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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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- • i, Swedish Sailors Are Guests Of Golden Age Club The Golden Age Club will meet for a 12 noon potluck luncheon next 'l'h, ursday at the Memorial hall. At the last meeting Capt. Johonsson and five of his men fzm the Swedish ship, The Broland, anchored at Olympia, were guests of the club. The men were Messrs. Olafsson. Nus/und, Ad¢lfson. Holrnquist and Karlsson. Visitors from Minnesota were Mr. and Mrs. Westoff. Slides of Century 21 were shown bY Dale Whiteside and Les Josltn. Entertainment followed with music by lhe Tune Toppers for dancing. The Golden Age Rummage Sale is still held each Friday at So. 2nd and Cota Street• Donations for these sales would be appreciated by the members. - - • i Accordion Lessons enroll now for class or private instruction. Johnny's Music Box HA 6-4302 i Dundas, Saeger ttold High Scores High scores at the EIagle9 Jan. 27 card party were taken by Wal- ly Dundas and kvls Saeger. Low scores went to Walter Lorenzon and Bertha Johnson. Traveling pinochle wan won by Avis Saeger and Louis Helog. The next card party will bE held at 8 p.m. Feb, 10, at the Eagles' Airport hall. There will be a "game night" tonight, wlflch the public Is invited to attend: VFW Auxiliary To Meet Tomorrow The next regular VFW Auxil- iary business meeting will be held tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in the Memorial building. Reports will be heard from delegates attending mid,winter conference recently at Moses Lake. Final plans will be made for annual past command- ors and past presidents night to be held February 16. Refreshments will be served by Marian Johnson, Doiothy Kelsey, Beverly Kokett and Ann Camp- bell. Prize will be brought by May Tokes Smith. C-21 SlidesTo Be Seen By PTA Council Mason County PTA Council will aaeet at 8 p.m. this evening at the Evergreen auditorium. Century 21 slides will be shown and plans will be made for the Preoschool Clinic. BRING YOUR GLASS rROUBLES TO US You can depend on our "know how" to says you trouble and money when tt comes to glax replacements. Because we know what we are doing (and why) you can be sure we'll do It RIGHTI GRIMES & McNEIL )DY & WORKS 3rd wove ;ts. ..... ' ..... ' ..... ' " " ..... d l Ch  tn tow U g A.," SheltonWashi gton }]'ELTON-,MASON'COUNTY'JOURNA:L-- Publishe n" r s a. n, . . , n II I I I t t Junior Recipe F;v0rit;s of County "Resident00 / ,ESA Members Atlend Ta©o.m Little Thealer's 'Taming Of The Shrew' In lieu of its regular educational meeting, members of Beta Zeta Chapter. ESA journeyed to Taco- ma January 24 to view the Little Theater's presentation of "Tam- ing of the Shrew". The show was the Little Theater's first experi- ence in a Shakespearian play and was a success playing to a full house. F o 11 o w i n ff the performance. members gathered in the Sabre Room at the Winthrop Hotel for a going away party for Mrs. Kurt Bremen who is moving to Port- land soon. Mrs. Wayne Herren has been nominated by the Chapter to run for State Treasurer. Elections are held in May at the State Conw*n - tion. A bowling party will be held February 10 with the ne×t regular meeting to be February 1,t at the home of Mrs. Dick Holland. Chair- men for the coming Western Re- gional meeting are urged to attend this meeting. WCTU Luncheon Meeting Tomorrow The Women's Christian Temp- erance Union will meet with Mrs. Blanche Bell at 1 p.m. this Frt. day. There will be n no-host lunch- eon followed by devotions and a program. All interested women are cordially invited to attend. CELIA MASTELLER knows anytime there is a picnic planned she will be asked to bring Baked Beans, Her recipe has a dif- ferent ingredient that gives a real "special" flavor• For summer picnics or winter[four days a week at the Bott's get-togethers Where food is in- Nzzrsing Home. Her husband, Gol- volved, Celia Masteller always hears "You bring the baked beans". An unusual ingredient she uses gives her beans a "spec- ial" flavor. Celia works as a nurses' aid i i LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 8heRon Lodge No. 1684 Warren (Bud) Knutzen| Governor Phone HA 6-4780 Otto R. Hanson, Soy. Phone HA 6-8197 MEETINGS HELD SACH 2rid and 4th Tuesdays die, and their three children take up the rest of her Lime. Their oldest boy, Kelly, ls 14, Bob is 12, and Barbara, 9. Buzmed sugar is the secret in- gredient in Celia's Baked Beans. It takes a few extra minutes but the results are well worth the extra effort. Baked Beans 1 pkg. large white navy beans. Small chunks of sliced bacon. ½ cup white sugar. cup brown sugar  cup catsup. 2 Tbsp. prepared mustard. Salt to taste. 4-H Ne ws MAVERICKS Mavericks 4-H Club was called to order by Liana Whitmarsh. We had flag salute and roll call. We decided our projects for the year. Other old and new business was discussed. Meeting was adjourned. Recreation followed. --Sandy Lyman, reporter Little Rookum Bay Warriors At the January 15 meeting of the Warriors our community service project was discussed. It was decided that we would put up a new sign at the Cole-Lynch road junction directing the way to various homes of tim commun- ity. Also a new sign will he placed at the entrance to the Little Skookum Bay community hall. A committee of four members was appointed to gather materials and make arrangement for the Boil beans and bacon until near- signs. ly done. In heavy pan, brown The date for our project meet- white sugar until nearly burned, ins will be set at the regular Pour in two cups hot water• Add meeting each month. Clubwoman of the Week KATHY SANTAMARIA models her Song Queen outfit for us in this picture. She has been or] the Pep Staff since the 8th grade. Pep and Kathy Santamaria are one and the same. Kathy is a song queen at the Irene S. Reed high school. She has been in Pep Club all the way through junior high and high school. She was on the Pep Staff in the eighth and nineth grades and all three years in high school. She also beiongB to Future Tea- chers of America 3 and 4 and is a two-star Thespian having ap- peared in her sophomore and jun- ior class plays. Outside of school she is active in the Cat'holie Youth Organization. Kathy enjoys swimming and water skiing. She is just learn- ing to snow ski and thinks it is Rachel Knott Guild Holds January Luncheon Meeting a lot of fun, too. Sewing is a hob- by that pays off• Kathy makes her own clothes. Her favorite hobby of all is travelling. For a 17-year-old she has logged up a good many miles. Kathy has made five trips to New York, two by train, two by air and one by car. Recently she had relatives move to California and is looking forward to getting ac- quainted with a new state• Kathy plans to attend Seattle University next year where she will take training to be an ele- mentary teacher. With this in mind this year her subjects are basic math, composition, teach- ers orientation, French III, civics, literature and sociology. Eugene, Oregon was Kathy's birthplace. She was born Septem- ber 12, 1944. Shelton has been her home since she was three years old. She lives at 617 Grand- .view with her parents, Mr. and Mrs• Vincent Santamaria, and her Thursday, February 1, II I mrsday, February trlson Climbs T( ASTBREH SALE! YH FRIDA, INTERNATIONA00000000 [ 1, Peninsula 5 r'v ....  r/n [_ This Friday 'I'EKLJIt  Bremerton at Sh, . ,|wllte River at Bethel FAVORITE PATTERN $.ite at Curtis " Orth Thurston at P( This Saturday Kitsap at Sheltc last w n atop basketb will be coming week€  . By Dennis Hlnto aelton • s t tarters and ck"'l . equal, starring , .ey Friday. night =aeliIlbers Combined f ' Prowess With an o, ' reboufid: ddvantawgln I • :[Whooping 76.36ts Why wait... 00iver __,:: Was- the Climber, buy a Qf, :year. l 'd down the score b A sef;ce for 4, 6 or 8 p Jerry from $33oo  as his benc the san 500 Oil yOtW ptlrcho. as the fi] COMPLETE OPEN NE CAleLSON __[I 'r Shelt°n as thf SRKTION AT 30% 0R ard bombarded Ideal time to fig in and ac 'n Points in the t arters that he : on to your service in one :iot team standout  kly potternl a Who. got 14 poi ue in the final f After February 24, e ..saw consideral Imm available at m third and fourtl SCore kept mou e. $5 95: to how refreshin00l of the Month 8 p.m. Airport to boiled beans. Add remaining February 17 was set as the date ingredients. Bake at 250 degrees for our Fun Night. We decided to ,, for two hours or until done. go roller skating in Tacoma. RefreshmEnts were served by the As refreshing as a cool breeze on a warm spring day . . . that's the light, lively look of our cottons. Choose your favorites from our circus-gay oallection. MERCANTILE McFles following the meeting. Khelton Valley Clovers The meetings of the Shelton , Valley Clovers 4-H club was held January 18 at the home of Karen Franklin. Alcoa Ruddell gave a bake sale report. The sale will be held a Tradewell April 21, the Saturday before Easter. Rally Day was discussed. It will be March 3 at Mt. View school. It will be a potluck dinner. We plan to give TV dinner trays, foil pie tis, canned popcorn, felt and material pieces to the Rainier State school for retarded children as a community service project. The cooking project members will meet January 27, sewing members will meet February 3. There Will probably be five or six demonstrations for the next meeting which will be held Febru- ary 1 at the home of Mrs. Evers. Aleca Ruddell, reporter Homemakers Slate • Noon Potluck The Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Glenn Gardner next Wednesday for a 12 noon potluck dinner. At the last meeting there were members and 2 visitors present. MacArthur gave a talk on Child Welfare. Pino0-hle-Pari00=a00ed By Skokommh Olub The Middle..Skokomish Improve- ment Clun W.Ul sponsor a pinochle card party this saturday evening at the community hall. This is the second part in the Y eulrent seines Card n d, ,n • ' * ' z:lJ "'6 w aaz be in at 8 15 pm T g. . : ..... he public is welcome to attena. Masonic ast Masters To Meet SattWday Mason County Masonic Past Master.s Association will hold its annual meeung at the Hood Canal Masonic Temple in Belfair Satur- 3. There Will be a 6:30 dinner With a meet- 8 p.m. Reservations can be made with Jack Catto, 111 No. Lilly Road, olympia or by phoning Olympia FL 2-3713. ! Dr. T..okos To SPek To Pmneer PTO Pioneer PTO will meet at the school at 8 p.m. next Tuesday, Dr. Tokes will give a speech nnd show a film on Children%s ;q-isle'h- A question and answer time wili follow. LOCAL GIRLS EARN ACADEMIC HONORS In recognition of SUperior schol- arship the following 1o,, ..... sopno- more girls lmve won academic honors at Seattle Pacific college for the autumn quarter: Mary Margaret MaeRae, RUth Deffin- baugh and Donna M. Hulbert• SBA PINOCHLE CLUB TO MEET The SRA Pinochle Club will meet at 8 p.m. next MOnday at the Mraorial hall. Sixteen active members were present when the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild held its January 19 luncheon meeting at the home of MYs. Frank Travis with Mrs. Kenneth Frank as co-hostess. In the absence of Mrs. Glendon Ferguson, Mrs. Samuel Fritz read the minutes of the December meet- three year old brother• Her mo- ther teaches school and her fa- ther is on the City Police force. Kathy i '" s 55 tall, has hltek hair and brown eyes. Her biggest thrill was being chosen"Hoe- coming Princess this year• Beckwilh's Jewelry .: 129 Railroad Ugh the asmstanc ,0rky PeterSOneI ,Ster the Chmb "15 first quarter 1 aaed eight and °Odpaster got liver held on, aStling Ken H g for seven poin ing and Mrs. Travis gave the .... .,LON, S _ . ,  ahi uperloJ treasurer s report. . • ---- i---- •------ Pq p .... 1 -ll =-u reDoundir Mrs. Frank, the pres'dent, ask- ille liillO,nlqnl a to show in "- ' ed for committee reports, Mrs, l | When p. .... ne se Lfr ". ullmDers r r v o m Mr Harold tit°at 39 21 Carl T a is rep rt'g that s. i SUGGESTS: Nordeng met with the Cog group , st Period - • - son ' . Wter^- point el at its December meeting" and that I When ' " '-I -'  -ndS - -'ua ..... you re aisao ca -- r'rie ft puu;ect five they were to hold the January 25 . , . ,f er Car" ' +.,_ ,,. ,^  ........... ..  uring t,owers  nut I II bring you ek S °n. contribl meJ,, a -= =vi no.,  e! field ..... plan a spring project• / money from a West Coast Life e third- ajs at the a rounu, he and .Mrs. Selden VanderWegen, I Accident and Sickness Insurance ,a:the Only re--" enmrman of the Ways and Means I ........... an I  th ^ groats • • ,mn. a, me aoou your p c  game w committee suggested that the I , ch aa , e " " ' ' ' "At t to-hostess, l "a,-/   * w   e - m s  , rahers con he foul has sense enough to get along[ '$'i'-:iF'.I'WAS xr,,. el r- n Partmenl e , had 18 a: aJ )ci the Climl li e. PPed in 11 a '6 Ps: NEED MONEY? COMPARE OUR CHARGES qIIMM  TOtal __  : rl, =el'ell, Itter ,n,orest $3.56 $6.68 !ton S e.l by aw... Tots, $17.68 $33.16 $49.00 $64.96 $81,40 ,is Hnt, Interest Monthly $88°85 $60,99 $47.08 $38.75 $33.2 $I000' an'm*",* ...... Total $66.20 $97.82 $129.92 $162.50 $195.9 Interest * Monthly Payments Include Interest All Loans Are Covered by Loan Proledion Insurance A! No Additional Charge We Now Have New Low Interest Rates for Edueational Loans a spark Bethel dead the Is l and t With MASON COUNTY FEDERA.L ,-.., ., t le]tWl,00! =II00ell, a ..o so ,,h CREDIT UNION I