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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By TERRY VETTERS Forty-five years ag~ a new group was born. it was called "Cub Scouting" and it joined a big brother that was already 20 years old, Boy Scouts. February is birthday month for these two groups and Bel(air scouts are busy preparing for the month-long celebrahon. Starting February 3 there will be a display of cub crafts at the Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. Be sure to stop by and see what our boys have been doing. February. 7 through 13 is Scout Week and February 9 is Scout Sunday. Boys, remember to wear your uniform to school and to church that week. On February 27 the monthly pack meeting for Pack 513 will take on a different look. This is the date of the annual Blue and Gold Dinner. The dinner will start at 6 p.m. and will be at the Belfair FirehaU. Den leaders will be contacting parents to make arrangement~ soon. Because of the rush of activities last month the December pack meeting was not written up. In ~rder not to disappoint the boys who worked so hard and received awards then, here is a list of the awards. The pack welcomed Byron Cady to the group and Kenny Conwell was welcomed to Webelos. Den 3 had Chad Leach earning his Wolf badge, a gold and a silver arrow; John LaBrcck received three silver arrows. Den 4 elected Shawn Middleton to be Denner and Byron Cady to be Assistant Denner: Bobby Kobloth earned two silver arrows. Den 5 had Eddy Foster receiving his Wolf badge and a gold and a silver arrow, Jimmy Miller received a recruiter tie slide. Den 6 elected Joey McMlchacl to be Assistant Denner. Webelos Den 1 had seven boys receiving their Scientist pin: Lowell Blankenship, Bryan Corliss, David Bowmer, Tim Buffon, Lance Schoening, Patrick Hayes and Jeff ftarmon. Jeff also received his Artist and Showman pins. Now we are up to date and move right on to the awards given out at the January pack meeting held the 33rd. Den 1 had Travis Allen earning his Bear badge, a gold arrow and four silver arrows. That is some feat as Travis, to get that, completed 12 required achievements for the badge and 50 elective prolects to get the five arrows Wow! Tracy Owen was elected Denner of Den 1 and received a recruiter tie slide, Derek Louch was elected Assistant l)enner and received his Wolf badge, Brady tfammrick and Dan Corbett also earned their Wolf badges. Den 2 had Jimmy Sellers earning a silver arrow for his Wolf badge, he also earned his Bear badge, a gold and a silver arrow. Stevcn Clark received a gold arro~, Keith Jensen was elected Denner of Den 2 and Mike Clark was elected Assistant Denner. Den 3 had three boys getting awards. Adam Blankenship received his one-year pin, Jeff Parker earned his Wolf badge and Chad Leach added a silver arrow to his Wolf badge. Den 4 had David Winfrey getting his Bear badge, a gold arrow, a one-year pin and a one-year perfect attendance pin. Den 5 saw all of its boys earning something this meeting. Jimmy Miller was elected Denner and received a silver arrow. Eddy Foster was elected Assistant Denner. Kevin Vetters received a silver arrow as did Tommy Keller. David Mutillo received his Bear badge and a gold arrow. Webelos Den had Kenny Conwell elected Denner and David Bowmer as Assistant Denner. Lance Schoening received his Artist, Aquanaut and Traveler pins. Webelos Den Leader Bob Bowmer wore two hats as first he welcomed Tim La Porte into the Webelos den by presenting Tim with his new tie and book. Then Bob switched to his role as committee chairman for the Boy Scouts to preside over the graduation ceremony of Lowell Blankenship who has completed Webelos and has stepped up a rung to Scout rank in Boy Scouts. First Class Scout Darrell Bowmer assisted in the candlelight ceremony. Happy birthday, scouts! Have a nice month. MAN OVERDUE On the evening of Jan. 22 the sheriff's office received a report that a man was missing. He had left his job working in the trees in the Haven Lake area and had been seen last around 5 p.m. as he left his job headed to his North Shore home. He never arrived home so a search was begun. Around 1:30 a.m. he was located by his father, who was assisting deputies in the search, in the Hurd Road area. The man's motorcycle had broken down and since he was unfamiliar with the wooded area he decided it was not advisable to wander through the woods at night without a flashlight so he had sat down to wait for help or daylight, whichever came first. MENACING DOGS A German Shepherd dog has been running loose at Lynnwood Beach, threatening pedestrians, according to a complaint made to the sheriff's office. A dog running loose in Allyn has been harassing neighbors. The owners have agreed to confine him. Canal life... south shore By MAC McKINNEY (898-2989) Looking out over the canal the sun paints first the clouds in soft pink then lavishly splashes the mountain peaks with its ink, soon the hills and canal are alive and a glow. (Let there be light, God made it so.) A must, let's clean out the medicine chest and cabinet drawers of all outdated (over a year old) prescription bottles and pills. Save the labels if you want to reorder in the future. Iodine and mercurochrome lose strength after a year. The Hood Canal Sportsman's Club had a work party Jan. 18. Two members of the Washington State Fisheries Department were there to help. Twenty-five trees were planted in the water at the dock at Alderbrook with the butt end up and a weight tied on the CONCERN FOR SEWAGE With more than 100,000 persons living in the Thurston-Mason Health District, over 5,000,000 gallons of raw sewage is processed daily. Most of it is washed away with fresh, potable household water. While this is extremely convenient, one would wonder at the quality of the water. City residents know their household effluent finds its way to a treatment plant where solids are removed and the liquid is flushed into South Puget Sound. Others rely on private septic tanks and dramttelds and hope that Good Mother Nature will make the wastes disappear miraculously. Not so! Sewage is a constant source of intense work done by the environmental health division. A large share of the time of the specialists goes into assuring adequate sewage disposal. They probe for any possible contamination of water supplies used for piping into homes. reprinted from HEALTH STAFF BULLETIN Death nee o| THE FOREST FUNERAL PLAN offers a sensible, realistic approach to pre-need planning. Save your survivors emotional strain and unwarranted costs by making arrangements in advance. Exclusively offers NEW CALCINATION METHOD (The kindlier, no-flame, no chemical process.) 1. Immediate Calcination or 2. Immediate Cremation (without casket and embalming ......... 3. Simple Funeral (graveside with casket and embalming ................. OLYMPIA 352-8201 OR MAIL COUPON For free information without obligation mail this coupon to: Forest Funeral and Cemetery Association 1702 E. 4th, Olympia, Washington 98501, Phone 352-8201 Name Rt. No.__.Box--- Address City _ Road IPhone H1-30-75 I I I I I I I I I Ill I I I I | I I I ill I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I In III I I II I I I i iinlnnll i iii iii i i ill I I I Ill I I I I I lll III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I By LENNIA CATES --CR 5-2245 Inlllllllllll IIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIII IIII I I I I llllllnl I I i iiiii I II I I i Iii I I i I I I i i i IIi iii Iii i i ii IIIIIIII i i i iiiiiii tip of the trees. Herring spawn on the tree limbs. Also tires were placed along the dock. Club members will check the trees every week; specimens will be taken to the fisheries department in Olympia for tests. The club welcomes new members, call "Uppy" at 898-3391 or 898-2524. The National Association of Postmasters held their winter convention at the Hyatt House at Sea-Tac. Many postmasters from Mason County attended, including Mrs. Wanda Meek; also many from the regional office in San Francisco. Some local people are still on the sick list: the Buechel family, Dorothy Aldrick, Mrs. Golf and Mr. Bonner (Lucille Blake's father) is in the hospital. A speedy recovery and good health is wished for all. Welcome home, Jeffe. Grandson of Wing and Frances Huson, Jeffe Lowe arrived home a week ago after having chalked up a three-year hitch in the Army. His last assignment was a year in Korea so he's mighty happy to be home for good. It was another get together with friends last week to help Brian Fretwell celebrate his 23rd birthday. Many happies, Brian. Well, another new tax for business establishments such as ours. A five spot plus for litter control. You see, we handle paper bags for our customers' purchases and things like pop, beer, etc., come in containers. Now, I don't know any other place to put such purchases. I suppose customers could carry the solid items out a few at a time and set them on the seat of their automobiles but don't think that would set too well with them or us. The pop and beer? I could ask people to bring their own containers to pour it in, I guess, but 1 don't think that would set too well, either. ! Now, I don't know where this money is going out here. There isn't a litter barrel (not that all would use them) in our area. And you think the price of sugar is high? I wonder if any of those in Olympia have checked into the price of paper bags lately. As for bottles and cans, we pay every month for those we retrieve to our garbage pick-up service. Oh well, five bucks here, five bucks there. Wonder what they'll dream up this time around. Well, two more weddings at our little church here in Tahuya. Details .on those will be found in next week's column. Father Tom Osgood from Seattle conducted services at the church last Sunday filling in for Father Avery who is on the sick list. I don't know if you've read any of Bill Speidel's books, but his most recent "The West Side of the Mountains" mentions our store here. He writes about Bremerton and then on to references about Belfair and the Beifair State Park. He then writes, and I quote, "On to Tahuya, where visiting the Tahuya Grocery is worth at least a package of cigarettes or a Coke. It's barn-red and white and looks as though somebody chewing on a straw ought to be rocking on the big front porch." The "chewing on the straw" bit reminds me of the following: Farmer Jones was noted for being tight-fisted. Just as the family was sitting down to dinner one evening, they heard the sound of the front gate opening. Peeking through the curtains, he saw his cousin's family coming up the walk. "Quick, everybody," Farmer Jones said. "Grab a toothpick and walk out to the front porch." DOGS, LOST, FOUND A miniature police dog wearing a collar was reported found on the Old Belfair Highway and a basset hound reported missing from Belfair, both on January 1 5. Weak conquer strong In a really just cause the weak conquer the strong. Sophocles W~I~I~Ill~IlIII~II~~I~I~IIII~IIIII~IIII~I~IIm~I~IIIIIHIIII~H~mm~H~H~ | BONDED LICENSED INSURED = JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION I CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK I P.O. Box 1 I ~-- ! Belfair, Wash. Jim Jesfield= ~]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~m~~8u~I~ The North Mason PeeWee Assn. Su th e corn This ad paid for by the N. Mason PeeWee Assn. Don Corliss, Pres., St. Rt. 2 Box 424 Jantzen picture not exact. 100% Poly. - med. blue & green, solid & plaid pants MARY WR IG HT PHON E 275-2033 $20 cash refund with this Frigidaire Laundry Pair. Solve big-family wash day problems with a Heavy Duty washer and matching big-capacity dryer from Frigidaire. Wash 1 pc. to 18~s. with Normal or Gentle agitation, warm or cold rinses, spins that pamper delicates or damp-dr cottons, even knits, thanks to a special Frigidaire Knits cycle. You can set the drye for just about any item in your laundry basket, including knits and permanent press. To cut ironing time, an automatic cool down period at the end of each cycle helps keep laundry wrinkles from setting. 17 Cu. Ft. Refrigerators From to (c A theatrical experiment will be taking place on the Olympic College campus February 4 at 8 p.m. in the Campus Theatre. At this time the Associated Students of Olympic College will present "Harrison and Tyler," the only female comedy team in America, "a team which is clearing a new path in the most sexist wilderness of all, show business." Patti Harrison and Robin Tyler are humanists, jesters, and feminists - in that order. They rip into social institutions or myths that oppress us all; sexism, racism, organized religion, advertising, the male-dominated rock culture, drug abuse and our society's caste system. They are not afraid to treat such prohibited topics as lesbianism, homophobia, and homosexuality. Harrison and Tyler believe that both women and men have ,L~ y at 0C ~w ARRIVAL I Mr. and Mrs. Mike formerly of Belfair, are the P~ been mistreated because society pre-determines their roles for of a daughter, Erin them. They ridicule roles, not was born January 2 individuals. "The whole idea of Pascagoula, Mississippi. TI1 pound, seven ounce baby i~ feminism is to think for first child, e f yourself," says Ms. Tyler. These two don't want people to hang on Erin's mother is th to their every word; they just Jane Seyler, niece of Mr. at~ offer suggestions. In doing so, Don Seyler of North Harrison and Tyler reject the idea Paternal grandparents are that the feminist movement has Smith of Belfair, and no sense of humor. Smith, former editor "H & T have entertained and Huckleberry Herald. raised the level of consciousness The new parents of audiences throughout the 1968 graduates of North world," says a spokesman from High School. the office of student programs at Olympic College. They have appeared in most of the major JUVENILES nightclubs in the country. Two juvenile Admission is 50 cents for Tacoma were college students with I.D. and $1 Mason County deputies on. for general admission. Tickets will Shore and were turned be sold at the door. juvenile authorities on Jan., EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, Wo. I i i i I I • lhketen from Store Name 'r aW~*ry of yeur re~ ~r val~l 0nly m W~aglon Frigidaire Laundry Pair From $10 cash refund with this 100% Frost-Proof 17.0 cu.-ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator. Forget the mess of defrosting with this 17.0 cu.-ft. Frigidaire refrigerator because it's 100% Frost-Proof. Keep fresh foods at your fingertips with three fully-adjustable cantilever shelves. For even more convenience you can add an Automatic Ice Maker, at extra charge, whenever you're ready. $10 cash refund with this self-cleaning Frigidaire Electri-clean oven Range. End the drudgery of oven-cleaning with this Frigidaire 30" range that can clean its oven automatically, electrically, leaving only a trace of ash to wipe awaY. Prepare meals even when you're out witt~ the help of its convenient Automatic Cook Master control A few of last models left at P:~ge 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - January 30, 1975