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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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YATES state legislature passed last year. the special meeting: (a) selection need to complete the heating "7[ At a special meeting held What basically is happening is that of a committee. There are system remodeling project and . Ionday evening of this week the state is now collecting all the between 30 and 40 names on the the ever-increasing cost of special P 'tre . " the , r. e SChool board members met tax money for all Schools and committee and they will accept education in Shelton; (d) the : the levy committee to then apportioning it back on a per more volunteers; (b) the cause for amount of the levy, $193,000 and et ecu the pros and cons of a pupil basis. In theory this sounds the levy, in a nutshell the new (e) the date of the election is at' al levy. Other alternatives great. The only catch is they equalization law;(c)the needs to March 11. , also discussed in thedon't give enough backtorun the be met by a levy, the state isJohn McElroy was named ' jr°'hour-plusmeetin schools, taking away one-fifth of the temporary chairman of the levy s Th " " ._A| e board exnlained to theThe board added a footnote school district's revenue, or about committee. The date of the liiu~iii!ii~~i!i!il to the January board nleetin, g $50,000 plus the 12 percent meeting is February 3. reported on in last weeks inflation this year (and still When the members of this Journal. They did check to see climbing), the cost of living raises committee start contacting you, what had happened on the class for the staff, the new expense to the taxpayer, in this district action lawsuit Griffin School in support high school students, the they'll be listing the alternatives. :°¢r°vn P!oneer along with almost Thurston County has proposed. J.AI ' OUaer school acre )o |tire ss the Griffin was forced to drop their , s0 'v state is being forced into plans because the courts have, by [mmg a special levy is due to their action in the North Shore I= new equalizati°n tbrmula the case in Seattle' declared that p I levies are constitutionally legal, m r 0 v e m e n c u Griffin could not find a lawyer who would handle their class action lawsuit. The discussion also brought out that last year approximately 40 school districts in the state were self-supporting and running their schools in the black. This year each of those same 40 districts has to run a special levy. The special committee formed to study a levy last year also uncovered the fact that there were only about three districts that benefited from the equalization law. To summarize the items of ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS WILL FIT ~LL TYPES OF PRIMARY WINDOWS "SLIDERS . CASEMENTS - PICTURE WINDOWS - CONTROLS WET, DR IPPY WINDOWS - DRAFTS - WARMER FLOORS 1/4 to 1/3 FUEL SAVINGS CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Shelton Special ALL ALUMINUM pRODUCTS, 426-6681 THREE STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. fs f REG. 26.97 e By KAREN M. JAMES The Hood Canal Improvement Club will meet February 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Union Firehall. The January meeting was cancelled because of snow. Fans of good food and pinochle gathered January 17 for the Improvement Club's potluck dinner at the firehall. The next potluck is scheduled for February 21 at 7 p.m. The Sportsmen's Club has become involved in a study of herring stock in Hood Canal. January 14 club members helped place Christmas trees in the water near Alderbrook Inn. The trees will serve as a spawning ground for herring. Egg samples will be collected on a weekly basis and sent to the fisheries department at the University of Washington. The club's next meeting is February l0 at 8 p.m. at the Hood Canal School. Local fishermen spotted a group of about 25 hikers from the Seattle Mountaineers on the LOCATED SECOND & RAILROAD PAIR e North Fork of the Skokomish. The mountaineers had hiked overland and were eating lunch in the cold drizzle. During the last snowfall, Jackie Gearhart was returning home from grocery shopping in Shelton when her truck got stuck on the Dalby Road hill.. Jackie left the truck and walked home. When her husband Bob retrieved the truck later in the evening, the groceries were gone. In the short time the truck had been on the roadside someone had lifted two week's supply of food. On a recent Sunday morning Dex McCulloch took Seattle friends Bill and Sue Clevenger on a short drift for steelhead before the fiver got too muddy. All went e icans The Republican State Central Committee of Washington met last Saturday morning at the Greenwood Inn to elect officers for a two-year term. Two elected committeemen from each county cast their ballots for nominees from the floor. Representing Mason County with their votes were committeemen Shirley and Herbert Vonhof. Also in attendance were James and Edith Bowers, Irene Conca (counfy chairman), Richard Petersen, Carol Ulrich, and Donald and Mace Wiss. Ross Davis was re-elected chairman for a second term, defeating Jack Metcalf. Metcalf is a former state senator and a recent candidate for the U.S. Senate seat. This is the first time in 10 years that the top position was challenged. Eleanor Domaskin was elected vice-chairman, succeeding Shirley McCoy. Elected to the state central committee's executive board from the Third Congressional District are A. Lowry Johnson (Clallam County) and Pat Gygi (Cowlitz County). Among the guest speakers at the committee meeting were Bruce Chapman, the new secretary of state, Christopher Bayley, King County prosecutor, and Ken Nuckolls, Republican national committeeman. Governor Dan Evans spoke at the luncheon held thereafter. He also hosted the newly-elected executive board at the governor's residence later that afternoon. m Ill Values to $12.95 Reg. $5.97 Black Navy White Reg. to $5.97 Reasonable Rates and up Bank Americard Tax Service* 124 North First Shelton, Wash ington 426-1654 or Those alternatives are: run a levy and don't run a levy, which would mean a lower standard of education if we could survive or consolidate with Shelton. Would you believe there's still another chapter to add to the trouble-plagued Jerry Meachams' story? There's a bit of good news, too, though. First the good news, they moved into their newly refurbished home which fire destroyed late last year, a week ago last Sunday. Now the bad news. They didn't have time to me well until they were loading the boat in the truck to go home. Dex happened to look up and saw a huge alder rolling down river with one end headed for the truck. Dex was able to back the truck out of the way but the river dropped the tree across the road. The truck was trapped with an immovable log in front and a rapidly rising river lapping at the rear wheels. A power saw was located and the saw teeth were barely chewing bark when the high water eased the log out from under the saw and back into the river. Undaunted by their near-loss of truck and boat, Dex and the Clevengers headed for the powerhouse hole where Dex hooked a lO-pound steelhead on his second cast. Fritz Dalby came out to the Canal last week to do some fishing from his sloop. He was rewarded with a suntan and two salmon. get all their possessions moved in one day and before they could get back someone took a 20-horse Johnson outboard motor, their boat trailer lights, one large bike, one small bike and one large trike and one small trike. Now down to what's happening at the little orange and brown schoolhouse. Friday the sixth grade is planning a bake sale to raise money for the Canadian trip later this month. The school has a set of keys that were found recently in the school gym. If you are missing some keys, check at the school. For all y6u nice folks who thus far are not registered to vote, please be advised that Pioneer's secretary, Nadine Rhoades, is eligible to take care of this service right here in the district. So if you have been putting off making a special trip to Shelton to register just drop in at the office at Pioneer, and get yourself registered. January 30 there will be a meeting for mothers of Blue Birds at 7 p.m. at the school. Cub Scout Pack 155 will meet at the Mormon Church for their January pack meeting at 7 p.m. tonight. I I RENT YOUR BAND (from $4.00 per month!} Phone 426.4302 205 Cota St. Shelton, W;. 18584 AND HERE'S ONE OF THEM! 3 PC. SUGAR-CREAMER FREE WITH A DEPOSIT OF $2,500 IWITH $1.000 DEPOSIT S5 - WITH $300 DEPOSIT ONLY $ I O) . PLUS * OUR 7.75% CERTIFICATE EARNS YOU 8.17%. Our new 7.75% six year certificate earns you a giant 8.17% when compounded daily and accumulated annually. Available in $1,000 minimum. (INTEREST PENALTY FOR PREMATURE WITHDRAWAL.) $40,000 INSURANCE BY AN AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL • GOVERNMENT. Yes, now your savings are DOUBLY SAFE HERE AT TCF with this increased protection by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. WE HAVE MONEY FOR HOME LOANS. When you save safely here with TCF you build our community by providing money for home loans for yourself and your friends and neighbors. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMPIA. SHELTON • LACEY Silk & Satin Hand & Body Lotion Was $1.29 Clean Sweep Sale Price ® e Tough, durable drainer let's you air-dry dishes. Reg. $2.69. Unbreakable, wipes clean, reg. $1.97. Fits standard size drawers. Fesco Ware Incredibly tough plastic. Reg. $5.99 Sit-0n Hamper tift-t0p Waste 27 gal. Trash can Your Choice REMING'rON ( 4 Only ) Great for around the home or traveling. Steam presses out wrinkles in clothing and it's great for drapes! One fill gives 30 minutes of steam. Reg. $14.98 Clean Sweep Price... Pet Supplies, Fuses, Candles, Kitchen Gadgets and more. Everything reduced to only . . Hurry! Sale items subject to stock on hand! Open 9:30 to 5:30 426-2818 A Division of Community Stores. inc. Fourth & Railroad Thursday, January 30. 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paqe 15