January 30, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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RICK HASKELL, Shelton jayvee wrestler, is just seconds away from pinning
his Chehalis opponent during a match last Thursday.
" ]lte~l,.~lton,,m ~_,. varsity and jayvee VARSITY:' Wickett pinned Mark Young, 1:34 by forfeit. * Clint Morgan moved decisioned Hoglund 9 to 5; 141-
:Yl~s~ defeated Mt. Tahoma lOl- Steve Ford decisioned of third period; 148 - Dale up from 122 to 129 to replacethe Rick Haskell decisioned by
4d'~ 3Uesday by scores of 32-25 by David Numes 4 to 1; 108 - Brewer pinned Jeff Messengale, ill Dave Cox. Langford 5 to 3; 148 - Kevin
, I
Ridout pinned Harper, :56 of
Scott Valley decisioned by David l :05 of third period; 158 - JAYVEES:
RUsty Wickett, Dale Brewer, Yost 10 to O; 115 - Arden Leonard Stolen pinned Steve second round; 158 - Bob Smith
Stolen and RoyPearsall Merriman decisioned Mike Cantu, 1:39 of second period;101 - Matt Kamin won by pinned Rogers 1:43 of the third
Mitchell 6 to 0; 122 -Chris 168 - Roy Pearsall pinned forfeit;108 - Chet Chapman won round; 168 -- Earl Freeman
pins for the Climber Patnode won by forfeit; 129" - George Sampson, 1:38 of thirdby forfeit; ll5 - Stan Goodburn pinned Burris :39 seconds of first
While Kevin Ridout, Bob Clint Morgan decisioned by period; 178 - Matt Wilson won by forfeit; 122 - Jeff round; 178 - Tom Myer
Dennis Yost 5 to l; 135 - Karl decisioned Nell Schierman 6 to l; Coleman won by forfeit; 129 - decisioned Wallace 7 to O; 190
and Earl Freeman did 190 -
Stolen decisioned by Doug Mt. Tahoma won by Dave Johnston decisioned Welsh and UNL -- both were double
for the Sheiton jayvees. Thoreson 8 to l; 141 - Rusty forfeit; UNL - Mt. Talloma won l0 to 4; 135 - Dave Sadler forfeit.
alis ma men
~lton High School's decisioned Mike McRoskey, 4 to
2 ; 178 -- Wayne Devaney
dropped a meet to • decisioned by Glenn Smith, 2 to
by a 36-13 O; 190 -- Shelton forfeited to
Climber jayvees Chehalis; UNL -- Shelton
the order with a 38-23 forfeited to Chehalis.
OVer the Bearcat junior JAYVEES:
101 -- Matt Kamin pinned
~l~$1Ty. Hunter, 1:04, second period; 108
~'t'101 ~'S" -- Chet Chapman decisioned
II IE~K W... ~eve Ford pinned by Nisbet, 6 to 3; 115 -- Stan
'*tiers 1 08 fir
~" Scot~ : ' st period Goodburn decisioned by Dorthy,
~ ~.AVeri _ Val ey decisioned 3 to 1 ; 122 -- Brian Willis
~rriraan ~, 5 to 1; 115 -- Arden decisioned Snodgrass, 4 to 0; 129
il:Lurlen decisioned by RanDy -- Dave Johnston pinned Haack,
~tJan cl'e 2 to 1. 122 -- Clint 1:54, second period; 135 -- Mike
|3. -- cisioned 'Jac
i~1~.~9 -~. ~. k White, 5 Hovind drew with Schindler, 2 to
i, Ich~-- uave Cox decisioned 2; 144 -- Rick Haskell pinned
~1-~>t~.Averill, 3 to 1; 135 -- Huston, 1:16, third period; 148 --
mBl~'htlrn=~ decisioned by Mike Kevin Ridout decisioned by
r/~ikett ~le~:_to 5; 141 - Rusty Costa, 8 to 6; 158 --Bob Smith
I~K.u; l~l~sloned Tim Sory, 10 decisioned by Riffe, 15 to 8;
~lrlsi(~necl ~ ,'-- Dale Brewer 158" -- Mark Trail decisioned by
~.~ l=,'y Lonn e Hitchock 7 Houston, 6 to 2; 168-- Larry
~ls.ionecl . Leonard Stolen Jones won by forfeit; 178--Tom
, | ,1; ] oy boug Hitchock 7 Myers pinned Nelson 1:04, third
r tl~ -~o ~ Roy Pearsall period. *Exhibition.
~t~l[ H,._D ~I[TTI[:W, "~'HAN ~ ~'TIEL.NI[AO CAN I~( /%P.OE V£RY
licit it ,~OIK. C~4[AI~Ly AT 140/~E.
rq~ _ ~ t~OOIIE DURtN~ h
~lr .~ ~tFFERF.HT
ON "THE LI[~DER. £C~5 CkH ~.
USED ~|'TH "r~|$. us~" DtirTIE~fll~NT
COLORS OF y~tt, H,
C~EAP ~kNl> F..Ik3V "1"O QF.T.
Rec center
is open
i every day
Tale The Evergreen State College
Recreation Center, open to the
public seven days a week for a
By HERBWILLIAMS nonrinal fee, has extended its
hours winter quarter. New hours
The other day as my wife and 1 rode our bicycles through town
where houses occupy most of the land, 1 was surprised to see a hawk
soar close over one house and disappear from sight in the next block. It
flew as if it had a definite destination in mind and didn't reappear.
We see gulls, thousands of starlings, robins, martins, a covey of quail
now and then, plus a pheasant from time to time. But never had 1 seen
one of the raptors, the birds of prey. It seemed to me that it probably
belonged to someone who has taken up the sport of falconry.
Falconry is usually associated with the olden days, when the lord of
the manor had his falcons. According to game managers, falconry is
making a comeback.
Once considered predators, these birds ofprey now are on protected
lists, for it was learned that they feed heavily on rodents and other such
pests. Wild raptors get some game birds too, but the rals they kill more
than makes up for it. Rats will really prey on eggs and young birds.
Falconry is a demanding sport, for the birds need regular workouts.
You can't keep a falcon, one, of the wildest of birds, in a cage for weeks
at a time and expect it 1o stay healthy, let alone perform well when you
take it out.
are from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday
through Friday; noon to 8:30
p.m. Saturday, and i to 6:30 p.m.
Use fee for Olympia area
residents is 75 cents per person
each day, Sunday through Friday.
Saturdays the fee is lowered to 25
cents per person. Children under
13 years of age must be
accompanied by an adult.
Here's a dog dish supreme I picked up last year, courtesy of
Winchester, that is worth keeping until next fall.
If you cut up your own deer, elk or moose, bone it by cutting away
waste fat, bones, connective tissue, hock meat and tough odds and
ends. It saves storage space and kitchen time. Dump these scraps and
trimmings into a big roaster (any big covered roaster will do), cover
with water and simmer until it's all cooked into a thick broth - adding
water as needed. This may take a day and a night.
Fish out the bones and other uncookables, add salt and a small
amount of onion (dogs love a touch of onion) and plenty of yellow
corn meal. Continue simmering until it's too thick to stir. When it's
cooled, it's solid and can be cut into chunks• Freeze or store in an old
Dogs love the stuff, in fact it comes out almost good enough for
humans to eat. The price is right and you're not wasting those tag ends
of a game animal. And don't worry, it won't make a dog run deer.
Accident Prone ?
Don't worry, we can fix
that windshield in a
hurry with a
Guaranteed Windshield
3rd & Grove
"Where your windshield
is guaranteed not to leak."
Men's Hi Game: Clay Keith &
Bud Knutzen 225
Men's Hi Series: Bud Knutzen
Standings: Lions 14-6, Bull
13-7, PUD 12½-7~b, Antlers 12-8,
Eagles 11-9, Reneckers 10Vz-9V~,
West. Auto 10-10, Fuller 10-10,
Rotary 9-]1, Nimrod 7-13, Heads
6-14, Kiwanis 5-15.
Rotary 4, Bob Chamberlin
571; Eagles 0, L.C. Leman 557;
Nimrod 3, Mark Schmidt 534;
Bull 1, Bud Knutzen 612; Antlers
4, Lloyd Clark 553; Kiwanis 0,
Dell Abelein 448; PUD 3Vz, John
Warren 541; Reneckers ]/2, Dennis
Renecker 505; Lions 4, Mac
Mclnelly 588; West. Auto 0, Jerry
Mallory 538; Fuller 4, Jack Frost
573; Heads 0, Russ Harvey 486.
Little League
Results &
Valley's Hotpointers 34
Morrison 4
M. Lyles 8
Anderson 0
Martin 4
Coker 6
Knight 4
Matson 0
Schneider 0
Carrington 2
Coleman 2
Barnes 4
M. C. Credit Union 10
Morgan 1
R. Rogers 4
S. Miller 0
C. Salisbury 0
A. Schneider 2
Hagman 0
Pearson 0
Casey 0
Strate 1
Anderson 0
Hart 0
Hicks 0
List 2
L. Gouley 0
Himlie Realty, Inc. 43
S. Zichorn 18
Krumpols 2
Nelson 7
Smith 2
Wright 6
Anglin 4
Bach 0
Putvin 2
Dunnington 0
Bell 2
O.K. Roofers 35
J. King 0
Allen 8
R. Pulsifer 16
Lupinacci 2
G. King 0
Heimbigner 5
Smith 2
Twiddy 0
Jelkov 0
Lindgren 0
B. Richert 2
League Stand ings
Himlie 3 0
O.K. Roofers 2 1
Valley's 1 2
Sunday, February 2
Valley's vs. O.K. Roofers
Himlie vs. MCFCU
Game time 2 p.m.
Game time 2 p.m.
Himlie vs. MCFCU
Referees: Lee Devaney, Mel
Morgan, Dave Carlson, John
Laugen. Scorers: Mark Jaros,
Brenda Surlow, Jay Zamzow,
Hard lot
How hard their lot who neither
won nor lost. James Beattie
present a
six race
series on
two tracksl
Six Sundays
Races to beheld at
Straddle Line &
I..~,,,-..-.. 1 0
I,*,,-,, ")A
February 9
February 23
February 2
February 16
All races start at 10:00 a.m.
Spectators only $3.00
The Shelton Trailblazers track is
;~ located at Mason County Fairgrounds.
Women's Hi Game: Sonja Pearson
Women's Hi Series: Lucy
Farmwald 500
Standings: Lumbermen's
14-6, Fir Cone 11Vz-81/z, Morgan's
8V~1 lVz, 40&8 6-14.
Morgan's 3, Lucy Farmwald
5UO; Fir Cone 1, Sonja Cochran
463 ; Lumbermen's 3, Bev
Kunnanz 440; 40&8 1, Marlis
Monger 389.
Men's Hi Game: Jim Brewer 218
Men's Hi Series: Jim Brewer 581
Women's Hi Game: Edith Water
Women's Hi Series: Pat Brown
Standings: Salty 15-5, H20
14V~-5V~, Farmers 13-7, Totems
12V2-71k, Hookers 12-8, Hot
10-10, B's 9V~-101h, Balz 8-12,
Ding 8-12, Moonshiners 7-13,
Rookies 5Vz-14Vz, Lakers 5-15.
H20 4, Glinda Ettlin 560;
Rookies 0, Ron Seymour 483;
Totems 2, Pat Brown 575;
Hookers 2, Ben Klein 561; B's 4,
Walt Barnes 508; Lakers 0, Floyd
Fuller 490; Farmers 2, Jim
Brewer 581; Moonshiners 2, Edith
Walter 521; Hot 1, Larry Skillman
490; Ding 3, Bill Boad 479; Balz
2, Jean Hartwell 566; Salty 2,
Doug Wicken 562.
Women's Hi Game: Leslee
Cochran 177
Women's Hi Series: Donna
Coleman 508
Standings: Loaders 10-6,
Shops 8-8, Loggers 7-9, Railroad
Loggers 1, Leslie Cochran
496; Railroad 3, Donna Coleman
508; Loaders 3, Jeanette
Schneider 471; Shops i, Vi
McGee 428.
- o o
Men's Hi Game: Dave Eichhorn &
Gerry Hart 215
Men's Hi Series: Dave Eichhorn
Women's Hi Game: Debbie
Boynton 211
Women's Hi Series: Debbie
Boynton 540
Standings:Wilson 11W-4Vz,
Fir Cone 11-5. Paulev 10-6. Mell
10-6, West. Realty 10-6, McComb
9-7, Maint. 9-7, Ruffner 8Vz-7V~,
Land & Homes 6-10, Binder 5-11,
Waterboys 4-12, Chris's 2-14.
Land & Homes 0, Doug
Tingvall 461; Fir Cone 4, Dave
Eichhorn 578; Binder 3, Ray
Rohwein 518; Ruffner 1, Jim
Jones 438; Mell 4, Sherry
ToWnsend 531; Waterboys 0,
Tom Rolfs 488; Pauley 2• Bob
Florek 458; Chris's 2, Ralph
Victor 439; West Realty 2, Monte
Haag 517; Wilson 2, Jean Ream
535; McComb 1, Ralph Ervin
478; Maint. 3, Gerry Hart 519.
Men's Hi Game: Bill Lang 214
Men's Hi Series: Bill Lang 546
Women's Hi Game: Dannette
Huisingh 195
Women's Hi Series: Dannette
Huisingh 542
Standings: M~/l~OwS 12-4,
Merv's 12-4, 12-4,
Lumbermen's 12-4, Lloyd's 8-8,
C&C 8-8, Hembroff 7-9, A&W
6-10, Verne's 6-10, Hut 6-10,
MCS 4-12, Joslin's 3-13.
Millo's 3, Kevin Ridout 430;
Joslin's 1, Tim Morton 372; VFW
3, Dave Danielson 484; MCS 1,
Trudy Lindberg 376; Verne's 3,
Louie Zoren 467; Lloyd's 1, Mike
Wierauch 429; Lumbermen's 4,
Jenene Pleines 381; Hembroff 0,
Steve Haworth 396; A&W 2, Milo
Stansell 507; Merv's 2, Bill Lang
546; C&C 4, Marvin Hicks 417;
Hut 0, Paul Skipworth 425.
The second in a series of six
moto-cross races between the
Shelton Trailblazers and
StraddleLine Cycle Park for the
1975 District I Moto-Cross
Championship was held at the
Mason County Fairgrounds
Results in the Open A were:
1st, Chris Moritz, Kent; 2nd, Bill
Joyce, Puyallup; 3rd, Micah
Rapheal, Port Orchard; 4th, Phil
Larson, Bremerton.
250B: 1st, Jim Eveland,
Olympia; 2nd, Jeff Mour,
Shelton; 3rd, Jeff Ashe, Chehalis.
OPEN B: 1st, Dale Hodson,
Tacoma; 2nd, Don Campbell,
Shelton; 3rd, Greg Brings,
Old Timers: 1st expert,
Robert McAllister, Aberdeen; 2nd
amateur, Don Taylor, Seattle; 3rd
novice, Don McCandless, Seattle.
Small wheel mini: 1st, David
Cruickshank, Shelton; 2nd, Kris
Kiser. Shelton.
Mini-B: 1st, Kerry lOser,
Super mini: 1st, Scott Kibler,
Mini A: 1st, Phil Larson,
Bremerton; 2nd, Scott Tyler,
100-125A: 1st, Doug Raines,
Belfair; 2nd, Rocky Perrott,
Olympia; 3rd, Junior York,
McCleary; 4th, Tad Richards,
McCleary; 5th, Randy Thomson,
Puyallup; 6th, Arie Calleghan,
Elma; 7th, Mickey Lumsden, Port
Orchard; 8th, Kim Griggs,
100B: 1st, Tom Poage,
Tumwater; 2nd, Steve Smith,
Bremerton; 3rd, Stuart Stanley,
125B: 1st, Bob Klemp,
Raymond; 2nd, Roger Landberg,
Lima; 3rd, Dalla Nyblod,
100-125C: 1st, Tracey
Burkey, Olympia; 2nd, Brian
Valentine, Centralia; 3rd, Ron
Binckley, Bothell.
250A: 1st, Don Brown; 2nd,
Lee Voss; 3rd, Gene Smith; 4th,
Tom Cruickshank, Shelton; 5th,
Rich Binckley, Bothell.
Michelin steel-belted radials roll more easily than
conventional bias ply tires. You go further for longer and
use less gas on the way than with conventional tires.
The steel-belted radial construction
reduces rolling resistance, making it easier for
your car's engine to push you along. Less power is needed
so less gas is used. You get measurable gas savings.
Michelin's steel-belted radial construction also
provides stabilized tread distribution so tread wears evenly
-- lasts thousands of miles longer than
conventional bias ply tires.
There's a lot in it for you with Michelin
Stop in today and have a set installed.
Think radial.., and
look to the leader
First & Cota SHELTON 426-8104
Thursday, January 30, 1975 - 5helton-Mason County Journal - Page 21