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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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= :+ge 1.0 ::',i:,': "a:i':: ..... --:,'F..'{ ',''''' ', =; - :-.=,:a:-.=..'-z:--:t--:: .........  ...... Whatever Your Need SPENCER Individually Designed SUPPORT Will Meet It BECAUSE: Each Spencer' is created especially' for you--and you alone, Yet, IT COSTS NO MORE, LASTS LONGER and m GUARANTEED NEVER TO LOSE ITS SHAPE. Phone 799-J 1416 Summit Drive ,BERNICE SCHREIBER Dealer ..... I IJ ' . I IIIIIIr I I • I II II AN IDEAL CLEANER -- For -- PAINTED and VARNISHED Surfaces and WOODWORK. RUGS and UPHOLSTERY LINOLEUM TILE and PORCELAIN SHOES DISHES GREASY POTS and PANS REMOVING RJ BBER HEEL MARKS from Floor GREASE - TAR - PITCH from Hands WASHING FABRICS Not Harmed by Water .... I+ .J ..... &_ + V PRI?E COSNETICS STILL IN OUR STOCKS SITLTON-MASON; COUN'I JOURNAL i.ii Composers of Western .Washington Studied By Shelton Music Club Mrs. Nena Roberts, president of the Shelton Music Study Club, was the recipient of a myrtlewood gavel presented to her by Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda on behalf of the mmbcrs of the group at a meet- ing Wednesday, January 22, at the home of Mrs. Donovan Pahn- or. On the gavel was the inscrip- tion "MacDowell Woods." The myrtlewood came from trees growing at the MacDowell Col- 0ny at Petersborough, N.H., a philanttlropic foundation estab- lished by Mrs. Edward MacDow- ell, in memory of her husband as a summer refuge for artists, com- posers, poets and writers. Mrs. John L. Dotson spoke on "Northwest Composers and Their Music." Because of the large number of Northwest composers, Mrs. Dotson confined her pro- gram to composers of Western Washington. The first group of musical numbers to be presented, all selected from the works of Seattle composers, were as fol- lows: Frank Gray--"Sunset on Puget Sound," a piano solo, play- ed by Mrs. Donovan Palmer, and "Little Bluebird of My Heart," a vocal duet sung by Mrs, .Bern- hard Winiecki and Mrs. Dotson; Catherine Glen--"Twilight," a vo- cal solo sung by Mrs.' Winiecki; Irene Rodgers--"In a Vanity.BoY' and "Moon Mist,"' piano solos, played by Mrs. Dotson; and Amy Yo'z,tb--"Little Lamb," a vocal solo, sung by Marilyn Dotson. A Vocal recording of "Requiem" was closen to illustrate the music of Tacoma's Mary T. Johnson. Several recordings of lilting tunes taken from a patriotic operetta written by Mrs. Chauncey Davis of South Bend presented a con, trast to the more serious tone of the first part of tlm program, Two recordings enjoyed were "Don't Weal' Your Heart on Your Sleeve" and "Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow" written by Mrs. O. M. Huseby of Olympia and sung by Mrs. Ferwerda. Mrs. Huseby, who +is well known in Shelton as an accomplished pian- ist, has recently been devoting part of her time to the writing of popular ballads. A group of compositions by Mrs. Palmer were enjoyed as the con- eluding numbers of the program. After presenting a resume of the background of her composing, Mrs. Palmer played two selections of contrasting mood, which she had composed while in her teens, "Chop+Fooey '' and "Organ Rev- erie." She also played "Laughing Water" and "Little Tinkler." As the finale for the evening's pro- gram Mrs. Grant Packard sang EFFIE'S, BEAITY SHOP I 0RMERLY DOROTHY S BEAUTY SHOP GRAHAM THIEATRE LBLDG+ PHONE 117 Operators, Mrs. Effie Avery and Mrs. Pauline Manley SpccializinK, in Cold-Waving ' % % , .'+ + • . , '} d, @,. PSNNE:Ir @4',, INII.. 'CUING! GOINO LAST DAYSI Deep,reductions on winter stocks- mine are below CANNON TOWELS Large bath size. heavy weight, with colored hor ders. 1.13 Handy Plastic FOOD SAVERS Six sizes. 49¢ Women's Gardigans and Slipover SWEATERS 2,00 & 8.50 Ten Patent +PLASTIC PURSES 2,00 & 3.00 J t 6,00 3 Tan Horsehide 142. 10.00 Poplin JACKETS Small, medtm, mTge. 2.00 7 pair Wool KERSEY PANTS 3.0o CHAIR CUSItlONS Artificial leatller cover- ings in blue, red & green, - 1,00 Mrs. Palmer's 'Out in the West" while slides of Western Washir/g- ton scenes depicting graphically the words of the song were view- cd by the audience. Refreshments were served by the co-hostesses, Mrs. Packard and Mrs, Palmer, from a table cen- tered with a miniature forest scene. Guests included Mesdalnes George Andrews, Verne Davidson. Ralph Herren, Harvey Hillman, Frank Hueston, and Mrs. Hues- tows houseguest, Mrs. Harlan B. Miller of Seattle. S0CI00[ (V(NTS DIVORCES GRANTED Judge John M. Wilson granted final decrees of divorce Saturday during Superior Court to'Violet L. Evans from ,Joe Wayne Evans; and Emma E. Sabo from Carl W. Sabo. Interlocutory decrees were grauted Gertrude A. Sharps from Wallace E. Sharps; and to Mar- jorie E. Cooper from Charles F. Cooper, Plaintiff was granted cus- tody of a minor eifild and the defendant is to pay monthly.sup- port money. Miss Reeder, Home Demonstration Agent, Weds Clinton Sturdevant Miss Ruth Reeder, of Shelton, the bride. She wore a print dress daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Reeder of Fairmount, Ind., and Clinton T. Sturdevant, of Cheha- lie, son of Mrs. Nellie B, sturde- rant, were united in nlarriage in a ceremony performed Sunday, January 19 at the home of Mrs. Florence Allen at Chehalis. The Rev. E. E. Hellwege of the Chehalis Peace" Lutheran Church performed the 3 o'clock cere- m0ny befleath an arch of acia and imckleberry. Two seven- branch candelabra were placed on either side el' the arch. Jonqiils also decorated the room. Miss Reeder, who was' given in maxr|age by her father, chose an aqua crepe dress with brown ac- cessories for her wedding. She wore a white orchid corsage. Music was provided by Mrs. Hannah Bates, organist, who played "Evening Star," Schubert:s "Serenade" and the wedding march, and Mrs. Allen ;h0 sang Grieg's "I Love Thee." Mrs. H. B. Doolittle, mother of Mrs, Allen, was pro.xy mother of THIS LINE'S BUSY Ready to Sew GIRLS' DRESSES Pretty prints. Sizes 2-8. 1.00 LADIES' APRONS A:;sorted cotton prints. 1.00 Cannon POT HOLDERS Multi-color. 13¢ NEWMANS CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. ad Mrs. F. C. Newman celebrated theirg01den wedding anniversary with an open house at their home Sunday, January 19. Present were seven out of eight of their children, including Mrs. A. C. McIntyre and Mr. McIn- tyre of Tacoma, Mrs. William Kempton and Mr. Kempton of Shelton, Harry Newman and Mrs. Newman of Shelton, Melvin C. Newman of Shelton, Mrs. V. W. Huston of Wapato, Mrs. Charles Bale of Tacoma and Mrs. Boyd Greene of Toppenish. Mrs. G. A. Lane of Seattle was unable to attend the celebration. Also present were 18 grand- children and five great-grandchil- dren. BOYS' SWEATERS Slipover and coat styles. 1,00 & 2.00 SOyS' DRESS SHIRS 1;00 m i You may bet these kids are popular. We keep their clothes Spotlessly clean--ready to take off to a juke box session or coke jamboree at a moment's notice. Keep our number .before your youngsters. Phone 86. PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S. 2rid St. Phone 86 accented with a corsage of baby roses and freesia. Mrs. Sturdevant, the groom's mother, chose a fu- ehia crepe dress with a corsage of white carnations and freesia for her son's wedding'. A reception following the wed- ding was held at the home of Mrs. Allen. The reception rooms were decorated with yellow jonquils and candles. A three-tiered wed- ding cake centered the table. Mrs, Allen, Mrs, Bates and Mrs. Nellie Sturdevant poured. Mrs. Anton Erp was in charge of the guest book. Among tlle guests who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Kruiswyk of Shelton. Mrs. Sturdevant was graduat- ed from Purdue university. She is at present employed as the hnme demonstration agent at the Mason County Extension Service here. Her husband attended the Centralia Junior College and Washington State College. He is owner of the Sturdy Photo Shop at Chehalis. Mountain View Club To Sponr Playfield "come out and get acquahlt- ed" meeting of the Mountain View Commu.nity Club Monday evening, January 20, at the skating rink was attended by approximately 45 adults and 50 children. Mr. James Bushko of Thurston county gave a talk on the accom- plishments of youtt organization arid supervision in the Friendly Grove community. He especially emphasized the need of a place where children can have super- vised recreation and entertain- ment as a means of decreasing juvenile delinquency. The talk was especially timely as the Mountain View group has taken as its first project the procure- ment of land on which to make a playground for the children with from P,ENNEY FABRICS growl' plans for a future clubhouse. The children enjoyed the two hours of skating which Mr. Bud Dunning made possible for tllcm. Smdwiches, cookies and coffee were served by the ladies. Mr. H. Dunbar furnislmd each youngster with a bottle of pop. Mr. Dunning, president of the organization, invited everyone to attend the next meeting to be held Monday evening. February 3, and to bring a Mountain View neighbor. Refreshments will be served. spun Ray°n 69 for Spring! C Lovely Mexi. YD, can designs. 39-inch fabric. Hood Canal Club Committees Meet A joint meeting of the men's and women's clubhouse building committees for the Hood Canal +Woman's Club was held on Mon- day evening, Januaiy 20, at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Karl Lin- scott at Cushman. Mr. Linscott was named chairman of the men's committee and Ernest Worl, sec- retary. Infonnal discussion of prelim- inary steps toward buildlJlg con- struction plans occupied the eve- ning and it Was decided to hold a second meeting at 2:80 Sunday afternoon, February 2, on the club' site, north of ,the P.U.D. offic6. The hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Robert Rains, served supper to the committee members, MRS. DANDO ENTERTAINS ELDON SEWING CLUB Mrs. Jack Dando entertained the ,Eldon Sewing Club Friday af- ternoon at her home at'Triton Point on +Hood Canal. Mr. Dando assisted tile hostess at the 1 o'Clock dinner. Those present at the meeting were Mrs. "Charles Diesen, Mrs. Nels N£orken, Mrs. Lon Webb, A1- lie Ahl, Mrs, Dick Schaufler, Mrs. Hoard and son Ralph, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Babbington, Mrs. Cecil Bayes, Mrs. Gall Evans and .the host and hostess, Mr. and lIrs. Dando. MRS. GOLDSCHMIDT ILL Of concern to her many Shel- ton friends is £he news that Mrs. Augtste Goldschmidt, who is vis- iting friends and relatives in Eng- land, has been confined to her bed with flu and was unable to leave England for the United States as she had originally planned LEAVES FOR HOME Colonel and Mrs.-F. Otis Woods and their two children, Donothy and Edward left Friday afternoon for their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mrs. Woods and chil- dren made their home with her sister, Miss Clare Engelsen while Colonel Woods was in the army at Okinawa. He has received his discharge. Rayon woo o+ 2.29 ardine, in YD. pastel shades of yellow, blue, green and red. 54" fabric. WOMEN'S CLUB COUNCIL SETS MEETING DATE Friday, February 7 at 1:30 p. m. is the. date of the regular monthly meeting of the Mason Colmty Women's Clubs' Health and Welfare Council. Mrs. J. R. DeBard. chairmm], 1.11'Kos ,% good attendance of delegates to this meeting as projects for immediate study and action arc to be con- sidered. While the conncil is a committee of the Federated clubs, its meetings are open lie anyone interested in community health and welfare problems. u i J| i I , y--zj, TOWNSENDITES TO MEET Townsend Club No. 3 will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Mason, 408 Cota St., Sat- urday, February 1, at 8 p.m. Offi- cers fox' the ccing year will be installed at that time. Following tim business meeting, refresh- ments will be,served and enter- tainment provided. Everyone is Welcome, ROSE D. NELSON ESTATE The time for hearing of the final account and petition for dis- trtbuiion of the Rose D: Nelson +estate was set for Saturday, March 1 by Judge Wright, during Superior court. VISITS LONG BEACII Mrs. Fannie M. Smith of Hoods- port left here recently to visit friends in Long Bch. Calif. Th, ursday, VACATION IN Judge D. F. Wright Charles left last week week's vacation in Cal HILLC Reach for your phone--call Shelton 66--give us instruc- tions and you'll enjoy excel- lent local or long distance moving ,service, reasonably priced and efficiently hand- led. SHELTON TRANSFER 221 S. 2nd Phone 66 ..CLEA! = LET US HELP YOU i OWNADEBT FREE HO,00 ; Honorably W:rlhda:d I[eterans ° ' [ May Arrange a Home Loan on ."SWHv MOST MOTH! , Special Terms!  ........ '- 1404 Olympi( (Corner of Elinor Pickup and Dell QI/IITY SERVICE -- R PHONI /+!: Our lending service is extremely prompt, ,,, and m based on years of experience. !h • ' en @1 Thurston County Federal +:!| = =+ Savings & Loan Association] DIRECTORS soothing relle: CARLTON L SEARS V. colds start G. W. DRAHAM K.L. PARTLOW you rub or HAZEL WALMER H.C. BRODIE at bedtime. Be. FRED HOLM penetrates t( tubes With it: ors.., an( surfaces like Then it workt brLg relief whih Try it tonight rub throat.  •  bring-   / . • ( ,.. In Stock Now • COMPLI THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!... -- (TEat goes for Ford Service, too!)' t OR LUBRICATI?N, check-uPs, for any servicei your Ford will be right at home with our Factory-Trained Mechanics . . . Ford-Approved Methods... Special Ford Equipment... Genuine Ford Parts. And, Genuine Ford Service gives you this time: saving extra: immediate service on all jobs! Try it. See for yourself! AI Huerby Authorized Ford Agency Fifth and Railroad Ave. - Shelton . lU Phone00: