January 30, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 30, 1975 |
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High Low Precip.
Jan. 23 51 36 1.13
Jan. 24 55 42 .14
Jan. 25 45 40 .14
I MASON COUNTY James Whiteaker' garage' $3'816"Dr" James Quesenberry Nellie St°ok rep°rted tw° Jan" 26 42 31 "22jan. 27 42 23 -- ii
[ DISTRICT COURT SHELTON POLICE reported cattle on his property, rocks thrown on the roof of her Jan. 28 38 24 .10
The Clara Caldwell cabin at house. Jan. 29 39 27 .01
Appearing on the docket in Ali Dominguex reported Mason Lake was reported brokenPatricia Jones reported two Snowy periods and continued
4[[afl°n_ County District Court vandalism to a vehicle.
~ll°re Judge Carol Fuller during into. sheets, a quilt, a blanket and a cold are forecast for the weekend ~
l past week were : Robert Jones reported Denny Gunderson reported a bedspread taken, with high temperatures ranging
J'~ Justice Court vandalism to a vehicle, window broken out of a Clifford Huge reported a from 35 to45 degrees and lows i:~ '~,~
S e v e r a I w i n d owe we re residence, burglary to a summer cabin, from 25 to 35 degrees. ~ ~ ~i,:,,
Gene Bernard, 123 Mill St., reported waxed at Bordeaux Mrs. Fred Humphrey reported Carroline Cowles reported a ~ ~~.o
_.~d!t°n, driving without School. ~: ~:~ ~:~i~!~ ,,~
"-r, Lamps, nooperator,slicense, VehiclesdrivenbyJohnGray abottlethrownatavehicle, carbrokeninto. I] %=
A window was reported Mrs. John Miller reported a uonmnoomooumumunnmanmnnomnmmo,mmg
|~ tree; Richard L. Duggins, Rt. and Exel Sjoholm collided at First brokenin the Hoodsport Postdingy found.
z.| Box 938, Shelton, reckless and Turner. ~U ~ ~IP~ "-~e--'~ ::)~
,~ ,rmg, driving without a license, A door to the Middle SchoolOffice. CITY BUILDING PERMITS ~
Gene Br own reported I I ..... i:i
th ayS_,n jail, 23 suspended;gym was found open. furniture taken. Building permits approved by
• .IP ara Logic, 1620 Mason St., Jerry Swartos reported a saber John Robinson reported a the City of Shelton during the"~ These tides are for the I ;!~ ~ .... :!:.::~::~{!.,.k~::..: i
past week were to Gott Oil Co., Union area. For Shelton and - ..v. ~ :~,~:,i,'~,,'~ :~ .i~,~ ,=~
~lton, following too closely, saw and a skill saw taken, cord of shake bolts taken from his concrete slab, $500; William Oakland Bay add an hour ': ....""~.~:"~"~ '~
~[0 line; Michael Kruger, Rt. 5, Mark Mann reported a wallet property. ~ ~ ' ~-~::"~
Ix 598, Shelton, defective lost. Lois Mercier reported a dog Dowty, fence, $260. and a half and 2.4 feet.
THE LOCAL CAMP FIRE CANDY SALE will begin after school hours on
~es, no valid vehicle license, Jean White reported items Friday. Salesladies representing three levels of the organization are pictured.
LSfine; Glenn Hunter, p O. Box taken from a sail boat at the city shot. FIRE DEPARTMENT Thursday, January 30
r' Belfair, no operator'slicense dock. Pearly Sewel] reported the January 23, 2:55 p.m., car Low ......12:12 a.m. -0.4 ft. On the left is Brenda Wilson of the Adventurer level which includes grades
High ....... 6:57a.m. 13.7ft. four through six; in the center is Kristine Reed of the Discovery Club
JaPers°n, $10 fine; GeorgeA door at Mr. Olive Lutherantheft of a bicycle, fire in car owned by Lloyd Low ....... 1:03 p.m.3.1 ft.
r~n s, P.O. Box 163, Shelton, Church was found open. Howard Pershall reported a Shugart,$10 damage to wiring. High ....... 6:43 p.m.11.O ft. comprised of seventh-graders and eighth-graders; Ronee Heiser, on the right,
l~ectnve exhaust Dave Evander reported a battery taken from a tractor. January 25, 9:52 p.m., Larry Friday, January31 iS a Bluebird, and her fellow-members are enrolled in grades one through
failure tOtain Washln to Pat Stuck reported a calfWarren residence, l123Barnhard Low ...... 12:54a.m. 0.9ft. three.
0&thee - g operator shorse loose in the Angleside area. High ....... 7:33 a.m.13.6 ft.
- [" ,. $45 fine, $35 suspended; Run Krupp reported a house missing. St., electric motor on furnace. Low ....... 1:55 p.m. 2.2 ft.
• [~?eth Watters, at. 1, Box 686, entered. The department ofnatural January 26, 10:30 a.m., Paul High ....... 7:52 p.m.10.4 ft.
t7t°n, speedmg, $18 fin A newspaper box was found resources reported a chain saw McQuilliken residence, 428 Saturday, February 1
imur Tozier Jr, P.O. Box 4~i and returned to the owner, taken. Walnut, oil stove. Low ....... 1:43 a.m. 2.5 ft. Northside Baptist
H,gh ....... -11a.m. 13.3..• [ A IT;;G[
A ° port, speeding, $63 fine; Darrell Martin reported a vandalismGUy inVedderthe Tahuearep°rtedarea. SUPERIOR COURT Low ....... 2.5, p.m. 1.6ft.plans specml speaker
~ LiSttoephen Rose, 426 Grant, head]ight taken from a vehicle. Dissolutions of MarriageHigh ....... 9:06 p.m. 9.9 ft.
r' n, physical control of a A rock was found thrown Peter Londahl reported about
through the window of the First trailer taken. Dee Landers and Rose Sunday, February 2 The Northside Baptist Church organization called Love Thy I _ _
~n~ehicle while intoxicated, A black bull was reportedLanders. HighL°W ....... ....... 8:532:33 a.m.a'm" 12.84"1 ft.ft" of Shelton will have as its guest Neighbor Ministries. This ministry J SHOW and SAL
tals St Andrews E msco al Church
_.~r- ; Theda Butenko, 22506 A break-in at the First Baptist Highway. It was returned to the Dodge. Monday, February 3 morning and evening services, along with other areas of need. I East First and G Sts.
=iLthcAve. S., Kent, physicalChristian Church. walking down the Old Belfair Virgil Zicha and Linda Zicha. Low .......3:53p.m. 1.1ft. speaker Chaplain Dwight L. embraces nursing homes, I
Robert Dodge, Jr. and JanHigh ...... 10:36 p.m. 9.6ft.Kinman February 2 at both the convalescent homes, hospi m " P" P
~||'" .= Ot a motor vehicle while Church was reported by Tom owner.
r rl~nXa~tated.' carrying a concealed Barwick. Barbara Petraitis turned in a Vicki Lane and Kim Lane. Low .......3:32 a.m. 5.7 ft. Chaplain Kinman has been I Aberdeen
, r'-,, ll""- High ....... 9:38 a.m.12.2 ft. and still is serving as chaplain at The invitation to hear I Tickets at City Druo
jlr:n. ~euse suspended one Mrs. Dale Way reported a purse she found. NewCases Low ....... 4:59p.m. 0.9ft. the Alenmore Hospital, PugetChaplain Kinman and his | 12-9, Wed.,'Feb. 5
r~'.,a,°bert Becht, 330 3rd SW, vehicle had hit a power pole on The John Johnston cabin at Statute Escrow Service against Tuesday, February 4 Sound Hospital and the Doctor's messases is extended to 'all. I 12- 6. Thurs., Feb. 6
,,,,~g;uu, p, speeding, $63 fine; Cascade Street. Timberlake was reported broken Timber Movers, lnc. High ...... 12:15a.m. 9.7ft.
[.¢ valley, p.o. Box 171, Allyn, A bottle was reported thrown Low ....... 4:43 a.m. 6.9 ft.Hospital in Tacoma. While still Morning service is at ll a.m. and | .....
,=~rmg while license sue ended against the window at the into. Olive Emel against Mr. andHigh ...... 10:32 a.m.11.6 ft. serving in this ministry, he and his for the evening service at 6:30 | ~-,e t~ar
A car driven by Randall Smith Mrs. Gil Hood and Wood-FisherLow ....... 6:07 p.m. 0.5 ft.
wife recently formed an p.m.
[~ischarges) $200 fine;Pl~aniel Kentucky Fried Chicken building, and a bicycle ridden by Richard Corp. Wednesday, February 5
IS".' v06 Arnold, Aberdeen, Evelyn Kinnan reported a Meyers were involved in a High ....... l:41a.m, lO.3ft.
l~~°r in possession of walletlost, collision about lO miles north of Low ....... 6:lla.m. 7.6ff.
~,~cants, $75 fine, $40 Robert Ashley reported a tire Shelton on Highway 3. The High ...... 11:31 a.m. 11.1 ft.
Low ....... 7:08 p.m.0.2 ft.
-.K~'ued; John Switalla, USS and wheel taken. Meyers boy was taken to Mason
Thursday, February 6
-"~,Xtun, Bremerton, drivin Vehicles driven by Joan General Hospital by the Allyn High ....... 2:50a.m. 11.0 ft.
Ee)ntoxicated, $250 fine, 3g Knight and Michael Goodwin Fire Department Aid Car with a Low ....... 7:41 a.m. 7.6 ft.
:h&~l~n jail, suspended; Albert collided at Sixth and Alder. leginjury. High ...... 12:33p.m. 10.7 ft.
HII~.svueII, 3110 E Robert Bland reported Low ....... 8:04p.m. O.Oft.
raert0n, s..e ..... . 19th, Mrs. Fern Fuller reported a
"-' - v etung, arwing with vandalism to a vehicle.
[ rredlncen.se,$40fine Vandalism was reported atgarage broken into. Timesof trial
~' rtm~r |rMunietpal Depa P O Box Bordeaux School. Donald Rodgers reported
eat A window was reported someone trespassing on his land. These are the times that try men's
broken out of the Washington A window was reported souls. Thomas Paine : ?<
i: ,;: . ' ' •
Evergreen building, broken in a travel trailer. ~---------------------- ,¢,:~:::, ;,: =~,: ~ ....... , ,: ,:, ~ , : ,;
/nlli i
Clarence ComeU turned in a Albert Erickson reported ........... ~k
school book he found, items taken from a residence. Open Feb. 3rd '
Gene Brown reported a vacant I HI#I' wl dl¢l|nll : ......... ..... ......
IlI ia 11' " peeding, $25 fine; L.L. Mclnelly reported a coat house burglarized, m t. ==..
... ,, ou, HOME .....
~rl~~ l~esch, 1747 Dickinson,and hat taken. Gerald Miacham reported an blood pressure checked ............... . *~, ~ ~k.::,:.*, ~*~: ~:~,,~. l~ll~:,. ~~~'~ "'*~'.':~;,'.* ~z~"~
ilA / to?", failure to obey KarlKeyzersreportedawallet outboard rnotor taken, lateUy. You could have high ," .............. : " ~t::.~:;;??~:~t:~?~7.~-;
~Br;t°ry signal, $35 forfeit; lost.Joanne Mann reported a Nancy Barnett reported blOOdknow ,t.pressurelt can andleadnOtto GIFT ..... I ................
~l~i aandberg, 402 Walnut,newspaper rack ~aken. vandalism to a vehicle. !ii mi
retort°n, n,- ,. stroke, heart and kidney
,llti " ncense on person, Skip Wilson reported a
lute t,- - failure. See yOur doctor-- SHOP
/rim,: u use due care and SHERIFF S OFFICE summer cabin broken into. only he cantell.
mmm~tmo~ ..
llll., , $50 forfeit, DouglasBlackly Graham reported a Bayview Mobile Homes Give Heart Fund 122 South Second :
' l :4s°n, 1521 Summit Dr., cow butchered, reported a number of items taken. ^ ....... ......
"'J~ert 'Ns.peeding, $25 forfeit; ....
"/I1~, etmeyer, 137 Delaware ~ ............... ; -
[~1 [t°-a' failure to drive with due' Yea Iranll
IIl[, -caution, $35 forfe,t,
Ira!|n to" ""
"-'~= Ckyear, PO Box 113 i
n, "" '
~ ~gent driving, $125
./ ii%~L0 days in iail, 11
I~ Ued; j_ _ -
~ues R~ ~seph Byrd, 1816
I~|ts, ~.}" Shelton, defective
lV|,- ~u forfeit; Philh Turtle
m w L6r Tubi " .p ,
o~ ,,rn St., Shelton, hysical
mm I'" ' "~ a rn---P
PXica- utor vehicle while
,[~, ted, $100 furl i
' k latvia eit;
l~', St,Henry, 1219 Railroad ~C~ ~REC
,,,a~i uelton, driving through
tY zone where ro
it. • , P h~b=ted, $25
~nd,'~°.hn Kegley, 203 S.
- • ~zlettorl, drlvln wt
lai~ing dr'v ,g ithou
,H[l~0fi:e day: :r Sjaill,C::::e dSed6~..
p° , ^o, o- , ^o, o- ,,,,-
"- IFltoll, "% Kt. 3, Box 51, A f~ O/ r°J~. reg. reg.
- , Creating a ubhc U
m ta"ee, th P ! '~ /O price '4= U 70 price 4' U 70 price A ~ % r°e'~" Showcase Console
,oo m
° "'ter PolsL', --r p.ce . AM-F -F Stereo tuoer
'%r minor consumm JR. BOYS" • 100% solid state stereo l
7 gauge semi-double
3 and 7 gauge knits 7 gauge knit assorted
~,~itlsonT~[;ded; Bill W. jacquard ski pattern, o 8track stereo tape player k mm
I'n eft..- Kitsap Way, assorted sizes and colors styles and colors knit pullover assorted assorted styles and
~se d rnvin e wi thout colors colors
and many more features m I m
Oil e "~ ~ F V
It-,.. P rson, $15 forfeit; model VTT 520
I'~ N~rris, Rt 5. "~~ ---"
_ ,. ltort, ,o,_. • . Box 500, .,." .-.:
|ili ther "*.""g property of
PP'l%ded. 150 fine, $75 .c, ~': :, ....
LblNG PERMITS 'j~~~ The Stanwick
~rrnits approved by
,~OUnty Planner's model VTT 310
tad past week were
l~wr mer, residence,
_ rUmbaugh, office
arage, $500; Oliver off ~ O/ off
reg. I I reg.
;e shed, $540; price retail V ~" V price
fireplace, $900;
lambskin 75% acetate, QUI LTED ROBES ' SLEEPsAFE
25% nylon, solid with assorted styles and FLANNELETTE PRINTS
gold braid, long cuffed colors 45" all cotton durable
sleeves, 1 size fits all press and flame retardanb
reg. 1.59 yd.
Prices limited to stock on hand
Evergreen Square
Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30
Thursday, January 30, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3