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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
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D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lea Dobbs TR 6-4783 Serving families in this COmmunity Since 1909 5303 Kitsap Way M. Lewis, Sr. FUNERAL CHAPEL Call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 , Lester M. Lewis, Jr. eetaurant & 4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton ,n Experience in the A rt o/Dining. tber Room', ) for YOur tainment. Lunch: 11 a.m.- 4:00p.m. Dinner: 4 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Closed Sundays Restaurant: ES 7-5531 Inn: 479-2132 on mpson Top Of The Line Centennial (Accoustical) Mirabeau (Vinyl Coated) Centennial (Decorative) Regular Price 27¢ Each ,._.L si- SALE PRICE "u,.. MPSON SMOOTH WHITE SALE 23' Vinyl Coated. Regular 274 ............. 4 SHASTA (Decorative) SALE 1 9 Regular 274 .............. 4 OLYMPIC WHITE SALE 1 2 Regular 17, ........ ;,0 ............ , ST MORITZ (necorat! ) SALE 23 Regular 274 ........................ 4 JUBILIEE (Decorative) SALE 1 9 Regular 274 . . . _ ...... MADERA (Vinyl I;oated) ....... SALE 25¢ Regular 284 ........................ SUNBURST (Vinyl Coated) SALE 284 Regular 324.. '. ....... SERAGLIO (Vinyl Coatedi ..... ~L, 27' Regular 324 L ....... 4 HALLMARK FISSURED ..... N.N..Qo_on-clm~busflbie. IL.~.~I_Ir 284 .......... SALE 23 Pre-finished Par DIE Ig 4x8 Light Walnut $2" 4x8 Birch Paneling...iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. s4" qx8 Snartan ,.,.,., .4, $6" 4X " ...... ; ............... . SL ~ 9 Aged Cedar Panehna :: 5 Viking Ak~minum Combinatio.n 11' " • Screen & Storm uoor $ EXcellent Quality. Reg. $52.42 ................... 4 $ Interior Latex 0.,l. Tinted to all Pastel Colors ................... Pre'f~nished Interior ~ 2 $! Pro-Hung Doors . fro. INSULATION -il Foil One Side ~'~"xIs" and 23" wide ....................... I Ft. Side I ', Lo wiae ......................... Ft. UNITED STATES GYPSUM THERMAFIBER Handy Fill is mineral fiber in nodule form made specifically for pouring and N)reQchng n h lion ! by hand. ideal for homeow er app "ca- vemen insulating exposed attic areas. With ~°1~ al~lication technique, one 24-1b. bag of 'lay Fill cavern rex 40 ft of area to a Ih app . sq.. ickne of $' To Handy Fill insulation required to brin~ YOur attic up to the all-season com- fort area refer to the chart below: R-7 I R-111R-131R-19 R-21 I I ...... 2 '/,'1 3 V." 14 V,'t 6" 1" IR-24 ~ J'O 1'' 1" -'±--'± -';;;wooo ......... ,,, ,9,0 1 17.2rid Street . , 373-1495 HOurs: Weekdays 8-5 -- Saturday 8-3:30 BREMERTON of :,0. mm oN mt WAtmmT FlU PARKING TWO OF THE LEADERS and one of the "girls" of a former Belfair Girl Scout troop were among those who enjoyed a reunion and baby shower described in the Old Belfair Highway column. Left to right, Eleanora Fedenk, former Brownie and Intermediate Girl Scout troop leader, Mary Wilbur Paschke, former Girl Scout and guest of honor at the baby shower, and Alice Kinney, former North Mason Neighborhood Chairman of Girl Scouts. Turning out the THIS IS ONE of the pictures from the past that brought back Janis Harstad, Peggy Day and Roberta Day, third row, Janet lights and singing old Girl Scout songs in front of the fire in memories to several former Girl Scouts from Belfair who Haven, Norma Reynolds and Penny Fedenk; back row, Linna the fireplace.., just like the old camping days, was just one attended a joint reunion and baby shower recently. Details Allen, Mary Wilbur, Katy Wilbur, Gall Pond, Marlene Morris of the activities at the shower which brought back memories are in the Old Belfair Highway column. Except for one first and Carol Stimac. This picture was taken in the early sixties from the early sixties. name and one last name, all of the girls were identified, using when the older girls, as members of the Belfair Senior Girl maiden names for those now married, as: front row, left to Scout troop, attended a fly-up ceremony for the younger right, Nancy Reynolds, Jennie ?, ? Day and Sharon Davis; girls. I wPLUMBING I second row, Renee Whitchurch, Sue Allen, Nancy Dreher, I e Have Yours Needs at I "Ai;',-;-_ ._ :. . -"-. c,- ,-,,,,-- 0 r ...... o r e ---so VA iv | Gal. Pipe 1/2 to 2 Pipe Threading -- • Old U Ifa,r H,ghway I Yours and Ours, I By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 /BELFAIR m l The old saying of 'It's always Paschke, Katy Wilbur Patrick, .............. .HARDW fair weather, when good fellows Sally McDonald Jenner, Marlene TRAVELERS RETURNED: weather was absolutely beautiful | ERNIE & AROLD ARIES I get together was true when the Morris Hoban, Carol Stimac Floyd and Naomi Williams areas soon as we got south of LCR 5-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m.J snow stopped and plans went Geirtz,-Linna Allen Smith and back in Pleasant Cove after an Portland. It was 68 degrees in ahead to have a combination Penny Fedenk Gibson. Sending extended trip through the Eugene. Alas, in California, the /"" ....................... '-""~ reunion and baby shower Friday gifts with their regrets at not southland. They met the Wayman sunny days and high pressure i SPAGH ETTI [ ll l[ lER i before last at the Fedenk home. being at the reunion were other Lymans at Tecopa Hot Springs in bring smoggy smog to the whole Ms. Alice Kinney and Eleanora former Girl Scout members of Cahforma" ". Bay area. San Francisco was clear Fedenk were co-hostesses for the those earlier years, Mrs. Ruth The Lymans, Way and and we did ride the suicidalcable baby shower event with Mary Nohel, Olympic Council staff Dorothy, found Teeopa Hot car to the waterfront. Sorry we ! ' Masonic Temple, Belfair } Wilbur Paschke as guest of honor, member- Mrs Hazel Olson, Springs the best part of their trip didn t find time to ride the~ " Invitations were sent for a assistant Girl Scout leader, and south. Otherwise, they met BART. There was one death by ~ Friday, Jan 31 6"30 p.m reunion of former NM school Jean Fedenk, Girl Scout Troop record-making bad weather accident on the BART while we " " " . . classmates who were members of116 mascot, almost everywhere, from Idaho to w~re there, one fire, and a story ~ Oonatton $1.75 Per Person the Girl Scout Troop ii5 of the The Williams family will Texas. They visited their in the Chronicleabout constant ~t Spo~soreday Belfair Chapter No. 241 OES ! former Olympic Council.. Theremember the day of the big daughter, Sharon Ellis, in breakdowns. Maybe it was just as Belfair group at that time, m the move to their newly-established Pocatello. ~haron has a new baby well. early•1960's, had Alice Kinney as home at Mission Lake. The boy, born Oct. i, who joins a•TRAVELERS ABROAD: ~ and Social Club i North ~' Mason neighborhood Saturday of the big snow spread brother and two sisters. They also Sally (Scott) and Steve t,-. ................ "'"7 ...... "~'J chairman, Idaleah Wilbur as out like a plump welcome mat for visited their son, Burr, and family Westerberg are off on a tour of Troop I 15 leader and Eleanorathe moving van to slip down the in Reno. Way and Dorothy found Europe for ten months or a year. Fedenk as Brownie and sloping driveway of the former the hot springs, located at the They pickedupanewcarin Italy. Intermediate Troop 116 leader. Jankins' residence, south end of Death Valley, Before they left, Sally finished / Pictures gathered from old Our welcome (plus the delightful and plan tospendmore her university work in speech scrapbooks of bygone activities weathers) is for Jim and Veniese time there, pathology and audiology with a were passed around during the Williams, son Randy, in the four point average A very gabfest, with the current photos second year at Olympic College, Carl and Betty Mattus are " -. " . " deserving girl of the guests own families adding and daughter Renee, a senior at back from a holiday visit with a happy touch to catching up the West High. Jingles, their low-slung daughter Nancy and husband in years. Sally Jenner brought her dulcimer harp to add to the memory trail with singing of well-remembered Girl Scout songs. Prizes were won by Katy Patrick, Carol Geirtz and Marlene Hoban in playing some of the old fun games of day camp. Refreshments were served by Penny Gibson from a table set with a pink and white theme, centered with 13 small pink candles in miniature crystal holders. One of the remarks in meeting again after some years was that this should be done more often even if none of the guests had ever attended a Girl Scout baby shower in the past. Guests were Mesdames Margaret Paschke (who had taught these as younger girls during elementary school), ldaleah Wilbur, Mary Wilbur bull terrier, is nine years old and sports a gray muzzle. Jim is with the PSNS police department. Another calendar goodie is for a Happy Chinese New Year to brighten your Tuesday, February 11. The cele'bration in San Francisco for this event has special flowerbeds in the Golden Gate Park for each symbol of the different years. The Year of the Boar was the one 1 saw, and I'll never forget the tradition of the dragon dancing and calling at the homes of the Chinese to be fed while I stood nearby with my fingers literally frozen on the camera, trying to take pictures. The vulgar herd Odi profanum vulgus et arceo. (1 hate the vulgar herd and hold it far.) Horace Hello to Gordon M. in Silverdale Tidal Wave Beauty Shop CR5-2509 Jewelry, Gifts, Tumblers Findings, Grit & Tools Avon Bottles BELFAIR Come in and see us! Open 1 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 days a week also Teaching Jewelry & "Cab" makinq Thunderbolt Rock Shop On New Belfair Hiway -- 500 ft. N. of Sande's Boat & Motors CR5-2201 OHunting & Fishing License • Fishing Tackle • Frozen Herring t Ammunition Open everyday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or later!! 5 Minutes from 15eifair in Allyn I , I Springfield, I11. Even the stay-at-home Livingstons returned safely from a quick trip to San Francisco. The BIKES STOLEN Two purple spider bikes were reported stolen Jan. 22 from a residence on Newkirk Road. GLASS-PLY BOATS Lifetime warranty - 16' Gins-Ply, full top, E-Z Loader trailer, with used 40 H.P. Mere. 1995 We ~pecialize in MerCruiser and Mercury outboard repair SOME USED BOATS IN STOCK SANDES at Belfair Bank Terms 275-2297 We're having a special e on Coty fragrances PLUS with a $5.00 purchase of any Coty product at regular price a additional gift from Coty! 9-7Weekdays 9-8 Friday lO-4Sunday 275-6161 i i¸ , • ~i~ Model J351R GE RANGE WITH P-7® SELF- CLEANING OVEN SYSTEM-- oven cleans itself electrically, automatically ! n Has Oven Timer, Clock, Minute Timer! ~~ PRICED FROM SCHOOL APPLIANCES ARE HERE -?~v,t's We discount -- Sell for less Belfair Shopping Center - CR 5-2020 :i:.: :.? !i!!:!:~? ~!!i~iiii! iiiii~i;} ¢::::::::: ~iiiiiiiiil !ii~ii!ii~ January 30, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County J~urnat - Parle 3