February 1, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 1, 1962 |
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, day, February 1
00inese N '
Page *; ' ' SI-IELTON--MASON'COUNTY JOURNAL -- Publihei in "Chrstmatown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, February i, ew
...... ' .... - ' ' .... ' ........ ........ -UanceTh
Books, Hapzines' Offer information )Sparks Enjoy HOOD CANAL SCHOOL NEWS Allyn Parents BERTHA PURDY LAST MEMBER0000?an00 en
, . I ' 9 reen Orthop
On Naho, s Natural Resources Visiting Relatmves Asked To North ,. o
f neJton Golf Club
9" " Sylvia Sund Tops Honor Roll With Straight By Ethel Dalby pastries soon had requcStS lIrs(::' •
A ' .... - "'. larence Andel ]
Grade Average; Honor Students Listed UNION Mrs. Tom (Bertha) summer vacanomsts as :l o th. "so
I OTLATCH -- To qualify for .gain advised by Mrs. Barbara Purdy passed away on Saturday ore yh())se £o'l'"many t: gu::sts" wh tlll'e,; at m466 'therc' s):'cs%°'th':anceThe'^Y
By Mr.. Andrew BeHik moves towards saving the wilder- By Mabel Khld the semester .honor roll a student McDowcll. 'r p ' [ ' ] O 1 ' ()V " Mason PTA Meet 00ol], wh00o
Many thoughful Americans are. hess. DAYTON --- Mr. and Mrs. must have a 3.25 point grade av- ing girls hohl offices in the league, she had been confined since suf- home the pioneer school tO ,ber of reservatmns,
concerned about the condition in "America's wonderlands, the Russell Sparks enjoyed a motor erage. Sandy Lynmn, president; Mary feting a heart attack before the
which the physical resources of National Parks" giw)s a picture trip last Wednesday and Thursday Sylvia S;md a student in Mrs. Johnson, vice president; Linda By Lois Terrell holidays. She had been in failing Mr.. Jean Todd FredsOn..a ° get their )eser'
thi land will be trended on to of the whole network of parks visiting friends and re.latives in Barbara McDowell's seventh LaBissoneirc, secretary; Virginia ALLYN ...... The North Mason health for the past few months, daughter Betty. lived wlfileat ,._, ay. Mrs. Everetl
• t an(1 i esm v
• ion. ' • ation ch
future generations. One aspect of this country i; fortunate enough Sllmner, Wilkinson, Carbonado, grade, has the distinguished hone Crmnb, treasurer; Virginia John- .T.A. will meet this Thursday Mrs. Purdy came to Union City
lhis concern is for the National to po.,ess. It was published by Puyallllp and Roy. or of being the only student with son and Margaret Buechel, en- (tonight) evening in the Allyn as a pretty young girl and met Mrs. Purdy took an actiVe ll members are aske(
Parks and wilderness areas of the the Naticmal Geographic Society, The Traveling Pinochle Club met a straight A or 4.0 grade aver- tertainment. 3theol. All parents are especially Tom Purdy, scion of the early in the social life of the com r ecorating materie
country, which are subject to corn- and is filled with color pictures on Saturday evening with Mr. age. Sylvia is the daughter of The Girls' League earns money invited along with any interested 'Franklin Ptu'dy family of Sko- as well as in civic matters, b _rlday evening, h
peting claims from commercial of the sort which makes the mag* and Mrs. Ralph Killough hosting. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sund of by selling ice cream bars at noon visitor. The time is 8:00 p.m.. This komish Valley, while she was em- was active in Elinore Chapt ,ce for the worlp'{
and other interests, azine st) popular. High prizes went to Hazel Will- I-Ioodsport. twice a week. Last year the girls is the special Founders Day pro- ployed at the old Occidental Hotel Eastern Star, and for a few ..........
"This is the American Earth", Jams and Archie Lemke, low to Gayle Gustafson of the seventh bought a punch bowl, a tablecloth, gram which is celebrated each which was later renamed Twana
served as a member of old 1
recently acquired by the libralT, Lt Dean L 0alkins o..,. Chapin and Darl Goldy, grade, and John Saxton of the and a sih, er tea set for the school, year. Hotel by Irene and Henry Stumer, school board. The Purdys psi -- 4 " " N EV
i. a strikingly beautiful book pub- m | traveling pinochle to Donna Ander- ninth grade came out with a 3.9 The league has had many in- Mrs. L. H. bowie will be prin- Seattleites who had purchased the ed [he grocery store of :, ="
lished by the Sierra Club, which Takes 2 Wek Gri son and J. W. Rayson. The next grade average, teresting projects. They had a cipal speaker. A Life Member famous old-time hostelry. Frank Robinson on Union'
aims to arouse support for say- =' meeting will be held February 10 Seventh grade honor roll--.Ca, food drive for two food baskets award will be made. A llumorous The summer refinance culminat- front. Later they also bought
lug the wilderness. Ansel Adams Lt. Dean L. Caikins, USNR left with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth of thy Bolender, Peter Cosette, Bet- for two needy families. They gkit depicting the school of fifty ed in a happy ending of some 60 Hauptleyls store, which ha( ['he firstMatl°CkmeetingAdVentUrof th
is responsible for most of the last Friday for Alameda, Calif., Shelton hosting, te Cowan, Beth Ann Crumb, Tom bought a ham for each basket, years ago will be presented and years ago, enduring until his pass- viously been the company s venturers for thi
photographs. All those who love where he wllI be aboard the USS THE AGRI('ULTURE group of Eastgard, Gayle Gustafson, Bec- The league bought and wrapped should bring many a chuckle, ing at 77 years about 16 years ago John McReavy. They opera! d January 22 at he
the scenery of the West should Midway for a two-week cruise, the Little Egypt 4-H Club held a ky Hall, Linda Jarvls, Sylvia Christmas present. for Botts Nut- Wish I had the first contract I at Yachats, Oregon. The Purdys stores as one for a hum s. StOdden.
years. When their home an
be sure to see this magnificent Lt. Calktns has just celebrated meeting on Wednesday evening in Sund.
collection of photographs, and 23 years in the Naval Remorve. the home of their leader, Mrs. Eighth grade honor rollLinda sing" Home. Earlier this year the signed when I applied for my first bought a tract of good land atop r'lection of officers we
girls had a bulb drive. The bulbs School .... it was a masterpiece, Union hill above the site of the tents were destroyed by fire
consider the message of Nancy Last September he was promoted Clifford Evans. Melvin Evans gave LaBissoniere, and Lucinda Ruttcr. will be planted around tim junior not. quite fifty years ago however, old church. They built a large, l,e d the home to Iyle I we: President Bill
NewhatFs brief text. to full lieutenant. On the day of a demonstration on egg candling, Ninth grade honor roll--Virgin- high later' this year. They have The time was 1917. Plan to attend pleasant home on the site. which store property was reS0 rPresident, Nancy
"NATIONAL Parks magazine" his promotion his son Gary, an Roy Evans on training a dog and ia Crumb, Cathy Gray, Mike Her- also purchased a camera to take this meeting -- meet your teachers was a most hospitable center the late Guy Garfield, who o' r arY,KennethDavidstodden.Stodde
this month has an article about Irene S. Reed high school senior, Kenneth Evans one On selecting vey, Barbara Jarvis, Louise Jas- pictures of special events, and the parents of your child's through the years. Tom Purdy dug ed a grocery store for a l .
MOunt Rainier, as well as a hand- joined the Reserves and was give a brood sow. Other members pres- per, Eddie Latham, Sandy Ly- Later this year the Girls' friends. ThtVrsday evening (to- the well which furnished crystal of years. The Hood Canal i erent projects v
some cover photograph of it. This the honor of pinning on hi fath ent were, Ronnie Rtckards, Steve man, Rick Peterson, John Saxton, League will have a slumber party night} 8 p.m. at Allyn school, clear water for all their household now stands on the old store and each membe
.e projects which
magazine, and "National wild- er's it. bars. Leman and Tommy Leonard. Eggs Carolyn Schwab, and Joel Strayer. and a Valentine Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young of and his garden needs. Bertha Pur- Tom and Bertha Purdy me n o take for the con
• * * Alaska spent several days last dy, being an excellent cook spe- Yachats,.Oregon, where the', ery nice lunch w.
lairds new are excellent urces Gary hopes to follow t his fao were broken and all members * * *
of news concerning the current thers footsteps by doing his two Judged them on freshness and GIRLS' LEAGUE SPORTS / week with Mr. and Mrs. Doug ciallzing in German dishes, as well and operated a beach res el the business meetin
...... year hitch then going on to Col- quality, The ne×t meeting will be This year's Girl's League is Coach BryanUs seventh and Knudsen in Allyn, dividing their as baking her own breads and some length of time, and u '[ next meeting wil
'Too ..... G] SitV lege, remaining in the Reserves. held on February 7 in the home of eighth grade basketball team suf-[time with the Rod Hansens also. passing. Mrs. Purdy joined ll n ary 5 at the hem
LI TO a Mr. Calkins is employed as a Steve Leman. Robert Goldy home were :Mr. and feted its first league defeat at[ ENCOUNTERED this section's ters at Bellingham, and h b e.
............ . log scaler for Simpson Timber Weekend guests in the home of Mrs. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate Kailche last Friday by a score Public Health nurse, Mrs. Ger- Eater for dinner at the Mackays in sided there since. She waS, - ....... Don Gribble
1961 MONZA Sportg Coupe 4.speed Co, He and his family make their Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brownfield of o8 to 19. Hood Canal still holds laldine Watt, the other day. She the evening, ever, a regxflar visitor on th
larg engine, including 11 options home on Mountain View Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLalll and and sons of Kamilche. first place with a 3 and 1 record. ]was visiting' our school and the The Mackays spent Thursday in al, calling on local old-time i
15,000 roues. -nonc Ha 6-.6u. ' Last Fear's nith a'rade basket- ] Allyn House. We have known Mrs. " " "' and
, W 2/1 tf . -- ......... :* . children of Kent. Jane Williams had as Sunday ........ . . Tacoma vimting friends and at- relatives-in-law at S]
I0"rN--)'W-=-. ]7f]v--÷m home, .*n inexpensive .way o .K,P Mrs. Beulah Queener and son, and overnightguest Donna Pea-ball team's heigh! was just too(Watt since she was a httle g lrl, tending to some business. Mr" and Mrs" Clarence b Ueq ]m'
9ay walk to .shops, two twin-side [ nlghtcrawiera fresh ann lively Johnny of Shelton were weekend cock of Shelton. much for Coach Jackson's ninth her parents were very good friend; The Earl Terrells are hosts to he being a nephew of Tom
bedroom plus large extra room and until need is to z)lae.a them in a the Hemphills and the two Fen
iRility. Two,car garage, work bench. J ,,;, l,,a,, ,,€ m,r',', ,,,--',:' :.+" g10$te of Mr. and lr. Johl Melvin Evans spent the weekend grade Trojans. The ninth grad- of ours years ago in Seattle.
Lawn, garden fenced. Low ]mat/ ....... J'--",-*, ................. Andera0n, with Ronnie Rickards. ere were defeated by a score of The Mel Hemphills took ad-Oaten families this evening at F0 s! $1
col, ldal for couple planning re-/two thoroughly dampened seCtton
tivement. Full price $6'/50, terms 10f newspauer Keen enewauaner The R. E,. Lemke family of Saturday dinner guests of Mr. 42-21 at a game held at the vantage of the cold crisp days this dinner, re ere ale
$700 down, $60 per month. Call John I , .... + 'i i,.,,:-,d ..... :,):., : Seattle pent the wekelld at Lake week to clean and burn on their Sharon Jolley, daughter of the
OeVer,,ux Mafl Real Estate, HA 6- | '''"' '=' " ,...,o,, wu-*= *,u : N&hwatzel.
and Mrs, Pete Roberts were Willie Hoodsport school gym and spon-
Greenfield of Shelton and Connie sored by the Hood Canal PTA. lots here in preparation for the Frank Jolleys is transferring to D[SSSi0 Friday e
2182, or evenings ttA 6-8544. 2/1 on it. SUNDAY dinner guests of Mr. Goco of Roy. Proceeds will be used for the spring when they hope to :art Chula Vista, California from the
! W:ei D rWATER WELLSi- NOLESng and lr$, Pete Roberts were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bl°°mfield, sch°°l's library" S°ph°m°re team building" telephone company in Seattle. esters will meet Friday a The Society of America a0k
and Mrs. Ben William and chil- Peggy and Susan attended the members were David Ells, Bob Speaing of building the ,4 lyn Sharon plans to leave soon after p.m. in the Tyee resura
dren of Lost Lake. Junior League Traveling Bowling Whitmarsh, Steve Grout, Darrell Tavern is coming along fine with Feb. 1st for her new job. Good Olympia. A pael discussia
Mr. C. N. Allen and two chin Team Game held in Lacey and Peterson, Paul Hanson, Dennis: its atruoture- a modern building luck, Sharon.
dren of Kent were Sunday callers Peggy bowled on the girls' team. Pozorski. 2"he game was refereed adding to the improvement of Wee Stock is spending the week water pollution is sct!eduled,
, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Both the girls' and boys' teams of by A1 lenten and Gile Miller. Allyn's business houses. We hear end in Allyn with his parents, the Thqse who will take part
Needham of Dayton Lookout. Shelton won. Ceach Nunnelie's Lower Skoko- there is to be more constction Fred Stocks. Wes is leaving next program include Mr. Alfred
in the near future, week for spring training in Miami of the Washington State February 1
T-- Later the two families called on Mr. and Mrs, Merlin Rickards mish team remains undefeated by The McKnight family were out with the Baltimore Orioles. tion Control Commission all( rested, bro]
the Norman Bunko family of and family visited on Saturday defeating Bordeaux, 26-11. last week end thawing out pipes Mrs. Celie Amacker is ill with ton Bacon, executive secrets
ST Shelton. a'tewnoon in Skokomish Valley Special mention is made here and making things more secure the current virus which is so pre- the Northwest Pulp and and rarin' t
with Mr. and lY[rs. Calvin Byrd
Ronnie Cochran of Lost Lake to Rudy Schwab, who is always for future winter weather, relent. Association. go! We
Road as Tuesday and Wednesday and called on Mrs. Minnie Judkins ready and willing to referee our Mile Lehr was out Tuesday
Bede|| -- .... lr'lrn,,- veA overnight guest of Donald Even§. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gibble on basketball games. Rudy is the burning and cleaning after a hee OUr closing
Ricky Dillenburg spent Satur- the Mill Creek Road. Superintendent of the Hoodsport topping job. 10 days wil:
• day night with Dennis Combs. Sunday dinner guests in the Fish Hatchery. Thanks Rudy! Mrs. Henry Dahl's brother and inconvenieE
Geraldine Needham spent the home ofMr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson , , , wife, the Harvey Jorgensons of DIG mncac00u00°00
LAWRENCE BEDELL weekend as guest of Kay Loert- were Mr. and Mrs. AI Pile of CUSTODIANS Puyallup, spent Sunday at the YOU.
scher of Isabella Valley and helped Shelton. In our district we have three Dahls.
RoUte 3, BOX t70 8helton to celebrate her birthday. On Sat- Sheryl Byrd enjoyed joining a custodians and btls drivers. They The Earl Terrells spent Wednes- HASON
Phone HA. 6-4713 urday, the girls took a hor.eback group on Sunday morning from are Norman Gray, Gene Spauld- day in Seattle shopping and visit- GROUND HOG 00rmaL00'L" " ":m m m" '
ride up to Dayton Peak.. the Adventist Church for a cook- ing and Harry Coles. ing, stopping at the Steve Boyces '
Sunday evening callers in the out and hike at Hanks Lake. Mr. Gray is the custodian at in Tacoma for a chit chat. 00TATIONER
.......................................................... Hoodsport school, ttis route is Monday was Harold Brown's
Different Ways from Hoodsport north to the coun- birthday so the Tony Gornicks en- ")"----- 962 'i
Here Are 9 tyline, and then back to Lower tertained the Browns to dinner in
Skokomish. He has worked for Harold's honor. NEW I i
Lhis school district for fern" years. THE WILEY JONES' of Brem-
He was formerly from California. erton were visitors at the Gornicks Interngtion'$tl Scout 80 Pick-up .189 SH
:Mr. Gray and his farally reside one day last week, long time ........ 9
in Hoodsport. friends with news of other mutual Heater -- Signals powr-Lok Rear Axle
Gene Spaulding has been work- friends to impart to DoJthy and 4 Cyl. Comanche Engine -- Steel Cab
' todian for almost two years. Mr. I Mrs. Frank Kowalczhk was at ;': "' :" "
' Spauhling has the bus I'Llll to Mid- ltmdheon on Thursday with Sue "
I0 GEI IH0$E ]e Skok)mish. He was originally ]and Judy Fen Osten, Mrs. Doug Ramblel; American Del. 2 Door Sedan $
from California and also resides Knudsen and this writer. Heater Undorcoat- Reclining Seats
Mrs. Blanch Zeitner was happy
in, HarryHOOdsportcolesWithhas workedhiS faraily.for the /to entertain visitors from Shelton NEW 1962 Women's
ruDn¢lrlUlA¢ oo, high as a custodian and Friday..Mrs. Billie Thurneau, ]¢Ir. GSild
and Mrs. A. Mickelson, and Mrs Plymouth Savoy "6" 4 Door Sedan $2,399,0
• driver for about ote anl one- Hawley came out for the day.
half years. His bus route is Lo Heater- Undercoat Standard Shift re.
Union. He has lived in Washing'- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood
ton most of his life He former- alongdrove toWithcresentthe City,LeR°YcaliforniaDish°ns NEW 1962 Men's &
ly worked at Buechel's Garage friday night for a short visit,
and drove the bus aL Un/on. Mr. trying out the Dishons new car, Rambler Classic Deluxe 4 Dr. Sedan $2,349 .I
DILL,)Ii nLntl oo,o and his family reside at planning to return Sunday night, Overdrive--Heater--Undercoat--
Union, , , , Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stevenson Individual Front Seats W/Reclining Backs (
of Seattle along with Mrs. Mc- Back-up Lights Light Package
HOT LUNC]I PROGRAM Pherson from Kelowna, B.C. spent
An average of 200 students out the day with Blanch Zettner and NEW 1962
of a total of 337 take advantage her uncle Angus Smith one day
PA00D of the school's hoL lunch program last week. They are former neigh. International C.102 ½ Ton Pick-up $2,333 THE
daily, bore from Blanch's home town. 240 cu. in. 6 Cylinder Engine -- Heater --
Mrs. ?orothy Kelsey of Union Mrs. Ann Love was pleasantly Signals -- Powr-Lok Axle -- Arm Rest-
is the head cook of our central surpriscl by her neighbors last 7:10 X 15 Traction Tires- Dome Light
cafeteria and she is ably assisted Tuesday, the occasion was her
by Mrs. Lavina Putsifer and Mrs. birthday. A very enjoyable day is NEW 1962
Elsie Seymour. The food is all reported.
cooked at the junior high cafeteria Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacKay re- Rambler Classic Deluxe 2 Dr. Sedan $2,22'
and then transported to the other ceived good news about their
yo, if wilh schools. Mrs. Seymour serves the little grandson, Timmy, in Chico, Heater- Undercoat- Back-up Lights --
0an dad o Hoodsport SChool Mrs, Kelsey at Ca]ifor.ia, he is much improved Individual Front Seats W/Reolining Backs --
the Lower Skokomish school, and after suffering from a virus whi0h Light Package White Wall Tires
SLATE M, Pulsifer remains at the jun- sent him to the hospital for several J |
. " CLEAN ,o, ..h to serve the lunches, days.
The best supporters of the hot THE MAOKAYS are entertain- KIHBEL HUiUK00-'--!--nNC
hmch program are of children of ing their close neighbors today in (
Lower Skokomish school, where honor of Dorothy Becker's birth- m
over 80 percent participate daily, day. Mrs. Mackay is giving a
Schoo! Menues----Feb. 5 - 9 luncheo, for Mrs. Day, Mrs. CHRYSLER--PLYMOUTH---VALIAN
Monday---Italian spaghetti, hot Scholl, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Mamie
fresh garlic bread, cole slaw, Wall of Tacoma and Mrs. F.S. MBLER- INTERNATIONAL TRUCll
i G6| casil for |Urlliture no logger u$00l] cheese sticks, apple sauce cake Crutchleyof Seattle.
and milk. The husbands are having their 707 So. First St. HA 6-343
Tuesday---Vegetable soup, cin- own luncheon at the summer home
rolls, cheese stick, fruit of the Beckers, Joining the ladies
2. Sell discarded clothing wo0no0,_,o0 chicken, gra. --
or rme, buttered string beans,
, ole wheat roI1, fruit and milk.
ThursdayScalloped beef and
3, ReHt yOUr spare room potatoes, peas and carrots, pea-
nut butter sandwich, raisin cook-
Friday--Toasted cheese sand-
ies and milk.
usi.I Io ed wlch, buttered corn, fruit and
4. Cash in on m instruments no nger us o00ko
G.O.P. Women's 14VS0000¢ATE
5. Sell the old piano or radio Club Head Visits we ,o. ,.o,,
6. Rent your vacant wage ,, Emily Kirk of Seattle, re- 2.¢,,
cently elected president of the
Washington Federation of Won,- I N S U L A T I 0 N : "o,
• Wa, te
sporting goods o.. Republican lUbs, and :Mrs. "Aulo
7 There's always a buyer for Norton of Oly .....
.... QuHers and Loaders .2 o.
past president of the Washington • More
m Federation of W R (2 .........
duri' • --,, wure llel-
ton visitors ng the first month
8. Sell your surplus bed stock o, 1962, They attended the first W th Sl ippin& io CRYSTA£CL|ARcuT, TACK, SEWoz;SEId, ,4
meeting of the Mason County Re- I: HUNDREDS OF USES
publican Central Committee called ea er r
by tim new county chairman, John s INDOORS & OUTDOORS
9 Sell your services with - JourHal waHt ad Keith Bennett, at Which meeting' R 0 0 F I N 6
A Mrs, Kirk was the guest speaker. Mat
i She gave the Mason County Re-
p eclnct co
' ramitteemen STORM DOORS ,,
many fine suggestions as Lo how
to work effecLively in the pre-
were entertained at a "coffee • Floor Sanders
hour" in t:he lovely new home of -Floor Polishers 00HEL1
)/irs. L. L. McInelly. Mason Count3
ll Republicrm vice ch;ir'm A 'arge 8011""" C08PAIlY
group of Fvpublican wonlen from & EAORETT LUHBER '
all parts of Ma.qon Couatv attend-
ed and were inspired "L.: H
, " ._ uy vzrs. 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY OUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6,4522
Kirk's and Mrs. INorton,s discus-
sion of the win.nan's role in p01-]
itics, especially m an election year.