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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 1, 1962 Tu,,dy, +b,,ury New Year Republican Women DaneeTheme And Their Guests Orthopedic Aux- See Riot Films Chinese New Year"s will be held February 10 at "Opcralion AboliNon", the rod- Golf Club. tion picture showing the rioting Clarence Anderson is chair- at the San Francisco hearings of the dance "The Year of the the House (Congressional) Un- by Chinese calendar American Activities Committee, there is a limited was well attended by some seven- er of reservatmns, guests are (y-five Republican women and to get their ]eservations in guests of the club. The movie was away. Mrs. Everett Hur is shown by Jim Lane of Belfair at and reservation chairman, the January meeting of the Mason Mrs. Purdy took an members are asked to bring County Women's Republican Club. in the social life of the decorating materials to the After the showing of the film, as well as in civic matters. Friday evening before the new club officers for 1962 were in- was active in Elinore - for the work party", stalled: Mrs. Arthur Kraus of The Eastern Star, and for a few "-------- Garden Resort, Hoodsport, as pres- served as a member °f °ld 4 H NEWS ident; Mrs. Carmelita Shackleford school board. The Purdys pad, of Belfair as first vice president; ed [he grocery store of " and Mrs. Harold C. Stirling of Belfair as secretary. Mrs. J. Eber Frank Robinson on Union  Angle of Shelton, elected second front. Later they also bought ,. Ms(lock Adventurers vice president, was vacationing in Hauptley's store, which ha ae first meeting of the Ms(lock Honolulu; and Mrs. Trivia Fisk of viously been the company st€ enturers for t i Shelton, elected treasurer, was JohnstoresMCReaVY.aS one TheYfor "a°peratnumb t.l tOdden.January 22 a:h h/aLWao canvalescing in Spokane after a years. When their home and very critical bout witl pneumonia; - :lee(ion of officers held as these two officers were installed tents were destroyed by fire+lows. President was so a Ly r S e President," NaneyBill Stodden;St°dden; by proxy. sold the home to le e Tire store property w Wise next meeting of Mason  .... +,^ o etary, David Stodden tress- the late Guy tarnem, w..u ,mr, K^- - ; County Women's Republican Club a if'":" =nneth Stodden ed a grocery store for miffe . • will be held at the home of Mrp. of years. The Hood Canal 'z+ rent projects were dis- L.L. Mclnelly, 1104 West Harvard, now stands on the old store "o and each member decided o l"a , m h ....... ol h, Purdv mo+ng toPr°jects x.vhseh they are l wil I be a round table discussion of Tom and Bertha  --, -,e rot tile coming year. t the basic princl lea of the Re ubli Yachats,,Oregon, where they very nic - 'P P - pYee th^  . e lunch was served t can Party. Coffee will be served. and operated a beach res%d = pureness meeting I All Re ublican women will be some length of time, and fba  passing. Mrs. Purdy joiner l aex meeting will'be held welcom whether they be members . Y at the home of Doll or not Mrs Kraus wiu announce ters at Bellingham, and blu, , • • the names of the women who have ever,Sided athereregularSinCe'visitorSheonWaS ......... Don Gribble, reporter consented to act as chairmen of al, calling on local old-time the various standing committees at and relatives-in-law at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clareuce +++n++w e '11 Choir Concert Is Forester-s-Sidle Enjoyed By Many Discussion Friday e Music Enthusiasts The Society of America The Choir Festival Concert pre- esters will meet Friday rented by the Shelton Music Club p.m. in the Tyee _ | at the Junior high school auditor- Olympia. A panel C K ium last Sunday has received very water polhltion is favorable comment. Those who will take part Rev. Eugene Kellenbenz, O.S.B., the guest soloist from St. Martin's program include Mr. Alfred Fehruary_ 12 college in Olympia, gave an excel- " " " lent performance. It was a pleas- rested, broke• ure to listen to his playing and his , LAST MEMBERI 5 FAMILY, Y pastries, soon had reqncsts L) summer vacationists as P • house-guests with the r ul Purdy home becll nnt a Sl home for many. It was at home the pioneer sehool I Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson !laughter Betty, lived wltile IOn. :y at Ly 3- !l, ta r, le t- 10 ,- 70 8 ,p le e, h ?r Lg td p- ,11 d .n n L- of the Washington State lion Control Commission ton Bacon, executive the Northwest Ptflp and Association. THESE OG SPECIALS fl962 0 Pick-up ........ $1,899, powr-Lok Rear Axle Ine -- Steel Cab fl962 .... ,l. 2 Door Sedan $1,9994 -- Reclining Seats fl962 4 Door Sedan Standard Shift fl962 xe 4 Dr. Sedan -- Undercoat ts W/Reclining Backs ght Package and rarin' to technique was Rev. Kellenbenz responded graciously go We hope for an encore. our closing for Proceeds of the concert go toward summer music awards to 10 days will not undergraduates. ) lrlcnnvonino,__.._... ,, The Shelton Music Club wishes YOU. to thank everyone who helped make the concert a success with MASON COUNTY special thanks to Mr. Lynn Sher- wood, Mrs. Harvey Hillman, Mr. f Havens and high school boys, Mrs. STATIONERS R w Norvold and Junior Music Club, Mrs. Charles Lentz. Mrs. Bruce Kreger and Miss Marian Gaffney. SHOE SALE Women's . $2.88 lo $6.88 Children's . $3.88 to $5.88 Men's & Boys' $4.88 to $10.88 While they last ! 1962 All sales final THE BOOTERY V'e--oo'r p+e; t- fi962 xe 2 Dr. Sedan $2,22 Back-up Lights -- s W/Reolining Backs -- dte Wall Tires iOTORS INC. MOUTH --- RNATIONAL HA 6-3433 rAL CLEAR rACK, SEW or SEN. )REDS OF USES ORS & OUTDOORS INIII ¢OV|U NTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders Floor Polishers !R COHPAHY PHONE HA 6.4522 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Society SO EditorCigl. Marj WatersE V e gPhone HAt$6-4412 I New Councilors For Treble Clef Junior Music Club The January meeting of the Treble Clef Junior Music Club was held in the auditorium of Bordeaux school. The collect was read by the group and the ltymn of the month, "God of Our Life" was sung. The story of the hymn was read by Dundee Moran. During the business meeting which was conducted by the presi- dent, Connie Chency, plans were made and discussed for attendilg the Junior Club convention at the University of Washington on March 17. The club is a member of the State and National Federa- tion of Music Clubs. The program consisted of folk songs. A story of American folk songs was read by Karel Mann. "Old Folks At Home,' was sung by Cynthia Surratt, Cheri Miljour, Terry Wokojanee and Holly Scott accompanied on the auto-harp by Leila Locke. A "Folk Song Rotmd" was sung by the sixth grade girls. The pro- gram was concluded with the sing- ing of several folk songs by all the girls accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Donovan Palmer. Several of the Treble Clef girls took part in the entertaining of the Senior Music Club at the Methodist curch January 23. Mrs. Donovan Palmer and Mrs. Henry Hansmeier will be the new counselors to take the place of Mrs. Ralph Hot(on. BPW Preparing SHELTON MUSIC CLUB ENTERTAINED BY Ozochosiovakian Dolls :mmE JUNIOR MUSIC CLUBS RECENTL Shown At The The Sholton Music Club mot clu,'inet solo by Sara rege,' ac- netn January 23 at the Methodist Church. The Junior Clubs were wel- comed by Mrs. Bruce Kreger, president. Mrs. R. W. Norvold, leader of the Pizzicato Club intro- duced Mary Beth Connolly, Diane Franks and Leslie Surratt who sang the Collect of the music clubs. The Treble Clef Club whose leader is Mrs. R. H. Horton, pre- sented the following program: "P.H. Polka", an accordion solo by Karel Mackey; "Lone Dreants," a Rhododendron Society Has New 'Committees For G0ming Year At the recent meeting of Shelton Chapter American Rhododendron Society, President Walt Elliott ap- pointed the following yearly com- mittees: Program chairman, Dr. and Mrs. Ben Briggs and Mr. and i Mrs. Ed McGill; show chairman, Bill Smith, Bud Johnson and Bud Wyatt; membership, Bill Herrick, William Whitney and Herb Rotter; publicity, Kitty Johnson; Oallanan Park, Kelvin Hamilton, Chuck Rowe, Betty Ann VanderWegen, William Whitney and Bud Wyatt; telephone, Mae Grant; year book, Betty Ann VanderWegen; tour chairman, Mildred Keenan. Mr. Carl Fawcett, from the Ta- coma chapter, gave an interesting program showing slides of rhodo- dendrons and talked on the area cultivated and planted by their club at Point Defiance Park. companied by Mrs. Bruce Kreger; m . This W eek +'Ol+l 'olks at Home," sung by ...rare, Cynthia Surratt, Cherie Miljour, Terry Wokojanee and Hol,ly Scott .Mrs. F'aye Mit, chell of Grape- accompanied on the audioharp by view spent ' large part of last Leila Locke; "Barbara Polka," an year in Czcctmsh)vakia. She accordion solo by Gail Ziegler and brought home wiI:h her a c.oIlee- "Moths," a piano sol() by Connie lion ol' dolls showing the native Cheney. " costurlles of vilriolrs ttl'exs, Its well The B-Sharp Club led by Mrs. ;;Is some beautiful books about tile H+u'ry Carlon presented a group : cotult'y. S trre of these I, hmgs are of 6th grade ghqs singing "Marl-I °n (ti.,+play this week at (lie and,' art Italian folk song and a l library' Gypsy song; "A Blue Lagoon." by I Dolls made of corn husks al'e Debbie Maranville at the piano; i C(lilln]otl toys in tile (.t)ltrli.r'y lift!as and "Oh! Soldier, Soldier" Was there, Two of these are on display. sung by the entire club+ t One is a girl who is "braking" the 'rise Pizzicato Club offered i flax on a simple wooden l'rmnt+ "Sonatina," a flute solo by Janet I i (this removes the waste material Maranville accompanied by Mrs.  from the fibers after rettingj; D. Palmer; "I Like It" savg by the other is a boy who is playing t Mary Beth Connolly, Diane Frank flute. and Leslie Surrat't accompanied The other (lolls are dressed in by Mrs. Palmer; a flute trio corn- the fashion of the traditional cos- posed of Terry Turner, Pat Stein- tumes. Some eolored photographs give an even clearer idea of the complexity of the costuntes. Paper was enjoyed by all. The executive dolls are fun in Checoslovakia too. berg and Pam Tuson. Punch, coffee, tea and cookies board of the Shclton Music Club acted as hostesses tor the evening. The Shelton Music Club is affili- ated with the state and National Federation of Music Clubs. Luncheon Meeting Set For OES Social Club Welcome Chapter, dES Social Club will meet for a noon luncheon nieeting Febsxtary 6 at the home of Mrs. B. N. Collier oil Ham- mersley Inlet. Cars will be at the Masonic Temple at 11:30 a.m. for those wishing rkes. 'The paper doll being shown has her elaborate wards'obe contained in a paper box made in imitation of the elaborately painted wooden chests of the peasant homes. You arc invited to ,visit the display during the next ten days. After exercising your dog in the field, it is best to wa;h out his eyes with a warm solution of boric acid. This will remove the weed seeds and foreign mat- ter that have accumulated there and eliminate the possibility of inflamed and irritated eyes. For Heart Drive The meeting closed with in- formal discussion over coffee and Shelton Business and Profes- I cookies. " ................... PENNEY monal Women s Club will hold its I business meeting at 7:30 p.m. next[ W  , Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Earl Jagnow. [ Guests for the last meettng were for this event the district director, Mrs. Mary ARRIVv/-( Laurent, Aberdeen, her mother, Mrs. Inga Kneeland, Shelton and nationally famous A detailed report on the Winter MR. AND MRS. R. O. YEAGER, Shelton, were aboard the SS Board last month was given by Matsonia, Matson Luxury Liner wlen this picture was taken. Mrs. Laurent. Shelton General Hospital They left San Francisco for Honolulu January 23. The Yeagers Work on the Heart Drive/ Sun- Mr. and M'rs. Floyd Howard, celebrated thei'r wedding anniversary January 25. day, February 25 is now under Rt. 1 Box 3, a girl, January 24. way. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fouthc, Rt. ......................... 2 Box ,t9, a girl, January 29. Educational Television Girls' Staters And Boy+ Host Mother Priw, to and Mrs DaviO .ardi," ,oum , 's °"' :ec ' For PTA Mothers To Be At Annual Banquet ecam,+ the l]+l],ents of a baby boy High school boys hosted their born January l0 at Pendleton. m .m= . "ee"a-"" %r'eaux Honored 'uesa -j[ (1 y Moms Tuesday night at the annual Oregon. Dale Vernon has been Mother-Son banquet held at the chosen for his name. Private Har- Bordeaux PTA held its first Girls' Sisters and their mothers high school, die, who is with the 62nd Ohem- ical DLvision at Fort McLellan. meeting of the new year Thurs-will be honored guests of the Fred The dinner was followed by a Alabama is being released from day evening in the school audito- B. Wivell Unit 31, American program put on completely by the the service in February. Mrs. Har- rium with Mrs. Lewis Vysong o- Legion Auxiliary at the unit's boys. Musical numbers by the die is the former Pat Collins. fering the opening prayer, l,'cbruary 6 hireLing, according to brass sextet and the boys sextet , . . Following a brief business sea- Mis,+ Ma.ry Dobson. Girls' SLate were enjoyed by all. A boy from Mr. and Mrs. David I. Heisey sion which included an interesting chairman. The girls will report on each class gave s short talk on of North Highlands, California report by Legislative chairman, their expermnces at the Evergreen Mother's influence on a boy's life vis5 to announce, the birth of Paul Gillie. President Mrs. William Girls' State conference which was from childhood to adulthood, their daughter. Tammy Klm. on LeeSChirmerwho presentedintr°duCedan Mr.informativeTOrger 1 Washingtonheld on thecampusCentralin Ellensburg.C°llege of DEGREE ............................. OF HONOR NJanuarYo r t h 23Sacramento,at Arcade talk on educational television, its All unit members are urged to EXECUTIVE BOARD Mrs. Heisey is the former Norms possibilities and advantages in re- attend this interesting meeting The Executive Board of the De- Ann Vincent of Shelton. Grand- lation to Shelton schools., and demonstrate their support of gree of Honor will meet next parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. The group then -iewed the film, the auxiliary - sponsored Girls' Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Patterson of 433 Ellinor street, The Consumer Wants To Know, State project. Eunicc Sharp, 224 East Harvard. Shelton. presented by the Consumer's Re- - ..................... searcit organlzat,on and contain- Nuel Curtis Aux ing much worLhwhile information. Mrs. Ruth Goodwin's room won To Fete 16 Years the room count for Lhe evening, and mothers from Mrs.Santama- ria's and Mrs. Rogers' rooms were hostesses for the coffee hour fol- lowing the meeting. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: Albert Smith, 47. Belfair and Marjorie Bemis, dl, Yakima. Gerald R. Vann, 31, Seattle and Andrea Lorer, 23, Seattle. Henry Hagnan, legal, Spokane and Ida begera(rein legal, Spo- kane. Nuel Curtis Auxiliary 5372 Vet- erans of Foreign Wars are asking all officer's and members to be at the Belfair Grade school next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. for a prac- tice to be followe0 by a regular business meeting at 8 p.m. This being the 16th anniversary, a short program will follow the business meeting. SItELTON YACHT CLUB MIqETING TONIGHT The regular business meeting of the Shelton Yacht Club will be held at 8 p.m. this evening at the PUb building. Roger Gates 29, Hoquiam and Journal Want Ads Pay Beverly Schroeder, 27, Aberdeen. ALL-EXPENSE-PAID TRIP America's Space Age WORLD'S FAIR APRIL 21.OCTOBER 21, 1962 CENTURY 21 Westinghouse Values For You ,OAN BE YOURS IF YOU START TO SAVE N.O.Wtt Attend the World Fair in Late Summer mad ]Earn 2: DIVIDEHD PAYMENTS PORTABLE DISHWASHER BRENTWOODS regularly 2 9a reduced t© Laundromat LLC$0 : 2-Cycle Wash Control Pre-Wash Setting • Water Saver • Aulomatic Lint Elector " 2 Deeia Rinses • More Washing Power 2 or+5 lding more fun at our expelse '1:39900 STAliTA FAIR SAVlN6S+ AGGOUNT NOW PIGK 'EM BY THE CLOSETRJL AT AND GET BETTER THAN.FAIR BEGINNING 0F.SEASON SAVINGS '219oo Matching Dryer s169.00 (in facl the very besl) DIVIDENDS One of oul ++re.test eo.ections ever t++,cl+ed wit. Westinghouse f+hion news.. delightful'trims. handy poeket'+.+, co,laP interest. Stripes, cheeks prints it+ COt.tOll, acetate dud cotton blends. Machine wash. Sizes ]2-20 tnd 1,1.+2,t z. W as h er- D ry e r All Savings With Us Draw ......... a lZ o] PER ANNUm PAID Gombinalion q 74 7o+[ TIMES A YEAR • 600 REMNANTS ,3499 s ++ CED Shelton Branch REDU Other Models at Other Prices Thurston County Federal ,o, 00ou, so,oo.o. Savings & .Loan Association SHELTON ELECTRIC COMPANY ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $10,000 BY THE F.S.L.I.C. 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday .+ 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Office Branoh Office 5th & Capitol Way II 313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash, Nationally Famous Brand Materials All Reduced 4 € up 419 Railroad Ave. HA 6-6283 f