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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TO BOLSTER YOUR BUDGET THERE'S PLENTY COOK- ING AT THRIFTWAY THIS WEEK . . All veryeasy to spot in our new ad for- mat . . designed es- pecially for your con- venlence! OUR BIG USDA CHOICE BEEF SALE is a great boon to your meat budget . . . Cook It . . , Serve It . . . in THRIFTWAY'S NEW COOK & SERVE WARE! \ / 7 DAY AD SPECIALS THRIFTWAY'S FAMOUS FLAVOR AGED BEER thru LIMIT RIGHTS Fantastic savings on imported Porcelain-Clad Cook & Serve Ware 5rh Week "~ 1 Quart Sauce Pan 3rd Week T'3 O0 Purchase Requ.ement 3 O .... Kettle :).95 2 Ot Covered Sauce Par , a .... Cover., so.a _o j Dutch Oven 7th Week ,ma,, ,k,,' ....... S4.95 gth Week 3 P~e~e M~xing ow, Sat s6.95 Cooks Great... Looks Great! Now you can own a complete tee of th~s beautifully sculptured Cook & Serve Ware at fantastic sav- mgs It looks great cooks great m your cho~ce of two brand new LSpice-lnspired colors The entire set with matching Stoneware accessory prates - is designed to gtve you a complete range of Cook & Serve Ware This unbelievable offer in- cludes these fabulous Cook & Serve Ware features-- [] Triple coating of porcelain enamel bonded to heavy steel (keeps flavor in the food l and heats evenly tram top to bottom [] Makes a beautiful table appear- once when used directly from oven to buffet and adds a new dimension of elegance to your dmmg pleasure. [] Cleans in a dishpan or d~$h- washer no scrubbing or scouring needed Use only soap and water Retaim, its *like- new" appearance [] Chip resistant stainless steel r;ms, cool no-twist handles, peQ'nanent knobs and welded flame-guard ex- tension makes this cookware easy to store--without the need to worry about damage--or when not in use, this cookware is a visual delight for kdchen wall hanging You con collect individual pieces or the entire set lust by purchasing a different specially priced feature piece every week as you do your grocery shopping They're priced so low you'll soon be the proud owner of a complete set thars not only pretty, but pra(tica~! Well Trimmed. Great Value. Code Dated. Guaranteed! pound USDA CHOICE FLAVOR AGED DAIRY SPECIAL, Reader's Digest Va!ues Minute Moi J 100% Florida Juice. 16-oz. Fleischmann's Egg Beaters 99¢ Ore-Ida Hash Browns o.hern .,e F ...... 2-'b 63¢ Rich's Coffee Rich 37c Frozen 16-oz. Sunsweet Prune Juice B,, 85c Brim Coffee °"°".... ted ~.,,, s2.89 Regulm Drip and Elec. Perk || Serve with Milk and Fresh Fru it. 15-oz. Pkg. C0ttag Cheese Large °nd Sm°" 47¢ Curd• 16-oz. Cup Darigold Chocolate Drink ,Fof Ouor, 47c Six to o Darigold and Heath Bars Po,kov . 87c Orange, Lime and Darigold Sherbet Raspberry "o"- o"on93¢ Green Beans s = w ,o.o, 3/Sl Harvard Beets s& w ,,-o, 2/89¢ Spinach ,eat or Chop,. .~JL W IS ...... 3/89¢ Baked Beans OveoS.W,._o. con 39¢ Tomatoes ' .... d s,w.,o.o. 39¢ Kidney Beans ,.d ,,w ,,,, ...... 3/Sl Wax Beans o°d .... ,,w ,,_o, 39' EXTRA VALUES LISTERINE J SUAVE 1 SHAMPOO Liq u id ] 6-ounce Antiseptic Bottle. 48-ounce OUR Bottle LOW Our Low Price PRICE! ) Arthritis Strength BUFFERIh ~U~,LS~C lt~[;S, Arthritis-Strength EXCEDRIN BUFFERIN 40 Count 60 Count m IN THRIFTWAyrs PRODUCE LANE BAKERY SPECIALS Regular Price '1.19 THRIFTWAY LOCATION: Anti-Perspirant. i 9-ounce. ! Regular Sl.67 | Effergrip Denture Adhesive Cream. 1.5-oz. Our Low Price t~ Jig VASELINE Hand Laban Intensive Core ,O-o.,,.e ~1.17 Dish Cloths 4-,a,k Regular 89' 100 Pc. Puzzle' ..... ,e Reg 59' REVLON Fle~ ~hampoo I 7-ounce ,- s169 *;" s2 25 , 79¢ 49¢ Crescent• 4--ounce Package Tang Breakfast Drink°;~:r.s199 :allan Dressln lV~6-Sohun~c:e' 99¢ Swift'n ing Shortening ~::..s 1.83 Dinty Moore Beef o2:.- 93¢ Worcestershire Sauce ,:;:::°79¢ • Libby's. Vienna Sausag ,.o, coo 37¢ ~ Brown ie M ix ~ht:~oCart:k;r2'/;-o..$1.09 'io...',;, lickette~ .,,,o,,..., 3/Sl ~ i'r'~ ...... Chocolate. 6-oz. pkg. Number 2 Great for Baking! Rhubarb ' .... Fan,, 49¢ Hot House pound Crisp Celery '::~. 25¢ Tangelos ~..... Ia For 29¢ Lunch Boxes Ib Apples Oo,den 3 '" 69¢ Oel=c=ous bag LI Liquid. Regular or Lemon. 48-oz. BottI( Centennial• 4-pound Package Pancake Flour Sl .09 Pillsbury. 4 ~-ounce Sprinkle Sweet 59¢ Daytime Toddler. 24 Count Kimbies Diapers s2.49 Kotex. Regular & Super. 12's Sanitary Napkins 69¢ Kleenex. Assorted. 200 ct. Facial Tissue 49¢ Disinfectant. 1 4-ounce Lysol Spray Sl Regular Size• 3 ~'~-ounce Dial Soap All Vegetable. 24-ounce Crisco Salad Oil Sl .49 19c .17 USDA CHOICE 5-INCH CUT Flavor Aged. pound BEEF SEVEN BONE ROAST69' BEEF CUBED STEAKS $1.79 THRIFTWAY GROUND BEEF 65' BEEF CROSS RIB ROAST SI.39 BEEF SHORT RIBS 69' BEEF CHUCK ROAST Sa rCAhcj°:del ne' .... s1.09 BEEF SPENCER STEAKS S2.99 BEEF STEW MEAT'es' Sl.29 BEEF ROUND BONE ROAST US:n'dCh°"e" 99= BEEF 5" CUT RIB ROAST uO:d°ho''. S1.59 BEEF BLADE CHUCK STEAK ;o:n'dCho''e BEEF RIB STEAK BONELESS U,'O,:e.,b S1.79 BEEF SHANK FOR SOUP Ch°'"69' BEEF CHUCK STEAK =' 5 to 7-lb. Average. Water Added. Ib, • HOLIDAY HAM HALVES HOLIDAY MINI HAMS SWIFTS BROWN 'N SERVE REGULAR SLICED BACON Bar-S. Fresh Delicious Pork. 3-lb. or Under lb. FRESH RIB PORK CHOPS Bar-S, Fresher Pork. pound FRESH PORK LOIN CHOPS Bar:' ,...he, Pork. pound PORK LOIN QUARTER .,,.e. Co,,,om 14 to 17-lb. Loins. lb. WHOLE HOG SAUSAGE B,rd, .... 1 2-oz. Pkg. Custom Baked. Plain Butterhorns ,.ooPo,,o,. Cake Donuts Custom Baked. 20 Count. S 1 Plain, Powdered, Cinnamon • we welcome FOOD tTAMP SHOPPERS ;helton Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 30, 1975