January 30, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 30, 1975 |
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It was jointly announced this
week by Mrs. Ann Martin,
administrative assistant, Shelton
School District No. 309 and Bob
Mason, president, Shelton Society
of Educators, that there will be an
In-Service Day and Structured
Tutoring Seminar at the Shelton
High School auditorium February
7 from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Students will be dismissed
early so all teachers can attend.
For those teachers, volunteer
aides and persons in the
community interested, the
seminar will continue from 7 to
10 p.m. that same evening and,
also, February 8 at the high
school auditorium from 8:30 a.m.
to 3:45 p.m. This seminar is
provided at no charge except a 75
cent charge for those who wish to
attend the Saturday luncheon.
John C. Wilkison of Brigham
Young University will instruct a
specific tutoring skills program
entitled structured tutoring.
Those interested in more
information can call Ann Martin,
district office at Evergreen
Elementary School, 426-1687.
Never be enslaved
While it is true that an inherently
free and scrupulous person may
be destroyed, such an individual
can never be enslaved or used as a
blind tool.
Albert Einstein
Craig Sawyer
Craig Sawyer
Craig Sawyer, selected as
Rotary Vocational Student of the
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Lake Limerick
The Social Committee met
January 25 in the Pro Shop. Plans
and suggestions for the 1975
season were discussed and dates
set with final arrangements to be
made prior to the event. Under
the direction of Don Arnold the
new committee chairman, 1975
should be an outstanding success.
The next Lake Limerick
Newsletter will be sent to LOOKING OVER a rock display set up at the state capital in
members and will have Olympia are Worthy Kanaar of the Shelton Rock and Mineral
notification of the events. Society, Mrs. Altenia Ferguson of the Washington Agate and
Announcement of the card Mineral Society, Olympia, and Mrs. Kanaar.
party held January 25 didn't get
in the paper (for lack of space). ]
What we lacked in numbers we Loca, group assisting
made up for in enthusiasm. Mary
Lou Nault received the first prize in rock naming effort
and Jack Hagedorn took home
the consolationprize. The Shelton Rock and rock and mineral society said
Ralph and Velma Bennett Mineral Society, along with other petrified wood was selected
arrived home from their vacation members of the Washington State because it is found in some form
in Reno and California in time to Mineral Council, is promoting the in every county in the state and it
take part in the card party. They designation of petrified wood as is also a fossil.
reported good weather all the way the official gem of the state. As part of their activities, the
but it was much too generous of A state senate bill, sponsored mineral council set up a display of
them to bring this white stuff by Senators Alan Bluechel, Nat polished slabs of logs, limb casts,
back to us. Washington and Max Benitz, has cabochons and jewelery, all from
February 1 will be quiet as been sent to the state government Washington state.
the clubhouse doesn't open until committee. The exhibit has been viewed
February 7. February 8 will be The bill was up for hearing by many of the visitors to the
the regular meeting of the before the committee at 2 p.m. capital during the current
architectural committee at 11 Wednesday. legislative session.
a.m. in the clubhouse. Two A spokesmar~ for the local
members of the club who have
been contemplating building are
ready to start. Fred Hipkins of Southside
division two replat came over to
look at our house again and will me
be starting his home soon. He tire
already has the septic tank
installed and the driveway in as
well as the culvert, so much of the
preliminary work is done. By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Eveleth led the flag salute and
Robert Parke of division one Mason County Fire District Jenny Eveleth read the minutes.
is also ready to start building No. 4 meets February 4 at 7 p.m. Members decided what they did
soon. Both Hipkins and Parke will at Station 4 at Kamilche. at their Christmas party because
be presenting their plans soon. The Live Wires 4-H meeting no one took the minutes.
February 8 at 2 p.m. will be was called to order at 3:13 p.m. For old business members
another meeting of the concerned at the Southside School. Molly went back to community service.
citizens in the banquet room. 4-H'ers are deciding to clean
Possibly they will have some Walker Park. Club members went
finalized plans to present to the around the room to decide what
members from their meeting with William Tobler they could do for community
is Rotary
Month from the Shelton High
School electronics class, is the son
of Gene and Shirley Sawyer of
His instructor describes him
as an excellent citizen, capable
and competent, who can be
trusted with any task.
Craig, born June 27, 1957 in
Shelton, has a brother, Jeff, who
is a freshman. His small sister,
the three board members, service. They thought they could
Sherri, is a first-grader in Mt. February 15 will be the in Arkansas find old eye glasses andgivethem
View School. regular meeting of the board of William J. Tobler, son of to the Lion's to fix up. Members
trustees at 9:30 a.m. in the retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant filled outtheircalendalrt?~,
Mechanics as well as banquet room. , Colonel and Mrs. J.A. Tobler, For new business hiembers
electronics are of interest to The Valentine s dance with Shelton, has been assigned to decided to gotoafabri0,storeand
Sawyer who rides and repairsmusic by the Rythmaires will be McChord AFB, from Little Rock maybe get some material. The
motorcycles as a hobby. He February 15 also. A bit of fun AFB, Arkansas. meeting was adjourned, reported
enjoys participation in citizens and novelty will be generated by Tobler, an Air Force staff Susan Chambers.
band radio, and he is fond of the selecting a "sweetheart" of the sergeant, is an aircraft loadmaster Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and
family pet, a pomeranian. He is a Valentine dance. Those attending with the 4th Military Airlift children and two guests spent
member of the First Baptistwill have a chance to vote for Squadron, a unit of the Military three days at the ocean.
Church. their choice as they arrive.Airlift Command. Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson
As a SheltonHighSchool Receptacles will be near theHe graduated in 1965 from and Jackie had dinner Friday
junior he studies U.S.history,entrance for the votes. Irene S. Reed High School and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
English, electronics and The ladies golf club will hold attended Centralia Junior College. Kratcha.
metalshop, which will be replaced election of officers for the coming
by physical science next semester, season March 2 at 10 a.m. at the
He has been employed in Pro Shop.
Christmas tree work by Douglas
Fir Company and by Manke and
Sons. Too much weather
"1'11 attend a vocational January snowy; February flowy;
school after graduation," he March blowy. April show'ry;May
states, "and I'll study either flow'ry'Junebow'ry. Julymoppy;
electronics or mechanics." Au gust croppy ; September
poppy. October breezy;
November wheezy; December
• freezy.
IS R. B• Sheridan
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nei bor=.
Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thb sday, January 30, 1975
Thousands of children's books
appear annually, most of them
designed to teach good manners
to tiny barbarians through threats
and promises delivered obliquely
by anthropomorphic animals. A
few recent arrivals at the Shelton
Library take a more realistic look
at animal and human affairs than
is usual, and point out some
fairly unconventional morals.
In Russel Hoban's "How Tom
Beat Captain Najork and His
Hired Sportsmen," the young
hero lives unhappily with his
aunt, Miss Fidget Wonkham-
Strong, a formidable beldam who
wears an iron hat and forces Tom
to memorize pages from the
Nautical Almanac when he would
prefer to fool around with ladders
and barrels. But when Aunt
Fidget hires Captain Najork and
his sportsmen to teach Tom a
lesson, he beats them easily, a feat
that enables him to unload his
aunt and hire a more acceptable
substitute• Fooling around pays
In Alice and Martin
Provensen's "Our Animal Friends
at Maple Hill Farm," with
charming illustrations by the
authors, farm animals appear very
much as they are: the geese have
terrible tempers; the silliest of the
sheep can't find her way around
without a leader and faints when
she's sheared,
Shel Silverstein's "Where the
Sidewalk Ends," belongs to the
shocker school of children's verse•
One sample, called "Dreadful," is
a bloody-minded
sibling rivalry: Someone
baby, It's rather sad
Someone ate the baby,
won't be out to play..
heartless thing to
policemen haven't got a
simply can't imagine who
go and (burp) eat
Robert Krauss'
Mouse," apparent
sophisticated first
graders, is a
about a frugal
a Victorian mousetrap
owned by Sir Hedley
whose father had built
mousetrap ("If I
someone else will").
factory goes bankrupt
Hedley's ruthless
management ('TII
mice like dogs - and
low wages"),
him out and converts
"We mice must stick
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the above case(s), we will replace or at our ion, give
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USAGE -- This Guarantee applies only to:
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