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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WATERFRONT For Sale Over 2000 feet including tide- lands, at (7,rapeview. at about $2.50 per foot. 2 lots• 7-rodin modern house on Mt, View, $5500. ],0-acre ranch on Olympia highway, 3 miles from town, ........ 4 rooms, bath, garage, $3150. For good buys in homes, farms, lots, and waterfront property see SHICK &amp; GEORGE 125 N. First Phone 46 o NEW ANGLESIDE HOMES No G.I. Priority Required Skillfully designed by quali- fied architectS, large modern windows, beautiful hardwood floors. 40gallon automatic elech'ic water heater, oil floor i'urnace. Convenient utility room and carport, sunny kit- chen overlooking patio. Large wardrobes, and ample storage lookers. Choice lots, all on- busline, ...... Better Home Builders Call Dick IZio:burtz Phone l30-J NO. 1.831 Ng)TICE OF HEAltlNG {IN FINAL REPORT &ND PETITION FOR DISTRIIIUTION IN THE SUPERIOII COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN I'ROIIATE) In the Matter of the Estate of Wil- " fred H, Lust. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN timt Ella Lust, Executrix of the estate of Wilfred tt, Lunt, deceased, lies filed with tim Clerk of tile above entitled Court lwr final reimrt and petition for distribution asking the Codrt to setlle, mid approve said final report and petition for distribution, t,o dis- tribute the property to the persons : thereto entitled and to dbJchargc the said Nxecutrix. NOTICE IS FURTI:IER GIVIfiN that said final report and petition in" dis- trlbutton will be heard on Saturday, the 15th day t'ff Febrnary, 1947, at tim hour of l0 o'clock in t,he foi'enoon. at the eoln't roonl in, tile court house tn Shelten, Washington, ' Dated this 13t.h day of January, lh,17. HAR B.Y I)]iYETTE, Clerk of Mason County, Washington. (SEAL) 1, I"RANI(LIN ItEUSTON. Attorney for said Eslale', Court Iouse, Shelton, "Wmhington, 1-I6-23-.30--3t. • , NO. 188 -7(. NOTICE Ot ltEARINU (iN IINIL t,L, <lilPoli 2klr Pi:rflTIOS Yell '.... :. "I)IlgTRIBU ilqiN , IN TIlE SUPERIOR CODRT OF IIE ':' STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR ' : 2IASON COUNTY ' ,, : : ' IN 'I'ROIIATE NOTICE IS IfERERY Of'VEiN thai. 'ellie N(.,lson. Admlnlsiratrlx of tile tfsl, ate €)f IIISO l). Nl'iSl,)n. (leccllsed, ]]as filed with tho ClvL•k of the above entilh.d vourt heA' Final IIcI)ort slid Petition for I)i.<lrihulhni a.AdLIK the euurt to .settle and ill)prPvt! lhe 81iLItt. distribute Ihepropcrly to tile perlJons til(?reto entitled, and to diSClLaL'gi said Adminlstratrlx. NOTICE IS FIIRTIqER GIVEN that sald Final Repurt and Petition for Dlstr'lbutipn will be heard on Saturday the 1st day of March 1947, at tile hour of 10 o'clock in th9 forenoon. In the Court Room, ill'. the Court }{oUse, In Sbelton. Washington. Dated this lth day of January, 1947, HARRY Y)EYETTE, County Clerk, CHAS. 1L LEWIS, Attorney for said etai.e, Address: tle.ll Building, 119 S0utll 4til Street, Shelton, ,ss(Jn County, Washhlton. 1-23-30--2-6-13 -.-4 t, ! JOBS! JOBS ! JOBS ! 40,000 'OF THEM AND ALL ARE GOOD Here a re a few Examples SURVEYORS ATHLETICS INSTRUCTORS WAREHOUSE FOREMEN GU ARD-PATROLMEN OPTICIANS FINANCE CLERKS ARMORERS SIGN PAINTERS STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK- ERS WEATHER OBSERVERS Forty  housaml Thai'8 the llllnit)er d" ood j<lt)s lll)w availabl/ evru'y rlioL]lh J |lip LIeW l(g- li]ltl* Arllly. Jobs ;1 lllllfll"l'iitlll tl'ttl di- "terrified thai liey ILf.fpeal h* nil lyt,es 0f peoILJe end nltliz i).ll sol't of tat- lint' JObS that Ii<iay Lrlt*Sll a tur01ng point In yollr csre(w giv,tng it Lb. dt. .(ttL<m and l)llrpose that leads I.r ,qUC- (less. COLISII t the foil lit,aL y0ul' IlittLl'" ,t, I J, S. Army 'ib"¢.rllllirl!i Si.s,titu, Tiles lllale, your C IOICC. Good Jobs WIIalcVf'L' tra(h' Jr • prol'ossJ¢ I yeu (.lloo}IP+ II)LLJ * lifll li IJ t' [)Iiil,4d SlaWs ,% 'ny will I)e a g(,od ()lle. It will nlos.n It .R'I lit y St tttt]c SlliOW thai, ill order lo equal the benefits prohJed by tic Arn' y.-,-i I I)a,sc pay 0II*IWLIICiL inahi- lenunce, privileges, &lld L'etjroi/ient .... a 'ivi ien I'lL) tS ,;ing'lc, would have t,) tu'n $t3t)0 a year. l i: will uiean lilllx- tl)itllll security both LltlW anti ill I'C- I tlelilcn[, A Month , Vitil, > 4fi.f)00 geod jobs are made avail- • ab ,, a, il n' r ntib ill, choice, l';tn( I, i. ¢ viiDi.anfly l)ejLl nltl'riJwf"d ill {ltlotaS ill IIL varlolls brttllches life belnt." fill- .d; 'to take ftlll sdv intagc Of ttLC A ' }Y! 4 lien proF, '{till YO I lnusI ac, t ,lit,W! If you art between the ages of 3[8 lnd 1t4 117 with parl,jlts' COI1SClli) lind physically and nlcfftally, fit in- qil r0 today at MEZZANINE FLOOR N HOTEL OLYMPIA Olympia, Wash. Ww -- ATTENTION VETERANS: n,,w 6-reels house Wl|b gftrtt,(; hu' sah,, L,waLf.d OI1 tl. Vic;w. $..500. M ! Wicder. [ar Roull; 1, lh).Y 33hl, lieltoli. 1-30--2-13 Ft)j "SArLdi"-oil'}; 'iic/:UG(-gl:'dund, with hn'ge building. Has living (]uaI'IH'S• /.el{st)nabtP, S{vt, n ltliles south of St)eLton on Olympia tlighway, Good location, Eugene Taylor, Route 1, F.ox' 115, Shelton, 1-30--2-1.3 FOR -SALE': clean. 'howl) decorated foLlr i)¢:drooel liome. Larg(; ]lvlllg reoLi1, fiL'eplaee, cabinet kitchen, dinette, hath with Mlower. four tie,tell, basenlenf, l'ltragc. One bloCk front scilool and stol•us. Tlu'ce large tots. beautiful vlew of Ilood CaLial. Private eh!etric water Syf3teILl, Wired for electric[;e, ${6700 or will L'onsidc.r stiitul)le Lrade n Shelton. E. 1i. OlliUll lIiJudsi)orl, WaMi, 1-23-.-2-6 JeOF SALE: four-reGis iiousc, 1/,', acre of hind. Wood L3hed. garage, eectrm l)ULlil) and drilled well. One niilv outside Sheltoa ell l)avel L'oad. Phone 2825. M1-30tfn CLASSIFIED ADVRTISIN RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. I week 50c. Lower rate for larger ads an nl(ro Insertions. Reader notices 3e per word. 75¢ mlnlmuln charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.00; orlgln poetry 50o per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertlsemsnts aeeeptsd over the telephone from phone sub- scribers. Cash sllould accompany all other orders or paymsnt made within flve (5) days of the, tirsl insertion to save expense of' blU- Ing. An extra charge of 10e wiII be made when billing is necel sary. PIt0NE 100 USED CARS ()Ida coupe, LLIW tlrcs, rr;built Hlotor. $615.00. InqLl]rc Persiell's Service, 31/ nltles soutil Olynipia highway. iiOR SALE':""ildw"h0fis¢i]"'ft{u,'" roolilS ........................................................... 1-3(} FOR SALE: '31 Ford sedan. Wood utility room, AtLLe suitable for bed- L'Ot)LII, Hardwood flool's arid inlaid linoletint, oil stoves, city waler. Two hds. /., mlh; from bus. $5500. Wish to buy home in Olyntpia, Rt 1 BOX TRADE: 5-roolu modern il0use seven Lniles south of Aberdeen on Ray- lnond roa(l for property near Shel- Ion. Ted S. Shaanou, Cosnlopo]ls, Wash, 1-16-30 and coal range. .45 Colt i.evoh'er. G, S, Peterson, Allyn, 1-30 FOR s X-fi - -61U YKX D E .-19i--s-t-Cd : baker I)ickup. Excellent' nicchaal- tally for '$9 to '42 Fordor sedan or cask. Inquh'e Dick's Shell Service, R1-30 F0R' "SALE? i937 " Oids-C0upd;- r'adlo; heater and sport light, Plione 776M, D1-30 "leoIt SALE: 250 ft. waterfront on Is- FOB. SALE: '37 Pontiac 4-door. heater, land Lake with incoLnllletbd cabin. Phone 690, 761J5 S1-23tfn. Pllone 473ff. Mc1-16--f-20 WANTED: '[l{i';i:fi"7;ii[ f;,'Ol'lerty2 " iln2 pr(ivenlellts degired bnt not neccs- hary Will pay casl Inquh'c at Jour- _ hal lJfficc: .................................. t}l-9tfn. FOIg SALE: modern five-rooul house with baJ4elllen 1;. (¢)il furnaClh nice view and walklng distance from town. 427 ttarvard or call 9W. E1-gtfn. I/Oi% S.LE-fi{e-r}70/n liouse Incom= plete. Inquire at 518 Park St. F10-10tfn. ]O'R tJAi]17 "i6 h]/,7;s;" fii{E.-s<:flf(sLi:6biii lltodern house, :l DedrooLos, electric ptLLnp in year around spring, good oulbuildings lll., rr ies, trutt trees, Itt(luiro A, i(., Star Route 2, ili : ton (Near ]) tyloli). 1-23---2-6 FoR SALE; choiec hJl• ou -TuL;ner ] Street, Angle.side, ;51)0 eli('tl, Also Lnall tract of land two Lnilcs from l town Oil Jslayshorc. l*honc 760J4. ,| T1-23tfn4'l FOf-¢. r SAI='h] : bulhling" lots on 5 t. [ View• Close lo ligtfls arid water. / i., It, ] BoX 2413, Shelton. I ' LI-23--2-6 ] irUSXLi,5}"-6/i7:;i;7],;i"75777.4;'-i'f, ViV; high flch(ild, lilqutre at 518 Park or 17110110 28,1R, Ii'1-23--2-(i L.. .................... -L ....... L_L .................. WATERFRONT 200 feet of nice waierfront property at Grapeview, ln- chLdintf tidelands. About $2,50 a foot, Fine honie on AnglcM(]e Fine home on Ililicrcst Other good heine buy8 Plt:!nly Of R good lord aad" farL'oS chooBo fl'oIil SHICK & GEORGE J25 N. ]st St, Phone 46 good condition. evenings. F0R SALE :- ] 9:36 -Dfiiii}iii]i};/ Six - se: dan. Good coudition, good tires, Ra- dio and heater. $55. Phone 623W after 4 p,m. H1-23tfn 'bR SALE : rKdE-iKgiSTKC--Kfi{ County Laundry. 1-gtfn. I0II SALE: '46 Hhdsi_T--che;i:5= let. '41 Buick. Seo llenderson and Irish for your ear. Bank terms. Phone 3115./. 1407 Marlow Ave,, Brenlcrton. 1-23--2-6 FOR SALE: one 1937 Ford sedan. Good shape.. Good tires. $150 paint Job. Phone 761R4. Shelton, L1-23--2-6 'i0oi ",AfJE i i930--Mbcf6CA -Fol'd coupe with box on b!ick. Good con- dltion. 16-inch wheels, St. Rt. 1, Box 28, Mt, View. D1-23--2-6 Miscellaneous MAIL ORDER NYLON IIOSE MEND- INtl. One weelCs service. Profes- i.lh)nal work g'uaranteed and return C,O•I). Please launder hose before sending. Estimates sent on request, Phone 217IL2, Mrs. Wilber Pcterson, Star Route 1, :Box 134. ........ 1::30tin " "FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, pitons 799-J for appoint- nmnt or call at 1416 Summit Drive. $9-26 -W-'A--R-E-D1--STRIBUTORS OF,: -iTl- 2 frigeration Equipment, Homo frees- ors, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., mild storago doors and insulatlon, portable coolers, power meat saws, "Cat Line' of Garden tractors. ohl- er Power Plants. Prices rlght quick deliveries. MISKELLA ' RII]- FRIGERATION . & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olympia, on the Highway at ud Bay "Y". P.O. Box 612.. 2/7-tin LOST AND FOUND LOST: one mud chain in ciiy limits, Ftnder i)leam see J. A,. Waiters aL tim post office, or call 211R. Re- .................................... ward. 1-30 ii t L i _ I| FOR SALE 10 acres with 3-room furn- ished home, good outbuild- ings, chicken houses, rabbit hutches, cow-barn and garden tract under Cultivation. Pri- vate electric system and  gas Water ump. Located 5 miles from SheIton. Available at oc0.: ri¢ol, at, $2650 cash, Trot of waterfront including large hall with lots of building material in it, Fine point on TIammcrsley Inlet about 4 nliles by water. ]2 miles by road, See it today. 5-room modern home just fin- ]shed. Hardwood floors, utility porch and located close-in. Ready for OCcupancy at oucc. A fine home for $6800.00. $$$ Auto-park and trailer camp with over 2b blocks of prop- erty, which includes 17 rental houses and cabins, operating store and equipped seivice sta- tion. Well located on main hi- way. Will make an excellent investil*lerlt for sortie operator. See it today. Plenty of prop- erty for expansion. 300 a,cres cattle ranch witll 35 acres under cultivation. All machinery including new trac- tor. This will make an excel- lent investment for a,n opera- tor. Paying property. 2-room well bull t house located on water-front lot on Lake Nellwatzel. Includes furniture fo'r living. IIas l, dnning water in house and electric lights. /Vill make a fine place for year-around home or summer property. $2500 cash HERBERT G. ANGLt ) Angle Bldg. I, hone 304. NO. 185 NOTICE TO CIIEDITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA,TB (iF WASHINGTON FOIl MASON COUNTY IN PR[)IIAT I' In l]le -Ittt,r 0t' the Estate of i0rllnk ]labideltl, ])eePa,cd. NOTICE KS ItEREftY GIVEN lhat the uliderslgned T(na Shaw, has been tP.)ointed e, IAd has euallfled aa Exe- cuLr x oi the estale O l'L'ank Rabideau, d,:eeased, and that lttl persons hsvinF, chtims against the sMd deceased or the said estate are required to ,erve th sanlG dilly vtrifled, with the lieeeosary voile]lets atlllwhed, upon the undersigned ];.Ixcuiri.-' or belL" 'Attorney nf Record at the iaw office of Chns. IL bewts, t;,ell Building 119 Souih dth trt.e| ' Shelt0n, , Mas0a County, Washington the .same b(dng Lies] K- nitted Us lh,, place for lhc tnnsactioa of the business ,if the said cstate, and file such claims with the Clerk of the above enUtlcd court together witlx proof of sorvie0 witliill SiX nloaths aflor i.h0 d;llc of first lnlbli- cati(m of this riotice, to-wit: Janu- tll'g 16, 1{),17, 0r all ehlinls riot so serv- ed tllld fied .hail be tel'ever barred, TENA SIIAW. , 1 It]XCCl,tlrix ( f tll0 estate of li'r0 nk Tlal)hloau deceased. A(Idrcss: IV:ell Building, I]9 Soulh ,lth Sireel. Sh.lton. Ma,sou (,3otlllty, "Washington, CIIAS. IL LEWIS, Altarney for said estsle, Addres: lell lMlilding, :ll9 South 4i:iL Street, Shelh,n, Maqon County. Wasllington, 1-16+23-30--2-6---4t, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF ) i 1 A IITN ER]IIi NOTICE IS IIEIEIY GIVEN that lhe c(-partnershtl) of I3; H, Ingrain and C. N. Bridges eondaetiag_ and ,;arl+ylng t n business ill Shelton, WaSh- l;igton, under ill ;firln name and Style o: INGIAM-BRIDGI)]S MK)TOR CON- PANY was terminated  of 12;01 a n, Monday, Nevernber 2o, 1946, anu 'fi'oi';" aim shce thai: date th under- slgne.l is noi responsibla for any debts or ob2igatons incurre£i for anu on behalf f a]d parinersnl. IN(t.RAM-BRIDGES MOTOR t'OLIIANY, N, C.. BRIDGES. I:. 11. INGRAM. 12+L-,19-26--1-2-9-16-23-30--8 t. " -lbbUNl)7--bT7T white Springcr Monday in back of bowling alley. Owner may recover dog by paying for this ad. Phone 651W. I-I1-30 LOST: last week from Angleside,-black part cooker dog. Long' tall. Finder please notify Journal Office, Phone 100, E1-39--.2-13 LOST':---J>6b.ihg6K--67-i6d---C86K%r Spaniel,. 7 mos. old, wearing tan collar with Christensen scratched on nanlo ptale. Crooked, bobbed tail. Reward for return. Phone 280W, or I inquire 1832 Ridg'eroad. Cl-16tfn. ] i0ST: :' iViiirliiV@%W -hbOffg :D"atfi7 I Fresh Or citm%n'g fresh. 645 W2 Ell-I nor. llease notify, phone 190M. . I , wl"16s01 "' {iN'D':--c-abiii--(;iT-3()i179K - Inqaire ] A, J. ttultgrun, Route 2, Box 267. [ /-16-23-30 I NO. 1882 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PItESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OLe THN STATE OF WASHINGTON 1,'O1% MASON (:OUNTY (IN IROIIAT],I) In the Matter of the Estate of It, Clyde Wilcox, Deceased, Notice is hereby gives that tile un- dersigned, Mary Laura Wilcox, has been appointed and has qualified as xecutrix of the Last Will and Testa- nient and of the estate of R. Clyde Wilcox. deceased: and that all per- sons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased arc hereby required to serve the same duly veri- fied lu dulllicatc with tlm necessary ve!,lcherH attached upon the nnder- sigmd Executrix or her attorney of r cord at th.' law offico of B; Frank- Hn He.uMon, Court IIouse Stiellon, Washington, and file such elalnls to- gether with proof of sorvlee with the Clerk of the above entltled Court within stx (6) months after tho dato of the fh,st Publication of thl notice, to-wit: January 23L'd 1947, er all chlLms not so, presented and filed will be forever barred. MARY LAURA WILCOX, Executrix of the estate of R. Clyde Wilcox, "deceased. -Address: 400 Grove Street Shelloll, Wasllington lit, FP.ANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate, Com't 11ouse, Shellon, Washlnglon. -3-30--2-6-13--4t. NO. 11179, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS IN 'TIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAIE OF WASHINGTON li'OI &{ASON COUNTY " (IN I Re|lATE) in the Matter of the Estate of Hal*- old Willlam Forbes. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Letlers of Administration on the Es- tate of I{arld William Forbes, de- ceased, were granted to th under- signed, on tho 14th day of December, 19#6. bY the said Superior Com't. : All persons having elshns agalnst m, id estate are rt.quired to serve thenl wilh the necessary" vouchers upon Ine at my a.ttorneys office, Brodie & Bredie, 205 Capitol Park Building, OIynLpia, Washington, withln slx luc, ni, hs after the date of the first l)ubliea(lon of lhis notice, In-wit, with- in six lnenths after the 16th day of JanuLwy. 194'/, and file the same with the,ehn'l of tilts Court, tx)gcther with {roof of such service or they shall e forever barred. Dated at Olynlpla, Wash,, this 9th day of JanuaL,, 1947. GRACE FORBES, Adnllnistratrix. ERODIE & BRODIE, ) Lawyers, 05 Capttol Park Bldg,, # NO. 1317 :NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL I{I£J?ORT AND PNTITION FOR DIST RIIIUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Tilt9 STATI a] OF WASHINGTON FOR /%fASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of ttle Estate of Les- lie H. Chapman Deceased. NOIICE IS HERLBY GIVEN tlat Mary D, Chapman, Admintstratrlx of the estate, of Leslie H. Chapnmn, dc- c0a,'ed, has flied witlr the Clerk of the abovo entitled court her Final Re- lvlrt nnd Petiiion for Distribution asl ng the COUI't to setile and approv,' the same, distribute the property to tim, lI0rsons there!to entitled, and t( release arid dh.lchargc said Adnilnls. trntrix and her hendsrnen, NOTIChl IS PURTHER GIVEN that said IVinal I¢!port tlnd Petition for DistributhJn will he heard at ihc (.]ourt Rooln. 'lt ttle Courl; House, In Shelton, WaLlhtIlton, on Salurday, the 8tl day of March ]947 al." the ]lour of 10 o'clock, In tl'le foL'enopn, Dated this 25th day of Jannary, 1947. (SEAL) 1lARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Maon County, Washington. CIIAS. R. LEWIS, Atloiacy for said estale. Address: Bl,!ll BiLildhlg 119 South 4th Street. Shcltun, Mason County, Washington, 1-30.--2-6-13-20--4t, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNA ,v qv V,rqVtp,,IvL'W'p,V,VV V VV v'qtv'qF@'v'qP Classified Service ..................... Classified Ads FRUIT TREE SPRAYING, Contact E. C. Ounter or Berna Evans. Phone 15F3. Also second growth wood for sale. Cut about four months. 1-2tin and scissor sharpening. Would llks to continue with Mrs. Twohy's lS- vvvvvv - _ wr, rwv-rvvvwv-. tomers. Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Be le- rue. 84-tin Classified Service Classified Service Grange Hall. Good mus'ie good time. BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- ' WS-80tfn. vice on all makes home and auto SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING, -- radios. Across from Junior High also parts for all makes of sewing school, 1221 Franklin. Phons l12W. machines. Phone 596J. B10-3tfn Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- C-U-OM--M-EA-TcuTTiNG-and-meat RAY'S nrdays, or leave work at Killmer grinding, Have your locker meat cut Electric. 11-7tin, i)y an experienced meat cutter. Beef, JEWELRY PRESCRIVTION SERVICE on medl- pork, veal and elkand deer in sea- cal contracts, old ago assistancs, or son. Cut, wrappeu and trimmings O direct with you on your doctor'b ground, 3c pound. Don Willianis, order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second 604 Dearborn. Phone 381M. 9-12tin and :Railroad. 10-3tin, USED TIRES: passenger and trudk Prompt Watch wEu. DRILLING: Work and mate- lcappin K an repairing. Sam B. Reuairin rlal guaranteed. Vern Davidson, 903 Smith Co., legton and Cherry, Ellinor, Shelton, Phone 229W. 7-18tin Olympia. nono 7753. U. S. Ttres ELECTROLUX - -a- n---d--baIt erie':- ................ ll-'-1--tf n-'- O CLEANERS. SALES, Servlco and HEMSTITCHING: lll yar, also but- supplies. Free pickup and delivery, tonholing. Mrs. llie Wells, 406 Ar- 117 Cota Street Jack Manley, only .aqthorlzed fae- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis and tory representative in ason Coun- Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tin Phone 633 ty. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Shel- -I--)--0--W-I'T'--CXIIiqIR-8---N ton 664, 7-18tin. ELECTRICIANS cotact .C.L. Col- ,, LON'-H"OSE--'ME-ED: Rumlers fins, Business Agent. 1612 Division. and snags. Phone 217R2, P12-5tfn. Phone 240W. 3-30tin AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING NEW BEARING SERVICE GLASS WORK WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND O O TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings E A T O N Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE PHONE 84 MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 Reliable, Expertly Prepared n PRESCRIPTIONS F O R S A L E i TYPEWRITER, Remington, used but still in use ............ $25.00 HEATER, Wood Circulating, very good condition and looks nice .................................................................................... $25,00 ENGINES, Jeep, complete with starter, generator, car- buretor and oil filter, Good condition .............................. $95.00 On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or S.L. Pearson & Son Direct to You Service 120 E Pine Phone 676 or 548-W PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone S9 IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US | I ii Quick, Reliable, Expert Ignition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting RADIO REPAIRS TIRES AND BATTERIES Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 12e F A Y A U T O R E B U I L D , 513 Park Street Phone 284-R F, I McCUTCHEON ilnnl S-I-G-N-S LAND CLEARING A SPECIALTY 'PAPER HANGING GOOD EQUIPMENT -- COMPETENT OPERATORS Phone 28 Our Very Reasonable -:LU7 .... ,, • =  Monthly Credit Plan DON'T READ THIS Is Available To All People Owning or Unless Buying Who Wish to Have Their Property CLEARED, GRADED OR LEVELED Your Radio -- our Work Guaranteed - Needs Repair Free Estimates, No Obligation THEN CALL V I C Z A B R O S K I BURGESON RADIO SERVICE PHONE 627-J Phone 112-W 1221 Franklin , Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Killmer Electric TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES ABSTRACTS OF TITLE , Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. SHARPENING n9 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Lawnmowers, Knives. Scissor Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President and Garden Tools of all kinds C. Nolaii Masom, Secretary-Treasurer Bicycle Repairs Agents for Keys Made - Locks Repaired PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Sleyster's Fixit Shop ' t Third and Cota PHONE 243 KIMBEL OIL CO. Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP I RICHFIELD FUEL OIL O Rernodeling O Furniture Repair. OIL CONVERSION Nw Fuel Tanks O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or UNITS (Any Capacity) Repaired O Free Estimates For Immediate Delivery O Pick-Up and Delivery 5 types to change your wood CHARLES WARD or coal range for oil. Same PHONE 645-W Route 3, Box 182-A units as used by factory mod- els. Phone 462-JX I J I CALVIN WIESON CO. CHIMNEY SWEDISH MASSAGE Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 AND FURNACE ] Zone Therapy " ' And CLEANING Mineral Bath THE GIFT BOX HeatinSystem MONDAY THRU FRIDAY REPAIRS 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. ..200 West 4th And Service 228 South Second St, Olympia, Wash. William Graham A.F. OPPELT Phone Union 383 Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or We invite you to visit our shop or Write Union, Wash. Shelton 448 of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. C L A R K' S * MITCHELL'S 2nd HAND STORE AUTOMOTIVE '  201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 Batteries Rebuilt WE BUY AND SELL MACHINE SHOP EVERYTHING Guaranteed O FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street PECIAIIING IN 1-9 tin Stoves and IIOTOR REBUILDING ,, Furnaces REBORING the Clean Way CARD OF APPltECIATION VALVE SEAT GRIINDING :May wc extend in this way our sin- cere appreclatlon for the klndneses, V A C U U 1V WATER PUMP REBUILDING syn'lpathles and beautiful floral Pieces offered us durtng our beresvdment of C L E A N E D BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- our beloved husband and father J H. Goodwin, ' ' ING, Mrs, Lydia Goodwlu Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodwln Phone 236-RX o Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Goodwln Mr. and Mrs. IIoyd Fosdlck Mr, and Mrs. Henry Slanle.v 407 S. First St. ,.. and Mrs..Virgn e,'alr Prompt Service Mr, and Mrs, James Knofler 'Phone 628 - Shelton ]'h'. and Mrs, Harold Ddlgh 111', and rs, Cliff "V'est[II. I Vacuunl and all attachLnents. Prac- tically new. Pholo 77J, II1-23---2-6 FOR SALE: oim light weight Vaughn drag saw and one wood lmater. Call evenings at 829 Franklin, G11-28tfn KITCHEN cabinets, linen closctsistol;e fixtures, and custonl mill work. made to order. For free estimates Phone 217R2 or 217R3. Peterson Bros. 8-1tin. FOR SAKE; baled alfalfa hay, A, Lemke, St. Rt. 2, l=iox 96. Phone 14F35. 1-2tin. FOR SALE: one Titan power saw with 5-foot bar and chain. Priced reas- onable. Inquire Warren Williams. Star" Route 2. 1-16-30 40 R--s-A LE :--N;: K-W]&feFK-rLfi'nace with coil, jackct, pipes and Mower. See Ierbert Angle, Angle BoildiLig. ' 1-23--2-6 CONrERT--r 61JR-KITCHEII-RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry Olympia. Phons 7753. ' ll-15tfn. for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets, phone 595. 7-4tin i£i-dS-XNb--STKKTTON-ir-cooied gas engine. Smith and Blnger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: - -iian d- - i-r o Ciie{eE - -} a.b y- sacques, caps, boottees and soakers, Assortment on hand or orders taken. Mrs. W. A, Brodt, 121 E. Cedar Street. Phone 582J. 10-24tin Thursday, y 30, ][ ] FOR SALE: dry old g 'c  t []   m p. I ICeed Deoartnicnt. 2946. ,.i < "  I;' ] $2.00 each, and bl'oiler& ..._'.PJllty Of P."{'S ";or I One large sorrel horse. :H#fill:v .*no "d=,,. :.,t,.,.. I Hardie. Route 3 BOX I4 ,.--ww tt3 t4m(l :-,JL} [FOR SALE one bed d$1" ; ......... I l'oeking, one table ''ffl t 'Inquire 635 Dearborn AI ":,i-"i - • ..... ' .... .  r,  7(7:d h thAcliii()tlr party for  .... "' ' vit(d guest ' Y | .... ,: I ou 'no aIld Grovc ±otlUUl ,+< I's= " " " :'-: , , WO hove 9horn I ......................... [tt!'rea 1 satisfaction b- -ure yet I FOIl SALE: factory bui L i)<lt' IACT,. .... 7€.7 ........ • ' l( e  xxx J&tI.IAINI2E I?&L I cralt trailer house. S 'eP,$'evrolet h,,A  ] tra nice inside, Lot,ratcdap" I mit Drive on IliIlcrcst.  .... ' ....... I iOR-SALE:-'Monarch-4¢,,:W&TR p- d b ' -- --v|r I Well constructed. Use b,lm£=" ''''* f ] iu good dondition, phonel[nY ave your Anti- .-..2.1U;'[L"' ,od "s lot o, I FOR SAkE : new wood an dr0bl € this w;, • --"J2'' I white enamel, steel top,'t.'..', r'mwlnter" .j t baker. Col)I)er eoils. Rea .:  /_. '- I North "C" Strect MouI  .il__.. t ' -neYrolet ;lutcn I ...................... :,'---,v; --.,=::.": Yea' get the best when yol I BALED ItAY FOR SAU. "t | l'n¢lv W,*h hrql 0 . a genuine ,actory cngi ] 13R1, red Chevrolet Clutch. -FoR SXI]E-i, '- - -- electric ]l(,t wat'(r l FOIl SALLY: oil tDIATOR HOSE oil converted cook B. Schott. Belfair, Everythlng that's bes' for you€ csr ar truck FOR SALE: 300 amp. g'a colu arc welder. whecl trailer. irou ink. cgnlp]et, MELL $5.00. 324 Cookson OLET CO. FOR SALE; small size ,& i.rove- Phone able for cabiu or Only $2.50, JinL Siu'um, WANTED W'ILL CARE FOR CHILDREN in yollr honles, alternoon and evenings. Call 564M. SI-30--2-13 WANTED : twt]--llltui(ll;ol.iiers ) -wish IOOln and board, in town. Johu and Louis Meyer. Write or phone Box M c-o Journal Office. 1-30 -WANED : second growth t-t bell tracts. 500,000 feet and up for port- able mill location. 636 Elinor St,, Shelton. Wl-30 WANTED --T-0-]uY-fbrn -ovner : ' 10 acres or more with fair buildings, FOR SALE: wood Good condition, cords slab wood. 224 So. 6th. F()R SALE : 5:50 x 17 tires. _ I-Ioodsport. FOR SALE: oil Good condition. Phone 495MX. around 10 miles from Shelton. Please FOR SALE: Tuxedo :) BUSY TO state price and describe fully when condition. Inquire writing. A. M, Evans, Grygla, Minn, _ .......... 1-16-30 FOR SALE i----hi-ti€ th.-4 ';" i iEL-P -WNTED:---pa-rt-'-t]in--e--hoi]s-d= Cocker puppies. ReasonS i .... work and care of children for free Rt. 2, Box 259. Near 2-a] rent and eomponsaUon. Inquire Rlt- '  WANT TO BOI __ I lel's_ Cafe._ ............. !=16th!_ =FOR:-SiEI---{7 WILL TAKE CARE of children by the to order, dresses paj'anLi" day in my ow home. 1411 Railroad. fancy work. Pho[ao 376M t Phone 272R. " ut< AIW', Elson,. 42"( Bellevue AVe. A B1-2--2-6 __ .  .... " .......  q ' $ ¢ ' DOLLARS OR vVANTED: several squares cedar F o_o small ri shakes about 26-inch length. Call with plow and disc, $ t| ,,, " collect Olympia 4676. Myers and in on 14 or /6-inch mg.1 ' • Hansen Mink Ranch. 1-23--2-13 lathe• F. B. Holmdel 1r; ' :WXNTEi)--girT-fOr geneL---:hi--'0ffice Box 700, Bremerton, wa I work in Shelton. $150 a month, m_.. Phone Olynlpia 7795. O1-23tfn. Fo-:cza-,. ' FIRE 'INSURA WANTED: young coupE% . no chil 2 ton Baled oat straw $15.. ,. aren. wish to rent iurnlsueu house ranch. James Lotzgeselhm" ' or apartment in Sholton. Perma- nent residents. Phone 541R, Mll-7ttfn, Inquire Journal office. 10-10tin WANTED TO BUY SECOND GROWTH TIMBER And Poles To Log Will pay £op prices. Contact Vic Zabroski, Phone 627-J, Shelton 12-26-tin WAISTED: xperieneea woman tor general housework and care of one child. Rom, boar d, aary. In- WANTED: women to worR as oyster cullers at Oy.ster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for O S.€_ _at_ _ _Z. _a_ d ell • ........ _L 10_7_1. 8_'t fn_ WAITRESS and Rltchen help wauteo Apply Hotel Shelto Coffee Shop. b-atfn WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. ,Phone 4676 colledt. 1-1tin WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill, Lynch Road and tit- way, four miles south of Shelton. 8-29tin. FOR RENT FOR RENT: 3-roost furnished Cabin until May I. Fuel and lights. $40,00 month. Junction Auto Court, 101 and 14 Highways. O1-30 FOR RENT: nl)stairs sleel)in room. $3,50 per week. Men l)refcrred. Piione 691W. QI-23 2-6 Fb-R- ki.- -dt {,  }- -isiKie a- -6h- North Bay and state highway 14A at Allyn, Washington known as Bayside Apts. Management furn- ishes usual furniture and furnish- Ings, hot and cold running water, refrigeration, electric lights, oil burner and laundry facilities.. A parUnent prices from $25 to $32.50. ] Cabin_s $15 and $17.50. W. A. Beak. ] ley. Manager.  $-28-tfn / I r"l | F-'r0zen Food I LOCKERS Now Available At MT. VIEW LOCKERS Open Week Days 7:30 a.m. To 6:30 p.m. H. F. BOYSEN, PHONE 62-R I WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT k couple, one child, nrgenuy m neeu of four or five, room house. 'refer Lincoln school district. Phono 2725. 1tl-2-30 house to rent, No children. Please leave information at telephone 291 • m-30--2-1 NOTICE Not ice is hereby given that the real and personal property tax rolls 6f Mason cgUnty, Washfngtmt for the year 191, (rove been dehvered frO me, in accoraance with the law. for the collection of the taxes as shown thqrein. The real and personal property taxes or tile year 1947 will be due anU payable oa and a{ter the 15th day of February, 1947. All tax payments mane in full on real and personal prom'W on or before March 15, 1947, wilt no. subject to a rebate of 4hreo per cent. S, E. SMITH° Treasurer Mason County 1-16-28-30---3t. N0. 1728 :NOTICE FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtII STATE OF. WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Iu the Matter of the Estate of George J'. Archer, Deceased. Under authority of Order for sale of reM prgperty en.tered by the Judge of tlm anove-entiued Court on tle 11th day of,J.anuary, 1947 William M. ellen, adnums3ratol: of the Estate of George J, Arcner, deceased, will sell at pnbtic ancuon, .to. the highest and best bidaer, tne lonowmg described real property: ,. " Tract 26 and tmclands, Section 3,i, Township 22, Range 3, Madr, ma Morn- ingside Beach Tract, Masoa County State of Washington Said puhlie nut}figs will be lleld art the front door of the CouL't IIouse of Masoa county ou ].lie .8tll day of Feb- ruary, 1947, No blu les.s than .ninets: per cent of the appralsea value o said property will be received or cort- sidered. WILLIAM L OLSON, Adnlinistrator of the Estate of George J. Archer. deceas- ed. Attornevs for Administrator: WATT "& PERRINE P,O. Box 455 i Port eL'chard, Washington, ] 1-16-23-30--3t. I _ Wash._ Phone. 8Fll...'! FOR 'SALE or trade foi'.;ll7;, . yOU. Two 3-year-old Sa.; I' ,2 Write Elms, Route i0 llv'li'  FOR SALE :- liliid 'voVeh ,i, blankets, ,place mats, .1t,<., and other linens Ase0(,*llb '" hand or orders taken-i?;•",,, PHONE 540 Apparel, 1416 Summit Drn" " crest, phone 799J. FOR SALE: lonarch Excellent baker " 224 S. 6th. FOR SALE: Sinclair oil burner and ing roonl set. FOR SALE: slab after 5 p,ni. $8.00 WILL PAY ,CASH for, machine. Phone 596J. FOR SALE: ladies suit, box jacket. Never been worn. uire Journal Office. FOR SALE: water tank boiler, $80 cash, A-L U. S. al)l)l'oved, frulll flocks. - Only one Wagner Feed __Ist' FOR SALE: piano. W. 1, Box 238, Virgiuia C. M Lawyer City Hall Phone 192 - B. Franklin ]81 ATTORN EY-AT -b Courthouse, SERVICE AT FOR A.' K. Mc( Personalized Servi Address: Shelt0n, Rt. 3, Bo Phone: ATTO R N EY 119-121 South Bell ALDEN C. BA1 ATTORNEY AT I, Title Insurance 1 Opposite First NatiO Phone 23 . . SI ELLIOT Ac¢,ountlng Bookkeeping 123 4th St. JNSL Smart is the word for 0 ": the long, rakish lines , ". '.. the over-all impressi, smart is the way y, e new 01dsm0hile of y ', i: admiring glances that t ,;/(: ',ou'li revel in the om -- l.- -•, , , • . , .: ile s eofl.eushmned n& "¢" b'd :" "  UeW kind of deep.dowi moment of driving Drive.* This is th " drive .... the drive tha '" and takes the clutch pet ..... ',rSee this great new 0 ree 'complete lines of ,, eV.¢y one a smart choio S| E