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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 , ' • Six-Tube, Two-Band, AC-DC Beautiful walnut or mahogany, Distinetiveky styled in a handsome 18th century cabinet, Greater selectivity and sensitivity. Zmproved push.button tuning. ForctglFald domes- tic broadcasts. Six4ube (ineludillg rectifier). EASY BUDGET TERMS Six-Tube, Two-Band, AC'DC WALNUT TABI RADIO Designed with an eye for style and an ear for music. This compact set gives you handsome rich appearance and console performancel The smart tilted dial is easy to road, Demesne nd f0rolgn broadcasts..Six-tube (Including rectifier). Ey dgt Terms SHELTON-MASON 00UNTY JOURNAL .... 30, 1947. NEIGHBORHOOD BOY SCOUTING Editor's Letter note in the fino print of the agree- meat that I am to be paid off in S'TARTS 0N HI:LCREST TONIGHT ( pael) Virgin Island currency six months" __ . ,. ..... . ' being passed off quictdy with a after date of my editorial and k BRim _,"  T "   Ill setwing,of a pp giin hot b]'eakfast that, quote "any cancellation of [|(i[4[  m_'[[a d lh ira, ...,__--_ • Neighborh(od-centercd y the need for establishing Scout- of ham, scrambled eggs, rolls and subscriptions or advertising con- lW[ll[[ •  J Uill IjMju/q|IIIIIj[llJE'I1 rm 1 Scouting, long believed the best !ngforboysin Shelton o1 a:,le!gh- coffee by our most attractive tracts are to be deducted front   !!]  ! r   | n • i PJ ' -- ,o e,,,. , ..... * ,,-qsful  oornoou Dams, as toe. pat inca stewardess who cared for our ev- my stipend m U.S. co n. I ask ...... , ....    [w |i  !* | v ...... • - •." .... 7_  .....  s  l is the very foundation of success- cry wanL and comfort with corn- you--what chance does a stump (7ormerw eme s /axl-trocery) :| -- n means ot creating tne greate.c ., o .... ,,. fu, uut,,,s. rancher have when he gets mixed ' 'E_ -- • interest in Boy Scout activities, IJ The re ra T .... i al plete satisfaction. • . p g m o Lne mud s "- San Juan, with the incessant up with the city slickers? FIRST aND P,NE , iee Us First For | :* . . ....... I a g g p cml observance of DICK MORROW. . _ m makes its dcbut in Shelton this r n in a s e'" Spanish jabber of its natives who evening wnen rn!mrest ooys m: ] National Scout Week, February make the airport, a headquarters P.S.---My copy is ready so bask   " .   :' | *----" • terested m i'oI'm]ng, a roop oz I 7-13, with John Piper, former re- for visiting" friends and a sound- blow°n beach and let the balmy breezes Open Evenings -- Sundays , -,gglng I. neir own inlet in toe or(leaux]gio n l Boy Sem ,Yoo tlv fop 1 ia e "a 7 30 to o___a_ __ _c__t ..... u ....... ing board for their tntending . rr] ! grade schoo's ment "t : •. Washington, Oregon, Idaho and talk, is something that would " ............ _ : " organize SUCh a, troop unaer ne , ,,'n n • make a man enjoy the clatter of FLEMING BYARS GIRL ,Upmles I • . , ........ .. _ . Montana, as the .ri.,al s.eakeL maamsmp o[ w. -'mce zmm: Now retired from national Scout. a ladles club hen party at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Byars ,Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for ' J erly an assisan coumaser. an m,," ' Mz. Piner now ........ uv t All,vn. The journey to our destination are the parents of a girl, born rfrm mr r--rmT   | Eagle Scout and a veteran of ' u nln  " o • The Kiwanis Cl_b ..... ,Aans t_ eided with a 45-minute flight Sunday January 26, in the hos- LIUL)]P.aIIp.di--L¥1P£]kI.--VhL]P.I2".DIJ [] World War II. have the boys as invited guests over island-studded blue waters pital. I Tonight's first meeting of tim at one of the club's luncheons and to St. Thomas and will end this ...... ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOFT, DRINI Wire Hillcrest B°Y Sc°ut tr°°P cuhnin" t° help and enc°urage the b°ys letter with the w°rd that we are i I - Rope I | ares carefully made plans of the to participate in all the spirited living amid surrounding condi- "  • Saws . Axe Kiwanis Club Scout Committee, activities of the Boy Scout Coun- lions as near Paradise as men .. --Plus-- , S headed by James B.oush as chair- cil. and, women deserve. I With, 'K']. I Blocks | man. All members of the troop ...... | !ilglV [ HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT ' committee wi}ich includes Clar ....... , .....  ..........  AND ThE DiT;;a C,E'rS | ,°Y°UeW:"eSse . I a,CHF,ELD OIL PROOUCTS -- UTO SUPPL,e' Chokers I1• ence Grunert, Rev Wflham H A1- AL RE IT HI ' . . • • . NE C E SORY A LETTER AT SAME TIME • y a o | • --• bach, Gb Fnsken and R. W. Mfl!- ,, Shelton Kiwanians were brought (Eight Ball) Raoch, 4:30 p.m. • Or Store [ Io0" • or, will also be present at tonight s un-to-date on Kiwanis Interne- January 24th, 1947 1 J I - I11 L I initial troop meeting, tio¢ml affairs and history Tuesday Star Route 1, Box 177 • ....   I  }ther Supplies Necessary n One of the most active workers at their weekly luncheon meeting Sielton, Wash. Safe, ! Efficient in organizing and carrying thru in Memorial Hall when they lis- The Editor, Slelton-Mason - ations. Logging this neighborhood troop plan has tened to one of their favorite bro- County Journal, Shelton. II been Fred Beckwith, new presi- thers, James Noel, Olympia at- Dear Sir: I have just read the  . .-- . • == | dent of the Kjwanis Club, andhe torney w)lohas often before ad-articlebyBrueeEhnorc--amem- NO DANciN00J :ympia00. Feed ! has asked the club for a concerted dressed the Shelton club and has bet of the Shelton school board-- effort to make the projected troop been active in Kiwanis affairs for and give my 100 percent approval a real success, stressing the point many years, of it. However, it states at the that the'e has always been a need Mr. Neal has held the high Ki- head of the eolmun, quote "The ,mpany for a genuine neighborhood-con- wanis offices of district governor I First Guest-conductor of the edi- ., tered Scout program for the boys and international vice-president, }tor's weekly column," unquote. , • , • Neitl Bldg.. Shclton | of the Hillcrest area., among many other club offices[When we rnad our deal it was  | He expressed also the hope that and assignments in district and j understood by and between us, Untd Further NoUce other sponsoring groups would see national affairs of the club• [ that I was to write "an editorial." [When did they ever start calling [us editorial writers "guest con- AT • Death Takes Mrs. Masons To Watch ]ductors?" I thi]tk thaL term is [only used in radio. If I am to be DELIGHT PARK HALL I introduced to your column as Engelsen, Mother Bikini Atomic ,a "guest conductor" the deal is I off and you can bring suit as I Of Shelton Women Films Saturday 00don't like some of the terms in our agreement, anyway. I did not Due to the road conditions and construction work On our ;: " The many friends of Miss Clare "Operations Crossroads," the take time to read some of the and Misa Grace Engelsen, and Mrs. official picture of the Bikini bomb fine print therein. The things that road, we will not be able to hold our Saturday night dances test will be shown to the members of the Masonic Lodge Saturday night, February 1, according to Wilbur Catton, master of the lodge. These pictures are the official pictures made by the U. S. Navy and have until very recently been retained in private and confiden- tial files. Due to the .present interest in the atomic be'robs these pictures should be of great interest to all. Masons are cordially invited to attend and see the pictures, and the show should last about an hour. They will be shown by a recruiting officer from the 13th Naval district• F. Otis Woods the former Nine Engelsen, will be sorry to learn of the death of their mother, Mrs Bertha Spangle Engelsen, at the come of her daughters here fol- lowing a short illness. Mr, and Mrs. Engelsen had been visiting here since November. Her home was in Almira where she had lived since 1887. Bom in Illinois, Deember 16, 1869, she was 77 years of age at the time of her death. Mrs. Engelscn came to Spangle, Washington, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Spangle, and LmCles and their families in 1872, by covered wagon from Illinois to San Francisco and then by boat to After the show and a short bus- 'iness meeting, refreshments and a social time will be enjoyed. Road Oil Contract Went to W. D. Brear, Not to Guy Norris A correction is made in the granting of a contract for a road oiling job in Commissioner Dick- insert's district No. 2, as W. D. Brear, submitted the low bid pl $26,532:50 instead of Guy NorriS, as stated bcfore County commissioners a laO closed the following bridges to heavy traffic: Dry Bridge at Mary M Knight school, as the bridge has washed ou; and 1he bridge at Don, Nye's place. They also have posted the Rollway and Hur- ley Waldrip roads, as closed to heavy traffic until further notice, due to the condition of the roads Portland. They took the overland route through Walla Walla, final- ly settling in what is now Spangle, which was named after the family. At that time. Spokane was noL in existence and a trip was made once a year to Walla Walla for supplies. July 14, 1893, Miss Spangle mar- ried Ed Engclsen and they setled on a farm near Almira. In 1905 they moved Lo the town of Almira where they have made their home since. Mr. Engelsen has become a wheat farmer with extensive Itoldings in eastern Wa, shington while he has made ht home there, Fmeral services anti burial will be it} 2dmira Sunday afternoon, Fcbruary l, aL 2 o'clock. She is survived by her widower. Ed En- gelsen : tin'el daughters, Mis Grace Engelsen of Olympia, Miss Clare Engelsen of Shelton, and Mrs. F. OLis Woods of Albuquer- que, N. M.; two brothers, Joim Spangle of San Jose. Calif.. and Ed Spangle of Almira; and two grandchildren, "---\\;" "1 Mrs. Engelsen was a member as a result of the heavy frosts and /j[. ..: • of tile Evening Star Chapter 108, the snow.  Order of Eastern Star of Almira Calls will soon be made for a and several church circles. Mr. Engelsen and his two daugh- bid on rewiring and installing new lights in the courthouse. Archi- ters will leave lere Thursday for tects from Jos. H. Wohleb's office Ahnira, Important Session have drawn up the.plans. Plans were presented the com- missioners for building a county garage for Road District 2, H. R. 0n Agriculture Dickinson's district, in Skokomish Valley. The plans were approved, l00ed but .returned for estimates of Sc uled Monday quantities and material. Bert Rau, chairman of the Me- .-- son Couuty ACA, advises that on ""''"" " " " " """ """ " " """'" Monday, "February 3rd, Mason Too Late to Classify ri]J ][[l''l[,4l['l,Tlll COunty farmers, farm organiza ....................... vv tions. nd any othcrs interested in FOR SALE: 1935 e¢) truck. L.W.B. lllLliL.IM II.lPlll AILIlk JIL" Alt¢ IJl II • Steel flatbed and hydraulic hoist, agriculture will have an opportun- $475. Phone Sleltoa 762J2. LI-;0 | Toasts, Fries Eggs and Bacon, Cooks Coffee ity of meeting with a, representa- ]Og SAL:II h:i):-BeH(!37"di.ep-weil Production and Marketing Admin- =I.1.8.. ....  CZ-30tfn. 2"ult SALE: ]I)36 Cle-edanl " Al: EASY TERMS O istration, and representatives of so dry wood. Phone 403J. Nt-30 ! Cook a complet breakfast on the kitclmn table, It s a corn- the Extension Service. I "F-(J'J-sXLE--ti-libter: 10:inhli-b'hrncr. | binatlml electric table stove and toastr. Simple to toast rolls This meeting will be held at Practically new, Phone 537W. | aud buns, So smaz-so Practical, Made of polished cast the Mason county court house in ................................................... CI'30--2-6 Shelton and will convene at 10;30 FOR SALE: two ideal building loth . partially clo.ared in city limits oxl aluminum, Dlstirtive syling, a.m. . ' Mt. View. Water ahd lights avail- The pro'pose of the meeting is able. $750. Phone 15Fll, or lnquh,e ' Route 3, Box 157. O1-30--2-13 to get first-hand information on .A_T_TrD.-RENT..s.lfurnlshe d . / , ' ' For =,- ,,, Driving . price supports, marketing, distri- , Steady,renters. Mrs. Pruitt. c-o Stop eL.l.r,W.nte t the outlook for agriculture, goals, or unrurntshed hous, Jn Shelton. bution and any other agricultural Inn. Phone 323, • 1-30 problems worthy of discussion. '[r. Rau also stated that pro- grass hay, $15 a |on. Inquire A. O. Ckqrlon at Mill Crock on Olympia visions of the 1947 program and hlgaway. 1---2-13 ] A N /  conservation practices will be ex- WX=N=DV'd" p]ained and hopes thc meeting ued washing amchinc. Phone 2)8J. female black Cocker Spenlel witl} ' one puppv to party provig ability 1.J to p?oridh them good ho e. Phone 548W. P,I.- 0 blades. Clears windshield in w w  l}aining as manager of the dry OR S'-A'-L-Ei " oi'l][se-on o time[  clcaning department, the new own- frigerator.Hillereat furnishedwashing includiagmachine, re-oil ors said in stating all present per- range and oil heater. H. L. Olstead Agency, Phone 30. 1-30--2-13 EASY BUDGET TERS sonnel will be retained. After founding tle Masm Coun- ty Steam Laundry in 1922, Mr. Woods added the dry cleaning ser- vine m August of 1938, then a year ago purcllased the old Shelton postoffice building and enlarged tim firm's prenlises by ahnost dou- ble its t;ormer space in tle Horn Building, which Mr. Woods pur- chased several years ago in tim COUI'S0 of the nunlerous i]llprove- IT]ents arid cxpflnions hc has nlado in Lhe business. In his quarter of a contut'y as tt ShclLon businessman Mr. Woods has been active in civic affairs witb the Chamber of Commerce Lind Kiwanis Club and has been identified pt'ominenLly at ll times will} Shelton bowling affairs boLh as a participant and as a team sponsor. While he will eontinue to be available to the new owners for crevice and guidance, Mr. Woods said he las no plans whatever at the present time for the future otler than he definitely does not intend to lcave this community, L,OR "sALEi-q36" P[ynh;utll---DeiI(ixe sedan. If'air condition. Call afte, r 4:0. Cameron Ilotel. C1-}]0--2,6 IIIIII I ] 1939 Olds edan 19:t6 Dodgc I'ickup 19,11 Plymouth Coach 1940 Packard Sedan 1934 Lafayette Sedan 1 OLYMPIC MOTOR ' SALES 1st & Mill Phone 595 [ I i 1Rresfo.e ,, , SUPEII AWTI.FBEEZE 1.40 0,, Because of a special aDIUble oil eal, evaporation t re duced to. a, minimum, lotect ?ott cat'get It nowl L.M. 00|r¢$foneStore I have in mind are as follows: viz No. 1---I thought that you would pay the attorney his no- tary fee and legal charges for drawing up the agreement but he sends me the bill.. No. 2. I have a bill from your "advirtizer" on the bond you insisted I post to protect you and your interests from a libel suit. No. 3. I also until the road is again ready for traffic. CARL JOHNSON, GOOD COFFEE EVERy 1rIME.. buy.frorn the fresh Stock at SAFEWAY EDWARDS LUXURY BLEND C00FFEE 1-1b. 24b. 8Sc Nob Hill Coffee Pkg. 40c Airway Coffee Pkg. 36c HILLS BROS. COFFEE-- ,-,b. Can M. J. B. COFFEE 46,: MAXWELL HOUSE .... 1-,,.c,, INSTANT SANKA .... 46: IHSTANT BORDENS-- 00.oz.J00r _-_ - • Owner Juild Base 00witk Cona RSHER'S T'ME SAVING ", . Concrete blocks speed u I BISKIT MIX .................... 40.0z;i money. Walls laidtodayc tomorrow, and thbre is nc Builders who have used co Walls like them because tF ond when properly lald, COmpetitive cost. Saves im SCHILLING PURE VANILLA OR LEMOH EXTRACT ............. oz. COLONIAL STRAWBERRY . PRESERVES ................ jar BRADSHAW'S CREAMY BUTTER TYPE SPUN HONEY ............. 1.1b ctn, DUCHESS HIGH QUALITY SALAD DRESSIHG .............. Pint CH I)R[SSSG ............ Pint; CHIIRCN'S DELICIOUS i PURE GRAPE JUICE .......... Quar NEW WEST WASHINGTON APPLE JUICE .................... Ouart; EMERALD BAY FANCY SPINACH ............ rlan to do your next job have the b/ocks, the mas estim( job, € may literal CUT BEETS .................... WHOLE I(EflNEL - , -5--- ouY A LA.GE PAC,.GE 0,' HIBLETS C0RH WHEATENA AT THE REGULAR PRICE OF 22c. TURN iN THE TOP OF THE PACKAGE AND SUGAR BELLE FANCY ORANGES ........ lb. 7¢ 8¢ 0LC0"EE SWEET PEAS +:..:..:..:..:..:..: ONIONS. ....... 4¢ - $1.69 M?00HR00.S ....... 8-0z' POTATOES ........... lb.. 3V00¢ I SltflRT[NINfi 00mCED CLAm ................ U.S. No. 1 Grade- Clean Smooth Stock ,....i. ......... , BLEND O'GOL"D NO. 2 YAKIMA NETTED GEMS ........ 5@ LBS. 79¢  ;URE CREAMY VEGETABLE wmi,Lmw., mnmnw to _ ." / Sunkist, Juicy, Large  SHeB'I'ENING . F 0 R F ' N E §LI:HI/£LI JUiL, I:: a.o-u. / LEMONS lb. 1?.  .Ai,,NQ •  , ............................................ ¢ } 9 Ik 1 10  CASTLE CREST HALVES, CLiHG *' Fancy, Clip-Top, California CARROTS ........................................ lb. 7½¢  d'iU," - I,iO I CHOICE PEACHES 2V.ttn! California, All-Green )  CELERY ............................................ lb. 12¢ * Upon retiring t ,aliforfiia, Rcady to Cook p ' S INACH ............................ I2-oz. pkg. 21¢ on January 31, W OUr Cmlee these YMue$ CUstomers fo: been serving in tl ,CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP, 10V-0z ........... 2cans 2Sc BACON_.... .... lb. 75¢ ,![ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Town House fancy juice, 18-0z. 10c HAMS GRAPEFRUIT, Glenn.Aire fancy segments....19.0z, can 19c PURE , ACME QU, ALITY LINKS ,, ing the people of SAUSAGE-. ..... : ....... lb. PINK SALNOH. Happy.Vale Brand .................. l-lb. can 35c . Swanson's Frazen-Fresh Eviscerated - Fully Drawn ; We feel, is a KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, 55-oz .................... 2 for 23c FOWLcut Up,'FOrReady Fricasseeto Cook. ................. . ...... lb. b the llew OWlers, U & I SUGAR, pure granulated .............. 5-lb. bag 45¢ SPERRY'S PANCAKE FLOUR ........................ 28.0z. Pkg. 23c WAX PAPER, Kitchen Charm .................... 125 foot r011 16c CIGARETTES, Luckies, Camels, Raleighs, etc ...... Ctn. 1.69 i ::!!!:"!!!iiiiil!ii::i START WITH FRESH COFFEE, Never buy more than a week ahead; use your oldest coffee first. :!:i:i:i3i:i;i:!" ........i::'  ":: BUY THE RIGHT GRIND. Bo suro your coffee is the proper grind for the coffee-makor you use. Blade Cut. Acme, Graded "Good" BEEF ROAST .................................... lb. Acme Graded Good Beef Roast PRIME RIBS ' lb. Lean uts of Young Pork PORK STEAK .................................. lb.  All Pure Pork - Really Good SAUSAGE .......................................... lb. l, ',,'..;:::::;,;::::.::;::;::;:i:!:i;i,;!::::;;:;;,::':" ================================== ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii/i!!!ii!ii[ii!ii[i/iiii!!!!ii!i!iii![iiii:" ""ili:!!iii!:ili!ii!!!iiiiiii::ii!i!:!:!:: ii!iii::iiiiiiiliii::iiiii!ii::iii!ii::i!ii!!iii: i::iiiiiiiii::ii/i]iiii::::ii::i::iiiiii!iiiiiiiii!ii::! iij/iiiiii i!iY : ...... iiii!!! i iiiiiii!ii!!iii!i iiii#i!iiii !::; :¢¢:!:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! ::i:!:!:!:!¢;.:i:? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: KEEP EQUIPMENT CLEAN. Every coffee-maker should be washed daily with soap and water. MEASUR EVERYTHING. # Water, €o fee (I heuping taSbs is sy=rs) and brewing time. : _J NO ALES TO DEALERS: PRICES START FRIDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1947, UBJECT TO MARKET-CHANGES AND STOCK receive the same] * It las been a p e°mmunity. Thr( We lave always = lee at a •.fair price ca• .inspiration to business standpoi] forttne. MASO] . i