January 30, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 30, 1975 |
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The "advance-fee swindle" in
out-of-state recreational property
sales has once again surfaced in
Washington State.
The latest incident of what
has been called "one of the most
vicious rackets to deal with"
involves a Phoenix, Arizona firm,
according to Jack Nelson, director
' of the Washington State
Department of Motor Vehicles.
~ALTORS ATTEND discussed. The realtors have again ownership in the minority. There George Oakes, administrator
II rECENT CONFERENCEmembers of the Mason ofdivision,the department'Sexplained ,therealapparenteState
Several urged repeal of the 1 percent is reason to be concerned whether
excise tax levied on each sale of the government with that much
itteUn!y. Board of real estate. This form of taxation problem of itsto is simplicity of the advance-fee '
-day winter- " has generally been viewed asalso as concerned for serving the scheme is deceptive.
r" threewashington inequitable and realtors are private citizen and his rights,
Feeting of the He pointed out the usual piny
-:|SSOciation of Real speaking out again in defense of Knaufsaid. is to offer advertising for
57L. tors held
=nuary 16, 17 and 18 at the the individual property owner in Mason County property ',recreational property when the
_J[[eenwood Inn in Olympia.opposing such a tax. owners are urged to bring any owner wishes to re-sell. For a
I ver things of general interest A revision of the real estate suggestions or questions given fee, the firm promises to
license law has been endorsed by concerning property ownership or run radio or newspaper
the Washington Association of land use to the attention of Knauf advertising for a given period of
Realtors. Filed as HB 242, it is or any member of the Mason time.
presently being reviewed by the County Board of Realtors inOakes noted that the contract
House Commerce Committee. It order that their interests can does not state where the
would provide that more stringent truly be represented, advertising will be placed and
educational requirements and clearly indicates that the owner
8 MGA (torn
~vS:s several consumer protection
aMnGdAh(torn down) new
ltd..head,'- etc., SJO0 or considerations be imposed on TCLHONORS
those already licensed or seeking HOODSPORT MAN HI~AR.rBI~ATS
to obtain a license to sell real Lynn A. Jensen ofnoodsport i i::
[o~,~ew.er2 bedroom estate, was honored last Wednesday for
Jr~ts-,carp"e'cl Among policy stands taken by 25 years of service to Tacoma
;; rCe;
~.~'u water~- 'inc['ucl;~l~included. WAR is the declaration of itsCity Light.
~l~'andUr'ts'l~urts'~SPhere'-t-enn]'SYear aroUndr creek and concern for the individual Jensen, athehydroelectric plant
~h_'Callnlc area. $170 property owner in questions of operator at utility s Cushman
|~~yi~,-:~14" ~"~ land use planning. WAR has not power project, has received a lapel
• "~ -"'~' " bedroom 111
• Fairmon , 0
~:d2;'~-n~>~lO per month
|30-'f~'~rfront, less than
_ ront foot, 3 acres u I n
I~ssbi~..c_ove with tidelands.
of root beer to
So. 10th, from
Drive In on Mt.
IT FOR rent, one
$75 a
endorsed the pending land use
bill, HB 168. Rather, WAR has
delegated to its legislative
committee the responsibility for
reviewing carefully all land use
legislation which has been enacted
recently or such bills as might be
introduced in this session of the
legislature such as HB 168. The
rights of the individual under the
United States Constitution and
the more flexible use of local
rather than state or federal
control are the prime matters to
be considered by the WAR
legislative committee.
down carpet nap
bright and fluffy
.ustre. Coast to
:)ROOM apartment,
race to all downtown
bage and water
59. F1/30
Dick Knauf is the legislative
chairman of the Mason County
Board of Realtors and a member
of the WAR legislative committee.
He has noted that should the need
for further legislation of land use
be indeed needed (and some say
3 bedroom on
nice family home
and out
~elton Land and
i. Sl/30
E: for elderly man or
k, personal
;tc. 11 a.m. 'til 4
there are;o m y, land use
5or yard dtlml~ regul ti n Ziow) that: WAR will
seek to offer a constructive and
unified bill for land use control
which would serve the public
interest with less crossfire of
agency involvement and protect
what rights still remain with the
property owner. Knauf also noted
having heard that 52 percent of
Washington State is publically
owned which puts private
pin and certificate for his career
He was one of 40 employees
honored for long public service to
the Tacoma Department of Public
Dick Plaisance has been
transferred by the P.N. Hirsch
Company from the chain's
Bremerton store to Miller's in
Plaisance will replace Del
Deide as manager of the Shelton
store. Deide has been promoted
to district headquarters in Idaho.
The new assignments are
effective February I.
"DIG THAT BEAT!" Dr. J. M. Gordon
kids Cecilia Sutton, as she listens
to the heartbeat of her unborn' baby
on a fetal monitoring machine. She
was a diabetic patient at the Univer-
sity of Louisville Medical Center's
high-risk obstetrical clinic, set up
with the help of the March of Dimes
for the prevention of birth defects.
Abuse of power
The greater the power, the more
dangerous the abuse.
'..':, a; Buzke ~.
Saturday, February 22
Tyee Motor Inn, Tumwater
Simpson Employees' Federal
Credit Union members, family, guests
How much: $6.00 for members, their spouses
and children. $8.10 for guests
S, h dule:
6 p.m. no host social hour; 7 p.m. steak
dinner; 8 p.m., meeting; 9p.m. dance
There is no charge for those who attend the meeting only.
Tickets available at your credit union office until February 14.
Unm, n ~.dminil|rlt lon
Shelton office. Ph 426-1633
bleCleary office: Ph. 495-3497
Ken Fredson, Manager
must do the selling, not the listing information, and furnish the
tirol material to corresponding
The typical "advance-fee" individuals, brokers or agents
victim thinks the firm is a licensed showing interest in the property.
real estate office and that he or The informational sheet reads,
she is paying for a property"This unique method of
listing, merchandising is capable of
In the latest incident, the finn producing excellent results...
was first licensed in November making it possible for you (the
1974, and is now under property owner) to expose your
investigation by the Arizona Real property for sale to masses, rather
Estate Department. than to j, ust the h,ighly
For a $200 fee the company competitive, poor results, local
is offering to evaluate the market."
property, computerize the Nelson said the advance-fee
racket dates from about 1950.
Many states have taken aim at the
scheme, but laws have proven
tough to enforce.
The real estate division
cautions those approached by an
"advance-fee" finn to check with
their Better Business Bureau or
the real estate division in
Those seeking information on
the Arizona offer might also
contact the Arizona Real Estate
Department, 1645 West Jefferson
Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007.
For all your
health foods
and vitamin
needs come to
Health Foods
S. l st & Railroad
Ford Motor Co.
Detroit, Mich.
February /,J75
1975 Ford Car Buyer /50000
Five Hundred and no/oo .............. - .... - ......... ._ _ ..............
1975 Car Rebate
'11251'"000 71:2 ? 218 38 7,'
Pick the 1975 Ford you want and get up
to $500 cash rebate from Ford Motor Company
'75 Mustang II Ghia-$500
75 Mustang II Mach 1-$500
'75 Mustang II Hardtop-S300
'75 Mustang II 2+2-$300
'75 Pinto (any model) $200
'75 Maverick (any model) $200
'75 Super Cab Pickup $350
Jim Pauley Ford Inc.
Shelton, Wash.
February /'; 75
1974 Car Buyer 1200O0
Two Hundred and no/O0 ................................. --:-: .....
1974 Car Rebate
|:1251'"00071:27 218 387"' 2579
Buy one of these new 1974"s and get $200 back
Jim Pauley Ford, Inc.
1974 Mustang
1974 Pinto
1974 Maverick
Jim Pauley Ford Inc.
Service Dept.
Shelton, Wash. February /'/75
~~ Service Customer t 10%-~
rcent discount .... - ..... ......... - ....... -_. ........... .
Service Order Rebate
,-" i ~ 5 i,,,000 7e- 2 ? 2 I,P.
387,' 2579
10% labor cost discount on service or repair
orders that are customer paid during February.
Mt. View at Kneeland Center
Thursday, January 30, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11