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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, January 30 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, ling Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Restaurant. Tops Washington Chapter No. 13,6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Rock and Mineral Society, p.m., PUD auditorium. Club of Mason aunty Seniors, noon, Senior /anuary 31 Chamber of Commerce board 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Ympic Reindears, 7:30 of Gaff Brewer. alary 1 Pinochle party, 7:30 p.m., 2 Shelton churches invite you .attend the church of your mary 3 PUD No. 3 commission ~ng, 1 p.m., PUD conference COUnty commission meeting, ~', COurthouse. m Bridge Club, 7:15 orium. ck in town. Pinochle Club, 7:30 Lorial Hall. 7:30 p.m., Mt. View PTO, 7:30 p.m.,at Jason County Park and -'ation board, 7:30 p.m., C°mrnissioner,s room. Chapter DES Social a, Fir Tree Park. 12:30 p.m., Senior 4 is Club luncheon, noon, commission meeting, 2 Legion and 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Club dinner and board ,7 Daughters, 7:30 p.m., dinner meeting, 6:30 clubhouse. rarod Club, 8 p.m., clubhouse. ruary 5 Town Kiwanis Club, , HY-Lond Inn. of Realtors board of )rs, 7:30 a.m., Timbers rOup sketch night, 7:30 Homemakers, home on transcendental an 7:30 p.m., Club, 6 30 p.m. at February 6 , noon, Timbers t. e sale by Elinor 9 a.m.. 5 p.m., League, 7:30 p.m., Street, Capitol Hill. a, 8 p.m., home of larbor Grange potluck, eting, 7:30 p.m., dinner, 6 p.m.; meeting, 8 p.m., Menu-- Shelton Schools -UMBER BERt of February 3-7 Cornish pasties Pastry, tossed milk. Tacos with and lettuce, Own Cake, milk. ;hicken chow s, vegetable tter, fresh Irger on a fruit milk. Zza, fresh bread and milk. Hwy. 101 im in, In The Shelton City Commission additional $1,000 for engineering to C3. The planning commission Tuesday night voted to go ahead and other non-construction costs, had recommended approval of the with plans for replacing theMiller had submitted two request. clubhouse. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, lighting and some other electrical proposals, one calling for A request for rezoning one Democratic Central MingTreeCafc. wiring in the citylibrary building, replacement of the lighting and block of property, the block in C o m m i t tee, 7 : 30 p .m., loastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., The commission instructed other electrical work and another which the old Shelton Junior courthouse. Timbers Restaurant. Hugh Miller, consulting engineer for the same work plus High School building is located, Mason County Recreation Tops Washington Chapter No from Olympia, to go ahead with installation of a false ceiling, from Omer "l-racy and Mr. and Association meeting, 8 p.m.,313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. bid specifications for the job. The commission approved theMrs. Fay Brewer, was referred to ColonialHouse. Kiwanis Club of Mason Miller, in a report to the request of Stirling Pearson and the planning commission. Christmas Town Rounders, 8 County Seniors, noon, Seniorcommission, estimated the cost of Art Nicklaus for rezoning of two The request stated the p.m., fairgrounds hall. Center. the project at $3,366 and anlots on East Pine Street from R1 proposed use of the building was rary for private and commercial storage and to have some meeting rooms for lease. Mayor Frank Travis announced the re-appointment of AI LaBissionere to the city civil service commission for a new term. How the army travels An army, like a snake, travels on its belly. Frederick the Great Tools For pouring or for demolition. Tampers, floats, wheel barrows, air & electric jackhammers and more. Barden's 426-1091 SHOP OUR AISLES r ~ DISCOVER THE VALUES SHOP-RITE!H BABY Jo,,so,.s SHAMPOO ...lG OZ. BOTTLE • HAIRSPRAY s4 VO-5 ............. , ............................. 8 OZ. AERO II BROMO SELTZER ................................................. ,,oz....69 MEAT BANQUET --BEEF --CHICKEN --TURKEY PIES ...8 OZ. PiES APPLE JUICE TBEE TOP ................................ oz. ,,, 49 WAFFLES ,UNT..I.A .................................. ,o oz. pox 49 TORTILLAS REO'S CORH ..................... 14 oz. PKGS 3/Sl APPLE JUICE ., COUNTBY APPLE JUICE ......................................... HALF GALLON9 6 SARAN WRAP .,L83 FOOD WRAP ................................................................... I00 FT. SANDWICH BAGS =, ..s ....................................................................... . c, .o48 BROWNIE MIX .xS1 09 BETTY CROCKER ........................................................ 22V2 OZ. PiE FILLING w,.,., c..,, ........................................................ oz ,.85 SHOP-RITE [COUPON INSTANT S COFFEE 8 0Z. JAR • 600O THRU: 2-1-75 AT SHOP-RITE CASH VALUE 1/201: 40+ 5 THIS WEEK AND YOU'LL AND SAVINGS AT MEDIUM $ CHEDDAR .................. 2 LB. LOAF ee DaD • $ VEGETABLE SHORTENING ............................ 42 OZ. TIN KLEENEX WHITE OR ASSORTED COLORS ................... 200 CT. BOX GOLD MEDAL 10~ OFF LABEL .......................... • 5 POUND BAG SKIPPY CREAMY OR CHUNKY ..... 18 OZ De Do • •eee • w CUT GREEN BEANS --4/Sl DUCHESS .................................................................... 15Vz OZ. MANDARIN ORANGES ...................................................................... ,, oz ,,,s 4/Sl ASPARAGUS SPEARS oz,,.59 WALLA-WALLA ........................................................................... 14% JAR Harold's Bakery CHOCOLATE OR WHITE LAYER CAKES EA. !.95 CHOCOLATE We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions Phone 426-3377 HAMBURGER BUNS .......................................... ,cou...45 a,I/albaPk .,.. o,,,,,s,u,, ...° ........................ ,o. ,.,...= ORANGE DRINK --.63 WAGNER'S BREAKFAST ....................................................... 54 OZ. SLICED BACON ARMOUR'S STAR PANSIZE WITH UGHT, LEAN SLICES. ...................................................... 12 OZ. PKG. CHIPPED MEATS COUNTRY CUPBOARD3 OZ. BEEF, HAM, TURKEY, OR CORNED BEEF ............... 3 OZ. PKGS.~ TURBOT WEIGHTWATCHER'S FAVORITE 7 ..... LB. 9 U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS WITH GREAT FLAVOR RIB STEAKS ,.,. c.o,c ... 1 6 9 TENO. ST.KS ................................... BEEF STEW us C.OICE BE, .,,, Sl=9 SP BONELESS CHUCKS ............................ LB. LB. FRESHLY GROUND IN OUR OWN MARKET eeeoee•eeeeeeeeoee •ewe•aDo LB. U.S. CHOICE BEEF $* VALUE TRIMMED CHUCK STEAKS LB. U.S. CHOICE BEEF WASTEFREE ARM CUTS .......................................................... LB. U.S. CHOICE BEEF DELICIOUS BONELESS ROASTS ................................................ LB. U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS WITH SUPERB FLAVOR ............................. LB. WHEATIES 79 BREAKFAST CEREAL .................................. 18 OZ. BOX PAM DRY FRY 99 VEGETABLE SPRAY ..................................... 9 OZ. AERO ICE MILK GALLON8 9 SHOP-RITE ASST'D FLAVORS .............. HALF ASSORTED FLAVORS .................. HALF PINT4/89 CAT FOOD , OZ. TINS == =u, .T.. c.,.,.-.v. ................. / s i PARADE AA SWEET CREAM S, J 25 .,LLs DBOTB.S ................................ POUNO .,LLs BBOT.EBS ................................ 3 POU.O T,.S2 99 COFFEE ............................................. oNE POUND TINS1 35 YUBAN TIN$d'J 39 COFFEE ............................................ TWO POUND ar-- INST. YUBAN oz jARS1 09 COFFEE ........................................................ 4 TWINKLES CT. DOX$1 29 HOSTESS ................................................. I 0 REGULAR, THICK OR HOT ................. BIG 30 OZ. TIN BUTTER POUND • •• e••e •e ••eee•oe• o•oe•el •o ••• • • FACT ABOUT FAT Are you aware that fat supplies more then twice as many calories as the same weight of carbohydrate? For example, one gram of fat supplies 9 calories, whereas 1 gram of carbohydrate supplies about 4 calories. Fat is net only found in butter, salad oil, or margarine, but also is present in considerable amounts in meets, eggs, most cheeses, and nuts. Consumer Advisor JUICY...THIN SKINNED CITRUS ............................... EACH AVOCADOS CALIFORNIA 1 9 AVOCADOS ................................. EA. PARSNIPS SWEET, TASTY .......................... .. 20 CABBAGE ..0 ..OS .................................... LO. 1 9 D'ANJOU PEARS PO 4/Sl JUICY-RIPE ....................................................... UNOS . GREEN PEPPERS 19 FANCY BELLS .................................................................. EACH --PRICES EFFECTIVE: JAN. 30, 31, FEB. 1, LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED• I "We guarantee everything, even a smileT" Thursday, January 30, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9