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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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here your home sweet home. For Rent For Rent Legal PuMimtions Legal Publications i TWO BEDROOM redecorated 1 BED. apt., unf., 3 years old. Engineer's office at the attorney of record at the address I ~r'4r~H~/~.,~,,,,9 ~~II apartment downtown. Garbage, 406 North 13th Street, $105 Courthouse, Shelton, Washington.stated below and file the same water and TV cable furnished, month. Phone 426-6544. The County Commissioners with the Clerk of this Court, q 426-3000. W1/30-2/20 C1/23-30 reserve the right to reject any and together with proof of such ~i~!I ........... all bids and to accept only those service within four months after ii~/~:~' ....... ~'~ FOR RENT or sale, 2 bedroom UNFURNISHED ~ bids deemed most advantageous January 16, 1975, or the same I~~~ I furnished house on Timberlakes. mobile home, all electric, no pets. to the County. will be forever barred. Call after 5 p.m., VE8-9545. 426-3242. B1/16tfn DATED this 20th day of /s/GERALDT. ROSE B1/30-2/6 GERALD T. ROSE ~;'~# ~i~ BOARD OF COUNTY Personal Representative ONE BEDROOM furnished beach ~ January, 1975. apartment, unfurnished, HolidayCOMMISSIONERS OF JOHN C. RAGAN ~. house, private, 6-month minimum House, $1 10 month. Phone MASON COUNTY, Attorney for Estate I~~~!L~ Ilease' first and last m°nth' $150 426"2549 °r 866"7059" K1/23tfn WASHINGTON Title Insurance Building : month. /79-2167. B1/30 /s/By Ruth E. Boysen 122 Railroad Avenue Clerk of the Board Shelton, Washington 98584 FURNISHED 1 bedroom Nahwatzel, 12 miles west of .,~ .... ~ 1/23-30-2t 1/16-23-30-3t apartment. $90, 426-4892. Wl/30 Shelton. $120 per month,all ~-- Ho--U~-T~ utilities included. $40 deposit. ~i completely furnished, all utilities 426-8323 afternoons. L1/23-2/13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NOTICE OF SPECIAL paid. $190 per month. Call ~ NO. 12202 ELECTION SCHOOL I | 426-4823. B1/30tfn 2 BEDROOM home, double THE SUPERIOR COURT OF DISTRICT NO. 403 I carport with shop, large fenced WASHINGTON FOR MASON Tuesday, February 4, 1975 yard and garden area, partially COUNTY N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y TWO BEDROOM apartment for furnished, $120 month, first and IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF G IVEN: That on Tuesday, rent Feb. 1 5th, unfurnished, last months rent, damage deposit. JAMES G. MAGNUS, Petitioner, February 4, 1975, a special R appliances, carpet throughout;all Call 426-3197 before noon. and KAREN L. MAGNUS, election will be held in the utilities included except $1/23-2/13 Respondent. above-named school district for I CASH TALKS, widow moving | electricity and heat. No pets. | from area. Neat 2 bedroom I $120. Call after 6 p.m. 426-1078 ~ T H E S T A T E O F the submission to the qualified WASHINGTON TO THE SAID electors of said school district of I converted mobile home with I or 426-6060. 1/30-2/20 style 2 bedroom waterfront K A R E N L. M A G N U S, the followingproposition: I IV2 baths, electric furnace, I I large covered deck, 12' x 24' I SEV-E-RAL HOUSES for rent. 1 home, Pickering Passage. Electric Respondent: MAINTENANCE AND heat, range and refrigerator, Y O U A R E H E R E B Y OPERATION LEVY |heated shop, 1.4 acre site in Ifurnished. Phone 426-4220. fireplace, large garage, big yard. SUMMONED TO APPEAR within ,, $756,509.00 Iconvenient country location. I W1/30-2/6 References required. $175 per sixty (60)days after the date of Shall the North Mason School I Will consider some terms. Call I lus at 426-2646 for more I ~ month. Call 1-531-3806. the first publication of this DistrictNo. 403 of Mason County linformation and FREE I and l/z mobile home just outsideG1/23-30 Summons, to-wit: within sixty levy a general tax upon the ]inspection. I Hoodsport on the water. Nice ~ (60) days after the 30th day °ftaxable pr°perty within the January, 1975, and defend the school district in excess of bulkhead. $150 month. Call secluded, laundry. Walk to town. above entitled action in the above constitutional and statutory Mason County Realty, 426-4486. entitled Court, and answer the limitations in the sum of I HIMLIE REALTY, INC. I M1/ 0 Petition of the Petitioner, and $756,509.00 an estimated $8.50 I 6th and Railroad I S~ serve a copy of the answer upon per one-thousand dollars of the undersigned Attorney at his assessed valuation. Such assessed I 426-2646 I downtown, water, garbage, address below stated; and in case valuation is true and fair value I electricity, heat included, save. of your failure so to do, judgment unless specifically provided $65 per month. Quiet. 426-8802 will be rendered against you otherwise by law. Such levv to be I~ ! evenir~s. Pl/30tfn according to the demands of the made in 1975 for collation NE---'-~-~LY RE~R~~-~ Petition, which has been filed 1976, the proceeds thereof to be with the Clerk of said Court. credited to the General Fund of bedroom house, 4 miles out of That the Petitioner is North Mason School District No. l ~,*~'~~~;~;~*:~f~ I town, stove and refrigerator I ~ ~~/~:71~ of Dissolution on grounds that expenses of maintenance and ~~~;:~ ~ ~'+:~ furnished, $90 plus $30 deposit, petitioning the Court for a Decree 403 to permit the district to pay ....... ~;~ Small pets allowed. 426-2744. the marriage is irretrievably operation as more specifically ~sl '~:;~ C1/30 I broken, provided in Resolution No. /s/JOHN C. RAGAN 1-G-75 adopted by the Board of 2V~ BEDROOM older home, JOHN C. RAGAN Directors on the 6th day of carpeted living room, gas range I -'~- - and heat. $130 plus first and last One and Two Bedroom Attorney for Petitioner January, 19757" month. $35 deposit. Belfair Apartments, with carpet, drapes | JOHN C RAGAN ....... TAX LEVY, YES 275-3052. B1/30 ! & appliances, no pets. I Attorney at law TAX LEVY, NO Shelton, Washinqton 98584 The polling place for the ff Apt I precincts wholly or partially FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 1, 1 1/30-2/6-13-20-27-3/6-6t within the district shall be as 2 and 3-bedroom. No pets, six _e enon s. ,o,,ow,: ;:!~ months minimum. Reasonable PREC INCTS & POLLING rent. Edgewood, 426-5093, 2329 Jefferson St. I PLACE respectively: :~ Highway 101 past airport. ACCOUNT No. 4527 Belfair No. 1 & No. 2 Belfair Mgr. Apt. 2 or | NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL Allyn, Allyn Grade School E11/21tfn 426-1916 7/11 tfn | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Elementary School FOR RENT: Trailer space close i THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Belfair No. 3 & No. 4 Belfair to downtown. Call426-4426. FOR MASON COUNTY Elementary School ]O/8tfn i In the Matter of the Estate of Twin Lakes No. 825 (Kitsap) I TORGER LEE I MT, VIEW / HARRY T. FISHER, Deceased. Belfair Elementary School 2 BEDROOM house on 2 plus NOTICE is given that the Tahuya, Tahuya Fire Hall ~Y~R~wNind~rbasketba~acr~s~a~m~st2~f~et~nMi~~~~Fina~Acc~untandP~titi~nf~r Mason County Auditor | court plus a Woodland Manor | Creek, fruit trees, big garden spot, Distribution has been filed with /s/Ruth E. Boysen 1/30 It | three-bedroom special. When | storage shed, carport. Less than % the Clerk of the above Court and I not playing basketball the 12'/, I mi,e from town. $12.500. Ca, I ,p~ll~ I the Administratrix seeks I ft. high door will let you drive' I 426-1712. R1/23-2/13 settlement of the Account, i ~ | almost anything under cover. 1| I~| distribution of the estate, andShelton, Washington. |Call Torg now to see thisI discharge, which matters have NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S I I SALE OF REAL ESTATE I package at only $26,950.00. | LOCATED IN a beautiful garden 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished been set for hearing on February STATE OF setting, apartment for rent,21, 1975, at 9:30 a.m. in the WASHINGTON, downtown area, unfurnished, I Available NOW -- No Pets I Courtroom in the County County of Mason ss. SHERIFF S IHIMLIE REALTY, INC. I includes carport, washing I CONTACT MANAGER , BY VIRTUE OF Writ of facilities. CAll between 5 p.m. Courthouse of Mason County, in OFFICE | 6th and Railroad J and 9 p.m. Adults only, no pets. I A'~_':ll~t~ I ROBERT L. SNYDER Execution issued out of the | 426-2646 i 426-1479. O11/21tfn /s/Robert L. Snyder Honorable Court of the State of Attorney for Estate Washington for Mason County, on 3, POSSIBLE 4 BR house, small 125~N~St~St., ~ the 31st.~y 0{oDe~t..~r, 1974~ ~ house, also apartment. 426-4420, ' P.O.~E~bx 39-6 + - by' the Clerk tl~eo~e case OT ' 426-6657. Wl/2tfn Shelton, We. 98584 VWR United Corporation, a Wanted to Rent Telephone (206) 426-6233 . Delaware corporation versus Allen 1-BEDROOM mobile home, ~ Publications 1/30-1t A. Bowden and Wanda L. partly furnished. No pets. Bowden, his wife, W. & A. Development company, a Washington corporation; Hood TITLE IV (A) Canal Associates, a limited PUBLIC MEETING partnership and Robert Yeakel Parents of Indian children, and Jane Ooe Yeakel, his wife, r. secondary Indian students, general partners therein No. TAKE NOTICE: That teachers and interested persons 11585, and to me, as Sheriff, ~I~ WRITER$17:)Tottenreferences,rent/leaseNorthwest per Shores, i;i!~!i!iii!i i:: Call waterfront, month. RETURNING in426"8777. Arcadia January #~ .......... Excellent home area, J1/9tfn seeks to to in suitable 426-3043. unfurnished 426-3242. B1/9tfn FOR F%~ RENT for B1/9-30 house, --older Small~+ electric couple. 1-bedroom ~ heat, Call south Richard DIVERSION FOR NOTICE USEand CHANGE OF G. 200 SURFACE OF and AND feet APPLICATION Mary OFwest PLACE POINT E. WATER from Relier OF OF the of are program herebYor notified project of fore public which directed and to and the delivered: following described ~_~_ =--~.-~-~_ for single adult with reference.Shelton, Washington, have filed meeting at Evergreen Elementary N O T I C E I S H E R E BY Lawton Apartments, 703 Pine. an application to change the point Library Thursday, February 6th,GIVEN, That I will proceed to 1975 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss: sell at public auction to the Mobile Homes 426-2121 or 426-5811. Ll/gtfr of diversion and place of use of a), the report of the Title IV highest bidder for cash, within the 0.015 cubic feet per second of (A) 'Educational and Cultural hours prescribed by law for water, being a portion of the 0.08 I m provement Program" of Sheriff's Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock 1957 ANGELUS mobile home, cubic feet per second of the 1973-74and 1974-75. A.M., on the 21st day of waters of an unnamed spring, b) the adequacy of current February, 1975, before the Court 8x40,$1,500.carpet,426-4940range, refrigeratOr,or Seattle ~~'-~-'--~-"-~-"~"~-~" tributary of an unnamed stream, programs to meet the special House door of Mason County, 824-4025. M1/9-30 ltbbile Homes as granted in Surface Water Certificate No. 5850. educational needs of Indian Fourth Street entrance, at That such water is being children enrolled in the Shelton Shelton, in the State of Schools and Washington, all of the right, title ~ diverted from a point 100 feet c) the manner in which the and interest of said defendant in ~ northeast corner of the I~~. NWV4NW¼ of Section 25, application is made will be property, situated in Mason rl~ Township 20 North, Range 5 coordinated with other programs County, State of Washington, ~i West W.M., Mason County, to meet the special educational to-wit: + o.0,o,+++0+oan0 (,) Lot. ~:.~@i~ Washington, and that said water is d) plan for the 1975-76 according to plat thereof, Volume ~~ and irrigation of 6 acres, on the i~i!iiiii~~ i~'~ '~@~ being used for domestic supply school year and plan the Title 9 of Plats, page 46, records of ....... • .~+'.-+'. IV(A) Program. !::r'-:" :: ~ ~ii"~ .............. "*'~i : ;: ~ ~:"*~ "" ~'× ~ :::::~ :~:, + ~!~!~ following described lands: Mason County, Wn. ...... ~..k::.~i.:,~:s:-~: The N½NEV4NW% of Section . The meeting is planned for (2) Lot 118, Beard's Cove 8, ~ii:~i[:~ ~i~ii~] 25, Township 20 North, Range 5 information gathering and input according to plat thereof, Volume ;~:~:~:~::~:'.¢¢.~:m~,,~ so we will plan on seeing you 9 of Plats, page 46, records of W.W.M. That they wish to change the there. Mason County, Wn. point of diversion of said 0.015 Shelton Indian Parent (3) Lot ]19, Beard's Cove 8, cubic feet per second to a point Committee Annie Pavel - according to plat thereof, Volume 24'x60' t8'x68' 450 feet south and 1000 feet west Chairperson, Mrytle Penn - 9 of Plats, page 46, records of from the north quarter corner of Vice Chairperson, Romona Mason County, Wn. Brookwood Pacifica Section 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 Mossier - Secretary, Tom levied on as the property of said W.W.M., and that said water will Gouley, Arlene Strope defendants heretofore named, to CARL JOHNSON be used for irrigation on the Members at large Satisfy a judgement, amounting LAND IS your be~t investment two bedrooms, 2 3 bed rooms, 2 1,820 square feet, following described lands: 1/30-2/6-2t to Three Thousand Five Hundred and one of our best buys is a 9.9 acre tract just 6 miles out Arcadia Road. It's nicely wooded and level. Over 330 feet blacktop county road frontage. Owner needs cash. $7,500.00. HIMLIE REALTY, INC. 6th and Railroad 426-2646 Real Estate Wanted LARGE CASH down for raw acreage, waterfront or timbered preferred. Call 1-503-268-4742 late evenings or w~ite Pete Washburn, Mapleton, Or. W 1/30-2/6 WANT TO buy 2 bedroom home ~n $8,000 bracket. Will take an existing contract if $8,000 will handle. Mad particulars to Box ]0, c/o Journal. H1/30tfn SPACIOUS HOME! If you have a 3- or 4-bedroom home you wish to market and would give a short excluswe, call me for a market analys~s. Doug Tingvall, Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555, or evemngs 426-1054. $1/]6-2/6 WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell" for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 8th & Railroa~t, 426-4486.8/12tfn baths, eaves, gutters, down- spouts, all-elec- tric, carpeted & draped, range, refrigerator, special insulation, with storms. DISPLAY MODEL PR ICE $14,995 OVER 1975 FACTORY ORDER PRICE baths, patio kitchen, family room, eaves, gutters, down. spouts, special insulation, with storms, carpeted & draped. DISPLAY MODEL PR ICE $ ! 9,595 OVER 1975 FACTORY ORDER PRICE family room, 2 baths, 4 bed- rooms, range, refrigerator, carpeted & d raped. Special insulation with storms. DISPLAY MODEl PRICE $21,895 OVER 1975 FACTORY ORDER PRICE That portion of the N½NE~ANW¼ of Section 25, T. 20 N., R. 5 W.W.M. lying westerly of the westerly right of way line of the Panhandle Lake Road; EXCEPT: the n orth 250 feet thereof measured along the westerly right of way line of said road. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT No. 4479 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLIFFRED C. EVANS, Deceased. NOTICE is given that the Final Account and Petition for the basis for objections; protests Distribution has been filed with must be accompanied by a two the Clerk of the above Court and dollar ($2.00)recording fee and the personal representative seeks filed with the Department of settlement of the account, Ecology S.W. Regional Office, distribution of the estate, and Olympia, Washington, 98504. within thirty (30) days from February 6, 1975. Witness my hand and official seal this 2let day of January, 1975. R. JERRY BOLLEN Assistant Director Department of Ecology 1/30-2/6-2t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. Monday, February 3, ]975 for furnishing Mason County Highway Department approximately 20,000 cubic yards of Crushed Cover Stone (Washington State Hiqhway Department Specifications). The material is to be stockpiled available for use by Mason County, approximately 15,000 cubic yards in the Johns Prairie area north of Shelton, and approximately 5,000 cubic yards in the Belfair area. Specifications, includir~! list of material, ancl proposal forms are available at the Mason County discharge, which matters have been set for hearing on February 21, 1975 at 9:30 a.m., in the courtroom of the above entitled court. RS/ROY E. EVANS OY E. EVANS Personal Representative JOE L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 N. Fifth P.O. Box 26 Shelton, WA 98585 1/30-1t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4550 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS C. ROSE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve ,the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the Seventy One and 30/100 -- ($3,571.30) -- Dollars attorney's fees of $--, the cost of suit and interest, in favor of plaintiff, plus Sheriff's Fees. Dated this 6th of January, 1975. DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff /s/By Ann Rose by CR ANN ROSE, Deputy CHIEF CIVIL DEPUTY 1/23-30-2/6.134t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The Board of County Commissioners will hold a public Hearing in their office in the County Courthouse, at the hour of 2:00 P. M., Monday, February 3, 1975, for the purpose of considering the Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Plat of Kamilche Point; and FURTHER, to consider the recommendations of the Mason County Planning Commission on the proposed Plat, and the changes they feel should be made in said recommendations. Any interested person may appear at said Hearing, to be heard either for or against the proposed changes, recommendations .and acceptance of the Plat and the Environmental Impact Statement thereon. DATED this 21st day of January, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS QF MASON COUNTY, WASH I NGTON /s/By Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 1/23-30-2t Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 30, 1975 NATIONAL FOREST FOR SALE, OL NATIONAL FO MCTAGGERT C INTERMEDIATE ( SALE, located within T. 5W., W.M., partially I Public notice is hereby g pursuant to the provi Section 5 of Public L 78th Conqress (58 Stat. U.S.C. 58~-583i, Sup. 4) Cooperative Agreement Management of the Part Forest Properties, in the Cooperative Sustained Yi entered into by and beh United States of America Simpson Timber Compan' December 12, 1946, an e~ 1,500 M board feet of marked or otherwise de for cutting will be Simpson Timber Col Seattle, Washington, Febn 1975. The minimum ao bid per M board fl Douqlas-fir, $72.41; hemrock and other co species, $24.57. In additi( is within the sale i estimated 61 acres of all logs subject to per acre which will be prod for at per acre. Additional required for slash diS~ $3.96 per M board feet species logs priced oer feet. Road am'orti allowance on this sale i! All of the Alaska yellO! determined pursuant to hearings to be surplus needs of domestic u~ processors, and Included not meeting Utili; Standards, is exempte Timber Export and Sub| Restrictions. Bidders are that violation of the Export and Substi Restrictions constitute I~ contract and may rl contract cancellation, ret award other timber sales violator, and/or debar~ suspension from bide future timber sales If ri by the State of Washingt0 Grays Harbor or Mason C or by any person deemed a reasonable interest, proposed sale, or in its) public hearing will be he! office of the Forest Su| Federal Buildina, OI Washington, on the 14th February 1975 at 2:00 time. Requests for public will not be considered received in the office. Forest Supervisor, ~. Building, Olympia, W, on or before February_~ Dated January 17, 197~: M. Maule, Forest 5u Olympic National Forest- 1/23-30"~ SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 12168 , IN THE SUPERIOR COU. THE STATE OF WASHI.~ IN AND FOR THE coUP MASON .. In Re the Marr..~ CARLA D. CLARK, ~J and RAYMOND R.¢' Respondent. -. ¢ THE STA]~. WASHINGTON t=~ respondent, RAYMUr CLARK. I YOU ARE HE SUMMONED to apl~.~ sixty (60) days after tllal the first publication." Summons, to-wit- with", days after the" 2nd,.~ January, 1975, and de~ above entitled action. above-ent tied Court, a~, the Petition of the Petitl~, serve a copy of,your ans~ the attorneys undersign~'. petitioner at their office, stated; and in case of yo~ so to do, judgment~ rendered against you a cC~ the demand of the Petitw~ has been filed with the v this Court. dl The object of this ! obtain a dissolution o~ "~ /s/Paul R. Licker Paul R. Licker 4 Attorney for Petiti0 Legal Services Assoc of Thurston-Mason ~ Courthouse Annex ! Olympia WA 98501 ~; (206) 943-6260 1/2-9-16-; NOTICE TO CREI No. 4554 IN THE SUPERIOR THE STATE OF IN AND FOR THE C MASON IN In the Matter of FREDERICK Deceased. NOTICE IS that the undersi appointed and has Executor of the Frederick Alfre Deceased. Each claim against the person or the estate m~ executed copy of the ¢ undersigned or the record at the and must file it with Clerk within four the date of first this notice or after the date of filir this notice with the Court, whichever is l claim will be barred. Date of First January 23. 1975. Date of Filing with Court Clerk: 1975. Claire F. Lopriore 22404 - 52nd west Mountlake Terrace, We. 98043 Rtddell, Williams, Ivie & Bullitt Attorneys for the 4310 Seattle-First Bank Building Seattle, Washington R ight and wrong One may err in be right in only one: it is easy to fail, but succced.