January 30, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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rZ.ZTZ.... ............ ' v','. "7 ................................................... i ............................................................................................................ :: ................. "
y.;o, ].947
Pa e6
' ' ' ' TIDE LANDS way for County Road pending under " ANNEXATION
LEGAL PUBLEATIONS / . _.= !.ppiicatio.,00o..00,l.
--.. .... --.T..."l"'' '[ on Tuesday, the 4th dsy of February, / SW1 of SW%. of se
_ .... .'S"'='-" .... I Inain entrance door io tim County co' " g t " g
% lotuje ts.:.aerjoy gwe$}naon 'lll- J Court :louse in the city of Shclton,, thereoL appraised at
ta.y, tne 4tn say ot Fe,:)ruary, x, county of Maon State of Washing-[ APPLICATION
eulnnlcltciag at t, elz o'clock ill Die ton })w the CeuIlt., Aud t n of said NF.14 of IWF of se
tor enoon ,o s,tid .uay, l.tx lt'ont of the [ county, the following described slate I ship 2]. north, range 3
nai .ntrance qoor_.to u},e cv}jny i tide lands, together with the improve- ] containing 40 acres, m
c)urt noUe in tle city 03 lleLton, menls situated thcreon, will bc sold lcording to the gover
ounty of...Mas?n,at2, o. wam,..ot,, ]at public auction to tim highest bid" thereol,, appj:a!sed at
, , , . . .) , ..... . , , , , , , anada and For lgn $3. ,. I l lday Regular Meeting,
ty,.the Umb:l on t:l( folkwing dy- I NOTE---No one except citizens of] Lot 3 of section 30
tribes state land wut de s01a at pu- the Unt'ted StatiCs }.1 persons who north, range 2 west W. M, contain- togethcr with all tidelands aoutting o: p....
auction to the highest bidder tile, re-| have dtciared thei'r lntcntlon to be-[ing' 28,25 acres, more o
[el', t0"fl r: ... [ COllie Sl/Ch Call l}Urch.ae state lazlds /ing to tile government
-- APPLICATION NIL 18o C _ . | u[flicttin o 11224 " of appraised at $4 400,
. "rime ! o., 3 E,/4. o[ NWT an,ot. t All ttde'lm[ds of the second class Lo.t 4 of S.ection' 86
1 llfl el section 1,i, townsnl t) d£ ow'nPd hv th;, t ,t e O f Wflslllvlrt;n' north, range WCSC
aorttl, range 5 west V. M (ontaln-'situale "i €rouK';} v2'[a("n{'"£[w ing 2350 acr(s ntorc ' " '
lllg. t515 acres, mor[ or les ae- abuitin, unon lhe nmtl 365 feet of cording to the gover
crding to u]e govc, rrment survey tier i ectoa ]i] townshin 20 north * thereof appraised at $
thereot appraiuea at $33,325,50, . lanai: '; west W" M w th"a frontag a/d 'land will be sol
Timber on EV., or" SWA and,L°tsl of 5"8 lin'-tl ellen's nlore or les than the appraised valu
$ and 4 of Section' ]8, town,flnp 21 t aumaised ff%:50 (} r: chain or $294 00' ] and upon file terms and
ortl) range 5 wen W M eonta - *'" .... " 2 " ' ' lowing'
" .' , Appiiclltton NO 112._6 ' . • . ' . " .... --" " - . o ........ '
!g 16,fl5 acres, lnore or less, }:it.col(i- t The t de lands of the second class . Not less than on.c-tentl of the pur- [ l!QY CAIt R, r v |ls, tratton .bgoks" of.the County Pro- I Dear Sir: I write to challenge a Morning Worship 11 a m. -- "Studies in Romans" ' _.
lltg to xn( go}¢:!'nmgat survey tnereot,| owned } y" tile State of Wasi{ingtoa' cnase, price must r)e pal
apj)ralsed at $58,420,00 [sU.,}xI,, i lTc;nt of ,dla(,cnt to (.iof sale. The purchaser
¢Cimber on SE 4 of section 18, town- I a'iw"u,)0x tile e'st' i,"wo thirds in owner of tile bnpro,
hip 21 north range 5 west, W, M,, : wldq f lot 4 seetl)n '22 townshlo forthwitl pay to the
containing 160 ucre, more or est, / on ',Lwih ran,.e' ' "west w' I wit[1 ] the sale the full amou
.trdn.t°.th.', gtvc,'ecntmsurvey i a'D'.;nta.e ot''i5.f6 th]eal .i'aln' more praised value of th 9
..e.uur, ,4),...oc,.o a o,o,,-, or less annrais,d at $30 00 her' cllaln as adore stateu, t)ne-ten
., To be aonkey, logged. See i.al(.a j .... r,a 0 I chase price must be
O be lc, ft in tle N el NV )I I e . .,,. theltaftJ with lntelest on all deferred ,,, , . , 1-30--2-6-12--3t • ,, . '. ¢ME
NWi and N of SWI €1' N'% of .. Lxc?.ptlng, howt,.r; any portion} cfl oavment s at tlc rate n
: , ' . ( t Ille ,oov3 ucscrlDe(l Ll(le lanus inclu(l- i * , ........... e..- £]lSTll, llllu[lOff# . • . ' . . }!13 HM.
,!W: also a seed ales 1o be_left in c./ b, c ovst(n Itact dcdod hv tile' turn per annum Provi
tie N of NWI of NW .t, N ol ¢, (f Wtsl-in,t-,, iM-,..h 0 lav purcnascr nay make fu
$W4 of NW pf NW> and IEV/t o iiltam Banks under ao.)llcation priucipal, interest and
0f,El, of NV of NW . , . M,, ,fiiv ' ] at any time and obtain
Pt Dinning is tO Do dctertl n a Anli¢ttlon Nil 112'I7 chasel of hmd contalnl
by inspection I . .... 4 }[ "I.L'hL" .,.-;.' ",..'L'.a ,,a other valuable materials is prohibited ^-',:;i.3o'J'i-,2,a.f" ....... * ......... | a n-etiti-o' -'."h-'2,'--ttl,$--- i', "i''. If this law be infamous and r
, . .............. .......... l.*..; c ..... ...... Cd'...-e c ......... ....................... w.l e| .... ......
According to tl e State s culse ihel .' [ t .... [ by law from c ttlnff or removing any ' ' " Clt n , " ' ' P
, • , , own.;d by tm State of Washington . , , NO2ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that y Co unlsslon of Shclton Wash- ml mtlous then tile fathers of , ILEDRI
are a roxmlate 8 287 000 lect yt,llow , • , such thnbm or maU.ials without f:rst . • I -t q m VERS
. , mtual ' in l mt )f ad ((nt t o • . Chas, R. Lewis ExecUtor of tile estate ng on asking that the follow ng de .... : For
.n" I 000 f¢ct Zad and down llow . ) • obtaining consent of the Commission- i the Umted States conshtutmn, Lanff
• . ,, abutting up(n trb( we.st 208 feet of , of JohnA. P'ee)les dec used has filed scrbe territory be annexed to tte , or W
r: t ',7n f.°3meltir're°'O00 ,(,t a, scc(tou 21, towniip 20 berth, o r(f u]li( 2 L aj?¢dihsun .. il w°g:i)!i Unh°itti'bat:ii2;,:0on°i -- (!rL.! dV°Eater
'2r" i*,:;l' rT', ;"n,,,,o. , nn €.,.I l range 3 west, W, M. with a front- j ,.t ',^g',':;?, u
• . , • ag, , )f 3 33 lineal chains die tr ! for Dmttlbutlon among omer things est Park Addition to Shelton Me- . .... r tilt
; pruce and:705,000 feet whlto pine, [.,,7 ....,,..,a ,t n.n ,,,'. h.,. ,,, I All sales of state la
" Ai 1 LICATION NO. 19a53 ,' ...... subject to the reservations o£ oils, gas- . • N TI full and dehberatel set u our
', t , ,, i $133 20 , • saxd vcpot distribute the plopelty O CE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Y Y P ' PlL
Timber on Ez of SE of NE cs coal oles mmclals and fossils ofl ...... HILLCREST HIGHWAY ING A
=ection 16 towmh ,. 21 ,.orth ranr-e / Apl,lieatlon No. 11238 . t
" " c " ' , ,. All tiae lanus of the secon¢l (,,ass -*- ........ -- ® ....... , aiscnarge said Exec tor and the sure- say tno 25tn say ot 'eorum 194'/ .... " ale.
west W, M., .ontainJn 2{) aces, ., .. ,. to the additional trams and conditions, ]J ,, , trom civil affmrs, in other wolds Tel 1 '
....... , ......... a,,,. , ,t ....... own,,d by the State of W.stnngton ] ........
..'e .. .e..., .c,..-...g ....... '' " ' " ' " ' c l t ' prescrmea in socuon a o chapter ao NOT 'E ' nin in the l Commt sin r tee estaonsnea a se aratlon of ,
• , el ,o i mtuate in t 'ont el, adla !u t J or 1C 1S 1 URTHER GIVEN that g, C ty s o e s Y P PHO
;ilent./suv/ t}[;;)flwandna lx,{ abutting upon that part 'of lot 1 sec-t of t.!le .La)ys of .1,907. m
,.,..e...:,,;.:, ..... , ..u .......... "r tioll 16 township 20 north range 2 [uu tans w.m de ........ ae v ,, Distribution will be heard on Satur- Washington, and all interested per- I ' • ,,. " i!
an'raishd at $3 10BTJ ' ' / 365 fcct of said lot 1. with a t'ron!.age | rO(in- ,2 easnTents for
D,.;AE . * ........... ,:,.,*' ,. .,.. ., I'of 15 ;ll ineal chains n r(. or Jess ] l .. g ,,, -,, :,_.
a ouJ¢C[ v ,..uoe,,., • ; ,aut. u. .... ? " ..... • " • . * anti tee carrying o£ lilliput, LOIle, ]fain- )use n 1 ' to the 1 1 o -- -
Wu " fQr Ic gg. , ng* road= heretef(, r(.=., g'lant- [ apprat cda.,.lat 40.00.; .... 1)(31'/ ....... c lain or p612 -10 {el als and other pl'odu.cts o r " l-It l She ton, Washington C ty of She ton. e ' " *
ea under tl)pllcatlon No, 1390o, , :./,E""T: -'h .; ..... ?, . OTTO A CASE, - Mt -,--x, - : ........ . . , ,
Subject to applicatRu 1or right of ] q, he, tid*.l(xds 9f" the se,,nd. (.lss, ] Commissioner of
• @'v r)endlnu, tllld r aoDlicatt( Ii No ( owneu oy tn2 Dlalt} ol wa/llngton | ' -I_o,
g0" " " "" |situale ill front 0f, adjacent to or ]
/a,lted hoes only en NF of SE ! abutthlg upon that portion of lot 2 | NO 1 li
.... .... ;:; ........ i 6',',2. , t," I 'cti m 27 township '4 nn'th r'mge |. .. ,¢.'';:G
,Ac¢ld 'V t; tt ','Slat s cu e th te n r'th K}3 fret of said lot 2 with a i),,Ol..)'rlON 4th Street. tnetton Mason / , E uv- "xat C "m ux m_ ....L-__ n a "hi'is*" .................... / - . _ . mira,
.. : , ., . . s., : ' "d, - .' a'J'=* =) ' SHEL'[ON H] GTON t x.aubner , . zl clenLtt., unuay cnool at S ao a m ,'
are app,'oxm,aely 6,0("9 f,:,it yellow ! tro,?lage #f .:!,oS. llma/..qha,ns, Lno!'e [ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE' County, Washington, 1 . ....... --,It | NOICE S IIAE GIV'EN that/a Ba.-tist, a Unitarian a Method "'ornin ......... "^- " " ; I irtul
€t. 7 I)0(' f 't d 'a(l 3ttn(ii lg y IlowI )t" l, cs ap])rals(u ar IiU I)O ]}el' C/la n qap; ip Xith,/I,TK./Y f -IO-O-"-D-&O ' / , u / V " " m g worsmp I1 :uu a. m, " Illlll
}i" 247'; (,0( fi';et r(:J fit" Jvor 30"-1 0-]or S07 40 aJso I '#X'N O"ATT' " ............... [exannatmn for Lhe.. portion .of Clltef list. a Presbyterian, or which one Sccial Music '
I)i ;,)*'i.'i,ed (it', 3.,1,000 I !t ()ol, r;.i! t.il'ht l?.7't }i']J. of t,2t[¢]e .!and;?,_?f ......... fN"'i'it¢)BATl,: .......... N_O2 [. ...... /'eVolt°llC{vParoml.nvI of" the 250 different Christian Sermon Topic: "ive the H ghost a Hear n q" ': ] IIIlal
' ffi., 2,000 f(c (cdar ,'0o] l2Ct dean s'c.u ,aa. o w.m uy utu otat I Iu the Matter of the Estate oft zuwur, st) uJi21#l'l'Ul$i /.. -,li -- "- de_..__ n:m-^'.,.., se^ts in the United t-tes9 .^D.,.,.. l.g "¢TAIT-'m'A"T .R'il.4------- ' ' "q7#aM,d'll/] NIll
standing ced.u' und t;2U00 i'(et belU- )l "Wastthlgtoll, ltuate ll front Of I r,..o.h ut r.,.h n.,,;,,.... IN TRE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ee .e ... :,..,,,o,...-o,,. ,,.. .-. • ..--- .. .,-.-- vv n.....,..-., .....,... ,, // mmwnmmmm
hcR adjacent to or a butti.ng upon lot 1, | NTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhatl STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR / . vlcy uomms.sjon.on tee 10t.h day Fortunate for America that Pnrnnnn ..2fi N ath q.l,h., eta '. ' xl' IIlll
' Al'PLICATION NO. 19568, I s eetlol z.. !ownsnlp 24 ngrt.n, range ]Pearl W V/atson Administratrix ;ith [ MAON COUNTY [o ruay,, at -o o.cloe,p.q there was no dominent religious ........ ° .............. v ......... ' -----
Tinber on Lots :1 and 2 cf sectton I' w9.%, w. a.. zxlnK wysterty of tad I the Will annexed of the estate of I IN ]PJOBATE I:te :." ..:,,.s, - .,t:, .-=,..,, ............... ¢%_ . I
2, townhtp 23 .nort] ,[angc 4 west, [ 1.t?':lY l!ne 9z tz[, rigllt ?f way for Joseph "W. Marsh, deceasetl, has flied I .Inthe Ma.tter of the state of Vex'- /a)latasmngu°tn'be on file with sec.coveng^m colonms an..nac __ __. = " Fon'a
W. M,, containing 8,3.:t acres, more *..,--. vt]t. 't.igl]way,o. v,, .as I with the Clerk of the above entitled ale , Marun L)eeeasea. *h^''-'ic ^ 'i-'" .......... :'- ...... o.p,ru .v.= .v,.a., ut:.,u.- • . .r ..... $
Or less, ac:eorting to th 9 Ko:r'm0et t !n).w., on l.la 1),, ou. {aea Octorer/eourt her Final Report and Petition NOTICE .IS HEREB.Y GIVEN that .fv ,h .a ,,.., .g.... h.e.., strated the fairness, the justice .i ; .
Urvey thereof, apprameu at $7,019,20, t a', Jvau £ne.ott'o o t tad .pmm!s- i for Distribution asking the court to I .me undermgnea, 'ran aartin, nas 5'00-:fin'-on Saifirda"" {'e'[(i{ da"y"o[ and the success of a overnment r. ,/-. . . #- • . f . .,: ;. Ok___ .
'All (;onk trees to be left f(?r seed Ltngr O ,umLc ' ,.,ants c uyjnplt,, settle and approve said Report and lP_een appointed and has qualified as 4..:h,,. Ioaq .v Y .... s .... I'l*T I ni*O fit ! :hlr ,Plg]tl'| ! ",trysler . Pl,um,
ptrpgse .A eed area con taizqlg ap= I lr[,nnton, xvltn a zrtntage oz ,vm( Petition for Distribution, distributeIXecutor i of the 'estate of Vernie E, "[lo-'{orms me" be mcured separating cnurcn anct state in toe a..o xJ.¢aat x xJ.t** 9 .J.=,at* ! .... j ....
pgxlmately 5 acres in tile #I/ oil . ([}t...!nanls, n.ml:e or :::s alpras:althe Dloperly to the persons thezeto]Martln deceased and, that all persons - vv ..... x_ .; - Rhode Island colon-" Toda-" it is ......... ;" "----
of HE¼ of NEA to bc left. [ a $3o.0u. per. ell)on 5n" $2:1;u, ' en[itled and discharge said Adm{n- , having' claims against the said de- r°mwe. unae, rsea;..Y.°rae., h ..... ; ....... #" ..... -. .... m'Luup4 i I kLE . ]D&l
Rm,nt snags to be felled for fire nro- apDllCa1lon Jo. n6. =q.,, w v4 ^ ceased or the said estmn ar renuir- '.'"' SJ" .v, u,,,,,,,u= .. .,.. u nu vpttrttaun uJ. Irnnh nf J
.......... - ............................ x cite a h - -- .......... ' '
t(ction..,To be .flonkey logged, - ], The t!de ],and;0f th .,cond el ass, , NOTICE IS FlJRTI:IEI GIVEN that J ed to serve the same, duly verified o .ht m. W s211ngtorn 2 ............ church and state who m one guise The othor t'-hurch The Firs + thu-h ^* r,,, . e^ ..+ !-..__
,Accoro4ng to tne Stal,Cs cruise mere I °wee9 qY t2ae tatp o\\; wasnmgton, I the said Final Report and Petition I with the ncceseary vouchers attached, a =t"," dt ""'%".',.""=", "" '"' -r nother ateemn*s t , ,e* *he;- ..... ' - . .,, v. w,,.,o., .,,,. , }
arc aPtn'oximately 20,000 feet red fu" m tu!te m n'ont, ol, agaccnt to or I f)r Dfstribution will be heard in the]upon the undersigned Executor or his ay o .anrUar , o€. x.tv ., . . T wT .. .:" . foston, Mass, ':' t' *- -
' * n l I( tic aoutung upon teat dillon ot lot 2 c Attorne of -,... ..,,. parucmar merpletatton or reu W
over tO", 1,J, la,000 fe,t sal 'd ' ' ' P ' ' I Court Room in the Court Hous , In y Record at the law office " " "" " " Sub'ect e • e Are •
c (091s(tion I townshi 19 nolth lane Member Police Civil Selxice J N xt Sunday E ul ed
31,000 feet down small r d Lit', 6, ) ." - J-- -- '. P : . " - .!" g { Shclton Washington on Saturday the I of Chas, R, Lewis, Bell uildiag, 119 Commission f Shcl*'n !'' gion into the public schools or .... • q PP
pgles I , , . l' f . a s' n a, I CLARE ENt;EISEN , desigttated as the place for the trans- " -- " -- " P • - ,, , " ' ars - rl*,...l, n
._ ' API'tJCATION :NO, 19t21 I an(1 running th(i, nce along., the, l).aJ-l (SEAL) County 'Clerk. ] action of the business of the said es- school instruction time to go SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9"45 : • -tL;l. - J
• tniber on NEI cf section 25,1 ante}If, g0velm,t }neanaw !one. .'tt" ]CI-IAS R LEWIS Irate, and file such claims with the .xr J¢'.%'¢:AW%¢7VC?A'.' ........ elsewhere for religious teachin,- SUNDAY MORELS n SEDW e.= ^'" "''¢GK ' T--- •
ri/),r ,i ']i of .:ct;,,n 25," town- / }q 5" Otr 4'.; '' E'170d) f'cet t; 'tile I SUMMONS POit IS}UBL]CATION I Puary } 194/, el' all ctahs ot o HA).. OF PARKING MET EI.tb.', FRANK ROBINSON. ()pen daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 9'clock. :" ' .
S p 23 norih, rfinge 5 web, t, W. M,, trim. point, of bc ,inning, tll cnec con- IN THE SI)PERIOR COURT (iF THE | servcd a'nd filed shall be forever bar- mm''*v£av'P'J'l'k'lt)L)'£ O,I.LAX- ng" Wortnta.d'n'j ernn n*Av v-" .7"du u'¢'l""l'u,x ' • --/
hal..g 0 acres, ,no,'e .or 1,,ss. t,nu:n a,,,lg .l )a,ed g,le,'n- ] STAE O WAS;hGTON FO,ed. .....;a.PV. ;.=,,Ng.. .,, ---- "'." .............. "= " .... ., _ "
aovd[ng to the g,,vernmnt mn'vcy | ..nt r qma r n.n. / o2 . .06j .," ] MASON COUNTY I FRANK MARTIN, ' -.. ..... . .., --. ........ |.a.aa., ghann|no" |. An are coratally invited to attend the services and viSi N],W th-aw,,
ler or, up! ai € a. $ ', ', ..... -' , "" ?: g a ' 1t. L, Alexander and Agnes I, AI- Executor of th estat o • t , l'v the Reading Room Jll¥J
.Accordlng to the, Sate's crnise ihe,:e / gov}{r.ment mcandcr II.t,e andrunning | exander Husband and wife Plain- [ Vernle E. Martin, deceased. , ........ ............ W.b;.¢ ]g[,,,.= * T v • , AT SOITqPI" -...-.
allt avproxiumtely 7965000 feel: yol-Vnortnwesterly t) a p( nt in tee con. l |tff. ' ' , Address' Bell Buildln ,z... x .a av.,..x ... va*aaa ..ux tvv .a.J. lv£. e,u,nDt-u A"r €O A! %D t'l-m'CW" '-.L kl''l'
'• " • ' ....... ) ' ' O , |1%,."vm • r ,,#v ox ./n u.;g,,| --
lOW fi]' 470,()0 febt dead tanding ad [ ter.,llne t)f 5 cmnztyroad in said lot [ ...... --VS-- t 119 South 4th Street, ° AND CCMMISSIONERS OF THE Longer hours for its customers .... • All¢] ---. ---
d0wn yell?,w fir, 1 600,000 feet fir un- 2 tnmce b,q 46' 45" hr mong sai.u | C €" Brown and Edith; -own Shelton Mason County, Cz.. ' 'l''.. : ....... and shorter hours fol its em'-io" . ,._ .u atlt'lZ]I][
dor 30", 2215,0t)0 feet cedar, ]20,000 county "roa center hne t.o an angle i I.!usb',:x" and Wife the unknown 'Washington, '" ' ecuon 1; Tne Ulty o nelton is , . F J- 7 --- l "
feet dead standing, and down cedar, t /)oln't therc!n., ttaence S 42" '22' 90" i lieb's'o C W ]]rown deceased the I CHAS. R. LEWIS, hereby authorized to contract for .the ees were adopted m a new sched ....... I nnl , o.¢or Testln
3/5 (DO feet heraldeR, 20,00€) feet W aton" sale county roan centez, hne unknoWn heirs" of di'th Brown: de- Attorney for said estate . purchase o[ n ecessa T par¢mg meters u]e laced in effect by the Lure- net.;- *-, --.
' . • ' o ' "' .......... neretotore autnorlzcct to de lnstallect -- ¢ , - v=a we
W lte pine, 1,580 poles and 265,000 feet to a pnt which is N 37 53 15 W" ceased and all other ersons, un- [ Address, Bell Building 119 South m' tl Cit f ml " li o bermen s Mercattfle" store last ldlll
t$yltr fir. _ o ef the point of'l)oghnnpg an(1 thene0Jknow n' having or claim e to have,4th Street Shelton vason _ lo ¥ o St ton, Wasl ngt n, ml| VAIiI ,
! APPLICATION NO. 194. ," S. 3758" 15' '/ to sawl polar'of be-:{ an. rJ,-ht ite e-tate l'en inter-[County ;rashingtola under urdmancc No, 32.3o, and to week end, according to an an- q N I W U I IBN RuIFBU ill-I il Dy the T._
or ws, ar,coraln: [,> |no 4ow.rnnlcmt /,xcepung, however, ally portion o[! THE STATE OF WASIIINGTONINOTICE TO CONTRACTORS" ', ectlon z. "l'nel'e is nereny CL'eatea Daugn. tl Il]rl JI "- - .... - -'--'2
SLJ't'?y thereof, apprai:ed at ,,28,(181,00. I thq abore described tide lands includ. [ TO' The said C W Brown and Ed- [ Sealed bids will be received" by tile in the City' Treasury a special fund Beinnin 1-s ..h,,.,., fho T, lt llllllllBII 1 m
,T n bcr on l.,oZ:: 3 and 4 and SEVt od in an oysi,*,r tract (te,'ded hy the " ilh ' Brown }uslani and wife the County CommiSsioners of 1Vason oun- to be known as the "Parking Meter .. ... _ ' ".? .... a ........ n UIIIE El
i of section 3t, [ov,,n:ddp .23 St a,: of Washington ,Imt 8, 1901 to ! unkn(iwn h'eirs of C. W, Brown, de- tv at thc Court Housc in Shelton I, Fund" into whieh fund shall be de- 2/].. W!lt De open Qally frolD. 8:30 , m m mm .
an e J %%est W ]q" c ntaln ]4 Ja b n uud(l ppneat t n N ) l ell o Edith Wasl i n d l o 0 ) clo posited Fifty (50%) recent of th( a m to ,5 30 m an increase of
"4. ' " ..... ' -;' : )' : '":; ' " ' '' ' €t d th('tnknown 1 's f ' , ' ,.lngto ur i .: 0 ('' ck P.M, , p , 3 ,. . : p. .,
!J acres nloz', or less /wcor(!- I 2U32. -- ....... , I Jrown' deceased and all other I, er-] February 17, 1947, lo,', IAghting Fix, receipts from.the parking,meter opc,r 7 a half-hour for the convenience of FAST FREIGHT SERVICE ,- - ---
'1 :overl{llellt UI'¥L)y t/leFcof A/IpJleatlon o. lt3t ! ons 'unknown ' herin,, or claimhv "t tut's and Revision c f Li,-lltin,t Clr- auon anti WelCh anlounl; snail tic pale ............ "_.. _2. ............... Wll n
l (€ a as "' " €' ' nonthl b cry warrant to be ap lind its customets wnlie beginning WII-H UUUII Dk.LIVRRY IN SHELTON 'm mmm= m
:1 at $53,186,75, r At t l: ia ds o£ t,h , ee,ond c .",, to h'ave my ri"ht titlc estate lien , cults in the" Mason Cotint Court' Y Y e s m p '= ' • " " '
trees and re:tubby irces )n /own,,d by the State of Washington, ]interest or'e. xl in and to tile here-I IIouse and will then and hcre be on the purchase prie of aid cte", last Monday most of the stores
,tats. Io be left for aoe,t .trees. ' s!tugJ:e in front of !dcgnt to .9 r t tnafi:cr descr'lheh Real Estate. you pulJ'[eiy opened an4 read al ,ud: . 'l'le parking, meter fund s2allhbe ' ,in employees were placed on a 40- Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry A [] [] m m
Ioea% 'U ap )1"( {lnrlt(/y tn ILDUttlnI' upon tile west lu feet of toe , )f 'e ' " ' f .r "" "- "- " ,
,- , ,, • , ..... and .a(.h ( you at. bceby sum- Bids lecelved after the time lxccl .o., .,,.. .,... .. , ......... . " . um "
, hour wozk week schedule Mr Tacoma FIei ht vm tr Skook Chief Milwaukee
SW£ of ot 1. Ne burn- east ri'i0 feet of lot 2, section ].7, town- moned to annear wtthin 60 days after for opening cannot-be considered ginal outlay for tile purchasc of tim . . " - . , - g • * • .. . , IIU
eXc¢'p, in Vel t' hazardous ship 22 nerth, rnge 2 west, W. M,, the date o['the first nublic{ion ef Plan and sneeificatJms may be ex. parking meters has been paid. AshDaugn announced. / .'NO. ;
........ f .. - ;wiih a fl:ontage of J,06. ljpeal ([mlns, thl:n Silmons t)-wit: lthin 60 days alnlned and ecured at the )fflce of Seeon . An .appropriation.to l)yc -- -- ' ' m ram. ....
tO Ill(*, ltAIe'N orth, Ltl(ro lllor(*, or l(*,sv;, t, ppralsed at o0.0u per after the 26t11' day e D-,,cmb-r 19d6 tb- Architeots J-s H Wohleb anti vise lot tne salaries oz rue parKnlg ......... rlm- tx.a..l ---- a_l .... "rmM'
• ................... cor 1 ' '
000 feet red and defend the above entitled action Robt, I-I. Wollleb, 201 Chambers Build- meter .supqrvisor and .office .assistant ._AC o.ng to authentic re cores &llll aJuIIUUUlU LOIIOW.',
dead ,tanding or assistants, ana ior tne maintenance rne people oI tne unltect tates Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p.m. for
over 30 inche,% 7,-
chain or $53.00.
..., Applicatlol L N.o, 11331_ . in the above entitled Com-t and an- lng, Olympia, Washington,
/t} lille lan(Is (J| tl2e Sec0nu ClaS swor t]w .nll-n|atnf af ho |.ttqH'
' -- ......... v ........... * .......... Jach bid must be accompanied by of said parking meters, fronl the cur- produce 34 per cent of the world's Olympia and Shell:on
fet small red fir, ]5,000 feet owmM by thc State of Washington,. and eerve a cony of your Answer a certified clmck, casllier's check or rent expense fund, Is hcreby author-
3.115,000 feet hemlock, 9'77,000 situate in frm.tt pf, adjac?nt to or, upon the undersigned att)rney for the bid bond witll a state licensed surcty ized as follows: coal, 40 per cent of the iron and Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday
filet white pine and 13,20{) lineal feet aotii[,|ng" upon teat part o[ lot. J. svc- T*..r¢o., ).o .r|.., m ..... ...,,. eompany as surety in an amount not Salaries: .................................... $4,700.00 steel, 40 per cent of the supply
tion 3 township 20 north range 2 a'l,S'*i'(,'.o.',..''llk'.t'"h; Maintenance: .......................... 500,00 CLARENCE CARLANDER, President
p61cs.,Tlmber on W/-API'LICATIONoI' SI,,,,IH)' and SE,/19'i23 of west,.._W. ,,., ,.wasl[l ,:lolnithe.gov- , jtui-gr'ncnt'" wi'il "b"o'" r'e';tl'o'red"'ag-ai,'sl: i lesspayablethanto 5'/,,MaaonOf tlecountY..baso bid. .made Section 4. WHEREAS. this ordlnancc of copper, 32 per cent of the lead, PUGET SOUND "FREIGHT UNitS
S,£ seciion 2;{, township 23 north, erl?J 7t ua,;mer .; • [you according to the demand of the The right is reaerve.d o reject any is necessary for th Immediate pres- 42 per eent of the world's alum-
&e$..tnnlng at ;t l)OlOt (11 lnP "ov rn- | ¢OW,n/ntt .*1t h hn he fle |th ,
rdtl 5 west, Vq :M. coutahfin 120 ' "' ' " e" € ...... v .......... c .... s ..n z.. w .... and all bids and to wawe tn:ormall- ervation Of the -public peace, health inum and 65 per cent of the
gov(camelt surv(Jy thereof appraisecl ' , ' Nlason County. • ing meters In the City of Shelton
at.$44,796,00, , ,: t ' i b'il tit order of the C0nunissioner of world's petroleum.
, Conky trees to bc left for ,eed. I By II. R, DICKINSON, cotlld not have been foreseen at the
/0 brjtng except in very hazt|J'd-J Chairnmn, 1-30--2-6-13--4t, time the aPl)ropriati0n was authorized
to cover the 1947 budget for tlle City
.(t0S sots when logged, 3,0 be tractor wh{(h' }s 37(, 0 ('-, . ' ' " " " ' , ¢ Townsh' ip 0' North, Rangc 2 West d of Shelton, an en|ergeney is declared
loggea, t northwest e rner ot the NEL f NEI, W, ....... 0. h.,.¢.. h, iJ. ;
....... ' ' r) *' ¢ .... V " '" " n .... S ' NO:rICE TO CREDITOPq , to exist and this ordinancc shall be in
• ccording to State's cruise thcre are of aaM sevii n 4 and lhem c ntiuu- l0 ............. "* ") _v :..
: , ''; , , acrcs more or less i arucularly IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE lull force and effect the date of its
g.)0 feot down yellow |n, N ill ,,0 ,V' a.long .ald m,andcr do-..,qh,''-= e.a, .... ..q...,,..*.t .h. Automotive
- . ........................ .......... STATE OF WASttlNGTON FOR passage and approval. •
t'cd fzr over lln' 4,(3 chains mJre 2r less to an e.a ...... - ; _. • .. o t' Introduced the 21st day of January,
.:=-, ...... * , ,"'e n "tad "--'-'e " : ...... ,er co,'.,r to ecuons u ana ,, .MASON COUNTY ,
,. aid Township and Ran e running ' In the lV[attcr of the Estate of Henry' 1947.
feet , ," !, " , , ' , , thence South along the Passed by unanbnous vote of the
10 t3 0]1 (haine more or te, s t:,. dst line of
Lehman, l)cceaseu.
lhe' point ol In ters(*'ct|( n of a 1113( • ,-; * * a-. .... "
"" "'- i )altlh l to m" "-n0 'hlin" o,u u o, .,;a ClIalns. more or loss, NOTICE is hereby given that the City Coln]nisBiou this 28th day of
wnia [.. ' .. .€ a/,'t, c o to the corner to Sections 20, 2i, 28 undersigned has been appointed and January, 1947, and approved by the
nor,n'.m,, u,e somn nm or tne "'.-ud ..................... ,m. ,h ...... le... alonz the Sec-ha quallfied as Executrlx of the Mayor. Machine Shop
of NE, of adjolntn, so(tide 4 pro- , tt a ,,) h;..o. *.,:.Ino,, .r*h F, A TRAVIS, Mayor
t . ) , . ........... .,..o .... , ................... above-entitled estate; that all persons
acres, there o,. less, a{',- duc;'d east across said ]tt ] wtth. a t n g l',a ., ,nndov li*la c f I-lamlncrslov'a REGINALD SYKES,
• ............................ having chdms against said deceased
governn|ent lstnwcy frontage of 4,11 thmal chains, more "r,,|oY h,..,,, Mon the meander hne are herehy required to scrvc lhe same, Commissioner of Fhlancc and
at $62 010,00. or 1 S appraised at $40 00 l|er chain "*',' '},;;,;ri- "d']-e ,tion - he Accounting
. .?!{!'.,.^ , .n ............... . _.r c to t_._ duly verified en said Christina Leh-
the State's (,ruisc thcre ul aot,o, , ......... point of beginning" also excepting man or her attorney of record at the ROY J. KIMBEL,
,./M)P|lcalmn No, ;v .,...e.,..h'"" ...... *'""''hU ...... ."1 ri,'hts-of, -we v., address helow stated, and file the Connnissloner of Streets aud
Th t d([allds of the s(oond class "--' " - ','," q" be" and enjoin Public Utilities
the Stale. of Washhgton, .,, ..a ,,,,eh .r YOU from assex,ln same with the, Clerk of said Court,
r ................ toether with ln'Oof of such service, Attest: ALMA K, CATTO, Clerk dip "
front of, a¢)jm,ot tt!.-o any rigbt, title, claim, equity, lien within six months after the, date f Approved as to Form:
cafit ][)o It et oI
"' )2 "zorth' or interest therein and thereto and first publication of this notice or the VIRGINIA C. MALLOY, City Atl,orney
" ' for a decree adjudging them to be same will be barreff. 1-30---lt
the owners of the eaid lands,
a,bov; (,:-
of *daid
lhq t |'lc ,
t.¢, '.'r 1 |} t
I'O tt €i tit'
H *tr OVer FIll(l t( i' ,%
:t t.ra(':t's at ;lny tJr|
Ita[e nor 11l,,: gl'unLle
liable to th( he dec f tl e
al{2 for oily danlage CalUSCd
On ,uLlid land "dtl ho
or not leiD than tih at)pl'alscd
vallI.e, as opprMsed by th,, Cot|trois,
siltw of P]Jblic L:mds in the man=
tr provlcle( Dy laW, ;1 st//[(/ncrlt of
Which. iS, n.ew on f(le Jn [hc offh:c of
ttw' Auditor or tuXU till,In .3". .,
'/'£rlh# Of sale are; Cash h) bc pat(t
oli' the clay of sale.-
: The purchase' ot t|l;ib(,raoll ,'tate
]€nlts will have 5 yeal': wilhin w]|tcl/
reaove said timber, with the pI'ivi-
le,ge or eeurlng exten'doas of lin|e
raider the statuteu fover/lil}g,
Colll;llissioner of Public I,ands.
CALL I,R)| Uli)
he ColYn|A,isslotlers (i' Publh' Util-
Ilv I)istriet Nz)3 will rt)('e,P¢t! 1.m'l for
a'lhle truck to aIld including ldcbrtl-
ars,' 23, 194'/
tptc]fieations [€11. above tl'llCl{ lilly
1.! i,bta ned at lheil" ofl'Jc% .103 J(all-
1% |,d, ,Aw. {ht',tl0IL
Right reserved to l*ejuet any and all
b d,
t:L R. 2dcD()NALI).
1-:$.3-2,,t, Secret ary,
[1'1'1(1 OIt bl)H|)t)L ;Oll'rlIICT ]
'j ' : II.gCTI, ON ' ''
NOtiCe l hereby given that the lnl-]
rlJ eh 01 :DLtrict Elect,bins wil! b( ]
h]tl in cacti of the evcr.'fl cnoot I
d'tt;itin |n Maaolt Coltllly.,-ou Sa[tll'-]
;,'aifitl 1'i 11M7. and the, polls wlll[
DY0pen. from..1:00 P.fi. t(ptil. 8;00
p;lil uBle, t¢ s ,OI;II,.rwIse S]}tC f1(%. ,I
Clerk uf the Electir)n l?mtrd.
; ..... :t-2a-;$02-ti;tt,
le above tatv4
and conditions
Attorney for Plalnti;[fs
Office an4 Post Oi:fico Address:
Conrt tlousc,
Shelton, Washington.
Date of first publication, January
30, 19,t7,
Executrix of said Estate,
. Address: ,Olympic Highway,
Sllelton, washington.
Attorney. for Estate.
City Halt Shelton, Washington.
' 1-80--2-6-13--8t,
of the Dur-
)aid at the tme
if he be not
nnprove|nents, must
the officer making
ihr sat0 amount of file ap-
praised I,ahe of lhe intprovenlcnl.i
;t8 01;lYe qated. ()ne-t.enth Of the puP-
et|: , price must bt* paid annually'
[]creafter with intere,% on all deferred
pro'chaser may makt full pt.lyal(ut Of
y,'l¢':Jl|al, interest ,nd Matulory fePs
:i :any t in|e and obtain deed. The pur-
t'h:t:('' tf land eontainirlg tilHher ,n'
oiil(.r vah;tble n|aterials is prohibited
b'g law fFlnl cuttJnT ilr rcl|loving any
f;{leh Limber or materials without firm
obtitilttng c:otlsen, t of the: (Yollntlsioner
of Public Lnnds, until the full amonnt
of tile purt'ha lrtce llas been paid
aud de('l lSst;od. ",
All sales of tal,e lsnds are made
m|llject to the reservation8 of oils,
fase, coal, ol'es, loblerttls and fossils
O,[ ever} t nellie, kind altd dcscr[pth)ll,
and to the sdditlonal (r/,ls and c'on-
ditioIls prc,('|'ih(d ill ,,ct'ion 3 of (!hap-
Icr 256 nf the Laws of 1907,
Naid ]and will he t, old' subJ0ct t€)
the. iorlnS, condith)ns and reservations
of chapter 312 Of the'Sesslelt Laws
of ]927. relating to casen|cnts for
righls-of-.way at|d tlm car|,ylnK o£ (in -
t)/il', .i(lIle. Ii]iIlCl'il]S and' other In'O-
(ttlctS over the Hanlc.
ComnlJasioner tsf Pul)lie Lands,
on Tuesday, the 4tit day
]947, (;onunemcing
for(noou of said
nln entrancc(
i]|o government SuEvey
appraised at $500,00.
Use the ' Journal Classifieds
they really get results,
_ n, i i n i ,i , i i i
Bremert0n-Tac0ma Stages
The Finest In Motor CoachTransportation
South Bound
Port Angeles . ................ Lv. 9:15 a.m.
Scquim .......................... 9:45 a.m.
Quilcene ........................ 10:40 a.m.
Lilliwaup ...................... 11:31 a.m.
Ho0dspgrt .................... 11:41 a.m.
Shelton, ........................... 12:10 p.m.
Olympia ............. ' ........... Ar. 2:45 p.m.
Conneotlon To and From Bremerton at Junotion
Connection To and From Port Townsend at Quiloene
8:30 a,m,
10:45 a.m,
1:45 p,m,
5:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
* Via Allyfi
• 8:15 a,m,
9:15 a.m.
11;30 a,m.
2:30 p.m,
5:45 p,m,
9:45 p,m,
North Bound
At, 5:35 p,m.
5:08 p.m.
4:25 p.m.
3:18 p.m.
3:12 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Lv. 2:05 p.m,
8:15 a,m.
11:00 a,m.
2:00 p,m.
*3:30 p,m,
5:30 p.m,
9:00 p.m,
7:00 a.m.
9:45 a.m,
12:30 p.m,
3:30 p.m,
7:00 p.m.
Phone 162
* No Sunday or ttoliday service.
Charter Work a Specialty
Dcpot at First & Grove
i iii I
- :t:12:1'5 A.M'. 1:10 AM STARTER and GENERATOR •
12:55 5:00
*5:45 *5:45
6:15 6:15
*7:00 *7:00
7:30 7:3d
8:15 8:10
8:45 8:45
9:25 9:30
10:00 10:00
10:45 10:35
.T1:15 11:15
11:50 12:00
12:30 P,M. 12:30 P.M
1:15 1:00
1:45 1:45
2:15 2:30
3:00 3:00
3:45 3:30
4:15 4:15
4:55 5:00
5:30 5:30
6:15 6:15
6:45 ¢6:45
7:30 *7:00
?8:00 T7ao
*8:30 8:00
?8:45 "]'8:45
9:15 *9:00
*9:30 J'9:15
10:00 10:00
10:30 +10:30
11:15 "11:00
t 11:45 -{'11:30
* Daily
Except Sunday
morning. I
..... ,L [iN:E I
- 218 North First Street
What edu©ational beneRt#
If You serve
.ne day - ,h.o.norabl on
v W • . Y
date o£ *- .eh s served
beeau rramatio of the
se of an 'a
C.url'e d ,..-< . ual serv
dlseha're ' ln.t.hat first 90
or bu • = ' nlle(1 to one y
ames School of your
addition, e ch
lrior to A' month of a,
onth of, r , termination ,
Yo )st-service edm
s ur tt tion, lab
30Ol v e .... Orator
elve $5 Will be paid b
uependents month living
Itt'ab°ue family allows
• '0 ren en!lst!ng or reel
Oltti.ue untli SlX months,
What =re my ©hane,a o.f ,g
S Ify°u. enlist for 3 ears,,
eas theater whie "
c,, .,li.o_ -.n,s op,
e8 r oSe the bran,
• ou ean piek any br
You eMlst for 3 Yeat.s.
^_ "Y tO¢ly 1 can roe
f,. You ean, if vo
l'yo • ^. ureenl,
I. ** ut honorable discl
"_ ,. Y other way ! c€
and*e'WerelI" YOUdiheld one of eert
rado hared on or
--. u. 8 - "pen(hng on th
-L-- ! ..... " v,, or" f,
,,,.,,l 'Souse o ........
/;Haa ,. wee of a. , r*orrlor
: ruUr dlo, ....
the Na
War and Peac