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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4, : ..................................................................... SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL h Published in "Chrlstmastown U.S.A.," Sheiton, Thursday, February Loggers Bomb Owls, 185.521 Knight Five BULLO06S TRAVEL.... TO WEEKENO GAMES CROSS SOIrND LI,:hGUE W L pf l)a Tahoma ................. 6 O 315 209 Vashon ................. 4 2 378 278 Lakeside ................ 3 2 221 204 King's Garden .... 3 4 344 384 Orting ..................... 2 4 280 340 Nortti Mason ........ 0 6 202 325 Last Weekend King's Garden 87, erring 69 ,, Tahoma 48+ Rento A U 42 R-1,) ' 0"Dea'5; Taliom 53 (n:i)' This Friday North Mason at Lakeside Kink's Garden at Vashon Tahoma at (.)rLing This Saturday North Mason at Chimacum (n-l) BELFAIR .... .After a week's idleness, the Nm'th Mason Bull- dogs resume basketball action with two weekend trips, No. 1 takes them to Seattle Friday night to meet Lakeside in a Cross Sound league game, No. 2 calls for a trek up the Olympic Peninsula Saturday night to meet Chinl a.Cllt in a non-conferenco scrap. It will be the second meeting r of the season with both rivals, the Bulldogs having lost on both oc- casions. SHELTON BANTAMS WiN OVER LAOEY Sheltons boys came through with a big 1.48 pin margin over Larry boys to win a bantam bowN ing match between the two corn- totalities Sunday at the Timber Bow1. The Lacey girls had downed the Shelton girls, 1711-1633, but: the Shelton boys came back with a 1700-1542 victory .for an overall 3333-3253 margin for Shelton. Bruce Hoard and Allen Glover paced the Shelton boys with 435 and 380 series respectively, Allen's series being high for the dsy's bowling and Bruce's ° 1.59 high tangle game. Sonja Ahlquist led lhe Shelton girls with a 367 series but Marilyn Meeds of Lacey had high girls' scores at 144 and 383. MERCIIANTS LEAGUE W L Prepp's Rexall Store ...... 11 5 Ratph's Serve-U .............. 10 6 Old Mill Tavern .............. 10 6 Bill's Shell Service .......... 9 7 Olympic Plywood .............. 8 9 Tlmrston S & L .............. 7 9 Dairy Queen ..................... 6 10 Ktmbel Motors ................... 3 13 High game--Al Wagner 227, High series.--.. Lynn White 583. W L pf pa Wishkah ................ 6 0 442 262 Mociips ................... 4 ] 252 220 Quinault ................ 2 2 181. 182 Mary M. Knight .... 1 5 266' 346 North River. ......... 0 5 /53 284 Last Week Wishkah 85, Mary M. Knight 52 Quinault 59, Forks 52 (n-l) Ocosta 51, Moclips 47 in-l) North River 45, Rainier 33 (n-l) Wishkah 57, Oakville 56 (n-I) This Friday Quinault at Mary M. Knight Wishkah at Moclips , , ,Th!$ Saturday : Fta'lnier' at' Wishkah (nLl) Joyce at Quinault (n-l) Z4rA.TLOCK ..... ,1 e r r y Mooden-. baugh's 6-6 altitude and Herkimer Hansen's speed were Inore than the Mary M. Knight Owls could handle in their Tri-County league game with leading Wishkah here Friday night. Moodenbaugh racked up 32 points and Hansen 23 as the Log- gers rolled to an 85-52 victory. Danny Walker did his darndest for the Owls but his 15 points, sup- plemented by Sam Valley' 14, couldn't keep the Matlock home forces ii contention at any time. This Friday night the Owls en- tertain the Quinault Elks in a game critical to Mary M. Knight's hopes of earning a district tourna- ment berth ai the end of the sea- son. An Owl victory is a must to keep those hopes alive. WISHKAH 85 KNIGHT 52 Springer 4 f Valley 14 Buzz 11 f Graham 6 Moodenbaugh 32 c D. Walker 15 Hansen 23 g Stodden 8 Goodenough 9 g Trenekman 6 Subs: Wishkah -- Humbyrd 4, Carter 2, Mackelwich. McDougall. Knight .... DeFoer, Beerbower, Brehmeyer, Hollatz, P. Walker. 9EMEREE DRUMS 608 CITY LOOP SERIES MEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L 40&8 ........................................ 9 3 Frisken Oil ............................ 8 4 Simpson Timber .................... 7 5 Mac's Corner. ........................... 6 6 Lumbermen's Mere .............. 6 6 Rishel Logging .................... 4 8 Beckwith Jewelry ................ 4 8 Wilson Company .................... 4 8 High games -- Meal Demeree 232, AI Ferriee 229. Barney Rishel 224, Gale A/brecht 222, Ncil SO],: jestad 221. High series -- Neal Demeree 608 Finishing with a stout 232 Meal Demeter slipped ow,r the 600 mark for a 608 series and combined his big game with Barney Rishel's 224 to give Rishel Logging Com- pany a 1042 final game. its only point in an odd-game loss to Mac's Corner {Neff Seljestad 221-559) in OMEN, COMMEI[CIAI, W :Eells & Valley ..................... 1.4 6 Darigold ............................... 12 8 (;o[i:'s Oilerel [es .............. 11 Timb(.r bowl ................ 11 Ming" Tree Cat(. i. Allyn Shell Service .......... 8 Richfield Oil ...................... 8 Bill's Shell Service .......... 5 SCHOOL MENU Week of February 5 - 9 Monday.--.Vegetable soup, meat sandwich, cheese slices, peaches or apricots, milk. Tuesday ...... Roast beef gravy on mashed potatoes, sugar peas, fruit salad, cookie, milk. Wednesday ....... Chili con carne, men's city league bowling play L Monday a't Shelton Rec. 40 :g ('4k!. Albrecht 222-556) tool /lisi! Jt(;, by whitewashing 9 '  o r L.M. (Rub BIockberger ,),,9), x hile odd-game verdicts marked the otller two matches. The Simpson 12 Loggers Chink Hawley 526) Were 12 victors over Wilson' Company 15 (Allie Robinson 519) and Frisken Oil (Ade Kopperman 596) over Beckwith Jewelry (A1 Ferrier 229- E Pts. Lions Club .............................. 43], Bull Moose .............................. 39 Moose Antlers ........................ 36 Rotary Club ........................... 36/ She]ton TJardwmle .............. 30 zfi Fuller Construction .............. 27 Kiwanis Club .......................... 27 GOING GO-CART--RonnIe Anderson, 14-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rickards, 1005 Franklin street, had a tremendous season in Go- Cart racing last year, winning 30 trophies on six different tracks. The year befqrehis first in Go-Cart competitionRonnle won two tro- phies. His collection is shown on the shelves behind him. During the 1961 season he raced at Kent, Tacoma, Bremerton, Olympia, Centra- lia, Hoquiam and Port Angeles, failing to win a trophy only at the latter. He had 14 first place trophies among his 30 cups in 1961, including one for the track record at Bremerton in Junior Class A competition. Ronnie drives a Cool Cart Little Climbers Win Pair, Near Second Spot In Standings SEAMOUNT B TEAMS W L pf pa Curtis .................... 8 0 403 275 Fifo ........................ 6 2 338 325 North Thurston .... 5 3 356 322 SHELTON .......... 4 4 323 292 Bethel .................... 2 5 291 338 Peninsula .............. 2 6 295 375 White River .......... 0 7 234 313 Last Weekend Shelton 44. White River 27 Shelton 44, Bethel 21 Curtis 40, N.T. 36 (or) Curtis 57. Peninsula 33 Fife 52, N.T. 50 (or) Fife 52, Peninsula 42 By Dennis Hinton The resurgent Shelton "Little Climbers" look like they might go somewhere in the second round of Seamount league hoop competi- tion. After stumbling to a two-win, four-loss, loop record during the first half, coach Harold Wilson's club bobbed White River, 44-27, and Bethel, 44-31, over the week- end to kick off second half ac- tion, Stocky junior guard A1 Wagner led the attack on the Hornet jay- vees, pumping in 12 points. Brian Brickert supported the Shelton cause w/tl Six. White River's Waddell petted 11. The Highclimber reserves avenged an early season setback with the thorough trouncing of the Brave* seconds. Wagner hit in dou- ble figures for the second night in a row as h(. bucketed 10 points to top all scorers. Bob Walker donated seven points while Don Andrews and Bill Smith hit six each. The line-ups: SHELTON 44 WHITE RIVER 27 Villtnes 4 f Holly 4 Briekert 6 £ Waddell 11 Andrews 2 c Schwiekl 4 fresh vegetables, peanut butter Eagles Aerie ............................ 17: Walker 4 g Rooney 2 sandwich, clerry (Jr a.l)ple cob- High game--Russ Morken 214. Wagner 12 g Honsowetz 3 bier, milk. High seriesCec Bingham 574. Subs: Shelton .... Towle 2, Olsen, Thursday ..... Turkey and nee. Smith 1, Jeffery 3, Von Hoff 2, dies, carrot-raisin-cabbage saJ- Densley, Carte 3, Linn, Kadoun 2, REC/X-ON-L-I'X(-J: L Kneela'nd, Keyzer, D. Wagner 3. ad, whole whca. mu£fins, oz'- ange, milk. Shelton Recreation ............ 13 3 White Rivez .... Ross, Bolton 1, Friday ...... Macaroni. and cheese, The Lamp Post .................... 11 5 Krelick 1, Monsch 1 Heddriek. snap green beans, sandwich, ap- Rainier Beer ....... ; ............... 11 5 Score by Quarters pie wedge, peanut butter nug- Northwest Evergreen ........ 9 7 Shelton ................... 10 7 16 11--44 gets, milk. Ritner's Straight Shots .... 7 9 White River ........ 6 4 7 1027 Supplement your child's diet Lucky, Lager . ........................ 6 10 with Plenamis from Lemke s Service .................... 6 10 SHELTON 44 BETHEL 31 Olympia, Beer ........................ 1 15 Villines f Crate I.aml. Dav,ll High game---LaVonne Castle 212 Brickert 3 , f Brooks 2 I-II O 'IIg&all High series--Lavonne Castle 562 Andrews 6 c Dukes 5 Walker 7 g Olson 7 133 RR. HA 6-4642 Split pickDonna Coleman 6-7. Wagner 10 g orrish 10. Subs: Shelton  Smith 6, Towle .....    4, Jeffery 2, yon Hoff, Densley 2, 69. JOHNSON MOTORS o=.,o, Kneeland, Keyzer, D. Wag- .  net 4. Bethel -- Cooley, WOODS, Setbaeken 2, Turner 2, Miller, Gohr 7, Dutton I, Campbell 5, More Fu More Features "=""'°"="'" n I Shelton ................ 13 5 16 10---44 ..... Bethel ..................... 5 6 10 103 LAY.AWAY NOW MEN SIMPSON LEAGUE w Loaders .............................. 14 Loggers 9 : Railroad ............................. 9 7. Engineers .......................... 8 S Shops .................................. 7 " Insulating Board .............. 4 12 Mill No. 2 .......................... 4 12 High gameLyle Coleffm 28§, Glen Laugen 225, Start Ahlquist 222. High series--San Ahlquist 579. MR. & MRS. LEAGUE W L Nite Owls ...................... 44 32 IDa. No ....................... 41½' 34 Vagabonds ...................... 41/ 34/ Vee Jays ....................... 38 38 Skid Row-Lers .............. 37/ 38 Gutter Snipes .............. 25/ 50 High gamesShirley Lindsey, 179, Frank Marler, 214. High series--Cleo Hulet 441, Bill Staudt and Vern Beeson 511. GRANGE LEAGUE W L Southside ................................ 12 4 Shel Val Patrons ................ 9 7 Pomona .................................. 9 7 Matlock .................................. 9 7 Skokomish ............................ 8 8 Shelton Valley ............... */ 9 Cloqua]hnn ............................ 5 11 Agate ...................................... 5 11 High games --Joan Sharp 154, Ralph Simpson 223. High series -- Eva Rostvold 423, Ralph Simpson and Tom Olson 52Z, powered by a "souped-up" six horsepower Mc- Culloch motor. Ronnle did his own motor mod- ifying. His vehicle is capable of doing 75 miles per hour or better on stPaight-aways. He is a ninth grader in Shelton junior high school and a merqber of the Evergreen Go-Cart Club of Shel- ton, which has 13 active members. Others in the club who have won trophies in competition are president Clint Halbert (one 3rd), Bob John- son (one 1st), Merv KInnan (one 3rd), Larry Anderson (Ronnle's younger brother, one 1st and one 3rd), John Miller 14 trophies in 1960 and 1961), Danny Dickey (one 3rd), and Darryl Cookston (one 3rd). MAC SMAOKS 623 IN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE W L Lumbermen's Merc .............. 11 5 Morgan Transfer ................ 11 5 20th Century .: ...................... 10 6 Grant Lumber ...................... 8 8 lary Trucking .................... 7 9 Shelton Motors .................... 7 9 Pantorium Cleaners ............ 5 11 Cole's Mobil Service ............ 5 11 High games Lionel Leman 226, L. L. MeInelly 226, Jack Stewart 223. High series -- L. L. McInelly 623. A 623 series forged by L. L. VicInelly (226-203-194) elevated the L.M. into a top-rung tie in the Climber Grapplers Find Seamount Victory Hard To Get, Lose Another SEAMOUNT WRESTLING League Season W L pf pa W L T Fife 3 0 118 21 5 2 0 Bethel 3 0 99 35 5 0 1 W. River 2 1 90 53 6 3 0 Curtis 1 2 64 72 4 4 0 Shelton 0 3 29 122 3 4 0 N. Thurs. 0 3 24 121 2 5 0 Tonight Shelton at Bethel North Thurston at Curtis Fife at White River By Delmy Hinton Shelton high's Seamount League men's Industrial bowling league wrestling jinx continnes. The last week after al3-1 victory over Highelimbers, winless in loop play Clary Trucking (Wayne Clary so far this season, lost another 54.2). one Thursday, 40-12. to the White THESE LOW PAYMENTS WILL HOLD YOUR MOTOR FOR JUNE 1st DELIVERY WHEN YOU ASSUME REGULAR MONTHLY PAYMENTS Mac and Lionel Leman put together their 226 openers, along with Jack Stewart's 201, to pro- duce a 1023 gable for the L.M. Stewart missed the 600 goal by a single pin when ie fell off to a 175 finale after 201 and 223 openers. 20th Century Thriftway (Carl Downing 587) was the week's only sht0ut winner over Pantoilum Cleaners (Joe Holt 562). Othei" 3L winners were Cole's Mobil Service (Harry Cole 497) over Shetton Motors (Bob Olson 532) and Morgan Transfer '(Wiley Surratt 474) over Grant Lumber (A1 Johnston 531). HOUSEWIVES L E'GwU E L Angle Agency .................... 15 5 Evergreen Florests ............ 14 6 Hood Canal Marina .......... 13 7 Bamboo Shop .................... 11 9 Kelly's Furniture .............. 8 12 Jim Pauley Inc ................. 8 12 Edward's Salon .................. 6 14 Batstone Funeral .............. 5 15 JOHN8ON 3 $3.70 .r Month JOHNSON 51 $4.90 per Month JOHNSON 10 $6.80 per Month JOHNSON 18 $8,15 per Month JOHNSON 28 $9,70 per Month JOHNSON 40 Electramatic $15.60 per Month JOHNSON V-75 Eleotramatio $20.90 per Month SAEGER MOTOR SHOP ON HILLCREST High game--Vera Johanson 188 High series--Dot Roberts 478 WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE L Ritner's Chuck Wagon .... 13 3 Lumbermen's Merc ..... . ...... 12 4 Hoodsport Lumber ............ 12 4 Kimbel Motors Inc .............. 8 8 Joy Novelty ........................ 8 s Morgan Transfer ................ 5 11 Shelton Hotel ...................... 4 12 McConkey Drug Center .... 2 14 High game--Vi McGee 198 High series--Vi McGee 518 Split pickVi Hicks 6-7 RAYONIER RESEARCH W Acetate Aces ..... ................. 17 7 Water Boys ........................ 16 8 Silva Foxes ........................ 15 9 Rayonettes ........................ 13 11 Wood Birds ........................ 10 14 Pin Curlers ,, ....................... 9 15 Maintenance ....... ', ................ 8 16 F0urfowlers ........................ 8 16 High games--Marg Bacon 192, Dick Nelson 219 High seriesMarg Bacon 463, Dick Nelson 592 BANTAM LEAGUE W L Shelton Journal ............ 33 ½ 14 Lions Club ...................... 31 17 Cook'a Plant Farm". ..... 27 21 Timber Bowl. ................. 24½ 23 Morgan, Eacrett Lbr.... 20 28 Jay Btrds ...................... 8 40 High games---Sonja Ahlquist, 121, Jerry Robertson 167, High seriesSonja Ahlquist, 233, Jerry Robertson 281. MIXED FOURSOMES Pimber Ducks " 14 Odd BalZ ................................ 12 8 Knock Outs .......................... 11 9 What's Next ........................ "10 l0 Rusty Ducks ........................ 7 13 Pin Busters ............................ 6 14 High games -- Ira Cook 168, Charlie Savage 204. High series  Alice Crossan 436, Charlie Savage 541. .Any of the foxhound breeds can be easily trained as deer- hounds. The coonhound breeds and even beagles can also be used with success. In the cold winter months, brown trout go where the wter's warmest: where freah spring waters enter the stream in quan- tity, where sun hits the water longest and where power plants release wazTned water. River Hornets. The Climbers travel to Bethel today for a league meeting with the ]raves. Ed Holmes (127 lbs.) and Ralph Nell (112 lbs.) were the only win- ners for Shelton. Holmes won by the pin route and Nell victored through a three round decision. Mary Bailey and Bruce Craw£ord earned two team points apiece when they drew with their op- ponents. Coach Larry Weir's matmen had beaten the Hornets earlier in a practice match. Geral Rog- ers and Dean Dewell, a pair of consistant winners for Shelton this year, are out for the remain- der of the season because of var- Ious injuries. But Jim LaMent, a husky 175 pounder, is back to bol- ster the Climber roster after a bothersome shoulder sidelined him early this year. LaBissoniere Laces Hoop For 16 Poinis, Blazers Blast Jags J[NI()R ItIGH LEAGUE W L pf pa Hoquiam ................ 7 0 258 167 Jefferson .............. 5 2 209 178 SHELTON ............ 4 3 184 ]90 Washington .......... 4 4 270 235 Miller . ................... 2 4 176 176 Hopkins ................ 2 6 180 255 Centralia .............. I 6 /53 243 Last Week Shclton 31, Jefferson 24 Centralia 44, Hopkins 36 (2 ot) Hequiam 38, Washington 33(ot) This Week Hoquiam at Jefferson Shelton at Centralia Washington at Miller Hopkins at Hequiam Tall Terry LaBissoniere came through with his biggest game of the year as a result of it the Shelton Blazers had their biggest victory of the junior high basket- ball season -- a 31-24 revenge triumph over Jefferson on the Jaguars home court in Olympia Friday afternoon. LaBissoniere, who had high- pointed the majority of the Blaz- ers' seven games, scored 16 tames! in leading Coach Watt Clayton'sl quintet to its deision, a victory which evened the score for a 28-23 loss to the Jags on the Shelton floor Jan. 5 on a day the suffered a bad shooting slump. After gaining a 10-1 early lead the Blazers cooled off and led by only 10-8 at the first quarter pause, but picked it up to 14-11 in a low-scoring second period and doubled that margin to 21-15 at the end of the third. A cold first half killed tile Bla- STEELHEAD MANY, SMALL Success was good from a quan- tity standpoint but only fair on tie quality front (using' size as synonomous with qnality) among steclhead fishermen this past week. Largest catch of the week was Dick Angle's 12V-pounder from the Satsop, one of two he took on a trip with Frank McCaslin, who beached a six-pounder. However, it was the Skokomish, starting to show its usual mid- season form, which gave up the bulk of the week's catches. Ian Sytsma hit it for three fish on two trips, tops at 6/a pounds. Tom Nelson also had a trio in two trips, topping at eight pounds. Archie Young took two trips and hit twice on each, all between six and seven pounds. Norm Ferry was singularly successful on two trips, his best a nice 12-4 from the Goldsborough, his other 5-4 from the Skok. Pairs were taken from the Skok by Russ Becker, 5-4 to 7-0; Dec McSweyn to eight pounds, Bob Ninnis to eight pounds, Ed Hilberg to 7-8. olo catches were reported by Chuck Jackson, 8-0, from the Goldsborough; ken Le- Garde 8-0, Joe Einarson 7-12, Ted Beese 7-0, Dick Bostrom 8-0, and Merritt Wingard 5-0, all from the Skok. OUTDOORS IN MASON COUNTY W. S. Vickerman of state chairman directing .=. v.e program in ington, urges all citizens o state to ]mow and underst sLatus of waterfowl resou00 I I their local areas. "Wild ducks and geese great interest to millions oil ericans," Vickerman pointS "and offer recreation for e# purposes as well as hunting. by preserving adequate ar of suitable wetlands for\\;n  resting, and wintering are we continue to enjoy and to the flights of migrating FEA and geese. In all parts { country citizens need to be that preservation of wetla a necessity for perpetuati waterfowl resource." Wildlife biologists the numbers of potholes, and swamps are rapidly due largely to drainage cultural puz2aoses or for industrial sites, airports Additional wetlands by drought. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Port Townsend 71, Chimacum 53 over Hopkins in a double overtime last week at Aberdeen. VARSITY GAME SHELTON 31 JEFFERSON 24 LaBissoniere 16 f Rodgers 7 Barnes f Crowe 2 :Anderson 4 c Bailey 9 Clary 4 g Lewis Walker 4 g Sullivan 6 Subs: Shelton --'Kelly 2, Brick- ert 1, Bailey, Richards, Lamont. Jefferson -- Treat, Mowell. Shelton 10 4 7 1031 Jefferson 8 3 4 9--24 8th GRADE GAME lefferson 38 Shelton 31 Kent 6 f Looney 6 Belts 10 f Loving 2 Van Mieghan 3 e Swisher 13 Stanley 12 g Buzzard 4 Clintworth 7 g Archer 4 Subs: Jefferson -- Humphries, McCaslin. Shelton -- Fredson 2, Phillips, Keenan. Jefferson ........ 6 10 15 6--37 She|0n .............. 4 4 12 11--31 EL[EN'00S NEW BALL EARNS BEST CAME WOMEN'S ,00:30 L%GU\\; NeWs Pharmacy .......... 50½ 21½ 'Phil's Richfield .............. 38 34 Edward's Salon ........ .' ..... 33 39 Eeon-O-Wash ................ 22 49½ High gameEllen LeBresh 185. High series--Lorene Wilson 463. Ellen LeBresh bough t her own ball for the first time her life and promptly rolled the best game of her life last week in the wo- men!s 12:30 league. Hawaiian " SPECIAL ON LY .e," gr=e.. ,o *h. ary game, 38-31. Trailing 16-8 at Youthful Stan Osterberg took a the half, the Blazers made a nice six pound King f)m Hood Canal comeback in the final period but off Hoodsport and Harry Carlon plus tax couldn't overcome the gap despite hooked a 17-inch sea-run cut- Scott Swisher's 13 points, throat in the same waters while 7 Day Tour This Friday the Blazers hit the trolling for blackm(mth Sunday. road again to meet the Centralia * * * including jet fare, Yellowjackets, who produced their WILDLIFE WEEK MARCH 18-4 and entertainment. first victory of the season, 44-36, National Wildlife Week, first Contact ANGLE RES. CENTEI 401 Railroad HA 6-8272 HA proclaimed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, is being ob- served March 18-24 throughout the nation. The theme this year is "Water- fowl for the Future, by Conserva- tion of Wetlands Which Benefit Man and Wildlife". & W KIDN] :.:-:'DICED ] L:: SAUERI SPIN, MIX ,,: MATC] Castle Rock 56, Raymond 49 hand, who has owned her own of Mason County Bainbridge 51, Vashon 36 ball for a long and illustrious . Jack Cole, president; Ed Taylor and TO Wilson 54, East Biemerton 52 bowling career was plagued by Webb, commissioners; Claude Danielson, manager. ' Raymond 73, South Bend 60 10 splits during tile -afte-rnoon's Sequim 63, Forks 45 . play. = t I __ - , , "  SIZ is u t around the eorner So due to many requests by.our addicted customers for a mug of tasty A & W Root Beer we will ,,\\;\t I I// ,.,, 00RfC/'WClIL¥ " lllilllll Electric heating creates no dust, | dirt, soot, grime i Your walls, rugs, draper- ies and ;furniture stay cleaner, longer, with elec-  tric heating! It operates cleanly, silently and effi- ciently. " i ELECTRIC HEAT COSTS LESS THAN YOU THINK[ Public Utility District No. :3 PHIL, OPEN FOR THE SEASON SATURDAY FEB. 3 _ _ --- "  FREE ROOT BEER ALL DAY ALSO enjoy one of our deli- cious Papa, Mama, or Baby Burgers OR try one of our taste tantalizing Hot Coney Islands. BY U JAR FARO !CH EF BOY'A R- D E E r! €1 gheth CIH/EF BOY.AR. E