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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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E vvw cylin llllent.q. 1)l&apos;aL '- 111-23--2-6 'eight Vaughn d heater. Call 3, Gll-28tfn L closets, stoi:£1 mill work. ree esthnates R3. Paterson 8-1tfn. alfa hay. A. Jx 96. Phone l-2tfn. )wer saw with Priced reas- 'ca Williams. 1-16-30 '.ste r 11 fl11"nltee and blower. lgle ]:hliidiug. 1-23---2-6 lIEN RANG Therm silent 1 ;=!: Thursday, January :.: ;.. ,,aursflay, January 30 1.94-7. FOR SAk00J - BROADWAY (LOWNS TO EXHIBIT i Fc,,d : N (ASABA COMICS HERE MONDAY $2(0 el(l, and broile'&.,_,:_Pla$ F of Pa"'% 'r -Shelton eets its 1,)st t,stt o "lht l:todwa. C owns have one large sorrel horse. ;NYRO[=v ,,+ '',,, Li•¢,,r g . . "" "3. ;'. ? : ' " "I' i , Y .... Ilardie, Route 3, Box 24,, u. .'a e.'J ....".aa tearing basketball tennis of the been re<:ognized by basketball FOR SALE ne bed dve ' a--'a..., curl"e! t casaba season next Men- eritieis on both the east and west rockillg i'hair eric table , .._...lJ, ;.e2; " - • ...... ' . . • • .... , .... hq. ," .............. ea': !r--5".÷-,:.;+ tiny evenme when the n, oa(hay coast, as one of the g,eat(st teams "x--v, .... -,,.,,-- .... ,..,,_'1 .._.-@-'.,...".'... Clowns an all-Nejo aggegatmn el Negr> e<)medmns m tAt le,dm 15111. Another pi.rty fo ", ,, ..... whmh has aequned ,t natmnal el hoopdom. In pachcally excy and their invited guest I ' ILIN[R '[[.r:D rel)utat on for ts comedy on the city where lhe Clowns aPl)ear the l on 2,,d and LD',,vc, PotlU! 'gO.% wo have %am courts, comes here to ph{y an ex- se,h'e is of sec.ondary importane+q ] .;..--,.. .... -.- -;---,' "rea--1-satisfaction b- .'ure you hibition game w t  the Morgan for the looney exhibition of the • l, An* SAbE :mctm y L)IIII,L,;g[ i, II 'ATO ....... 7..L  ........... - , • craft trailer house. Sh'ep heVrolet head xx 15LRA.ilINIIulIND Lumber team m the new gym. Clowns has the falls howhng w,th tra nice inside. Located "----------22:. TWO gaines will entertain i'alls glee. ,WATER PUMP 2q ay ave your Anti- K:_ , ..'  rots, and a lot of !.-ff/ 0bh this winter. ndt Drive on ttillcrest. FOP. SALE : . Monarch --e1¢€ Well eonstrueted. Used b in good dondilion, tHlon FOR SALE: new wood /.llcl' white t'lla lnLq steel top, ])Hkt!l'. Col)l)er eoils. :Rca.5 :North "C" Street, Moun operaUon at ;ion Way and : Chevrolet Clutch ne 7753. ll-15tfa. -i,lI;:i)-]tArie()iSA-I:.E.' t Yatl get the best when you ' [l'get a genuine Factory engi- ;. Moi.or Sales Brad', Wash. Phone ] nered Chevrolet Clutch. -ssories. First 13R12. 595. 7-4tfn FOR sALEi--80Sg'iii'?'7-' iV.,} 1 5N-aircooied eh'ctric h,,t water tank. r [ry,Blnger'olympia.Le" i_61 _>,Llg.Tdil_l.ihi(,g  PDIATOR HOSE ll-15tfn oil e(nverted cook sto'¢ ''--- iche{;cd.--baby- . . Selott, Belfair, WaS ( ]) Everything that's best and soakers. II, . II It for your car or truck. orders taken. "F(J-R--S.EET-:tib-{pT-ga- II  II II " .21 E. Cedar iln(la,': welder. Mount,' II-._  II 10-24tfn " ' 'ailer. Excellent l-l-'ffll_ ik--dc-h-ve/:j:-- Phone 315J. ... ] iron sink, egret)lore with tt. i. lvlJ].l.J $5.00. 32 cookson, ,lon?|Ulir, ,  and (wenlngs. $1-30--2-13 ....... FOR SALE--=w-15}d--(d-rculatn- rothers) wish Good condition, $15.00..! cords sial) wood. $15.00. yl] .,,,,...__ wn. Johll and r l)hone Box 224 So. 6th. 1-30 ..... - FOR SALE'i eiT-fi-iehtS,0, owth timber 5:50 x 17 tires. Write la up for port- I-loodsllort. 6 Elinor St.. Wl-30 FOR SALE: oil elchl{l Good condition. Phone ai m 0wner:  i0 495MX. air buildings, - ...................... helton. Please FOR SALE: Tuxedo, sis_, )e fully when condition. Inquire Jour Grygla, Minn. . 1-16-30 "Fi3R---SAEE-----bl -+jm--c--lib(isc2 Cocker puppies. Reasonay[/ dren for free Rt. 2, :Box 259. Near -a Inquire Rit- fildren by the to order, dresses phjan). 1411 alh'oad. /'alley work. Pbote -376iL B1-2--2-6 Elson, 427 :Bellevue Avc.J [ll'ares edcliii; ' -if'OR SALE.:- on(; snmii"?l] length. Call with plow and disc, $215,,|,| vyers ann in on 14 or 16-inch me|, 1-23--2-13 lathe. F. B. Honodel, Sty| e.n-eFal-oi'ficc Box 700, Bremerton, Wa|t i0 a month. _ ..... O1-23tfn. F'S   E-- 7]7d -: s Sl   ?--no'-ehil2 ton. Baled oat straw $1,,11f • n{sbed house ranch. Janms LotzgeSemtl lEon. Perma- 41R. Mll-7ttfn. :iK'and--ogs7 • 10-10t/'n ) BUY TIMBER Log )rices. broski, mlton 12-26-tfn wolnan :[or care of one ala,'y. Ia- '2% :,%tf )I'R as oyster Uall long dis- leet, ask for __.3= I_0-_18 -t fn help wauteu ff Shop. b-atf • sos fo Mink Mink Farm, lledt, l-ltfn APLE, TOP short haul. dad and tI1- ff Shelton. 8-29tfn. qT • nislmd Cabin lights. $40.00 om't. 101 and O1-30 tqqiillg roolll. fcrr(d. Plloue Q1-23--2-6 2-gdg/ed-- on- highway 14A , known as lenient furn- and furnish- nning water, lights, oil " facilities. $25 to $32.50, W. A. Beak. • 8-28-tfn d ,S , At 2KERS :30 a.m. 1. )NE 62-R I , v .-v v.vv,v.,v RENT [e, one child, four or five. in.din school Itl-2-3(I FURNISHED Idren. Please clephone 291. B1-30--2-13 en that tlm rty tax roils hmgton, for :en delivered ith the law. lie taxes as and personal { ear 1817 wHl md after the 1.947, All tax on real and before March to a rebate who lay their greertbaeks on t.he line Monday night for a regularly scheduled Shelton city basketball league game will open the pro- gram at seven o'clock, ptung the first half championship Pantof ium Tailors against Rayonier. The main attractmn follows ;it eight o'clock Comedy, however, is not their only l'orle. They have a great bas- ketball teqm of five giants and one midget. The midget, AI "llunt" Pullins. only weighs 145 pounds, but what a package of dnyamite ...... the man Robert Riplcy featured. because "Believe It or Not" Pnl- lins holds what is believed to be the wm'ld's record in searing, hay- ink amassed 2,582 points m 156 games c'luring one season when he 1)layed with tile Harlem Globe Trotters. The big men on the team arc .... "W'tlt" Dee, 6 feet 2 inches tall, O'Ne'd Gardner, 6 fact 2 inches Mauriee "Stoop" Jones, 6 feet 2 inches. Jim Watkins 6 feet 1 inch anti Johnny Gay, 6 leer 4 inches. This combination of height and speed, along with tlm sleight-of- hand tricks with the ball the Clowns are famous for, makes next Monday's exhibition one of the finesl, attractions ever set be- fore Shelton basketball fans. TOO BUSY TO WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS BUT IF YOU WANT TO BORROW FROM FIFTY TO FIVE HUNDRED .DOLLARS OR BUY EXCELLENT AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE "INSURANCE COME AND SEE EDDY BUSINESS a County t-lS-28-3b---3t. ;ALE OF ,TY "RT OF TtIi GTON FOR e Estate of sed. d" for sale )y the Judge ourt 011 the . William M. ;he Estate of rod. will sell highest and ag described , Section 3,1, ldl'ona liOrll- ISO11 Cotlnty, 1 he held at Art I{OUSe of day of Feb- thau ninety ed value of Hved or con- LSON," the Estate cher, deceas- ..... Wash. ` Phone_ 8Fll. ..... . FOR SALE or trade forddl!'.. you Two 3-year-old si|": Write Elnm, louto 1, °1'-' i()R- SALE lmiid wovei [ I.-,1' ;i blankets. ,place mats Uld[";;. and other linens Ass_0_{l','" band or orders taken | .... HONE 540 Apparel, 1416 Summit Drawl : " crest. I)hone 799J. ). : lonarch rang-- 7 .... FOR SALE Excellent baker, in god o ;l": 224 S. 6th. Phone 691W..: , ibi9 R-'-S'A L E -shiiiaiF-ii{ci . ol b.rner and coils. El,:-----._ ing room set Phone aT]i  a.or 5 ,l00n $0000 machine. Phone 596J. suit, box jacket" (}reel[;i le'¢er been worn. r,ea°v't' F O R quire Journal Offiee. 'OR -SXLE .: -15o-kall 0n }I water tank and upnl boiler, $30 cash. InqU ff A-1. lJ, S. i,l)l)rocd frunl lligi flocks. • Only 'one grade Wagner Feed CompanY,' 1st. Or/ ghi7 FK W7 , 1 Box 238, PROFF00SIONAL Virgilfia C. M 1 Lawyer City Hall Phone 192 I -16-23-30--3t. B. Franklin I4et ATTORN EY-AT "hi Courthouse, Sl, elg Phone 312 J A. K. McCamP ! Personalized AcOO# .ddress: Shelt0n, Rt. 3, Box Phone: Shel CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL Eliot Electric Title Insurance Phone 645 CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT 119-121 South Fo uftl Bell Buildi Shelton. Washl*g t ALDEN C. BA ATTORNEY AT I, Title Insurance l Opposite First NatiO Phone 23 - - S le WITSi00#00 FUNERAL gO Licensed Entbal# W. A. WitsierS, Phone 180 - - Shelt0 ELLIOT B. SI 1 Acoountlng TaX  Bookkeeping SY  St. " 123 4th , JNSURANG$ HERBERT { rNGLI Office at Angle tflJ SERVICE AT ONE TWENTY SOUTH THIRD STREET SHELTON WASHINGTON SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL l O'Neal "Sonny" Gardner, Walker Dee, and Johnny Gay (seen from left to right above) are three of the comics who make the Broadway Clowns among thefunniest things Ameri- ca's basketball courts have seen• Gardner, a graduate of Wil- berforce. University (in Ohio), Dee, a graduate of Southern Uni- versity of New Orleans and later a star with the Cleveland "Pennzoils," and Gay, a graduate of. Knoxville University (in Tennessee) all will strut their cage comedy as well as their basketball brains and ability before Mason County fans next Monday night when the Clowns play an exhibition game against the Morgan Lumber team of Shelton in the new Shelton gym, L.M.'s Lead Shot AsLeague Pinmen Have Poor Totals CITY BOWLING LEAGUE W" L Lumbermen's Mere .. 29 19 Pastime ........................ 28 20 Beckwith's ................ 27 21 Associated Oil ............ 23 25 Reed Mill .................... 23 25 Simpsm Log ............ 22 26 Active Club ............... 20 28 M'tson Laundry ..... 19 29 High game.--Bhil Bayley 222 tIigh total. ,less Daniels 565 City league bowlers had a miser- able night l,'riday from a scoring standpoint but did manage the commendable achievement of tightening uI) the standings con- siderably. Among the most miserable of all were the league-leading I.,unber- rnen's Merc pinmen who saw their three-game advantage whittled down to but one as they lost t)y a shutout to Pastime and not nmch better were Associated Oil's Regelers. who likewise sluffed away all three decisions to the up- surging Simpson Log crew. The night's worst woodwork. however, was turned in by Reed Mill yet it managed to win one point and advanced the millhands into a tie for fourth place with Associated, mostly because tail. McCONKEY PHARMACY RALLIES end Mason Laundry had the sec- ond poorest total so won only two REWARDED WITH LEAGUE LEAD from the 00eedmon. • Missing making the evening's CITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE W. L pf pa McConkey Pharm._ 3 0 102 84 Pantorimn ................ 1 0 36 32 Needham's Men's . 2 1 94 68 Morgan Lumber .... 2 1 99 97 Iurgoyne Photo .... 2 1 106 91 Rayonier . ................. 0 2 45 62 Belfair . .................. 0 2 51 76 Olympic Plywood .. 0 3 90 113 Games Monday 7---Pantorium vs Rayouier 8---Morgan Lumber vs Broadway Clowns (Exhibition game). D. B. CASE Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Coverage Office With Shick & George Phone 46-J I 124 N, 1st St. I 19 4 7... The 1947 Ohlsmot,ih, eo,nes I,i you ht bright new colors with smoothly llowlng lines and tastefully tailm'ed inleriors ! 3 • . . # 4/. • All uow Oldsmol, iles offer GM ta" l,e,'fecled, now at its peak! ,[.4I ..\\; % There are 0m'.e full lines o f I 1.7 Mo.. . qnality cars in every way! 1947 OLDSMOBILE DEALER OLDSMOBILE ' [[ '8t is the word for Oldsmobile's 1947 styling.. • -"; ' the long, rakish lines.., the attractive new colors '"% ,'.. the over-all impression of quality and good taste. • , And smart is thc way you llfee/.., once you drive ' a new Oldsmobile of your own. You'll' enjoy the  .... admiring glances that follow you down the street. • "'" You'll revel in the comfort and luxury of Oldsnto- hile's coil.cushioned ride And above all, you'll find ....  uew kind of decp.down satisfaction in every cffort- 4 - less moment of driving.., thanks to GM Hydra- :, 2 , Mahc Drive. 'Thts s the fuUy.proed,fully.automanc ,_ drive.., the drive that shifts gears automatically lnd tabes the clutch pedal right out of the car! this great new Oldsmobile now on display. • .... Three complete lines of cars to choose from.., and ...... every one a smart choice for 1947I SEE YOUR NEAREST MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY Authorized Oldsmobile Agency, First and Grove Streets  Shelton  Phone 777 Games Wednesday 7--Plywood vs Rayonier 8--Belfair vs Morgan Lumber 9--Needham's vs Pantorimn Look who's sitting on the city basketball league throne today! No, you don't need a trip to Dec Landers office if you see McCon- key Pharmacy way up thar, on aceount of that's exactlY who's on top of the heap. The pharmacists' penchant for second half rallies has carried them through to three straigllt vietm'ies $ine the second half schedule opened, which is already one more victory than they scored in the whole first half, and what's more, best total by only one pro, and outscorhg theh' rivals by 128 pins, Beckwith's Jewelers still lost a pair to the Active Club and slipped from second to third place in the standings when the last game wound up in a tie and the Activ- ians won the roll-off by three pins. Pastimc's three-ply victory hurd- led the lunchroom aggregation over the jewelers into second place, just one game behind the L M, To complete the screwy doings, the best individual scoring was done in losing causes, Phil Bayley's 222 coming in Beckwith's defeat and Jess Daniels' 565 failing to help Associated stave off its white- wash licking. Among the very all three verdicts were over league few who hit over-average scores for the night were Percy Funk, toughies. For instance, Monday night the druggists trailed by 10-18 at half- time but came out with a 39-31 decisn over Morgan Lumber, while last week they sniffed Need- ham's Men's Wear dust at the half- way mark, 13-16, only to come out with an ultimate 29-25 triumph, As recounted in these columns last week, McConkey's shook a 33-27 victory out of Burgoyne's Photog- raphers, after trailing by 21-27 as late as the opening of the last quarter. The druggists unveiled" a sharp- looking newcomer to the league Monday night in Chad Johnson, former Bellingham Normal stu- dent, who tossed in an even dozen points, nine of them in the third quarter as McConkey's made the maneuvers which brought victory. Torger Lee and Bill Seiners carried on in the final period to match or daetter eyery Morgan Lumber bid to get back into the ball game. Bill Schermer was the torch- bearer as the apothecarists took Needham's, his six points in. the last quarter matching the haber- dashers entire total for the period. Another thriller during the week was Morgan Lumber's 21-29 ¢llleOZo hv RvoDier on a basket in the last minute t,f p!y by the league's patriarch, Francis Eacrtt Rayonier had enjoyed slight edges at all three quarter intermissions but Bill Levett led a last quarter comeback which Eacrett topped off with the victorious goal. Burgoyne Photographers were the week's other big gainers• win- ning a pair of comfortable victor- iez over Belfair. 38-28. and over Olympic Plywood, 41-30. Larry Cardinal stirred up the point, pro- ducing yeast with 13 against Bel- fair and a dozen against the ven- eermen. He got ten point help from Harold Wilson in the former game and was topped by Hugh Gruver's 13 in the latter. Belfair was unable to keep its date with Pant0rium Monday be- cause of the snow, so the first half champions went through the week without action as they had an open date last Wednesday. The lineups: GAMES MONDAY McConkey's (39).Morgn Lbr (31) Somers 9 f Levett 8 Schirmer 2 f Eaton 6 Willard C Cormier, 9 Viger 9 g " Valley 6 Lee 7 g Eacrett 2 Subs: McConkey's.--Johnson 12, Morgan Lbr. Morgan. Burgoyne's (41) Olym. Plywd. (30) Cardinal 12 f B,Armstrong 8 Wilson 1 f Hutchinson 8 McCann 11 c" Fletche L.Gruver 4 g White 4 H.Gruver 13 g Lumsden 1 Subs: Olympic PlywoodBaze 9, Howarth, Moore. GAMES JAN. 22 Morgan Lhr. (31) Rayonler (29) Eaton 8 F S.fi2rmstrong 2 MelMorgan 2 F Kelly 6 Cormier 13 C 'Bell ,7 Levett 6 G Coffman 2 Eacrett 2 G Jeffrey 6 Subs: Rayonier--Kendall 4, Dan- iels 2. Burgoyne's (38) Belfair (28) Burgoyne 8 F Nealy 2 H,Gruver 5 F Davis 4 Cardinal 13 C Foster 6 Wilson 10 G Robertson L.Gruver 2 G Hope 2 Subs: Burgoyne's -- McCann. Belfair--Pedersen 3, Thomas 5, Simonson 6, Crow. McConkey's (29) Needham's (25) Somers 8 F Dickinson 6 Schirmer 6 F Gardner 4' Smith 4 C Coburn 4 Viger 7 G Chase 4 Lee 4 G &Phillips 7 Magazine Story Recalls 1928 Murder In County New York--The murders of Joe and Juanita Kirk in 1928 are re- called in the April issue of AU- THENTIC DETECTIVE Maga- zine in an article titled "Trail of the Candy-Bar Killer.'.' . The principals in the capture of Arthur Schafer, the murderer, were Sheriff W. H. Tucker, Dep. Sheriff Gone Martin, Jack Burke, .qity marshall of Shelton, Wash- ligton, and Gerald Byrne. Schafer was sentenced to hang whose 531 was the mare gun in Simpson's triumph, and Loren Staley, whose 556 fired Pastime's boilers, The lineups: Pastime (3) L.M. (0) Handicap 45 Handicap 117 Allen 477 Stewart 514 Staley 556 [Gibler 449 Koppermmt 493 Roberts 467 K.Fredson 560 490 Ferrier 543 Mackey 497 Total 2674 Total 2534 Simpson (3) Associated (0) Handicap 16g Handicap 171 Petersen 471 Frisken 336 Carlson 487 Skelsey 544 Snelgrove 501 Holt 435 Ftmk 531 Young 519 P.Fredson 550.Daniels 565 Total 27081 Total 2570 Active Club (2) Beckwith (1) Handicap 330 Handicap 156 Bishop 415 Dodds 553 Willour 4021Deer 389 McCaslin ,1601 Pearson 496 Price 528, Earl 557 Gadden 444] Bayley 556 Total 2579 Total 2707 Mason Ldy (2) Reed Mill (1) Handicap 189 Handicap 261 W.Woods 92 Carter 503 Dunbar 485[Drumntond 309 D.W'oods 4081Elliott 440 Smith 483] Gustafson 424 I.H.Woods 450i Sergeant 539 Total 507[ Total 27C Plywood, Cushman Stretch Margins Over Rival Clubs COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Olympic Plyvood .............. 28 17 Lake Cushman ................... 27 18 lY[ell Chevrolet .................. 23 22 Gmmert's Service .............. 22 23 KimbM Motors .................. 22 23 Pantorium .......................... 21 24 Local 161 ............................ 20 25 Morgan Lumber ................ 17 28 High game--Marion Smith, 241 High total---Bud Ferrier, 588 Olympic Plywood and Lake Cushman Resort matched three- ply triumphs to maintain their positions a game apart at the top of th commercial league bowling standings last week and pulled away from their first divi- sion pursuers in so doing for the plywood's victory was over fourth- place Grunert's Chevron Service while the Cushman decision came over third-place Mell Chevrolet. The veneermcn won on aver- age-building scores turfied in by every member of its lineup with Anchorman Marion Smith kicking through with the league's best single game at 241 pins to win tbe opener, and Hans BeAn and Percy Funk producing the important l?ins from then on. Cushman won behind Skipper Allie Robinson's leadoff example and steady performances down the lineup. In other matches of the night, tailend Morgan Lumber won a pair from Kimbel Motors on Mary organ's pinwork and Pantorium took two from Local 161 with Bud Ferrier topping the league with hie 588 total. The lineups: Klmbel Mtrs. (1) Morgan Lbr. (2) handicap 354 handicap 261 Pearson 4711M.Morgan 439 C.Hanson 350t RoyAnders'n 474 Frisken 389 C.Morgan 396 Hunter 437 White 456 B.Earl 430 B.Morgan 440 Total 2431 f Total 2466 ]Iell Cltev. (0) Lake Cush. (3) handicap 333 handicap 165 Longacres 342 A.Robinson 513 McNiel 388 A.Carlson 4581 Toney 393 Durand 452 Gherhart 416 C.Robinson 448 Babcock 482 Forrest 453 Total 2354 Total 2489 Grunert's (9) Plywood (3) handicap 213! handicap 309 Bare 488 Funk 486 Kenyon 387' BeAn 512 Struthers 520 Daviscourt 358 H,Cole 428 Dickie 495 Rank 4761M.Smith 546 Total 2512] Total 2706 Local 161 (1) Pantorlmn (2) handicap 327t handicap 198 Friend 472I Lindberg 471 Lunsford 409I Besch 484 Oliver 4311 Keever 364 Wright 413IHoward = 425 Westland 3831B.Ferrier 588 Total 2435] Totat 2530 Page_ 1,: ............................. ! ........... ° ....... --_"J [ .......... ' ................ ', , =: D-&.N-C-I-N-G SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB EVERY SATURDAY NIGIIT From 9 P.M. to Midnight Memorial lhdi Music by Ceneral Welfare Club Orchestra ................ i High Sehool BASKETBALl SHELTON Highelimbers VS. ELMA EAGLES FRIDAY, JAN. 31 Betweeff Halves County Foul Shooting (harnpionhips 2 Games Starting at 7 P M. New Shelton Gym Adults 50¢, Students 40¢, Children 10€ (incl• Tax) p, [ It's Here! THE SENSATIONAL MARTIN Outboard Motor Many post war improvements for your ou- board motor pleasure. Quick starting, easy to operate and so silent that you can carry on a conversation in the boat while the mo- tor is running. This is not a new motor. Martin Motors, division of National Press- Ure Cooking Co., have been building it for 25 years, but it hasn't been on the coast till recently. Drop inand see it and let us tell you more about it. S. L. PEARSON & SON 120 E. Pine Phone 676 or 548-W HONE For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE WE'LL FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY WITtt BETTER BURNING, MORE DEPENDABLE ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YOU We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS from 50 to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations Frisken Oil Co. Mason County Distributor for Asaoclated Oil Products That dark smoke from your exhaust sound a warning note to you. Come in and let us check your rings and pistons. Don't waste oil unnecessarily! Save money and your car ! Shelton First & Cota +,, Phone 52 24-1totr Wrecker Service