4" ‘ , e Ad . J?€?§SFC3T3HQ s_ d account and report. and make Court to settle and. approve said rc- pr 2'11 a‘m‘ 0-2 ft" G. f mfnlsga 1Q” fiéon" an; distribution of the estates and dis- port, distribute the property to those tion of tho {Cushions Of he estate. Wed- ngh 8554: 3-m- 15:3 ft-l ‘7 30°) 0- 3'60 charge the petitioner. thereto entitled, and to discharge said Within six mmqu ann- um date of] Feb, 4 Low 3:03 am_ 4,1 ft , “as” NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that Executor. u f- ., ,1. mm”, 1. .-.: i.” I . _ ' office at Angle Bundmg ALDEN C~ BAYLEY in accordance with an order of said NOTICE 1“ FURTHER GIVEN th t mu “" ml” “'1” "‘ "”“~ “0 ngh 8-23 P-m- 13-0 ft- Attorncy for Administratrix. ‘ , ,- ‘ .“ ‘3 .. v a town: Within six months after the [T B .m. Court made and entered on the 10th Sqld Final Report and Petition for 9th day of Januarv, 1943' and me me ——~ ‘1" Insw‘alllf9 tu‘ 2_6_13_20__4t , day of January. 1942. a hearing will Distribution will be heard in the Court same with tho moi-i: of thQ Cm,” to, Low 2250 a_m_ 1.0 ft [Shelton as mg 0n- ' ' ' 7 be had before the Court on said final Room in the Court House in Shelton. gethér with Igmof nf such sen,ng or Th rs Hi h 9.26 153 ft , account. report and petition on Sat- Washington, at the hour of 10 o’clock they will be firm.” barred" l u ; g - a-m- . A ui-day, the 2}1{st of Februétryf 1942. an thef fclg-egioon, onmggturday the 7th Dated this 9th am; of January 1942, l Feb: LOW 3547 Pom- 3-3 ft- B ~a' . o‘c oc , . ., on sal ay In av o e ruary, . ,‘ .' Hi h 9:2 . . . ft. l tChe Ctloplrt Rooinsrkilf lpaid group:- int the Dated this 3rdfif i11' gllgléIrLgEllg‘lZ. g 1 p m 12 ' OUT 01159 a e on. as lng On. ‘ ‘ ‘ "V . '3“) c l Brevities Here Dated this 10th day of January, (SEAL) County Clerk Egaqseagnucl Derbiahm. 130-: ., Low 3:32 am, 2,0 ft. Accounting Tax Set-vices ‘1942. i CHAS- R- .LEWIS. * ' lFl‘l. High 10:00 21.171. 15.2 ft. Bookkeeping symm I (CIIJAIEIEf EtNEIhELSSEN,l éttprneiy {or Executor, Bld [ARDEN ngLEY.t t . Feb Low 4.36 pm 26 ft v er 0 o c uper or 1'11 e , um ermen’s g., orney 0r minis ra or. ’ , ' ' ' By Ehza’beth Hassma’n I (SEAL) Court for Mason Coun- Shelton, Mason County, Title Insurance Building. ngh 10:27 p.m. 12.3 ft; 123 4th St- PhOl'l-e 555 Potlatch, Jan. 27——The ladies of the Potlatch Social Club were en- ty, Washington. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Washington. 1—9—16-23-30—-4t. Shelton, Washington. 1-9—16—23c30u4t . . Attorney for Executor-Administrator,. , ‘ ‘ No. 1474 . Joyably entertained at the home Tim, Insurance Building. NI). 4073 V No. 1389 ‘ , NOTICE To CREDITORS To FILE . of Mrs. W. H. Smith. Two tables Shelton, Washington 1-16-23-30-2--6_-4t SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE OF HEARING I‘IIVAL CLAIMS WITSIEBS ._ L... -_____- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE REPORT AND PETITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR of contract Were in play. Dainty .. refreshments were served. Mrs. ‘v 1 Hale won first prize, Mrs. Sisley second, and the “galloping goose." Jim Simmons Sr. Sunday. Marian Jacobson is now in Ta- coma taking a beautician course. She left two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newmark for a. brief Gates, Calif. "No. 1415 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE and to discharge said administrator.» NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that Said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard in the Court Room in the Court House in, Shelton. Washington. at the hour of 10. o'clock In tile forenoon, on Saturday the 7th dnv Of Februarv. 1942.‘ (SEAL) CHAS. R. LEWIS. CLARE ENGELSEN. County Clerk l l i STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Fannie Tanner, Plaintiff, -vs.- Francis Tanner, Defendant. d0. ju gment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed hwrth the Clerk of the said Court; Plaintiff has brought this action to secure a worms from you and to secure the Sole and exclusive care. custody, and control of Russell Shirl Tanner and CHAS. R. LEWIS. Plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Post Office address; Dated this 3rd day Of January, 1942. Patricia. Tanner. FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE 10th day of January, 1942. said final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard in the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton. Wash- ington, at the hour of 10 O'clock in the forcnoon, on Saturday the 14th day of February. 1942. Dated this 10th day 1942. (SEAL) CLARE FNGELSE‘N. County Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS. of January. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- SON. IN PROBATE the Matter of the Estate of iIn ltion of the business of the estate. 'within six months after the date of ,the first publication of this notice. towit. Within Six months after the {9th day of Januarv. 1942. and file . the same with the Clerk of this Court. together with proof of such service, or thcy will be forever barred. Dated this 91h day of January. 194.2. HETEN A. AYRES SIIAFOR. Execuh‘ix of the Estate Of Anna Cora Ayres, Deceased. i FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. MI". and Mrs. Neil Simmons and STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON To In the Matter of the F tale of. , , . . -3 . Anna Cora A res. Deceased. . son Mickey Were week end guests MASON COUNTY THE SAID FRANCIS TANNER. 205'} Christopher 0. Baldwin. Deceased. , NOTICE isy HEREBY GIVEN that Phone 180‘ ' Shawn» was“ of Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Puyanup. 1N PROBATE FENDANT: Luella Baldwin Phillips. Executrix hLeitors Testamentary on the above l ,VI d M E w en‘o ed a In the Matter of the Estate of ._ You are hereby summoned to appear of the Estate of Christopher C. Bald—’ estate were granted to the under- ,_ .i. r. an PS. 53 J y ' 01,23 Marie Onsrud. Deceased. within 60 days after the date of the win, Deceased, having filed herein her signed on the 3rd day of January, Visit from their daughter, Nellie, NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that first publication of this Summons. final report and Petition for Distribu-l 1942, by the said Superior Court. of Seattle over the week end. Edvin Tingelstad. Administrator de Within 60 days after the 16th da of tion, asking the Court to settle and: NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that DOANE BRODIE M. Es’th r C 1 who is em_ bonis non of the Estate of Olga Marie January, 1942, and defend ,the afiove approve said Report. distribute the.: all persons having claims against said 135. e 31' SOD. onsrud, Deceased, has filed with the entitled action in the aboye entl led property or those thereto entitled. , estate are required to serve the same ployed 1n Seattle, spent the Week mark of the above entilted Court, Court, and answer the compaint of and to discharge said Excelltl'ix {with the necessary vouchers upon the Attorne 7.At-L3w end in Potlatch at her parents. his Final Report and Petition for Dis- Plaintiff, and serve a. copy of your NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE IS' undersigned at the Law Office of Al-l 3 M. d Mrs F H rreu of Seat" tributinn asking the court- to settle Answer upon the undersigned Attorney HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to den C. Bayley. Title Insurance Build- , _ an - - a l and approve Said report. distribute for Plaintiff. at his Office below stat- an Order of the above entitled Court. mg, Shelton. K’Vashington, that being Angle Budding tle. were guests Of Mr. and Mrs- the property to those thereto entitled. l ed. al in case of your failure so to duly made and entered herein on the the place designated for the transac- phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bug. Shelton, Washington Attorney for Administrator, Suite_ 1. L um b er m e n's Attorney for Executrix. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. “ . Results Repeat-Again and Again. Suite 1. Lumbermen's Bldg, Building. Shelton. Mason Suite 1. Lumbermen's Bldg, I Attorney for Executrix. In the Jmuum ‘Vantq-‘ua. lShelton. Mason County, , ‘County. Washington. Shelton, Mason County;_’Wp.shlngton. lTitle Insurance Building, _.l ' " ' Washington. 1-9-1‘6-23-30c-41 l-lb-Za-afl-Ere—12~20~ZT~7L .L—li.-2:«40~»2--6--/lt. Shelton, Washington. L9-16—23—30—4t,