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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 30, 2014     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 30, 2014
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Hear- ings Examiner will hold a public meeting in the Commissioner's Chambers in the Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, February 1 lth at 1:00 P.M. The PUBLIC MEETING will be to consider an application by Charles and Joyce Johnson for a cluster short subdivision as pro- vided for in the Mason County Plats and Subdi- visions Ordinance, Chapter 16.23 (as adopted). The 40-acre property is designated Agricultural Resource Lands. By meeting the criteria of the Chapter 16.23 the applicants can subdivide their property to a maximum density of one home per five acres. The property is owned by the John- son's. In accordance with section 16.23.020 the Mason County Hearings Examiner shall review the proposed subdivision for consistency with Chapter 16.23 in a public meeting. The property is located at 251 SE Blackwelder Road, Shelton, in the NE 1/, Section 19, Township 19N., Range 3W., WM. For further details please contact Sub- division Planner Michael MacSems at extension 571. This is not a hearing, but a review that is open to the public. The Mason County Hearings Examiner will render a conclusion within ten working days of the meeting. If special accom- modations are needed, contact the Mason Coun- ty Commissioners' office at 427-9670, Ext 419. 6850 January30 It PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID - FUEL 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR Notice is hereby given that Mason County Transportation Coop- erative will receive sealed fuel bids for the re- mainder of the 2013-2014 school year (March 2014 - August 2014) at the Shelton School Dis- trict Business Office, 700 S. 1st Street, Shelton, Washington 98584. Sealed bids will be received until 10:00 AM, February 12, 2014. Bids will be opened and read immediately following. Copies of the bid specifications are available at the Shel- ton School District Business Office, 700 S. 1st Street, Shelton, WA 98584. The Board of Direc- tors reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. 6849 January 30, February 6 2t PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUN- TY OF KING In re the Estate o GAlL ADELE GREGORY, Deceased. NO. 13-4-09673-8 SEA PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed Ronald Lee Gregory Ad- ministrator of the Decedent's estate. Any person having a claim against Decedent must present the claim: Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: By filing with the foregoing Court the original of the signed Creditor's Claim, and By serving upon or mailing by first class mail to me at the address provided below a copy of the signed Creditor's Claim. The Creditor's Claim must be presented by the later to occur of: Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice to you as provided Mason in RCW 11.40.020, or Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the Credi- tor's Claim is not presented within the forego- ing time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: January 30, 2014 Signed: Ronald Lee Gregory, Administrator of the Estate of Gall Adele Greg- ory, and John G. Llewellyn, Attorney for Ronald Lee Gregory, Administrator of the Estate of Gall Adele Gregory. Address for Mailing of Service: 4847 California Ave. SW, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98116 (206) 923-2889 6845 Jan. 30, Feb.6, 13 3t PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Mason Coun- ty Fire Protection District No. 18 Sealed bids for 1 Fire Engine New or newer used will be re- ceived by Mason County Fire Protection District No. 18 up to but no later than 9:00 AM, February 6th 2014 at 240 N. Standstill Dr. S. Hoodsport, Wa 98548, at which time they shall be publicly opened and recorded. Vendors may obtain bid documents from Fire Chief Michael Mott 360- 877-9882 or Assistant Chief Michael Sexton 360- 877-9882. The Sealed bids shall be marked "Ma- son County Fire District No. 18- Fire Truck Bid." Mason County Fire Protection District No. 18 reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive minor irregularities in the bidding process, and to accept the bid deemed best for the District. 6844 Jan. 23, 30 2t PUBLIC NOTICE The State of Washington, Department of Transportation is acquiring property and/or prop- erty rights for the SR 3, Vicinity MP 24.63 to Vi- cinity Ridge Point Blvd. Negotiations to acquire the property described below have reached an impasse so WSDOT is preparing to submit this acquisition to the Attorney General's Office to pursue the acquisition through a condemnation action. This is done to assure that the rights of individual property owners and the rights of all the taxpayers of the state are equally protected. The final action, with the State as condemnor, will decide whether or not to authorize the con- demnation of the property. Said final action will take place, Monday, 10 a.m., February 3, 2014 at the Real Estate Services Building No. 7, lo- cated at 5720 Capitol Boulevard, Tumwater, WA. 98501. The property owner may provide input for the state to consider at this meeting. Please pro- vide any input to OLYMPIC REGION REAL ES- TATE SERVICES MANAGER, 5720 Capitol Bou- levard, Tumwater, WA. 98501. Assessed Owner: M.J. Scott Enterprises, LLC Property Address: Westerly of 23541 NE State Route 3 Belfair WA. 98528 Tax Parcel No.: 12329-43-00160 Brief Le- gal description: Ptn SW 1A SE % 29-23-1 Situate in the County of Mason, State of Washington. 6839 January 23, 30 2t PUBLIC NOTICE The State of Washington, Department of Transportation is acquiring property and/or prop- erty rights for the SR 3, Vicinity MP 24.63 to Vi- County cinity Ridge Point Blvd. Negotiations to acquire the property described below have reached an impasse so WSDOT is preparing to submit this acquisition to the Attorney General's Office to pursue the acquisition through a condemnation action. This is done to assure that the rights of individual property owners and the rights of all the taxpayers of the state are equally protected. The final action, with the State as condemnor, will decide whether or not to authorize the con- demnation of the property. Said final action will take place, Monday, 10 a.m., February 3, 2014 at the Real Estate Services Building No. 7, lo- cated at 5720 Capitol Boulevard, Tumwater, WA. 98501. The property owner may provide input for the state to consider at this meeting. Please provide any input to OLYMPIC REGION REAL ESTATE SERVICES MANAGER, 5720 Capitol Boulevard, Tumwater, WA. 98501. Assessed Owner: M.J. Scott Enterprises, LLC Property Address: 23541 NE State Route 3 Belfair WA. 98528 Tax Parcel No.: 12329-43-00100 Brief Le- gal description: Parcel 2, BLA 04-45, Ptn SW 1/ SE 1/ 29-23-1 Situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington. 6838 January 23, 30 2t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing before the Mason County Board of Commissioners will be held at the Mason County Building 1, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, Febru- ary 11, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Said hearing will be to consider the request from Mason County Fa- cilities and Parks Department to declare certain county owned tax title property as surplus prop- erty. Questions regarding this request should be directed to John Keates in the Facilities & Parks Department at 427-9670 Ext 669. If special ac- commodations are needed, contact the Mason County Commissioners' office at 427-9670, Ext 419. Dated this 14th day of January, 2014. Di- ane Zoren, Clerk of the Board. 6831 January 23, 30 2t PUBLIC NOTICE PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KITSAP IN RE THE ESTATE OF: CLINTON DUANE WILTSE, Deceased. NO. 14-4-00020- 0 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) (Shelton-Mason County Journal) The Administrator named below has been ap- pointed as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent that arose before the deoedenrs death must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the Administrator's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (a) thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided un- der RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim will be forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060.This bar is effective as to claims against both the de- cedent's probate and non probate assets. Date of First Publication: Jan. 23, 2014. Administra- tor: LeAne Martin Attorney for Administrator: Richard B. Shattuck. Address for Mailing or Ser- vice: 4102 NW Anderson Hill Road, Silverdale, WA 98383 (360) 698-5560 6827 Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6 3t PUBLIC NOTICE NONPROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITOR- SIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THURSTON COUNTY FAMILY AND JUVENILE COURT In Re the Estate of BALDIS SOFIE KRAMER, Deceased. No. 13-4-00693-1 NONPROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.42.030) The notice agent named below has elected to give notice to creditors of the above-named de- cedent. As of the date of the filing of a copy of this notice with the court, the notice agent has no knowledge of any other person acting as no- tice agent or of the appointment of a personal representative of the decedenrs estate in the State of Washington. According to the records of the court as are available on the date of the filing of this notice with the court, a cause num- ber regarding the decedent has not been issued to any other notice agent and a personal repre- sentative of the decedent's estate has not been appointed. Any person having a claim against the decedent that arose before the decedenrs death must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.42.070 by serving on or mail- ing to the notice agent of the notice agent's at- torney at the address stated below a copy ofthe claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the notice agent's declaration and oath were filed. The claim must be presented with the later of: (I) thirty days after the notice agent served or mailed the notice to the credi- tor as provided under RCW 11.42.020(2)( c); or (2) four months after the date of first publica- tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim will be forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.42.050 and 11.42.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's pro- bate and nonprobate assets. Attorney for Notice Agent: Lauren A. Pitman, WSBA 336866. Ad- dress for Mailing or Service: 1235 4th Ave E, Suite 200, Olympia, WA 98506 Court of Notice Agent's oath and declaration and cause num- ber: Thurston County Superior Court, County, No. 13-4-00693-1. The Notice Agent certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated Jan. 10 2014 at Olympia, Washington. G. Mark Johannessen, Notice Agent 161 E. Rustle Way, Grapeview WA 98546. Attorney for Notice Agent: Bauer Pitman Bauer, PLLC Lauren A. Pitman, WSBA 36866 6824 January 16, 23, 30 3t t Page B-20 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014