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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ne CARMEN YATES After a brief January recess members of the women's club be looking forward to a get 3gether next week. This ebruary meeting will be held at Hartstene Pointe Clubhouse Center. Hostesses for as meeting will be Grace and Dorothy Eno. A reminder to bring a cup spoon together with your Last week about a dozen and the island gals headed for Monday. The destination the group was the home of rgaret and Raymond former island friends. Occasion being Margaret's birthday, the gait took a decorated cake. A car load of gait including Lila Peugh, Helen alton, Beulah Hitchcock, Eileen Cruickshank and myself headed for the big city last week Wednesday. Our destination was the Seattle Center Playhouse to see 'our own' Shirl Larsen performing in the "Waltz of the Toreadors." After the play, which was just great, we all went backstage to visit Shirl for a short chat. A very nice young man who is in charge of the stage setting gave us a short tour of the stage. Before the show we had lunch at the Food Circus and then did some window shopping at the International Shops beneath the of local woman recently married Kelley, son of Mrs. Kelley, was married 28 to Kathleen Hall at Air Station chapel at Field, California. David Spent 14 years in the Navy a graduate of Mary M. Matlock Pinochle Club meet at the grange hall this at 8 p.m. of red-breasted robins this vicinity last week. a sign of an early spring, tell us. Club held its meeting Wednesday with Mrs. hostess, with 22 attending. Mrs. Linda ISOn's birthday was ted. Mrs. Kay ,Barnes birthday cake. r. and Mrs James Neer left for their home North Dakota, after three weeks with their nd nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Goodburn of Shelton ast Week with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier a birthday dinner afternoon at ~e Eugene home in honor of let Rossmaier's eleventh R.E. Bradberry called on Lowe of Shelton ,he weekend with his folks and son, the Grant Siehls and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley called at the Paul Johnston home at Satsop Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Iverson were Sunday callers at the Brehmeyer, St. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier from Matlock Grange joined a group from Mason County Granges in the minibus at Shelton to attend a grange conference at Clark County near Vancouver Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper entertained as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Tupper and son of Aberdeen, the Bill Huennehens of Aberdeen and the Skip Wilsons of Hoquiam and Bob Sonic and Penny of Seattle. Great ones eat up littles Do you know how empires find their end? Yes, the great States eat up the little... But how do the great States come to an end? By their own injustices, and 'no other cause. They would make unrighteousness their law, and God wills not that it be so. Theodore Parker food booths. At one point during the day it suddenly occurred to me that this was a first experience. I'd never seen a professional live play before so it was a special treat to actually know one of the cast in person the very first time 1 saw a live show. I understand via the grapevine that Ethel and Bob Phillips also saw the show and enjoyed it very much. The play ends this week and Shirl will have about a week at home before returning to Seattle to begin rehearsal for "The Matchmaker." In this play Shirl will have the lead role. January 1 6 Beth Minor received word that her father Bill Stieh had died in Victoria, B.C. that same day. Ironically, Beth told me it was her late mother's birthday, also. Beth has two sisters and four brothers. Only two live in the United States, a brother in Oregon and a sister in Ohio. The rest of the family still resides in Canada. All but one brother and the sister in Cleveland attended the funeral held January 20 in Victoria. Beth said the sadness of the occasion was somewhat diminshed that day by seeing aunts and uncles and cousins and other members of the family it had been so very long since she'd seen. Lee Campbell has earned the 'brave medal' award for this week by performing an act beyond the call of duty. Last Saturday he risked his sanity by escorting two teenaged boys in the same car to Seattle to attend the boat show, namely his own son Wade and Rusty Yates. And if anyone thinks two girls are impossible they just haven't really lived until they've spent at least four hours confined in a small car with two ridiculously silly boys, both highly prone to endless teasing and horseplay. Cars? Come to the next Yesteryear Car Club dinner meeting February 4 at Palitos. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. and Mrs. Dave Smith and ptulips spent the mother, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. of Shelton were callers Sunday at the and Mrs. Sam Butler spent at the Willimn and Mrs. Larry Leonar.d Orchard and Mrs. Archle ;re visitors of Mrs. Elvin Siehi of Milton spent My Real Estate Catalog is producing scores of out-of-town buyers, I desperately need listings. If you have any type of real estate you would like to sell call me today. JERRY SMITH Office 426-3361 -- Home 426-9131 NEW LOCATION PROFESSIONAL REALTY OFFICE BUILDING 7th & Railroad Ave., Shelton Associate of Don Benton Real1 O Tyee Inn i SOcial Hour ................. . .......... l Dinner ................ . ............... 6;000 : ;:00 L..__.-t,., ............... 8 :o Oo, :w.= Tickets $6.50 at WSECU office Grand Door Prize: Hawaii for two 520 East Union Avenue Olympia Phone 943-7911 ~ PC "ABLE tlectric 12$0 Watt, Ihermo$1at control Safety frill, Ioldin! rear HOLZGANG LIGHT AI ) LAMP PARTS • Reoair Liahts • Mak9 Liqhts • Chanqe Liqhts We carry complete Hollgon9 lame and light fixture parl~ all lime~ Beaw~e through the, ~etion and you'll get tome great ideo~ I 200 AMP Complete W,th Wire SERVICE PACKAGE 2QQ AMP re#tel beta • 200 AMP beeclke¢ ptnel , J with heeakerl • lift of 2/0 AI wire • 20 ft. ef 4/0 AL wire • Twe 2 m ereund'ns bv~kiaB~ • leer 2inck leckmvt, " 2 inch ~eatker kead * 5 ft of ~ inch cendvct. ALL I FOR ONLY 21"x32" satin f;nish double comportment STAINLESS STEEL Complete et thewn, with S" ELECTRIC MEDITERRANEAN STYLING All units have a Syn. thetic Resin Finish that is heat cured. Resistant to house- chemical with nylon guides on all drawers. Colrod type element with hLair flow chimney fin which circulates more 4-Foot heated air in the room. !000 Watt Reg. 18.95 MAHOGANY PRE-HUNG DOORS glass doors in alu- minum frames. BI-FOLD DOORS AND UP PAY 'N PAK INTERIOR LATEX Paint covers most walls in one coat. It dries in 30 minutes to a flat Matte finish. Clean up is easy wlth just soap and water. Gait Microwave i 4-PIECE ~1 Four piece, fireBIoce I~l tits Io Brace year keertk. -30e4 ~' ~ Polisked Brats, • 731 |lack red Brits, a 2112 gllltk lind Wooll. 1rove Cleoiee! RED HOT BUYS FIBERGLASS TUB & COMPACT VANITY ~ - e,~re cklicious rr~ols in minutes with this 1 7" x 20" WITHOUT FAUCET - microwave oven. Great for baking, cooking. (;em~t:~itt 8 8 ~ ~ -'~ defrosting. Ideal ap intighl reg. j , pliance for party • pl ..... ~39.9S I ', ~/ ~ givers. " 7. q~ WHITE & GOLD I I~I 3! 19"x 24" WITH FAUCET I I '1 one-place Qe '1 "~f - "~- marble-like ~ ~ r - top for easy reg cleaning. $89~95 DELUXE VANITY 12 CART FREE ~ Model S6 214a '19" x 31" WITH FAUCET Double door vanity for plenty of storage space. 95 Fiberglass with ground 250 Ft. Coil 'Solid Copper Weatherproof your Patio or create a Carport. You con even use these panels to enclose your yard. White, Green or Yel- low. 26" wide. Corrugated for EXTRA STRENGTH. s3~,s 8-Foot Size ....... 10-Ft. Size ...... s4.99tA. 12-Ft. Size ...... s5.99 Authentic FRANKLIN FIREPI FULL SCALE, FIIBt.STANDING It's All WOOO BURNING FIREPLACE WITH CAST THE CHARM OF EARLY AMERICANA IRON LIST $279.95 ONE PIECE CONSTRUCTION OF 'INDESTRUCTIBLE' FIBERGLASS MAKES IT EASY FOR ONE MAN TO INSTALL. $ IN WHITE. Add $20 for avocado, gold or blue. ! Fitting extra. Sales items limited to stock on hand. 'Plus Four" INDOOR PHOTO CELL LIGHT CONTROL l;u,o ,om0 o.o, [Turns lamps OFF at Down Blllectronic Eye Control , IlProtects Your Property Reg. S4.9S 26" Opening JET All-nylon shag with S waterproof rubber backing is both prac. tical and luxurious underfoot. (CHOICE OF COLORS). LIN. CHOICE OF SIZES With Coupon }A. Without Coupon 44c LIMIT 3 Cash Value 1/'20 of lc EXPIRES FEBRUARY I. 197S PROPANE TORCH TANK Safe, Clean, Easy to use LIMIT 2 WITH COUPON eaa Without Coupon .... 1.49 ea. ~osh Value I/20 0f Ic EXPIRES FEBRUARY I, 197.S A NEW TRIO OF MONEY SAVING COUPON CHAIN LIGHTS LIST , S40 OPEN SUNDAY 11 to4 Daily 9:00 - 6:00 Friday 9:00 - 8:00 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 Downtown Olympia SOS S. Plum St. )6161~0t8 ~ CRYSTAL S,nqle Swc~g Thursday, January 30, 1975 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17