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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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No need to be up in the air about an appropriate gift for every occasion and for everyone on your list. Solw -your gift problem at BECKWITH'S GIFTS * JEWELRY - MUSIC 129 Raih'oad Phone 143 .eort,'.t :q)on.q()red by the OtvI) Die (llvie Mtlaie A.qsociation will be hold in Olympia. al, the Olympia l ligtl Sellool Auditorium, Ttmsday evening, I]'ebruat'y , sfa.rting at 8 o'clock. It will" feature the No. l.ional Male Quartet, and will ha the debits iu lhi::l vicinity of a yotlng Anleriean bnsg, I:l'Hce Mac- l,:oy. L.M. TO SPONSOR TALK BY HOME DECORATOR Miss Hazel MaLressL a home decorator, r¢prcsenting a wallpa- per company in Washington, Ore- gon and Idaho, will be in Shelton hnrsday, beb. 13. and will give. a[ on harmonizing of colors as well as imme decorating. She is being spcmso'ed by the Lmnberrncn's Mcreant;fle. anal the members of the Shettou Garden CJul) will be hor.:l(>sses, The meetbg will be el. the Mem- orial Hail at 2? o'clock, ttrld airy- one interested is invite(! o attend, i BOOK BINDING --,-Libraries and Schools Songs and Prayer B¢oks --Periodicals, Magazines Newsgsper Files --Old books repaired and rebound, Prices Reasonable Karl Krupa "Bokbinder Route 1 .... Box 114 Raymond, Wash. ............. I .............. .THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 TO-NITE r The Shelton ACrlVL CLUB AMATEUR O 20 TALENTED AMATEUI:{S O JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM 8P.M .... , Students 50€  Adults 75¢ (Tax Included)  Free Porklng for Disabled Vets ........ sday, Januar, 30 194 s0c00at cv00ms , , . , . ' " SLJPPORT ', _'Ni " Girl Scout, Brownie Organiz00 w,,, Meet it BECAUSE: " Record Activities of Past Year NO ]MORE. LASTS LONGER and is From practising good citizen- study they entertained their me- Seattle Councilman AI Rochester, left sponsor of a recent omeadm=at to the city's traffic code giving disabled veterans free parking rights in oll arishited areas, here supervises indcdlalion of the first windshield sticker on the aufgmobtle of James CurHe, right, who lost both legs on Okinowa. Rochester, a Wmld .War i wtcran, holds o billfold cord matchin the sticker, Honored On Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Warren Abel were surprised at tleir horae Saturday eye, ling, January 25 by a group of friends honoring their silver wedding anniversarY. Mr. and Mrs: Valter Austin, whose anni- versary is the same date as Mr. and Mrs. :Abel's, January 28, and !Miss Shirlie Abel. were-the insti- gators of the party. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Handley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pokenhorn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Abel, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Story, Mr, and Mrs. Jolm Kiug, Mr. and Mrs. James Story, Mr. and Mrs. Whitford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Min- gus, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Watts. Nancy Handtey, Beverly King and the honored guests and hosts. Miss Abel, Miss Handley and Miss King served. A cake appropzqately decorated for tim occasion was made by Mrs. Austin' and a gift for Mr. and Mrs. Abel was presented them in the form or a decoration. A lamp shade was decorated with a fringe of silver dollars. Tuesday nig'ht. Mr. and Mrs. Abel honored Mr, and Mrs. Austin with a dinner party at the Col- onial House, in honor of their sin ver wedding anniversary. SCHNITZER-WOODWOITH MARRIED MONDAY EVENING .Justice ¥. A. Magoon performed g lnnrriltge cerenlony tit his home :Mandalay evenin for Harold L. Sclmitzer and Mildred W oodworth, botl of Shelton ................................ -2 .... New Stock Just Received HAND-WOVEN GUEST "TOWELS All Colors and Patterns $ 75 $3 5 I Set of Two For • 2 HAND-WOVEN PLACE MATS To Brighten Up Your Breakfast Table Set Of ForF0Ur $4.50 SLIPS IN BEAUTIFUL SATIN Sizes 14 Througl 46 On,y $3.98 And many other' hand-woven articles any- one would appreciate or ladies' ready-to- wear' make ideal Valentine Gifts. WOMEN'S APPAREL 1416 SUMMIT DRIVE - - PHONE 799-J Betweeh Elinoc and Dearborn on Hilicrest One Block from Hillcrest Bus Stop At % Either and Olympic Highway LUTIIERAN GROUPS COMBINE MEETINGS The Ladie, s' Aid of, Mount Olive Lutheran Church met with the Lu- theran Laymen's League in the Parisll Hall of the Chapel Friday, January 24. Major busiltess. Art, chided the reso!utlon to €ombine the organization S new organ fup with the Buchmann Memor, m Fund, thus approving plans al- ready drawn up far the prchase of a new.organ for the chapel.' A report was heard concerning the mailing of el, othivg packages to two "adOpted" seemly lain:lies in Europe. An offering was taken and was applied t0 the purchase and mailing of an ll-pod food package to each of the two faro- flies. The LLL proceeded with its lplans for the erection of two arge highway poatersone on tim Olympic highway, the other. On the Bayshore road. Refresh- ments were served hy Mrs. T. Cain, Mrs. A. M. Graf and Mrs. William A. Albach, The Lutheran League, which formm'ly met on the fourth un, day of each month, will now meet on the fourth Friday of the month. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET Mrs. C. E. Runacres will be hostess on Monday, February 3, at 1:30, p.m, to the Shelton We- roans' Club, The program which has been arranged by Mrs. Alfred Michaelson, will be on the sub- " i l }ect Leg s ati0n." The guest peaker ill devote her talk to that subject. Each member is urged to bring a guest to the nceting, ERVICES POSTPONED , Due to the ..]DIQPal Pieces:on ?onvdntion in Tacoma: there will be no Episcopal service this Sun- lay. However, the regular service wiil be held the following Sunday, ebruary 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the mine of Mrs. George Grisdale, St. IT) SPONSOR TEA The Shelton W.C.T.U. will hold a Frances Willard tea at the home of Mrs. Fred Snelgrove on Friday, February 7, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Arvilla Wiley will be co- hostess with Mrs. Sne!grove. MRS. GUNTER IS HOSTESS Members of the Lake Isabella Club met Wednesday, January 22, at le home of Mrs. Lula Gunter. Eight members were present. The pi-ize was won by Mrs. Lydia Leg- gett. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Ida Downie on Wednesday, February 12, with an exchange of Valen- tines. ship ta learning about good looks, no projects have been too insigni- ficant or too difficult to win the attention of the Qirl Scout and BrOwnie in Shelton in the past year. The record of these girls proves that they have, thru their own hard-working efforts, established a real and important role fo themselves in this com- mT!tY. In an effort to retail interest and awakcu enthusiasm itl the activities of the local Qirt Scout and Brownie organizations, the leaders and governing council of those groups have prepared a re- port of the past year's accom- plishments. The program opened in Sep- tember with a rally. Brownie Troop No, 1, lndeI, the !eder- ship of Mi's. Oliver Kelly and Mrs. Lobert Bell, made scrlp books that were tttrned into the welfare off¢o or distribution to the homes ad plates where they wore most needed, Noodle hoks wre rhode 0" Christmas gifts. To raise an0y for the troop, holly cor- sages d calendars were sold, A joint Hai!oween party was held with Troop No. 2 at which tim mothers of the members Were guests. Under the leadership of Mrs. ort Relr tnd rs. 0ra Rus, Sail, lnembera of rooI No. 2 ade silhoustte. hei!,,ext pro- ject is to be the making of largo cardboard dolls dressed in differ- en cotue. Mrs. Ruaell treat, ed the troop in hono of her daughter's birthday. Bwnies of Troop No. 5 learned how to conduct meetings. The members of that troop are now studying courtesy and ia that GIRL SOC)OT,LEADER$ MEET WITH MRS. MOYER Sketching briefly what each troop had accomplished for the aat tWO m011ths, th Girl Scout der held their regular month, ly meetiug Wednesday, January 22, with Mrs. Howard Meyer Dur- |ng the meeting a Scout's Own has been planned for Sunday, March 9, a March 12 is the Girl Scout saries were celebrated. birthday. ] Wednesday, February 5, will be Miss Irene Hughes will have the next meeting at the club house charge of the arrangements as. lan d members are asked to bring slated by Peggy Ann Mackie. Plal!s were also made to hae[early, plmtographs: . published once a month a report ! of the pant aeomplishments of GOOEIWIN,RODEPOUCII the troops, which it i hoped will l WEDDING WEDNESDAY be of interest to the public. [ John Goodwin and Dorothy May An interesting talk was given IRodepouch, both of Grapeview hy Mrs, Roy Rltner, publicity were united in nlarriage Wednes- chairman, axtd Mrs. Oliver Ash- day morning. Justice W. A. Ma- ford, music chairman, introduced some new songs for the troops, Doliciots refreshments wre served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Russell. The next meetirg of the Scout leaders wilt he held February 12 when a replswtatlve to the coun- cil will be elected. A list of all badges are to be turned in to Mrs. Hwar Meyer hy Fbruary 1 in preparation for the annual Court of Awards to be held in the Spring. DEMONSTRATION GENT INSTRUCTS 4,H GROUP Mrs. Clinton Strdevant was guest speaker at the last meet- ing of the Southstde 4-H Club Tlursday e the Commun- ity Hall: virginia Seay gave a demonstration on the sewing of bound button holes, Mr, Moriah Lodge t ,! .(, No.. 11 ' F. & A. M. STATED COMMUNICATION 4 Saturday, February 1 4 8 p.m, It was announced that the next meeting, to be held February 14, will be a Valentine Day party. The affair will be glven by the junior girls under the leadership of Mrs. Ward a¢l Mrs. Buining. The meeting will begt.n at 7:30 instead of 8 o'clock as in the past. P,T,A, METI TONIGHT The Bo.rdeaux School P.T.A. wit! eotvere this evening at the school at 8 P4, Roy Llndmand, assist-. ant sttpeNntertdent of the Stat IltPtent of Education, will be the guest speaker. Refreshments will he served. Clarence Gmmert, ¥. M. J. L. Catto, Secy. GUAI'4ANTEEI- NEVER TO LOSE ] ITS SHAPE. J i ]/|Sam q ;el, ist 1 Phone 799-J - 141fl Sm mit Drtve [ A[ ::= BERNICE CItR H| ER I/_l \\;'L . - r'-'ITTT-"iittl gll I aler L..$ .s_.,ffpresse d " ' -  As Sam s somet LERK ASKS FAVOR OF RESIDENTS Alma Catto, Shelton city clerk, this week requested that residents keep the lids on their garbage cans, as without the covers the cans fill quickly with water and are SHELTON MIXED CHORUS then too heavy and tOO much trou- TO REUMF MEETINGS hle for the garbage coIlectors to I Weather permitting, and if the remove. • Lchool children are able to get to | School, the She!ton Mi:ed Choru " I ............ '::" ..... 1 Will r¢e their ih(.als~Mo.n. ............................... I any eveags t 7;a0 in the emor G U interested in choral work is urge RAHA 1 High School auditorium. Anyone thers. Tlm troop is now planning a visit to a local establishment to learn courtesy while visiting. So- cial events in their program con- sisted of a ,wether roast aud a Party given by Mrs. Reynolds on her daughter's birthday. The girls are led by Beverly Towasend and Virginia Ellis. Leaders Mrs. Howard Meyer and Mrs. Merrill Pierce supervis- ed Troop No. 2, an intermediate group, in working for their ten- derfoot badges and first {:lass rank. Troop No, 4, also an inter- mediate group, with the leader, Alice Gee, made a trip to the. laundr as part of the require- ellts for obtaining their home- maker's badges. At present they are plannings a joint meeting with the Camera Club to aid in their sttdy of photograph X. International scouting is tlm Subject of study of Trop No. 6, which includes girls of junior high sclmol age. Peggy Ann :Mackie and Mrs. Virgil Smith are the leaders, Gd grooming is also be- ing studied by the girls.  baz- aar has been slated for FebruaTy. Troop No. 7, led by Irene Hughes has been workilg on dramatics and wea¥ing. The following projects have been accomplished along wth the r, eglar tro0,p activities: tag sale to raise money for carrying out th program, a Girl Stout church day, entertainment at the Juliette Low tea, clearing sale of Girl Scout clothes an eulpmeat, at- tedce at "Alladm ald His Wonderftfl Lamp" at Oympia, the collection and repair of toys for the welfare department and Christmas caroling downtown and at the homes of shut-ins. FRIENDSHIP CLUB HOLDS MElJPIN(} WEDNESDAY qho Friendship Club met Wed, nesday, January 22 at the club house. Thare were 20 members present and one guest. Mrs. I. V. Yule was hostess and the new president, Mrs. Swigert, preaided over the meeting. Mrs, Pearcy's and Mrs. Eads  birthday anniver- to attend as the books are now open for new members. being started for the annual spring eoBoert. SHELT(tl GIl DS Mrs. Nina Bowman, daughter o Mr, an¢ Mrs, er Garrison, o Shelton, was married to Thoma C. Rogers0n, of Portland, son o Mr. ad Mrs. Thoms Rogersor h in a double ring ceremony which also united in marriage the groom's sister, Miss Doris Roger, son and Charles Higs. The cerenony was I¢rformed e.rly thia month by Roy. I. J. Gaspard in yancouver, Wash. M. and Mrs. Rove{son will re. sde at lortland. BEUBNS HOM FROM HOSPITAL TuESnAY Mrs. B. S. Barge{ returned t her home Tusday Jaruary 28 from the Shelton General Hospital where she was confined the past week with a dislocated shoulder. She is g0tting along nicely. BREMERTON COUPLE MARRIED HERE Steve Hein and LuciIIe Smith, both of Bremerton, were married l Tuesday afternoon by. Justice W,I A. Mascon. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Arthur L. Parker 51,, ald Rena N. White 37, both of Port Orchard, January 21 at Shelton. Harold L. Sclmitzer 21, and MiN dred Woodworth 18, both of Shel- ton. January 23 at Shelton. Har!T Keldall Hanson 63, and Hazel Ann Sin:lie 52, both of Cen- tral:a, January 23 at Shelton. John Goodwin 22, and Doroth Mae Rodepouch 20, both of Grap0- view, Jandary 25 at Shelton. Thursday - Friday - Sat. January 80, 31, Fob, 1 John Garfield Geraldine I itzgeraid in "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" Walter Brennan, Fay Emerson It's the Not-to-be-Missed Picture about a Not-to-be Pardoned Crime! ! NEWS  CARTOON goon performed tle ceremony. Shelton L0dgo No. 62 I.O.O.F. ,Meets Every Wednesday 8 .m, ro.o.00, haLL Visiting Men'hers Will be Cordially Welcomed MARION HELSER, N.G. GUY (1ALL, Secretary Ruby Rebek-. Lod-Me-e-- Second ad Fourth Fridays Mary Dobson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary Dunoyier's ITS SHAPE, Phone 799-J 141fl Summit Drive BERNICE SCHREIBER Dealer SCHNEIDERS Hackney and the mlss returned from a trailer t the country. They're tir, glad to be home, but mig with what they saw. As Sam reports--every sectl something different; a diff, PRAIRIE ; different tast D&NCIN00 EVERY SATURDAY NIGH Now Sponsored by Mason County V. F. W. Post SMITH BROS. DIXIELAND BA Playing Request Numbers and Music To Suit All Dancing Tastes LUNCH AND BOTTLED BEER SERVED Dancing 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. $1 Per Person, Tax Included and drink; different ]a d customs. But bigger than ese differences is the Americ drit of tolerance that lets us li gether in united peace. "Of course," says Sam, "you r to intolerance from time L Copyl DAI Every STAR3 Roll, THE "S DANCINC Forever and a day he'll remember you as sweet as you are today, Your. charm and likeness captured on a portrait with a softness unsur- passed is trebly the loveliest gift you can give your'beloved this Valentine's Day, Arrange for a sitting today, Cupid {" o,i0 GARY COOPER in "CLOAK AND DAGGER" with Rober t Aids alld introducing Lllli Palmer An Adventure with parallel! NEWS -- CARTOON Wednesday Only February 5 "DANGEROUS MILLIONS" Kenb Taylor, Dons Drake Dangerous Love . . . • • . Dangerous Thrills NEWS and SELECTED SHORT FEATURES TAXI Phone Stand t Chevron Gas Station - Firat & Gata ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Railroad Phone 152 St. Vahntines Day is £here is no better wa by .set, dins a card. written just for your dSe TRAVIS FLORAL 103 RAI.L!0AD AVENUE- PHONE 232 T Railroad