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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 1, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 1, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;/![ rsday, February 1, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL m Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A.,'" Shelton, Washington it- -- .... . ' -- , , . , Thl, rdy, reb,,uy 1,'on C,mbs To 3rd, Peterson Drops To 2nd In Scoring Ranks FRED SNELGRGVE ' Tll)E'S OF THE WEEg DOUBLE SHOT OF 00AST BREIIERTON SOUTH KITSAP VISIT SHELTON  , : : , , BANGS 634 QOUNT I couteo ,o, .oo ca.a, 600S IN MAJORS n Oagland Bay tides are 1 hr. and MAJOR LEAGUE AL I ]YMFRIDAY SAT 'URDAY FOR NON Loop GAMES . SALEI ' " EAMOUNT BASKETBALL Cuztls and lfe V0fl INTERNATIONAl STERLING FAVORITE PATTERN SAt ]ELTON W L pf pa lrtis ............ 7 1 506 345 f .................... 7 1 463 370  ...................... 7 1 450 358 sla ............ :: 3 5 395 398 e River 1 6 235 432 el ........... .::; 1 6 374 441 rtl Thurston .... 1 7 375 454 . Saturday Scores, ShelLon 73, Bethel 44 Curtis 49 North Thurston 41 Fife 64, Peninsula 47 Friday -Scores helton 76 White River 36 fe 60, North Th - u" urston 4a r[ls 61, Peninsula 53 a This Friday st Bremerton at Shelton 6qite River at Bethel Pife at Curtis - 1 North Thor.ton at lenlnsu a This Saturday Kitsap at Shelton victories last weekend by maintained atop the Sea- eague basketball stand- WAYNE CARLSON Rockets On 44-Point Spree FOR ONE THING, the Shelton Highclimbers, one of the triumvir- ate, are going to fall into second place because they will not be en- gaged in conference competition, meeting a pair of non-league foes Friday and Saturday nights. the other two members of the current throne- sharing three-some, who square it off in a crucial clash at Curtis Fri- day. The winner takes over first place, the loser skids to third. Meanwhile, the Highclimbers will be engaged in tests with a pair of future foes when they join the Olympic league next year . East Bremerton and South Kitsap. THE BLACK KNIGHTS visit Shelton gym Friday night for a game postponed from Dec. 16 be- cause of snow, while the Wolves come into Shelton gym Saturday night. The Climbers have defeated both these rivals in earlier con- tests at Bremerton' and Port Or- chard. B squad preliminaries are scheduled at 6:45 both nights with the varsities taking the floor about 8:15. Last weekend's double round of conference games saw Shelton's Corky Peterson surrendering his individual scoring leadership to • W L Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 13 3 Ziegler's Camera Shop ......11 5 B & R Oil .......................... 9 7 Wilson Company .............. 8 8 Moose Lodge ...................... 8 8 Ritner's Highballcrs .......... 6 t0 GoLf Oil .. 6 10 Verle's Spo:ting"Go(,;is"i:i::: 3 13 High games---Fred Snelgrove 244, Bab Stewart 226, Sonny Lows 225. 63High.. series -.. Fred Snelgrove GeLling" Pz'ogressively better with each game, Fred Snelgrove sculptured a 634 series on 180- 210-244 strings m men's Com- mercial league bowling play last week. His finale sparked B & R Oil to a 1045 final game and an ulti- mate 3-1 victory over Ritner's Highballers, who also topped 1000 by five pins in that third match on Sonny Lowe's 225 and Vern Remsberg's 211. Remsberg had 573 and Chub Nutt 588 for the Highballers. League-leading Wingard's Sport l Shop (Harry Peterson 590) went 5L* rain. Later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, Fob. 2 High .............. 3:55 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low .............. 8:54 a.m. 8.1 ft. High .............. 1:41 p.m. 11.2 ft. Low .............. 9:08 p.m. -2.0 ft. Saturday, Feb. 3 High .............. 4:35 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low .............. 9:46 a.m. 7.7 ft. High ............... 2:36 p.m. 11.4 ft. ''4 Low .............. 9.o p.m. -2.5 ft. Suuday, Feb. 4 High .............. 5:12 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low .............. 10:34. a.m. 7.1 ft. High .............. 3:32 p.m. 11.6 ft. Low .............. 10:39 p.m. -2.7 ft. Monday, Feb. 5 : High .............. 5:47 a.m. 13.2 ft. Low .............. 11:22 a.m. 6.4 ft. High .............. 4:28 p.m. 11.7 ft. Low .............. 11:24 p.m. -2.4 ft. Tuesday, Feb. 6 High .............. 7:01 a.m. 13.5 ft. Low .............. 12:10 p.m. 5.5 ft. High .............. 6:24 p.m. 11.1 ft. ' Wednesday, Feb. 7 Low . ..... : ....... 0:08 a.m. -1.7 ft. High 7:01 a.m. 13.5 ft. Low .............. 1:01 p.m'. 4.6 ft. High .............. 6:24 p.m. 11.1 ft. Dan's Nit.e Hawks ............. 8 4 Olson's B & B Shp .......... 7 Home Gas Company .......... 7 5 Northwest Evergreen ........ 6 6 Timber Bowl ...................... 5 7 ' Jim Pauley Inc ................... 3 9 High games---Dan Wilson 248, Bill Besch 228. Bob Olson 226, Bert Hoard 220. High series--,Dan Wilson 623, Bill l]esch 61.2. Dan Wilson and Bill Besch gave the Major bowling a twin dose of 600 series Friday night. Dan's 623 (175-248-200} boomed his Nits Hawks to a 2-1 victory over Olson's Barber and Beauty Shop (Bob Olson 226-583), break- ing a top-rung deadlock between the two clubs. Bill's 612 series (203-181-228) earned an add game victory for Timber Bowl over Jim Pauley Inc. (Lionel Leman 573). In the night's third match, Home Gas Company (Bud Knutzen 574) climbed to a second-rung tie by 'taking the odd game from North- west Evergreen (Bert Hoard 220- 575). SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE Page 11 PREP BASKETBALL SCORES ktuzotmt LeagUe Shelton 76, White River 36 Curtis 61, Peninsula 53 Fife 60, North Thurston 45 ShelUm 71, Bethel 44 Curtis 49, North Thurston 41 Fife 64, Peninsula 47 Ccntral Lcague Eatonville 58, Chehalis 42 Elms 66, White Pass 28 MonLesano 51, Winlock 37 Rochester 61, Tumwater 5.i Eatonville ,t6, St:. Martins 30 Cros Sound l.eague King's Garden1 87, O1,ting 69 Tahoma 48, Ienton AAU 42 O'Dea ,58, Tahoma 53 Trl-Cotmty Leagte. Wishkah 85, Mary NI. Knigh t 52 Others North Kitsap 62, W. Br6m. 45 E. Brem. 45, Port Angeles 41 Cen, Kitmp 47, South Kitsap 45 Port Townsend 64, Bainbridge 43 Hoquiam 44, Kelso 30 Hudson's Bay 48, Olympia, 46 (ot) Aberdeen 68, Fort Vancouver 47 LAW, TON LUHBER COHPAH00 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open 'til Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson i i ii i DANGING at Pearl Maurer's Beautiful New Pavilion . H_.,|.,.,,.|ELg. gh the assistance of Carl- DUUliWIIH li 0rky Peterson and Jim [] :i ;ater the Climbers zoomed 15hrst uar rl cewelry an '" q te end. Carl- , a -, ed eight and Peterson 129 Railroad 'tti i OOdpaster got six each. Ia ,._.ltl'e River. held on, however, ___t:"vling Ken Holyan so- mme.: 6 0r seven points. [a'ILTON'S sut)erlor marks- - " -- --ill n :lhitp and lleS JOsnl.,._ .._.a. he show reboundmgin fe econdablhtyic n ' o the Climbers moved out ;n you're disabled  Friends er'P°tted five. things will be different The Highclimbers will find Jack White of Curtis but Shelton's coming weekend, themselves sandwiched between Wayne Carlson rocketed from 9th • to 3rd in the lists with a 44-point aP,,a,,  -,. qw,...P..  outburst in the two games. ,€; L1HJd'l Igl !/ YJ THE LEADERS now are. White (  Oi  • a' C 129, Peterson S 122, Carlson S - IIF 411 I Iv   118,BrodiganB115, SnyderC 109, oraiors 1 lug, Toney ru.' xos, , __ Erikson F 106, Ounnerson P 87, TflP 711 TWIP_i: Wlllll: I ]nak P 72. Brodigan has accumu- 5,mmn , m||iililit lJ| | |||illm ||||ii..iia I lated his total in one game less -- -- 1 le • ai-- . l than the others, actua ly ads on U, OllaA IIAmirP Illll Iflllll||ld Jan average basis by a fraction of V ' a point. moIIIU nUKRI:/ RflU DliRVr-O SATURDAY'S GAMES h^," Ry nnls Hinton itial stanza but warmed up in tlae F/F.. 64 .... PENINS..U LA47. ellen • "' n o co orazors zl Z llenaK aea . starters and reserves latter portmn of the rou d t n-  ........ ck ;u_ equal starring roles at trol a 17-8 count Carlson and r.lKson 11 r  wnson.. , ey Fri " h ixmore  e unnerson Iu .., day. night as the center Corky Peterson kept up t e ........ "tnnbers' " ' ' ' u er and Baooitt g Moszey o , _ Combined free shoot- pressure m the second q art .... :. _ , vrowes • . • immons ±z g t:razt "z r^  s With an overwhelm- the Chmbers emerged with a 33-26 ..........  • _ .V °ufid: ddvantage to fashion halftime bulge Brodigan was the _ uos: . Ize.---_ .wamers .z' " oopin el entumpt z lnosnlta z enln- -][/r[ # fl]. h'i,- - g 7636' win over the sole reason that Bethel stayed r - . .. , .  . " ..... IlV 1 ..o • • .'.ttiver Hdrflefs atively close when he connected sula.-- .rumm a, r-eerson a, riuzz was " ' " e iz 1 z, mgsoury ]L.,..,...,../} .... the Climbers scoring for 15 points during th f 'st 6 .. . • . ......... • ,eze of .... t II ame ue .......... z ±a zu ----o (fl[y [; ' a^. the •year. Efforts to mmu es of the ba g .  .... =:"'.? .... . n A 1,0 ,,own th .. . o x- .---a ..... ] . e score by Shelton CARLSON AND guard Bill .......... sewlcetor4, Dot o _r ,entor Jerry Vermillion Sloan combined for 12 points in P,,-r,e aa ---m---,,.¢'ra a = *0re ro $3300  rto ;u-!e as his bench-warmers thd third period when the Climb- ' " ....... "' l"a v.... . " [ .-[ecl With the same eyecat- ers upped their advantage to 54- ': " . .7u-. b On yot  , acy as the to'st string- 39 Bz'odi an cannoned m nine Whr 4 a Whitman ";E'ad. • _ g ......................... a_ & markers ior letnei In tne irame • , YNE C " , , . " Morton 8 g Wright i0 €OMPLETE OPEN STO, .... AILSON was 'Mr. Sheltons reserve-laden alignment VChit 21  Vord 3 ............ O" A f0. . nelton as the 6-2 sen- totally dismantled the Brave of- "" ,'qT-r,,,.H _°ronnn -C-larl • wars ........... ----'- ...... , , ff.lktJLllUIl AI ]U 7o UP ; 2" bombarded the hoop fense in the fourth period when ..,,,.   "D .... . '-z .... • . ,. f ...P !lnts m the two and a the winners outscored Bethel 17-5. chleel " ......... ]tZ Y P : ge OUt in the final frame The field goals in 64 tries for 25 per- FRIDAY,-S-GAME o After February 4,1962 o4N [thS,,saw considerable action cent. Shelton capitalized on 21 of .......  =,,,,,,,^  n,,,,,voiU,bl, olmnul=rn!i|t tk^ d and fourth pcmods, 32 free tosses and the losers ht ..,n,,. o , T¢,,,u  r .......... saSCore kept mounting just 12 of 25. 'ae' =" . --'b',a'[t' i,lr e. Peterson and Gary Simon, were Weber 8 c Wilson 4 1, , not far behind Carlson in Climb- Morton 13 ff Mosley 7 :Odp er point production. Peterson White 14 g Gunner,on 14 : a 2, banked in '16 and Simons gt 10. Subs: Curtis .... Miller 2, Me- pa o Shelton outrebounded Bethel 45-33. Donald, Nash. Peninsula --- Huff carlson, snared 13 and Peterson 8, Krumm 2, Peterson, Kingsbtrj;. .garnered 11. Curtis ... ............... 10 9 26 :-;61 .The hie-ups: 44 Peninsula ............ 11 14 7 21-=-53 C 'Y" Jli0{ Inserted. From then on ' brd "r, .l%ieh Watson, a senior ile iis!]w gtiwnae ' ¢ I Shot-n'akers had a good at fl !n the field pumping in ot 72 hots for I-Io =. .... 44 percent, while _ . .......... .jLrcent  mt 15 of 63 for 23 "AI&;IIBIHI • HlAl, i.':llrnhh" T. the fo,, ]-= ,h. MIT DRIVE• PHGhlE HA 6-65'-'L Of-l converted 1"2 o'f-'18 'to 00:;00Jor 00,te River . • at .'=. WAS NOT oil a 4() L" " " -2'. zerence in seer y u re-- - ing but ----!, was th °unct separation• Shel- l to 9 2 °ard master pulling !! ot'°r Buckler. The ab- e! Rive--olisch from the .--.  a t' z.neup hurt the Her- r 7 . !c ee' P' tsend C;ls%n. •  also c_ the Climbers. Pet- : lhle.uPea in 11 points. r: n 6 "-' • l II ii [] m l I ' , aster 6 - MeCauley 12 ,11 IIiU%De-P  OR  ¢ Strepy De, .isa z [ mos. 30 mos. 36 m# 1 g Holyan 10 elton su  g ' Collins 6 Aiders-°SSloan 1, Elliott n, on 1, Sm , WatSon  ith 2, John- " Suh -; u, Olsen 5 wt,, rash, t]e--.edbetter 3:" Por"'ier: Scoe:l Visnaw. elton [Y Quarters lite Ri've,'"" 24 15 21 16--76 $19.38 .;,o, 6 8 7--36 $81.40 ,is H'nton 70 points in games, the $38.75 appear to be the impor- $162.50 eamount league River, 76- the Climbers on the home st a sparkling 71-44 r Bethel. edion Insurance Wa yr er e twine for an- Oz nance against , adey, Jerry 'l e LZ  large home s 3f long range )r 28 points and for the evening. Rates for .avrodigan's pro- Y, the Braves With ease. Only .rs entered the :n six points be- qdual contribu- )aCh Jerry Ver- r,, a 7-1 league N B ,hoh t's boys Y the reverse, HA 6 2202 St.rted ,lOWly in the in- SH ELTON 71 BETHEL Carlson 22. f Hudson 6 Goodpaster 2 f Hughes 2 Peterson 16 Powell 6 Simons 10 g Brodigan 28 Carte 8 g Fisher 2 Subs: Shelton -- Elliott 2, Sloan 7, Watson, Johnston 4, Anderson 2, Olsen, Smith. Bethel --- Camp- bell, Crate, Gohr, Setbacken, Ly- FIFE 60 N.THURSTON 45 Nordfors 2 f Pickell 10 Erikson 13 f Toner 14 Gilmore 2 c Whitman 1 Babbitt 14 g Wright 6 Simmons 11 g Ford 8 Subs: Fife--Rosenow 12, Wahl- ers 2, Peterson 2, Britton 2. Klein, Kinoshita, Schlumpf. N.T.--- Me- DiS, Wickline. ran 2, Russell 2, Schlegel 2. Brady, Score by Quarters Porteous, Draper. Shelton ................ 17 16 21 17--71 Fife ...................... 11 19 14 16 60 Bethel ..................8 18 13 5-.4 N. Thurston ......___5 15 16 9--45 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Service ' / Floor Coverings I , n • Line)sum j .Radto-'IV I I ,Tile i I • Phonographs I I • Carnan' I I . CB 2-way radio I i " F°n-ica J J LEROY'8 TV SERVICE [ I REX FLOOR OVRINP- J I Mt, View HA 6-3172 I I Mt. View "---HA"6-2;292 I Tire Service - Radmtor- Repair ] • J J • Boiling out J • New - Goodrich I I • Solderin I • Recapping I I • ew eoTes I • e BOON,S PLUMBING I I OK RUBB'ER WeLDeRS J I HEATING, SHEET METAL I [ Mt. View HA 6.482 [ J 623 S. 1st HA 6-3483 I ' -- Fl --orlst Electrical J " • Electric Heating ' I i " Plants • Westinghouse Appliances I I fo i I r all occasions • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps I u . SHELTON ELECTRIC CO i I EV'°. s  n n EEN FLORISTS ,419 Railroad HA 6-62831 i 4th& Birch 8to8 HA6-8479 i Drugs • Helena Rubinstein co.- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NEIL'S PHARMACY Govey Bldg. HA 6-3327 L Used Furniture- • Appliances • Furniture • Beds & Mattresses KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill " HA 6.2411 Auto Glass Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. & Railroad HA 6-8231 Cabinet Work • Kitchen King Kabinets • Custom Cabinets • Counter Tops • Free Estimates MT. VIEW CABINET SHOP 1916 Sly. Hwy. No. HA 6-2042 Cu?tom Sewing- "i Bike Shop Dress Making . " ', I • Sales and Repair i • Upholstering J I " Locksmith -- Keys Made I • Draperies 10-4 Tue'-Fri. or Appointment I j • Hobbies J MICKI COLES I I SLEYsTER,S BIKE SHOP I ' Union , Phone TW 8-24401 I zoy Clinton 223 cota St. i Fireplace Equip.-'--" . Draperies • Screens, Glass Doors J • custom made • Accessories l • free estimates • Ceramic Tile & Mosaic * Work guaranteed CARLSON'S TILE SH.OP J.C. PENNEY CO. Mt. View HA 6.2057 305 RR Ave. HA 6-8283 to a 2-2 draw with Wilson Com- Thursday, Feb. 8 Purchasing .......... 11 5 ...... ,.. .... party, (Bill lobe.rts 5.15)., while Low .............. 0:.53a.m. -0.7ft. Loggers ...... ii:i ...................... 10 6 3030 Arsenal way • lremeron Viue,]hS:!'rt:t) :°i:4(oLeoi: Hig: Z:::Z;Z; ;;i P;: :i;i ii: Lum::i =============================== i Every Friday Every Saturday g - g .............. : P, • " • • Insulathg • . ............... o gaged in another deadlock ..... Olympic Plywood .............. 7 9 Younf PeoDle'sDance Mixed Dancing The night's ourLh maLch sec- The position of a whltetairs Accounting .................. : .......  u '.Qfil' O*fl to 1:30 end place iegler's Camera Shop "flag" is not a reliable indication Engineering ................  ....... u  u.u vv -. u.uv .. (Rawlin MCInolly 563) a 3-1 suc- of whether or not he has been High games--Connie Cronquist cess over G t Oil (Earl Owen hit because wounded deer flee ]and Joan Sowers, cach 202. ADMISSION $1 477)• with tail either raised or lowered. High series---Phyl Ziegler 548. --i iii iiiim ................... i ............ • NZ% ii! W I G W A' M • " iAMBORFE ..?:..!:. ................ ::::: ................................. :::....., ...... .:... .= .- .......... ...  ,  ....... PRICES  • 1 i I I i  i I 1 I EF FFECTIVE =,j EB. 1-2-3 AIIIISI Jalailll IDEAL TO SWISS 1€ Right To Limit LB • " GHUGh blI:RR00 ................................. qo '"J   LEAN TENDER ,€ RUHP ROAST .......................................... 79  "' muAmllm nN,AmAnNNu ARM CUT  U.S. CHOICE IP pnnn mnn.00 ! ................................................  .v- ,,v--v .....  nll¢ O?EiH BONELESS-- u.s.c.OICE CQ¢ !ili LEAN, TENDER CUBES .......... LB. 11 ..... Dl;i;r onr.wl ....... 0== SKINLESS WIENERS ...... 48 BAR-S ¢ SLICED BACON ...................... 53 FANCY AVELS VER,F,NE_ ,-LB. PL,O BAGS BEEF GARUSO ORANGES S $1 CARROTS 2 19  1PKG. ELBOWMAC- 1CANCONDENSEO ; LBS. FOR ARONI (9 OZ.) MUSHROOM SOUP ' 2 CUPS CUBED Y2 CUP MILK NO. 2's ' LB IDEAL FOR STUFFING sCTOEOwKED BEEF  TEASPOON SALT " € ' ' € 1 CUP GRATED FEW GRAINS P T ES 20,,o49 GR PEPPERS 3 25 I ' PLIO • for CHEESE PEPPER OTA 0 Cook Macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. Drain, place in bottom and around sides of greas- I I I ed casserole. Place beef in oenter, sprinkle with cheese, Heat soup, add milk, satt and pepper. Pour into casserole, bake 30 minutes in 350 221,/20Z , " • @ oven. Serves 6. SSur-FresSgoflage Loaf : ............................... 35 ..... BUTTERHORN$- . ..................................... ' ............................... : ...... 4 ,,AOK 29 ¢ LADY ELBERTA PEACHES 4Fio $ 61 DEL MONTE CATSUP "°"'" ' • TOMATO FLAVOR 0 $ 14 OZ BOTTLES R " o  /Ill Oi/i J [] m PICK YOUR FAVORITES , j F ¢4 flllL'I • LUll. I [] NK SUGAR CRISP 9-OZ., GRAPENUTS FLAKES 12-0Z., 1 0 i U &! BEET SUGAR 93 FOR WESTERN 10 LB BAG TASTES FRESH RANCH EQQS 53 EVAP HILK 60089 ° EXTRA LARGE € 14 2"OZ. ....................... DOZEN • ................................... TINS BLUE BONHET MARGARIflE';= 4/'1 BISQUICK ,o.oo00, ...................................................... 39' DEL MONTE 16-OZ, TINS CREAM STYLE CORN 5/81 F ZEE o,00T 2o49 `` TOWELS ............ ROLLS DEL MONTE 16-OZ. TINS OPEN SUNDAYS (UT GREEN BEANS 5/s| 00RAtPH'S FRENC°H"SL. BEANS 6/'1 . " -i..v.o o H,Ilcrest EAMRL00;°°GhFIDEN PEAS 6/q , , "'gLYA"' Where Satisfaction is a"BUY' W_ori