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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, January FANCY ICE R ROMES 23 LB. BOX I. S. No. 1 rifine Brand 20 lb. Bag PER BAG cey, i) PACKAGE OF 12 ............................... NOW KLEENEX, WHITE ........... T ...... 400-COUNT EME SANDWICH rE PINWHEELS SWEET MILK OR LY BUTTERMILK m 8-OZ. SUNNEE FROZEN .. 5 PER 15-OZ. PKG. ( ................................ 15 OZ. L ............................. 15 OZ. 27. RIGHT TO u SUPPLEMENT OF SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL We've Been In Our New Location And Thanks To You it's Been A Very Happy And Successful Year. AND NOW WE NEED YOUR HELP.... WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS WE do a better job of finding the right .... buyers for your property BECAUSE We do not sd/ insurance . We do not build houses THEREFORE . We do devote our full time to help HERS MARCH YIELDS $897.40---Mason ty Mothers marched Tuesday night collect- unds for the National Foundation's battle tst birth defects, arthritis and polio, Terri .th, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Spilseth, I, Box 330, is shown above with Mason ty National Foundation Drive Director Samples. Terri was born with birth de- and later contracted polio at the age of years, Terri's mother said the National darien has been extremely helpful in assist- he Spilseth family meet the many medical bills caused by her infirmities. Samples urged the public to give its all out support to the National Foundation's drive for funds. The Zonta Club conducted Tuesday night's march. Mrs. Merle McNeil was drive director. The Zonta Club wishes to express its thanks to the many mothers who marched in the cold fog in an effort, to help in this worthy cause. Samples said the total collections should exceed $900 by the time the final count is made. Last year the march total came to $786.13. ty Officials Urge Beautification prospective buyers find the right home fort For Century 21 Fair The City Commission approved a motion by Mayor Earl Moore Tueday night to * We will give you a FREE EStiMATE : up Shelton for Century 21. City crews will be available during the months of February, March and April to haul efuse to the city dump without charge to residents. Those wanting this service can f VALUE PROPERTY ty hall and their names will be plaeedontheeleanuplist. o on your • Moore said several other cities are now in the process of civic beautification for , :'y 21 and he feels Shelton should follow suit. " ...... ............. " of C Forms We do rrange the financing for th buyer, .... , ,o take acivantage of tht. f- ' .............  'tmdive | • I De comnllSnlon ,,vt; ;  ? ' ' il lnlprove ont\\;VgLl'd -/ppear- ,  ,,,,,,,1 +,, , ..--et murto hv _. a e ' ' .... .................................... Comm=ttee i the cty for the host (I - • (,lenn Watson for the acce Lance _ expected Io attend the .. ,. ',,, ...... *, (P ..... w 11 because -. ;.. o, ap. .......................... ., W?r!€!s hair. .... and Calhman Park adclitions. War- LI DENIS ale isKed to pu( (t •  • ;. ,r ,  son's proposed plat: will be turnc ris in front of their homes over to the City Planning Corn- A special Chamber of Commerce * VVe are the Shelton Agency for CAPITAL SAVINGS * & LOAN ASSOCIATION i  i t il , . H d Olympia CALL US TODAY 7s can get to it without ]ifficulty. City crews will .busy in the next few weeks brush and removing debris nd adjacenl to roads lead- , town• The street depart- now utilizing the services men on pnblic assistance hnction with the Federal elief program. cees Slate trd Banquet I 6-6592 ND STEPHENStephen Rose, age 8, is shown with Tertian, Peaches. Peaches is a year old and is ex- Stephen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rose, =s a second grade student at the Mt, View e two brothers and one sister, KU -'-- EVENINGS ve secured new hcense tabs. License tabs can be obLained at the auditor's office in the court- house Monday through Friday dnr- ing the daytinle hours, NEW NIGHT GLASS PROGRAM SLATED cd hc .second "semester" of adull • cation night classes is sched- Uled to stall soon so anyone lenl. terestecl in inlproving Ills or , ::i'ca.tion is invited to contact: G' nclpal t"ranlc Willard at the ant C. Angle school for infor- mation. M/illard, who is again in charge of the night class programning, Says classes in virtually any sub- ]ect for which a mininnm of 10 Persons enrolls and a qualified Instructor can be securedwill be arranged. For example, classes in natural- zation for non-cilizenn, in cor- !eetional reading (not speed read- l(!!g but for persons having diffi- :uy With ordinary reading), the l_Slop method of sewing, and ,-hers, along with the old stana- bys of typing, shorthand, book- eepin " w; ,- g' driving, craftwork, etc., • - ue arranged for groups of 10 el, more adult students Willard Pointed out. , REALTOR HA 6.8544 Ioweti. llle cotlnty plans to sell """" a.= uaut=y L.u la o uu three trucks and possibly a rocR Placed back in service after snows crusher, azld wind storms. R. W, King, newly appointed De WatLo Port Commissioner, paid Joe Simpson mproves visit to the commission, King talked over the duties of his new position with th e commissioners. Leonard Olson opelator of the Allyn tavern," as'ked the commis- sion for a dance permit to allow danc!ng a his tavern. The com- nusslon told Olson it had no objec- tions to issuing a permit. County approval of the request is subject to confirmation by the state board of liquor control. A eount.y building permit was isslted to James ]]. Rossmalcr, EL. 3, Box 488 AA, $7,000. Legion To Iniliale New Members Tuesday One of the largest groups of new menH)ers in the recent history of Fred t. \\;Vivel] American Legion Post is Scheduled to be initiated at pnblie CCrenlomes next Tuenday evening. Post Commander Glenn Correa invites the public to witness the initial.ion 0f 37 new post members by a 4th District initiation team. The cereraonies will be held in Memorial Hall starting at 8:00 pan. DICK LEWIS ? Week. proclaimed re- ,'Y Mayor Earl Moore. will red Feb. 4-1.0 by the ,%hel- :ees. HigiflighL of the week the group's annual Bosses nd Distinguished Service : Banquet, schedulc(l for **=z.  uenday night. I'ltlNCIPAL speaker at tile banquet, to be held at the Jaycee Clubhouse at toe airport, will bc Dick Lewis, president of the Olympic Area Chamber of Corn- at aun"'ea'"y In Seallle nle,.cc "hal. Wholeson,c .osi,ive Attitude?' will he tile subject, of Lewis's talk. Continued imm'ovemont in the "Bonses night, gives t)s an eL)- Condition of Joe V. Simpson, portunity to tell our ilosses and former Shclton city finance com- conznunily leaders abot]t ,lay(:ecs nlissioner who was critically in- and our activities", ,;id Jim jured hy a propeller blade in Hartley, president. "Tlrougi] the Alaska in December, is reported E)SA wc honor a young nlan of by his mother. Mrs. Florence Jaycee age, 21-35 "lbul, not ne, c- Lawton. essarily a ,]a);cce), for his coll- Sinlpson is off the critical list tyibuti}m to * lhc eolmlunity." and able to have visitors at tim Three civic h, aders not eligible for Univer'sity of Washington hospital, the award will lnake the selection where he in being treated by from among candidates nominal- specialists for tile head injuries received when he walked into a whirling airplane propeller while working for a marine supply firm at Port Fairfield, Alaska. Mayor Proclaims Shelton Jaycee Week Mayor Earl Moore Tnesday night proclaimed t.he week of Feb, 4 to l0 as Jaycee Week in Shel- ton. "I feet the Jaycees are one of mu' most outstanding civic or- ganizations m Shelton", said Mool'c, cd by several local organizations. The Shelton Jaycees. wire cur- rently have 35 mclnbcr w(,re m- eorporatcd ill ]Dec, 194"/. Throtlgh lhe years they have worked to develop leadership ill ytK)llg lllell |hl'olig]l colnlntlllity d(:welot)ln(?nt. Nationally, i.he Jetycees are cel- CI)I'IIIJlI" their 4211('I ;llllliv('I'sHrv, They count a qnalter of a million members iu some 4,000 ch;pters in tim United Stales. Joe Borek will be toastmaster for the banquet Dotlg t:tichards is tlarlqtlc| (:htirlllan, Vcrrl Ill'Oil- en is DSA chail'man slid the Jay- etles will prepare and serve Lhc dimmr. mission for its formal O,K. • rile city approved a contract with the Mason County Garbage Co. for use of the city dump dur- ing 1962. Under terms of the ag- reement, the garbage company will pay the city $400 for rise of the facility. (;I,ENN COR, REA asked the comnnssion if something could be done to improve the appearance of the area adjacent to first and East Pine. Correa thinks this area is an eyesore for visitors coming to town. Mayor Moore said tim city had h)oked into this mat- ter a couple of years ago but had found it difficult to effect any changes. Commissioner W. F. MeCann suggested the city look into the possibilities of urban renewal in order to cope with problems caused by blighted localities, Jay Umphenour suggested the city install home new lights on Mt View in connection with its beautification move. Moore said Lhe city has recently installed 29 new street lights and plans to in- stall many nmre. The ct.y is cur- rently spending about $15,000 a year for street lighting. TIlE STATE Highway Depart- ment informed the e.onmlission it is ready to go ahead with the front street road project which would link frent sreet with high. way 14-A. The conmission has ah'eady secured most of the rzght. of-ways arid expects to wrap up tile rent m a few day. N, B. Of G. To Buy Tahuya School Bonds The National Bank (if Commerce of Seattle was lhe successful bid- der Monday afternoon for $58,000 worth of Tahnya school district bonds. N. B. of C. bid an interest rate of 3.9178(; Other biddern inclu(led the StaLe l iYinazlce Conn'niLLee. 4t,, and the Pacific National ,'.mk of Seattle, 4.1808. t The money will be llsed Le pay 'rah/pca's stir.ire of North Mason's prose'at building program,ooOrlkt on a uew Inlllli-pllrpose r " North h'Iasol is now about ha]f- way complel ed. ' Lost ly? Postoffice Lost-And- Found Could Have It Tile Shelton postofficc is bec, om- i|lg s(me(hing of a losL-and-found center, t J. H Gray re- ports, In recent \\;vceks a cot]eclion of RClll,f,¢t. caps, scis,orn, pen fillers, leather key chain,q Lind keys, eltL' rings, fihn rolls, umb)'ellas, greet- ing Cal'C[s ;tlld cnvc]o[les has aCCll. lufltted from postofficc vinitors \\;vht) have Icfi |t'lell layutg on tile COllntel's. Postlnaster (Ii'ay invites Hn.vonc having lost sut:l ittAlls to t:()lll( aLl'Oul/d and see if they've bc;n l"found" in tim poatoffi¢. steering committee ha, s been ap- pointed for city beautification and pronmtion according to President Morrie Grunkenleier, Although the steering committee was formed with Century 21 m mind, it will be a perm&nent part of the cham her's orgmaizational strucI;llre. MEMBERS of the steering com- nlittee inchlde Chairman Ed Fau- bert, Buck Price. Jerry Samples and Lee Keifcr. the steering com- mittee will work with the follow- ink individual committees: Home and Street Decorations, Sel Van- derWegan; Publicit y, Ed Doherty; T()urists and Conventions, Les Joslin and Orville Anderson and Railroad Ave. Santa Claun Com- mittee, Kurt Mann and Rocky tIembroff. Shelton Servioemen's Son Arrives Too Lale Josef Alien Dunham, the first baby in 1962 at: Langley Air Force Base, arrived just ([:25 too late to bec()nc an i)lcont( [rlt : dc(ha:tion for his parents, A/lc and Mrs. Robert G. Dnnham of Shelton. Josef, who weighed 7 lbs. 7 !:i oz., was born at 4:25 a,m. Ja,n. ] at the 4500Lh USA]5' Hospita.l. His parents both atten(led high scimol in Shelton, his dad is assigned to the 48tb t'ight er hltcrceptor Eqnadron as a t'!ight sinnflal:or teK:llnician and has been stationed a. Langley for tle past 18 months. Josef joins a 4-year-old brother. Belfair Oafe Reporis $1700 Theft Henry lose, operator of Lhe Belfair Cafc. told the sheriff's of- fice Monday niffhl that someone had taken about $1700 from his establishment. Chief Sheriff" Deputy Me] Rob- erlson said t,ose r(,por{ed the in- cident after returning from Brem- erton abont 11:30 Robertson [ said there was no evidence of iforccable enl.)'y into Hie bui]cling. The money, rep(u't,.,d s(oh.n, was taken from a ciar box ill the rear of lhe l'eSlatlra.nL. rrhe lnat[cl, is rlovV I n(l(!i, laves* tigation. WEATH E R High Low Precip. .Ianuary 2,1 ........... 16 3,1 ,12 m. .lalnulry 25 .......... 52 12 .2(} in. J'ulmtry 26 .... 50 .12 .26 m. ,lamu 1'3' 27 ............ 52 .I() ,07 in. Jaollary 28 .......... 50 36 ........... January 29 ......... 1,1 ;2 January 30 13 "') [:l.XrOt] iOf If'iO())'Yr''")O -- tl t t ± MOVED to 423 RAILROAD AVE. (Across from Tradewetl) THE BMBO0 SHOP ii | i